Example #1
static char *read_command(void)
    char prompt[BUFSIZ];

    if (session.uri.path) {
        char *p = ne_path_unescape(session.uri.path);
	ne_snprintf(prompt, BUFSIZ, "dav:%s%c ", p,
                    session.isdav ? '>' : '?');
    } else {
	sprintf(prompt, "dav:!> ");

    return readline(prompt); 
Example #2
 * file functions
static int owncloud_stat(const char *uri, csync_vio_file_stat_t *buf) {
    /* get props:
     *   modtime
     *   creattime
     *   size
    int rc = 0;
    csync_vio_file_stat_t *lfs = NULL;
    struct listdir_context  *fetchCtx = NULL;
    char *curi = NULL;
    char *decodedUri = NULL;
    char strbuf[PATH_MAX +1];
    int len = 0;

    DEBUG_WEBDAV("owncloud_stat %s called", uri );

    buf->name = c_basename(uri);

    if (buf->name == NULL) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        return -1;

    /* check if the data in the static 'cache' fs is for the same file.
     * The cache is filled by readdir which is often called directly before
     * stat. If the cache matches, a http call is saved.
    if( _fs.name && strcmp( buf->name, _fs.name ) == 0 ) {
        buf->fields  = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_NONE;
        buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_TYPE;
        buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_SIZE;
        buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_MTIME;

        buf->fields = _fs.fields;
        buf->type   = _fs.type;
        buf->mtime  = _fs.mtime;
        buf->size   = _fs.size;
        buf->mode   = _stat_perms( _fs.type );
    } else {
        /* fetch data via a propfind call. */
        fetchCtx = c_malloc( sizeof( struct listdir_context ));
        if( ! fetchCtx ) {
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return -1;

        curi = _cleanPath( uri );

        DEBUG_WEBDAV("I have no stat cache, call propfind for %s.", curi );
        fetchCtx->list = NULL;
        fetchCtx->target = curi;
        fetchCtx->include_target = 1;
        fetchCtx->currResource = NULL;

        rc = fetch_resource_list( curi, NE_DEPTH_ONE, fetchCtx );
        if( rc != NE_OK ) {
          if( errno != ENOENT ) {
          DEBUG_WEBDAV("stat fails with errno %d", errno );

          return -1;

        if( fetchCtx ) {
            struct resource *res = fetchCtx->list;
            while( res ) {
                /* remove trailing slashes */
                len = strlen(res->uri);
                while( len > 0 && res->uri[len-1] == '/' ) --len;
                memset( strbuf, 0, PATH_MAX+1);
                strncpy( strbuf, res->uri, len < PATH_MAX ? len : PATH_MAX );
                decodedUri = ne_path_unescape( curi ); /* allocates memory */
                if( c_streq(strbuf, decodedUri )) {
                    SAFE_FREE( decodedUri );
                res = res->next;
                SAFE_FREE( decodedUri );
            DEBUG_WEBDAV("Working on file %s", res ? res->name : "NULL");

            lfs = resourceToFileStat( res );
            if( lfs ) {
                buf->fields = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_NONE;
                buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_TYPE;
                buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_SIZE;
                buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_MTIME;
                buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_PERMISSIONS;

                buf->fields = lfs->fields;
                buf->type   = lfs->type;
                buf->mtime  = lfs->mtime;
                buf->size   = lfs->size;
                buf->mode   = _stat_perms( lfs->type );

                csync_vio_file_stat_destroy( lfs );
            SAFE_FREE( fetchCtx );
    DEBUG_WEBDAV("STAT result: %s, type=%d", buf->name ? buf->name:"NULL",
                  buf->type );
    return 0;
Example #3
 * result parsing list.
 * This function is called to parse the result of the propfind request
 * to list directories on the WebDAV server. I takes a single resource
 * and fills a resource struct and stores it to the result list which
 * is stored in the listdir_context.
static void results(void *userdata,
                    const ne_uri *uri,
                    const ne_prop_result_set *set)
    struct listdir_context *fetchCtx = userdata;
    struct resource *newres = 0;
    const char *clength, *modtime = NULL;
    const char *resourcetype = NULL;
    const ne_status *status = NULL;
    char *path = ne_path_unescape( uri->path );

