int GetRatingForGame(char *gameid) { int retval=-1; if (!xml_loaded || nodedata == NULL) return -1; /* index all IDs */ nodeindex = mxmlIndexNew(nodedata,"id", NULL); nodeid = mxmlIndexReset(nodeindex); *element_text = 0; /* search for game matching gameid */ while (1) { nodeid = mxmlIndexFind(nodeindex,"id", NULL); if (nodeid != NULL) { get_nodetext(nodeid, element_text, sizeof(element_text)); if (!strcmp(element_text,gameid)) { break; } } else { break; } } if (!strcmp(element_text,gameid)) { char type[5], value[5], dest[5]; GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "rating", "type", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, type, sizeof(type)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "rating", "value", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, value, sizeof(value)); ConvertRating(value, type, "PEGI", dest, sizeof(dest)); retval = atoi(dest); } return retval; }
void GetPublisherFromGameid(char *idtxt, char *dest, int destsize) { /* guess publisher from company list using last two characters from game id */ nodeindextmp = mxmlIndexNew(nodedata,"company", NULL); nodeidtmp = mxmlIndexReset(nodeindextmp); *element_text=0; char publishercode[3]; sprintf(publishercode,"%c%c", idtxt[4],idtxt[5]); while (strcmp(element_text,publishercode) != 0) { nodeidtmp = mxmlIndexFind(nodeindextmp,"company", NULL); if (nodeidtmp != NULL) { strlcpy(element_text,mxmlElementGetAttr(nodeidtmp, "code"),sizeof(element_text)); } else { break; } } if (!strcmp(element_text,publishercode)) { strlcpy(dest,mxmlElementGetAttr(nodeidtmp, "name"),destsize); } else { strcpy(dest,""); } // free memory mxmlIndexDelete(nodeindextmp); }
int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line args */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line args */ { int size; FILE *fpr; char buffer[4096]; mxml_node_t *mtree; mxml_node_t *root; mxml_node_t *child; #if 1 mxml_node_t *value; fpr = fopen("ChineseTest.xml", "r"); if (!fpr) return -1; fseek(fpr, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(fpr); fseek(fpr, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(buffer, size, 1, fpr); printf("\n%s\n-------------------------------------\n", buffer); mtree = mxmlLoadString(NULL, buffer, MXML_TEXT_CALLBACK); root = mxmlFindElement(mtree, mtree, NULL, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST); if (root) { printf("name : %s\n", root->; child = mxmlFindElement(root, root, NULL, NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND_FIRST); while (child) { printf("name : %s\n", child->; value = child->child; if (MXML_TEXT == value->type) { //printf("value: %s\n", value->value.text.string); while ((NULL != value) && (MXML_TEXT == value->type) && (NULL != value->value.text.string)) { printf(" text.string: [%s]\n", value->value.text.string); value = value->next; } } child = mxmlFindElement(child, child, NULL, NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND); } } mxmlDelete(mtree); fclose(fpr); #endif return 0; char chinese[32] = {0}; fpr = fopen("chinese.txt", "r"); if (!fpr) return -1; fseek(fpr, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(fpr); fseek(fpr, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(chinese, size, 1, fpr); printf("\nchinese: %s\n", chinese); mtree = mxmlNewElement(MXML_NO_PARENT, "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?"); root = mxmlNewElement(mtree, "message"); child = mxmlNewElement(root, "child"); mxmlNewText(child, 0, chinese); mxmlSaveString(mtree, buffer, sizeof(buffer), MXML_TEXT_CALLBACK); printf("-------------------------------------\n%s\n", buffer); return 0; #if 0 int i; /* Looping var */ FILE *fp; /* File to read */ int fd; /* File descriptor */ mxml_node_t *tree, /* XML tree */ *node; /* Node which should be in test.xml */ mxml_index_t *ind; /* XML index */ char buffer[16384]; /* Save string */ static const char *types[] = /* Strings for node types */ { "MXML_ELEMENT", "MXML_INTEGER", "MXML_OPAQUE", "MXML_REAL", "MXML_TEXT" }; /* * Check arguments... */ if (argc != 2) { fputs("Usage: testmxml filename.xml\n", stderr); return (1); } /* * Test the basic functionality... */ tree = mxmlNewElement(MXML_NO_PARENT, "element"); if (!tree) { fputs("ERROR: No parent node in basic test!\n", stderr); return (1); } if (tree->type != MXML_ELEMENT) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parent has type %s (%d), expected MXML_ELEMENT!\n", tree->type < MXML_ELEMENT || tree->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[tree->type], tree->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (strcmp(tree->, "element")) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parent value is \"%s\", expected \"element\"!