Example #1
Color shadeWithMaterial(struct Scene* scene, struct HitRecord* record, Ray ray, int depth) {
    Color result = {0,0,0};
    Material material = *record->triangle->material;
    struct HitRecord temp_record = createHitRecord();
    Vector position = record->point;
    Vector new_direction;

    if(depth == scene->max_depth) {
        return result;

    if(material.is_light) {
        return material.color;

    Vector normal = record->triangle->normal;
    float costheta = dotVector(normal, ray.direction);

    if(costheta > 0) {
        normal = negateVector(normal);

    float path = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;

    // diffuse BRDF
    if(path < .33) {
        new_direction = getDiffuseDirection(normal);
    // BRDF (which is also diffuse)
    else if(path < .66) {
        new_direction = getDiffuseDirection(normal);
    // point to light
    else {
        new_direction = getLightDirection(scene, position);

    Ray new_ray = {position, new_direction};
    float cosphi = dotVector(normal, new_direction);

    if(cosphi > 0) {
        result = addColors(result, multiplyColorByNumber(hitScene(scene, &temp_record, new_ray, depth + 1), cosphi));

    return multiplyColors(result, material.color);
features_t getFeatures(vector<int> leftEyeDistances, vector<int> rightEyeDistances)
	vector<int> distances;
	int i;
	features_t features;

	for (i = 0; i < leftEyeDistances.size(); i++)
		distances.push_back((int)round((leftEyeDistances[i] + rightEyeDistances[i]) / 2.0));
	int minVal, maxVal;
	int minInd, maxInd;
	vectorGetMax(distances, &maxVal, &maxInd);
	vectorGetMin(distances, &minVal, &minInd);

	double threshold = 0.9 * (minVal + maxVal) / 2.0;
	vector<int> eyeClosed = ourFind(vectorTo01(distances, threshold));
	/* Percentage of eyelid closure */
	features.PERCLOS = eyeClosed.size() / (double)distances.size();

	/* Maximum closed duration */
	features.MCD = 0;
	int summary = 1;
	for (i = 1; i < eyeClosed.size(); i++)
		if (eyeClosed[i] == eyeClosed[i - 1] + 1)
			if (features.MCD < summary)
				features.MCD = summary;
			summary = 1;

		if (i == eyeClosed.size() - 1)
			if (features.MCD < summary)
				features.MCD = summary;
			summary = 1;


	/* Blinking frequency */
	vector<int> negatedDistances = negateVector(distances);
	vector<int> locs;
	vector<int> peaks;

	findPeaks(&negatedDistances, &locs, &peaks, -(int)round(threshold));

	features.BF = 60 * peaks.size() / ((double)distances.size() * SAMPLING_PERIOD);

	/* Opening velocity and closing velocity */
	int cntClosing = 0;
	int cntOpening = 0;

	vector<int> diffPos = diff(&distances);
	vector<int> diffNeg = negateVector(diffPos);
	vector<int> locsPos;
	vector<int> locsNeg;
	vector<int> peaksPos;
	vector<int> peaksNeg;

	findPeaks(&diffPos, &locsPos, &peaksPos);
	findPeaks(&diffNeg, &locsNeg, &peaksNeg);

	vector<int> locsAll = locsPos;
	locsAll.insert(locsAll.end(), locsNeg.begin(), locsNeg.end());
	locsAll.insert(locsAll.end(), locs.begin(), locs.end());
	sort(locsAll.begin(), locsAll.end());

	int opened;
	int state;
	features.OV = 0;
	features.CV = 0;

	vector<int> locsBlink = locs;

	if (locsAll.empty())
		cout << "Jebo te bog" << endl;
		for (i = 0; i < locsAll.size() - 1; i++)
			if ((find(locsPos.begin(), locsPos.end(), locsAll[i]) != locsPos.end()) ||
				(find(locsNeg.begin(), locsNeg.end(), locsAll[i]) != locsNeg.end()))
				opened = 1;
				opened = 0;