    (void) status;
    if( ! fetchCtx ) {
        DEBUG_WEBDAV("No valid fetchContext");

    DEBUG_WEBDAV("** propfind result found: %s", path );
    if( ! fetchCtx->target ) {
        DEBUG_WEBDAV("error: target must not be zero!" );

    if (ne_path_compare(fetchCtx->target, uri->path) == 0 && !fetchCtx->include_target) {
        /* This is the target URI */
        DEBUG_WEBDAV( "Skipping target resource.");
        /* Free the private structure. */
        SAFE_FREE( path );

    /* Fill the resource structure with the data about the file */
    newres = c_malloc(sizeof(struct resource));
    newres->uri =  path; /* no need to strdup because ne_path_unescape already allocates */
    newres->name = c_basename( path );

    modtime      = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[0] );
    clength      = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[1] );
    resourcetype = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[2] );

    newres->type = resr_normal;
    if( clength == NULL && resourcetype && strncmp( resourcetype, "<DAV:collection>", 16 ) == 0) {
        newres->type = resr_collection;

    if (modtime)
        newres->modtime = ne_httpdate_parse(modtime);

    if (clength) {
        char *p;

        newres->size = DAV_STRTOL(clength, &p, 10);
        if (*p) {
            newres->size = 0;

    /* prepend the new resource to the result list */
    newres->next   = fetchCtx->list;
    fetchCtx->list = newres;
    fetchCtx->result_count = fetchCtx->result_count + 1;
    DEBUG_WEBDAV( "results for URI %s: %d %d", newres->name, (int)newres->size, (int)newres->type );
static void propfind_results_recursive(void *userdata,
                    const ne_uri *uri,
                    const ne_prop_result_set *set)
    struct resource *newres = 0;
    const char *clength, *modtime, *file_id = NULL;
    const char *resourcetype = NULL;
    const char *md5sum = NULL;
    const ne_status *status = NULL;
    char *path = ne_path_unescape( uri->path );
    char *parentPath;
    char *propfindRootUri = (char*) userdata;
    propfind_recursive_element_t *element = NULL;
    propfind_recursive_element_t *pElement = NULL;
    int depth = 0;

    (void) status;
    (void) propfindRootUri;

    if (!propfind_recursive_cache) {
        c_rbtree_create(&propfind_recursive_cache, _key_cmp, _data_cmp);

    /* Fill the resource structure with the data about the file */
    newres = c_malloc(sizeof(struct resource));

    newres->uri =  path; /* no need to strdup because ne_path_unescape already allocates */
    newres->name = c_basename( path );

    modtime      = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[0] );
    clength      = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[1] );
    resourcetype = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[2] );
    md5sum       = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[3] );
    file_id      = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[4] );

    newres->type = resr_normal;
    if( resourcetype && strncmp( resourcetype, "<DAV:collection>", 16 ) == 0) {
        newres->type = resr_collection;
    } else {
        /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("propfind_results_recursive %s [%d]", newres->uri, newres->type); */

    if (modtime) {
        newres->modtime = oc_httpdate_parse(modtime);

    /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Parsing Modtime: %s -> %llu", modtime, (unsigned long long) newres->modtime ); */
    newres->size = 0;
    if (clength) {
        newres->size = atoll(clength);
        /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Parsed File size for %s from %s: %lld", newres->name, clength, (long long)newres->size ); */

    if( md5sum ) {
        newres->md5 = csync_normalize_etag(md5sum);

    csync_vio_set_file_id(newres->file_id, file_id);
    DEBUG_WEBDAV("propfind_results_recursive %s [%s] %s", newres->uri, newres->type == resr_collection ? "collection" : "file", newres->md5);

