Example #1
void cap_http::parse_client_data(char content[], int number,char saddr[],char daddr[],
	unsigned short sport,unsigned short dport)
	struct clientInfo* client=0;
	interaction* intern=0;
	TimeOut_Handler *th=0;
	char temp[MAX_BUFF_SIZE]={0};
	int i=0;
	int k=0;
	int j=0;
	char entity_content[MAX_BUFF_SIZE]={0};
	int chunkflag=0;
	int complete=0;
	unsigned int contentSize=0;
	unsigned int currentSize=0;
	char* seg=0;
	char resCode[RESPONSECODE_BUF_SIZE]={0};
	char date[DATE_BUF_SIZE]={0};
	char responseID[RESPONSEID_BUF_SIZE]={0};
	char contentType[CONTENTTYPE_BUF_SIZE]={0};
	int continued=0;
	int writeLen=0;
	int extract_chunk_ret=0;
	if (!intern)
		cout <<"can't find matched interaction"<<endl;
	if (intern->get_interaction_status()!=INTERACTION_NORMAL)
		cout <<"current interaction time out"<<endl;
		return ;
    //set filter

	//set filter
	if (!client)
	if (number<4)
	if (number>=4)
		if(content[0] != 'H' && content[1] != 'T' && content[2] != 'T' && content[3] != 'P')   //entity continued....
		else if (content[0] == 'H' && content[1] == 'T' && content[2] == 'T' && content[3] == 'P')
			for (i=0;i<number;i++)
				if ((i+1)<number)
					if (content[i]=='\r'&&content[i+1]=='\n')
						//temp operation
						if (strstr(temp,"HTTP"))
							if (my_uuid_generate(responseID,64)!=0)
								cout <<"response uuid generate failed"<<endl;
						if (strstr(temp, "Date"))
							seg=(temp+strlen("Date: "));
						if (strstr(temp, "Content-Length"))
							seg=(temp+strlen("Content-Length: "));
							contentSize=strtol(seg,NULL,10);           //取得content-length
							if (contentSize==0)
								if (contentSize>MAX_BUFF_SIZE)
						if (strstr(temp, "Content-Type"))
							seg=(temp+strlen("Content-Type: "));
						if (strstr(temp, "Transfer-Encoding"))
							seg=(temp+strlen("Transfer-Encoding: "));
							if (strstr(seg,"chunked"))
						//temp operation end
						if ((i+3)<number)
							if (content[i]=='\r'&&content[i+1]=='\n'&&content[i+2]=='\r'&&content[i+3]=='\n')  //content
								if (number==i+4)
									//printf("no content \n");    //no content




			if (!continued)
				if (chunkflag)



Example #2
// This function is called each time the DSP receives a new picture 
void userProcessColorImageFunc_laser(bgr *ptrImage) {
	int i;	

	if (ptrImage != NULL) {
		// Initialize all arrays for equivalency
		for (i=0; i < MAX_NUM_EQUIVALENCIES; i++) {
			equivalency_objects[i] = 0; // initialze link array
			object_stats[i].num_pixels_in_object = 0;
			object_stats[i].sum_r = 0;
			object_stats[i].sum_c = 0;

		num_unique_objects = 0;
		object_detected = 0;
        // First Pass thru image.  Convert RGB to HSV.  This code is taking into account that the robot's camera only returns
        // a value between 16 and 240 for pixel intensity.  It also adds a gain of 2 to the blue intensity.  
		for (r=0;r<IMAGE_ROWS;r++) {
			for(c=0;c<IMAGE_COLUMNS;c++) {
				red =  ((ptrImage[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c].red - 16)*255)/224;
				green = ((ptrImage[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c].green - 16)*255)/224;
				blue = ptrImage[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c].blue*2;

				if (blue > 240) {
					blue = 240;
				blue = ((blue - 16)*255)/224;

				min = my_min( red, green, blue );
	 			value = my_max( red, green, blue );

			 	delta = value - min;
			 	if( value != 0 ) {
			 		sat = (delta*255) / value;		// s

			 		if (delta != 0) {
					 	if( red == value )
					 		hue = 60*( green - blue ) / delta;		// between yellow & magenta
					 	else if( green == value )
					 		hue = 120 + 60*( blue - red ) / delta;	// between cyan & yellow
					 		hue = 240 + 60*( red - green ) / delta;	// between magenta & cyan
					 	if( hue < 0 )
					 		hue += 360;
					} else {
					 	hue = 0;
					 	sat = 0;
			 	} else {
			 		// r = g = b = 0		// s = 0, v is undefined
			 		sat = 0;
			 		hue = 0;

			 	hue = (hue*255)/360;

				if ( (abs(sat-specs_s)<=specs_srad)
                  && (abs(value-specs_v)<=specs_vrad)
                  && (   (abs(hue-specs_h)<=specs_hrad)
                      || (abs(hue-specs_h2)<=specs_hrad) // catch the hue wraparround
                   ) { 			 	

					object_detected = 1;	// Set a flag that at least one pixel found above threshold
					// -------- Connectivity calculations ------------
					// Labels pixels 1 to MAX_NUM_EQUIVALENCIES depending on top and left neighbors
					// The labels represent object number...
					if (r == 0) top = 0;  else top = Thres_Image[(r-1)*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c];  // previous row, same column												
					if (c == 0) left = 0; else left = Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+(c-1)];  // same row, previous column
					neighbor_type = 0;
					if (left != 0) neighbor_type += 1;
					if (top != 0)  neighbor_type += 2;
					current_object = 0;				
					switch (neighbor_type) {
						case 0: // Both neighbors zero, New object needed
                            if (num_unique_objects < (MAX_NUM_EQUIVALENCIES-1) ) {
                                equivalency_objects[num_unique_objects] = num_unique_objects;
				            } else {
							current_object = num_unique_objects;
						case 1:	// Top is zero, left is not zero
							current_object = left;
						case 2:	// Left is zero, top is not zero
							current_object = top;
						case 3:	// Top and left are not zero... must note equivalency
							if (top == left) current_object = left;
							else {
								if (Check_Equivalency(top,left) == 0) {
									current_object = Set_Equivalency(top,left);																
								else {
									current_object = left; 
						default: // Should NEVER enter here
							current_object = 0;  // Object 0 stores errors
					Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c] = current_object;
					object_stats[current_object].num_pixels_in_object +=1;
					object_stats[current_object].sum_r += r;						
					object_stats[current_object].sum_c += c;						
					// ---------- Done with connectivity calculations (first pass) ----------
				} else {
					Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c] = 0;

		// initialize final object stats
		for (i=1; i<= MAX_NUM_OBJECTS; i++) {
			final_object_stats[i].sum_r = 0;
			final_object_stats[i].sum_c = 0;
			final_object_stats[i].num_pixels_in_object = 0;
			final_object_stats[i].center_r = 0.0;
			final_object_stats[i].center_c = 0.0;
			final_object_stats[i].C02_sum = 0.0;
			final_object_stats[i].C11_sum = 0.0;
			final_object_stats[i].C20_sum = 0.0;
			final_object_stats[i].theta = 0.0;

		if (object_detected == 0) {
			num_unique_objects = 0;
		else {
			num_unique_objects = Fix_Equivalency(num_unique_objects);// num_unique_objects contains the number of initial equivalencies found
        if (num_unique_objects > MAX_NUM_OBJECTS) num_unique_objects = MAX_NUM_OBJECTS;