\n", tree->; mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlNewInteger(tree, 123); mxmlNewOpaque(tree, "opaque"); mxmlNewReal(tree, 123.4f); mxmlNewText(tree, 1, "text"); mxmlLoadString(tree, "<group type='string'>string string string</group>", MXML_NO_CALLBACK); mxmlLoadString(tree, "<group type='integer'>1 2 3</group>", MXML_INTEGER_CALLBACK); mxmlLoadString(tree, "<group type='real'>1.0 2.0 3.0</group>", MXML_REAL_CALLBACK); mxmlLoadString(tree, "<group>opaque opaque opaque</group>", MXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK); node = tree->child; if (!node) { fputs("ERROR: No first child node in basic test!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->type != MXML_INTEGER) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: First child has type %s (%d), expected MXML_INTEGER!\n", node->type < MXML_ELEMENT || node->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[node->type], node->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->value.integer != 123) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: First child value is %d, expected 123!\n", node->value.integer); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } node = node->next; if (!node) { fputs("ERROR: No second child node in basic test!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->type != MXML_OPAQUE) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Second child has type %s (%d), expected MXML_OPAQUE!\n", node->type < MXML_ELEMENT || node->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[node->type], node->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (!node->value.opaque || strcmp(node->value.opaque, "opaque")) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Second child value is \"%s\", expected \"opaque\"!\n", node->value.opaque ? node->value.opaque : "(null)"); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } node = node->next; if (!node) { fputs("ERROR: No third child node in basic test!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->type != MXML_REAL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Third child has type %s (%d), expected MXML_REAL!\n", node->type < MXML_ELEMENT || node->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[node->type], node->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->value.real != 123.4f) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Third child value is %f, expected 123.4!\n", node->value.real); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } node = node->next; if (!node) { fputs("ERROR: No fourth child node in basic test!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->type != MXML_TEXT) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fourth child has type %s (%d), expected MXML_TEXT!\n", node->type < MXML_ELEMENT || node->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[node->type], node->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (!node->value.text.whitespace || !node->value.text.string || strcmp(node->value.text.string, "text")) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fourth child value is %d,\"%s\", expected 1,\"text\"!\n", node->value.text.whitespace, node->value.text.string ? node->value.text.string : "(null)"); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++) { node = node->next; if (!node) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No group #%d child node in basic test!\n", i + 1); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->type != MXML_ELEMENT) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Group child #%d has type %s (%d), expected MXML_ELEMENT!\n", i + 1, node->type < MXML_ELEMENT || node->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[node->type], node->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } } /* * Test indices... */ ind = mxmlIndexNew(tree, NULL, NULL); if (!ind) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to create index of all nodes!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (ind->num_nodes != 5) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Index of all nodes contains %d " "nodes; expected 5!\n", ind->num_nodes); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexReset(ind); if (!mxmlIndexFind(ind, "group", NULL)) { fputs("ERROR: mxmlIndexFind for \"group\" failed!\n", stderr); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexDelete(ind); ind = mxmlIndexNew(tree, "group", NULL); if (!ind) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to create index of groups!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (ind->num_nodes != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Index of groups contains %d " "nodes; expected 4!\n", ind->num_nodes); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexReset(ind); if (!mxmlIndexEnum(ind)) { fputs("ERROR: mxmlIndexEnum failed!