Example #1
// open an existing or new NDF file
static PyObject*
pyndf_open(NDF *self, PyObject *args)
    const char *name;
	const char *mode = "READ";
	const char *stat = "OLD";
    if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|ss:pyndf_open", &name, &mode, &stat))
		return NULL;
	// check for allowed values of mode and stat
    if(strcmp(mode,"READ") != 0 && strcmp(mode,"WRITE") != 0 && strcmp(mode,"UPDATE") != 0) {
        PyErr_SetString( PyExc_ValueError, "Incorrect mode for ndf_open");
        return NULL;
    if(strcmp(stat,"OLD") != 0 && strcmp(stat,"NEW") != 0 && strcmp(stat,"UNKNOWN") != 0) {
        PyErr_SetString( PyExc_ValueError, "Unknown status string for ndf_open" );
        return NULL;
    int indf, place;
    int status = SAI__OK;
    indf = NDF__NOID;
    place = NDF__NOPL;
    ndfOpen( NULL, name, mode, stat, &indf, &place, &status);
    if (raiseNDFException(&status)) return NULL;
    return NDF_create_object( indf, place );
Example #2
void smf_open_ndfname( const HDSLoc *loc, const char accmode[],
                       const char extname[], const char state[], const char dattype[],
                       const int ndims, const int lbnd[], const int ubnd[],
                       const char datalabel[], const char dataunits[],
                       const AstFrameSet* wcs,
                       smfData **ndfdata,
                       int *status) {

  /* Local variables */
  void *datarr[] = { NULL, NULL }; /* Pointers for data */
  int dims[NDF__MXDIM];         /* Extent of each dimension */
  smf_dtype dtype;              /* Data type */
  int flags = 0;                /* Flags for creating smfDA, smfFile and
				   smfHead components in the output smfData */
  int i;
  int ndat;                     /* Number of elements mapped in the requested NDF */
  char ndfaccmode[NDF__SZMMD+1];/* Access mode to use to open the file */
  int ndimsmapped;              /* Number of dimensions in mapped NDF */
  int ndfid;                    /* NDF identifier */
  AstFrameSet *ndfwcs = NULL;   /* Copy of input FrameSet to write to NDF */
  smfFile *newfile = NULL;      /* New smfFile with details of requested NDF */
  int place;                    /* Placeholder for NDF */
  int updating = 0;             /* True if the extension is being updated */

  /* Initialize the output smfData to NULL pointer */
  *ndfdata = NULL;

  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  /* Check to see if the HDS Locator is null and retrieve the NDF id */
  if ( loc ==  NULL ) {
    errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Given HDS locator is NULL", status );

  /* Start be assuming the requested access mode can be used for mapping
     and file opening */
  one_strlcpy( ndfaccmode, accmode, sizeof(ndfaccmode), status );

  /* Note: write access clears the contents of the NDF */
  if ( strncmp( accmode, "WRITE", 5 ) == 0 ) {
    msgOutif(MSG__DEBUG," ", "Opening NDF with WRITE access: this will clear the current contents if the NDF exists.", status);
    updating = 1;

    /* We can have WRITE/ZERO or WRITE/BAD so we need to force WRITE
       into the NDF open access mode */
    one_strlcpy( ndfaccmode, "WRITE", sizeof(ndfaccmode), status );

  } else if ( strncmp( accmode, "UPDATE", 6) == 0) {
    updating = 1;
  ndfOpen( loc, extname, ndfaccmode, state, &ndfid, &place, status );
  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
    errRep( FUNC_NAME,
	    "Call to ndfOpen failed: unable to obtain an NDF identifier",
	    status );

  /* No placeholder => NDF exists */
  if ( place != NDF__NOPL ) {
    /* Define properties of NDF */
    ndfNew( dattype, ndims, lbnd, ubnd, &place, &ndfid, status );
    if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
      errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Unable to create a new NDF", status );

  /* Convert the data type string to SMURF dtype */
  dtype = smf_dtype_fromstring( dattype, status );