		// Third pass: correct image for nice display and calculate object moments
        // This is commented out because for the 176X144 image this adds a large amount of proccessing time when a large blob is found
//		for (r=0; r < IMAGE_ROWS; r++) {	// Loop over rows
//			for (c=0; c < IMAGE_COLUMNS; c++) {		// Loop over columns
//				if (Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c] > 0) {
//					// Fix pixel equivalency
//					Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c] = equivalency_objects[Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c]];
//					// Calculate second moments here
//					if ((Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c] > 0) && (Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c] <= MAX_NUM_OBJECTS)) {
//						final_object_stats[Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c]].C02_sum += (c - final_object_stats[Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c]].center_c)*(c - final_object_stats[Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c]].center_c);
//						final_object_stats[Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c]].C11_sum += (r - final_object_stats[Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c]].center_r)*(c - final_object_stats[Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c]].center_c);
//						final_object_stats[Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c]].C20_sum += (r - final_object_stats[Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c]].center_r)*(r - final_object_stats[Thres_Image[r*IMAGE_COLUMNS+c]].center_r);
//					}
//				}
//			}
//		}

		// Find largest object and calculate object orientation
		largest_num_pixels = 0;
		largest_object = 1;
		for (k = 1; k <= num_unique_objects ; k++) {				
			if (final_object_stats[k].num_pixels_in_object > largest_num_pixels) {
				largest_num_pixels = final_object_stats[k].num_pixels_in_object;
				largest_object = k;
			  // find theta of found blob
			  // commented out because moments need to be calculated above to use this code.
//            if (final_object_stats[k].num_pixels_in_object > NUMPIXELS_TO_CALC_ANGLE) {
//                // Calculate the object orientation angle if there are NUMPIXELS_TO_CALC_ANGLE in the object
//                Cdifference = final_object_stats[k].C20_sum - final_object_stats[k].C02_sum;
//                if (Cdifference != 0.0F) { // can't divide by zero
//                    final_object_stats[k].theta = atansp(final_object_stats[k].C11_sum/Cdifference)/2.0F;
//                } else {
//                    final_object_stats[k].theta = 0.0;
//                }
//                if (final_object_stats[k].C20_sum > final_object_stats[k].C02_sum) {
//                    if (final_object_stats[k].theta < 0) final_object_stats[k].theta += PI/2.0F;
//                    else final_object_stats[k].theta += -PI/2.0F;
//                }
//            } else {
//                final_object_stats[k].theta = 0;
//            }
		} // Ends loop through objects
		// Find the middle
		rbar = (int) (final_object_stats[largest_object].center_r);
		cbar = (int) (final_object_stats[largest_object].center_c);

		// pass data to RobotControl()
		if (new_coordata == 0) {
			if (final_object_stats[largest_object].num_pixels_in_object > 1) {
				noimagefound = 0;
				new_num_found_objects = num_unique_objects;
				object_x = cbar - IMAGE_COLUMNS/2;
				object_y = rbar - IMAGE_ROWS/2;
				numpels = final_object_stats[largest_object].num_pixels_in_object;
				//new_object_theta 	= final_object_stats[largest_object].theta;
				//new_C20				= final_object_stats[largest_object].C20_sum;
				//new_C02				= final_object_stats[largest_object].C02_sum;
				new_coordata = 1;
			} else {
				noimagefound = 1;
				new_num_found_objects = num_unique_objects;
				object_x = 0.0;
				object_y = 0.0;
				numpels = 0;
				//new_object_theta = 0.0;
				//new_C20 = 0.0;
				//new_C02 = 0.0;
				new_coordata = 1;

        //create green x for largest centroid position
        if (final_object_stats[largest_object].num_pixels_in_object > 6) {

            ptrImage[rbar*IMAGE_COLUMNS+cbar].red = 0;
            ptrImage[rbar*IMAGE_COLUMNS+cbar].blue = 0;
            ptrImage[rbar*IMAGE_COLUMNS+cbar].green = 255;
            if (rbar > 0) {
                ptrImage[(rbar-1)*IMAGE_COLUMNS+cbar].red =  0;
                ptrImage[(rbar-1)*IMAGE_COLUMNS+cbar].blue = 0;
                ptrImage[(rbar-1)*IMAGE_COLUMNS+cbar].green = 255;
            if (rbar < (IMAGE_ROWS-1)) {
                ptrImage[(rbar+1)*IMAGE_COLUMNS+cbar].red = 0;
                ptrImage[(rbar+1)*IMAGE_COLUMNS+cbar].blue = 0;
                ptrImage[(rbar+1)*IMAGE_COLUMNS+cbar].green = 255;
            if (cbar > 0) {
                ptrImage[rbar*IMAGE_COLUMNS+(cbar-1)].red = 0;
                ptrImage[rbar*IMAGE_COLUMNS+(cbar-1)].blue = 0;
                ptrImage[rbar*IMAGE_COLUMNS+(cbar-1)].green = 255;
            if (cbar < (IMAGE_COLUMNS-1)) {
                ptrImage[rbar*IMAGE_COLUMNS+(cbar+1)].red = 0;
                ptrImage[rbar*IMAGE_COLUMNS+(cbar+1)].blue = 0;
                ptrImage[rbar*IMAGE_COLUMNS+(cbar+1)].green = 255;

        if ( 12 == switchstate) {

        // Send image to Color LCD if LCD ready for new data
		if (updateLCD) {

			updateLCD = 0;

			// Flush or write back source
	        BCACHE_wb ((void *)ptrImage,IMAGE_ROWS*IMAGE_COLUMNS*3,EDMA3_CACHE_WAIT);
			//Need to clean the cache here
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[33].OPT = 0x0011E00C;
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[33].SRC = (unsigned int)Image_data;
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[33].A_B_CNT = 0x004004A4;   //Maybe to ACNT = 1188 and BCNT = 64
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[33].SRC_DST_BIDX = 0x04A404A4;
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[33].LINK_BCNTRLD = 0x0000FFFF;  // Null link
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[33].SRC_DST_CIDX = 0x0;
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[33].CCNT = 0x1;  //Last command triggers transmission


		// If Linux is ready for another full 176X144 RGB image start the EDMA transfer of the image to external memory

			// Invalidate Destination
			// Flush or write back source
	        BCACHE_wb ((void *)ptrImage,IMAGE_ROWS*IMAGE_COLUMNS*3,EDMA3_CACHE_WAIT);

			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[32].OPT = 0x0011F00C;
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[32].SRC = (unsigned int)Image_data;
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[32].A_B_CNT = 0x004004A4;   //Maybe to ACNT = 1188 and BCNT = 64
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[32].SRC_DST_BIDX = 0x04A404A4;
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[32].LINK_BCNTRLD = 0x0000FFFF;  // Null link
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[32].SRC_DST_CIDX = 0x0;
			EDMA3_1_Regs->PARAMENTRY[32].CCNT = 0x1;  //Last command triggers transmission

