Example #1
    void refreshName(const std::vector<unsigned char> &inName)


        NameTableEntry nameObj(ValtypeToString(inName),

        CNameData data;
            LOCK (cs_main);
            if (!pcoinsTip->GetName (inName, data))
                LogPrintf ("name not found: '%s'\n", ValtypeToString (inName).c_str());

            nameObj = NameTableEntry(ValtypeToString(inName),
                                     ValtypeToString(data.getValue ()),
                                     data.getHeight ());

        // Find name in model
        QList<NameTableEntry>::iterator lower = qLowerBound(
            cachedNameTable.begin(), cachedNameTable.end(), nameObj.name, NameTableEntryLessThan());
        QList<NameTableEntry>::iterator upper = qUpperBound(
            cachedNameTable.begin(), cachedNameTable.end(), nameObj.name, NameTableEntryLessThan());
        bool inModel = (lower != upper);

        if (inModel)
            // In model - update or delete
            if (nameObj.nHeight != NameTableEntry::NAME_NON_EXISTING)
                LogPrintf ("refreshName result : %s - refreshed in the table\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
                updateEntry(nameObj.name, nameObj.value, nameObj.nHeight, CT_UPDATED);
                LogPrintf("refreshName result : %s - deleted from the table\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
                updateEntry(nameObj.name, nameObj.value, nameObj.nHeight, CT_DELETED);
            // Not in model - add or do nothing
            if (nameObj.nHeight != NameTableEntry::NAME_NON_EXISTING)
                LogPrintf("refreshName result : %s - added to the table\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
                updateEntry(nameObj.name, nameObj.value, nameObj.nHeight, CT_NEW);
                LogPrintf("refreshName result : %s - ignored (not in the table)\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
jobject android_view_InputDevice_create(JNIEnv* env, const InputDeviceInfo& deviceInfo) {
    ScopedLocalRef<jstring> nameObj(env, env->NewStringUTF(deviceInfo.getDisplayName().string()));
    if (!nameObj.get()) {
        return NULL;

    ScopedLocalRef<jstring> descriptorObj(env,
    if (!descriptorObj.get()) {
        return NULL;

    ScopedLocalRef<jobject> kcmObj(env,
            android_view_KeyCharacterMap_create(env, deviceInfo.getId(),
    if (!kcmObj.get()) {
        return NULL;

    const InputDeviceIdentifier& ident = deviceInfo.getIdentifier();

    // Not sure why, but JNI is complaining when I pass this through directly.
    jboolean hasMic = deviceInfo.hasMic() ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;

    ScopedLocalRef<jobject> inputDeviceObj(env, env->NewObject(gInputDeviceClassInfo.clazz,
                gInputDeviceClassInfo.ctor, deviceInfo.getId(), deviceInfo.getGeneration(),
                deviceInfo.getControllerNumber(), nameObj.get(),
                static_cast<int32_t>(ident.vendor), static_cast<int32_t>(ident.product),
                descriptorObj.get(), deviceInfo.isExternal(), deviceInfo.getSources(),
                deviceInfo.getKeyboardType(), kcmObj.get(), deviceInfo.hasVibrator(),
                hasMic, deviceInfo.hasButtonUnderPad()));

    const Vector<InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange>& ranges = deviceInfo.getMotionRanges();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) {
        const InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange& range = ranges.itemAt(i);
        env->CallVoidMethod(inputDeviceObj.get(), gInputDeviceClassInfo.addMotionRange, range.axis,
                range.source, range.min, range.max, range.flat, range.fuzz, range.resolution);
        if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
            return NULL;

    return env->NewLocalRef(inputDeviceObj.get());
jobject android_view_InputDevice_create(JNIEnv* env, const InputDeviceInfo& deviceInfo) {
    ScopedLocalRef<jstring> nameObj(env, env->NewStringUTF(deviceInfo.getDisplayName().string()));
    if (!nameObj.get()) {
        return NULL;

    ScopedLocalRef<jstring> descriptorObj(env,
    if (!descriptorObj.get()) {
        return NULL;

    ScopedLocalRef<jobject> kcmObj(env,
            android_view_KeyCharacterMap_create(env, deviceInfo.getId(),
    if (!kcmObj.get()) {
        return NULL;

