/** For files of the form ??_yyyymmdd.nc. They are assumed to have "time" * variable. */ void reader_rads_standard(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, model* m, observations* obs) { double mindepth = MINDEPTH_DEF; char* addname = NULL; int ncid; int dimid_nobs; size_t nobs_local; int varid_lon, varid_lat, varid_pass, varid_sla, varid_time, varid_add; double* lon; double* lat; int* pass; double* sla; double* time; double error_std; double* add = NULL; size_t tunits_len; char* tunits; double tunits_multiple, tunits_offset; char* basename; char instname[3]; int mvid; float** depth; int i, ktop; for (i = 0; i < meta->npars; ++i) { if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "MINDEPTH") == 0) { if (!str2double(meta->pars[i].value, &mindepth)) enkf_quit("observation prm file: can not convert MINDEPTH = \"%s\" to double\n", meta->pars[i].value); } else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "ADD") == 0) { addname = meta->pars[i].value; enkf_printf(" ADDING \"%s\"\n", addname); } else enkf_quit("unknown PARAMETER \"%s\"\n", meta->pars[i].name); } enkf_printf(" MINDEPTH = %.0f\n", mindepth); ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_dimid(ncid, "nobs", &dimid_nobs); ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid_nobs, &nobs_local); enkf_printf(" nobs = %u\n", (unsigned int) nobs_local); if (nobs_local == 0) { ncw_close(ncid); return; } ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &varid_lon); lon = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lon, lon); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &varid_lat); lat = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lat, lat); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "pass", &varid_pass); pass = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(int)); ncw_get_var_int(ncid, varid_pass, pass); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "sla", &varid_sla); sla = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_sla, sla); ncw_get_att_double(ncid, varid_sla, "error_std", &error_std); enkf_printf(" error_std = %3g\n", error_std); if (addname != NULL) { ncw_inq_varid(ncid, addname, &varid_add); add = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_add, add); } ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "time", &varid_time); time = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_time, time); ncw_inq_attlen(ncid, varid_time, "units", &tunits_len); tunits = calloc(tunits_len + 1, 1); ncw_get_att_text(ncid, varid_time, "units", tunits); ncw_close(ncid); tunits_convert(tunits, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset); basename = strrchr(fname, '/'); if (basename == NULL) basename = fname; else basename += 1; strncpy(instname, basename, 2); instname[2] = 0; mvid = model_getvarid(m, obs->obstypes[obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type, 1)].varnames[0], 1); ktop = grid_gettoplayerid(model_getvargrid(m, mvid)); depth = model_getdepth(m, mvid, 1); for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i) { observation* o; obstype* ot; obs_checkalloc(obs); o = &obs->data[obs->nobs]; o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product); assert(o->product >= 0); o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type, 1); ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type]; o->instrument = st_add_ifabscent(obs->instruments, instname, -1); o->id = obs->nobs; o->fid = fid; o->batch = pass[i]; o->value = sla[i]; if (add != NULL) o->value += add[i]; o->std = error_std; o->lon = lon[i]; o->lat = lat[i]; o->depth = 0.0; o->status = model_xy2fij(m, mvid, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj); if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID) continue; o->fk = (double) ktop; o->model_depth = (isnan(o->fi + o->fj)) ? NaN : depth[(int) (o->fj + 0.5)][(int) (o->fi + 0.5)]; o->date = time[i] * tunits_multiple + tunits_offset; if (o->status == STATUS_OK && o->model_depth < mindepth) o->status = STATUS_SHALLOW; if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax)) o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN; o->aux = -1; obs->nobs++; } if (add != NULL) free(add); free(lon); free(lat); free(pass); free(sla); free(tunits); free(time); }
void reader_windsat_standard(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, model* m, observations* obs) { int ncid; int dimid_nobs; size_t nobs_local; int varid_lon, varid_lat, varid_sst, varid_error, varid_time; double* lon; double* lat; double* sst; double* error_std; double* time; int year, month, day; char tunits[MAXSTRLEN]; size_t tunits_len; double tunits_multiple, tunits_offset; char* basename; int mvid; float** depth; int ktop; int i; for (i = 0; i < meta->npars; ++i) enkf_quit("unknown PARAMETER \"%s\"\n", meta->pars[i].name); basename = strrchr(fname, '/'); if (basename == NULL) basename = fname; else basename += 1; ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_dimid(ncid, "nobs", &dimid_nobs); ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid_nobs, &nobs_local); enkf_printf(" nobs = %u\n", (unsigned int) nobs_local); if (nobs_local == 0) { ncw_close(ncid); return; } ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &varid_lon); lon = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lon, lon); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &varid_lat); lat = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lat, lat); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "sst", &varid_sst); sst = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_sst, sst); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "error", &varid_error); error_std = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_error, error_std); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "age", &varid_time); time = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_time, time); ncw_inq_attlen(ncid, varid_time, "units", &tunits_len); ncw_get_att_text(ncid, varid_time, "units", tunits); basename[16] = 0; if (!str2int(&basename[14], &day)) enkf_quit("WindSat reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); basename[14] = 0; if (!str2int(&basename[12], &month)) enkf_quit("WindSat reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); basename[12] = 0; if (!str2int(&basename[8], &year)) enkf_quit("WindSat reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); snprintf(&tunits[tunits_len], MAXSTRLEN - tunits_len, " since %4d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day); ncw_close(ncid); tunits_convert(tunits, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset); mvid = model_getvarid(m, obs->obstypes[obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type, 1)].varnames[0], 1); ktop = grid_gettoplayerid(model_getvargrid(m, mvid)); depth = model_getdepth(m, mvid, 0); for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i) if (time[i] != 0.0) break; if (i == (int) nobs_local) for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i) time[i] = 0.5; for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i) { observation* o; obstype* ot; obs_checkalloc(obs); o = &obs->data[obs->nobs]; o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product); assert(o->product >= 0); o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type, 1); ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type]; o->instrument = st_add_ifabscent(obs->instruments, "WindSat", -1); o->id = obs->nobs; o->fid = fid; o->batch = 0; o->value = sst[i]; o->std = error_std[i]; o->lon = lon[i]; o->lat = lat[i]; o->depth = 0.0; o->fk = (double) ktop; o->status = model_xy2fij(m, mvid, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj); if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID) continue; if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax || o->depth <= ot->zmin || o->depth >= ot->zmax)) o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN; o->model_depth = (depth == NULL || isnan(o->fi + o->fj)) ? NaN : depth[(int) (o->fj + 0.5)][(int) (o->fi + 0.5)]; o->date = time[i] * tunits_multiple + tunits_offset; o->aux = -1; obs->nobs++; } free(lon); free(lat); free(sst); free(error_std); free(time); }
