int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt_c; char buf[FILENAME_MAX]; int rc = 1; me = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (me == NULL ) { me = argv[0]; } else { me++; } my_log_init(me); my_conf = my_conf_create(); if (!my_conf) { goto _MY_ERR_conf_create; } while ((opt_c = getopt(argc, argv, "C:L:Vh?")) != -1) switch (opt_c) { case 'C': my_conf->cfg_file = optarg; break; case 'L': my_conf->log_file = optarg; break; case 'P': my_conf->pid_file = optarg; break; case 'V': my_show_version(); rc = 0; goto _MY_EXIT; case '?': case 'h': my_show_usage(); rc = 0; goto _MY_EXIT; default: MY_ERROR("unknow argument '-%c'", (int)opt_c); my_show_usage(); rc = 1; goto _MY_EXIT; } my_conf->log_level = -1; if (my_conf->cfg_file == NULL) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s.conf", MY_CFG_DIR, me); my_conf->cfg_file = strdup(buf); } if (my_conf_parse(my_conf) != 0) { goto _MY_ERR_conf_parse; } if (my_conf->log_file == NULL) { #ifdef MY_DEBUGGING my_conf->log_file = "stderr"; #else my_conf->log_file = "syslog"; #endif } if (my_conf->log_level < 0) { #ifdef MY_DEBUGGING my_conf->log_level = MY_LOG_DEBUG; #else my_conf->log_level = MY_LOG_NOTICE; #endif } if (my_conf->pid_file == NULL) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/", MY_RUN_DIR, me); my_conf->pid_file = strdup(buf); } if (my_log_open(my_conf->log_file, my_conf->log_level) != 0) { goto _MY_ERR_log_open; } my_log(MY_LOG_NOTICE, "started"); my_core = my_core_create(); if (!my_core) { goto _MY_ERR_core_create; } if (my_core_init(my_core, my_conf) != 0) { goto _MY_ERR_core_init; } signal(SIGINT, my_sig_handler); signal(SIGTERM, my_sig_handler); #ifdef MY_DEBUGGING my_conf_dump(my_conf); my_core_dump(my_core); #endif my_core_loop(my_core); my_core_destroy(my_core); my_log(MY_LOG_NOTICE, "ended"); my_log_close(); return 0; _MY_ERR_core_init: my_core_destroy(my_core); _MY_ERR_core_create: my_log_close(); _MY_ERR_log_open: _MY_ERR_conf_parse: _MY_EXIT: my_conf_destroy(my_conf); _MY_ERR_conf_create: return rc; }
static void parse_option() { const char * file_name; FILE * file; char line[256]; char * name, * value; file_name = option_get_string("OptionFile"); file = fopen(file_name,"r"); if (file == NULL) my_fatal("Can't open file \"%s\": %s\n",file_name,strerror(errno)); // PolyGlot options (assumed first) //read the ini file,and store the name/value pairs while (true) { if (!my_file_read_line(file,line,sizeof(line))) { my_fatal("parse_option(): missing [Engine] section\n"); } if (my_string_case_equal(line,"[engine]")) break; if (parse_line(line,&name,&value)) option_set(name,value); } if (option_get_bool("Log")) { my_log_open(option_get_string("LogFile"));} while (my_file_read_line(file,line,sizeof(line))) { if (line[0] == '[') my_fatal("parse_option(): unknown section %s\n",line); if (parse_line(line,&name,&value)) { uci_option_store(name,value); } } fclose(file); //read the optional global.ini file if(!option_get_bool("NoGlobals")){ file=fopen("globals.ini","r"); //override settings,if any if(file!=NULL){ while (true) { if (!my_file_read_line(file,line,sizeof(line))) { my_fatal("parse_option(): missing [Engine] section\n"); } if (my_string_case_equal(line,"[engine]")) break; if (parse_line(line,&name,&value)){ if(!my_string_case_equal(name,"LogFile")) option_set(name,value); } } if (option_get_bool("Log")) { my_log_open(option_get_string("LogFile")); } else my_log_close(); //close it while (my_file_read_line(file,line,sizeof(line))) { if (line[0] == '[') my_fatal("parse_option(): unknown section %s\n",line); if (parse_line(line,&name,&value)) { uci_option_store(name,value); } } fclose(file); } } my_log("POLYGLOT %s *** START ***\n",Version); my_log("POLYGLOT INI file \"%s\"\n",file_name); //do the dump: engine_open(Engine); Init = true; uci_open(Uci,Engine); uci_option_t *next; init_uci_list(&next); while(next!=NULL){ if(next->var==NULL) break; uci_send_option(Uci,next->var,"%s",next->val); if(my_string_case_equal(next->var,"MultiPV") && atoi(next->val)>1) Uci->multipv_mode=true; next=next->next; } uci_send_isready(Uci); if (my_string_equal(option_get_string("EngineName"),"<empty>")) { option_set("EngineName",Uci->name); } }