	}  // Ends if statement to see if image pointer is null				
Example #3
void cap_http::parse_server_data(char content[], int number,char saddr[],char daddr[],
	unsigned short sport,unsigned short dport)
	interaction* pinter=0;
	struct serverInfo* serinfo=0;          
	char temp[MAX_BUFF_SIZE]={0};
	char* seg={0};
	int i=0;
	int k=0;
	int j=0;
	int entity_index=0;
	char entity_content[REQUEST_CONTENT_BUF_SIZE]={0};
	int ret;
	int minSize=0;
	for (i=0;i<number;i++)
		if ((i+1)<number)
			if (content[i]=='\r'&&content[i+1]=='\n')
				if (strstr(temp, "GET")||strstr(temp,"POST"))  //方法暂时只取两种GET POST
					if (ret==0)
						cout <<"create one interaction failed"<<endl;
				if (strstr(temp, "Accept:"))
					seg=(temp + strlen("Accept: "));
					if (serinfo)

				if (strstr(temp, "Referer"))
					seg=(temp+strlen("Referer: "));
					if (serinfo)
				if (strstr(temp, "Accept-Encoding"))
					//  printf("Accept-Encoding is:%s\n", temp + strlen("Accept-Encoding:"));
					//gzip编码  需要解压
					seg=(temp+strlen("Accept-Encoding: "));
					if (serinfo)
				if (strstr(temp, "User-Agent"))
					seg=(temp + strlen("User-Agent: "));
					if (serinfo)
				if (strstr(temp, "Host"))
					seg=(temp + strlen("Host: "));
					if (serinfo)
				if (strstr(temp, "Cookie"))
					seg=(temp + strlen("Cookie: "));
					if (serinfo)
				//temp operation end

				if ((i+3)<number)               //正文部分
					if (content[i]=='\r'&&content[i+1]=='\n'&&content[i+2]=='\r'&&content[i+3]=='\n')  //
						if (number==i+4)
	                       //no content
						if (serinfo)


	if (pinter)
		cout <<"here we can't push one interaction into interaction_list"<<endl;
Example #4
File: 07-example.c Project: uai/0VP
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int i = 0;
	int a = 5;
	int b = 10;

	double c = 10;

	int *ptr = NULL;

	void *vptr;

	// Makra
	printf("pi = %f \n", PI);
	//  pouzijeme makro
	printf("mensi je %d \n", MIN(a,b));
	// a takto se makro rozvine
	printf("mensi je %d \n", ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)));
	// volani fce my_min
	printf("mensi je %d \n", my_min(a,b));
	// volani inline fce
	printf("mensi je %d \n", inline_min(a,b));

	//  i takto jde pouzit makro, jako alias fce
	putc('*', stdout);
	// pouziti nevhodneho makra
	HALF_FPRINTF(stderr) "!ahoj!", 35);
	// pouzit vhodnejsiho makra
	FULL_FPRINTF(stderr, "!nazdar!", 45);

	// pouziti makra __FILE__
	printf("Ahoj tady je: %s \n", __FILE__);
	printf("a volam z radku: %d \n", __LINE__);
	printf("a to prave dnes: %s \n", __DATE__);

	// pouziti assert
	// spusti se asserace, pokud kompilujeme v DEBUG modu, tj. je definovano DEBUG
	// v pripade rls modu se aserace neprovede
	// v ptr je NULL
	// ted ptr ukazuje na 'a' a vse je OK
	ptr = &a;
	// a jeset trosku neco k ptr, genericke pointry 
	vptr = &b;
	print_int(vptr); // warning nekompatibilni *int a *void
	print_int((int*) vptr);

	vptr = &c; 
	print_double((double*) vptr);

	return 0;
Example #5
	while (true) {
		// Wrap the dictionary if needed.
		if (coder->dict.pos == coder->dict.size)
			coder->dict.pos = 0;

		// Store the current dictionary position. It is needed to know
		// where to start copying to the out[] buffer.
		const size_t dict_start = coder->dict.pos;

		// Calculate how much we allow coder->lz.code() to decode.
		// It must not decode past the end of the dictionary
		// buffer, and we don't want it to decode more than is
		// actually needed to fill the out[] buffer.
		coder->dict.limit = coder->dict.pos
				+ my_min(out_size - *out_pos,
					coder->dict.size - coder->dict.pos);

		// Call the coder->lz.code() to do the actual decoding.
		const lzma_ret ret = coder->lz.code(
				coder->lz.coder, &coder->dict,
				in, in_pos, in_size);

		// Copy the decoded data from the dictionary to the out[]
		// buffer.
		const size_t copy_size = coder->dict.pos - dict_start;
		assert(copy_size <= out_size - *out_pos);
		memcpy(out + *out_pos, coder->dict.buf + dict_start,
		*out_pos += copy_size;

		// Reset the dictionary if so requested by coder->lz.code().
int zipfile_tool(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
  const char *pMode = NULL;
  FILE *pInfile = NULL,
	   *pOutfile = NULL;
  uint infile_size = 0;
  int level = Z_BEST_COMPRESSION;
  z_stream stream;
  int p = 1;
  const char *pSrc_filename = NULL;
  const char *pDst_filename = NULL;
  long file_loc = 0;

  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("miniz.c version: %s\n", MZ_VERSION);

  if (argc < 4) {
	  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) {
			printf("Usage: example3 [options] [mode:c or d] infile outfile\n");
			printf("c - Compresses file infile to a zlib stream in file outfile\n");
			printf("d - Decompress zlib stream in file infile to file outfile\n");
			printf("-l[0-10] - Compression level, higher values are slower.\n");
	  return EXIT_FAILURE;

  while ((p < argc) && (argv[p][0] == '-')) {
    switch (argv[p][1]) {
      case 'l':
        level = atoi(&argv[1][2]);
        if ((level < 0) || (level > 10)) {
        	if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Invalid level!\n");
        	return EXIT_FAILURE;
    	  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Invalid option: %s\n", argv[p]);
    	  return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if ((argc - p) < 3) {
	  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Must specify mode, input filename, and output filename after options!\n");
	  return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else if ((argc - p) > 3) {
	  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Too many filenames!\n");
	  return EXIT_FAILURE;

  pMode = argv[p++];
  if (!strchr("cCdD", pMode[0])) {
	  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Invalid mode!\n");

  pSrc_filename = argv[p++];
  pDst_filename = argv[p++];

  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED)printf("Mode: %c, Level: %d\nInput File: \"%s\"\nOutput File: \"%s\"\n", pMode[0], level, pSrc_filename, pDst_filename);

  // Open input file.
  pInfile = fopen(pSrc_filename, "rb");
  if (!pInfile) {
	  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Failed opening input file!\n");
	  return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Determine input file's size.
  fseek(pInfile, 0, SEEK_END);
  file_loc = ftell(pInfile);
  fseek(pInfile, 0, SEEK_SET);

  if ((file_loc < 0) || (file_loc > INT_MAX)) {
     // This is not a limitation of miniz or tinfl, but this example.
	  printf("File is too large to be processed by this example.\n");

      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  infile_size = (uint)file_loc;

  // Open output file.
  pOutfile = fopen(pDst_filename, "wb");
  if (!pOutfile) {
	  printf("Failed opening output file!\n");

	  return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Input file size: %u\n", infile_size);