void reader_xy_gridded_hfradar(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, grid* g, observations* obs) { int ksurf = grid_getsurflayerid(g); int isperiodic_i = grid_isperiodic_i(g); int** numlevels = grid_getnumlevels(g); float** grid_angle = grid_getangle(g); int grid_ni = 0, grid_nj = 0; char* varname = NULL; char* u_varname = NULL; char* v_varname = NULL; char* u_stdvarname = NULL; char* v_stdvarname = NULL; char* lonname = NULL; char* latname = NULL; char* gdopname = NULL; char* npointsname_1 = NULL; char* npointsname_2 = NULL; char* stdname = NULL; char* estdname = NULL; char* timename = NULL; char* qcflagname = NULL; char* u_qcflagname = NULL; char* v_qcflagname = NULL; char* rotation_flag = NULL; int ncid; int ndim_var, ndim_xy; size_t dimlen_var[3], dimlen_xy[2]; uint32_t qcflagvals = 0; float varshift = 0.0; float u_varshift = 0.0; float v_varshift = 0.0; double mindepth = 0.0; char instrument[MAXSTRLEN]; int iscurv = -1; int need_rotation = -1; size_t ni = 0, nj = 0, n = 0, n_var = 0; int varid_lon = -1, varid_lat = -1; double* lon = NULL; double* lat = NULL; int varid_gdop = -1, varid_npoints_1 = -1, varid_npoints_2 = -1; int varid_var = -1, varid_std = -1, varid_estd = -1, varid_qcflag = -1, varid_time = -1; int varid_u = -1, varid_v =-1, varid_u_std = -1, varid_v_std = -1, varid_u_qcflag = -1, varid_v_qcflag = -1; float* var = NULL; float* u_var = NULL; float* v_var = NULL; float* u_std = NULL; float* v_std = NULL; float var_fill_value = NAN; float var_add_offset = NAN, var_scale_factor = NAN; float u_var_fill_value = NAN; float u_var_add_offset = NAN, u_var_scale_factor = NAN; float v_var_fill_value = NAN; float v_var_add_offset = NAN, v_var_scale_factor = NAN; float u_std_fill_value = NAN; float u_std_add_offset = NAN, u_std_scale_factor = NAN; float v_std_fill_value = NAN; float v_std_add_offset = NAN, v_std_scale_factor = NAN; double var_estd = NAN; float* gdop = NULL; short* npoints_1 = NULL; short* npoints_2 = NULL; float* std = NULL; float std_add_offset = NAN, std_scale_factor = NAN; float std_fill_value = NAN; float* estd = NULL; float estd_add_offset = NAN, estd_scale_factor = NAN; float estd_fill_value = NAN; int32_t* qcflag = NULL; int32_t* u_qcflag = NULL; int32_t* v_qcflag = NULL; int have_time = 1; int singletime = -1; float* time = NULL; float time_add_offset = NAN, time_scale_factor = NAN; float time_fill_value = NAN; char tunits[MAXSTRLEN]; double tunits_multiple = NAN, tunits_offset = NAN; int i, nobs_read; strcpy(instrument, meta->product); for (i = 0; i < meta->npars; ++i) { if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "VARNAME") == 0) varname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "ROTATION") == 0) rotation_flag = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "U_VARNAME") == 0) u_varname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "V_VARNAME") == 0) v_varname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "U_STD") == 0) u_stdvarname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "V_STD") == 0) v_stdvarname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "TIMENAME") == 0) timename = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "GDOPNAME") == 0) gdopname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "NPOINTSNAME_1") == 0) npointsname_1 = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "NPOINTSNAME_2") == 0) npointsname_2 = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "LONNAME") == 0) lonname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "LATNAME") == 0) latname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "STDNAME") == 0) stdname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "ESTDNAME") == 0) estdname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "QCFLAGNAME") == 0) qcflagname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "U_QCFLAGNAME") == 0) u_qcflagname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "V_QCFLAGNAME") == 0) v_qcflagname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "QCFLAGVALS") == 0) { char* pline = meta->pars[i].value; int linelen = sizeof(pline); char lineval[linelen]; char* line = strcpy(lineval,pline); char seps[] = " ,"; char* token; int val; qcflagvals = 0; while ((token = strtok(line, seps)) != NULL) { if (!str2int(token, &val)) enkf_quit("%s: could not convert QCFLAGVALS entry \"%s\" to integer", meta->prmfname, token); if (val < 0 || val > 31) enkf_quit("%s: QCFLAGVALS entry = %d (supposed to be in [0,31] interval", meta->prmfname, val); qcflagvals |= 1 << val; line = NULL; } if (qcflagvals == 0) enkf_quit("%s: no valid flag entries found after QCFLAGVALS\n", meta->prmfname); } else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "VARSHIFT") == 0) { if (!str2float(meta->pars[i].value, &varshift)) enkf_quit("%s: can not convert VARSHIFT = \"%s\" to float\n", meta->prmfname, meta->pars[i].value); enkf_printf(" VARSHIFT = %s\n", meta->pars[i].value); } else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "U_VARSHIFT") == 0) { if (!str2float(meta->pars[i].value, &u_varshift)) enkf_quit("%s: can not convert U_VARSHIFT = \"%s\" to float\n", meta->prmfname, meta->pars[i].value); enkf_printf(" U_VARSHIFT = %s\n", meta->pars[i].value); } else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "V_VARSHIFT") == 0) { if (!str2float(meta->pars[i].value, &v_varshift)) enkf_quit("%s: can not convert V_VARSHIFT = \"%s\" to float\n", meta->prmfname, meta->pars[i].value); enkf_printf(" V_VARSHIFT = %s\n", meta->pars[i].value); } else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "MINDEPTH") == 0) { if (!str2double(meta->pars[i].value, &mindepth)) enkf_quit("%s: can not convert MINDEPTH = \"%s\" to double\n", meta->prmfname, meta->pars[i].value); enkf_printf(" MINDEPTH = %f\n", mindepth); } else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "INSTRUMENT") == 0) { strncpy(instrument, meta->pars[i].value, MAXSTRLEN); } else enkf_quit("unknown PARAMETER \"%s\"\n", meta->pars[i].name); } if (varname == NULL) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s variable name not specified", fname); if (rotation_flag != NULL) { int bool_rotation_flag, valid_rotation_flag; bool_rotation_flag = atoi(rotation_flag); valid_rotation_flag = (bool_rotation_flag == 0 || bool_rotation_flag == 1); if (valid_rotation_flag) { need_rotation = bool_rotation_flag == 1; grid_getdims(g, &grid_ni, &grid_nj, NULL); if (need_rotation == 1 && grid_angle == NULL) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded_hfradar(): %s cannot rotate vectors without ANGLE parameter defined within grid prm file",fname); enkf_printf("\t#Rotation of vectors enabled\n"); } else enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded_hfradar(): %s invalid ROTATION parameter. Need to be a boolean digit"); } ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &varid_var); ncw_inq_vardims(ncid, varid_var, 3, &ndim_var, dimlen_var); if (ndim_var == 3) { int dimid[3]; size_t nr; ncw_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid_var, dimid); ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid[0], &nr); if (nr != 1) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %d records (currently only one is allowed)", nr); n_var = dimlen_var[1] * dimlen_var[2]; } else if (ndim_var == 2) { if (nc_hasunlimdim(ncid)) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: %s: not enough spatial dimensions (must be 2)", fname, varname); n_var = dimlen_var[0] * dimlen_var[1]; } else if (ndim_var != 2) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: # dimensions = %d (must be 2 or 3 with only one record)", fname, ndim_var); if (lonname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, lonname, &varid_lon); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "lon")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &varid_lon); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "longitude")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "longitude", &varid_lon); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "LONGITUDE")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "LONGITUDE", &varid_lon); else enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: could not find longitude variable", fname); ncw_inq_vardims(ncid, varid_lon, 2, &ndim_xy, dimlen_xy); if (ndim_xy == 1) { iscurv = 0; ni = dimlen_xy[0]; } else if (ndim_xy == 2) { iscurv = 1; ni = dimlen_xy[1]; nj = dimlen_xy[0]; } else enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: coordinate variable \"%s\" has neither 1 or 2 dimensions", fname, lonname); if (latname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, latname, &varid_lat); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "lat")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &varid_lat); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "latitude")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "latitude", &varid_lat); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "LATITUDE")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "LATITUDE", &varid_lat); else enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: could not find latitude variable", fname); if (iscurv == 0) { ncw_check_varndims(ncid, varid_lat, 1); ncw_inq_vardims(ncid, varid_lat, 1, NULL, &nj); } else ncw_check_vardims(ncid, varid_lat, 2, dimlen_xy); enkf_printf(" (ni, nj) = (%u, %u)\n", ni, nj); n = ni * nj; if (n != n_var) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: dimensions of variable \"%s\" do not match coordinate dimensions", fname, varname); if (dimlen_var[ndim_var - 1] != ni) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: %s: longitude must be the inner coordinate", fname, varname); if (iscurv == 0) { lon = malloc(ni * sizeof(double)); lat = malloc(nj * sizeof(double)); } else { lon = malloc(n * sizeof(double)); lat = malloc(n * sizeof(double)); } ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lon, lon); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lat, lat); var = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_var, var); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_var, "add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_var, "add_offset", &var_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_var, "scale_factor", &var_scale_factor); } if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_var, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_var, "_FillValue", &var_fill_value); if (gdopname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, gdopname, &varid_gdop); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "GDOP")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "GDOP", &varid_gdop); if (varid_gdop >= 0) { gdop = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_gdop, gdop); float gdop_fill_value, gdop_add_offset, gdop_scale_factor; if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_gdop, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_gdop, "_FillValue", &gdop_fill_value); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_gdop, "add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_gdop, "add_offset", &gdop_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_gdop, "scale_factor", &gdop_scale_factor); } } if (npointsname_1 != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, npointsname_1, &varid_npoints_1); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "NOBS1")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "NOBS1", &varid_npoints_1); if (varid_npoints_1 >= 0) { npoints_1 = malloc(n * sizeof(short)); ncw_get_var_short(ncid, varid_npoints_1, npoints_1); } if (npointsname_2 != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, npointsname_2, &varid_npoints_2); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "NOBS2")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "NOBS2", &varid_npoints_2); if (varid_npoints_2 >= 0) { npoints_2 = malloc(n * sizeof(short)); ncw_get_var_short(ncid, varid_npoints_2, npoints_2); } if (need_rotation == 1) { if (u_varname != NULL ) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, u_varname, &varid_u); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "UCUR")) { ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "UCUR", &varid_u); u_varname = "UCUR"; } if (varid_u >= 0) { u_var = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); ncw_get_var_float(ncid,varid_u,u_var); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid,varid_u, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_u, "_FillValue", &u_var_fill_value); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid,varid_u,"add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_u, "add_offset", &u_var_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_u, "scale_factor", &u_var_scale_factor); } } else enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: Variable %s not found.",fname, u_varname); if (v_varname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, v_varname, &varid_v); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "VCUR")) { ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "VCUR", &varid_v); v_varname = "VCUR"; } if (varid_v >= 0) { v_var = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); ncw_get_var_float(ncid,varid_v,v_var); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid,varid_v, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid,varid_v, "_FillValue", &v_var_fill_value); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid,varid_v,"add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_v, "add_offset", &v_var_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_v, "scale_factor", &v_var_scale_factor); } } else enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: Variable %s not found.",fname, v_varname); } if (stdname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, stdname, &varid_std); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "std")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "std", &varid_std); if (varid_std >= 0) { std = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_std, std); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_std, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_std, "_FillValue", &std_fill_value); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_std, "add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_std, "add_offset", &std_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_std, "scale_factor", &std_scale_factor); } } if (estdname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, estdname, &varid_estd); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "error_std")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "error_std", &varid_estd); if (varid_estd >= 0) { estd = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_estd, estd); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_estd, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_estd, "_FillValue", &estd_fill_value); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_estd, "add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_estd, "add_offset", &estd_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_estd, "scale_factor", &estd_scale_factor); } } if (std == NULL && estd == NULL) if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_var, "error_std")) { ncw_check_attlen(ncid, varid_var, "error_std", 1); ncw_get_att_double(ncid, varid_var, "error_std", &var_estd); } if (u_stdvarname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, u_stdvarname, &varid_u_std); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "UCUR_sd")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "UCUR_sd", &varid_u_std); if (varid_u_std >= 0) { u_std = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_u_std, u_std); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_u_std, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_u_std, "_FillValue", &u_std_fill_value); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_u_std, "add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_u_std, "add_offset", &u_std_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_u_std, "scale_factor", &u_std_scale_factor); } } if (v_stdvarname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, v_stdvarname, &varid_v_std); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "vcur_sd")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "vcur_sd", &varid_v_std); if (varid_v_std >= 0) { v_std = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_v_std, v_std); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_v_std, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_v_std, "_FillValue", &v_std_fill_value); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_v_std, "add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_v_std, "add_offset", &v_std_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_v_std, "scale_factor", &v_std_scale_factor); } } if (qcflagname != NULL) { ncw_inq_varid(ncid, qcflagname, &varid_qcflag); qcflag = malloc(n * sizeof(int32_t)); ncw_get_var_int(ncid, varid_qcflag, qcflag); } if (u_qcflagname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, u_qcflagname, &varid_u_qcflag); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "UCUR_quality_control")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "UCUR_quality_control", &varid_u_qcflag); if (varid_u_qcflag >= 0) { u_qcflag = malloc(n * sizeof(int32_t)); ncw_get_var_int(ncid, varid_u_qcflag, u_qcflag); } if (v_qcflagname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, v_qcflagname, &varid_v_qcflag); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "VCUR_quality_control")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "VCUR_quality_control", &varid_v_qcflag); if (varid_v_qcflag >= 0) { v_qcflag = malloc(n * sizeof(int32_t)); ncw_get_var_int(ncid, varid_v_qcflag, v_qcflag); } if (timename != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, timename, &varid_time); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "time")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "time", &varid_time); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "TIME")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "TIME", &varid_time); else { enkf_printf(" reader_xy_gridded(): %s: no TIME variable\n", fname); have_time = 0; } if (have_time) { int timendims; int timedimids[NC_MAX_DIMS]; size_t timelen = 1; ncw_inq_varndims(ncid, varid_time, &timendims); ncw_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid_time, timedimids); for (i = 0; i < timendims; ++i) { size_t dimlen; ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, timedimids[i], &dimlen); timelen *= dimlen; } if (timelen == 1) { singletime = 1; time = malloc(sizeof(float)); } else { singletime = 0; assert(timelen == n); time = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); } ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_time, time); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_time, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_time, "_FillValue", &time_fill_value); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_time, "add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_time, "add_offset", &time_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_time, "scale_factor", &time_scale_factor); } ncw_get_att_text(ncid, varid_time, "units", tunits); tunits_convert(tunits, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset); } ncw_close(ncid); nobs_read = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int) n; ++i) { observation* o; obstype* ot; int invalid_gdop, invalid_npoints1, invalid_npoints2, invalid_var, invalid_std, invalid_estd, invalid_u_var, invalid_v_var, invalid_time; invalid_gdop = (gdop != NULL && (gdop[i] > 180.0 || gdop[i] < 0.0)); invalid_npoints1 = (npoints_1 != NULL && (npoints_1[i] == 0 || npoints_1[i]< 0)); invalid_npoints2 = (npoints_2 != NULL && (npoints_2[i] == 0 || npoints_2[i] < 0)); invalid_var = var[i] == var_fill_value || isnan(var[i]); invalid_std = (std != NULL && (std[i] == std_fill_value || isnan(std[i]))); invalid_estd = (estd != NULL && (estd[i] == estd_fill_value || isnan(estd[i]))); invalid_u_var = (u_var != NULL && (u_var[i] == u_var_fill_value || isnan(u_var[i]))); invalid_v_var = (v_var != NULL && (v_var[i] == v_var_fill_value || isnan(v_var[i]))); invalid_time = (have_time && !singletime && (time[i] == time_fill_value || isnan(time[i]))); if (invalid_gdop || invalid_npoints1 || invalid_npoints2 || invalid_var || invalid_std || invalid_estd || invalid_u_var || invalid_v_var || invalid_time) continue; if (qcflag != NULL) { /* general qcflags has precedence in discarding obs*/ if ( (qcflagvals != (qcflagvals | 1<<qcflag[i])) || (u_qcflag != NULL && (qcflagvals != (qcflagvals | 1<<u_qcflag[i]))) || (v_qcflag != NULL && (qcflagvals != (qcflagvals | 1<<v_qcflag[i]))) ) continue; } /* [u,v]_qcflags has precedence in values. */ if (u_qcflagname != NULL && v_qcflagname != NULL) { if ( (u_qcflag != NULL && (qcflagvals != (qcflagvals | 1<<u_qcflag[i]))) || (v_qcflag != NULL && (qcflagvals != (qcflagvals | 1<<v_qcflag[i]))) ) continue; } else if (u_qcflagname != NULL) { if (u_qcflag != NULL && (qcflagvals != (qcflagvals | 1<<u_qcflag[i]))) continue; } else if (v_qcflagname != NULL) { if (v_qcflag != NULL && (qcflagvals != (qcflagvals | 1<<v_qcflag[i]))) continue; } nobs_read++; obs_checkalloc(obs); o = &obs->data[obs->nobs]; o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product); assert(o->product >= 0); o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type, 1); ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type]; o->instrument = st_add_ifabsent(obs->instruments, instrument, -1); o->id = obs->nobs; o->fid = fid; o->batch = 0; /* Shifted the reading order for HF-Radar to obtain indexes */ if (iscurv == 0) { o->lon = lon[i % ni]; o->lat = lat[i / ni]; } else { o->lon = lon[i]; o->lat = lat[i]; } o->depth = 0.0; o->fk = (double) ksurf; o->model_depth = NAN; /* set in obs_add() */ o->status = grid_xy2fij(g, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj); if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID) continue; if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax)) o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN; if (need_rotation == 1) { double zonal, meridional, oangle; if (!isnan(u_var_add_offset)) zonal = u_var[i] * u_var_scale_factor + u_var_add_offset + varshift + u_varshift; else zonal = u_var[i]; if (!isnan(v_var_add_offset)) meridional = v_var[i] * v_var_scale_factor + v_var_add_offset + varshift + u_varshift; else meridional = v_var[i]; oangle = interpolate2d(o->fi, o-> fj, grid_ni, grid_nj, grid_angle, numlevels, isperiodic_i); if (strcmp(varname,u_varname) == 0) o->value = zonal*cos(oangle) - meridional*sin(oangle); if (strcmp(varname,v_varname) == 0) o->value = zonal*sin(oangle) + meridional*cos(oangle); } else { if (!isnan(var_add_offset)) o->value = (double) (var[i] * var_scale_factor + var_add_offset + varshift); else o->value = (double) (var[i] + varshift); } if (estd == NULL && std == NULL){ if (!isnan(var_estd)) o->std = var_estd; } else { if (std == NULL) o->std = 0.0; else { if (!isnan(std_add_offset)) o->std = (double) (std[i] * std_scale_factor + std_add_offset); else o->std = (double) std[i]; } if (estd != NULL) { if (!isnan(estd_add_offset)) { double std2 = (double) (estd[i] * estd_scale_factor + estd_add_offset); o->std = (o->std > std2) ? o->std : std2; } else o->std = (o->std > estd[i]) ? o->std : estd[i]; } } if (have_time) { float t = (singletime) ? time[0] : time[i]; if (!isnan(time_add_offset)) o->date = (double) (t * time_scale_factor + time_add_offset) * tunits_multiple + tunits_offset; else o->date = (double) t* tunits_multiple + tunits_offset; } else o->date = NAN; o->aux = -1; obs->nobs++; } enkf_printf(" nobs = %d\n", nobs_read); free(lon); free(lat); free(var); if (gdop != NULL) free(gdop); if (npoints_1 != NULL) free(npoints_1); if (npoints_2 != NULL) free(npoints_2); if (u_var != NULL) free(u_var); if (v_var != NULL) free(v_var); if (std != NULL) free(std); if (estd != NULL) free(estd); if (u_std != NULL) free(u_std); if (v_std != NULL) free(v_std); if (qcflag != NULL) free(qcflag); if (u_qcflag != NULL) free(u_qcflag); if (v_qcflag != NULL) free(v_qcflag); if (time != NULL) free(time); }
void reader_mmt_standard(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, model* m, observations* obs) { int ncid; int dimid_nprof, dimid_nz; size_t nprof, nz; int varid_lon, varid_lat, varid_z, varid_type; int varid_v = -1; double* lon; double* lat; double** z; double** v; double missval; double validmin = DBL_MAX; double validmax = -DBL_MAX; char* type; char buf[MAXSTRLEN]; int len; int year, month, day; double tunits_multiple, tunits_offset; int mvid; int p, i; for (i = 0; i < meta->npars; ++i) enkf_quit("unknown PARAMETER \"%s\"\n", meta->pars[i].name); if (meta->nstds == 0) enkf_quit("ERROR_STD is necessary but not specified for product \"%s\"", meta->product); ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_dimid(fname, ncid, "N_PROF", &dimid_nprof); ncw_inq_dimlen(fname, ncid, dimid_nprof, &nprof); ncw_inq_dimid(fname, ncid, "N_LEVELS", &dimid_nz); ncw_inq_dimlen(fname, ncid, dimid_nz, &nz); enkf_printf(" # profiles = %u\n", (unsigned int) nprof); if (nprof == 0) { ncw_close(fname, ncid); return; } enkf_printf(" # z levels = %u\n", (unsigned int) nz); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "LONGITUDE", &varid_lon); lon = malloc(nprof * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_lon, lon); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "LATITUDE", &varid_lat); lat = malloc(nprof * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_lat, lat); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "PRES_BLUELINK", &varid_z); z = alloc2d(nprof, nz, sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_z, z[0]); if (strncmp(meta->type, "TEM", 3) == 0) { validmin = -2.0; validmax = 40.0; ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "TEMP_BLUELINK", &varid_v); } else if (strncmp(meta->type, "SAL", 3) == 0) { validmin = 0; validmax = 50.0; ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "PSAL_BLUELINK", &varid_v); } else enkf_quit("observation type \"%s\" not handled for MMT product", meta->type); v = alloc2d(nprof, nz, sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_v, v[0]); ncw_get_att_double(fname, ncid, varid_v, "_FillValue", &missval); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "WMO_INST_TYPE", &varid_type); type = malloc(nprof * WMO_INSTSIZE); ncw_get_var_text(fname, ncid, varid_type, type); ncw_close(fname, ncid); strcpy(buf, fname); len = strlen(buf); buf[len - 10] = 0; /* _mmt_qc.nc */ if (!str2int(&buf[len - 12], &day)) enkf_quit("MMT reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); buf[len - 12] = 0; if (!str2int(&buf[len - 14], &month)) enkf_quit("MMT reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); buf[len - 14] = 0; if (!str2int(&buf[len - 18], &year)) enkf_quit("MMT reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); snprintf(buf, MAXSTRLEN, "days since %4d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day); tunits_convert(buf, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset); mvid = model_getvarid(m, obs->obstypes[obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type)].varname, 1); for (p = 0; p < (int) nprof; ++p) { char inststr[MAXSTRLEN]; snprintf(inststr, MAXSTRLEN, "WMO%04u", type[p * WMO_INSTSIZE]); for (i = 0; i < (int) nz; ++i) { observation* o; obstype* ot; if (fabs(v[p][i] - missval) < EPS || v[p][i] < validmin || v[p][i] > validmax) continue; if (z[p][i] < 0.0) continue; obs_checkalloc(obs); o = &obs->data[obs->nobs]; o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product); assert(o->product >= 0); o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type); assert(o->type >= 0); ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type]; o->instrument = st_add_ifabscent(obs->instruments, inststr, -1); o->id = obs->nobs; o->fid = fid; o->batch = p; o->value = v[p][i]; o->std = 0.0; o->lon = lon[p]; o->lat = lat[p]; o->depth = z[p][i]; o->status = model_xy2fij(m, mvid, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj); if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID) break; if (o->status == STATUS_OK) o->status = model_z2fk(m, mvid, o->fi, o->fj, o->depth, &o->fk); else o->fk = NaN; if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax || o->depth <= ot->zmin || o->depth >= ot->zmax)) o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN; o->date = tunits_offset + 0.5; o->aux = -1; obs->nobs++; } } free(lon); free(lat); free2d(v); free2d(z); free(type); }
