void safe_hash_change(SAFE_HASH *hash, uchar *old_data, uchar *new_data) { SAFE_HASH_ENTRY *entry, *next; DBUG_ENTER("safe_hash_change"); mysql_rwlock_wrlock(&hash->mutex); for (entry= hash->root ; entry ; entry= next) { next= entry->next; if (entry->data == old_data) { if (new_data == hash->default_value) { if ((*entry->prev= entry->next)) entry->next->prev= entry->prev; my_hash_delete(&hash->hash, (uchar*) entry); } else entry->data= new_data; } } mysql_rwlock_unlock(&hash->mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; }
uchar *safe_hash_search(SAFE_HASH *hash, const uchar *key, uint length, uchar *def) { uchar *result; DBUG_ENTER("safe_hash_search"); mysql_rwlock_rdlock(&hash->mutex); result= my_hash_search(&hash->hash, key, length); mysql_rwlock_unlock(&hash->mutex); if (!result) result= def; else result= ((SAFE_HASH_ENTRY*) result)->data; DBUG_PRINT("exit",("data: 0x%lx", (long) result)); DBUG_RETURN(result); }
int mi_rsame(MI_INFO *info, uchar *record, int inx) { DBUG_ENTER("mi_rsame"); if (inx != -1 && ! mi_is_key_active(info->s->state.key_map, inx)) { set_my_errno(HA_ERR_WRONG_INDEX); DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_WRONG_INDEX); } if (info->lastpos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR || info->update & HA_STATE_DELETED) { set_my_errno(HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND); DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND); /* No current record */ } info->update&= (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED); /* Read row from data file */ if (fast_mi_readinfo(info)) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno()); if (inx >= 0) { info->lastinx=inx; info->lastkey_length=_mi_make_key(info,(uint) inx,info->lastkey,record, info->lastpos); if (info->s->concurrent_insert) mysql_rwlock_rdlock(&info->s->key_root_lock[inx]); (void) _mi_search(info,info->s->keyinfo+inx,info->lastkey, USE_WHOLE_KEY, SEARCH_SAME, info->s->state.key_root[inx]); if (info->s->concurrent_insert) mysql_rwlock_unlock(&info->s->key_root_lock[inx]); } if (!(*info->read_record)(info,info->lastpos,record)) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (my_errno() == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED) set_my_errno(HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND); DBUG_RETURN(my_errno()); } /* mi_rsame */
int mi_rnext(MI_INFO *info, uchar *buf, int inx) { int error,changed; uint flag; uint update_mask= HA_STATE_NEXT_FOUND; DBUG_ENTER("mi_rnext"); if ((inx = _mi_check_index(info,inx)) < 0) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); flag=SEARCH_BIGGER; /* Read next */ if (info->lastpos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR && info->update & HA_STATE_PREV_FOUND) flag=0; /* Read first */ if (fast_mi_readinfo(info)) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); if (info->s->concurrent_insert) mysql_rwlock_rdlock(&info->s->key_root_lock[inx]); changed=_mi_test_if_changed(info); if (!flag) { switch(info->s->keyinfo[inx].key_alg){ #ifdef HAVE_RTREE_KEYS case HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE: error=rtree_get_first(info,inx,info->lastkey_length); break; #endif case HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE: default: error=_mi_search_first(info,info->s->keyinfo+inx, info->s->state.key_root[inx]); break; } /* "search first" failed. This means we have no pivot for "search next", or in other words MI_INFO::lastkey is likely uninitialized. Normally SQL layer would never request "search next" if "search first" failed. But HANDLER may do anything. As mi_rnext() without preceeding mi_rkey()/mi_rfirst() equals to mi_rfirst(), we must restore original state as if failing mi_rfirst() was not called. */ if (error) update_mask|= HA_STATE_PREV_FOUND; } else { switch (info->s->keyinfo[inx].key_alg) { #ifdef HAVE_RTREE_KEYS case HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE: /* Note that rtree doesn't support that the table may be changed since last call, so we do need to skip rows inserted by other threads like in btree */ error= rtree_get_next(info,inx,info->lastkey_length); break; #endif case HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE: default: if (!changed) error= _mi_search_next(info,info->s->keyinfo+inx,info->lastkey, info->lastkey_length,flag, info->s->state.key_root[inx]); else error= _mi_search(info,info->s->keyinfo+inx,info->lastkey, USE_WHOLE_KEY,flag, info->s->state.key_root[inx]); } } if (info->s->concurrent_insert) { if (!error) { while (info->lastpos >= info->state->data_file_length) { /* Skip rows inserted by other threads since we got a lock */ if ((error=_mi_search_next(info,info->s->keyinfo+inx, info->lastkey, info->lastkey_length, SEARCH_BIGGER, info->s->state.key_root[inx]))) break; } } mysql_rwlock_unlock(&info->s->key_root_lock[inx]); } /* Don't clear if database-changed */ info->update&= (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED); info->update|= update_mask; if (error) { if (my_errno == HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) my_errno=HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; } else if (!buf) { DBUG_RETURN(info->lastpos==HA_OFFSET_ERROR ? my_errno : 0); } else if (!(*info->read_record)(info,info->lastpos,buf)) { info->update|= HA_STATE_AKTIV; /* Record is read */ DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_PRINT("error",("Got error: %d, errno: %d",error, my_errno)); DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); } /* mi_rnext */
int mi_rnext_same(MI_INFO *info, uchar *buf) { int error; uint inx,not_used[2]; MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo; DBUG_ENTER("mi_rnext_same"); if ((int) (inx=info->lastinx) < 0 || info->lastpos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR) { set_my_errno(HA_ERR_WRONG_INDEX); DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_WRONG_INDEX); } keyinfo=info->s->keyinfo+inx; if (fast_mi_readinfo(info)) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno()); if (info->s->concurrent_insert) mysql_rwlock_rdlock(&info->s->key_root_lock[inx]); switch (keyinfo->key_alg) { case HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE: if ((error=rtree_find_next(info,inx, myisam_read_vec[info->last_key_func]))) { error=1; set_my_errno(HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE); info->lastpos= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; break; } break; case HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE: default: if (info->set_rnext_same_key) { /* First rnext_same and lastkey is filled in mi_rkey */ memcpy(info->rnext_same_key, info->lastkey, info->last_rkey_length); info->set_rnext_same_key= FALSE; } for (;;) { if ((error=_mi_search_next(info,keyinfo,info->lastkey, info->lastkey_length,SEARCH_BIGGER, info->s->state.key_root[inx]))) break; if (ha_key_cmp(keyinfo->seg, info->lastkey, info->rnext_same_key, info->last_rkey_length, SEARCH_FIND, not_used)) { error=1; set_my_errno(HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE); info->lastpos= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; break; } /* Skip rows that are inserted by other threads since we got a lock */ if (info->lastpos < info->state->data_file_length && (!info->index_cond_func || mi_check_index_cond(info, inx, buf))) break; } } if (info->s->concurrent_insert) mysql_rwlock_unlock(&info->s->key_root_lock[inx]); /* Don't clear if database-changed */ info->update&= (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED); info->update|= HA_STATE_NEXT_FOUND; if (error) { if (my_errno() == HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) set_my_errno(HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE); } else if (!buf) { DBUG_RETURN(info->lastpos==HA_OFFSET_ERROR ? my_errno() : 0); } else if (!(*info->read_record)(info,info->lastpos,buf)) { info->update|= HA_STATE_AKTIV; /* Record is read */ DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_RETURN(my_errno()); } /* mi_rnext_same */
int mi_rprev(MI_INFO *info, uchar *buf, int inx) { int error,changed; register uint flag; MYISAM_SHARE *share=info->s; DBUG_ENTER("mi_rprev"); if ((inx = _mi_check_index(info,inx)) < 0) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); flag=SEARCH_SMALLER; /* Read previous */ if (info->lastpos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR && info->update & HA_STATE_NEXT_FOUND) flag=0; /* Read last */ if (fast_mi_readinfo(info)) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); changed=_mi_test_if_changed(info); if (share->concurrent_insert) mysql_rwlock_rdlock(&share->key_root_lock[inx]); if (!flag) error=_mi_search_last(info, share->keyinfo+inx, share->state.key_root[inx]); else if (!changed) error=_mi_search_next(info,share->keyinfo+inx,info->lastkey, info->lastkey_length,flag, share->state.key_root[inx]); else error=_mi_search(info,share->keyinfo+inx,info->lastkey, USE_WHOLE_KEY, flag, share->state.key_root[inx]); if (share->concurrent_insert) { if (!error) { while (info->lastpos >= info->state->data_file_length) { /* Skip rows that are inserted by other threads since we got a lock */ if ((error=_mi_search_next(info,share->keyinfo+inx,info->lastkey, info->lastkey_length, SEARCH_SMALLER, share->state.key_root[inx]))) break; } } mysql_rwlock_unlock(&share->key_root_lock[inx]); } info->update&= (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED); info->update|= HA_STATE_PREV_FOUND; if (error) { if (my_errno == HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) my_errno=HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; } else if (!buf) { DBUG_RETURN(info->lastpos==HA_OFFSET_ERROR ? my_errno : 0); } else if (!