void NoiseBandSynthesizer::SynthesizeSample(std::vector<double> *instantParams)
        samplesTillNextTarget =-1;
    float lowFreq,highFreq,centerFreq,maxFreq;
    float freq,amp,bw;

    maxFreq = 44100.0/2.0;


    lowFreq = freq*(1.0-bw);
    highFreq = mymin(maxFreq,freq*(1.0+bw) );
    centerFreq = (lowFreq+highFreq)/2.0;

    //see if we need a new target
    if(samplesTillNextTarget <0)
        targetfreq = randfloat(highFreq-lowFreq)+lowFreq;  //assumes bw <1.0
        samplesTillNextTarget = randint(44100.0/mymax(2.0,centerFreq))+1.0;
    } else
        samplesTillNextTarget = mymin(44100.0/mymax(2.0,centerFreq),samplesTillNextTarget);

    instfreq = instfreq + (targetfreq-instfreq)/mymax(1.0,samplesTillNextTarget);

    phaseAdd = instfreq*2.0*3.141592/44100.0;
    //phaseAdd += phaseAdd* (randfloat(bw*2)-bw);

    phase += phaseAdd;


void get_model_matrix(float result[16])
		/* Translate the model to where we were asked to put it */
		float translate[16];
		mat4f_translateVec_new(translate, placeToPutModel);

		/* Do inches to meters conversion if we are asked to. */
		float scale[16];
			float inchesToMeters=1/39.3701;
			mat4f_scale_new(scale, inchesToMeters, inchesToMeters, inchesToMeters);
		mat4f_mult_mat4f_new(result, translate, scale);
	/* Change angle for animation. */
	int count = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) % 10000; // get a counter that repeats every 10 seconds
	/* Animate the model if there is animation information available. */
	kuhl_update_model_file_ogl3(modelFilename, 0, count/1000.0);
	dgr_setget("count", &count, sizeof(int));

	/* Calculate the width/height/depth of the bounding box and
	 * determine which one of the three is the largest. Then, scale
	 * the scene by 1/(largest value) to ensure that it fits in our
	 * view frustum. */
	float bb_min[3], bb_max[3], bb_center[3];
	kuhl_model_bounding_box(modelFilename, bb_min, bb_max, bb_center);
#define mymax(a,b) (a>b?a:b)
	float tmp;
	tmp = bb_max[0] - bb_min[0];
	tmp = mymax(bb_max[1] - bb_min[1], tmp);
	tmp = mymax(bb_max[2] - bb_min[2], tmp);
	tmp = 1.f / tmp;
#undef mymax
	float scaleBoundBox[16], moveToOrigin[16], moveToLookPoint[16];
	mat4f_translate_new(moveToOrigin, -bb_center[0], -bb_center[1], -bb_center[2]); // move to origin
//	printf("Scaling by factor %f\n", tmp); 
	mat4f_scale_new(scaleBoundBox, tmp, tmp, tmp); // scale model based on bounding box size
	mat4f_translateVec_new(moveToLookPoint, placeToPutModel);