  // Init the z_stream
  memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(stream));
  stream.next_in = s_inbuf;
  stream.avail_in = 0;
  stream.next_out = s_outbuf;
  stream.avail_out = BUF_SIZE;

  if ((pMode[0] == 'c') || (pMode[0] == 'C')) {
    // Compression.
    uint infile_remaining = infile_size;

    if (deflateInit(&stream, level) != Z_OK) {
    	if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("deflateInit() failed!\n");

    	if(pInfile) fclose(pInfile);
  	    if(pOutfile) fclose(pOutfile);
    	return EXIT_FAILURE;

    for ( ; ; ) {
      int status;
      if (!stream.avail_in) {
        // Input buffer is empty, so read more bytes from input file.
        uint n = my_min(BUF_SIZE, infile_remaining);

        if (fread(s_inbuf, 1, n, pInfile) != n) {
        	if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Failed reading from input file!\n");

        	if(pInfile) fclose(pInfile);
      	    if(pOutfile) fclose(pOutfile);
        	return EXIT_FAILURE;

        stream.next_in = s_inbuf;
        stream.avail_in = n;

        infile_remaining -= n;
        //printf("Input bytes remaining: %u\n", infile_remaining);

      status = deflate(&stream, infile_remaining ? Z_NO_FLUSH : Z_FINISH);

      if ((status == Z_STREAM_END) || (!stream.avail_out)) {
        // Output buffer is full, or compression is done, so write buffer to output file.
        uint n = BUF_SIZE - stream.avail_out;
        if (fwrite(s_outbuf, 1, n, pOutfile) != n) {
        	if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Failed writing to output file!\n");

        	if(pInfile) fclose(pInfile);
      	    if(pOutfile) fclose(pOutfile);
        	return EXIT_FAILURE;
        stream.next_out = s_outbuf;
        stream.avail_out = BUF_SIZE;

      if (status == Z_STREAM_END) {
      else if (status != Z_OK) {
    	  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("deflate() failed with status %i!\n", status);

    	  if(pInfile) fclose(pInfile);
    	  if(pOutfile) fclose(pOutfile);
    	  return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (deflateEnd(&stream) != Z_OK) {
    	if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("deflateEnd() failed!\n");

    	if(pInfile) fclose(pInfile);
  	    if(pOutfile) fclose(pOutfile);
    	return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else if ((pMode[0] == 'd') || (pMode[0] == 'D')) {
    // Decompression.
    uint infile_remaining = infile_size;

    if (inflateInit(&stream)) {
    	if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("inflateInit() failed!\n");

    	if(pInfile) fclose(pInfile);
    	if(pOutfile) fclose(pOutfile);
    	return EXIT_FAILURE;

    for ( ; ; ) {
      int status;
      if (!stream.avail_in) {
        // Input buffer is empty, so read more bytes from input file.
        uint n = my_min(BUF_SIZE, infile_remaining);

        if (fread(s_inbuf, 1, n, pInfile) != n) {
        	if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Failed reading from input file!\n");

        	if(pInfile) fclose(pInfile);
        	if(pOutfile) fclose(pOutfile);
        	return EXIT_FAILURE;

        stream.next_in = s_inbuf;
        stream.avail_in = n;

        infile_remaining -= n;

      status = inflate(&stream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);

      if ((status == Z_STREAM_END) || (!stream.avail_out)) {
        // Output buffer is full, or decompression is done, so write buffer to output file.
        uint n = BUF_SIZE - stream.avail_out;
        if (fwrite(s_outbuf, 1, n, pOutfile) != n) {
        	if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Failed writing to output file!\n");

      	    if(pInfile) fclose(pInfile);
      	    if(pOutfile) fclose(pOutfile);
        	return EXIT_FAILURE;
        stream.next_out = s_outbuf;
        stream.avail_out = BUF_SIZE;

      if (status == Z_STREAM_END) {
      else if (status != Z_OK) {
    	  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("inflate() failed with status %i!\n", status);

    	  if(pInfile) fclose(pInfile);
    	  if(pOutfile) fclose(pOutfile);
    	  return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (inflateEnd(&stream) != Z_OK) {
    	if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("inflateEnd() failed!\n");

    	if(pInfile) fclose(pInfile);
  	    if(pOutfile) fclose(pOutfile);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else {
	  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Invalid mode!\n");

	  if(pInfile) fclose(pInfile);
	  if(pOutfile) fclose(pOutfile);
	  return EXIT_FAILURE;

  fclose(pInfile); pInfile = 0;
  if (EOF == fclose(pOutfile)) {
	  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) printf("Failed writing to output file!\n");
	  return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if(SystemFlags::VERBOSE_MODE_ENABLED) {
	  printf("Total input bytes: %u\n", (mz_uint32)stream.total_in);
	  printf("Total output bytes: %u\n", (mz_uint32)stream.total_out);
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #7

// Misc //

extern size_t
lzma_bufcpy(const uint8_t *restrict in, size_t *restrict in_pos,
		size_t in_size, uint8_t *restrict out,
		size_t *restrict out_pos, size_t out_size)
	const size_t in_avail = in_size - *in_pos;
	const size_t out_avail = out_size - *out_pos;
	const size_t copy_size = my_min(in_avail, out_avail);

	memcpy(out + *out_pos, in + *in_pos, copy_size);

	*in_pos += copy_size;
	*out_pos += copy_size;

	return copy_size;

extern lzma_ret
lzma_next_filter_init(lzma_next_coder *next, const lzma_allocator *allocator,
		const lzma_filter_info *filters)
	lzma_next_coder_init(filters[0].init, next, allocator);
Example #8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   const char *pMode;
   FILE *pInfile, *pOutfile;
   uint infile_size;
   int level = 9;
   int p = 1;
   const char *pSrc_filename;
   const char *pDst_filename;
   const void *next_in = s_inbuf;
   size_t avail_in = 0;
   void *next_out = s_outbuf;
   size_t avail_out = OUT_BUF_SIZE;
   size_t total_in = 0, total_out = 0;
   long file_loc;


   printf("miniz.c example5 (demonstrates tinfl/tdefl)\n");

   if (argc < 4)
      printf("File to file compression/decompression using the low-level tinfl/tdefl API's.\n");
      printf("Usage: example5 [options] [mode:c or d] infile outfile\n");
      printf("c - Compresses file infile to a zlib stream in file outfile\n");
      printf("d - Decompress zlib stream in file infile to file outfile\n");
      printf("-l[0-10] - Compression level, higher values are slower, 0 is none.\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   while ((p < argc) && (argv[p][0] == '-'))
      switch (argv[p][1])
         case 'l':
            level = atoi(&argv[1][2]);
            if ((level < 0) || (level > 10))
               printf("Invalid level!\n");
               return EXIT_FAILURE;
            printf("Invalid option: %s\n", argv[p]);
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

   if ((argc - p) < 3)
      printf("Must specify mode, input filename, and output filename after options!\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
   else if ((argc - p) > 3)
      printf("Too many filenames!\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   pMode = argv[p++];
   if (!strchr("cCdD", pMode[0]))
      printf("Invalid mode!\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   pSrc_filename = argv[p++];
   pDst_filename = argv[p++];

   printf("Mode: %c, Level: %u\nInput File: \"%s\"\nOutput File: \"%s\"\n", pMode[0], level, pSrc_filename, pDst_filename);

   // Open input file.
   pInfile = fopen(pSrc_filename, "rb");
   if (!pInfile)
      printf("Failed opening input file!\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   // Determine input file's size.
   fseek(pInfile, 0, SEEK_END);
   file_loc = ftell(pInfile);
   fseek(pInfile, 0, SEEK_SET);

   if ((file_loc < 0) || (file_loc > INT_MAX))
      // This is not a limitation of miniz or tinfl, but this example.
      printf("File is too large to be processed by this example.\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   infile_size = (uint)file_loc;

   // Open output file.
   pOutfile = fopen(pDst_filename, "wb");
   if (!pOutfile)
      printf("Failed opening output file!\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   printf("Input file size: %u\n", infile_size);

   if ((pMode[0] == 'c') || (pMode[0] == 'C'))
      // The number of dictionary probes to use at each compression level (0-10). 0=implies fastest/minimal possible probing.
      static const mz_uint s_tdefl_num_probes[11] = { 0, 1, 6, 32,  16, 32, 128, 256,  512, 768, 1500 };

      tdefl_status status;
      uint infile_remaining = infile_size;