  /* First step is to create an empty smfData with no extra components */
  flags |= SMF__NOCREATE_DA;
  flags |= SMF__NOCREATE_FTS;
  flags |= SMF__NOCREATE_HEAD;
  flags |= SMF__NOCREATE_FILE;
  *ndfdata = smf_create_smfData( flags, status);
  /* Set the requested data type */
  (*ndfdata)->dtype = dtype;

  /* OK, now map the data array */
  ndfMap( ndfid, "DATA", dattype, accmode, &datarr[0], &ndat, status );
  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
    errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Unable to map data array: invalid NDF identifier?", status );
  /* Retrieve dimensions of mapped array */
  ndfDim( ndfid, NDF__MXDIM, dims, &ndimsmapped, status );
  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
    errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Problem identifying dimensions of requested NDF", status );
  /* Consistency check */
  if ( ndimsmapped != ndims ) {
    if ( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Number of dimensions in new NDF not equal to number of dimensions specified", status );

  if (*status == SAI__OK) {
    for (i=0; i<ndims; i++) {
      ((*ndfdata)->dims)[i] = dims[i];
      ((*ndfdata)->lbnd)[i] = lbnd[i];

  /* Allow for label, units and WCS to be written */
  if (updating) {
    if (datalabel) ndfCput( datalabel, ndfid, "Label", status );
    if (dataunits) ndfCput( dataunits, ndfid, "Unit", status );
    if (wcs) {
      /* Take a copy of the input WCS and modify if necessary that
	 before writing to the NDF */
      ndfwcs = astCopy( wcs );
      smf_set_moving( (AstFrame *) ndfwcs, NULL, status );
      ndfPtwcs( ndfwcs, ndfid, status );
      if (ndfwcs) ndfwcs = astAnnul( ndfwcs );

  /* Create the smfFile */
  newfile = smf_construct_smfFile( newfile, ndfid, 0, 0, NULL, status );
  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) {
    errRep( FUNC_NAME, "Unable to construct new smfFile", status );

  /* And populate the new smfData */
  *ndfdata = smf_construct_smfData( *ndfdata, newfile, NULL, NULL, NULL, dtype,
                                    datarr, NULL, SMF__QFAM_NULL, NULL, 0, 1,
                                    (*ndfdata)->dims, (*ndfdata)->lbnd, ndims,
                                    0, 0, NULL, NULL, status );

Example #3
void smf_flat_write( smf_flatmeth flatmeth, const char * flatname,
                     double refres, const smfData * bolval,
                     const smfData * powref, const smfData * bolref,
                     const smfData * polyfit, const Grp * prvgrp, int * status ) {

  size_t colsize;              /* number of columns */
  double *dbuf = NULL;         /* input double buffer for mean data */
  double *dvar = NULL;         /* input double buffer for variance of data */
  char fitsrec[SC2STORE__MAXFITS*SZFITSCARD+1]; /* Store for FITS records */
  int *ibuf = NULL;            /* int buffer for mean data */
  int indf = NDF__NOID;        /* NDF identifier for output file */
  size_t ncards;               /* number of fits cards */
  size_t numbols;              /* number of bolometers */
  double *outvar = NULL;       /* buffer for variance of data */
  int place = NDF__NOPL;       /* Dummy placeholder for NDF */
  size_t rowsize;              /* number of rows */
  JCMTState *state = NULL;     /* State for this flatfield */
  sc2ast_subarray_t subnum;    /* subarray number */

  AstFrameSet *result, *spacefset;
  AstLutMap *heatmap;
  AstFrame *heatfrm;

  int *dksquid;           /* pointer to dummy dark SQUID data */
  size_t j;               /* loop counter */
  int jig_vert[1][2];     /* dummy jiggle vertices */
  double jig_path[1][2];  /* dummy jiggle path */
  size_t nframes = 0;     /* Number of frames in bolval */
  int npath = 0;          /* size of jiggle path */
  int nvert = 0;          /* number of jiggle vertices */
  char *xmlfile = NULL;   /* dummy xmlfile name */

  if (*status != SAI__OK) return;

  if (!bolval->da) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", "No flatfield solution provided for writing",
            status );

  if (!bolval->da->heatval) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", "Must provide heater values in DA struct to smf_flat_write"
            " (possible programming error)", status );