	mat4f_mult_mat4f_new(result, moveToOrigin, result);
	mat4f_mult_mat4f_new(result, scaleBoundBox, result);
	mat4f_mult_mat4f_new(result, moveToLookPoint, result);
Example #3
void Interpolation::Truncate(double startTime, double duration, std::vector<TreeNode*> *activeNodes,  std::vector<ParameterList*> *parameters, int layerNum,  int topLayer, int numControlledLayers)
   mStartTime = startTime;
	mDuration = duration;
   //make sure we fit within all parameter boundries for all associated paramter lists.
   double startValue = (*parameters)[layerNum]->GetValue(mParam);
   //- we don't know where it will be at the end of the leaf.  
   //now check to see where the parameter will be at upon the end of the leaf.  
   //we do this by asking each of the active nodes what their value will be at the end of THIS leaf
   //and multiply them against the start value
   double topValue = startValue;
   double bottomValue = startValue;
   for(int i =0;i<numControlledLayers;i++)
      topValue = mymax(topValue, (*parameters)[topLayer+i]->GetValue(mParam));
      bottomValue = mymin(bottomValue, (*parameters)[topLayer+i]->GetValue(mParam));
   for(int i=0;i<activeNodes->size();i++)
      for(int j=0;j<((*activeNodes)[i])->GetNumInterpolations();j++)
         if(((*activeNodes)[i])->GetInterpolation(j)->GetParameter() == mParam)
            //we use this node's start time, and the parent node's end time (since we can't push them to overstep their boundries.)
            topValue = mymax(topValue,topValue*((*activeNodes)[i])->GetInterpolation(j)->MaxValueInTimeRange(mStartTime,((*activeNodes)[i])->GetInterpolation(j)->GetStartTime()+((*activeNodes)[i])->GetInterpolation(j)->GetDuration()));
            bottomValue = mymin(bottomValue,bottomValue*((*activeNodes)[i])->GetInterpolation(j)->MinValueInTimeRange(mStartTime,((*activeNodes)[i])->GetInterpolation(j)->GetStartTime()+((*activeNodes)[i])->GetInterpolation(j)->GetDuration()));
   assert(topValue >= bottomValue);
   while(topValue*mEndCoef> (*parameters)[layerNum]->GetMaxValue(mParam))
      mEndCoef= randfloat(mEndCoef-1.0)+1.0;
      mEndCoef = randfloat(1.0-mEndCoef)+mEndCoef;

   if((topValue*mEndCoef>(*parameters)[layerNum]->GetMaxValue(mParam)) ||
         (bottomValue*mEndCoef<(*parameters)[layerNum]->GetMinValue(mParam)) )
/// checks if a ray intersects the mesh, ray_origin and ray_dir must be in local coordinates
/// returns face index that was hit, or -1 if nothing hit
int		MeshShape::RayIntersect	(const Vector3& ray_origin,const Vector3& ray_dir,float* pfHitDist) {
	if (mpMesh.isNull()) return -1;
	// check bounding sphere first
	//printf("#WWW### MeshShape::RayIntersect %f\n",mpMesh->getBoundingSphereRadius());
	Vector3 vMid = 0.5*(mvMin + mvMax);
	float fRad = mymax((mvMin-vMid).length(),(mvMax-vMid).length());
	//float fRad = mpMesh->getBoundingSphereRadius();
	if (!Ogre::Ray(ray_origin,ray_dir).intersects(Ogre::Sphere(vMid,fRad + 0.1)).first) return -1;
	//printf("MeshShape::RayIntersect hitbounds : rad=%f\n",fRad);
	int iFaceHit = -1;
	float myHitDist;
	//printf("#WWW### MeshShape::RayIntersect rayhit %d\n",mlIndices.size());
	for (int i=0;i<mlIndices.size();i+=3) {
		if (IntersectRayTriangle(ray_origin,ray_dir,
			mlVertices[mlIndices[i+2]],&myHitDist)) {
			if (iFaceHit == -1 || myHitDist < *pfHitDist) { *pfHitDist = myHitDist; iFaceHit = i/3; }
	//printf("MeshShape::RayIntersect hit=%d dist=%f\n",bHit?1:0,bHit?(*pfHitDist):0);
	return iFaceHit;
Example #5
bool LineSegment::containPointClose(Point pt)
	double minx = mymin(start.x, end.x);
	double maxx = mymax(start.x, end.x);
	double miny = mymin(start.y, end.y);
	double maxy = mymax(start.y, end.y);

