Example #1
 * Generates a new set of values for the S vector that is a) random
 * and b) obeys the conservation rules.
void SteadyState::randomizeInitialCondition( const Eref& me )
#ifdef USE_GSL
	Id ksolve = Field< Id >::get( stoich_, "ksolve" );
	vector< double > nVec =
			LookupField< unsigned int, vector< double > >::get(
			ksolve,"nVec", 0 );
	int numConsv = total_.size();
	recalcTotal( total_, gamma_, &nVec[0] );
	// The reorderRows function likes to have an I matrix at the end of
	// numVarPools_, so we provide space for it, although only its first
	// column is used for the total vector.
	gsl_matrix* U = gsl_matrix_calloc ( numConsv, numVarPools_ + numConsv );
	for ( int i = 0; i < numConsv; ++i ) {
		for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < numVarPools_; ++j ) {
			gsl_matrix_set( U, i, j, gsl_matrix_get( gamma_, i, j ) );
		gsl_matrix_set( U, i, numVarPools_, total_[i] );
	// Do the forward elimination
	int rank = myGaussianDecomp( U );
	assert( rank = numConsv );

	vector< double > eliminatedTotal( numConsv, 0.0 );
	for ( int i = 0; i < numConsv; ++i ) {
		eliminatedTotal[i] = gsl_matrix_get( U, i, numVarPools_ );

	// Put Find a vector Y that fits the consv rules.
	vector< double > y( numVarPools_, 0.0 );
	do {
		fitConservationRules( U, eliminatedTotal, y );
	} while ( !checkAboveZero( y ) );

	// Sanity check. Try the new vector with the old gamma and tots
	for ( int i = 0; i < numConsv; ++i ) {
		double tot = 0.0;
		for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < numVarPools_; ++j ) {
			tot += y[j] * gsl_matrix_get( gamma_, i, j );
		assert( fabs( tot - total_[i] ) / tot < EPSILON );

	// Put the new values into S.
	// cout << endl;
	for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < numVarPools_; ++j ) {
		nVec[j] = y[j];
		// cout << y[j] << " ";
	LookupField< unsigned int, vector< double > >::set(
			ksolve,"nVec", 0, nVec );
Example #2
void SteadyState::setupSSmatrix()
#ifdef USE_GSL
	if ( numVarPools_ == 0 || nReacs_ == 0 )
	int nTot = numVarPools_ + nReacs_;
	gsl_matrix* N = gsl_matrix_calloc (numVarPools_, nReacs_);
	if ( LU_ ) { // Clear out old one.
		gsl_matrix_free( LU_ );
	LU_ = gsl_matrix_calloc (numVarPools_, nTot);
	vector< int > entry = Field< vector< int > >::get( 
					stoich_, "matrixEntry" );
	vector< unsigned int > colIndex = Field< vector< unsigned int > >::get(
					stoich_, "columnIndex" );
	vector< unsigned int > rowStart = Field< vector< unsigned int > >::get(
					stoich_, "rowStart" );

	// cout << endl << endl;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numVarPools_; ++i ) {
		gsl_matrix_set (LU_, i, i + nReacs_, 1 );
		unsigned int k = rowStart[i];
		// cout << endl << i << ":	";
		for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < nReacs_; ++j ) {
			double x = 0;
			if ( j == colIndex[k] && k < rowStart[i+1] ) {
				x = entry[k++];
			// cout << "	" << x;
			gsl_matrix_set (N, i, j, x);
			gsl_matrix_set (LU_, i, j, x );
	cout << endl << endl;

	rank_ = myGaussianDecomp( LU_ );

	unsigned int nConsv = numVarPools_ - rank_;
	if ( nConsv == 0 ) {
		cout << "SteadyState::setupSSmatrix(): Number of conserved species == 0. Aborting\n";
	if ( Nr_ ) { // Clear out old one.
		gsl_matrix_free( Nr_ );
	Nr_ = gsl_matrix_calloc ( rank_, nReacs_ );
	// Fill up Nr.
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < rank_; i++)
		for ( unsigned int j = i; j < nReacs_; j++)
			gsl_matrix_set (Nr_, i, j, gsl_matrix_get( LU_, i, j ) );

	if ( gamma_ ) { // Clear out old one.
		gsl_matrix_free( gamma_ );
	gamma_ = gsl_matrix_calloc (nConsv, numVarPools_ );
	// Fill up gamma
	for ( unsigned int i = rank_; i < numVarPools_; ++i )
		for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < numVarPools_; ++j )
			gsl_matrix_set( gamma_, i - rank_, j, 
				gsl_matrix_get( LU_, i, j + nReacs_ ) );

	// Fill up boundary condition values
	total_.resize( nConsv );
	total_.assign( nConsv, 0.0 );

	cout << "S = (";
	for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < numVarPools_; ++j )
		cout << s_->S()[ j ] << ", ";
	cout << "), Sinit = ( ";
	for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < numVarPools_; ++j )
		cout << s_->Sinit()[ j ] << ", ";
	cout << ")\n";
	Id ksolve = Field< Id >::get( stoich_, "ksolve" );
	vector< double > nVec = 
			LookupField< unsigned int, vector< double > >::get(
			ksolve,"nVec", 0 );

	if ( nVec.size() >= numVarPools_ ) {
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nConsv; ++i )
			for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < numVarPools_; ++j )
				total_[i] += gsl_matrix_get( gamma_, i, j ) * nVec[ j ];
		isSetup_ = 1;
	} else {
		cout << "Error: SteadyState::setupSSmatrix(): unable to get"
				"pool numbers from ksolve.\n";
		isSetup_ = 0;

	gsl_matrix_free( N );