Example #1
	mVertexBuffer = screen->CreateVertexBuffer();

	static const FVertexBufferAttribute format[] = {
		{ 0, VATTR_VERTEX, VFmt_Float3, (int)myoffsetof(FSkyVertex, x) },
		{ 0, VATTR_TEXCOORD, VFmt_Float2, (int)myoffsetof(FSkyVertex, u) },
		{ 0, VATTR_COLOR, VFmt_Byte4, (int)myoffsetof(FSkyVertex, color) }
	mVertexBuffer->SetFormat(1, 3, sizeof(FSkyVertex), format);
	mVertexBuffer->SetData(mVertices.Size() * sizeof(FSkyVertex), &mVertices[0], true);
Example #2
FModelVertexBuffer::FModelVertexBuffer(bool needindex, bool singleframe)
	mVertexBuffer = screen->CreateVertexBuffer();
	mIndexBuffer = needindex ? screen->CreateIndexBuffer() : nullptr;

	static const FVertexBufferAttribute format[] = {
		{ 0, VATTR_VERTEX, VFmt_Float3, (int)myoffsetof(FModelVertex, x) },
		{ 0, VATTR_TEXCOORD, VFmt_Float2, (int)myoffsetof(FModelVertex, u) },
		{ 0, VATTR_NORMAL, VFmt_Packed_A2R10G10B10, (int)myoffsetof(FModelVertex, packedNormal) },
		{ 1, VATTR_VERTEX2, VFmt_Float3, (int)myoffsetof(FModelVertex, x) },
		{ 1, VATTR_NORMAL2, VFmt_Packed_A2R10G10B10, (int)myoffsetof(FModelVertex, packedNormal) }
	mVertexBuffer->SetFormat(2, 5, sizeof(FModelVertex), format);
Example #3
void InitThingdef()
	// Sort the flag lists
	for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_FLAG_LISTS; ++i)
		qsort (FlagLists[i].Defs, FlagLists[i].NumDefs, sizeof(FFlagDef), flagcmp);

	// Create a sorted list of properties
	if (properties.Size() == 0)
		FAutoSegIterator probe(GRegHead, GRegTail);

		while (*++probe != NULL)
			properties.Push((FPropertyInfo *)*probe);
		qsort(&properties[0], properties.Size(), sizeof(properties[0]), propcmp);

	// Create a sorted list of native action functions
	if (AFTable.Size() == 0)
		FAutoSegIterator probe(ARegHead, ARegTail);

		while (*++probe != NULL)
			AFuncDesc *afunc = (AFuncDesc *)*probe;
			assert(afunc->VMPointer != NULL);
			*(afunc->VMPointer) = new VMNativeFunction(afunc->Function, afunc->Name);
		qsort(&AFTable[0], AFTable.Size(), sizeof(AFTable[0]), funccmp);

	// Define some member variables we feel like exposing to the user
	PSymbolTable &symt = RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor)->Symbols;
	PType *array5 = NewArray(TypeSInt32, 5);
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Alpha,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,Alpha)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Angle,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,Angles.Yaw)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Args,		array5,			VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,args)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_CeilingZ,	TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,ceilingz)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_FloorZ,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,floorz)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Health,		TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,health)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Mass,		TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,Mass)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Pitch,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,Angles.Pitch)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Roll,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,Angles.Roll)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Special,		TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,special)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_TID,			TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,tid)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_TIDtoHate,	TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,TIDtoHate)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_WaterLevel,	TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,waterlevel)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_X,			TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,__Pos.X)));	// must remain read-only!
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Y,			TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,__Pos.Y)));	// must remain read-only!
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Z,			TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,__Pos.Z)));	// must remain read-only!
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_VelX,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,Vel.X)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_VelY,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor, Vel.Y)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_VelZ,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor, Vel.Z)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_MomX,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor, Vel.X)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_MomY,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor, Vel.Y)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_MomZ,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor, Vel.Z)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_ScaleX,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor, Scale.X)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_ScaleY,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor, Scale.Y)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Score,		TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,Score)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Accuracy,	TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,accuracy)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Stamina,		TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,stamina)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Height,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,Height)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Radius,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,radius)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_ReactionTime,TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,reactiontime)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_MeleeRange,	TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,meleerange)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Speed,		TypeFloat64,	VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,Speed)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Threshold,	TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,threshold)));
	symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_DefThreshold,TypeSInt32,		VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,DefThreshold)));
Example #4