	if (containPointOpen(pt) && 
		(pt.x > minx || DOUBLE_EQUAL(pt.x, minx)) && 
		(pt.x < maxx || DOUBLE_EQUAL(pt.x, maxx)) &&
		(pt.y > miny || DOUBLE_EQUAL(pt.y, miny)) && 
		(pt.y < maxy || DOUBLE_EQUAL(pt.y, maxy))) 
		return true;
		return false;
Example #6
// A utility function to left rotate subtree rooted with x
// See the diagram given above.
struct Node *leftRotate(struct Node *x)
    struct Node *y = x->right;
    struct Node *T2 = y->left;
    // Perform rotation
    y->left = x;
    x->right = T2;
    //  Update heights
    x->height = mymax(height(x->left), height(x->right))+1;
    y->height = mymax(height(y->left), height(y->right))+1;
    // Return new root
    return y;
Example #7
// A utility function to right rotate subtree rooted with y
// See the diagram given above.
struct Node *rightRotate(struct Node *y)
    struct Node *x = y->left;
    struct Node *T2 = x->right;
    // Perform rotation
    x->right = y;
    y->left = T2;
    // Update heights
    y->height = mymax(height(y->left), height(y->right))+1;
    x->height = mymax(height(x->left), height(x->right))+1;
    // Return new root
    return x;
Example #8
// Проверяет, можно ли считать таблицей нечто с адресом p и шириной элементов N
static bool slow_check_for_data_table (int N, byte *p, uint32 &type, BYTE *&table_start, BYTE *&table_end, byte *bufstart, byte *bufend, byte *buf, uint64 &offset, Buffer &ReorderingBuffer)
    // Сначала сканируем назад, начиная с p, в поисках начала таблицы
    int useless;
    table_start = search_for_table_boundary (-N, p,           bufstart, bufend, useless);
    // Затем сканируем вперёд, начиная с table_start, в поисках конца таблицы
    table_end   = search_for_table_boundary (N,  table_start, bufstart, bufend, useless);

    // +разрешить таблицы с широкими столбцами и небольшим числом строк (sqrt(N)*rows >= X)
    // +учитывать расстояние до предыдущей таблицы для оптимизации конечного уровня сжатия
    // улучшать оценку для столбцов с фиксированной разницей между элементами (типа 8,16,24,32...)
    // считать количество байтов, энтропия которых уменьшилась от вычитания [как минимум на два бита]

    // Теперь выясняем, достаточно ли хороша эта таблица для того, чтобы её стоило закодировать
    int rows   = (table_end-table_start)/N;
    int useful = rows - useless;  // количество полезных строк таблицы
    double skipBits = logb(mymax(table_start-bufstart,1));  // сколько бит придётся потратить на кодирование поля skip
    stat ((slow_checks++, verbose>1 && printf ("Slow check  %08x-%08x (%d*%d+%d)\n", int(table_start-buf+offset), int(table_end-buf+offset), N, useful, useless)));
    if (useful*sqrt((double)N) > 30+4*skipBits) {
        stat ((table_count++,  table_sumlen += N*rows, table_skipBits+=skipBits));
        stat (verbose>0 && printf("%08x-%08x %d*%d   ", int(table_start-buf+offset), int(table_end-buf+offset), N, rows));

        // Определить какие столбцы нужно вычесть, а какие являются иммутабельными.
        // Вычесть вычитаемое и собрать иммутабельные столбцы в начале таблицы (для удобства работы lz77)
        bool doDiff[MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE], immutable[MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE];
        analyze_table (N, table_start, rows, doDiff, immutable);
        diff_table    (N, table_start, rows, doDiff);
        reorder_table (N, table_start, rows, immutable, ReorderingBuffer);
        type = encode_type (N, doDiff, immutable);
        stat (verbose>0 && printf("\n"));
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
Example #9
File: egchan.c Project: nclack/chan
void* producer(void* arg)
{ Chan* writer;
  int*  buf;
  int id;
  id = GETID(arg);
  printf("Producer %d starting"ENDL,id);
  writer = Chan_Open(GETCHAN(arg),CHAN_WRITE);
  buf = (int*)Chan_Token_Buffer_Alloc(writer);
  { buf[0] = InterlockedIncrement(&item);
    printf("Producer: item %4d [   + ] %d"ENDL, buf[0], id);
#pragma omp critical
  } while(!stop);
  printf("Producer %d exiting"ENDL,id);
  return NULL;
Example #10
int delta_compress (MemSize BlockSize, int ExtendedTables, CALLBACK_FUNC *callback, void *auxdata)
    int errcode = FREEARC_OK;
    byte *buf = (byte*) BigAlloc(BlockSize);  // Buffer for one block of input data (typically, 8mb long)
    if (buf==NULL)  return FREEARC_ERRCODE_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;   // Error: not enough memory
    uint64 offset = 0;  // Current offset of buf[] contents relative to file (increased after each input block processd)
    Buffer TSkip, TType, TRows;    // Buffers for storing info about each table filtered
    Buffer ReorderingBuffer;       // Buffer used in reorder_table

