static void updatePositionAccelController_MC(uint32_t deltaMicros, float maxAccelLimit)
    float velErrorX, velErrorY, newAccelX, newAccelY;

    // Calculate velocity error
    velErrorX = posControl.desiredState.vel.V.X - posControl.actualState.vel.V.X;
    velErrorY = posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Y - posControl.actualState.vel.V.Y;

    // Calculate XY-acceleration limit according to velocity error limit
    float accelLimitX, accelLimitY;
    float velErrorMagnitude = sqrtf(sq(velErrorX) + sq(velErrorY));
    if (velErrorMagnitude > 0.1f) {
        accelLimitX = maxAccelLimit / velErrorMagnitude * fabsf(velErrorX);
        accelLimitY = maxAccelLimit / velErrorMagnitude * fabsf(velErrorY);
    else {
        accelLimitX = maxAccelLimit / 1.414213f;
        accelLimitY = accelLimitX;

    // Apply additional jerk limiting of 1700 cm/s^3 (~100 deg/s), almost any copter should be able to achieve this rate
    // This will assure that we wont't saturate out LEVEL and RATE PID controller
    float maxAccelChange = US2S(deltaMicros) * 1700.0f;
    float accelLimitXMin = constrainf(lastAccelTargetX - maxAccelChange, -accelLimitX, +accelLimitX);
    float accelLimitXMax = constrainf(lastAccelTargetX + maxAccelChange, -accelLimitX, +accelLimitX);
    float accelLimitYMin = constrainf(lastAccelTargetY - maxAccelChange, -accelLimitY, +accelLimitY);
    float accelLimitYMax = constrainf(lastAccelTargetY + maxAccelChange, -accelLimitY, +accelLimitY);

    // TODO: Verify if we need jerk limiting after all

    // Apply PID with output limiting and I-term anti-windup
    // Pre-calculated accelLimit and the logic of navPidApply2 function guarantee that our newAccel won't exceed maxAccelLimit
    // Thus we don't need to do anything else with calculated acceleration
    newAccelX = navPidApply2(posControl.desiredState.vel.V.X, posControl.actualState.vel.V.X, US2S(deltaMicros), &posControl.pids.vel[X], accelLimitXMin, accelLimitXMax, false);
    newAccelY = navPidApply2(posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Y, posControl.actualState.vel.V.Y, US2S(deltaMicros), &posControl.pids.vel[Y], accelLimitYMin, accelLimitYMax, false);

    // Save last acceleration target
    lastAccelTargetX = newAccelX;
    lastAccelTargetY = newAccelY;

    // Apply LPF to jerk limited acceleration target
    float accelN = filterApplyPt1(newAccelX, &mcPosControllerAccFilterStateX, NAV_ACCEL_CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_HZ, US2S(deltaMicros));
    float accelE = filterApplyPt1(newAccelY, &mcPosControllerAccFilterStateY, NAV_ACCEL_CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_HZ, US2S(deltaMicros));

    // Rotate acceleration target into forward-right frame (aircraft)
    float accelForward = accelN * posControl.actualState.cosYaw + accelE * posControl.actualState.sinYaw;
    float accelRight = -accelN * posControl.actualState.sinYaw + accelE * posControl.actualState.cosYaw;

    // Calculate banking angles
    float desiredPitch = atan2_approx(accelForward, GRAVITY_CMSS);
    float desiredRoll = atan2_approx(accelRight * cos_approx(desiredPitch), GRAVITY_CMSS);

    int16_t maxBankAngle = DEGREES_TO_DECIDEGREES(posControl.navConfig->mc_max_bank_angle);
    posControl.rcAdjustment[ROLL] = constrain(RADIANS_TO_DECIDEGREES(desiredRoll), -maxBankAngle, maxBankAngle);
    posControl.rcAdjustment[PITCH] = constrain(RADIANS_TO_DECIDEGREES(desiredPitch), -maxBankAngle, maxBankAngle);
// Position to velocity controller for Z axis
static void updateAltitudeVelocityAndPitchController_FW(uint32_t deltaMicros)
    static pt1Filter_t velzFilterState;

    // On a fixed wing we might not have a reliable climb rate source (if no BARO available), so we can't apply PID controller to
    // velocity error. We use PID controller on altitude error and calculate desired pitch angle from desired climb rate and forward velocity

    // FIXME: Use airspeed here
    float forwardVelocity = MAX(posControl.actualState.velXY, 300.0f);   // Limit min velocity for PID controller at about 10 km/h

    // Calculate max climb rate from current forward velocity and maximum pitch angle (climb angle is fairly small, approximate tan=sin)
    float maxVelocityClimb = forwardVelocity * sin_approx(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(posControl.navConfig->fw_max_climb_angle));
    float maxVelocityDive = -forwardVelocity * sin_approx(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(posControl.navConfig->fw_max_dive_angle));

    posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Z = navPidApply2(posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Z, posControl.actualState.pos.V.Z, US2S(deltaMicros), &posControl.pids.fw_alt, maxVelocityDive, maxVelocityClimb, false);
    posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Z = pt1FilterApply4(&velzFilterState, posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Z, NAV_FW_VEL_CUTOFF_FREQENCY_HZ, US2S(deltaMicros));

