Example #1
static void	checkinputs_splitted(char input, char *buff,
								char **ptr, t_history *history)
	if (input == 127)
		mvbackspace(buff, ptr);
	else if (input == 126)
		**ptr = '~';
	else if (input == 9)
		completion(buff, ptr);
	else if (input < 0)
		copycutpaste(input, buff, ptr);
	else if (input == 1)
		mvcstart(buff, ptr);
	else if (input == 5)
	else if (input == 27)
		mvcursor(buff, ptr, history);
	else if (ft_isprint(input))
		ft_memmove((*ptr) + 1, (*ptr), ft_strlen((*ptr)));
		(*ptr)[0] = input;
		mvcleft(ft_strlen((*ptr)++) - 1);
Example #2
void kput(char c) {
    // The background colour is black (0), the foreground is white (15).
    uint8_t backColour = 0;
    uint8_t foreColour = 15;

    // The attribute byte is made up of two nibbles - the lower being the 
    // foreground colour, and the upper the background colour.
    uint8_t  attributeByte = (backColour << 4) | (foreColour & 0x0F);
    // The attribute byte is the top 8 bits of the word we have to send to the
    // VGA board.
    uint16_t attribute = attributeByte << 8;
    uint16_t *location;

    // Handle a backspace, by moving the cursor back one space
    if (c == 0x08 && cursor_x) {

    // Handle a tab by increasing the cursor's X, but only to a point
    // where it is divisible by 8.
    else if (c == 0x09) {
        cursor_x = (cursor_x + 8) & ~(8 - 1);

    // Handle carriage return
    else if (c == '\r') {
        cursor_x = 0;

    // Handle newline by moving cursor back to left and increasing the row
    else if (c == '\n') {
        cursor_x = 0;
    // Handle any other printable character.
    else if(c >= ' ') {
        location = video_memory + (cursor_y * 80 + cursor_x);
        *location = c | attribute;

    // Check if we need to insert a new line because we have reached the end
    // of the screen.
    if (cursor_x >= 80) {
        cursor_x = 0;
        cursor_y ++;

    // Scroll the screen if needed.
    scroll ();
    // Move the hardware cursor.
    mvcursor ();
Example #3
void kclear(void) {
    // Make an attribute byte for the default colours
    uint8_t attributeByte = (0 << 4) | (15 & 0x0F);
    uint16_t blank = 0x20 | (attributeByte << 8);

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 80 * 25; i++) {
        video_memory[i] = blank;

    // Move the hardware cursor back to the start.
    cursor_x = 0;
    cursor_y = 0;
    mvcursor ();
Example #4
int			keyhooks(void)
	if (g_ftselect->buff[0] == 27)
		if (g_ftselect->buff[2])
			return (-1);
	else if (g_ftselect->buff[0] == 4 || g_ftselect->buff[0] == 10)
		return (0);
	else if (g_ftselect->buff[0] == ' ')
		g_ftselect->cursor->selected = (g_ftselect->cursor->selected) ? 0 : 1;
	else if (g_ftselect->buff[0] == '\\')
		ft_putchar_fd(g_ftselect->buff[1], 2);
	return (1);