    /* Create new item in rb tree */
    if (newres->type == resr_collection) {
        DEBUG_WEBDAV("propfind_results_recursive %s is a folder", newres->uri);
        /* Check if in rb tree */
        element = c_rbtree_node_data(c_rbtree_find(propfind_recursive_cache,uri->path));
        /* If not, create a new item and insert it */
        if (!element) {
            element = c_malloc(sizeof(propfind_recursive_element_t));
            element->self = resource_dup(newres);
            element->children = NULL;
            element->parent = NULL;
            c_rbtree_insert(propfind_recursive_cache, element);
            /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("results_recursive Added collection %s", newres->uri); */

    /* Check for parent in tree. If exists: Insert it into the children elements there */
    parentPath = ne_path_parent(uri->path);
    if (parentPath) {
        propfind_recursive_element_t *parentElement = NULL;

        parentElement = c_rbtree_node_data(c_rbtree_find(propfind_recursive_cache,parentPath));

        if (parentElement) {
            newres->next = parentElement->children;
            parentElement->children = newres;

            /* If the current result is a collection we also need to set its parent */
            if (element)
                element->parent = parentElement;

            pElement = element;
            while (pElement) {
                pElement = pElement->parent;
            if (depth > propfind_recursive_cache_depth) {
                DEBUG_WEBDAV("propfind_results_recursive %s new maximum tree depth %d", newres->uri, depth);
                propfind_recursive_cache_depth = depth;

            /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("results_recursive Added child %s to collection %s", newres->uri, element->self->uri); */
        } else {
            /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("results_recursive No parent %s found for child %s", parentPath, newres->uri); */
            newres = NULL;

static void propfind_results_recursive_callback(void *userdata,
                    const ne_uri *uri,
                    const ne_prop_result_set *set)
    struct resource *newres = 0;

    const ne_status *status = NULL;
    char *path = ne_path_unescape( uri->path );
    char *parentPath;
    propfind_recursive_element_t *element = NULL;
    propfind_recursive_element_t *pElement = NULL;
    int depth = 0;
    csync_owncloud_ctx_t *ctx = (csync_owncloud_ctx_t*) userdata;

    (void) status;

    if (!ctx->propfind_recursive_cache) {
        c_rbtree_create(&ctx->propfind_recursive_cache, _key_cmp, _data_cmp);

    /* Fill the resource structure with the data about the file */
    newres = c_malloc(sizeof(struct resource));

    newres->uri =  path; /* no need to strdup because ne_path_unescape already allocates */
    newres->name = c_basename( path );
    fill_webdav_properties_into_resource(newres, set);

    if( newres->type == resr_collection) {
    } else {

    /* Create new item in rb tree */
    if (newres->type == resr_collection) {
        DEBUG_WEBDAV("propfind_results_recursive %s is a folder", newres->uri);
        /* Check if in rb tree */
        element = c_rbtree_node_data(c_rbtree_find(ctx->propfind_recursive_cache,uri->path));
        /* If not, create a new item and insert it */
        if (!element) {
            element = c_malloc(sizeof(propfind_recursive_element_t));
            element->self = resource_dup(newres);
            element->self->next = 0;
            element->children = NULL;
            element->parent = NULL;
            c_rbtree_insert(ctx->propfind_recursive_cache, element);
            /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("results_recursive Added collection %s", newres->uri); */

    /* Check for parent in tree. If exists: Insert it into the children elements there */
    parentPath = ne_path_parent(uri->path);
    if (parentPath) {
        propfind_recursive_element_t *parentElement = NULL;

        parentElement = c_rbtree_node_data(c_rbtree_find(ctx->propfind_recursive_cache,parentPath));

        if (parentElement) {
            newres->next = parentElement->children;
            parentElement->children = newres;

            /* If the current result is a collection we also need to set its parent */
            if (element)
                element->parent = parentElement;

            pElement = element;
            while (pElement) {
                pElement = pElement->parent;
            if (depth > ctx->propfind_recursive_cache_depth) {
                DEBUG_WEBDAV("propfind_results_recursive %s new maximum tree depth %d", newres->uri, depth);
                ctx->propfind_recursive_cache_depth = depth;

            /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("results_recursive Added child %s to collection %s", newres->uri, element->self->uri); */

    newres = NULL;
Example #6
static char *remote_completion(const char *text, int state)
    static struct resource *reslist, *current;
    static int len;
    static time_t last_fetch;
    static char *last_path;

    char *name;
    if (state == 0) {
	/* Check to see if we should refresh the dumb cache.
	 * or, initialize the local cache of remote filenames
	 * The remote resource list persists until a completion
	 * in a new context is requested or the cache expires.