    ScopedLocalRef<jobject> inputDeviceObj(env, env->NewObject(gInputDeviceClassInfo.clazz,
            gInputDeviceClassInfo.ctor, deviceInfo.getId(), deviceInfo.getGeneration(),
            nameObj.get(), descriptorObj.get(), deviceInfo.isExternal(),
            deviceInfo.getSources(), deviceInfo.getKeyboardType(),
            kcmObj.get(), deviceInfo.hasVibrator()));

    const Vector<InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange>& ranges = deviceInfo.getMotionRanges();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) {
        const InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange& range = ranges.itemAt(i);
        env->CallVoidMethod(inputDeviceObj.get(), gInputDeviceClassInfo.addMotionRange, range.axis,
                range.source, range.min, range.max, range.flat, range.fuzz, range.resolution);
        if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
            return NULL;

    return env->NewLocalRef(inputDeviceObj.get());
Example #4
void Forge::CreateWeapon(CHAR_DATA & ch, const char * argument)
    // Perform basic skill check
    int skill(get_skill(&ch, gsn_forgeweapon));
    if (skill <= 0)
        send_to_char("Huh?\n", &ch);

    // Check for cooldown
    for (AFFECT_DATA * paf(get_affect(&ch, gsn_forgeweapon)); paf != NULL; paf = get_affect(&ch, gsn_forgeweapon, paf))
        if (paf->point == NULL && paf->location == APPLY_NONE)
            send_to_char("You are not ready for the trying process of forging another weapon just yet.\n", &ch);

    // Check for naming
    AFFECT_DATA * nameAff(FindNameEffect(ch));
    if (nameAff != NULL)
        OBJ_DATA * nameObj(FindNameableObject(ch, *nameAff));
        if (nameObj != NULL)
            act("You must first confer a true Name upon $p.", &ch, nameObj, NULL, TO_CHAR);
        // No longer has the obj, so just clean up the effect and move on
        affect_remove(&ch, nameAff);

    // Get the weapon type name
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    argument = one_argument(argument, arg);
    if (arg[0] == '\0')
        send_to_char("Which type of weapon did you wish to forge?\n", &ch);

    // Begin building the context, starting with the weapon type
    std::auto_ptr<ForgeContext> context(new ForgeContext);
    context->skill = skill;
    context->weaponInfo = LookupWeapon(arg);
    if (context->weaponInfo == NULL)
        send_to_char("You do not know how to make weapons of that type.\n", &ch);

    // Check for mana
    int manaCost(skill_table[gsn_forgeweapon].min_mana);
    if (ch.mana < manaCost)
        send_to_char("You are too weary to forge a weapon right now.\n", &ch);

    // Get the first object
    std::vector<OBJ_DATA*> baseObjects;
    if (!ObtainBaseObject(*context, baseObjects, ch, argument))

    // Check for an alloy
    argument = one_argument(argument, arg);
    if (arg[0] != '\0' && !str_prefix(arg, "alloy"))
        if (!ObtainBaseObject(*context, baseObjects, ch, argument))

        argument = one_argument(argument, arg);

    // Check for name
    if (arg[0] != '\0' && !str_prefix(arg, "name"))
        // Verify max mana
        if (ch.max_mana < NamingManaCost)
            send_to_char("You lack the will to speak a true Name.\n", &ch);

        // Verify lava forge
        if (ch.in_room == NULL || !room_is_affected(ch.in_room, gsn_lavaforge))
            send_to_char("You may only confer a true Name from the heat of the earth itself, at a lava forge.\n", &ch);

        context->named = true;
        argument = one_argument(argument, arg);

    // Check for superfluous arguments
    if (arg[0] != '\0')
        send_to_char("Syntax: forgeweapon <type> <base_object> [alloy <base_object>] [name]\n", &ch);

    // Check for sufficient weight
    if (context->weight < context->weaponInfo->minWeight)
        std::ostringstream mess;
        mess << "Forging a " << context->weaponInfo->name << " requires more raw material than that!\n";
        send_to_char(mess.str().c_str(), &ch);

