Example #1
void	write_vm(t_arena *arena, int addr, t_conv reg, int id)
  int	i;

  i = 0;
  while (i < 4)
      arena->arena[my_mod((addr + i), MEM_SIZE)] = reg.octet[3 - i];
      arena->color[my_mod((addr + i), MEM_SIZE)] = id;
Example #2
int GetRerverseMod(int m,int n)
	int r = m;
	for (; ; )
		int q = r;
		r *= m;
		r = my_mod(r,n);
		if (r == 1)
			r = q;
	return my_mod(r,n);
Example #3
int		get_val(char type, char *values, t_arena *arena, t_proc *proc)
  t_conv	val;
  char		*ind_val;
  int		addr;

  val.integer = 0;
  if (type == A_REG)
      if (is_valid_reg(type, values[0]))
	val.integer = proc->reg[values[0] - 1];
	val.integer = 0;
  if (type == A_DIR || type == A_IND)
      val.integer = oct_to_int(values);
      if (type == A_IND)
	  addr = my_mod((proc->pc + (val.integer % IDX_MOD)), MEM_SIZE);
	  ind_val = get_value_index(&addr, arena);
	  val.integer = oct_to_int(ind_val);
  return (val.integer);
Example #4
/* List a vector of LREAL values for the given index range */
void blockWriteLREAL(FILE *output, char *label, LREAL *vector, int first, int last)
  int i, k = 0;

  fprintf(output, "%s", label);
  fprintf(output, "\n");
  for(i = first; i <= last; i++) {
    fprintf(output, " %18g", vector[i]);
    if(my_mod(k, 4) == 0) {
      fprintf(output, "\n");
      k = 0;
  if(my_mod(k, 4) != 0)
    fprintf(output, "\n");
Example #5
/* List the current basis matrix columns over the selected row range */
void blockWriteBMAT(FILE *output, const char *label, lprec* lp, int first, int last)
  int    i, j, jb, k = 0;
  double hold;

  if(first < 0)
    first = 0;
  if(last < 0)
    last = lp->rows;

  fprintf(output, "%s", label);
  fprintf(output, "\n");

  for(i = first; i <= last; i++) {
    for(j = 1; j <= lp->rows; j++) {
      jb = lp->var_basic[j];
      if(jb <= lp->rows) {
        if(jb == i)
          hold = 1;
          hold = 0;
        hold = get_mat(lp, i, j);
      if(i == 0)
        modifyOF1(lp, jb, &hold, 1);
      hold = unscaled_mat(lp, hold, i, jb);
      fprintf(output, " %18g", hold);
      if(my_mod(k, 4) == 0) {
        fprintf(output, "\n");
        k = 0;
    if(my_mod(k, 4) != 0) {
      fprintf(output, "\n");
      k = 0;
  if(my_mod(k, 4) != 0)
    fprintf(output, "\n");
Example #6
int my_pow_mod(int m,int n,int q)
	int r = 1;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < n ; i++)
		r = r * m;
		r = my_mod(r,q);
	return r;
Example #7
static void computeEntry(Matrix::wo_accessor &N_acc, int dx, int dy, int dz, double delta_x, double delta_y, double delta_z, int exp_x, int exp_y, int exp_z)
	// get distance (dx,dy,dz) in meters
	const double diff_x = dx * delta_x;
	const double diff_y = dy * delta_y;
	const double diff_z = dz * delta_z;

	// insert components
	const double Nxx = demag_coeff::getN<double>(0, diff_x, diff_y, diff_z, delta_x, delta_y, delta_z);
	const double Nxy = demag_coeff::getN<double>(1, diff_x, diff_y, diff_z, delta_x, delta_y, delta_z);
	const double Nxz = demag_coeff::getN<double>(2, diff_x, diff_y, diff_z, delta_x, delta_y, delta_z);
	const double Nyy = demag_coeff::getN<double>(4, diff_x, diff_y, diff_z, delta_x, delta_y, delta_z);
	const double Nyz = demag_coeff::getN<double>(5, diff_x, diff_y, diff_z, delta_x, delta_y, delta_z);
	const double Nzz = demag_coeff::getN<double>(8, diff_x, diff_y, diff_z, delta_x, delta_y, delta_z);

	// loop through all octants
	// (X,Y,Z): position in demag tensor matrix for given octants (qx,qy,qz)
	for (int qz=-1; qz<=1; qz+=2) {
		const int Z = my_mod(qz*dz, exp_z); 
		if (Z == 0 && qz != 1) continue;

		for (int qy=-1; qy<=1; qy+=2) {
			const int Y = my_mod(qy*dy, exp_y); 
			if (Y == 0 && qy != 1) continue;

			for (int qx=-1; qx<=1; qx+=2) {
				const int X = my_mod(qx*dx, exp_x); 
				if (X == 0 && qx != 1) continue;
				// fill octants
				N_acc.at(0, X,Y,Z) +=       Nxx; // even in x,y,z
				N_acc.at(1, X,Y,Z) += qx*qy*Nxy; // odd in x,y, even in z
				N_acc.at(2, X,Y,Z) += qx*qz*Nxz; // odd in x,z, even in y
				N_acc.at(3, X,Y,Z) +=       Nyy; // even in x,y,z
				N_acc.at(4, X,Y,Z) += qy*qz*Nyz; // odd in y,z, even in x
				N_acc.at(5, X,Y,Z) +=       Nzz; // even in x,y,z
Example #8
int isPrime(int a)
	int b = 2;
	while(b*b <= a)
		if (my_mod(a,b) == 0)
			return 0;
	return 1;
Example #9
int		aff(t_proc *proc, t_arena *arena)
  char		**params;
  int		reg;