      // create tdefl() compatible flags (we have to compose the low-level flags ourselves, or use tdefl_create_comp_flags_from_zip_params() but that means MINIZ_NO_ZLIB_APIS can't be defined).
      mz_uint comp_flags = TDEFL_WRITE_ZLIB_HEADER | s_tdefl_num_probes[MZ_MIN(10, level)] | ((level <= 3) ? TDEFL_GREEDY_PARSING_FLAG : 0);
      if (!level)
         comp_flags |= TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_RAW_BLOCKS;

      // Initialize the low-level compressor.
      status = tdefl_init(&g_deflator, NULL, NULL, comp_flags);
      if (status != TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY)
         printf("tdefl_init() failed!\n");
         return EXIT_FAILURE;

      avail_out = COMP_OUT_BUF_SIZE;

      // Compression.
      for ( ; ; )
         size_t in_bytes, out_bytes;

         if (!avail_in)
            // Input buffer is empty, so read more bytes from input file.
            uint n = my_min(IN_BUF_SIZE, infile_remaining);

            if (fread(s_inbuf, 1, n, pInfile) != n)
               printf("Failed reading from input file!\n");
               return EXIT_FAILURE;

            next_in = s_inbuf;
            avail_in = n;

            infile_remaining -= n;
            //printf("Input bytes remaining: %u\n", infile_remaining);

         in_bytes = avail_in;
         out_bytes = avail_out;
         // Compress as much of the input as possible (or all of it) to the output buffer.
         status = tdefl_compress(&g_deflator, next_in, &in_bytes, next_out, &out_bytes, infile_remaining ? TDEFL_NO_FLUSH : TDEFL_FINISH);

         next_in = (const char *)next_in + in_bytes;
         avail_in -= in_bytes;
         total_in += in_bytes;

         next_out = (char *)next_out + out_bytes;
         avail_out -= out_bytes;
         total_out += out_bytes;

         if ((status != TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY) || (!avail_out))
            // Output buffer is full, or compression is done or failed, so write buffer to output file.
            uint n = COMP_OUT_BUF_SIZE - (uint)avail_out;
            if (fwrite(s_outbuf, 1, n, pOutfile) != n)
               printf("Failed writing to output file!\n");
               return EXIT_FAILURE;
            next_out = s_outbuf;
            avail_out = COMP_OUT_BUF_SIZE;

         if (status == TDEFL_STATUS_DONE)
            // Compression completed successfully.
         else if (status != TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY)
            // Compression somehow failed.
            printf("tdefl_compress() failed with status %i!\n", status);
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
   else if ((pMode[0] == 'd') || (pMode[0] == 'D'))
      // Decompression.
      uint infile_remaining = infile_size;

      tinfl_decompressor inflator;

      for ( ; ; )
         size_t in_bytes, out_bytes;
         tinfl_status status;
         if (!avail_in)
            // Input buffer is empty, so read more bytes from input file.
            uint n = my_min(IN_BUF_SIZE, infile_remaining);

            if (fread(s_inbuf, 1, n, pInfile) != n)
               printf("Failed reading from input file!\n");
               return EXIT_FAILURE;

            next_in = s_inbuf;
            avail_in = n;

            infile_remaining -= n;

         in_bytes = avail_in;
         out_bytes = avail_out;
         status = tinfl_decompress(&inflator, (const mz_uint8 *)next_in, &in_bytes, s_outbuf, (mz_uint8 *)next_out, &out_bytes, (infile_remaining ? TINFL_FLAG_HAS_MORE_INPUT : 0) | TINFL_FLAG_PARSE_ZLIB_HEADER);

         avail_in -= in_bytes;
         next_in = (const mz_uint8 *)next_in + in_bytes;
         total_in += in_bytes;

         avail_out -= out_bytes;
         next_out = (mz_uint8 *)next_out + out_bytes;
         total_out += out_bytes;

         if ((status <= TINFL_STATUS_DONE) || (!avail_out))
            // Output buffer is full, or decompression is done, so write buffer to output file.
            uint n = OUT_BUF_SIZE - (uint)avail_out;
            if (fwrite(s_outbuf, 1, n, pOutfile) != n)
               printf("Failed writing to output file!\n");
               return EXIT_FAILURE;
            next_out = s_outbuf;
            avail_out = OUT_BUF_SIZE;

         // If status is <= TINFL_STATUS_DONE then either decompression is done or something went wrong.
         if (status <= TINFL_STATUS_DONE)
            if (status == TINFL_STATUS_DONE)
               // Decompression completed successfully.
               // Decompression failed.
               printf("tinfl_decompress() failed with status %i!\n", status);
               return EXIT_FAILURE;
      printf("Invalid mode!\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   if (EOF == fclose(pOutfile))
      printf("Failed writing to output file!\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   printf("Total input bytes: %u\n", (mz_uint32)total_in);
   printf("Total output bytes: %u\n", (mz_uint32)total_out);
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #9
static void
parse_environment(args_info *args, char *argv0, const char *varname)
	char *env = getenv(varname);
	if (env == NULL)

	// We modify the string, so make a copy of it.
	env = xstrdup(env);

	// Calculate the number of arguments in env. argc stats at one
	// to include space for the program name.
	int argc = 1;
	bool prev_was_space = true;
	for (size_t i = 0; env[i] != '\0'; ++i) {
		// NOTE: Cast to unsigned char is needed so that correct
		// value gets passed to isspace(), which expects
		// unsigned char cast to int. Casting to int is done
		// automatically due to integer promotion, but we need to
		// force char to unsigned char manually. Otherwise 8-bit
		// characters would get promoted to wrong value if
		// char is signed.
		if (isspace((unsigned char)env[i])) {
			prev_was_space = true;
		} else if (prev_was_space) {
			prev_was_space = false;

			// Keep argc small enough to fit into a singed int
			// and to keep it usable for memory allocation.
			if (++argc == my_min(
					INT_MAX, SIZE_MAX / sizeof(char *)))
				message_fatal(_("The environment variable "
						"%s contains too many "
						"arguments"), varname);

	// Allocate memory to hold pointers to the arguments. Add one to get
	// space for the terminating NULL (if some systems happen to need it).
	char **argv = xmalloc(((size_t)(argc) + 1) * sizeof(char *));
	argv[0] = argv0;
	argv[argc] = NULL;

	// Go through the string again. Split the arguments using '\0'
	// characters and add pointers to the resulting strings to argv.
	argc = 1;
	prev_was_space = true;
	for (size_t i = 0; env[i] != '\0'; ++i) {
		if (isspace((unsigned char)env[i])) {
			prev_was_space = true;
			env[i] = '\0';
		} else if (prev_was_space) {
			prev_was_space = false;
			argv[argc++] = env + i;

	// Parse the argument list we got from the environment. All non-option
	// arguments i.e. filenames are ignored.
	parse_real(args, argc, argv);

	// Reset the state of the getopt_long() so that we can parse the
	// command line options too. There are two incompatible ways to
	// do it.
	// BSD
	optind = 1;
	optreset = 1;
	// GNU, Solaris
	optind = 0;

	// We don't need the argument list from environment anymore.