    // Each iteration of this cycle reads, process and encodes one block of data
    for (;;)
        // Read input block
        int Size;  READ_LEN_OR_EOF (Size, buf, BlockSize);

        BYTE *bufend = buf + Size;     // End of data in buf[]
        BYTE *last_table_end = buf;    // End of last table found so far
        BYTE *hash[256], *hash1[256];
        iterate_var(i,256)  hash[i] = hash1[i] = buf-1;

        for (byte *ptr=buf+LINE; ptr+MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE*4 < bufend; )
if (*(int32*)ptr != *(int32*)(ptr+3))   //  a little speed optimization, mainly to skip blocks of all zeroes
            // Посчитаем количество повторений одинаковых или близких байт на разных дистанциях
            BYTE count[MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE]; zeroArray(count);
            BYTE *p = ptr; iterate_var(i,LINE)
                int n = p - hash[*p/16];   // detecting repeated data by 4 higher bits
                hash[*p/16] = p;
                if (n<=MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE)  count[n-1]++;
#if 0
                // Detecting repeating data by all 8 bits - useful for tables with longer rows
                int n1 = p - hash1[*p];
                hash1[*p] = p;
                if (n!=n1 && n1<=MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE)  count[n1-1]++;

            // Теперь отберём те дистанции, на которых было больше 5 повторений -
            // это кандидаты на размер строки таблицы
            iterate_var(i, MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE)  if (count[i] > 5)
                int N = i+1;
                stat ((fast_checks+=N, verbose>1 && printf ("Fast check  %08x (%d*%d)\n", int(ptr-buf+offset), N, count[i])));

                BYTE *p = ptr;
                for (int j=0; j<N; j++, p++)  FAST_CHECK_FOR_DATA_TABLE(N,p);
            ptr += LINE;

            // Сюда мы попадаем после того, как найдена и закодирована таблица.
            // Пропустим её содержимое
            found:  ptr = mymax (ptr+LINE, last_table_end);
Example #11
bool LineSegment::containPointExclusiveEnds(Point pt)
	double minx = mymin(start.x, end.x);
	double maxx = mymax(start.x, end.x);
	double miny = mymin(start.y, end.y);
	double maxy = mymax(start.y, end.y);

	if (containPointOpen(pt) && 
		(pt.x > minx || DOUBLE_EQUAL(pt.x, minx)) && 
		(pt.x < maxx || DOUBLE_EQUAL(pt.x, maxx)) && 
		(pt.y > miny || DOUBLE_EQUAL(pt.y, miny)) && 
		(pt.y < maxy || DOUBLE_EQUAL(pt.y, maxy)) && 
		pt.approxInequal(start) && 
		return true;
		return false;
void VoiceHackSynthesizer::SynthesizeFinalizeSample(std::vector<double> *instantParams) 
	buffer->SetFrame(currentSample++,voice.tick() *SHORTLIMITF * mymax(0.0f,(float)(kFinalizeSamplesVoiceHack-finalizeSampleCount++)/kFinalizeSamplesVoiceHack));
void dtrqsol(int n, double *x, double *p, double delta, double *sigma)
c     **********
c     Subroutine dtrqsol
c     This subroutine computes the largest (non-negative) solution
c     of the quadratic trust region equation
c           ||x + sigma*p|| = delta.
c     The code is only guaranteed to produce a non-negative solution
c     if ||x|| <= delta, and p != 0. If the trust region equation has
c     no solution, sigma = 0.
c	parameters:
c       n is an integer variable.
c         On entry n is the number of variables.
c         On exit n is unchanged.
c       x is a double precision array of dimension n.
c         On entry x must contain the vector x.
c         On exit x is unchanged.
c       p is a double precision array of dimension n.
c         On entry p must contain the vector p.
c         On exit p is unchanged.
c       delta is a double precision variable.
c         On entry delta specifies the scalar delta.
c         On exit delta is unchanged.
c       sigma is a double precision variable.
c         On entry sigma need not be specified.
c         On exit sigma contains the non-negative solution.
c     **********
	int inc = 1;
	double dsq = delta*delta, ptp, ptx, rad, xtx;
	ptx = ddot_(&n, p, &inc, x, &inc);
	ptp = ddot_(&n, p, &inc, p, &inc);
	xtx = ddot_(&n, x, &inc, x, &inc);