  /* note that colsize is the number of rows and rowsize is the number of
     columns */
  colsize = (bolval->dims)[SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX];
  rowsize = (bolval->dims)[SC2STORE__COL_INDEX];
  numbols = colsize * rowsize;
  nframes = (bolval->dims)[2];

  /* Make sure we have a FLAT header that reflects this file
     as the flatfield solution */
  smf_fits_updateS( bolval->hdr, "FLAT", flatname, "Name of flat-field file",
                    status );

  /* Create a FITS header for DA */
  smf_fits_export2DA( bolval->hdr->fitshdr, &ncards, fitsrec, status );

  /* Copy the data as integers so it can be written to data file. To
     prevent overflow in the variance we store that as doubles */

  ibuf = astMalloc( (numbols * nframes)*sizeof(*ibuf) );
  outvar = astMalloc( (numbols * nframes)*sizeof(*outvar) );

  dbuf = (bolval->pntr)[0];
  dvar = (bolval->pntr)[1];

  if (*status == SAI__OK) {
    for (j = 0; j < (nframes * numbols); j++) {
      /* These started off as integers so the mean value must fit in
         an integer */
      if ( dbuf[j] == VAL__BADD) {
        ibuf[j] = VAL__BADI;
      } else {
        ibuf[j] = (int)dbuf[j];
      /* Same data type so no need to convert bad values */
      if (dvar) {
        outvar[j] = dvar[j];
      } else {
        outvar[j] = VAL__BADD;

  /* get subarray number */
  smf_find_subarray( bolval->hdr, NULL, 0, &subnum, status );

  /* Create dummy components for output file */
  dksquid = astCalloc ( rowsize* nframes, sizeof(*dksquid) );
  jig_vert[0][0] = 0;
  jig_vert[0][1] = 0;
  jig_path[0][0] = 0.0;
  jig_path[0][1] = 0.0;

  sc2store_setcompflag ( SC2STORE__NONE, status );
  sc2store_wrtstream ( flatname, subnum, ncards,
                       fitsrec, colsize, rowsize, nframes,
                       (bolref->dims)[2], refres, 0, smf_flat_methstring( flatmeth, status ),
                       bolval->hdr->allState, NULL,
                       ibuf, dksquid, (bolref->pntr)[0], (powref->pntr)[0],
                       "FLATCAL", NULL, NULL, jig_vert,
                       nvert, jig_path, npath, xmlfile, status );

  sc2store_free ( status );

  /* To copy in the variance and modify fix up the WCS we need to reopen
     the file */

  ndfOpen( NULL, flatname, "UPDATE", "OLD", &indf, &place, status );

  /* make sure that history is not written twice */
  ndfHsmod( "SKIP", indf, status );

  if (outvar) {
    void *pntr[3];
    int el;
    ndfStype( "_DOUBLE", indf, "VARIANCE", status );
    ndfMap( indf, "VARIANCE", "_DOUBLE", "WRITE", pntr, &el, status );
    if (*status == SAI__OK) {
      memcpy( pntr[0], outvar, sizeof(*outvar)*el );

  /* For the WCS a time frame is less relevant than heater settings */

  /* Create frame for focal plane coordinates */
  sc2ast_createwcs( subnum, NULL, NULL, NULL, NO_FTS, &spacefset, status );

  /* Copy it to make sure we do not mess with the cache */
  result = astCopy( spacefset );

  /* and switch to BOLO frame which is best for bolometer analysis */
    int frnum = AST__NOFRAME;
    kpg1Asffr( result, "BOLO", &frnum, status );
    if (frnum != AST__NOFRAME) astSetI( result, "CURRENT", frnum );

  /* Create a simple frame for heater settings */
  heatfrm = astFrame( 1, "Domain=HEATER,Label(1)=Heater Setting" );
  heatmap = astLutMap( nframes, bolval->da->heatval, 1.0, 1.0, " " );

  /* Append the heater axis to the spatial frameset */
  atlAddWcsAxis( result, (AstMapping *)heatmap, (AstFrame *) heatfrm,
                 NULL, NULL, status );

  /* write it to the NDF */
  ndfPtwcs( result, indf, status );

