Example #1
int ne_test_gecm(int fileid)
  int i, j, iproc, error;
  int elem_ids[ECNTCM], elem_map_cnts[NECMAP], proc_ids[ECNTCM];
  int side_ids[ECNTCM], elem_map_ids[NECMAP];

/*-----------------------------Execution Begins-----------------------------*/

  for(iproc=0; iproc < NPROCF; iproc++) {

    error = ne_get_cmap_params(fileid, NULL, NULL,
                               elem_map_ids, elem_map_cnts, iproc);

    if (error < 0) return error;

    for(i=0; i < NECMAP; i++) {
      error = ne_get_elem_cmap(fileid, elem_map_ids[i], elem_ids,
                               side_ids, proc_ids, iproc);

      if (error < 0) return error;

      for(j=0; j < ECNTCM; j++) {
        if (elem_ids[j] != 2*(j+1)) return -1;
        if (side_ids[j] != 3*(j+1)) return -1;
        if (proc_ids[j] != 4*(j+1)) return -1;

  return 0;
Example #2
int ne_test_gncm(int fileid)
  int i, j, iproc, error;
  int node_map_ids[NNCMAP], node_map_cnts[NNCMAP];
  int node_ids[NCNTCM], proc_ids[NCNTCM];

/*-----------------------------Execution Begins-----------------------------*/

  for(iproc=0; iproc < NPROCF; iproc++) {

    error = ne_get_cmap_params(fileid, node_map_ids, node_map_cnts,
                               NULL, NULL, iproc);

    if (error < 0) return error;

    for(i=0; i < NNCMAP; i++) {
      error = ne_get_node_cmap(fileid, node_map_ids[i], node_ids,
                               proc_ids, iproc);

      if (error < 0) return error;

      for(j=0; j < NCNTCM; j++) {
        if (node_ids[j] != 2*(j+1)) return -1;
        if (proc_ids[j] != 3*(j+1)) return -1;

  return 0;
Example #3
static int read_comm_map_info(int pexoid, int Proc, PROB_INFO_PTR prob,
                              MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
  /* Local declarations. */
  char *yo = "read_comm_map_info";
  int  ielem, imap, loc_elem, iblk, max_len, offset, index;
  int  nnodei, nnodeb, nnodee, nelemi, nelemb, nncmap;
  int *int_elem, *bor_elem;
  int *proc_ids;
  int *gids, *my_procs, *recv_procs;
  int  ierr, nrecv;
  int  msg = 200;
  int  sid;
  ELEM_INFO_PTR elements = mesh->elements;
  ZOLTAN_COMM_OBJ *comm_obj;

  E_Type etype;

/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  if (ne_get_loadbal_param(pexoid, &nnodei, &nnodeb, &nnodee,
                     &nelemi, &nelemb, &nncmap, &(mesh->necmap), Proc) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ne_get_loadbal_param");
    return 0;

   * get the list of the border elements in order to set
   * the border flag in the element structures
  int_elem = (int *) malloc ((nelemi + nelemb) * sizeof(int));
  if (!int_elem) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  bor_elem = int_elem + nelemi;

  if (ne_get_elem_map(pexoid, int_elem, bor_elem, Proc) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ne_get_elem_map");
    return 0;

  for (ielem = 0; ielem < nelemb; ielem++) {
    elements[bor_elem[ielem]-1].border = 1;


   * For now, only get the elemental communication maps,
   * since, in the driver, elements are only considered
   * adjacent if they share a face (same definition used
   * in element communication maps). Eventually, the ability
   * to consider elements that are connected by any nodes
   * adjacent will have to be added. When that happens,
   * the nodal communication maps will be needed.
  mesh->ecmap_cnt = (int *) malloc (mesh->necmap * sizeof(int));
  mesh->ecmap_id = (int *) malloc(mesh->necmap * sizeof(int));
  if (!mesh->ecmap_cnt || !mesh->ecmap_id) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  if (ne_get_cmap_params(pexoid, NULL, NULL, mesh->ecmap_id, 
                         mesh->ecmap_cnt, Proc) < 0) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ne_get_cmap_params");
    return 0;

  max_len = 0;
  for (imap = 0; imap < mesh->necmap; imap++)
    max_len += mesh->ecmap_cnt[imap];