Example #10
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
  register struct nlist *s;
  register caddr_t strtab;
  register off_t stroff, symoff;
  register u_long symsize;
  register int cc;
  size_t strsize;
  struct nlist nbuf[1024];
  struct exec exec;
  struct stat st;
  int fd;
  int pageOffset;

  if ((fd = open (argv[1], O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
    fprintf (stderr, "could not open %s\n", argv[1]);
    return -1;
  if (lseek(fd, (off_t)0, SEEK_SET) == -1 ||
      read(fd, &exec, sizeof(exec)) != sizeof(exec) ||
      fstat(fd, &st) < 0) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Invalid binary file\n");
    return -1;
  if (N_BADMAG (exec) || N_GETMID (exec) != MID_I386) {
    fprintf (stderr, "invalid executable file N_BADMAG(exec) %d N_GETMID (exec) %d MID_I386 %d\n", N_BADMAG(exec), N_GETMID(exec), MID_I386);
    exit (1);
  if (N_GETFLAG (exec) & EX_DYNAMIC) {
    fprintf (stderr, "are you giving me a dynamically linked executable??\n");
    return -1;
  symoff = N_SYMOFF(exec);
  symsize = exec.a_syms;
  stroff = symoff + symsize;

#ifndef __linux__
  /* Check for files too large to mmap. */
  if (st.st_size - stroff > SIZE_T_MAX) {
    fprintf (stderr, "file too large\n");
    return -1;

   * Map string table into our address space.  This gives us
   * an easy way to randomly access all the strings, without
   * making the memory allocation permanent as with malloc/free
   * (i.e., munmap will return it to the system).
  strsize = st.st_size - stroff;
  pageOffset = stroff % 4096;
  stroff -= pageOffset;
  strsize += pageOffset;

  strtab = mmap(NULL, (size_t)strsize, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, stroff);
  if (strtab == (char *)-1) {
    warn ("could not mmap string table");
    return -1;
  strtab += pageOffset;
  strsize -= pageOffset;

  if (lseek(fd, symoff, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
    fprintf (stderr, "could not lseek to symbol table\n");
    return -1;

  while (symsize > 0) {
    int i;
    cc = my_min(symsize, sizeof(nbuf));
    if (read(fd, nbuf, cc) != cc)
    symsize -= cc;
    for (s = nbuf; cc > 0; ++s, cc -= sizeof(*s)) {
      register int soff = s->n_un.n_strx;

      if (soff == 0 || (s->n_type & N_STAB) != 0)
      for (i = 0; exclude[i]; i++) {
        if (!strcmp (&strtab[soff], exclude[i]))
          goto skip;
      /* hack to avoid symbol with name equal to tmp filename used
         to build us */
      if (strchr (&strtab[soff], '.') || strchr (&strtab[soff], '/'))
        goto skip;
      if (s->n_type & N_EXT) {
        printf ("\t.globl\t%s\n\t.set\t%s,0x%lx\n\t.weak\t%s\n\n",
                &strtab[soff], &strtab[soff], s->n_value, &strtab[soff]);
  munmap(strtab, strsize);
  return 0;
Example #11
/// \brief      Parse the Block Header
/// The result is stored into *bhi. The caller takes care of initializing it.
/// \return     False on success, true on error.
static bool
parse_block_header(file_pair *pair, const lzma_index_iter *iter,
		block_header_info *bhi, xz_file_info *xfi)

	// Get the whole Block Header with one read, but don't read past
	// the end of the Block (or even its Check field).
	const uint32_t size = my_min(iter->block.total_size
				- lzma_check_size(iter->stream.flags->check),
	io_buf buf;
	if (io_pread(pair, &buf, size, iter->block.compressed_file_offset))
		return true;

	// Zero would mean Index Indicator and thus not a valid Block.
	if (buf.u8[0] == 0)
		goto data_error;

	lzma_block block;
	lzma_filter filters[LZMA_FILTERS_MAX + 1];

	// Initialize the pointers so that they can be passed to free().
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(filters); ++i)
		filters[i].options = NULL;

	// Initialize the block structure and decode Block Header Size.
	block.version = 0;
	block.check = iter->stream.flags->check;
	block.filters = filters;

	block.header_size = lzma_block_header_size_decode(buf.u8[0]);
	if (block.header_size > size)
		goto data_error;

	// Decode the Block Header.
	switch (lzma_block_header_decode(&block, NULL, buf.u8)) {
	case LZMA_OK:

		message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,
		return true;

		goto data_error;


	// Check the Block Flags. These must be done before calling
	// lzma_block_compressed_size(), because it overwrites
	// block.compressed_size.
	bhi->flags[0] = block.compressed_size != LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN
			? 'c' : '-';
	bhi->flags[1] = block.uncompressed_size != LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN
			? 'u' : '-';
	bhi->flags[2] = '\0';

	// Collect information if all Blocks have both Compressed Size
	// and Uncompressed Size fields. They can be useful e.g. for
	// multi-threaded decompression so it can be useful to know it.
	xfi->all_have_sizes &= block.compressed_size != LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN
			&& block.uncompressed_size != LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN;

	// Validate or set block.compressed_size.
	switch (lzma_block_compressed_size(&block,
			iter->block.unpadded_size)) {
	case LZMA_OK:

		goto data_error;


	// Copy the known sizes.
	bhi->header_size = block.header_size;
	bhi->compressed_size = block.compressed_size;

	// Calculate the decoder memory usage and update the maximum
	// memory usage of this Block.
	bhi->memusage = lzma_raw_decoder_memusage(filters);
	if (xfi->memusage_max < bhi->memusage)
		xfi->memusage_max = bhi->memusage;

	// Convert the filter chain to human readable form.
	message_filters_to_str(bhi->filter_chain, filters, false);

	// Free the memory allocated by lzma_block_header_decode().
	for (size_t i = 0; filters[i].id != LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN; ++i)

	return false;

	// Show the error message.
	message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,

	// Free the memory allocated by lzma_block_header_decode().
	// This is truly needed only if we get here after a succcessful
	// call to lzma_block_header_decode() but it doesn't hurt to
	// always do it.
	for (size_t i = 0; filters[i].id != LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN; ++i)

	return true;
Example #12
/// \brief      Parse the Index(es) from the given .xz file
/// \param      xfi     Pointer to structure where the decoded information
///                     is stored.
/// \param      pair    Input file
/// \return     On success, false is returned. On error, true is returned.
// TODO: This function is pretty big. liblzma should have a function that
// takes a callback function to parse the Index(es) from a .xz file to make
// it easy for applications.
static bool
parse_indexes(xz_file_info *xfi, file_pair *pair)
	if (pair->src_st.st_size <= 0) {
		message_error(_("%s: File is empty"), pair->src_name);
		return true;

	if (pair->src_st.st_size < 2 * LZMA_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE) {
		message_error(_("%s: Too small to be a valid .xz file"),
		return true;

	io_buf buf;
	lzma_stream_flags header_flags;
	lzma_stream_flags footer_flags;
	lzma_ret ret;

	// lzma_stream for the Index decoder
	lzma_stream strm = LZMA_STREAM_INIT;

	// All Indexes decoded so far
	lzma_index *combined_index = NULL;

	// The Index currently being decoded
	lzma_index *this_index = NULL;

	// Current position in the file. We parse the file backwards so
	// initialize it to point to the end of the file.
	off_t pos = pair->src_st.st_size;

	// Each loop iteration decodes one Index.
	do {
		// Check that there is enough data left to contain at least
		// the Stream Header and Stream Footer. This check cannot
		// fail in the first pass of this loop.
		if (pos < 2 * LZMA_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE) {
			message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,
			goto error;

		lzma_vli stream_padding = 0;

		// Locate the Stream Footer. There may be Stream Padding which
		// we must skip when reading backwards.
		while (true) {
				message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,
				goto error;

			if (io_pread(pair, &buf,
				goto error;

			// Stream Padding is always a multiple of four bytes.
			int i = 2;
			if (buf.u32[i] != 0)

			// To avoid calling io_pread() for every four bytes
			// of Stream Padding, take advantage that we read
			// 12 bytes (LZMA_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE) already and
			// check them too before calling io_pread() again.
			do {
				stream_padding += 4;
				pos -= 4;
			} while (i >= 0 && buf.u32[i] == 0);

