char* mupnp_net_selectaddr(struct sockaddr* remoteaddr) { mUpnpNetworkInterfaceList* netIfList; mUpnpNetworkInterface* netIf; mUpnpNetworkInterface* selectNetIf; char* selectNetIfAddr; u_long laddr, lmask, raddr; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo* netIfAddrInfo; struct addrinfo* netMaskAddrInfo; netIfList = mupnp_net_interfacelist_new(); if (!netIfList) return mupnp_strdup(""); if (mupnp_net_gethostinterfaces(netIfList) <= 0) { mupnp_net_interfacelist_delete(netIfList); return mupnp_strdup(""); } raddr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)remoteaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST | AI_PASSIVE; selectNetIf = NULL; if (1 <= mupnp_net_gethostinterfaces(netIfList)) { for (netIf = mupnp_net_interfacelist_gets(netIfList); netIf; netIf = mupnp_net_interface_next(netIf)) { if (getaddrinfo(mupnp_net_interface_getaddress(netIf), NULL, &hints, &netIfAddrInfo) != 0) continue; if (getaddrinfo(mupnp_net_interface_getnetmask(netIf), NULL, &hints, &netMaskAddrInfo) != 0) { freeaddrinfo(netIfAddrInfo); continue; } laddr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)netIfAddrInfo->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); lmask = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)netMaskAddrInfo->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); if ((laddr & lmask) == (raddr & lmask)) selectNetIf = netIf; freeaddrinfo(netIfAddrInfo); freeaddrinfo(netMaskAddrInfo); if (selectNetIf) break; } } if (!selectNetIf) selectNetIf = mupnp_net_interfacelist_gets(netIfList); selectNetIfAddr = mupnp_strdup(mupnp_net_interface_getaddress(selectNetIf)); mupnp_net_interfacelist_delete(netIfList); return selectNetIfAddr; }
void mupnp_upnpav_dms_filesys_content_setpubicdirectory(mUpnpMediaContent* con, char* dir) { mUpnpMediaFileSystemContentData* data; data = mupnp_upnpav_dms_filesys_content_getdata(con); if (data->pubdir) free(data->pubdir); data->pubdir = mupnp_strdup(dir); }
/** * Add new logging target * @param target String identifying the logging target (Currently stdout|stderr|FILENAME) * @param mask Bitmask defining what messages are to be printed into this target */ int mupnp_log_add_target(char *target, int mask) { struct fd_list *temp = NULL; FILE *r_target = NULL; initialized = 1; /* Checking if target is standard stream or should we create * new stream for file output. */ if (!strcmp(target, "stdout")) r_target=stdout; else if (!strcmp(target, "stderr")) r_target=stderr; else { /* Try to use existing fd */ for (temp = descriptor_list; temp; temp=temp->next) { if (!strcmp(target, temp->name)) r_target = temp->fd; } /* User is adding new file for output, note that file is cleared if * it is not already open. */ if ( NULL == r_target) r_target=fopen(target, "w"); } if (NULL == (temp = (struct fd_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct fd_list)))) { return -1; } /* Adding new target into single linked list */ temp->next=descriptor_list; temp->apply_mask = mask; temp->name = mupnp_strdup(target); temp->fd = r_target; descriptor_list = temp; return 1; }
mUpnpXmlNode *mupnp_soap_request_getbodynode(mUpnpSoapRequest *soapReq) { mUpnpXmlNode *envNode; mUpnpXmlNode *bodyNode = NULL; mUpnpXmlAttribute *attr; char *name; mUpnpStringTokenizer *tok; char *nsPrefix; size_t bodyLen; char *body; mupnp_log_debug_l4("Entering...\n"); envNode = mupnp_soap_request_getenvelopenode(soapReq); if (envNode == NULL) return NULL; if (mupnp_xml_node_haschildnodes(envNode) == false) return NULL; /* We cannot assume the namespace prefix for Body is 's'. According to spec, it could be anything... */ for (attr = mupnp_xml_node_getattributes(envNode); attr != NULL; attr = mupnp_xml_attribute_next(attr)) { /* First, find the namespace declaration attribute. */ /* Note: We must take a copy of the attr name. Tokenizer doesn't do it (by default) */ name = mupnp_strdup( mupnp_xml_attribute_getname(attr) ); tok = mupnp_string_tokenizer_new(name, ":"); nsPrefix = mupnp_string_tokenizer_nexttoken(tok); if ( -1 != mupnp_strstr(nsPrefix, "xmlns")) { /* This attribute is a namespace declaration. Check is it the one defined for SOAP. */ if (mupnp_strcmp(mupnp_xml_attribute_getvalue(attr), MUPNP_SOAP_XMLNS_URL) == 0) { /* This namespace declaration is correct. Use it to find the body node... */ if (mupnp_string_tokenizer_hasmoretoken(tok)) { /* There is a prefix */ nsPrefix = mupnp_string_tokenizer_nexttoken(tok); bodyLen = mupnp_strlen(nsPrefix) + mupnp_strlen(MUPNP_SOAP_DELIM) + mupnp_strlen(MUPNP_SOAP_BODY) + 1; /* +1 for trailing '\0'*/ body = (char*)malloc(bodyLen); if ( NULL == body ) { mupnp_log_debug_s("Memory allocation failure!\n"); return NULL; } #if defined(HAVE_SNPRINTF) snprintf(body, bodyLen, "%s%s%s", nsPrefix, MUPNP_SOAP_DELIM, MUPNP_SOAP_BODY); #else sprintf(body, "%s%s%s", nsPrefix, MUPNP_SOAP_DELIM, MUPNP_SOAP_BODY); #endif bodyNode = mupnp_xml_node_getchildnode(envNode, body); free(body); } else { /* No prefix */ bodyNode = mupnp_xml_node_getchildnode(envNode, MUPNP_SOAP_BODY); } /* Free memory before leaving the loop */ mupnp_string_tokenizer_delete(tok); free(name); break; } } mupnp_string_tokenizer_delete(tok); free(name); } mupnp_log_debug_l4("Leaving...\n"); return bodyNode; }
/** * Set log item separator * @param s String to use as a log item separator */ void mupnp_log_set_separator(char *s) { if (separator != NULL) free(separator); separator = mupnp_strdup(s); }
char* mupnp_net_selectaddr(struct sockaddr* remoteaddr) { struct ifaddrs *ifaddrs, *ifaddr; uint32_t laddr, lmask, raddr; char *address_candidate = NULL, *auto_ip_address_candidate = NULL; raddr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)remoteaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr); if (0 != getifaddrs(&ifaddrs)) { return NULL; } for (ifaddr = ifaddrs; NULL != ifaddr; ifaddr = ifaddr->ifa_next) { if (ifaddr->ifa_addr == NULL) continue; if (!(ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_UP)) continue; if (ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) continue; if (ifaddr->ifa_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) continue; laddr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)ifaddr->ifa_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); if (NULL != (struct sockaddr_in*)ifaddr->ifa_netmask) lmask = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)ifaddr->ifa_netmask)->sin_addr.s_addr); else { mupnp_log_debug_s("No netmask for address %u!\n", laddr); continue; } /* Checking if we have an exact subnet match */ if ((laddr & lmask) == (raddr & lmask)) { if (NULL != address_candidate) free(address_candidate); address_candidate = mupnp_strdup( inet_ntoa((struct in_addr)((struct sockaddr_in*)ifaddr->ifa_addr)->sin_addr)); mupnp_log_debug_s("Address match! Selecting local address (%u)\n", laddr); break; } /* Checking if we have and auto ip address */ if ((laddr & lmask) == MUPNP_NET_SOCKET_AUTO_IP_NET) { mupnp_log_debug_s("Found auto ip address. Selecting it for second address candidate (%u)\n", laddr); if (NULL != auto_ip_address_candidate) free(auto_ip_address_candidate); auto_ip_address_candidate = mupnp_strdup( inet_ntoa((struct in_addr)((struct sockaddr_in*)ifaddr->ifa_addr)->sin_addr)); } /* Good. We have others than auto ips present. */ else { mupnp_log_debug_s("Didn't have an exact subnet match, but non auto ip address anyway... (%u)\n", laddr); if (NULL != address_candidate) free(address_candidate); address_candidate = mupnp_strdup( inet_ntoa((struct in_addr)((struct sockaddr_in*)ifaddr->ifa_addr)->sin_addr)); } } freeifaddrs(ifaddrs); if (NULL != address_candidate) { if (NULL != auto_ip_address_candidate) free(auto_ip_address_candidate); return address_candidate; } if (NULL != auto_ip_address_candidate) { if (NULL != address_candidate) free(address_candidate); return auto_ip_address_candidate; } /* Starting to feel desperate and returning local address.*/ return mupnp_strdup(""); }