void reader_jplmur_gridded(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, grid* g, observations* obs) { int ksurf = grid_getsurflayerid(g); char* varname = "analysed_sst"; char* lonname = "lon"; char* latname = "lat"; char* npointsname = NULL; char* stdname = "analysis_error"; char* estdname = NULL; char* timename = "time"; int ncid; int ndim_var, ndim_xy; size_t dimlen_var[3], dimlen_xy[2]; float varshift = -273.15; double mindepth = 0.0; char instrument[MAXSTRLEN]; int iscurv = -1; size_t ni = 0, nj = 0, n = 0, n_var = 0; int varid_lon = -1, varid_lat = -1; double* lon = NULL; double* lat = NULL; int varid_var = -1, varid_npoints = -1, varid_std = -1, varid_estd = -1, varid_time = -1; float* var = NULL; float var_fill_value = NAN; float var_add_offset = NAN, var_scale_factor = NAN; double var_estd = NAN; short* npoints = NULL; float* std = NULL; float std_add_offset = NAN, std_scale_factor = NAN; float std_fill_value = NAN; float* estd = NULL; float estd_add_offset = NAN, estd_scale_factor = NAN; float estd_fill_value = NAN; int have_time = 1; int singletime = -1; float* time = NULL; float time_add_offset = NAN, time_scale_factor = NAN; float time_fill_value = NAN; char tunits[MAXSTRLEN]; double tunits_multiple = NAN, tunits_offset = NAN; int i, nobs_read; strcpy(instrument, meta->product); for (i = 0; i < meta->npars; ++i) { if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "VARNAME") == 0) varname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "TIMENAME") == 0) timename = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "NPOINTSNAME") == 0) npointsname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "LONNAME") == 0) lonname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "LATNAME") == 0) latname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "STDNAME") == 0) stdname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "ESTDNAME") == 0) estdname = meta->pars[i].value; else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "VARSHIFT") == 0) { if (!str2float(meta->pars[i].value, &varshift)) enkf_quit("observation prm file: can not convert VARSHIFT = \"%s\" to float\n", meta->pars[i].value); enkf_printf(" VARSHIFT = %s\n", meta->pars[i].value); } else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "MINDEPTH") == 0) { if (!str2double(meta->pars[i].value, &mindepth)) enkf_quit("observation prm file: can not convert MINDEPTH = \"%s\" to double\n", meta->pars[i].value); enkf_printf(" MINDEPTH = %f\n", mindepth); } else if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "INSTRUMENT") == 0) { strncpy(instrument, meta->pars[i].value, MAXSTRLEN); } else enkf_quit("unknown PARAMETER \"%s\"\n", meta->pars[i].name); } // if (varname == NULL) // enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s variable name not specified", fname); ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &varid_var); ncw_inq_vardims(ncid, varid_var, 3, &ndim_var, dimlen_var); if (ndim_var == 3) { int dimid[3]; size_t nr; ncw_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid_var, dimid); ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid[0], &nr); if (nr != 1) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %d records (currently only one is allowed)", nr); n_var = dimlen_var[1] * dimlen_var[2]; } else if (ndim_var == 2) { if (nc_hasunlimdim(ncid)) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: %s: not enough spatial dimensions (must be 2)", fname, varname); n_var = dimlen_var[0] * dimlen_var[1]; } else if (ndim_var != 2) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: # dimensions = %d (must be 2 or 3 with only one record)", fname, ndim_var); if (lonname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, lonname, &varid_lon); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "lon")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &varid_lon); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "longitude")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "longitude", &varid_lon); else enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: could not find longitude variable", fname); ncw_inq_vardims(ncid, varid_lon, 2, &ndim_xy, dimlen_xy); if (ndim_xy == 1) { iscurv = 0; ni = dimlen_xy[0]; } else if (ndim_xy == 2) { iscurv = 1; ni = dimlen_xy[1]; nj = dimlen_xy[0]; } else enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: coordinate variable \"%s\" has neither 1 or 2 dimensions", fname, lonname); if (latname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, latname, &varid_lat); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "lat")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &varid_lat); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "latitude")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "latitude", &varid_lat); else enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: could not find latitude variable", fname); if (iscurv == 0) { ncw_check_varndims(ncid, varid_lat, 1); ncw_inq_vardims(ncid, varid_lat, 1, NULL, &nj); } else ncw_check_vardims(ncid, varid_lat, 2, dimlen_xy); enkf_printf(" (ni, nj) = (%u, %u)\n", ni, nj); n = ni * nj; if (n != n_var) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: dimensions of variable \"%s\" do not match coordinate dimensions", fname, varname); if (dimlen_var[ndim_var - 1] != ni) enkf_quit("reader_xy_gridded(): %s: %s: longitude must be the inner coordinate", fname, varname); if (iscurv == 0) { lon = malloc(ni * sizeof(double)); lat = malloc(nj * sizeof(double)); } else { lon = malloc(n * sizeof(double)); lat = malloc(n * sizeof(double)); } ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lon, lon); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lat, lat); var = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_var, var); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_var, "add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_var, "add_offset", &var_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_var, "scale_factor", &var_scale_factor); } if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_var, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_var, "_FillValue", &var_fill_value); if (npointsname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, npointsname, &varid_npoints); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "npoints")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "npoints", &varid_npoints); if (varid_npoints >= 0) { npoints = malloc(n * sizeof(short)); ncw_get_var_short(ncid, varid_npoints, npoints); } if (stdname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, stdname, &varid_std); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "std")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "std", &varid_std); if (varid_std >= 0) { std = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_std, std); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_std, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_std, "_FillValue", &std_fill_value); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_std, "add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_std, "add_offset", &std_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_std, "scale_factor", &std_scale_factor); } } if (estdname != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, estdname, &varid_estd); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "error_std")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "error_std", &varid_estd); if (varid_estd >= 0) { estd = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_estd, estd); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_estd, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_estd, "_FillValue", &estd_fill_value); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_estd, "add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_estd, "add_offset", &estd_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_estd, "scale_factor", &estd_scale_factor); } } if (std == NULL && estd == NULL) { if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_var, "error_std")) { ncw_check_attlen(ncid, varid_var, "error_std", 1); ncw_get_att_double(ncid, varid_var, "error_std", &var_estd); } } if (timename != NULL) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, timename, &varid_time); else if (ncw_var_exists(ncid, "time")) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "time", &varid_time); else { enkf_printf(" reader_xy_gridded(): %s: no TIME variable\n", fname); have_time = 0; } if (have_time) { int timendims; int timedimids[NC_MAX_DIMS]; size_t timelen = 1; ncw_inq_varndims(ncid, varid_time, &timendims); ncw_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid_time, timedimids); for (i = 0; i < timendims; ++i) { size_t dimlen; ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, timedimids[i], &dimlen); timelen *= dimlen; } if (timelen == 1) { singletime = 1; time = malloc(sizeof(float)); } else { singletime = 0; assert(timelen == n); time = malloc(n * sizeof(float)); } ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_time, time); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_time, "_FillValue")) ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_time, "_FillValue", &time_fill_value); if (ncw_att_exists(ncid, varid_time, "add_offset")) { ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_time, "add_offset", &time_add_offset); ncw_get_att_float(ncid, varid_time, "scale_factor", &time_scale_factor); } ncw_get_att_text(ncid, varid_time, "units", tunits); tunits_convert(tunits, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset); } ncw_close(ncid); nobs_read = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int) n; ++i) { observation* o; obstype* ot; if ((npoints != NULL && npoints[i] == 0) || var[i] == var_fill_value || isnan(var[i]) || (std != NULL && (std[i] == std_fill_value || isnan(std[i]))) || (estd != NULL && (estd[i] == estd_fill_value || isnan(estd[i]))) || (have_time && !singletime && (time[i] == time_fill_value || isnan(time[i])))) continue; nobs_read++; obs_checkalloc(obs); o = &obs->data[obs->nobs]; o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product); assert(o->product >= 0); o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type, 1); ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type]; o->instrument = st_add_ifabsent(obs->instruments, instrument, -1); o->id = obs->nobs; o->fid = fid; o->batch = 0; if (!isnan(var_add_offset)) o->value = (double) (var[i] * var_scale_factor + var_add_offset + varshift); else o->value = (double) (var[i] + varshift); if (!isnan(var_estd)) { o->std = var_estd; } else { if (!isnan(std_add_offset)) o->std = (double) (std[i] * std_scale_factor + std_add_offset); else o->std = (double) std[i]; if (!isnan(estd_add_offset)) { double std2 = (double) (estd[i] * estd_scale_factor + estd_add_offset); o->std = (o->std > std2) ? o->std : std2; } } if (iscurv == 0) { o->lon = lon[i % ni]; o->lat = lat[i / ni]; } else { o->lon = lon[i]; o->lat = lat[i]; } o->depth = 0.0; o->fk = (double) ksurf; o->status = grid_xy2fij(g, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj); if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID) continue; if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax)) o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN; o->model_depth = NAN; /* set in obs_add() */ if (have_time) { float t = (singletime) ? time[0] : time[i]; if (!isnan(time_add_offset)) o->date = (double) (t * time_scale_factor + time_add_offset) * tunits_multiple + tunits_offset; else o->date = (double) t* tunits_multiple + tunits_offset; } else o->date = NAN; o->aux = -1; obs->nobs++; } enkf_printf(" nobs = %d\n", nobs_read); }
void reader_cars_standard(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, grid* g, observations* obs) { int ncid; int dimid_nprof, dimid_nz = -1; size_t nprof, nz; int varid_lon, varid_lat, varid_z, varid_type; int varid_v = -1; double* lon; double* lat; double** z; double** v; double missval, validmin, validmax; int* type; char buf[MAXSTRLEN]; int len; int year, month, day; double tunits_multiple, tunits_offset; int p, i; for (i = 0; i < meta->npars; ++i) enkf_quit("unknown PARAMETER \"%s\"\n", meta->pars[i].name); if (meta->nstds == 0) enkf_quit("ERROR_STD is necessary but not specified for product \"%s\"", meta->product); ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_dimid(ncid, "nobs", &dimid_nprof); ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid_nprof, &nprof); enkf_printf(" # profiles = %u\n", (unsigned int) nprof); if (nprof == 0) { ncw_close(ncid); return; } if (ncw_dim_exists(ncid, "zt")) ncw_inq_dimid(ncid, "zt", &dimid_nz); else if (ncw_dim_exists(ncid, "ztd")) ncw_inq_dimid(ncid, "ztd", &dimid_nz); else enkf_quit("reader_cars_standard(): neither dimension \"zt\" ot \"ztd\" exist"); ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid_nz, &nz); enkf_printf(" # z levels = %u\n", (unsigned int) nz); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &varid_lon); lon = malloc(nprof * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lon, lon); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &varid_lat); lat = malloc(nprof * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_lat, lat); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "zt", &varid_z); z = alloc2d(nprof, nz, sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_z, z[0]); if (strncmp(meta->type, "TEM", 3) == 0) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "temp", &varid_v); else if (strncmp(meta->type, "SAL", 3) == 0) ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "salt", &varid_v); else enkf_quit("observation type \"%s\" not handled for CARS product", meta->type); v = alloc2d(nprof, nz, sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_v, v[0]); ncw_get_att_double(ncid, varid_v, "missing_value", &missval); ncw_get_att_double(ncid, varid_v, "valid_min", &validmin); ncw_get_att_double(ncid, varid_v, "valid_max", &validmax); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, "type", &varid_type); type = malloc(nprof * sizeof(int)); ncw_get_var_int(ncid, varid_type, type); ncw_close(ncid); strcpy(buf, fname); len = strlen(buf); buf[len - 3] = 0; /* .nc */ if (!str2int(&buf[len - 5], &day)) enkf_quit("CARS reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); buf[len - 17] = 0; if (!str2int(&buf[len - 19], &month)) enkf_quit("CARS reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); buf[len - 21] = 0; if (!str2int(&buf[len - 25], &year)) enkf_quit("CARS reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); snprintf(buf, MAXSTRLEN, "days since %4d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day); tunits_convert(buf, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset); for (p = 0; p < (int) nprof; ++p) { char inststr[MAXSTRLEN]; if (type[p] == 11) strcpy(inststr, "ARGO"); else if (type[p] == 12) strcpy(inststr, "TAO"); else if (type[p] == 61) strcpy(inststr, "PIRATA"); else if (type[p] == 7 || type[p] == 9 || type[p] == 13 || type[p] == 35 || type[p] == 41) strcpy(inststr, "CTD"); else if (type[p] == 8 || type[p] == 17) strcpy(inststr, "XBT"); else snprintf(inststr, MAXSTRLEN, "CARS%02u", type[p]); for (i = 0; i < (int) nz; ++i) { observation* o; obstype* ot; if (fabs(v[p][i] - missval) < EPS || v[p][i] < validmin || v[p][i] > validmax) continue; if (z[p][i] < 0.0) continue; obs_checkalloc(obs); o = &obs->data[obs->nobs]; o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product); assert(o->product >= 0); o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type, 1); ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type]; o->instrument = st_add_ifabsent(obs->instruments, inststr, -1); o->id = obs->nobs; o->fid = fid; o->batch = p; o->value = v[p][i]; o->std = 0.0; o->lon = lon[p]; o->lat = lat[p]; o->depth = z[p][i]; o->status = grid_xy2fij(g, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj); if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID) break; if (o->status == STATUS_OK) o->status = grid_z2fk(g, o->fi, o->fj, o->depth, &o->fk); else o->fk = NAN; if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax || o->depth <= ot->zmin || o->depth >= ot->zmax)) o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN; o->model_depth = NAN; /* set in obs_add() */ o->date = tunits_offset + 0.5; o->aux = -1; obs->nobs++; } } free(lon); free(lat); free(v); free(z); free(type); }