  /* Write provenance information */
  if (prvgrp) {
    size_t size = grpGrpsz( prvgrp, status );
    char prvname[ 2 * PAR__SZNAM + 1];

    smf_get_taskname( NULL, prvname, status );
    for (j=1; j<=size; j++) {
      smf_accumulate_prov( NULL, prvgrp, j, indf, prvname, NULL, status );


  /* Write the polynomial expansion into an extension */
  if (polyfit) {
    char fitfile[GRP__SZNAM+1];
    int fndf = NDF__NOID;
    place = NDF__NOPL;
    one_strlcpy( fitfile, flatname, sizeof(fitfile), status );
    one_strlcat( fitfile, ".MORE.SMURF.FLATFIT", sizeof(fitfile), status );

    /* create the file */
    smf_write_smfData( polyfit, NULL, fitfile, NULL, 0, NDF__NOID,
                       MSG__VERB, 0, status );

    /* Same WCS as the main file */
    ndfOpen( NULL, fitfile, "UPDATE", "OLD", &fndf, &place, status );
    ndfPtwcs( result, fndf, status );
    ndfAnnul( &fndf, status );



  ndfAnnul( &indf, status);

  if (ibuf) ibuf = astFree( ibuf );
  if (outvar) outvar = astFree( outvar );
  if (dksquid) dksquid = astFree( dksquid );
  if (state) state = astFree( state );
Example #4
void smurf_fts2_transcorr(int* status)
  if( *status != SAI__OK ) { return; }

  char filename[GRP__SZNAM+1]; /* Filename */
  char *pname        = NULL; /* Pointer to filename */
  int bolCount       = 0;    /* Number of bolometers */
  int bolIndex       = 0;    /* Bolometer index */
  int count;
  int dims[NDF__MXDIM];
  int debug          = 0;    /* If not debug, include dry component */
  int ftsExists      = 0;
  int index          = 0;
  int indf;                  /* NDF identifier for TAU file */
  int KERNELLENGTH   = 101;
  int nbolX          = 0;    /* Width of the source subarray */
  int nbolY          = 0;    /* Height of the source subarray */
  int ndfTau;
  int ndim;
  int nPWV           = 0;
  int nWN            = 0;
  int N              = 0;    /* Sample count */
  int i              = 0;    /* Index */
  int j              = 0;    /* Index */
  int k              = 0;    /* Index */
  int place;
  double AM          = 0.0;  /* Airmass at ZPD */
  double DELTAPWV    = 0.0;
  double PWV0        = 0.0;
  double PWV         = 0.0;  /* PWV at ZPD */
  double wnFact      = 0.0;  /* Wave number factor */
  double* inPntr     = NULL; /* Pointer to the input data */
  double* outPntr    = NULL; /* Pointer to the output data */
  double* wnScan     = NULL;
  double* wnTau      = NULL;
  double* TAtm       = NULL;
  double* TAtmNew    = NULL;
  double* PWVARR     = NULL;
  double* PWVNEW     = NULL;
  double* TAUNEW     = NULL;
  double* TAUWET     = NULL;
  double* TMPARR     = NULL;
  Grp* inGrp         = NULL; /* Input group */
  Grp* outGrp        = NULL; /* Output group */
  Grp* tauGrp        = NULL; /* TAU WET group */
  HDSLoc* loc        = NULL; /* HDS location */
  size_t fIndex      = 0;    /* File loop counter */
  size_t inSize      = 0;    /* Size of the input group */
  size_t outSize     = 0;    /* Size of the output group */
  size_t tauSize     = 0;    /* Size of the tau group */
  smfData* inData    = NULL; /* Pointer to input data */
  smfData* outData   = NULL; /* Pointer to output data */
  smfData* tauData   = NULL; /* Pointer to tau dry data */
  void* TAU[]        = {NULL, NULL}; /* {dry, wet} */

  const double SQRT2PI  = 2.50662827463100050242;
  const double SQRT2LN2 = 1.17741002251547469101;

  kpg1Rgndf("IN", 0, 1, "", &inGrp, &inSize, status);
  kpg1Wgndf("OUT", outGrp, inSize, inSize,
            "Equal number of input and output files expected!",
            &outGrp, &outSize, status);
  kpg1Gtgrp("TAU", &tauGrp, &tauSize, status);

  parGet0l("DEBUG", &debug, status);