	/* TODO get cache expire time from config, currently from cadaver.h
	 * TODO cache and fetch on deep/absolute paths: (path: /a/b/, text: c/d)
	if (last_fetch < (time(NULL) - COMPLETION_CACHE_EXPIRE) 
	    || !last_path 
	    || strcmp(session.uri.path, last_path) != 0) {

	    if (last_path != NULL) {

	    if (reslist != NULL) { 

	    /* Hide the connection status */
	    ne_set_notifier(session.sess, NULL, NULL);
	    if (fetch_resource_list(session.sess, session.uri.path, 1, 0, 
                                    &reslist) != NE_OK) {
		reslist = NULL;
	    /* Restore the session connection printing */
	    ne_set_notifier(session.sess, notifier, NULL);

	    last_path = ne_strdup(session.uri.path);

	current = reslist;
	len = strlen(text);

    while (current) {
	/* Massage the absolute URI to a URI relative to our path */
	/* Copy & paste & search & replace from ls.c */
	if (ne_path_has_trailing_slash(current->uri)) {
	    current->uri[strlen(current->uri)-1] = '\0';

	name = strrchr(current->uri, '/');
	if (name != NULL && strlen(name+1) > 0) {
	} else {
	    name = current->uri;
	name = ne_path_unescape(name);

	if (strncmp(text, name, len) == 0) {
	    current = current->next;
	    /* FIXME: readline docs say readline will free() this when
	     * it's finished with, although 'memprof' shows that it
	     * leaks. */
	    return name;

	current = current->next;
    return NULL;
Example #7
 * file functions
int owncloud_stat(const char *uri, csync_vio_file_stat_t *buf) {
    /* get props:
     *   modtime
     *   creattime
     *   size
    csync_vio_file_stat_t *lfs = NULL;
    struct listdir_context  *fetchCtx = NULL;
    char *decodedUri = NULL;
    int len = 0;
    errno = 0;

    DEBUG_WEBDAV("owncloud_stat %s called", uri );

    buf->name = c_basename(uri);

    if (buf->name == NULL) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        return -1;

    if( _stat_cache.name && strcmp( buf->name, _stat_cache.name ) == 0 ) {
        buf->fields  = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_NONE;
        buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_TYPE;
        buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_SIZE;
        buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_MTIME;
        buf->fields  = _stat_cache.fields;
        buf->type    = _stat_cache.type;
        buf->mtime   = _stat_cache.mtime;
        buf->size    = _stat_cache.size;
        buf->mode    = _stat_perms( _stat_cache.type );
        buf->etag     = NULL;
        if( _stat_cache.etag ) {
            buf->etag    = c_strdup( _stat_cache.etag );
            buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_ETAG;
        csync_vio_file_stat_set_file_id( buf, _stat_cache.file_id );
        return 0;
    DEBUG_WEBDAV("owncloud_stat => Could not find in stat cache %s", uri);

    /* fetch data via a propfind call. */
    /* fetchCtx = fetch_resource_list( uri, NE_DEPTH_ONE); */
    fetchCtx = fetch_resource_list_attempts( uri, NE_DEPTH_ONE);
    DEBUG_WEBDAV("=> Errno after fetch resource list for %s: %d", uri, errno);
    if (!fetchCtx) {
        return -1;

    if( fetchCtx ) {
        struct resource *res = fetchCtx->list;
        while( res ) {
            /* remove trailing slashes */
            len = strlen(res->uri);
            while( len > 0 && res->uri[len-1] == '/' ) --len;
            decodedUri = ne_path_unescape( fetchCtx->target ); /* allocates memory */