grid* grid_create(void* p, int id) { gridprm* prm = (gridprm*) p; grid* g = calloc(1, sizeof(grid)); char* fname = prm->fname; int ncid; int dimid_x, dimid_y, dimid_z; int varid_x, varid_y, varid_z; int ndims_x, ndims_y, ndims_z; size_t nx, ny, nz; int varid_depth, varid_numlevels; g->name = strdup(prm->name); g->id = id; g->vtype = gridprm_getvtype(prm); g->sfactor = prm->sfactor; #if !defined(NO_GRIDUTILS) #if !defined(GRIDMAP_TYPE_DEF) #error("GRIDMAP_TYPE_DEF not defined; please update gridutils-c"); #endif if (prm->maptype == 'b' || prm->maptype == 'B') g->maptype = GRIDMAP_TYPE_BINARY; else if (prm->maptype == 'k' || prm->maptype == 'K') g->maptype = GRIDMAP_TYPE_KDTREE; else enkf_quit("unknown grid map type \"%c\"", prm->maptype); #endif ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_dimid(ncid, prm->xdimname, &dimid_x); ncw_inq_dimid(ncid, prm->ydimname, &dimid_y); ncw_inq_dimid(ncid, prm->zdimname, &dimid_z); ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid_x, &nx); ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid_y, &ny); ncw_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimid_z, &nz); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, prm->xvarname, &varid_x); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, prm->yvarname, &varid_y); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, prm->zvarname, &varid_z); ncw_inq_varndims(ncid, varid_x, &ndims_x); ncw_inq_varndims(ncid, varid_y, &ndims_y); ncw_inq_varndims(ncid, varid_z, &ndims_z); if (ndims_x == 1 && ndims_y == 1) { double* x; double* y; double* z; x = malloc(nx * sizeof(double)); y = malloc(ny * sizeof(double)); z = malloc(nz * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_x, x); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_y, y); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_z, z); grid_setcoords(g, GRIDHTYPE_LATLON, NT_NONE, nx, ny, nz, x, y, z); } #if !defined(NO_GRIDUTILS) else if (ndims_x == 2 && ndims_y == 2) { double** x; double** y; double* z; x = gu_alloc2d(ny, nx, sizeof(double)); y = gu_alloc2d(ny, nx, sizeof(double)); z = malloc(nz * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_x, x[0]); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_y, y[0]); ncw_get_var_double(ncid, varid_z, z); grid_setcoords(g, GRIDHTYPE_CURVILINEAR, NT_COR, nx, ny, nz, x, y, z); } #endif else enkf_quit("%s: could not determine the grid type", fname); if (prm->depthvarname != NULL) { float** depth = alloc2d(ny, nx, sizeof(float)); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, prm->depthvarname, &varid_depth); ncw_get_var_float(ncid, varid_depth, depth[0]); g->depth = depth; } if (prm->levelvarname != NULL) { g->numlevels = alloc2d(ny, nx, sizeof(int)); ncw_inq_varid(ncid, prm->levelvarname, &varid_numlevels); ncw_get_var_int(ncid, varid_numlevels, g->numlevels[0]); if (g->vtype == GRIDVTYPE_SIGMA) { int i, j; for (j = 0; j < ny; ++j) for (i = 0; i < nx; ++i) g->numlevels[j][i] *= nz; } } ncw_close(ncid); if (g->numlevels == NULL) { g->numlevels = alloc2d(ny, nx, sizeof(int)); if (g->vtype == GRIDVTYPE_SIGMA) { int i, j; for (j = 0; j < ny; ++j) for (i = 0; i < nx; ++i) if (g->depth == NULL || g->depth[j][i] > 0.0) g->numlevels[j][i] = nz; } else { int i, j; assert(g->depth != NULL); for (j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { double depth = g->depth[j][i]; double fk = NaN; if (depth > 0.0) { z2fk(g, j, i, depth, &fk); g->numlevels[j][i] = ceil(fk + 0.5); } } } } } gridprm_print(prm, " "); grid_print(g, " "); return g; }
grid* grid_create(void* p, int id) { gridprm* prm = (gridprm*) p; grid* g = calloc(1, sizeof(grid)); char* fname = prm->fname; int ncid; int dimid_x, dimid_y, dimid_z; int varid_x, varid_y, varid_z; int ndims_x, ndims_y, ndims_z; size_t nx, ny, nz; int varid_depth, varid_numlevels; g->name = strdup(prm->name); g->id = id; g->vtype = gridprm_getvtype(prm); ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_dimid(fname, ncid, prm->xdimname, &dimid_x); ncw_inq_dimid(fname, ncid, prm->ydimname, &dimid_y); ncw_inq_dimid(fname, ncid, prm->zdimname, &dimid_z); ncw_inq_dimlen(fname, ncid, dimid_x, &nx); ncw_inq_dimlen(fname, ncid, dimid_y, &ny); ncw_inq_dimlen(fname, ncid, dimid_z, &nz); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, prm->xvarname, &varid_x); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, prm->yvarname, &varid_y); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, prm->zvarname, &varid_z); ncw_inq_varndims(fname, ncid, varid_x, &ndims_x); ncw_inq_varndims(fname, ncid, varid_y, &ndims_y); ncw_inq_varndims(fname, ncid, varid_z, &ndims_z); if (ndims_x == 1 && ndims_y == 1) { double* x; double* y; double* z; int i; double dx, dy; int periodic_x; x = malloc(nx * sizeof(double)); y = malloc(ny * sizeof(double)); z = malloc(nz * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_x, x); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_y, y); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_z, z); periodic_x = fabs(fmod(2.0 * x[nx - 1] - x[nx - 2], 360.0) - x[0]) < EPS_LON; dx = (x[nx - 1] - x[0]) / (double) (nx - 1); for (i = 1; i < (int) nx; ++i) if (fabs(x[i] - x[i - 1] - dx) / fabs(dx) > EPS_LON) break; if (i != (int) nx) grid_setcoords(g, GRIDHTYPE_LATLON_IRREGULAR, NT_NONE, periodic_x, 0, nx, ny, nz, x, y, z); else { dy = (y[ny - 1] - y[0]) / (double) (ny - 1); for (i = 1; i < (int) ny; ++i) if (fabs(y[i] - y[i - 1] - dy) / fabs(dy) > EPS_LON) break; if (i != (int) ny) grid_setcoords(g, GRIDHTYPE_LATLON_IRREGULAR, NT_NONE, periodic_x, 0, nx, ny, nz, x, y, z); else grid_setcoords(g, GRIDHTYPE_LATLON_REGULAR, NT_NONE, periodic_x, 0, nx, ny, nz, x, y, z); } } #if !defined(NO_GRIDUTILS) else if (ndims_x == 2 && ndims_y == 2) { double** x; double** y; double* z; x = alloc2d(ny, nx, sizeof(double)); y = alloc2d(ny, nx, sizeof(double)); z = malloc(nz * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_x, x[0]); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_y, y[0]); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_z, z); grid_setcoords(g, GRIDHTYPE_CURVILINEAR, NT_COR, 0, 0, nx, ny, nz, x, y, z); } #endif else enkf_quit("%s: could not determine the grid type", fname); if (prm->depthvarname != NULL) { float** depth = alloc2d(ny, nx, sizeof(float)); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, prm->depthvarname, &varid_depth); ncw_get_var_float(fname, ncid, varid_depth, depth[0]); g->depth = depth; } if (prm->levelvarname != NULL) { g->numlevels = alloc2d(ny, nx, sizeof(int)); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, prm->levelvarname, &varid_numlevels); ncw_get_var_int(fname, ncid, varid_numlevels, g->numlevels[0]); if (g->vtype == GRIDVTYPE_SIGMA) { int i, j; for (j = 0; j < ny; ++j) for (i = 0; i < nx; ++i) g->numlevels[j][i] *= nz; } } ncw_close(fname, ncid); if (g->numlevels == NULL && g->depth != NULL) { g->numlevels = alloc2d(ny, nx, sizeof(int)); if (g->vtype == GRIDVTYPE_SIGMA) { int i, j; for (j = 0; j < ny; ++j) for (i = 0; i < nx; ++i) if (g->depth[j][i] > 0.0) g->numlevels[j][i] = nz; } else { int i, j; for (j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { double depth = g->depth[j][i]; double fk = NaN; if (depth > 0.0) { z2fk(g, j, i, depth, &fk); g->numlevels[j][i] = ceil(fk + 0.5); } } } } } gridprm_print(prm, " "); grid_print(g, " "); return g; }
void reader_navo_standard(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, model* m, observations* obs) { int addbias = ADDBIAS_DEF; int ncid; int dimid_nobs; size_t nobs_local; int varid_lon, varid_lat, varid_sst, varid_sstb, varid_error, varid_time; double* lon = NULL; double* lat = NULL; double* sst = NULL; double* sstb = NULL; double* error_std = NULL; double* time = NULL; int year, month, day; char tunits[MAXSTRLEN]; size_t tunits_len; double tunits_multiple, tunits_offset; char* basename; int model_vid; int k, i; for (i = 0; i < meta->npars; ++i) { if (strcasecmp(meta->pars[i].name, "ADDBIAS") == 0) addbias = (istrue(meta->pars[i].value)) ? 1 : 0; else enkf_quit("unknown PARAMETER \"%s\"\n", meta->pars[i].name); } enkf_printf(" ADDBIAS = %s\n", (addbias) ? "YES" : "NO"); basename = strrchr(fname, '/'); if (basename == NULL) basename = fname; else basename += 1; ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_dimid(fname, ncid, (ncw_dim_exists(ncid, "nobs")) ? "nobs" : "length", &dimid_nobs); ncw_inq_dimlen(fname, ncid, dimid_nobs, &nobs_local); enkf_printf(" nobs = %u\n", (unsigned int) nobs_local); if (nobs_local == 0) { ncw_close(fname, ncid); return; } ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "lon", &varid_lon); lon = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_lon, lon); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "lat", &varid_lat); lat = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_lat, lat); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "sst", &varid_sst); sst = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_sst, sst); if (addbias) { ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "SST_bias", &varid_sstb); sstb = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_sstb, sstb); } ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "error", &varid_error); error_std = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_error, error_std); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "GMT_time", &varid_time); time = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_time, time); ncw_inq_attlen(fname, ncid, varid_time, "units", &tunits_len); ncw_get_att_text(fname, ncid, varid_time, "units", tunits); basename[13] = 0; if (!str2int(&basename[11], &day)) enkf_quit("NAVO reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); basename[11] = 0; if (!str2int(&basename[9], &month)) enkf_quit("NAVO reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); basename[9] = 0; if (!str2int(&basename[5], &year)) enkf_quit("NAVO reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); snprintf(&tunits[tunits_len], MAXSTRLEN - tunits_len, " since %4d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day); ncw_close(fname, ncid); tunits_convert(tunits, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset); model_vid = model_getvarid(m, obs->obstypes[obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type)].varname, 1); k = grid_gettoplayerid(model_getvargrid(m, model_vid)); for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i) { observation* o; obstype* ot; obs_checkalloc(obs); o = &obs->data[obs->nobs]; o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product); assert(o->product >= 0); o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type); assert(o->type >= 0); ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type]; o->instrument = st_add_ifabscent(obs->instruments, "AVHRR", -1); o->id = obs->nobs; o->fid = fid; o->batch = 0; o->value = (addbias) ? sst[i] + sstb[i] : sst[i]; o->std = error_std[i]; o->lon = lon[i]; o->lat = lat[i]; o->depth = 0.0; o->status = model_xy2fij(m, model_vid, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj); if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID) continue; if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax || o->depth <= ot->zmin || o->depth >= ot->zmax)) o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN; o->fk = (double) k; o->date = time[i] * tunits_multiple + tunits_offset; o->aux = -1; obs->nobs++; } free(lon); free(lat); free(sst); if (addbias) free(sstb); free(error_std); free(time); }
/** For files of the form ??_yyyymmdd.nc. They are assumed to have "time" * variable. */ void reader_rads_standard(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, model* m, observations* obs) { int ncid; int dimid_nobs; size_t nobs_local; int varid_lon, varid_lat, varid_pass, varid_sla, varid_time; double* lon; double* lat; int* pass; double* sla; double* time; double error_std; size_t tunits_len; char* tunits; double tunits_multiple, tunits_offset; char* basename; char instname[3]; int mvid; float** depth; int i; ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_dimid(fname, ncid, "nobs", &dimid_nobs); ncw_inq_dimlen(fname, ncid, dimid_nobs, &nobs_local); enkf_printf(" nobs = %u\n", (unsigned int) nobs_local); if (nobs_local == 0) { ncw_close(fname, ncid); return; } ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "lon", &varid_lon); lon = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_lon, lon); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "lat", &varid_lat); lat = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_lat, lat); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "pass", &varid_pass); pass = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(int)); ncw_get_var_int(fname, ncid, varid_pass, pass); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "sla", &varid_sla); sla = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_sla, sla); ncw_get_att_double(fname, ncid, varid_sla, "error_std", &error_std); enkf_printf(" error_std = %3g\n", error_std); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "time", &varid_time); time = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_time, time); ncw_inq_attlen(fname, ncid, varid_time, "units", &tunits_len); tunits = calloc(tunits_len + 1, 1); ncw_get_att_text(fname, ncid, varid_time, "units", tunits); ncw_close(fname, ncid); tunits_convert(tunits, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset); basename = strrchr(fname, '/'); if (basename == NULL) basename = fname; else basename += 1; strncpy(instname, basename, 2); instname[2] = 0; mvid = model_getvarid(m, obs->obstypes[obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type)].varname, 1); depth = model_getdepth(m, mvid); for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i) { observation* o; obstype* ot; obs_checkalloc(obs); o = &obs->data[obs->nobs]; o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product); assert(o->product >= 0); o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type); assert(o->type >= 0); ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type]; o->instrument = st_add_ifabscent(obs->instruments, instname, -1); o->id = obs->nobs; o->fid = fid; o->batch = pass[i]; o->value = sla[i]; o->std = error_std; o->lon = lon[i]; o->lat = lat[i]; o->depth = 0.0; o->status = model_xy2fij(m, mvid, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj); if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID) continue; o->fk = 0.0; o->date = time[i] * tunits_multiple + tunits_offset; if (o->status == STATUS_OK && depth[(int) floor(o->fj + 0.5)][(int) floor(o->fi + 0.5)] < MINDEPTH) o->status = STATUS_SHALLOW; if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax || o->depth <= ot->zmin || o->depth >= ot->zmax)) o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN; o->aux = -1; obs->nobs++; } free(lon); free(lat); free(pass); free(sla); free(tunits); free(time); }
/** For files of the form y<yyyy>/m<mm>/??_d<dd>.nc with no "time" variable. */ void reader_rads_standard2(char* fname, int fid, obsmeta* meta, model* m, observations* obs) { int ncid; int dimid_nobs; size_t nobs_local; int varid_lon, varid_lat, varid_pass, varid_sla, varid_flag; double* lon; double* lat; int* pass; double* sla; int* flag; double error_std; char buf[MAXSTRLEN]; int len; int year, month, day; double tunits_multiple, tunits_offset; char* basename; char instname[3]; int mvid; float** depth; int i; ncw_open(fname, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); ncw_inq_dimid(fname, ncid, "nobs", &dimid_nobs); ncw_inq_dimlen(fname, ncid, dimid_nobs, &nobs_local); enkf_printf(" nobs = %u\n", (unsigned int) nobs_local); if (nobs_local == 0) return; ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "lon", &varid_lon); lon = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_lon, lon); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "lat", &varid_lat); lat = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_lat, lat); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "pass", &varid_pass); pass = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(int)); ncw_get_var_int(fname, ncid, varid_pass, pass); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "sla", &varid_sla); sla = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(double)); ncw_get_var_double(fname, ncid, varid_sla, sla); ncw_get_att_double(fname, ncid, varid_sla, "error_std", &error_std); enkf_printf(" error_std = %3g\n", error_std); ncw_inq_varid(fname, ncid, "local_flag", &varid_flag); flag = malloc(nobs_local * sizeof(int)); ncw_get_var_int(fname, ncid, varid_flag, flag); ncw_close(fname, ncid); strcpy(buf, fname); len = strlen(buf); buf[len - 3] = 0; /* .nc */ if (!str2int(&buf[len - 5], &day)) enkf_quit("RADS reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); buf[len - 10] = 0; if (!str2int(&buf[len - 12], &month)) enkf_quit("RADS reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); buf[len - 14] = 0; if (!str2int(&buf[len - 18], &year)) enkf_quit("RADS reader: could not convert file name \"%s\" to date", fname); snprintf(buf, MAXSTRLEN, "days since %4d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day); tunits_convert(buf, &tunits_multiple, &tunits_offset); basename = strrchr(fname, '/'); if (basename == NULL) basename = fname; else basename += 1; strncpy(instname, basename, 2); instname[2] = 0; mvid = model_getvarid(m, obs->obstypes[obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type)].varname, 1); depth = model_getdepth(m, mvid); for (i = 0; i < (int) nobs_local; ++i) { observation* o; obstype* ot; if (flag[i] != 0) continue; obs_checkalloc(obs); o = &obs->data[obs->nobs]; o->product = st_findindexbystring(obs->products, meta->product); assert(o->product >= 0); o->type = obstype_getid(obs->nobstypes, obs->obstypes, meta->type); assert(o->type >= 0); ot = &obs->obstypes[o->type]; o->instrument = st_add_ifabscent(obs->instruments, instname, -1); o->id = obs->nobs; o->fid = fid; o->batch = pass[i]; o->value = sla[i]; o->std = error_std; o->lon = lon[i]; o->lat = lat[i]; o->depth = 0.0; o->status = model_xy2fij(m, mvid, o->lon, o->lat, &o->fi, &o->fj); if (!obs->allobs && o->status == STATUS_OUTSIDEGRID) continue; o->fk = 0.0; o->date = tunits_offset + 0.5; if (o->status == STATUS_OK && depth[(int) floor(o->fj + 0.5)][(int) floor(o->fi + 0.5)] < MINDEPTH) o->status = STATUS_SHALLOW; if ((o->status == STATUS_OK) && (o->lon <= ot->xmin || o->lon >= ot->xmax || o->lat <= ot->ymin || o->lat >= ot->ymax || o->depth <= ot->zmin || o->depth >= ot->zmax)) o->status = STATUS_OUTSIDEOBSDOMAIN; o->aux = -1; obs->nobs++; } free(lon); free(lat); free(pass); free(sla); free(flag); }