  // ===========================================================================
  // ===========================================================================
  int dryOK = 0;
  int wetOK = 0;
  pname = filename;
  grpGet(tauGrp, 1, 1, &pname, sizeof(filename), status);
  ndgNdfas(tauGrp, 1, "READ", &indf, status );
  if (indf == NDF__NOID) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    msgSetc("FILE", filename);
    errRep("", FUNC_NAME ": Could not locate file ^FILE", status);
  ndfXstat(indf, "FTS2", &ftsExists, status);
  if(*status == SAI__OK && ftsExists) {
    ndfXloc(indf, "FTS2", "READ", &loc, status);
    if(*status == SAI__OK && loc != NULL) {
      ndfOpen(loc, "DRY", "READ", "UNKNOWN", &ndfTau, &place, status);
      if(*status == SAI__OK && ndfTau != NDF__NOID) {
        ndfDim(ndfTau, NDF__MXDIM, dims, &ndim, status);
        if(*status == SAI__OK && ndim == 1) {
          ndfMap(ndfTau, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", &TAU[0], &count, status);
          dryOK = 1;
      ndfOpen(loc, "WET", "READ", "UNKNOWN", &ndfTau, &place, status);
      if(*status == SAI__OK && ndfTau != NDF__NOID) {
        ndfDim(ndfTau, NDF__MXDIM, dims, &ndim, status);
        if(*status == SAI__OK && ndim == 2) {
          ndfMap(ndfTau, "DATA", "_DOUBLE", "READ", &TAU[1], &count, status);
          wetOK = 1;
  if(loc) { datAnnul(&loc, status); }
  if(!(dryOK && wetOK)) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep("", FUNC_NAME ": Unable to obtain TAU values!", status);

  smf_open_file(NULL, tauGrp, 1, "READ", 0, &tauData, status);
  smf_fits_getD(tauData->hdr, "PWV0", &PWV0, status);
  smf_fits_getD(tauData->hdr, "DELTAPWV", &DELTAPWV, status);
  if(*status != SAI__OK) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep("", FUNC_NAME ": Unable to obtain PWV value(s)!", status);

  nWN  = dims[0];
  nPWV = dims[1];
  PWVARR = astMalloc(nPWV * sizeof(*PWVARR));
  for(i = 0; i < nPWV; i++) {
    PWVARR[i] = PWV0 + i * DELTAPWV;
  PWVNEW = astMalloc(1 * sizeof(*PWVNEW));
  TAUNEW = astMalloc(1 * sizeof(*TAUNEW));

  // ===========================================================================
  // ===========================================================================
  for(fIndex = 1; fIndex <= inSize; fIndex++) {
    smf_open_file(NULL, inGrp, fIndex, "READ", 0, &inData, status);
    if(*status != SAI__OK) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep(FUNC_NAME, "Unable to open source file!", status);

    outData = smf_deepcopy_smfData(NULL, inData, 0, SMF__NOCREATE_DATA, 0, 0, status);
    if(*status == SAI__OK) {
      inPntr   = inData->pntr[0];
      nbolX    = inData->dims[0];
      nbolY    = inData->dims[1];
      N        = inData->dims[2];
      bolCount = nbolX * nbolY;

      outData->dtype   = SMF__DOUBLE;
      outData->ndims   = 3;
      outData->dims[0] = inData->dims[0];
      outData->dims[1] = inData->dims[1];
      outData->dims[2] = inData->dims[2];
      outData->lbnd[0] = outData->lbnd[0];
      outData->lbnd[1] = outData->lbnd[1];
      outData->lbnd[2] = outData->lbnd[2];
      outData->pntr[0] = (double*) astMalloc( (N * bolCount)*sizeof(double) );
      outPntr          = outData->pntr[0];

      smf_fits_getD(inData->hdr, "WNFACT", &wnFact, status);
      if(*status != SAI__OK) {
        errRep(FUNC_NAME, "Unable to find wave number factor!", status);
        smf_close_file( NULL,&inData, status);

      // TODO

      // TODO
      PWVNEW[0] = PWV;