\n", stderr); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexDelete(ind); ind = mxmlIndexNew(tree, NULL, "type"); if (!ind) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to create index of type attributes!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (ind->num_nodes != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Index of type attributes contains %d " "nodes; expected 3!\n", ind->num_nodes); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexReset(ind); if (!mxmlIndexFind(ind, NULL, "string")) { fputs("ERROR: mxmlIndexFind for \"string\" failed!\n", stderr); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexDelete(ind); ind = mxmlIndexNew(tree, "group", "type"); if (!ind) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to create index of elements and attributes!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (ind->num_nodes != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Index of elements and attributes contains %d " "nodes; expected 3!\n", ind->num_nodes); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexReset(ind); if (!mxmlIndexFind(ind, "group", "string")) { fputs("ERROR: mxmlIndexFind for \"string\" failed!\n", stderr); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexDelete(ind); /* * Check the mxmlDelete() works properly... */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i ++) { if (tree->child) mxmlDelete(tree->child); else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Child pointer prematurely NULL on child #%d\n", i + 1); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } } if (tree->child) { fputs("ERROR: Child pointer not NULL after deleting all children!\n", stderr); return (1); } if (tree->last_child) { fputs("ERROR: Last child pointer not NULL after deleting all children!\n", stderr); return (1); } mxmlDelete(tree); /* * Open the file... */ if (argv[1][0] == '<') tree = mxmlLoadString(NULL, argv[1], type_cb); else if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb")) == NULL) { perror(argv[1]); return (1); } else { /* * Read the file... */ tree = mxmlLoadFile(NULL, fp, type_cb); fclose(fp); } if (!tree) { fputs("Unable to read XML file!\n", stderr); return (1); } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "test.xml")) { /* * Verify that mxmlFindElement() and indirectly mxmlWalkNext() work * properly... */ if ((node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, "choice", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND)) == NULL) { fputs("Unable to find first <choice> element in XML tree!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if ((node = mxmlFindElement(node, tree, "choice", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND)) == NULL) { fputs("Unable to find second <choice> element in XML tree!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } } /* * Print the XML tree... */ mxmlSaveFile(tree, stdout, whitespace_cb); /* * Save the XML tree to a string and print it... */ if (mxmlSaveString(tree, buffer, sizeof(buffer), whitespace_cb) > 0) fputs(buffer, stderr); /* * Delete the tree... */ mxmlDelete(tree); /* * Read from/write to file descriptors... */ if (argv[1][0] != '<') { /* * Open the file again... */ if ((fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) < 0) { perror(argv[1]); return (1); } /* * Read the file... */ tree = mxmlLoadFd(NULL, fd, type_cb); close(fd); /* * Create filename.xmlfd... */ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%sfd", argv[1]); if ((fd = open(buffer, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0666)) < 0) { perror(buffer); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } /* * Write the file... */ mxmlSaveFd(tree, fd, whitespace_cb); close(fd); /* * Delete the tree... */ mxmlDelete(tree); } #endif /* * Return... */ return (0); }
int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line args */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line args */ { int i; /* Looping var */ FILE *fp; /* File to read */ int fd; /* File descriptor */ mxml_node_t *tree, /* XML tree */ *node; /* Node which should be in test.xml */ mxml_index_t *ind; /* XML index */ char buffer[16384]; /* Save string */ static const char *types[] = /* Strings for node types */ { "MXML_ELEMENT", "MXML_INTEGER", "MXML_OPAQUE", "MXML_REAL", "MXML_TEXT" }; /* * Check arguments... */ if (argc != 2) { fputs("Usage: testmxml filename.xml\n", stderr); return (1); } /* * Test the basic functionality... */ tree = mxmlNewElement(MXML_NO_PARENT, "element"); if (!tree) { fputs("ERROR: No parent node in basic test!\n", stderr); return (1); } if (tree->type != MXML_ELEMENT) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parent has type %s (%d), expected MXML_ELEMENT!