	/* Guard against abnormal cases. */
	rad = ptx*ptx + ptp*(dsq - xtx);
	rad = sqrt(mymax(rad, 0));
	if (ptx > 0)
		*sigma = (dsq - xtx)/(ptx + rad);
		if (rad > 0)
			*sigma = (rad - ptx)/ptp;
			*sigma = 0;
Example #14
 void   reserve(uint n)   {
                            if (p+n > bufend) {
                              uint newsize = mymax(p+n-buf, (bufend-buf)*2);
                              byte* newbuf = (byte*) realloc (buf, newsize);
                              bufend = newbuf + newsize;
                              p   += newbuf-buf;
                              end += newbuf-buf;
                              buf  = newbuf;
Example #15
int findMaxDistance(int v1, int v2, int t) {
    int v_1 = mymin(v1, v2);
    int v_2 = mymax(v1, v2);
    if (t == 2) {
        assert(v_2 - v_1 <= d);
        return v_1 + v_2;
    } else {
        return v_1 + findMaxDistance(v_1 + d, v_2, t - 1);
void NoiseBandSynthesizer::SynthesizeFinalizeSample(std::vector<double> *instantParams)
    //TODO: this assumes number of finalize samples is 44100
    long thisSample = currentSample;


Example #17
//write a wave file 
bool StereoBuffer16::WriteWave(const char* fname,unsigned int start, float level)
	//check to see if we have anything.
	if(NULL == m_left || NULL == m_right || 0 == mNumFrames)
		return false;
	FILE* fptr;
	fptr = WriteWaveHeader(fname, mNumFrames-start);
	if(NULL == fptr)
	{   //couldn't come through.
		return false;
	//writing 1 short at a time might not be that fast- if this is 
	//an issue, we'll have to create a temp buff at the level instead
	//and do the entire buffer in one fwrite.
	short valuel,valuer;
	long *bufl = (long*)m_left->GetBuffer(0);
	long *bufr = (long*)m_right->GetBuffer(0);
	for(int i = start; i < mNumFrames;i++)
		//have to pretend a short 
		valuel = mymax(mymin(bufl[i],SHORTLIMIT),-SHORTLIMIT) * level;
		valuer = mymax(mymin(bufr[i],SHORTLIMIT),-SHORTLIMIT) * level;
#ifndef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
		valuel = Swap_16(valuel);
		valuer = Swap_16(valuer);
	printf("wrote the file %s\n", fname);
	return true;

Example #18
//destructive mix.  Keeps original level.  the default ins will mix the entire buffer in.
void StereoBuffer16::Mix( Genesynth::AudioBuffer* in, unsigned int start, float level,float targetChannel,int taperlength,unsigned int inFrom,int inLength, bool undo)
	//otherwise mix over all the channels even into left, right into odd.
		for(int i =0;i<in->GetNumChannels();i++)
			if(i%2 == 0)
	mNumFrames = mymax(mNumFrames,mymax(m_left->GetNumFrames(),m_right->GetNumFrames()));
Example #19
// Print current compression statistics
static void print_stats (Results &r)
  FILESIZE insize  = r.progress_insize;   bool not_enough_input   =  (insize  - r.last_insize  < PROGRESS_CHUNK_SIZE);
  FILESIZE outsize = r.progress_outsize;  bool not_enough_output  =  (outsize - r.last_outsize < PROGRESS_CHUNK_SIZE);
  if (r.quiet_progress  ||  insize==0  ||  outsize==0  ||  not_enough_input && not_enough_output)  return;   // Prints stats no more often than once per 64 kb
  r.last_insize  = insize;
  r.last_outsize = outsize;
  double curtime = GetSomeTime();