      TAUWET = astMalloc(nWN * sizeof(*TAUWET));
      TMPARR = astMalloc(nWN * sizeof(*TMPARR));
      for(k = 0; k < nWN; k++) {
        for(j = 0; j < nPWV; j++) {
          TMPARR[j] = *((double*) TAU[1] + j);
        fts2_naturalcubicsplineinterpolator(PWVARR, TMPARR, nPWV, PWVNEW, TAUNEW, 1);
        TAUWET[k] = TAUNEW[0];

      TAtm = astMalloc(nWN * sizeof(*TAtm));
      if(!debug) {
        for(i = 0; i < nWN; i++) {
          TAtm[i] = exp(-AM * (PWV * TAUWET[i] + (*((double*) TAU[0] + i))));
      } else {
        for(i = 0; i < nWN; i++) {
          TAtm[i] = exp(-AM * PWV * TAUWET[i]);

      double OPDMAX = 1.0;
      double FWHM   = 1.0 / (2.0 * OPDMAX);   // FWHM = 1 / (2 x OPDMAX)
      double SDEV   = 0.5 * FWHM / SQRT2LN2;  // FWHM = 2 x SQRT(2ln2) x SDEV
      double VAR    = SDEV * SDEV;
      double VAR2   = 2.0 * VAR;
      double NORM   = 1.0 / (SDEV * SQRT2PI);
      double XMIN   = -6 * SDEV;
      double XMAX   =  6 * SDEV;
      double DX = (XMAX - XMIN) / (KERNELLENGTH - 1);
      double X = XMIN;
      for(i = 0; i < KERNELLENGTH; i++) {
        X = XMIN + i * DX;
        GAUSSIANKERNEL[i] = NORM * exp(-(X * X) / VAR2);
      int M = nWN + KERNELLENGTH - 1;
      TMPARR = astMalloc(M * sizeof(*TMPARR));
      for(i = 0; i < nWN; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < KERNELLENGTH; j++) {
          TMPARR[i + j] += (TAtm[i] * GAUSSIANKERNEL[j]);
      int OFFSET = (KERNELLENGTH - 1) >> 1;
      for(i = 0; i < nWN; i++) {
        TAtm[i] = TMPARR[i + OFFSET];

      wnTau = astMalloc(nWN * sizeof(*wnTau));
      wnScan = astMalloc(N * sizeof(*wnScan));
      TAtmNew = astMalloc(N * sizeof(*TAtmNew));
      for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        wnScan[i] = i * wnFact;
      for(i = 0; i < nWN; i++) {
        wnTau[i] = i;
      fts2_naturalcubicsplineinterpolator(wnTau, TAtm, nWN, wnScan, TAtmNew, N);

      // TSOURCE = TOBS / TATM
      for(i = 0; i < nbolY; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < nbolX; j++) {
          bolIndex = i + j * nbolY;
          for(k = 0; k < N; k++) {
            index = bolIndex + bolCount * k;
            outPntr[index] = inPntr[index] / TAtmNew[k];

      smf_write_smfData(NULL, outData, NULL, NULL, outGrp, fIndex, 0, MSG__VERB,
                        0, status);
      smf_close_file( NULL,&outData, status);
      smf_close_file( NULL,&inData, status);
    } else {
Example #5
int write_ndf( int argc, void *argv[]) {
** Declare variables
void *arr;         /* Pointer to the data array */
int n_dims;        /* The number of dimensions */
int *arr_bnds;     /* The dimensions */
IDL_STRING *ndf_name;  /* The name of the NDF to be created */
IDL_STRING *comp;      /* The component name */
IDL_STRING *type;      /* The HDS type of the NDF to be created */
int badset;        /* Whether bad value is set */
void *bad_value;   /* Pointer to the bad value */

int status;        /* Starlink status */

int lbnd[5]={1L,1L,1L,1L,1L}; /* Lower bounds array */
int ndf;           /* NDF identifier */
int place;         /* NDF placeholder */
int npix;          /* Number of pixels */
void *ptr[3];      /* Pointer to mapped NDF data Fortran style */
size_t nbytes;     /* Number of bytes in NDF */
int bpix=1;        /* Number of bits/pixel */
int idltype=1;     /* Pixel type code */

int fstat;              /* Final status (before errLoad) */
int errn=0;             /* Error sequence number */
char param[ERR__SZPAR]; /* Error message parameter name */
int parlen;             /* Length of error message parameter name */
char opstr[ERR__SZMSG]; /* Error message */
int oplen;              /* Length of error message */