\n", tree->type < MXML_ELEMENT || tree->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[tree->type], tree->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (strcmp(tree->, "element")) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parent value is \"%s\", expected \"element\"!\n", tree->; mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlNewInteger(tree, 123); mxmlNewOpaque(tree, "opaque"); mxmlNewReal(tree, 123.4f); mxmlNewText(tree, 1, "text"); mxmlLoadString(tree, "<group type='string'>string string string</group>", MXML_NO_CALLBACK); mxmlLoadString(tree, "<group type='integer'>1 2 3</group>", MXML_INTEGER_CALLBACK); mxmlLoadString(tree, "<group type='real'>1.0 2.0 3.0</group>", MXML_REAL_CALLBACK); mxmlLoadString(tree, "<group>opaque opaque opaque</group>", MXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK); node = tree->child; if (!node) { fputs("ERROR: No first child node in basic test!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->type != MXML_INTEGER) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: First child has type %s (%d), expected MXML_INTEGER!\n", node->type < MXML_ELEMENT || node->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[node->type], node->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->value.integer != 123) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: First child value is %d, expected 123!\n", node->value.integer); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } node = node->next; if (!node) { fputs("ERROR: No second child node in basic test!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->type != MXML_OPAQUE) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Second child has type %s (%d), expected MXML_OPAQUE!\n", node->type < MXML_ELEMENT || node->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[node->type], node->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (!node->value.opaque || strcmp(node->value.opaque, "opaque")) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Second child value is \"%s\", expected \"opaque\"!\n", node->value.opaque ? node->value.opaque : "(null)"); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } node = node->next; if (!node) { fputs("ERROR: No third child node in basic test!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->type != MXML_REAL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Third child has type %s (%d), expected MXML_REAL!\n", node->type < MXML_ELEMENT || node->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[node->type], node->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->value.real != 123.4f) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Third child value is %f, expected 123.4!\n", node->value.real); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } node = node->next; if (!node) { fputs("ERROR: No fourth child node in basic test!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->type != MXML_TEXT) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fourth child has type %s (%d), expected MXML_TEXT!\n", node->type < MXML_ELEMENT || node->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[node->type], node->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (!node->value.text.whitespace || !node->value.text.string || strcmp(node->value.text.string, "text")) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Fourth child value is %d,\"%s\", expected 1,\"text\"!\n", node->value.text.whitespace, node->value.text.string ? node->value.text.string : "(null)"); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++) { node = node->next; if (!node) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No group #%d child node in basic test!\n", i + 1); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (node->type != MXML_ELEMENT) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Group child #%d has type %s (%d), expected MXML_ELEMENT!\n", i + 1, node->type < MXML_ELEMENT || node->type > MXML_TEXT ? "UNKNOWN" : types[node->type], node->type); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } } /* * Test indices... */ ind = mxmlIndexNew(tree, NULL, NULL); if (!ind) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to create index of all nodes!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (ind->num_nodes != 5) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Index of all nodes contains %d " "nodes; expected 5!\n", ind->num_nodes); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexReset(ind); if (!mxmlIndexFind(ind, "group", NULL)) { fputs("ERROR: mxmlIndexFind for \"group\" failed!\n", stderr); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexDelete(ind); ind = mxmlIndexNew(tree, "group", NULL); if (!ind) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to create index of groups!