    // Calculate climb angle ( >0 - climb, <0 - dive)
    int16_t climbAngleDeciDeg = RADIANS_TO_DECIDEGREES(atan2_approx(posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Z, forwardVelocity));
    climbAngleDeciDeg = constrain(climbAngleDeciDeg, -posControl.navConfig->fw_max_dive_angle * 10, posControl.navConfig->fw_max_climb_angle * 10);
    posControl.rcAdjustment[PITCH] = climbAngleDeciDeg;

#if defined(NAV_BLACKBOX)
    navDesiredVelocity[Z] = constrain(posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Z, -32678, 32767);
    navTargetPosition[Z] = constrain(posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Z, -32678, 32767);
static void updateAltitudeThrottleController_MC(uint32_t deltaMicros)
    // Calculate min and max throttle boundaries (to compensate for integral windup)
    int16_t thrAdjustmentMin = (int16_t)posControl.escAndServoConfig->minthrottle - (int16_t)posControl.navConfig->mc_hover_throttle;
    int16_t thrAdjustmentMax = (int16_t)posControl.escAndServoConfig->maxthrottle - (int16_t)posControl.navConfig->mc_hover_throttle;

    posControl.rcAdjustment[THROTTLE] = navPidApply2(posControl.desiredState.vel.V.Z, posControl.actualState.vel.V.Z, US2S(deltaMicros), &posControl.pids.vel[Z], thrAdjustmentMin, thrAdjustmentMax, false);

    posControl.rcAdjustment[THROTTLE] = filterApplyPt1(posControl.rcAdjustment[THROTTLE], &altholdThrottleFilterState, NAV_THROTTLE_CUTOFF_FREQENCY_HZ, US2S(deltaMicros));
    posControl.rcAdjustment[THROTTLE] = constrain(posControl.rcAdjustment[THROTTLE], thrAdjustmentMin, thrAdjustmentMax);
static void updatePositionHeadingController_FW(uint32_t deltaMicros)
    static bool forceTurnDirection = false;

    // We have virtual position target, calculate heading error
    int32_t virtualTargetBearing = calculateBearingToDestination(&virtualDesiredPosition);

    // Calculate NAV heading error
    int32_t headingError = wrap_18000(virtualTargetBearing - posControl.actualState.yaw);

    // Forced turn direction
    // If heading error is close to 180 deg we initiate forced turn and only disable it when heading error goes below 90 deg
    if (ABS(headingError) > 17000) {
        forceTurnDirection = true;
    else if (ABS(headingError) < 9000 && forceTurnDirection) {
        forceTurnDirection = false;

    // If forced turn direction flag is enabled we fix the sign of the direction
    if (forceTurnDirection) {
        headingError = ABS(headingError);

    // Input error in (deg*100), output pitch angle (deg*100)
    float rollAdjustment = navPidApply2(posControl.actualState.yaw + headingError, posControl.actualState.yaw, US2S(deltaMicros), &posControl.pids.fw_nav,

    // Apply low-pass filter to prevent rapid correction
    rollAdjustment = pt1FilterApply4(&fwPosControllerCorrectionFilterState, rollAdjustment, NAV_FW_ROLL_CUTOFF_FREQUENCY_HZ, US2S(deltaMicros));

    // Convert rollAdjustment to decidegrees (rcAdjustment holds decidegrees)
    posControl.rcAdjustment[ROLL] = CENTIDEGREES_TO_DECIDEGREES(rollAdjustment);

    // Update magHold heading lock in case pilot is using MAG mode (prevent MAGHOLD to fight navigation)
    posControl.desiredState.yaw = wrap_36000(posControl.actualState.yaw + headingError);

    // Add pitch compensation
    //posControl.rcAdjustment[PITCH] = -CENTIDEGREES_TO_DECIDEGREES(ABS(rollAdjustment)) * 0.50f;
/* Calculate global altitude setpoint based on surface setpoint */
static void updateSurfaceTrackingAltitudeSetpoint(uint32_t deltaMicros)
    /* If we have a surface offset target and a valid surface offset reading - recalculate altitude target */
    if (posControl.flags.isTerrainFollowEnabled && posControl.desiredState.surface >= 0) {
        if (posControl.actualState.surface >= 0 && posControl.flags.hasValidSurfaceSensor) {
            // We better overshoot a little bit than undershoot
            float targetAltitudeError = navPidApply2(posControl.desiredState.surface, posControl.actualState.surface, US2S(deltaMicros), &posControl.pids.surface, -5.0f, +35.0f, false);
            posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Z = posControl.actualState.pos.V.Z + targetAltitudeError;
        else {
            // TODO: We are possible above valid range, we now descend down to attempt to get back within range
            //updateAltitudeTargetFromClimbRate(-0.10f * posControl.navConfig->emerg_descent_rate, CLIMB_RATE_KEEP_SURFACE_TARGET);
            updateAltitudeTargetFromClimbRate(-20.0f, CLIMB_RATE_KEEP_SURFACE_TARGET);

#if defined(NAV_BLACKBOX)
    navTargetPosition[Z] = constrain(lrintf(posControl.desiredState.pos.V.Z), -32678, 32767);