(*info->read_record)(info,info->lastpos,buf)) { info->update|= HA_STATE_AKTIV; /* Record is read */ DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); } /* mi_rprev */
int maria_rprev(MARIA_HA *info, uchar *buf, int inx) { int error,changed; register uint flag; MARIA_SHARE *share= info->s; MARIA_KEYDEF *keyinfo; ICP_RESULT icp_res= ICP_MATCH; DBUG_ENTER("maria_rprev"); if ((inx = _ma_check_index(info,inx)) < 0) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); flag=SEARCH_SMALLER; /* Read previous */ if (info->cur_row.lastpos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR && info->update & HA_STATE_NEXT_FOUND) flag=0; /* Read last */ if (fast_ma_readinfo(info)) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); keyinfo= share->keyinfo + inx; changed= _ma_test_if_changed(info); if (share->lock_key_trees) mysql_rwlock_rdlock(&keyinfo->root_lock); if (!flag) error= _ma_search_last(info, keyinfo, share->state.key_root[inx]); else if (!changed) error= _ma_search_next(info, &info->last_key, flag | info->last_key.flag, share->state.key_root[inx]); else error= _ma_search(info, &info->last_key, flag | info->last_key.flag, share->state.key_root[inx]); if (!error) { my_off_t cur_keypage= info->last_keypage; while (!(*share->row_is_visible)(info) || ((icp_res= ma_check_index_cond(info, inx, buf)) == ICP_NO_MATCH)) { /* If we are at the last (i.e. first?) key on the key page, allow writers to access the index. */ if (info->last_keypage != cur_keypage) { cur_keypage= info->last_keypage; if (ma_yield_and_check_if_killed(info, inx)) { error= 1; break; } } /* Skip rows that are inserted by other threads since we got a lock */ if ((error= _ma_search_next(info, &info->last_key, SEARCH_SMALLER, share->state.key_root[inx]))) break; } } if (share->lock_key_trees) mysql_rwlock_unlock(&keyinfo->root_lock); info->update&= (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED); info->update|= HA_STATE_PREV_FOUND; if (error || icp_res != ICP_MATCH) { fast_ma_writeinfo(info); if (my_errno == HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) my_errno= HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; } else if (!buf) { fast_ma_writeinfo(info); DBUG_RETURN(info->cur_row.lastpos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR ? my_errno : 0); } else if (!(*info->read_record)(info, buf, info->cur_row.lastpos)) { info->update|= HA_STATE_AKTIV; /* Record is read */ DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); } /* maria_rprev */
int mi_lock_database(MI_INFO *info, int lock_type) { int error; uint count; MYISAM_SHARE *share=info->s; DBUG_ENTER("mi_lock_database"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("lock_type: %d old lock %d r_locks: %u w_locks: %u " "global_changed: %d open_count: %u name: '%s'", lock_type, info->lock_type, share->r_locks, share->w_locks, share->global_changed, share->state.open_count, share->index_file_name)); if (share->options & HA_OPTION_READ_ONLY_DATA || info->lock_type == lock_type) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (lock_type == F_EXTRA_LCK) /* Used by TMP tables */ { ++share->w_locks; ++share->tot_locks; info->lock_type= lock_type; info->s->in_use= list_add(info->s->in_use, &info->in_use); DBUG_RETURN(0); } error= 0; mysql_mutex_lock(&share->intern_lock); if (share->kfile >= 0) /* May only be false on windows */ { switch (lock_type) { case F_UNLCK: ftparser_call_deinitializer(info); if (info->lock_type == F_RDLCK) count= --share->r_locks; else count= --share->w_locks; --share->tot_locks; if (info->lock_type == F_WRLCK && !share->w_locks && !share->delay_key_write && flush_key_blocks(share->key_cache, keycache_thread_var(), share->kfile,FLUSH_KEEP)) { error=my_errno(); mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); mi_mark_crashed(info); /* Mark that table must be checked */ } if (info->opt_flag & (READ_CACHE_USED | WRITE_CACHE_USED)) { if (end_io_cache(&info->rec_cache)) { error=my_errno(); mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); mi_mark_crashed(info); } } if (!count) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("changed: %u w_locks: %u", (uint) share->changed, share->w_locks)); if (share->changed && !share->w_locks) { if ((info->s->mmaped_length != info->s->state.state.data_file_length) && (info->s->nonmmaped_inserts > MAX_NONMAPPED_INSERTS)) { if (info->s->concurrent_insert) mysql_rwlock_wrlock(&info->s->mmap_lock); mi_remap_file(info, info->s->state.state.data_file_length); info->s->nonmmaped_inserts= 0; if (info->s->concurrent_insert) mysql_rwlock_unlock(&info->s->mmap_lock); } share->state.process= share->last_process=share->this_process; share->state.unique= info->last_unique= info->this_unique; share->state.update_count= info->last_loop= ++info->this_loop; if (mi_state_info_write(share->kfile, &share->state, 1)) error=my_errno(); share->changed=0; if (myisam_flush) { if (mysql_file_sync(share->kfile, MYF(0))) error= my_errno(); if (mysql_file_sync(info->dfile, MYF(0))) error= my_errno(); } else share->not_flushed=1; if (error) { mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); mi_mark_crashed(info); } } if (info->lock_type != F_EXTRA_LCK) { if (share->r_locks) { /* Only read locks left */ if (my_lock(share->kfile,F_RDLCK,0L,F_TO_EOF, MYF(MY_WME | MY_SEEK_NOT_DONE)) && !error) error=my_errno(); } else if (!share->w_locks) { /* No more locks */ if (my_lock(share->kfile,F_UNLCK,0L,F_TO_EOF, MYF(MY_WME | MY_SEEK_NOT_DONE)) && !error) error=my_errno(); } } } info->opt_flag&= ~(READ_CACHE_USED | WRITE_CACHE_USED); info->lock_type= F_UNLCK; info->s->in_use= list_delete(info->s->in_use, &info->in_use); break; case F_RDLCK: if (info->lock_type == F_WRLCK) { /* Change RW to READONLY mysqld does not turn write locks to read locks, so we're never here in mysqld. */ if (share->w_locks == 1) { if (my_lock(share->kfile,lock_type,0L,F_TO_EOF, MYF(MY_SEEK_NOT_DONE))) { error=my_errno(); break; } } share->w_locks--; share->r_locks++; info->lock_type=lock_type; break; } if (!share->r_locks && !share->w_locks) { if (my_lock(share->kfile,lock_type,0L,F_TO_EOF, info->lock_wait | MY_SEEK_NOT_DONE)) { error=my_errno(); break; } if (mi_state_info_read_dsk(share->kfile, &share->state, 1)) { error=my_errno(); (void) my_lock(share->kfile,F_UNLCK,0L,F_TO_EOF,MYF(MY_SEEK_NOT_DONE)); set_my_errno(error); break; } } (void) _mi_test_if_changed(info); share->r_locks++; share->tot_locks++; info->lock_type=lock_type; info->s->in_use= list_add(info->s->in_use, &info->in_use); break; case F_WRLCK: if (info->lock_type == F_RDLCK) { /* Change READONLY to RW */ if (share->r_locks == 1) { if (my_lock(share->kfile,lock_type,0L,F_TO_EOF, MYF(info->lock_wait | MY_SEEK_NOT_DONE))) { error=my_errno(); break; } share->r_locks--; share->w_locks++; info->lock_type=lock_type; break; } } if (!(share->options & HA_OPTION_READ_ONLY_DATA)) { if (!share->w_locks) { if (my_lock(share->kfile,lock_type,0L,F_TO_EOF, info->lock_wait | MY_SEEK_NOT_DONE)) { error=my_errno(); break; } if (!share->r_locks) { if (mi_state_info_read_dsk(share->kfile, &share->state, 1)) { error=my_errno(); (void) my_lock(share->kfile,F_UNLCK,0L,F_TO_EOF, info->lock_wait | MY_SEEK_NOT_DONE); set_my_errno(error); break; } } } } (void) _mi_test_if_changed(info); info->lock_type=lock_type; info->invalidator=info->s->invalidator; share->w_locks++; share->tot_locks++; info->s->in_use= list_add(info->s->in_use, &info->in_use); break; default: break; /* Impossible */ } } #ifdef _WIN32 else { /* Check for bad file descriptors if this table is part of a merge union. Failing to capture this may cause a crash on windows if the table is renamed and later on referenced by the merge table. */ if( info->owned_by_merge && (info->s)->kfile < 0 ) { error = HA_ERR_NO_SUCH_TABLE; } } #endif mysql_mutex_unlock(&share->intern_lock); DBUG_RETURN(error); } /* mi_lock_database */