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (ind->num_nodes != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Index of groups contains %d " "nodes; expected 4!\n", ind->num_nodes); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexReset(ind); if (!mxmlIndexEnum(ind)) { fputs("ERROR: mxmlIndexEnum failed!\n", stderr); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexDelete(ind); ind = mxmlIndexNew(tree, NULL, "type"); if (!ind) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to create index of type attributes!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (ind->num_nodes != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Index of type attributes contains %d " "nodes; expected 3!\n", ind->num_nodes); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexReset(ind); if (!mxmlIndexFind(ind, NULL, "string")) { fputs("ERROR: mxmlIndexFind for \"string\" failed!\n", stderr); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexDelete(ind); ind = mxmlIndexNew(tree, "group", "type"); if (!ind) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to create index of elements and attributes!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if (ind->num_nodes != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Index of elements and attributes contains %d " "nodes; expected 3!\n", ind->num_nodes); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexReset(ind); if (!mxmlIndexFind(ind, "group", "string")) { fputs("ERROR: mxmlIndexFind for \"string\" failed!\n", stderr); mxmlIndexDelete(ind); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } mxmlIndexDelete(ind); /* * Check the mxmlDelete() works properly... */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i ++) { if (tree->child) mxmlDelete(tree->child); else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Child pointer prematurely NULL on child #%d\n", i + 1); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } } if (tree->child) { fputs("ERROR: Child pointer not NULL after deleting all children!\n", stderr); return (1); } if (tree->last_child) { fputs("ERROR: Last child pointer not NULL after deleting all children!\n", stderr); return (1); } mxmlDelete(tree); /* * Open the file... */ if (argv[1][0] == '<') tree = mxmlLoadString(NULL, argv[1], type_cb); else if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb")) == NULL) { perror(argv[1]); return (1); } else { /* * Read the file... */ tree = mxmlLoadFile(NULL, fp, type_cb); fclose(fp); } if (!tree) { fputs("Unable to read XML file!\n", stderr); return (1); } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "test.xml")) { /* * Verify that mxmlFindElement() and indirectly mxmlWalkNext() work * properly... */ if ((node = mxmlFindElement(tree, tree, "choice", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND)) == NULL) { fputs("Unable to find first <choice> element in XML tree!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } if ((node = mxmlFindElement(node, tree, "choice", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND)) == NULL) { fputs("Unable to find second <choice> element in XML tree!\n", stderr); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } } /* * Print the XML tree... */ mxmlSaveFile(tree, stdout, whitespace_cb); /* * Save the XML tree to a string and print it... */ if (mxmlSaveString(tree, buffer, sizeof(buffer), whitespace_cb) > 0) fputs(buffer, stderr); /* * Delete the tree... */ mxmlDelete(tree); /* * Read from/write to file descriptors... */ if (argv[1][0] != '<') { /* * Open the file again... */ if ((fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) < 0) { perror(argv[1]); return (1); } /* * Read the file... */ tree = mxmlLoadFd(NULL, fd, type_cb); close(fd); /* * Create filename.xmlfd... */ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%sfd", argv[1]); if ((fd = open(buffer, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0666)) < 0) { perror(buffer); mxmlDelete(tree); return (1); } /* * Write the file... */ mxmlSaveFd(tree, fd, whitespace_cb); close(fd); /* * Delete the tree... */ mxmlDelete(tree); } /* * Test SAX methods... */ memset(event_counts, 0, sizeof(event_counts)); if (argv[1][0] == '<') tree = mxmlSAXLoadString(NULL, argv[1], type_cb, sax_cb, NULL); else if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb")) == NULL) { perror(argv[1]); return (1); } else { /* * Read the file... */ tree = mxmlSAXLoadFile(NULL, fp, type_cb, sax_cb, NULL); fclose(fp); } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "test.xml")) { if (event_counts[MXML_SAX_CDATA] != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "MXML_SAX_CDATA seen %d times, expected 1 times!\n", event_counts[MXML_SAX_CDATA]); return (1); } if (event_counts[MXML_SAX_COMMENT] != