//Custom down void down(Semaphore *s){ pthread_t thread; thread = pthread_self(); //get the currently running thread enter_region(thread); if(thread == prod_thread){ //if producer s->val -= 1; if(s->val < 0){ //Save wake signal then sleep s->sig = PROD_SIGNAL; leave_region(thread); my_sleep(PROD_SIGNAL); } } else if (thread == cons_thread){ //if consumer s->val -= 1; if(s->val < 0){ //save wake signal then sleep s->sig = CONS_SIGNAL; leave_region(thread); my_sleep(CONS_SIGNAL); } } leave_region(thread); //catchall }
// Nico, delayed map change check function (thread) void *G_delayed_map_change_watcher(void *arg) { int count = 0; int limit = 10; // Nico, in seconds int timeLeft = 0; // Nico, silent GCC (void)arg; while (!level.delayedMapChange.disabledWatcher) { if (level.time && level.delayedMapChange.timeChange) { // There is a delayed change if (level.time >= level.delayedMapChange.timeChange) { // Nico, do we have to wait for some threads to finish their work? while (activeThreadsCounter > 0 && count < limit) { threadingAllowed = qfalse; G_DPrintf("%s: waiting for %d thread%s before changing map\n", GAME_VERSION, activeThreadsCounter, activeThreadsCounter > 1 ? "s" : ""); my_sleep(1000); // Nico, sleep for 1sec count++; } if (count >= limit) { G_Error("%s: warning, threads waiting timeout reached (threads: %d)", GAME_VERSION, activeThreadsCounter); } G_DPrintf("%s: changing map now!\n", GAME_VERSION); trap_SendConsoleCommand(EXEC_APPEND, va("map %s\n", level.delayedMapChange.passedVote)); break; } else { timeLeft = (level.delayedMapChange.timeChange - level.time) / 1000; // Print incomming map change every 5 secs if (timeLeft % 5 == 0) { G_DPrintf("%s: map change to %s in %d sec%s\n", GAME_VERSION, level.delayedMapChange.passedVote, timeLeft, timeLeft > 1 ? "s" : ""); } // Announce incomming map to players switch (timeLeft) { case 600: AP(va("cpm \"%s^w: map will be changed to ^Z%s ^win ^D10 ^wmins\n\"", GAME_VERSION_COLORED, level.delayedMapChange.passedVote)); break; case 300: AP(va("cpm \"%s^w: map will be changed to ^Z%s ^win ^D5 ^wmins\n\"", GAME_VERSION_COLORED, level.delayedMapChange.passedVote)); break; case 120: AP(va("cpm \"%s^w: map will be changed to ^Z%s ^win ^D2 ^wmins\n\"", GAME_VERSION_COLORED, level.delayedMapChange.passedVote)); break; case 60: AP(va("cpm \"%s^w: map will be changed to ^Z%s ^win ^D1 ^wmin\n\"", GAME_VERSION_COLORED, level.delayedMapChange.passedVote)); break; case 30: AP(va("cpm \"%s^w: map will be changed to ^Z%s ^win ^D30 ^wsecs\n\"", GAME_VERSION_COLORED, level.delayedMapChange.passedVote)); break; } } } my_sleep(999); } return NULL; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { my_sleep(10); set_background_priority(NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS); set_background_priority(BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS); my_sleep(500); return 0; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PyObject* pybm_mid_set_radio_state(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { if (g_midState == UNDEFINED) { if (g_midErrorCallback) g_midErrorCallback("Current radio state is inknown !"); return NULL; } // get state one would like to set hte radio to unsigned current = mid_getRadioState(); unsigned state = current; //unsigned char notify = true; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &state)) return NULL; //if (state != current) { // depending on current state, we need to emulate MODE button press if ((current == RADIO_RADIO && state == RADIO_CD) || (current == RADIO_CD && state == RADIO_TAPE) || (current == RADIO_TAPE && state == RADIO_RADIO)) { // send one MODE press event MODE_PRESS(); MODE_RELEASE(); }else if ((current == RADIO_RADIO && state == RADIO_TAPE) || (current == RADIO_CD && state == RADIO_RADIO)|| (current == RADIO_TAPE && state == RADIO_CD)) { MODE_PRESS(); MODE_RELEASE(); my_sleep(50); MODE_PRESS(); MODE_RELEASE(); }else { MODE_PRESS(); MODE_RELEASE(); my_sleep(50); MODE_PRESS(); MODE_RELEASE(); my_sleep(50); MODE_PRESS(); MODE_RELEASE(); } } // if notify is set, then call callbacks //if (notify && g_midForceRadioStateChangeCallback) //{ // g_midForceRadioStateChangeCallback(); //} // return void Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; }