static const char *DamageKeywords[] =

static FGenericParse SplashParser[] =
    { GEN_End,	  {0} },
    { GEN_Sound,  {myoffsetof(FSplashDef, SmallSplashSound)} },
    { GEN_Fixed,  {myoffsetof(FSplashDef, SmallSplashClip)} },
    { GEN_Sound,  {myoffsetof(FSplashDef, NormalSplashSound)} },
    { GEN_Class,  {myoffsetof(FSplashDef, SmallSplash)} },
    { GEN_Class,  {myoffsetof(FSplashDef, SplashBase)} },
    { GEN_Class,  {myoffsetof(FSplashDef, SplashChunk)} },
    { GEN_Byte,   {myoffsetof(FSplashDef, ChunkXVelShift)} },
    { GEN_Byte,   {myoffsetof(FSplashDef, ChunkYVelShift)} },
    { GEN_Byte,   {myoffsetof(FSplashDef, ChunkZVelShift)} },
    { GEN_Fixed,  {myoffsetof(FSplashDef, ChunkBaseZVel)} },
    { GEN_Bool,	  {myoffsetof(FSplashDef, NoAlert)} }

static FGenericParse TerrainParser[] =
    { GEN_End,	  {0} },
Example #5
void InitThingdef()
	PType *TypeActor = NewPointer(RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor));

	PStruct *sstruct = NewNativeStruct("Sector", nullptr);
	auto sptr = NewPointer(sstruct);
	sstruct->AddNativeField("soundtarget", TypeActor, myoffsetof(sector_t, SoundTarget));
	// expose the global validcount variable.
	PField *vcf = new PField("validcount", TypeSInt32, VARF_Native | VARF_Static, (intptr_t)&validcount);

	// expose the global Multiplayer variable.
	PField *multif = new PField("multiplayer", TypeBool, VARF_Native | VARF_ReadOnly | VARF_Static, (intptr_t)&multiplayer);

	// set up a variable for the global level data structure
	PStruct *lstruct = NewNativeStruct("LevelLocals", nullptr);
	PField *levelf = new PField("level", lstruct, VARF_Native | VARF_Static, (intptr_t)&level);

	// set up a variable for the DEH data
	PStruct *dstruct = NewNativeStruct("DehInfo", nullptr);
	PField *dehf = new PField("deh", dstruct, VARF_Native | VARF_Static, (intptr_t)&deh);


	// set up a variable for the global players array.
	PStruct *pstruct = NewNativeStruct("PlayerInfo", nullptr);
	pstruct->Size = sizeof(player_t);
	pstruct->Align = alignof(player_t);
	PArray *parray = NewArray(pstruct, MAXPLAYERS);
	PField *playerf = new PField("players", parray, VARF_Native | VARF_Static, (intptr_t)&players);

	// set up the lines array in the sector struct. This is a bit messy because the type system is not prepared to handle a pointer to an array of pointers to a native struct even remotely well...
	// As a result, the size has to be set to something large and arbritrary because it can change between maps. This will need some serious improvement when things get cleaned up.
	pstruct = NewNativeStruct("Sector", nullptr);
	pstruct->AddNativeField("lines", NewPointer(NewArray(NewPointer(NewNativeStruct("line", nullptr), false), 0x40000), false), myoffsetof(sector_t, lines), VARF_Native);

	parray = NewArray(TypeBool, MAXPLAYERS);
	playerf = new PField("playeringame", parray, VARF_Native | VARF_Static | VARF_ReadOnly, (intptr_t)&playeringame);

	playerf = new PField("gameaction", TypeUInt8, VARF_Native | VARF_Static, (intptr_t)&gameaction);

	playerf = new PField("consoleplayer", TypeSInt32, VARF_Native | VARF_Static | VARF_ReadOnly, (intptr_t)&consoleplayer);

	// Argh. It sucks when bad hacks need to be supported. WP_NOCHANGE is just a bogus pointer but it used everywhere as a special flag.
	// It cannot be defined as constant because constants can either be numbers or strings but nothing else, so the only 'solution'
	// is to create a static variable from it and reference that in the script. Yuck!!!
	static AWeapon *wpnochg = WP_NOCHANGE;
	playerf = new PField("WP_NOCHANGE", NewPointer(RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon), false), VARF_Native | VARF_Static | VARF_ReadOnly, (intptr_t)&wpnochg);

	// this needs to be done manually until it can be given a proper type.
	RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor)->AddNativeField("DecalGenerator", NewPointer(TypeVoid), myoffsetof(AActor, DecalGenerator));