  // Update progress indicator every 0.2 seconds
  if (curtime > r.lasttime+0.2)
    double time = curtime - r.start_time;      // Time used so far
    char percents0[100] = "",  remains0[100] = "", percents[1000] = "",  remains[100] = "",  insize_str[100],  outsize_str[100];
    if (r.filesize)
      // If progress by 1% takes more than 1-2 seconds - display xx.x%, otherwise xx%
      // (we don't want to switch it too frequently, therefore "?1:2")
      r.show_exact_percent  =  double(r.filesize)/insize*time > (r.show_exact_percent?1:2)*100;
      if (r.show_exact_percent)
           sprintf (percents0, "%.1lf%%", double(int(double(insize)*100/r.filesize*10))/10);
      else sprintf (percents0, "%d%%", int(double(insize)*100/r.filesize));
      sprintf (percents, "%s: ", percents0);

      int remain = int(double(r.filesize-insize)/insize*time)+1;
      if (remain>=3600)
           sprintf (remains0, "%02d:%02d:%02d", remain / 3600, (remain % 3600) / 60, remain % 60);
      else sprintf (remains0, "%02d:%02d", remain / 60, remain % 60);
      sprintf (remains, ". Remains %s", remains0);
    double origsize  = (r.mode==_COMPRESS? insize  : outsize);         // Size of original (uncompressed) data
    double compsize  = (r.mode==_COMPRESS? outsize : insize);          // Size of compressed data
    double ratio     = (compsize/origsize)*100;
    double speed     = (origsize/mb) / mymax(time,0.001);              // Speed of processing, in MiB/s
    if (!r.quiet_result && !strequ (r.outname, "-"))
      fprintf (stderr, "\r%s%s%s -> %s: %.2lf%%, speed %.3lf mb/sec%s   ",
               r.method_name, percents, show3(insize,insize_str), show3(outsize,outsize_str), ratio, speed, remains);

    if (!r.quiet_title  &&  r.filesize  &&  curtime > r.lasttime2+0.5)   // Update window title every 0.5 seconds
      const char *op  =  (r.mode==_COMPRESS? "Compressing": r.mode==_DECOMPRESS? "Extracting": "Benchmarking");
      sprintf (percents, "%s %s | %s %s", percents0, remains0, op, strequ(r.filename,"-")? PROGRAM_NAME : r.filename);
      EnvSetConsoleTitleA (percents);
      Taskbar_SetProgressValue (insize, r.filesize);
      r.lasttime2 = curtime;
    r.lasttime = curtime;
Example #20
int Colour::setcol(const double & magnitude)
{  // colour scale 0--1
	mag = mymax(0, mymin( 1, magnitude )); // make sure it's between 0 and 1

	// hot colormap
	//r =  mymin(  mymax( 8*mag / 3    , 0 ), 1 );
	//g =  mymin(  mymax( 8*mag / 3 - 1, 0 ), 1 );
	//b =  mymin(  mymax( 4*mag     - 3, 0 ), 1 );

	// rainbow colormap, 0 = black
//	r = mymin( mymax( -2 * fabs( mag - 1   ) + 1.3  ,0) ,1);
//	g = mymin( mymax( -2 * fabs( mag - 0.55) + 1.05 ,0) ,1);
	////b = mymin( mymax( -5 * fabs( mag - 0.25) + 1.2  ,0) ,1);
//    b = mymin( mymax( -2 * fabs( mag - 0.25) + 1.2  ,0) ,1);

	// hls, sort of
	//r =   mymin(  mymax( (4*    (mag-0.25) ) , 0 ), 1 );
	//b =   mymin(  mymax( (4*    (0.75-mag) ) , 0 ), 1 );
	//g =   mymin(  mymax( (4*fabs(mag-0.5)-1) , 0 ), 1 );

    //r = mymin( mymax( -2 * abs( mag - 1   ) + 1.3  ,0) ,1);
    //g = mymin( mymax( -2 * abs( mag - 0.4) + 1.15 ,0) ,1);
    //b = mymin( mymax( -2 * abs( mag - 0.05) + 1.2  ,0) ,1);


//r = mymin( mymax( -1.8* fabs( mag - 1   ) + 1.3  ,0) ,1);
//g = mymin( mymax( -2.6 * fabs( mag - 0.58) + 1.05 ,0) ,1);

//b = mymin( mymax( -3 * fabs( mag - 0.25) + 1.2  ,0) ,1);

    r = mymin( mymax( -1.8* fabs( mag - 1   ) + 1.3  ,0) ,1);
if (mag < 0.58) 
    g = mymin( mymax( -2.0 * fabs( mag - 0.58) + 1.05 ,0) ,1);
    g = mymin( mymax( -2.6 * fabs( mag - 0.58) + 1.05 ,0) ,1);

if (mag < 0.25) 
    b = mymin( mymax( -2.5 * fabs( mag - 0.25) + 1.2  ,0) ,1);
    b = mymin( mymax( -3 * fabs( mag - 0.25) + 1.2  ,0) ,1);