  proc_ids = (int *) malloc(4 * max_len * sizeof(int));
  gids = proc_ids + max_len;
  my_procs = gids + max_len;
  recv_procs = my_procs + max_len;
  mesh->ecmap_elemids = (int *) malloc(max_len * sizeof(int));
  mesh->ecmap_sideids = (int *) malloc(max_len * sizeof(int));
  mesh->ecmap_neighids = (int *) malloc(max_len * sizeof(int));
  if (!mesh->ecmap_elemids || !mesh->ecmap_sideids || !mesh->ecmap_neighids) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;

  offset = 0;
  for (imap = 0; imap < mesh->necmap; imap++) {

    if(ne_get_elem_cmap(pexoid, mesh->ecmap_id[imap],
                        &(proc_ids[offset]), Proc) < 0) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from ne_get_elem_cmap");
      return 0;
    offset += mesh->ecmap_cnt[imap];
  } /* End: "for (imap = 0; imap < mesh->necmap; imap++)" */

   * Decrement the ecmap_elemids by one for zero-based local numbering.
   * Convert the element ids to global ids to send to
   * the neighboring processor.
  for (ielem = 0; ielem < max_len; ielem++) {
    gids[ielem] = elements[mesh->ecmap_elemids[ielem]].globalID;
    my_procs[ielem] = Proc;
   * Now communicate with other processor to get global IDs
   * for the adjacent elements in this communication map.

  ierr = Zoltan_Comm_Create(&comm_obj, max_len, proc_ids, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
                            msg, &nrecv);
  if (ierr != ZOLTAN_OK) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from Zoltan_Comm_Create");
    return 0;
  if (nrecv != max_len) {
    /* Sanity check; this should never happen. */
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from Zoltan_Comm_Create");
    return 0;

  /* Exchange ids to neighbors.  
   * Assuming messages will be stored in order of processor number in 
   * ecmap_neighids. 
  ierr = Zoltan_Comm_Do(comm_obj, msg+1, (char *) gids, sizeof(int), 
                        (char *) (mesh->ecmap_neighids));

  /* Exchange sanity check information. 
   * Allows to check assumption that messages are stored in order of
   * processor number.
  if (ierr == ZOLTAN_OK)
    ierr = Zoltan_Comm_Do(comm_obj, msg+2, (char *) my_procs, sizeof(int), 
                          (char *) recv_procs);

  if (ierr != ZOLTAN_OK) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from Zoltan_Comm_Do");
    return 0;

  ierr = Zoltan_Comm_Destroy(&comm_obj);

  /* Sanity check: messages stored in order of processor number. */
  for (ielem = 0; ielem < max_len; ielem++) {
    if (proc_ids[ielem] != recv_procs[ielem]) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Sanity check failed; assumption wrong");
      return 0;

  /* now process all of the element ids that have been received */
  offset = 0;
  for (imap = 0; imap < mesh->necmap; imap++) {
    for (ielem = 0; ielem < mesh->ecmap_cnt[imap]; ielem++) {
      index = ielem + offset;
      /* translate from element id in the communication map to local elem id */
      loc_elem = mesh->ecmap_elemids[index];
      iblk = elements[loc_elem].elem_blk;
      etype = (E_Type) (mesh->eb_etypes[iblk]);

      if(elements[loc_elem].nadj > elements[loc_elem].adj_len) {
        /* Shouldn't happen as long as only side adjacencies are used. */
        /* adj_len == number of sides.                                 */
        /* Space should already be allocated for the adjacencies read  */
        /* from the communication maps.                                */
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Number of adj greater than adj_len");
        return 0;

      /* Store adjacency info in the adj entry corresponding to this side. */
      sid = mesh->ecmap_sideids[index] - 1;
      elements[loc_elem].adj[sid] = mesh->ecmap_neighids[index];
      elements[loc_elem].adj_proc[sid] = mesh->ecmap_id[imap];
      elements[loc_elem].edge_wgt[sid] =
             (float) get_elem_info(NSNODES, etype, mesh->ecmap_sideids[index]);

    } /* End: "for (ielem = 0; ielem < mesh->ecmap_cnt[imap]; ielem++)" */
    offset += mesh->ecmap_cnt[imap];
  } /* End: "for for (imap = 0; imap < mesh->necmap; imap++)" */
  free (proc_ids);

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;