int test_omp_task() { int tids[NUM_TASKS]; int i; #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp single { for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) { /* First we have to store the value of the loop index in a new variable * which will be private for each task because otherwise it will be overwritten * if the execution of the task takes longer than the time which is needed to * enter the next step of the loop! */ int myi; myi = i; #pragma omp task { my_sleep (SLEEPTIME); tids[myi] = omp_get_thread_num(); } /* end of omp task */ } /* end of for */ } /* end of single */ } /*end of parallel */ /* Now we ckeck if more than one thread executed the tasks. */ for (i = 1; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) { if (tids[0] != tids[i]) return 1; } return 0; } /* end of check_parallel_for_private */
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) /*******************************************************************/ { int fd; struct termios oldtio, newtio; fd = open(MODEMDEVICE, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\n[NET32] : Serial FD Open fail "); fflush(stderr); perror(MODEMDEVICE); system("reboot"); } if (tcgetattr(fd, &oldtio) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\n[NET32] : error in tcgetattr "); fflush(stderr); system("reboot"); } bzero(&newtio, sizeof(newtio)); newtio.c_cflag = BAUDRATE | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR; newtio.c_oflag = 0; newtio.c_lflag = 0; newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH); tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &newtio); while(1) { my_sleep(5,0); } }
void mylock::get(ulonglong id, int milisecond) { int hash = id % MY_LOCK_HASH_SIZE; redo: bool locked = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexs_[hash]); map<ulonglong, int>::iterator iter; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&map_rwlock_); if ((iter = locks_.find(id)) != locks_.end()) { if (iter->second > 0) { locked = true; } } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&map_rwlock_); if (!locked) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&map_rwlock_); locks_[id] = 1; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&map_rwlock_); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexs_[hash]); if (locked) { my_sleep(milisecond * 1000); goto redo; } }
/* Starts up the calendar thread. */ void *startup_timer_thread(void *arg) { time_t justone = 0, trottime = 0; statistics_t trotstat; mythread_t *mt; thread_init(); mt = thread_get_mythread(); while (thread_alive (mt)) { time_t stime = get_time(); timer_handle_status_lines (stime); timer_handle_transfer_statistics (stime, &trottime, &justone, &trotstat); if (mt->ping == 1) mt->ping = 0; my_sleep(400000); } thread_exit(7); return NULL; }
int radio_init() { #ifdef _WIN32 // This turns off the error dialog that Windows throws up. // Just a time saver when you're debugging a crashy program. DWORD dwMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX); SetErrorMode(dwMode | SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX); #endif #ifdef __linux signal(SIGSEGV, my_handler); signal(SIGABRT, my_handler); #endif // initialize and open the rtlsdr device. radio.set_name("radio"); int dev_count = radio.list_rtl_devices(); int index = 0; if (index >= dev_count) { std::cerr << "-err-- no such device index" << std::endl;; exit(-1); } radio.open_rtl_device(index); pthread_t dsp_thread; pthread_t rtl_thread; pthread_create(&dsp_thread,NULL,dsp_thread_fn,&radio); pthread_create(&rtl_thread,NULL,rtl_thread_fn,&radio); my_sleep(100); }
int LshttpdMain::testRunningServer() { int count = 0; int ret; do { ret = m_pidFile.lockPidFile( PID_FILE ); if ( ret ) { if (( ret == -2 )&&( errno == EACCES || errno == EAGAIN )) { ++count; if ( count >= 10 ) { perr("LiteSpeed Web Server is running!" ); return 2; } my_sleep( 100 ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "[ERROR] Failed to write to pid file:%s!\n", PID_FILE ); return ret; } } else break; }while( true ); return ret; }