		// Decode the Stream Footer.
		ret = lzma_stream_footer_decode(&footer_flags, buf.u8);
		if (ret != LZMA_OK) {
			message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,
			goto error;

		// Check that the size of the Index field looks sane.
		lzma_vli index_size = footer_flags.backward_size;
		if ((lzma_vli)(pos) < index_size + LZMA_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE) {
			message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,
			goto error;

		// Set pos to the beginning of the Index.
		pos -= index_size;

		// See how much memory we can use for decoding this Index.
		uint64_t memlimit = hardware_memlimit_get(MODE_LIST);
		uint64_t memused = 0;
		if (combined_index != NULL) {
			memused = lzma_index_memused(combined_index);
			if (memused > memlimit)

			memlimit -= memused;

		// Decode the Index.
		ret = lzma_index_decoder(&strm, &this_index, memlimit);
		if (ret != LZMA_OK) {
			message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,
			goto error;

		do {
			// Don't give the decoder more input than the
			// Index size.
			strm.avail_in = my_min(IO_BUFFER_SIZE, index_size);
			if (io_pread(pair, &buf, strm.avail_in, pos))
				goto error;

			pos += strm.avail_in;
			index_size -= strm.avail_in;

			strm.next_in = buf.u8;
			ret = lzma_code(&strm, LZMA_RUN);

		} while (ret == LZMA_OK);

		// If the decoding seems to be successful, check also that
		// the Index decoder consumed as much input as indicated
		// by the Backward Size field.
		if (ret == LZMA_STREAM_END)
			if (index_size != 0 || strm.avail_in != 0)
				ret = LZMA_DATA_ERROR;

		if (ret != LZMA_STREAM_END) {
			// LZMA_BUFFER_ERROR means that the Index decoder
			// would have liked more input than what the Index
			// size should be according to Stream Footer.
			// The message for LZMA_DATA_ERROR makes more
			// sense in that case.
			if (ret == LZMA_BUF_ERROR)
				ret = LZMA_DATA_ERROR;

			message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,

			// If the error was too low memory usage limit,
			// show also how much memory would have been needed.
			if (ret == LZMA_MEMLIMIT_ERROR) {
				uint64_t needed = lzma_memusage(&strm);
				if (UINT64_MAX - needed < memused)
					needed = UINT64_MAX;
					needed += memused;

				message_mem_needed(V_ERROR, needed);

			goto error;

		// Decode the Stream Header and check that its Stream Flags
		// match the Stream Footer.
		pos -= footer_flags.backward_size + LZMA_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE;
		if ((lzma_vli)(pos) < lzma_index_total_size(this_index)) {
			message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,
			goto error;

		pos -= lzma_index_total_size(this_index);
		if (io_pread(pair, &buf, LZMA_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE, pos))
			goto error;

		ret = lzma_stream_header_decode(&header_flags, buf.u8);
		if (ret != LZMA_OK) {
			message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,
			goto error;

		ret = lzma_stream_flags_compare(&header_flags, &footer_flags);
		if (ret != LZMA_OK) {
			message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,
			goto error;

		// Store the decoded Stream Flags into this_index. This is
		// needed so that we can print which Check is used in each
		// Stream.
		ret = lzma_index_stream_flags(this_index, &footer_flags);
		if (ret != LZMA_OK)

		// Store also the size of the Stream Padding field. It is
		// needed to show the offsets of the Streams correctly.
		ret = lzma_index_stream_padding(this_index, stream_padding);
		if (ret != LZMA_OK)

		if (combined_index != NULL) {
			// Append the earlier decoded Indexes
			// after this_index.
			ret = lzma_index_cat(
					this_index, combined_index, NULL);
			if (ret != LZMA_OK) {
				message_error("%s: %s", pair->src_name,
				goto error;

		combined_index = this_index;
		this_index = NULL;

		xfi->stream_padding += stream_padding;

	} while (pos > 0);


	// All OK. Make combined_index available to the caller.
	xfi->idx = combined_index;
	return false;

	// Something went wrong, free the allocated memory.
	lzma_index_end(combined_index, NULL);
	lzma_index_end(this_index, NULL);
	return true;
Example #13
/* Actually save the PostScript data to the file stream: */
int do_ps_save(FILE * fi,
		// const char *restrict const fname,
		const char * fname,
		SDL_Surface * surf,
		char * pprsize,
                int is_pipe)
  const struct paper * ppr;
  int img_w = surf->w;
  int img_h = surf->h;
  int r_img_w, r_img_h;
  int ppr_w, ppr_h;
  int x, y;
  float tlate_x, tlate_y;
  int cur_line_len;
  int plane;
  Uint8 r, g, b;
  char buf[256];
  Uint32(*getpixel) (SDL_Surface *, int, int) =
  int printed_img_w, printed_img_h;
  time_t t = time(NULL);
  int rotate;
  float scale;

  /* Determine paper size: */

  paperinit(); // FIXME: Should we do this at startup? -bjk 2007.06.25

  if (pprsize == NULL)
    /* User did not request a specific paper size (on command-line or
       in config file), ask the system.  It will return either their
       $PAPER env. var., the value from /etc/papersize, or NULL: */

    pprsize = (char *) systempapername();

    if (pprsize == NULL)
      /* No setting, env. var. or /etc/ file; use the default! */

      pprsize = (char *) defaultpapername();

#ifdef DEBUG
      printf("Using default paper\n");
#ifdef DEBUG
      printf("Using system paper\n");
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Using user paper\n");
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Using paper size: %s\n", pprsize);

  /* Determine attributes of paper of the size chosen/determined: */

  ppr = paperinfo(pprsize);

  ppr_w = paperpswidth(ppr);
  ppr_h = paperpsheight(ppr);

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Paper is %d x %d (%.2f\" x %.2f\")\n", ppr_w, ppr_h,
	 (float) ppr_w / 72.0, (float) ppr_h / 72.0);

  paperdone(); // FIXME: Should we do this at quit? -bjk 2007.06.25

  /* Determine whether it's best to rotate the image: */

  if ((ppr_w >= ppr_h && img_w >= img_h) ||
      (ppr_w <= ppr_h && img_w <= img_h))
    rotate = 0;
    r_img_w = img_w;
    r_img_h = img_h;
    rotate = 1;
    r_img_w = img_h;
    r_img_h = img_w;

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Image is %d x %d\n", img_w, img_h);
  printf("Rotated? %s\n", rotate ? "yes" : "no");
  printf("Will print %d x %d pixels\n", r_img_w, r_img_h);

  /* Determine scale: */

  scale = my_min(((float) (ppr_w - (MARGIN * 2)) / (float) r_img_w),
         ((float) (ppr_h - (MARGIN * 2)) / (float) r_img_h));

  printed_img_w = r_img_w * scale;
  printed_img_h = r_img_h * scale;

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Scaling image by %.2f (to %d x %d)\n", scale,
	 printed_img_w, printed_img_h);

  // FIXME - doesn't seem to center well -bjk 2007.06.25
  tlate_x = (ppr_w - printed_img_w) / 2;
  tlate_y = (ppr_h - printed_img_h) / 2;

  /* Based off of output from "pnmtops", Tux Paint 0.9.15 thru
     0.9.17 CVS as of June 2007, and Adobe Systems Incorporated's
     'PostScript(r) Language Reference, 3rd Ed.' */

