Example #1
static ngx_int_t nchan_subscriber_get_msg_id(ngx_http_request_t *r, nchan_msg_id_t *id) {
  static ngx_str_t                last_event_id_header = ngx_string("Last-Event-ID");
  ngx_str_t                      *last_event_id;
  ngx_str_t                      *if_none_match;
  if((last_event_id = nchan_get_header_value(r, last_event_id_header)) != NULL) {
    u_char       *split, *last;
    ngx_int_t     time;
    last = last_event_id->data + last_event_id->len;
    if((split = ngx_strlchr(last_event_id->data, last, ':')) != NULL) {
      time = ngx_atoi(last_event_id->data, split - last_event_id->data);
      if(time != NGX_ERROR) {
        id->time = time;
        nchan_parse_msg_tag(split, last, id);
        return NGX_OK;
  if_none_match = nchan_subscriber_get_etag(r);
  id->time=(r->headers_in.if_modified_since == NULL) ? 0 : ngx_http_parse_time(r->headers_in.if_modified_since->value.data, r->headers_in.if_modified_since->value.len);
  if(if_none_match==NULL) {
    int i;
    for(i=0; i< NCHAN_MULTITAG_MAX; i++) {
  else {
    nchan_parse_msg_tag(if_none_match->data, if_none_match->data + if_none_match->len, id);
  return NGX_OK;
Example #2
ngx_int_t nchan_parse_compound_msgid(nchan_msg_id_t *id, ngx_str_t *str, ngx_int_t expected_tag_count) {
  //parse url-unescaped compound msgid
  u_char       *split, *last;
  ngx_int_t     time;
  uint8_t       len;
  last = str->data + str->len;
  if((split = ngx_strlchr(str->data, last, ':')) != NULL) {
    len = 1;
  else {
    len = 0; //placate dumb GCC warning
  if(split) {
    time = ngx_atoi(str->data, split - str->data);
    split += len;
    if(time != NGX_ERROR) {
      id->time = time;
      return nchan_parse_msg_tag(split, last, id, expected_tag_count);
    else {
      return NGX_ERROR;
  return NGX_DECLINED;
Example #3
nchan_msg_id_t *nchan_subscriber_get_msg_id(ngx_http_request_t *r) {
  static nchan_msg_id_t           id = NCHAN_ZERO_MSGID;
  ngx_str_t                      *if_none_match;
  nchan_loc_conf_t               *cf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, nchan_module);
  int                             i;
  if(!cf->msg_in_etag_only && r->headers_in.if_modified_since != NULL) {
    id.time=ngx_http_parse_time(r->headers_in.if_modified_since->value.data, r->headers_in.if_modified_since->value.len);
    if_none_match = nchan_subscriber_get_etag(r);
    if(if_none_match==NULL) {
    else {
      nchan_parse_msg_tag(if_none_match->data, if_none_match->data + if_none_match->len, &id);
    return &id;
  else if(cf->msg_in_etag_only && (if_none_match = nchan_subscriber_get_etag(r)) != NULL) {
    if(nchan_parse_compound_msgid(&id, if_none_match) == NGX_OK) {
      return &id;
  else {
    nchan_complex_value_arr_t   *alt_msgid_cv_arr = &cf->last_message_id;
    u_char                       buf[128];
    ngx_str_t                    str;
    ngx_int_t                    rc;
    int                          n = alt_msgid_cv_arr->n;
    str.len = 0;
    str.data = buf;
    for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
      rc = ngx_http_complex_value_noalloc(r, alt_msgid_cv_arr->cv[i], &str, 128);
      if(str.len > 0 && rc == NGX_OK) {
        if(nchan_parse_compound_msgid(&id, &str) == NGX_OK) {
          return &id;
  //eh, we didn't find a valid alt_msgid value from variables. use the defaults
  id.time = cf->subscriber_start_at_oldest_message ? 0 : -1;
  id.tag.fixed[0] = 0;
  return &id;
Example #4
static ngx_int_t nchan_parse_compound_msgid(nchan_msg_id_t *id, ngx_str_t *str){
  u_char       *split, *last;
  ngx_int_t     time;
  last = str->data + str->len;
  if((split = ngx_strlchr(str->data, last, ':')) != NULL) {
    time = ngx_atoi(str->data, split - str->data);
    if(time != NGX_ERROR) {
      id->time = time;
      nchan_parse_msg_tag(split, last, id);
      return NGX_OK;
    else {
      return NGX_ERROR;
  return NGX_DECLINED;
Example #5
nchan_msg_id_t *nchan_subscriber_get_msg_id(ngx_http_request_t *r) {
  static nchan_msg_id_t           id = NCHAN_ZERO_MSGID;
  ngx_str_t                      *if_none_match;
  nchan_loc_conf_t               *cf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_nchan_module);
  nchan_request_ctx_t            *ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_nchan_module);
  int                             i;
  ngx_int_t                       rc;
  if_none_match = nchan_subscriber_get_etag(r);
  if(!cf->msg_in_etag_only && r->headers_in.if_modified_since != NULL) {
    id.time=ngx_http_parse_time(r->headers_in.if_modified_since->value.data, r->headers_in.if_modified_since->value.len);
    if(id.time <= 0) { //anything before 1-1-1970 is reserved and treated as no msgid provided
      set_default_id(cf, &id);
      return &id;

    u_char *first = NULL, *last = NULL;
    if(if_none_match != NULL) {
      first = if_none_match->data;
      last = if_none_match->data + if_none_match->len;

    if(nchan_parse_msg_tag(first, last, &id, ctx->channel_id_count) == NGX_ERROR) {
      return NULL;

    return &id;
  else if((cf->msg_in_etag_only || r->headers_in.if_modified_since == NULL) && if_none_match) {
    rc = nchan_parse_compound_msgid(&id, if_none_match, ctx->channel_id_count);
    if(rc == NGX_OK) {
      return &id;
    else if(rc == NGX_ERROR) {
      return NULL;
  else {
    nchan_complex_value_arr_t   *alt_msgid_cv_arr = &cf->last_message_id;
    u_char                       buf[128];
    ngx_str_t                    str;
    int                          n = alt_msgid_cv_arr->n;
    ngx_int_t                    rc2;
    str.len = 0;
    str.data = buf;
    for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
      rc = ngx_http_complex_value_noalloc(r, alt_msgid_cv_arr->cv[i], &str, 128);
      if(str.len > 0 && rc == NGX_OK) {
        rc2 = nchan_parse_compound_msgid(&id, nchan_urldecode_str(r, &str), ctx->channel_id_count);
        if(rc2 == NGX_OK) {
          return &id;
        else if(rc2 == NGX_ERROR) {
          return NULL;
  set_default_id(cf, &id);
  return &id;