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "MXML_SAX_COMMENT seen %d times, expected 1 times!\n", event_counts[MXML_SAX_COMMENT]); return (1); } if (event_counts[MXML_SAX_DATA] != 61) { fprintf(stderr, "MXML_SAX_DATA seen %d times, expected 61 times!\n", event_counts[MXML_SAX_DATA]); return (1); } if (event_counts[MXML_SAX_DIRECTIVE] != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "MXML_SAX_DIRECTIVE seen %d times, expected 1 times!\n", event_counts[MXML_SAX_DIRECTIVE]); return (1); } if (event_counts[MXML_SAX_ELEMENT_CLOSE] != 20) { fprintf(stderr, "MXML_SAX_ELEMENT_CLOSE seen %d times, expected 20 times!\n", event_counts[MXML_SAX_ELEMENT_CLOSE]); return (1); } if (event_counts[MXML_SAX_ELEMENT_OPEN] != 20) { fprintf(stderr, "MXML_SAX_ELEMENT_OPEN seen %d times, expected 20 times!\n", event_counts[MXML_SAX_ELEMENT_OPEN]); return (1); } } /* * Return... */ return (0); }
//NILS struct gameXMLinfo LoadGameInfo(char* gameid) /* gameid: full game id */ /* langtxt: "English","French","German" */ { // load game info using forced language, or game individual setting, or main language setting char langcode[100] = ""; char *langtxt = GetLangSettingFromGame(gameid); strlcpy(langcode,ConvertLangTextToCode(langtxt),sizeof(langcode)); /* reset all game info */ gameinfo = gameinfo_reset; /* index all IDs */ nodeindex = mxmlIndexNew(nodedata,"id", NULL); nodeid = mxmlIndexReset(nodeindex); *element_text = 0; /* search for game matching gameid */ while (1) { nodeid = mxmlIndexFind(nodeindex,"id", NULL); if (nodeid != NULL) { get_nodetext(nodeid, element_text, sizeof(element_text)); if (!strcmp(element_text,gameid)) { break; } } else { break; } } if (!strcmp(element_text,gameid)) { /* text from elements */ strlcpy(,element_text,sizeof(; GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "region", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.region,sizeof(gameinfo.region)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "version", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.version,sizeof(gameinfo.version)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "genre", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.genre,sizeof(gameinfo.genre)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "developer", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.developer,sizeof(gameinfo.developer)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "publisher", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.publisher,sizeof(gameinfo.publisher)); GetPublisherFromGameid(gameid,gameinfo.publisherfromid,sizeof(gameinfo.publisherfromid)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "input", "players", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.max_players,sizeof(gameinfo.max_players)); /* text from attributes */ GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "date", "year", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.year,sizeof(gameinfo.year)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "date", "month", NULL,MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.month,sizeof(gameinfo.month)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "date", "day", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND,,sizeof(; GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "rating", "type", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.ratingtype,sizeof(gameinfo.ratingtype)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "rating", "value", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.ratingvalue,sizeof(gameinfo.ratingvalue)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "rom", "crc", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.iso_crc,sizeof(gameinfo.iso_crc)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "rom", "md5", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.iso_md5,sizeof(gameinfo.iso_md5)); GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "rom", "sha1", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.iso_sha1,sizeof(gameinfo.iso_sha1)); /* text from child elements */ nodefound = mxmlFindElement(nodeid, nodedata, "locale", "lang", "EN", MXML_NO_DESCEND); if (nodefound != NULL) { GetTextFromNode(nodefound, nodedata, "title", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND, gameinfo.title_EN,sizeof(gameinfo.title_EN)); GetTextFromNode(nodefound, nodedata, "synopsis", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND, gameinfo.synopsis_EN,sizeof(gameinfo.synopsis_EN)); } nodefound = mxmlFindElement(nodeid, nodedata, "locale", "lang", langcode, MXML_NO_DESCEND); if (nodefound != NULL) { GetTextFromNode(nodefound, nodedata, "title", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND, gameinfo.title,sizeof(gameinfo.title)); GetTextFromNode(nodefound, nodedata, "synopsis", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND, gameinfo.synopsis,sizeof(gameinfo.synopsis)); } // fall