  /* Begin PostScript output with some useful meta info in comments: */

  fprintf(fi, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n"); // we need LanguageLevel2 for color

  fprintf(fi, "%%%%Title: (%s)\n", fname);

  strftime(buf, sizeof buf - 1, "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime(&t));
  fprintf(fi, "%%%%CreationDate: (%s)\n", buf);

  fprintf(fi, "%%%%Creator: (Tux Paint " VER_VERSION ", " VER_DATE ")\n");

  fprintf(fi, "%%%%Pages: 1\n");

  fprintf(fi, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n", (int) (ppr_w + 0.5), (int)
(ppr_h + 0.5));

  fprintf(fi, "%%%%EndComments\n");

  /* Define a 'readstring' routine and 'picstr' routines for RGB: */

  fprintf(fi, "/readstring {\n");
  fprintf(fi, "  currentfile exch readhexstring pop\n");
  fprintf(fi, "} bind def\n");

  fprintf(fi, "/rpicstr %d string def\n", img_w);
  fprintf(fi, "/gpicstr %d string def\n", img_w);
  fprintf(fi, "/bpicstr %d string def\n", img_w);

  fprintf(fi, "%%%%EndProlog\n");

  fprintf(fi, "%%%%Page: 1 1\n");

  fprintf(fi, "<< /PageSize [ %d %d ] /ImagingBBox null >> setpagedevice\n",
              ppr_w, ppr_h);

  fprintf(fi, "gsave\n");

  /* 'translate' moves the user space origin to a new position with
  respect to the current page, leaving the orientation of the axes and
  the unit lengths unchanged. */
  fprintf(fi, "%d.%02d %d.%02d translate\n",
	  f2int(tlate_x), f2dec(tlate_x),
	  f2int(tlate_y), f2dec(tlate_y));

  /* 'scale' modifies the unit lengths independently along the current
  x and y axes, leaving the origin location and the orientation of the
  axes unchanged. */
  fprintf(fi, "%d.%02d %d.%02d scale\n",
          f2int(printed_img_w), f2dec(printed_img_w),
          f2int(printed_img_h), f2dec(printed_img_h));

  /* Rotate the image */
  if (rotate)
    fprintf(fi, "0.5 0.5 translate  90 rotate  -0.5 -0.5 translate\n");

  fprintf(fi, "%d %d 8\n", img_w, img_h);
  fprintf(fi, "[ %d 0 0 %d 0 %d ]\n", img_w, -img_h, img_h);

  fprintf(fi, "{ rpicstr readstring }\n");
  fprintf(fi, "{ gpicstr readstring }\n");
  fprintf(fi, "{ bpicstr readstring }\n");

  fprintf(fi, "true 3\n");

  fprintf(fi, "colorimage\n");

  cur_line_len = 0;

  for (y = 0; y < img_h; y++)
    for (plane = 0; plane < 3; plane++)
      for (x = 0; x < img_w; x++)
        SDL_GetRGB(getpixel(surf, x, y), surf->format, &r, &g, &b);
        fprintf(fi, "%02x", (plane == 0 ? r : (plane == 1 ? g : b)));

        if (cur_line_len >= 30)
          fprintf(fi, "\n");
          cur_line_len = 0;

  fprintf(fi, "\n");
  fprintf(fi, "grestore\n");
  fprintf(fi, "showpage\n");
  fprintf(fi, "%%%%Trailer\n");
  fprintf(fi, "%%%%EOF\n");

  if (!is_pipe)
    return 1;
    pid_t child_pid, w;
    int status;

    child_pid = pclose(fi);

/* debug */
    printf("pclose returned %d\n", child_pid); fflush(stdout);
    printf("errno = %d\n", errno); fflush(stdout);

    if (child_pid < 0 || (errno != 0 && errno != EAGAIN)) { /* FIXME: This right? */
      return 0;
    } else if (child_pid == 0) {
      return 1;

      w = waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0);

/* debug */
            if (w == -1) { perror("waitpid"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
            if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
                printf("exited, status=%d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));
            } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
                printf("killed by signal %d\n", WTERMSIG(status));
            } else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
                printf("stopped by signal %d\n", WSTOPSIG(status));
            } else if (WIFCONTINUED(status)) {
    while (w != -1 && !WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status));

    if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) /* Not happy exit */
      return 0;

    return 1;
Example #14
void alloc_and_load_rr_indexed_data (t_segment_inf *segment_inf,
        int num_segment, int **rr_node_indices, int nodes_per_chan,
        int wire_to_ipin_switch, enum e_base_cost_type base_cost_type) {

/* Allocates the rr_indexed_data array and loads it with appropriate values. *
 * It currently stores the segment type (or OPEN if the index doesn't        *
 * correspond to an CHANX or CHANY type), the base cost of nodes of that     *
 * type, and some info to allow rapid estimates of time to get to a target   *
 * to be computed by the router.                                             */

/* Right now all SOURCES have the same base cost; and similarly there's only *
 * one base cost for each of SINKs, OPINs, and IPINs (four total).  This can *
 * be changed just by allocating more space in the array below and changing  *
 * the cost_index values for these rr_nodes, if you want to make some pins   *
 * etc. more expensive than others.  I give each segment type in an          *
 * x-channel its own cost_index, and each segment type in a y-channel its    *
 * own cost_index.                                                           */

 int iseg, length, i, index;

 num_rr_indexed_data = CHANX_COST_INDEX_START + 2 * num_segment;
 rr_indexed_data = (t_rr_indexed_data *) my_malloc (num_rr_indexed_data *
                 sizeof (t_rr_indexed_data));

/* For rr_types that aren't CHANX or CHANY, base_cost is valid, but most     *
 * other fields are invalid.  For IPINs, the T_linear field is also valid;   *
 * all other fields are invalid.  For SOURCES, SINKs and OPINs, all fields   *
 * other than base_cost are invalid. Mark invalid fields as OPEN for safety. */

    rr_indexed_data[i].ortho_cost_index = OPEN;
    rr_indexed_data[i].seg_index = OPEN;
    rr_indexed_data[i].inv_length = OPEN;
    rr_indexed_data[i].T_linear = OPEN;
    rr_indexed_data[i].T_quadratic = OPEN;
    rr_indexed_data[i].C_load = OPEN;

 rr_indexed_data[IPIN_COST_INDEX].T_linear =

/* X-directed segments. */

 for (iseg=0;iseg<num_segment;iseg++) {
    index = CHANX_COST_INDEX_START + iseg;

    rr_indexed_data[index].ortho_cost_index = index + num_segment;

    if (segment_inf[iseg].longline)
       length = nx;
       length = my_min(segment_inf[iseg].length, nx);

    rr_indexed_data[index].inv_length = 1./length;
    rr_indexed_data[index].seg_index = iseg;

 load_rr_indexed_data_T_values (CHANX_COST_INDEX_START, num_segment, CHANX,
        nodes_per_chan, rr_node_indices, segment_inf);

/* Y-directed segments. */

 for (iseg=0;iseg<num_segment;iseg++) {
    index = CHANX_COST_INDEX_START + num_segment + iseg;

    rr_indexed_data[index].ortho_cost_index = index - num_segment;

    if (segment_inf[iseg].longline)
       length = ny;
       length = my_min(segment_inf[iseg].length, ny);

    rr_indexed_data[index].inv_length = 1./length;
    rr_indexed_data[index].seg_index = iseg;

 load_rr_indexed_data_T_values (CHANX_COST_INDEX_START + num_segment,
          num_segment, CHANY, nodes_per_chan, rr_node_indices, segment_inf);

 load_rr_indexed_data_base_costs (nodes_per_chan, rr_node_indices,
          base_cost_type, wire_to_ipin_switch);