    // Build object list to help with echoes
    std::ostringstream objMess;
    objMess << baseObjects[0]->short_descr;
    for (size_t i(1); (i + 1) < baseObjects.size(); ++i)
        objMess << ", " << baseObjects[i]->short_descr;

    if (baseObjects.size() > 1)
        objMess << " and " << baseObjects[baseObjects.size() - 1]->short_descr;

    std::string objList(objMess.str());

    // Perform initial echoes
    std::ostringstream mess;
    mess << "With a blast of heat and flame, you render down " << objList << " into a liquid mass of metal.";
    act(mess.str().c_str(), &ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);

    mess << "With a blast of heat and flame, $n renders down " << objList << " into a liquid mass of metal.";
    act(mess.str().c_str(), &ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);

    // Destroy the objects
    for (size_t i(0); i < baseObjects.size(); ++i)

    // Set up the echo affect callbacks
    struct CallbackHandler
        static bool HandleMove(CHAR_DATA * ch, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *, EchoAffect *, void * tag)
            HandleCancel(ch, tag);
            return true;

        static bool HandlePositionChange(CHAR_DATA * ch, int newPos, EchoAffect *, void * tag)
            HandleCancel(ch, tag);
            return true;

        static bool HandleCast(CHAR_DATA * ch, int, int, void *, int, EchoAffect *, void * tag)
            HandleCancel(ch, tag);
            return true;

        static bool CheckFailure(CHAR_DATA * ch, EchoAffect *, void * tag)
            // Check for skill
            ForgeContext * context(static_cast<ForgeContext*>(tag));
            if (number_percent() <= context->skill)
                check_improve(ch, NULL, gsn_forgeweapon, true, 6);
                return false;

            // Failed; increase the flaw count
            if (number_percent() <= context->flaws * 25)
                // Fatal error
                act("You lose focus on your work, destroying it completely!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
                act("$n loses focus on $s work, destroying it completely!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
                check_improve(ch, NULL, gsn_forgeweapon, false, 6);
                delete context;
                return true;

            // Non-fatal error
            act("You make a small error while folding the metal, introducing a slight flaw into the weapon.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
            check_improve(ch, NULL, gsn_forgeweapon, false, 6);
            return false;

        static bool Finish(CHAR_DATA * ch, EchoAffect *, void * tag)
            std::auto_ptr<ForgeContext> context(static_cast<ForgeContext*>(tag));
            CompleteWeapon(*ch, *context);
            return false;

            static void HandleCancel(CHAR_DATA * ch, void * tag)
                std::auto_ptr<ForgeContext> context(static_cast<ForgeContext*>(tag));
                send_to_char("You abandon your efforts at the forge, letting the partially-worked metal run away to uselessness.\n", ch);
                act("$n abandons $s efforts at the forge, allowing the partially-worked metal to run away uselessly.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);

    // Prepare the echoAffect
    EchoAffect * echoAff(new EchoAffect(1));

    // Add in lines
                    "Working the mass carefully, you begin to shape the metal.",
                    "Working the mass carefully, $n begins to shape the metal.");

    mess << "As you fold the metal over itself time and again, it starts to take on the distinctive shape of a ";
    mess << context->weaponInfo->name << ".";

    std::ostringstream omess;
    omess << "As $n folds the metal over itself time and again, it starts to take on the distinctive shape of a ";
    omess << context->weaponInfo->name << ".";

    echoAff->AddLine(&CallbackHandler::CheckFailure, mess.str().c_str(), omess.str().c_str());
                    "Molding the weapon with magic and skill, you bring your work near completion.",
                    "Molding the weapon with magic and skill, $n brings $s work near completion.");

    echoAff->AddLine(&CallbackHandler::Finish, "");

    // Finish applying the effect
    EchoAffect::ApplyToChar(&ch, echoAff);

    // Apply a cooldown
    AFFECT_DATA af = {0};
    af.where    = TO_AFFECTS;
    af.type     = gsn_forgeweapon;
    af.location = APPLY_NONE;
    af.duration = 60;
    af.level    = ch.level;
    affect_to_char(&ch, &af);

    // Charge mana and lag
    expend_mana(&ch, manaCost);
    WAIT_STATE(&ch, skill_table[gsn_forgeweapon].beats);