back to English title and synopsis if prefered language was not found if (!strcmp(gameinfo.title,"")) { strlcpy(gameinfo.title,gameinfo.title_EN,sizeof(gameinfo.title)); } if (!strcmp(gameinfo.synopsis,"")) { strlcpy(gameinfo.synopsis,gameinfo.synopsis_EN,sizeof(gameinfo.synopsis)); } /* list locale lang attributes */ nodefound = mxmlFindElement(nodeid, nodedata, "locale", "lang", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND); if (nodefound != NULL) { int incr = 0; while (nodefound != NULL) { ++incr; strlcpy(gameinfo.locales[incr],mxmlElementGetAttr(nodefound, "lang"),sizeof(gameinfo.locales[incr])); nodefound = mxmlWalkNext(nodefound, nodedata, MXML_NO_DESCEND); if (nodefound != NULL) { nodefound = mxmlFindElement(nodefound, nodedata, "locale", "lang", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND); } } } /* unbounded child elements */ GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "wi-fi", "players", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.wifiplayers,sizeof(gameinfo.wifiplayers)); nodefound = mxmlFindElement(nodeid, nodedata, "wi-fi", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND); if (nodefound != NULL) { gameinfo.wifiCnt = 0; nodeindextmp = mxmlIndexNew(nodefound,"feature", NULL); nodeidtmp = mxmlIndexReset(nodeindextmp); while (nodeidtmp != NULL) { nodeidtmp = mxmlIndexFind(nodeindextmp,"feature", NULL); if (nodeidtmp != NULL) { ++gameinfo.wifiCnt; GetTextFromNode(nodeidtmp, nodedata, "feature", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND, gameinfo.wififeatures[gameinfo.wifiCnt], sizeof(gameinfo.wififeatures[gameinfo.wifiCnt])); gameinfo.wififeatures[gameinfo.wifiCnt][0] = toupper((int)gameinfo.wififeatures[gameinfo.wifiCnt][0]); if (gameinfo.wifiCnt == XML_ELEMMAX) break; } } mxmlIndexDelete(nodeindextmp); // placed after each mxmlIndexNew to prevent memory leak } nodefound = mxmlFindElement(nodeid, nodedata, "rating", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND); if (nodefound != NULL) { gameinfo.descriptorCnt=0; nodeindextmp = mxmlIndexNew(nodefound,"descriptor", NULL); nodeidtmp = mxmlIndexReset(nodeindextmp); while (nodeidtmp != NULL) { nodeidtmp = mxmlIndexFind(nodeindextmp,"descriptor", NULL); if (nodeidtmp != NULL) { ++gameinfo.descriptorCnt; GetTextFromNode(nodeidtmp, nodedata, "descriptor", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND, gameinfo.ratingdescriptors[gameinfo.descriptorCnt], sizeof(gameinfo.ratingdescriptors[gameinfo.descriptorCnt])); if (gameinfo.descriptorCnt == XML_ELEMMAX) break; } } mxmlIndexDelete(nodeindextmp); } GetTextFromNode(nodeid, nodedata, "input", "players", NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND, gameinfo.players,sizeof(gameinfo.players)); nodefound = mxmlFindElement(nodeid, nodedata, "input", NULL, NULL, MXML_NO_DESCEND); if (nodefound != NULL) { gameinfo.accessoryCnt=0; gameinfo.accessoryReqCnt=0; nodeindextmp = mxmlIndexNew(nodefound,"control", NULL); nodeidtmp = mxmlIndexReset(nodeindextmp); while (nodeidtmp != NULL) { nodeidtmp = mxmlIndexFind(nodeindextmp,"control", NULL); if (nodeidtmp != NULL) { if (!strcmp(mxmlElementGetAttr(nodeidtmp, "required"),"true") && gameinfo.accessoryReqCnt < XML_ELEMMAX) { ++gameinfo.accessoryReqCnt; strlcpy(gameinfo.accessoriesReq[gameinfo.accessoryReqCnt],mxmlElementGetAttr(nodeidtmp, "type"), sizeof(gameinfo.accessoriesReq[gameinfo.accessoryReqCnt])); } else if (gameinfo.accessoryCnt < XML_ELEMMAX) { ++gameinfo.accessoryCnt; strlcpy(gameinfo.accessories[gameinfo.accessoryCnt],mxmlElementGetAttr(nodeidtmp, "type"), sizeof(gameinfo.accessories[gameinfo.accessoryCnt])); } } } mxmlIndexDelete(nodeindextmp); } /* convert rating value */ ConvertRating(gameinfo.ratingvalue, gameinfo.ratingtype, "CERO",gameinfo.ratingvalueCERO,sizeof(gameinfo.ratingvalueCERO)); ConvertRating(gameinfo.ratingvalue, gameinfo.ratingtype, "ESRB",gameinfo.ratingvalueESRB,sizeof(gameinfo.ratingvalueESRB)); ConvertRating(gameinfo.ratingvalue, gameinfo.ratingtype, "PEGI",gameinfo.ratingvaluePEGI,sizeof(gameinfo.ratingvaluePEGI)); /* provide genre as an array: gameinfo.genresplit */ if (strcmp(gameinfo.genre,"") != 0) { gameinfo.genreCnt=0; const char *delimgenre = ",;"; char genretxt[200]; strlcpy(genretxt,gameinfo.genre,sizeof(genretxt)); char *splitresult; splitresult = strtok(genretxt, delimgenre); if (splitresult != NULL) { ++gameinfo.genreCnt; trimcopy(splitresult,splitresult,strlen(splitresult)+1); strlcpy(gameinfo.genresplit[gameinfo.genreCnt],splitresult,sizeof(gameinfo.genresplit[gameinfo.genreCnt])); gameinfo.genresplit[gameinfo.genreCnt][0] = toupper((int)gameinfo.genresplit[gameinfo.genreCnt][0]); while (splitresult != NULL) { splitresult = strtok(NULL, delimgenre); if (splitresult != NULL && strcmp(splitresult,"")!