	// synthesize a symbol for each flag from the flag name tables to avoid redundant declaration of them.
	for (auto &fl : FlagLists)
		if (fl.Use & 2)
			for(int i=0;i<fl.NumDefs;i++)
				if (fl.Defs[i].structoffset > 0) // skip the deprecated entries in this list
					const_cast<PClass*>(*fl.Type)->AddNativeField(FStringf("b%s", fl.Defs[i].name), (fl.Defs[i].fieldsize == 4 ? TypeSInt32 : TypeSInt16), fl.Defs[i].structoffset, fl.Defs[i].varflags, fl.Defs[i].flagbit);

	FAutoSegIterator probe(CRegHead, CRegTail);

	while (*++probe != NULL)
		if (((ClassReg *)*probe)->InitNatives)
			((ClassReg *)*probe)->InitNatives();

	// Sort the flag lists
	for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_FLAG_LISTS; ++i)
		qsort (FlagLists[i].Defs, FlagLists[i].NumDefs, sizeof(FFlagDef), flagcmp);

	// Create a sorted list of properties
	if (properties.Size() == 0)
		FAutoSegIterator probe(GRegHead, GRegTail);

		while (*++probe != NULL)
			properties.Push((FPropertyInfo *)*probe);
		qsort(&properties[0], properties.Size(), sizeof(properties[0]), propcmp);

	// Create a sorted list of native action functions
	if (AFTable.Size() == 0)
		FAutoSegIterator probe(ARegHead, ARegTail);

		while (*++probe != NULL)
			AFuncDesc *afunc = (AFuncDesc *)*probe;
			assert(afunc->VMPointer != NULL);
			*(afunc->VMPointer) = new VMNativeFunction(afunc->Function, afunc->FuncName);
			(*(afunc->VMPointer))->PrintableName.Format("%s.%s [Native]", afunc->ClassName+1, afunc->FuncName);
		qsort(&AFTable[0], AFTable.Size(), sizeof(AFTable[0]), funccmp);

	if (FieldTable.Size() == 0)
		FAutoSegIterator probe(FRegHead, FRegTail);

		while (*++probe != NULL)
			FieldDesc *afield = (FieldDesc *)*probe;
		qsort(&FieldTable[0], FieldTable.Size(), sizeof(FieldTable[0]), fieldcmp);

Example #6
FSwitchDef *FTextureManager::ParseSwitchDef (FScanner &sc, bool ignoreBad)
	const BITFIELD texflags = TEXMAN_Overridable | TEXMAN_TryAny;
	FSwitchDef *def;
	TArray<FSwitchDef::frame> frames;
	FSwitchDef::frame thisframe;
	FTextureID picnum;
	bool bad;
	FSoundID sound;

	bad = false;

	while (sc.GetString ())
		if (sc.Compare ("sound"))
			if (sound != 0)
				sc.ScriptError ("Switch state already has a sound");
			sc.MustGetString ();
			sound = sc.String;
		else if (sc.Compare ("pic"))
			sc.MustGetString ();
			picnum = CheckForTexture (sc.String, FTexture::TEX_Wall, texflags);
			if (!picnum.Exists() && !ignoreBad)
				//Printf ("Unknown switch texture %s\n", sc.String);
				bad = true;
			thisframe.Texture = picnum;
			sc.MustGetString ();
			if (sc.Compare ("tics"))
				sc.MustGetNumber ();
				thisframe.TimeMin = sc.Number & 65535;
				thisframe.TimeRnd = 0;
			else if (sc.Compare ("rand"))
				int min, max;

				sc.MustGetNumber ();
				min = sc.Number & 65535;
				sc.MustGetNumber ();
				max = sc.Number & 65535;
				if (min > max)
					swapvalues (min, max);
				thisframe.TimeMin = min;
				thisframe.TimeRnd = (max - min + 1);
			    thisframe.TimeMin = 0;     // Shush, GCC.
				thisframe.TimeRnd = 0;
				sc.ScriptError ("Must specify a duration for switch frame");
			sc.UnGet ();
	if (frames.Size() == 0)
		sc.ScriptError ("Switch state needs at least one frame");
	if (bad)
		return NULL;

	def = (FSwitchDef *)M_Malloc (myoffsetof (FSwitchDef, frames[0]) + frames.Size()*sizeof(frames[0]));
	def->Sound = sound;
	def->NumFrames = frames.Size();
	memcpy (&def->frames[0], &frames[0], frames.Size() * sizeof(frames[0]));
	def->PairDef = NULL;
	return def;