            /* Only do the comparaison of the part of the string without the trailing
               slashes, and make sure decodedUri is not too large */
            if( strncmp(res->uri, decodedUri, len ) == 0 && decodedUri[len] == '\0') {
                SAFE_FREE( decodedUri );
            res = res->next;
            SAFE_FREE( decodedUri );
        if( res ) {
            DEBUG_WEBDAV("Working on file %s", res->name );
        } else {
            DEBUG_WEBDAV("ERROR: Result struct not valid!");

        lfs = resourceToFileStat( res );
        if( lfs ) {
            buf->fields = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_NONE;
            buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_TYPE;
            buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_SIZE;
            buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_MTIME;
            buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_PERMISSIONS;
            buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_ETAG;

            buf->fields = lfs->fields;
            buf->type   = lfs->type;
            buf->mtime  = lfs->mtime;
            buf->size   = lfs->size;
            buf->mode   = _stat_perms( lfs->type );
            buf->etag    = NULL;
            if( lfs->etag ) {
                buf->etag    = c_strdup( lfs->etag );
            csync_vio_file_stat_set_file_id( buf, lfs->file_id );

            /* fill the static stat buf as input for the stat function */
            csync_vio_file_stat_destroy( lfs );

        free_fetchCtx( fetchCtx );
    DEBUG_WEBDAV("STAT result from propfind: %s, mtime: %llu", buf->name ? buf->name:"NULL",
                    (unsigned long long) buf->mtime );

    return 0;
Example #8
 * result parsing list.
 * This function is called to parse the result of the propfind request
 * to list directories on the WebDAV server. I takes a single resource
 * and fills a resource struct and stores it to the result list which
 * is stored in the listdir_context.
static void results(void *userdata,
                    const ne_uri *uri,
                    const ne_prop_result_set *set)
    struct listdir_context *fetchCtx = userdata;
    struct resource *newres = 0;
    const char *clength, *modtime = NULL;
    const char *resourcetype = NULL;
    const char *md5sum = NULL;
    const char *file_id = NULL;
    const ne_status *status = NULL;
    char *path = ne_path_unescape( uri->path );

    (void) status;
    if( ! fetchCtx ) {
        DEBUG_WEBDAV("No valid fetchContext");

    if( ! fetchCtx->target ) {
        DEBUG_WEBDAV("error: target must not be zero!" );

    /* Fill the resource structure with the data about the file */
    newres = c_malloc(sizeof(struct resource));
    newres->uri =  path; /* no need to strdup because ne_path_unescape already allocates */
    newres->name = c_basename( path );

    modtime      = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[0] );
    clength      = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[1] );
    resourcetype = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[2] );
    md5sum       = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[3] );
    file_id      = ne_propset_value( set, &ls_props[4] );

    newres->type = resr_normal;
    if( clength == NULL && resourcetype && strncmp( resourcetype, "<DAV:collection>", 16 ) == 0) {
        newres->type = resr_collection;

    if (modtime) {
        newres->modtime = oc_httpdate_parse(modtime);

    /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Parsing Modtime: %s -> %llu", modtime, (unsigned long long) newres->modtime ); */
    newres->size = 0;
    if (clength) {
        newres->size = atoll(clength);
        /* DEBUG_WEBDAV("Parsed File size for %s from %s: %lld", newres->name, clength, (long long)newres->size ); */

    if( md5sum ) {
        newres->md5 = csync_normalize_etag(md5sum);

    csync_vio_set_file_id(newres->file_id, file_id);

    /* prepend the new resource to the result list */
    newres->next   = fetchCtx->list;
    fetchCtx->list = newres;
    fetchCtx->result_count = fetchCtx->result_count + 1;
    /* DEBUG_WEBDAV( "results for URI %s: %d %d", newres->name, (int)newres->size, (int)newres->type ); */