=0) { ++gameinfo.genreCnt; trimcopy(splitresult,splitresult,strlen(splitresult)+1); strlcpy(gameinfo.genresplit[gameinfo.genreCnt],splitresult,sizeof(gameinfo.genresplit[gameinfo.genreCnt])); gameinfo.genresplit[gameinfo.genreCnt][0] = toupper((int)gameinfo.genresplit[gameinfo.genreCnt][0]); if (gameinfo.genreCnt == XML_ELEMMAX) break; } } } } } // if game was not found or info is missing // guess publisher from game id in case it is missing if (!strcmp(gameinfo.publisher,"")) { GetPublisherFromGameid(gameid,gameinfo.publisherfromid,sizeof(gameinfo.publisherfromid)); strlcpy(gameinfo.publisher,gameinfo.publisherfromid,sizeof(gameinfo.publisher)); } // if missing, get region from game ID if (!strcmp(gameinfo.region,"")) { if (gameid[3] == 'E') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"NTSC-U",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'J') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"NTSC-J",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'W') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"NTSC-J",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'K') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"NTSC-K",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'P') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"PAL",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'D') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"PAL",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'F') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"PAL",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'I') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"PAL",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'S') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"PAL",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'H') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"PAL",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'U') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"PAL",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'X') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"PAL",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'Y') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"PAL",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); if (gameid[3] == 'Z') strlcpy(gameinfo.region,"PAL",sizeof(gameinfo.region)); } // free memory mxmlIndexDelete(nodeindex); return gameinfo; }
void LoadTitlesFromXML(char *langtxt, bool forcejptoen) /* langtxt: set to "English","French","German", to force language for all titles, or "" to load title depending on each game's setting */ /* forcejptoen: set to true to load English title instead of Japanese title when game is set to Japanese */ { if (nodedata == NULL) return; bool forcelang = false; if (strcmp(langtxt,"")) forcelang = true; char langcode[10] = ""; if (forcelang) strcpy(langcode,ConvertLangTextToCode(langtxt)); /* convert language text into ISO 639 two-letter language code */ /* create index of <id> elements */ nodeindex = mxmlIndexNew(nodedata,"id", NULL); nodeid = mxmlIndexReset(nodeindex); *element_text = 0; char id_text[10]; char title_text[200] = ""; char title_text_EN[200] = ""; /* search index of id elements, load all id/titles text */ while (nodeid != NULL) { nodeid = mxmlIndexFind(nodeindex,"id", NULL); if (nodeid != NULL) { strcpy(title_text,""); strcpy(title_text_EN,""); get_nodetext(nodeid, element_text, sizeof(element_text)); snprintf(id_text, 7, "%s",element_text); // if language is not forced, use game language setting from config if (!forcelang) { langtxt = GetLangSettingFromGame(id_text); strcpy(langcode,ConvertLangTextToCode(langtxt)); } /* if enabled, force English title for all games set to Japanese */ if (forcejptoen && (!strcmp(langcode,"JA"))) strcpy(langcode,"EN"); /* load title from nodes */ nodefound = mxmlFindElement(nodeid, nodedata, "locale", "lang", "EN", MXML_NO_DESCEND); if (nodefound != NULL) { GetTextFromNode(nodefound, nodedata, "title", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND, title_text_EN,sizeof(title_text_EN)); } nodefound = mxmlFindElement(nodeid, nodedata, "locale", "lang", langcode, MXML_NO_DESCEND); if (nodefound != NULL) { GetTextFromNode(nodefound, nodedata, "title", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND, title_text,sizeof(title_text)); } /* fall back to English title if prefered language was not found */ if (!strcmp(title_text,"")) { strcpy(title_text,title_text_EN); } snprintf(id_text, 7, "%s",id_text); title_set(id_text, title_text); } } // free memory mxmlIndexDelete(nodeindex); //if (xmldebug) xmlloadtime = dbg_time2(NULL); }