// gamma adjustment --- note this is applied both to the data and the scale bar, so we don't misrepresent anything
    r = pow( r , 1 / COLOUR_GAMMA);
    g = pow( g , 1 / COLOUR_GAMMA);
    b = pow( b , 1 / COLOUR_GAMMA);

	R = (unsigned char) (r*255);
	G = (unsigned char) (g*255);
	B = (unsigned char) (b*255);

	return 0;
Example #21
struct Node* insert(struct Node* node, int key, int seg_id)
    /* 1.  Perform the normal BST rotation */
    if (node == NULL)
        return(newNode(key, seg_id));
    if (key < node->key)
        node->left  = insert(node->left, key, seg_id);
    else if (key > node->key)
        node->right = insert(node->right, key, seg_id);
    else // Equal keys not allowed
        return node;
    /* 2. Update height of this ancestor node */
    node->height = 1 + mymax(height(node->left),
    /* 3. Get the balance factor of this ancestor
          node to check whether this node became
          unbalanced */
    int balance = getBalance(node);
    // If this node becomes unbalanced, then there are 4 cases
    // Left Left Case
    if (balance > 1 && key < node->left->key)
        return rightRotate(node);
    // Right Right Case
    if (balance < -1 && key > node->right->key)
        return leftRotate(node);
    // Left Right Case
    if (balance > 1 && key > node->left->key)
        node->left =  leftRotate(node->left);
        return rightRotate(node);
    // Right Left Case
    if (balance < -1 && key < node->right->key)
        node->right = rightRotate(node->right);
        return leftRotate(node);
    /* return the (unchanged) node pointer */
    return node;
void	MeshShape::RayIntersect	(const Ogre::Vector3& ray_origin,const Ogre::Vector3& ray_dir,std::vector<std::pair<float,int> > &pHitList) {
	if (mpMesh.isNull()) return;
	Vector3 vMid = 0.5*(mvMin + mvMax);
	float fRad = mymax((mvMin-vMid).length(),(mvMax-vMid).length());	
	if (!Ogre::Ray(ray_origin,ray_dir).intersects(Ogre::Sphere(vMid,fRad + 0.1)).first) return;
	float myHitDist;
	for (int i=0;i<mlIndices.size();i+=3) {
		if (IntersectRayTriangle(ray_origin,ray_dir,
			mlVertices[mlIndices[i+2]],&myHitDist)) {
Example #23
__kernel void CalculateRowMaxs(__global float* Maxs, 
	                           __global const float* Image, 
							   __private int DATA_H, 
							   __private int DATA_D)
	int z = get_global_id(0);

	if (z >= DATA_D)

	float max = -10000.0f;
	for (int y = 0; y < DATA_H; y++)
		max = mymax(max, Image[Calculate2DIndex(y,z,DATA_H)]);

	Maxs[z] = max;
Example #24
long double Matrix<T>::norm(const long double p) const           //  compute column vector p-norm.
	assert(col == 1);

	long double result = 0;

	if(p != INF_NORM)
		for(int i = 0; i < row; i++)
			result += pow(fabs((long double) (matrix[i][0])), p);

		return  pow(result, (double) 1 / p);

	for(int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        result = mymax(result, fabs((long double) matrix[i][0]));

	return result;
Example #25
//  LDStats data sent to parent contains real PE
//  LDStats in parent should contain relative PE
void HbmLB::Loadbalancing(int atlevel)

  CmiAssert(atlevel >= 1);

  LevelData *lData = levelData[atlevel];
  LDStats *statsData = lData->statsData;

  // at this time, all objects processor location is relative, and 
  // all incoming objects from outside group belongs to the fake root proc.