int main() { int semid,shmid; char *shmaddr=NULL; if((shmid=createshm(".",'m',SHM_SIZE))==-1) { exit(1); } if((shmaddr=shmat(shmid,(char*)0,0))==(char *)-1) { perror("attach shared memory error\n"); exit(1); } if((semid=opensem(".",'s'))==-1) { exit(1); } while(1) { waitsem(semid,0); p(semid,0); printf("reader:"); printf("%s\n",shmaddr); my_sleep(5); v(semid,0); // my_sleep(5); } }
int main(void) { struct timeval begintime, endtime; float elapsed; unsigned int rest; // 设置 SIGUSR1 的信号处理函数,不设置的话 SIGUSR1 信号不能从 pause 函数中唤醒进程 if (signal(SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler) == SIG_ERR) { perror("can't set handler for SIGUSR1"); exit(1); } printf("the first time\n"); printf("before sleeping\n"); gettimeofday(&begintime, NULL); my_sleep(10); printf("after sleep\n"); gettimeofday(&endtime, NULL); elapsed = 1000000 * (endtime.tv_sec - begintime.tv_sec) + endtime.tv_usec - begintime.tv_usec; elapsed /= 1000000; printf("elapsed time is %f\n", elapsed); printf("the second time \n"); printf("before sleeping\n"); gettimeofday(&begintime, NULL); rest = my_sleep(20); printf("after sleep\n"); gettimeofday(&endtime, NULL); elapsed = 1000000 * (endtime.tv_sec - begintime.tv_sec) + endtime.tv_usec - begintime.tv_usec; elapsed /= 1000000; printf("actual sleeping-time is %f\n", elapsed); printf("the rest is %u\n", rest); return 0; }
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_node_NodeDynamicProxyClass_callJs(JNIEnv *env, jobject src, jlong ptr, jobject method, jobjectArray args) { threadId myThreadId = my_getThreadId(); bool hasArgsGlobalRef = false; // args needs to be global, you can't send env across thread boundaries DynamicProxyData* dynamicProxyData = (DynamicProxyData*)ptr; dynamicProxyData->args = args; dynamicProxyData->done = false; dynamicProxyData->result = NULL; dynamicProxyData->throwableClass = ""; dynamicProxyData->throwableMessage = ""; jclass methodClazz = env->FindClass("java/lang/reflect/Method"); jmethodID method_getName = env->GetMethodID(methodClazz, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); dynamicProxyData->methodName = javaObjectToString(env, env->CallObjectMethod(method, method_getName)); assertNoException(env); uv_work_t* req = new uv_work_t(); req->data = dynamicProxyData; if(v8ThreadIdEquals(myThreadId, v8ThreadId)) { #if NODE_MINOR_VERSION >= 10 EIO_AfterCallJs(req, 0); #else EIO_AfterCallJs(req); #endif } else { if (args) { // if args is not null and we have to kick this across the thread boundary, make it a global ref dynamicProxyData->args = (jobjectArray) env->NewGlobalRef(args); hasArgsGlobalRef = true; } uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), req, EIO_CallJs, (uv_after_work_cb)EIO_AfterCallJs); while(!dynamicProxyData->done) { my_sleep(100); } } if(!dynamicProxyDataVerify(dynamicProxyData)) { throwNewThrowable(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "dynamicProxyData was corrupted"); } if(hasArgsGlobalRef) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(dynamicProxyData->args); } if (dynamicProxyData->done == DYNAMIC_PROXY_JS_ERROR) { throwNewThrowable(env, dynamicProxyData->throwableClass.c_str(), dynamicProxyData->throwableMessage); } jobject result = NULL; if(dynamicProxyData->result) { // need to retain a local ref so that we can return it, otherwise the returned object gets corrupted result = env->NewLocalRef(dynamicProxyData->result); env->DeleteGlobalRef(dynamicProxyData->result); } return result; }