			if ((find(locsPos.begin(), locsPos.end(), locsAll[i + 1]) != locsPos.end()) ||
				(find(locsNeg.begin(), locsNeg.end(), locsAll[i + 1]) != locsNeg.end()))
				if (opened)
					state = 0;
					state = 1;
				if (opened)
					state = -1;
					state = 0;

			if(state == -1)
				features.CV += abs(distances[locsAll[i]] - distances[locsAll[i+1]]) /
					abs(locsAll[i] - locsAll[i + 1]); /* pixels/frame */
			else if (state == 1)
				features.OV += abs(distances[locsAll[i]] - distances[locsAll[i + 1]]) /
					abs(locsAll[i] - locsAll[i + 1]); /* pixels/frame */
		features.CV /= cntClosing;
		features.OV /= cntOpening;

	vector<int> eyeOpened = ourFind(invert01(vectorTo01(distances, threshold)));
	int AOLSum = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < eyeOpened.size(); i++)
		AOLSum += distances[i];

	features.AOL = ((double)AOLSum / (double)eyeOpened.size()) / maxVal;

	return features;
int eyelidDistance(Mat eye, double threshold)
	int i;
	int j;
	int m = eye.rows;
	int n = eye.cols;
	Mat strechedEye = stretchHistogram(&eye);
	vector<int> summary = sum(&strechedEye, 2);
	vector<int> eyebrowPeaks;
	vector<int> eyebrowLocs;
	findPeaks(&summary, &eyebrowLocs, &eyebrowPeaks);
	Mat eyeBinary = binarize(&strechedEye, 55);

	if (!eyebrowLocs.empty())
		if (eyebrowLocs[0] != 1 && eyebrowLocs[0] < round(m / 2.2))
			eyeBinary.rowRange(0, eyebrowLocs[0] - 1) = 1;

	vector<double> mBinary = meanValue(&eyeBinary, 2);
	vector<double> sigmaBinary(m);

	for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
		double tmpSum = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
			tmpSum += (eyeBinary.at<uchar>(i, j) - mBinary[i])*(eyeBinary.at<uchar>(i, j) - mBinary[i]);
		sigmaBinary[i] = tmpSum / n;
	vector<double> difVarBinary = diff(&sigmaBinary);

	vector<double> pksBinaryPositive;
	vector<int> locsBinaryPositive;
	vector<double> pksBinaryNegative;
	vector<int> locsBinaryNegative;
	findPeaks(&difVarBinary, &locsBinaryPositive, &pksBinaryPositive);
	findPeaks(&(negateVector(difVarBinary)), &locsBinaryNegative, &pksBinaryNegative);

	vector<double> pksBinary = pksBinaryPositive;
	vector<double> negatedPeaks = negateVector(pksBinaryNegative);
	pksBinary.insert(pksBinary.end(), negatedPeaks.begin(), negatedPeaks.end());
	vector<int> locsBinary = locsBinaryPositive;
	locsBinary.insert(locsBinary.end(), locsBinaryNegative.begin(), locsBinaryNegative.end());

	int loc1, loc2;
	getDistance(pksBinary, locsBinary, &loc1, &loc2);
	int distance = abs(loc2 - loc1);

	double percent = 0;

	if (distance < threshold)
		return 0;
		if (loc1 != 0 || loc2 != 0)
			if (loc1 < loc2)
				Mat extract = eyeBinary.rowRange(loc1, loc2);
				vector<int> sumH = sum(&invert(&extract), 2);
				int boundariesH1;
				int boundariesH2;
				int boundariesV1;
				int boundariesV2;

				getBigInterval(sumH, &boundariesH1, &boundariesH2, 0.85);
				vector<int> sumV = sum(&invert(&extract), 1);
				getBigInterval(sumV, &boundariesV1, &boundariesV2, 0.65);

				Mat cut = extract(Range(boundariesH1, boundariesH2),
					Range(boundariesV1, boundariesV2));

				percent = 100 * (sum(cut))[0] / (double)(cut.rows * cut.cols);

		if (percent > 25)
			return 0;
			return distance;