  // clear background load if needed
  if (_lb_args.ignoreBgLoad()) statsData->clearBgLoad();

  currentLevel = atlevel;

  double start_lb_time(CkWallTimer());

  double lload = lData->statsList[0];
  double rload = lData->statsList[1];

  double diff = myabs(lload-rload);
  double maxl = mymax(lload, rload);
  double avg =  (lload+rload)/2.0;
CkPrintf("[%d] lload: %f rload: %f atlevel: %d\n", CkMyPe(), lload, rload, atlevel);
  if (diff/avg > 0.02) {
    // we need to perform load balancing
    int numpes = (int)pow(2.0, atlevel);
    double delta = myabs(lload-rload) / numpes;

    int overloaded = lData->children[0];
    if (lload < rload) {
      overloaded = lData->children[1];
    DEBUGF(("[%d] branch %d is overloaded by %f... \n", CkMyPe(), overloaded, delta));
    thisProxy[overloaded].ReceiveMigrationDelta(delta, atlevel, atlevel);
  else {
Example #26
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int res[N];
    int tmp[M];
    int i;
    int j;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < M; j++) {
            if ((i - am[j]) >= 0) {
                tmp[j] = res[i - am[j]] + ac[j];
            else {
                tmp[j] = 0;
        res[i] = mymax(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
        printf("f(%d) = %d\n", i, res[i]);
    return 0;
Example #27
__kernel void CalculateColumnMaxs(__global float* Maxs, 
	                              __global const float* Volume, 
								  __private int DATA_W, 
								  __private int DATA_H, 
								  __private int DATA_D)
	int y = get_global_id(0);	
	int z = get_global_id(1);

	if (y >= DATA_H || z >= DATA_D)

	float max = -10000.0f;
	for (int x = 0; x < DATA_W; x++)
		max = mymax(max, Volume[Calculate3DIndex(x,y,z,DATA_W,DATA_H)]);

	Maxs[Calculate2DIndex(y,z,DATA_H)] = max;
Example #28
File: egchan.c Project: nclack/chan
void* consumer(void* arg)
{ Chan* reader;
  int*  buf,id;
  id = GETID(arg);
  printf("Consumer %d starting\n",id);
  reader = Chan_Open(GETCHAN(arg),CHAN_READ);
  buf = (int*)Chan_Token_Buffer_Alloc(reader);
  { //i=InterlockedDecrement(&item);
    printf("Consumer: item %4d [ -   ] %d"ENDL, buf[0], id);
#pragma omp critical
  printf("Consumer %d exiting"ENDL,id);
  return NULL;
Example #29
double segment::diff_min_unary(std::vector<Beliefs> E, int c1, int c2, int dimH, int dimY)
	int i, y, max_idx1, max_idx2;
	double max_val1, max_val2;
	dVector val_y(dimY);
	for( y=0; y<dimY; y++ ) {
		max_idx1 = max_idx2 = -1; 
		max_val1 = max_val2 = -DBL_MAX;
		for( i=0; i<dimH; i++ ) {
			if( E[y].belStates[c1][i] > max_val1 ) {
				max_idx1 = i; 
				max_val1 = E[y].belStates[c1][i];
			if( E[y].belStates[c2][i] > max_val2 ) {
				max_idx2 = i;
				max_val2 = E[y].belStates[c2][i];
		val_y[y] += mymax(E[y].belStates[c1][max_idx2]-max_val1, E[y].belStates[c2][max_idx1]-max_val2);
	return val_y.sum();
Example #30
// функци¤ принадлежности точки области  // не используетс¤
static AWPBOOL IsPixelBelongArea(AWPINT NumPoints, awpPoint* P, AWPINT x, AWPINT y){
   AWPINT Count, i, j, m, x0;
   Count = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < NumPoints-1; i++)    {
      j =  (i+1);
      if (P[i].Y == P[j].Y) continue;
      if (P[i].Y > y && P[j].Y > y) continue;
      if (P[i].Y < y && P[j].Y < y) continue;

      m = mymax(P[i].Y,P[j].Y, &F);
      if (F) x0 = P[i].X; else x0 = P[j].X;
      if (m == y && x0 > x)
       Count = 1 - Count;
      else if (mymin(P[i].Y,P[j].Y)== y) continue;
      t = ((AWPDOUBLE)y - P[i].Y) / (P[j].Y - P[i].Y);
      if (t > 0 && t <1 && P[i].X + t*(P[j].X - P[i].X) >= x) Count = 1 - Count;
   return (Count == 0)?FALSE:TRUE;