void message_queue_test_case() { pid_t pid = fork(); check_errors(pid, "fork"); if (pid == 0) { // Writer int msgflg = IPC_CREAT | 0666; key_t key = 1234; static struct message_buf send_data; //size_t buf_length; int msqid = msgget(key, msgflg); check_errors(msqid, "msgget"); send_data.mtype = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(send_data.buffer); i++) send_data.buffer[i] = (unsigned char)(i); char *current = (char*)send_data.buffer; while(current - (char*)send_data.buffer < DATA_SIZE) { int result = msgsnd(msqid, ¤t, MSGSIZE + 1, IPC_NOWAIT); check_errors(result, "msgsnd"); current += MSGSIZE; } // strcpy(send_data.buffer, "Did you get this?"); // buf_length = strlen(send_data.buffer) + 1 ; // int result = msgsnd(msqid, &send_data, buf_length, IPC_NOWAIT); // check_errors(result, "msgsnd"); //printf("Message: \"%s\" Sent\n", send_data.buffer); exit(0); } else { // Reader my_sleep(0 ,10); key_t key = 1234; static struct message_buf recieved_data; int msqid = msgget(key, 0666); check_errors(msqid, "msgget"); int result = msgrcv(msqid, &recieved_data, DATA_SIZE, 1, 0); check_errors(result, "msgrcv"); printf("I recieved: %s\n", recieved_data.buffer); } }
int FetcherManager::stop() { int ret = Manager::stop(); while(!canstoped()) { my_sleep(500000); //0.5 seconds } curl_share_cleanup(sh); curl_global_cleanup(); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int sock; /* Socket descriptor */ struct sockaddr_in echoServAddr; /* Echo server address */ unsigned short echoServPort = 5000; /* Echo server port */ char *servIP = ""; /* Server IP address (dotted quad) */ char *echoString; /* String to send */ unsigned int echoStringLen; /* Length of string */ int loops; int sleep_time; if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 3)) /* Test for correct number of arguments */ { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <loops> <sleep_time_milis>\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } loops = atoi(argv[1]); sleep_time = atoi(argv[2]); /* Create a reliable, stream socket using TCP */ if ((sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) error("socket() failed"); /* Construct the server address structure */ memset(&echoServAddr, 0, sizeof(echoServAddr)); /* Zero out structure */ echoServAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* Internet address family */ echoServAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(servIP); /* Server IP address */ echoServAddr.sin_port = htons(echoServPort); /* Server port */ /* Establish the connection to the echo server */ if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &echoServAddr, sizeof(echoServAddr)) < 0) error("connect() failed"); int avg = sleep_time; int i; for (i = 0; i < loops; i++) { echoString = event_string(); echoStringLen = strlen(echoString); /* Determine input length */ if (send(sock, echoString, echoStringLen, 0) != echoStringLen) error("send() sent a different number of bytes than expected"); /* Send the string to the server */ avg += my_sleep(sleep_time); avg = avg/2; } printf("%d:%d",avg, i); printf("\n"); /* Print a final linefeed */ close(sock); exit(0); }
int NdbSleep_MilliSleep(int milliseconds){ my_sleep(milliseconds*1000); return 0; #if 0 int result = 0; struct timespec sleeptime; sleeptime.tv_sec = milliseconds / 1000; sleeptime.tv_nsec = (milliseconds - (sleeptime.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000000; result = nanosleep(&sleeptime, NULL); return result; #endif }
int test_omp_taskyield() { int i; int count = 0; int start_tid[NUM_TASKS]; int current_tid[NUM_TASKS]; for (i=0; i< NUM_TASKS; i++) { start_tid[i]=0; current_tid[i]=0; } #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp single { for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) { int myi = i; #pragma omp task untied { my_sleep(SLEEPTIME); start_tid[myi] = omp_get_thread_num(); #pragma omp taskyield if((start_tid[myi] %2) ==0){ my_sleep(SLEEPTIME); current_tid[myi] = omp_get_thread_num(); } /*end of if*/ } /* end of omp task */ } /* end of for */ } /* end of single */ } /* end of parallel */ for (i=0;i<NUM_TASKS; i++) { //printf("start_tid[%d]=%d, current_tid[%d]=%d\n", //i, start_tid[i], i , current_tid[i]); if (current_tid[i] == start_tid[i]) count++; } return (count<NUM_TASKS); }