** Start Error context
   status = SAI__OK;

** Check that the correct number of arguments were passed in
   if(argc != 8) {
   ** Print an error message and return
      status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( " ", "write_ndf: Incorrect number of arguments", &status );

   } else {
   ** Extract the arguments to comprehensible names
      arr = argv[0];
      n_dims = *(int *)argv[1];
      arr_bnds = (int *)argv[2];
      ndf_name = (IDL_STRING *)argv[3];
      comp = (IDL_STRING *)argv[4];
      type = (IDL_STRING *)argv[5];
      badset = *(int *)argv[6];
      bad_value = (void *)argv[7];

   ** Enable NDF calls

      if ( !strcmp( comp->s, "DATA" ) ) {
      ** Create the NDF
         ndfOpen( NULL, ndf_name->s, "WRITE", "NEW", &ndf, &place, &status );
         ndfNew( type->s, n_dims, lbnd, arr_bnds, &place, &ndf, &status );

      } else {
         if ( !strcmp( comp->s, "QUALITY") && strcmp(type->s, "_UBYTE")) {
            status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( " ", "write_ndf: Incorrect type for QUALITY", &status );
      ** Open existing NDF
         ndfOpen( NULL, ndf_name->s, "UPDATE", "OLD", &ndf, &place, &status );

   **  Check the number of pixels is same in given array and NDF for QUALITY
   **  and VARIANCE.
      if ( strcmp( comp->s, "DATA" ) ) {
         ndfSize( ndf, &npix, &status );

         if ( ( status == SAI__OK ) && ( npix != arr_bnds[n_dims+1] ) ) {
         **  Array size and NDF size do not agree
            status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( " ",
              "write_ndf: Incorrect number elements supplied", &status );

   **  Obtain mapped access to the array component of the NDF
      ndfMap( ndf, comp->s, type->s, "WRITE", ptr, &npix, &status );

   **  Now copy the values from ARR into the mapped NDF
      if ( status == SAI__OK ) {
      **  First check the returned pointer is good
         if ( ptr[0] == NULL ) {
         **  Fortran to C pointer conversion failed
            status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( " ",
              "write_ndf: Fortran to C pointer conversion failed", &status );

         } else {
         **  then get the IDL type code and number of bytes per pixel
            if (!strcmp(type->s, "_REAL")) {
               idltype = 4;
               bpix = 4;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_INTEGER")) {
               idltype = 3;
               bpix = 4;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_WORD")) {
               idltype = 2;
               bpix = 2;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_DOUBLE")) {
               idltype = 5;
               bpix = 8;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_UBYTE")) {
               idltype = 1;
               bpix = 1;
            } else {
               status = SAI__ERROR;
               msgSetc( "TYPE", type->s );
               errRep( " ", "Illegal type ^TYPE", &status );

         **  Now copy the data from the array to the NDF.
         **  If we need to check for bad values in the array, use copybadout.
         **  If any bad values are found copybadout will replace them with the
         **  appropriate PRIMDAT bad value. The NDF bad pixel flag is then set
         **  depending on whether copybadout detected any bad values.
         **  If we need not check for bad pixels just copy the whole lot;
            if ( status == SAI__OK ) {
               if ( badset ) {
                  if ( !copybadout( ptr[0], arr, npix, idltype, bad_value ) )
                     ndfSbad( 0, ndf, comp->s, &status);
               } else {
                  nbytes = bpix * npix;
                  memcpy( ptr[0], arr, nbytes );

   **  Close NDF
      ndfEnd( &status );

**  Report any error messages
**  Adding Starlink-style !! and ! prefix
   fstat = status;
   while ( status != SAI__OK ) {
        param, ERR__SZPAR, &parlen, opstr, ERR__SZMSG, &oplen, &status );
      if ( status != SAI__OK )
         printf( "%s %s\r\n", errn++?"! ":"!!", opstr );