int maria_rnext(MARIA_HA *info, uchar *buf, int inx) { int error,changed; uint flag; MARIA_SHARE *share= info->s; MARIA_KEYDEF *keyinfo; ICP_RESULT icp_res= ICP_MATCH; uint update_mask= HA_STATE_NEXT_FOUND; DBUG_ENTER("maria_rnext"); if ((inx = _ma_check_index(info,inx)) < 0) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); flag=SEARCH_BIGGER; /* Read next */ if (info->cur_row.lastpos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR && info->update & HA_STATE_PREV_FOUND) flag=0; /* Read first */ if (fast_ma_readinfo(info)) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); keyinfo= share->keyinfo + inx; if (share->lock_key_trees) mysql_rwlock_rdlock(&keyinfo->root_lock); changed= _ma_test_if_changed(info); if (!flag) { switch (keyinfo->key_alg){ #ifdef HAVE_RTREE_KEYS case HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE: error=maria_rtree_get_first(info, inx, info->last_key.data_length + info->last_key.ref_length); break; #endif case HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE: default: error= _ma_search_first(info, keyinfo, share->state.key_root[inx]); break; } /* "search first" failed. This means we have no pivot for "search next", or in other words MI_INFO::lastkey is likely uninitialized. Normally SQL layer would never request "search next" if "search first" failed. But HANDLER may do anything. As mi_rnext() without preceding mi_rkey()/mi_rfirst() equals to mi_rfirst(), we must restore original state as if failing mi_rfirst() was not called. */ if (error) update_mask|= HA_STATE_PREV_FOUND; } else { switch (keyinfo->key_alg) { #ifdef HAVE_RTREE_KEYS case HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE: /* Note that rtree doesn't support that the table may be changed since last call, so we do need to skip rows inserted by other threads like in btree */ error= maria_rtree_get_next(info, inx, info->last_key.data_length + info->last_key.ref_length); break; #endif case HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE: default: if (!changed) error= _ma_search_next(info, &info->last_key, flag | info->last_key.flag, share->state.key_root[inx]); else error= _ma_search(info, &info->last_key, flag | info->last_key.flag, share->state.key_root[inx]); } } if (!error) { while (!(*share->row_is_visible)(info) || ((icp_res= ma_check_index_cond(info, inx, buf)) == ICP_NO_MATCH)) { /* If we are at the last key on the key page, allow writers to access the index. */ if (info->int_keypos >= info->int_maxpos && ma_yield_and_check_if_killed(info, inx)) { /* my_errno is set by ma_yield_and_check_if_killed() */ error= 1; break; } /* Skip rows inserted by other threads since we got a lock */ if ((error= _ma_search_next(info, &info->last_key, SEARCH_BIGGER, share->state.key_root[inx]))) break; } } if (share->lock_key_trees) mysql_rwlock_unlock(&keyinfo->root_lock); /* Don't clear if database-changed */ info->update&= (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED); info->update|= update_mask; if (error || icp_res != ICP_MATCH) { fast_ma_writeinfo(info); if (my_errno == HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) my_errno= HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; } else if (!buf) { fast_ma_writeinfo(info); DBUG_RETURN(info->cur_row.lastpos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR ? my_errno : 0); } else if (!(*info->read_record)(info, buf, info->cur_row.lastpos)) { info->update|= HA_STATE_AKTIV; /* Record is read */ DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_PRINT("error",("Got error: %d, errno: %d",error, my_errno)); DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); } /* maria_rnext */
my_bool safe_hash_set(SAFE_HASH *hash, const uchar *key, uint length, uchar *data) { SAFE_HASH_ENTRY *entry; my_bool error= 0; DBUG_ENTER("safe_hash_set"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("key: %.*s data: 0x%lx", length, key, (long) data)); mysql_rwlock_wrlock(&hash->mutex); entry= (SAFE_HASH_ENTRY*) my_hash_search(&hash->hash, key, length); if (data == hash->default_value) { /* The key is to be associated with the default entry. In this case we can just delete the entry (if it existed) from the hash as a search will return the default entry */ if (!entry) /* nothing to do */ goto end; /* unlink entry from list */ if ((*entry->prev= entry->next)) entry->next->prev= entry->prev; my_hash_delete(&hash->hash, (uchar*) entry); goto end; } if (entry) { /* Entry existed; Just change the pointer to point at the new data */ entry->data= data; } else { if (!(entry= (SAFE_HASH_ENTRY *) my_malloc(sizeof(*entry) + length, MYF(MY_WME)))) { error= 1; goto end; } entry->key= (uchar*) (entry +1); memcpy((char*) entry->key, (char*) key, length); entry->length= length; entry->data= data; /* Link entry to list */ if ((entry->next= hash->root)) entry->next->prev= &entry->next; entry->prev= &hash->root; hash->root= entry; if (my_hash_insert(&hash->hash, (uchar*) entry)) { /* This can only happen if hash got out of memory */ my_free(entry); error= 1; goto end; } } end: mysql_rwlock_unlock(&hash->mutex); DBUG_RETURN(error); }