int test_omp_sections_nowait() { int result; int count; int j; result = 0; count = 0; #pragma omp parallel { int rank; rank = omp_get_thread_num (); #pragma omp sections nowait { #pragma omp section { fprintf(stderr, "Thread nr %d enters first section" " and gets sleeping.\n", rank); my_sleep(SLEEPTIME); count = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Thread nr %d woke up an set" " count to 1.\n", rank); #pragma omp flush(count) } #pragma omp section { fprintf(stderr, "Thread nr %d executed work in the" " first section.\n", rank); } } /* Begin of second sections environment */ #pragma omp sections { #pragma omp section { fprintf(stderr, "Thread nr %d executed work in the" " second section.\n", rank); } #pragma omp section { fprintf(stderr, "Thread nr %d executed work in the" " second section and controls the value of count\n", rank); if (count == 0) result = 1; fprintf(stderr, "count was %d\n", count); } } } return result; }
int test_omp_get_wtime() { double start; double end; double measured_time; double wait_time = 5.0; start = 0; end = 0; start = omp_get_wtime(); my_sleep (wait_time); end = omp_get_wtime(); measured_time = end-start; return ((measured_time > 0.97 * wait_time) && (measured_time < 1.03 * wait_time)) ; }
void unix_domain_sockets_test_case() { printf("Unix domain sockets test case\n"); pid_t pid = fork(); check_errors(pid, "fork"); if (pid == 0) { unix_domain_sockets_server(); exit(0); } else //parent { my_sleep(0, 10); unix_domain_sockets_client(); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PyObject* pybm_mid_req_update_fields(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { if (g_ipcClient) { // C0 06 FF 20 00 B3 00 std::vector<unsigned char> data(4); data[0] = 0x20; data[1] = 0x00; data[2] = 0xB3; data[3] = 0x00; IPCClient::IBusMessage msg(0xC0, 0xFF, data); g_ipcClient->send(msg); } #if 0 // C0 06 FF 20 02 8E 00 xx // C0 06 FF 20 01 B0 00 xx if (g_ipcClient) { std::vector<unsigned char> data(4); data[0] = 0x20; data[1] = 0x02; data[2] = 0x8E; data[3] = 0x00; IPCClient::IBusMessage msg(0xC0, 0xFF, data); g_ipcClient->send(msg); } my_sleep(100); if (g_ipcClient) { std::vector<unsigned char> data(4); data[0] = 0x20; data[1] = 0x01; data[2] = 0xB0; data[3] = 0x00; IPCClient::IBusMessage msg(0xC0, 0xFF, data); g_ipcClient->send(msg); } #endif // return void Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; }
void pipex_exit(pipex_t *pipex, int kill_timeout){ int status; int elapsed_time; bool exited; int ret; my_log("POLYGLOT Waiting for child process to exit.\n"); elapsed_time=0; exited=FALSE; ret=0; while(elapsed_time<kill_timeout){ ret=waitpid(pipex->pid,&status,WNOHANG); if(ret==0){ my_log("POLYGLOT Child has not exited yet. Sleeping %dms.\n", WAIT_GRANULARITY); my_sleep(WAIT_GRANULARITY); elapsed_time+=WAIT_GRANULARITY; }else{ exited=TRUE; break; } } if(!exited){ my_log("POLYGLOT Child wouldn't exit by itself. Terminating it.\n"); kill(pipex->pid,SIGKILL); waitpid(pipex->pid,&status,0); } if(WIFEXITED(status)){ if(pipex->quit_pending){ my_log("POLYGLOT Child exited with status %d.\n",WEXITSTATUS(status)); }else{ // Suppress further messages. pipex->quit_pending=TRUE; my_fatal("pipex_exit(): %s: child exited with status %d.\n",pipex->command,WEXITSTATUS(status)); } }else if(WIFSIGNALED(status)){ if(pipex->quit_pending){ my_log("POLYGLOT pipex_exit(): %s: child terminated with signal %d.\n",pipex->command,WTERMSIG(status)); }else{ // Suppress further messages. pipex->quit_pending=TRUE; my_fatal("pipex_exit(): %s: child terminated with signal %d.\n",pipex->command,WTERMSIG(status)); } } return; }
void check_transfer_rate(struct request *rq, int size) { struct group *group ; int cbytes, bw; /* LOCK_CONFIG must be done, but this slow things down */ group = rq_to_group(rq); if ( group ) { bw = group->bandwidth; cbytes = MID(bytes); if ( cbytes < bw ) return; /* must sleep a little. */ my_sleep(1); } }