**  That's it, return to the calling routine
   return( fstat == SAI__OK );

Example #6
int read_ndf( int argc, void *argv[] ) {
** Declare variables
IDL_STRING *ndf_name;  /* The name of the NDF to be read */
IDL_STRING *comp;      /* The component name */
IDL_STRING *type;      /* The HDS type of the component to be read */
void *arr;         /* Pointer to the data array */
int badset;        /* Whether bad value is set */
void *bad_value;   /* Pointer to the bad value */

int status;        /* Starlink status */

int ndf;           /* NDF identifier */
int place;         /* NDF placeholder */
int npix;          /* Number of pixels */
void *ptr[3];      /* Pointer to mapped NDF data Fortran style */
size_t nbytes;     /* Number of bytes in NDF */
int bpix=1;        /* Number of bits/pixel */
int idltype=1;     /* Pixel type code */
int bad;           /* If bad pixels need handling */

int fstat;              /* Final status (before errLoad) */
int errn=0;             /* Error sequence number */
char param[ERR__SZPAR]; /* Error message parameter name */
int parlen;             /* Length of error message parameter name */
char opstr[ERR__SZMSG]; /* Error message */
int oplen;              /* Length of error message */

** Start Error context
   status = SAI__OK;

** Check that the correct number of arguments were passed in
   if(argc != 6) {
   ** Print an error message and return
      status = SAI__ERROR;
      errRep( " ", "read_ndf: Incorrect number of arguments", &status );
   } else {
   ** Extract the arguments to comprehensible names
      ndf_name = (IDL_STRING *)argv[0];
      comp = (IDL_STRING *)argv[1];
      type = (IDL_STRING *)argv[2];
      arr = argv[3];
      badset = *(int *)argv[4];
      bad_value = (void *)argv[5];

   ** Enable NDF calls
/*      ptr[2]=malloc(256);*/
   ** Open the NDF
      ndfOpen( NULL, ndf_name->s, "READ", "OLD", &ndf, &place, &status );
   **  Obtain mapped access to the array component of the first NDF
      ndfMap( ndf, comp->s, type->s, "READ", ptr, &npix, &status );
   **  Now copy the values from the mapped NDF into ARR
      if ( status == SAI__OK ) {
      **  First check the returned pointer is good
         if ( ptr[0] == NULL ) {
         **  Fortran to C pointer conversion failed
            status = SAI__ERROR;
            errRep( " ",
              "read_ndf: Fortran to C pointer conversion failed", &status );

         } else {
         **  then get the IDL type and number of bytes per pixel
            if (!strcmp(type->s, "_REAL")) {
               idltype = 4;
               bpix = 4;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_INTEGER")) {
               idltype = 3;
               bpix = 4;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_WORD")) {
               idltype = 2;
               bpix = 2;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_DOUBLE")) {
               idltype = 5;
               bpix = 8;
            } else if (!strcmp(type->s, "_UBYTE")) {
               idltype = 1;
               bpix = 1;
            } else {
               status = SAI__ERROR;
               msgSetc( "TYPE", type->s );
               errRep( " ", "Illegal type ^TYPE", &status );
         **  If badset is false, we can just copy everything; otherwise see if
         **  bad pixels may be set and act accordingly. Set bad if we need to check
         **  for bad pixels.
            bad = 0;
            if ( badset ) ndfBad( ndf, "DATA", 0, &bad, &status );

         **  Now copy the data from the NDF to the array.
         **  If we need not check for bad pixels just copy the whole lot
            if ( status == SAI__OK ) {
               if ( bad ) {
                  copybadin( arr, ptr[0], npix, idltype, bad_value );
               } else {
                  nbytes = bpix * npix;
                  memcpy( arr, ptr[0], nbytes );

   **  Close NDF
      ndfEnd( &status );

**  Report any error messages
**  Adding Starlink-style !! and ! prefix
   fstat = status;
   while ( status != SAI__OK ) {
         param, ERR__SZPAR, &parlen, opstr, ERR__SZMSG, &oplen, &status );
      if ( status != SAI__OK )
         printf( "%s %s\r\n", errn++?"! ":"!!", opstr );

**  That's it, return to the calling routine
   return( fstat == SAI__OK );