  params = get_params(op_tab[15].nbr_args, arena, increase_pc(proc->pc, 1));
  if (!is_valid_reg(params[TYPE_P][0], params[1][0]))
    return (err_instr(params, op_tab[15].nbr_args));
  reg = proc->reg[params[1][0] - 1];
  my_printf("%c\n", my_mod(reg, 256));
  free_params(params, op_tab[15].nbr_args);
  proc->cycle_dodo = op_tab[15].nbr_cycles;
  return (1);
Example #10
int sc_main(int argc, char *argv[])
  std::cout << "in sc_main\n";

  // Instanciate a container module to load Python scripts
  gs::script::GreenScriptModule gs_module("gs_module", "simple.py");
  std::cout << "added a Python interpreter\n";

  mod my_mod("dumdum");
  std::cout << "added a dummy C++ component\n";


  std::cout << "sc_main completed simulation and exiting\n";

  return 0;
Example #11
int findPrime(Prime *p,int n)
	int nAddNum = 1;
	while (nAddNum < n)
		int len = p->ne - p->ns + 1;
		if (p->size <= len)
			int size = 2*p->size;
			int *pn = (int*)malloc(size*sizeof(int));
			if (pn == NULL)
				return 0;
			p->ns = pn;
			p->ne = p->ns + len - 1;
			p->size = size;
		nAddNum = *p->ne + 1;
		while(nAddNum < n)
			int *pPrime = p->ns;
			int bHaveFoundPrime = 1;
			for(;*pPrime * *pPrime<=nAddNum;)
				if (my_mod(nAddNum,*pPrime) == 0)
					bHaveFoundPrime = 0;
			if (bHaveFoundPrime)
				*p->ne = nAddNum;
	return 1;
Example #12
int		lfork(t_proc *proc, t_arena *arena)
  t_conv	val;
  int		i;
  int		j;
  int		addr;

  i = increase_pc(proc->pc, 1);
  j = 0;
  while (j < 4)
      val.octet[3 - j] = arena->arena[i];
      i = increase_pc(i, 1);
  addr = my_mod((proc->pc + val.integer), MEM_SIZE);
  add_proc_vm(proc, addr);
  proc->cycle_dodo = op_tab[14].nbr_cycles;
  return (5);
Example #13
int		zjmp(t_proc *proc, t_arena *arena)
  int		i;
  int		j;
  t_conv	conv;

  if (proc->carry == 0)
      proc->cycle_dodo = op_tab[8].nbr_cycles;
      return (5);
  i = increase_pc(proc->pc, 1);
  j = 0;
  while (j < 4)
      conv.octet[3 - j] = arena->arena[i];
      i = increase_pc(i, 1);
  proc->pc = my_mod((proc->pc + (conv.integer % IDX_MOD)), MEM_SIZE);
  proc->cycle_dodo = op_tab[8].nbr_cycles;
  return (0);
Example #14
/* List the current user data matrix columns over the selected row range */
void blockWriteAMAT(FILE *output, const char *label, lprec* lp, int first, int last)
  int    i, j, k = 0;
  int    nzb, nze, jb;
  double hold;
  MATrec *mat = lp->matA;

  if(first < 0)
    first = 0;
  if(last < 0)
    last = lp->rows;

  fprintf(output, "%s", label);
  fprintf(output, "\n");

  if(first == 0) {
    for(j = 1; j <= lp->columns; j++) {
      hold = get_mat(lp, 0, j);
      fprintf(output, " %18g", hold);
      if(my_mod(k, 4) == 0) {
        fprintf(output, "\n");
        k = 0;
    if(my_mod(k, 4) != 0) {
      fprintf(output, "\n");
      k = 0;
  nze = mat->row_end[first-1];
  for(i = first; i <= last; i++) {
    nzb = nze;
    nze = mat->row_end[i];
    if(nzb >= nze)
      jb = lp->columns+1;
      jb = ROW_MAT_COLNR(nzb);
    for(j = 1; j <= lp->columns; j++) {
      if(j < jb)
        hold = 0;
      else {
        hold = get_mat(lp, i, j);
        if(nzb < nze)
          jb = ROW_MAT_COLNR(nzb);
          jb = lp->columns+1;
      fprintf(output, " %18g", hold);
      if(my_mod(k, 4) == 0) {
        fprintf(output, "\n");
        k = 0;
    if(my_mod(k, 4) != 0) {
      fprintf(output, "\n");
      k = 0;
  if(my_mod(k, 4) != 0)
    fprintf(output, "\n");
Example #15
  Original Author: Martin Janssen, Synopsys, Inc., 2002-03-22



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// test of missing sc_module_name ctor parameter error

#include "systemc.h"

SC_MODULE( my_mod )
    my_mod() {}

sc_main( int, char*[] )
    my_mod m;

    return 0;