int main() { int i, client_socks[MAX_CLIENT]; struct sockaddr_in server_addr; char msg[32]; #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(0x0202, &wsaData); #endif srand((unsigned)time(0)); memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(SERVER_ADDR); server_addr.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT); memset(client_socks, 0xff, sizeof(client_socks)); /* -1 */ /* simulate multi-threading here, to avoid separate windows/linux code :) */ while (1) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENT; i++) { int r = rand() % MAX_CLIENT; if (client_socks[r] != -1) { sock_close(client_socks[r]); } client_socks[r] = (int)socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (client_socks[r] != -1) { connect(client_socks[r], (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); sprintf(msg, "from client socket[%d]", client_socks[r]); printf("Client socket send: %s.\n", msg); sock_send(client_socks[r], msg, (int)strlen(msg)); } } my_sleep(1000); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENT; i++) { if (client_socks[i] != -1) { sock_close(client_socks[i]); } } #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return 0; }
void aff_text(t_data *data, t_bunny_picture *text) { int i; t_bunny_position pos; pos.x = data->player.x - 100; pos.y = data->player.y - 350; i = 0; while (i < 250) { aff_map(data); player_stop(data); (data->inv.open == 1 ? aff_inventory(data) : (void)0); bunny_blit(&data->win->buffer, text, &pos); bunny_display(data->win); my_sleep(200); i++; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ if(pipe(fd) < 0) {fprintf(stderr, "Piping failled\n"); exit(1);} pid = fork(); if (pid < 0){ printf("fork error %d\n", pid); } else if(pid != 0){ // parent process //close(fd[0]); while(1){ signal(SIGINT, parent_handler); pause(); if(strcmp(buffer, "exit\n") == 0){ printf("Child is diying\n"); kill(pid, SIGKILL); wait(NULL); exit(1); }else{ write(fd[1], buffer, 512); kill(pid, SIGFPE); } } //close(wtr); } else{ // child process //close(wtr); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); int flag = 1; while(flag == 1){ signal(SIGFPE, child_handler); my_sleep(); } //close(rdr); } return 0; }
/* * Write a string to a socket. * Return 1 if all bytes where successfully written, and 0 if not. * Assert Class: 2 */ int sock_write_string(SOCKET sockfd, const char *buff) { int write_bytes = 0, res = 0, len = ice_strlen(buff); if (!sock_valid(sockfd)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: sock_write_string() called with invalid socket\n"); return -1; } else if (!buff) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: sock_write_string() called with NULL format\n"); return -1; } /* * Never use send() to sockets 0 or 1 in Win32. */ if (sockfd == 1 || sockfd == 0) { if (running == SERVER_RUNNING) { write_bytes = fprintf(stdout, "%s", buff); fflush(stdout); } } else { while (write_bytes < len) { res = send(sockfd, &buff[write_bytes], len - write_bytes, 0); if (res < 0 && !is_recoverable(errno)) return 0; if (res > 0) write_bytes += res; else my_sleep(30000); } } return (write_bytes == len ? 1 : 0); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void pycoram_main() { Uint mem_offset; //Uint address_width; Uint dma_size; Uint data_size; mem_offset = *((volatile Uint*)(MMAP_MEMORY + 0)); //address_width = *((volatile Uint*)(MMAP_MEMORY + 4)); dma_size = *((volatile Uint*)(MMAP_MEMORY + 8)); data_size = *((volatile Uint*)(MMAP_MEMORY + 12)); *((volatile Uint*)(MMAP_PYCORAM_IP)) = (volatile int) mem_offset; //*((volatile Uint*)(MMAP_PYCORAM_IP)) = (volatile int) address_width; *((volatile Uint*)(MMAP_PYCORAM_IP)) = (volatile int) dma_size; *((volatile Uint*)(MMAP_PYCORAM_IP)) = (volatile int) data_size; // wait Uint cycles = *((volatile Uint*)(MMAP_PYCORAM_IP)); my_sleep(1000); Xil_DCacheInvalidate(); //printf("cycles=%d\n", 0); mylib_display_char('c'); mylib_display_char('y'); mylib_display_char('c'); mylib_display_char('l'); mylib_display_char('e'); mylib_display_char(':'); mylib_display_dec(cycles); mylib_display_newline(); mylib_display_char('E'); mylib_display_char('N'); mylib_display_char('D'); }
int test_omp_task_if() { int condition_false; int count; int result; count=0; condition_false = (count == 1); #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp single { #pragma omp task if (condition_false) shared(count, result) { my_sleep (SLEEPTIME); #pragma omp critical result = (0 == count); } /* end of omp task */ #pragma omp critical count = 1; } /* end of single */ } /*end of parallel */ return result; }