/* user main function, called by AppFramework after system init done && wifi * station on in user_main thread. */ OSStatus user_main( app_context_t * const app_context ) { OSStatus err = kNoErr; int time_sencond = 50*1000; /* 60s */ require(app_context, exit); net_init(app_context); /* Create a new thread */ err = mico_rtos_create_thread(NULL, MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, "RGB_LED", LED_handleThread, 1024, NULL ); require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the RGB LED thread ." ); err = mico_rtos_create_thread(NULL, MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, "MP3_PLAY", MP3_handleThread, 1024, NULL ); require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the MP3 PLAY thread" ); err = mico_rtos_create_thread(NULL, MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, "BAT_DETECT", BAT_handleThread, 500, NULL ); require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the BAT DETECT thread ." ); KEY_Init(KEY_irq_handler); //按键初始化 mico_rtos_init_semaphore(&cupTimeObj.playMp3_sem, 1); //信号量初始化 mico_rtos_init_semaphore(&cupTimeObj.playLed_sem, 1); mico_rtos_init_semaphore(&cupTimeObj.stopLed_sem, 1); err = mico_init_timer(&cupTimeObj.cup_timer, time_sencond, cup_timer_timeout_handler, (void *)&cupTimeObj); cupTimeObj.drinkTime = 1; cupTimeObj.playMode = PLAY_MP3_LED; if (KEY_getValue() == KEY_DOWN) { TIMER_start(); //启动定时喝水 } while(1) { // printf("this is main thread.\r\n"); //net_test(app_context); mico_thread_sleep(10); } exit: if(kNoErr != err) { printf("ERROR: user_main thread exit with err=%d", err); } mico_rtos_delete_thread(NULL); return kNoErr; }
int main (void) { printf ("Libnet RDM chat client version %d.%d\n", VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR); printf ("built at " __TIME__ " on " __DATE__ "\n"); printf ("\n"); net_init(); net_loadconfig (NULL); get_driver(); init(); do_client(); return 0; }
hFILE *hopen_net(const char *filename, const char *mode) { hFILE_net *fp; // Do any networking initialisation if this is the first use. if (! net_inited) { if (net_init() < 0) return NULL; } fp = (hFILE_net *) hfile_init(sizeof (hFILE_net), mode, 0); if (fp == NULL) return NULL; fp->netfp = knet_open(filename, mode); if (fp->netfp == NULL) { hfile_destroy((hFILE *) fp); return NULL; } fp->base.backend = &net_backend; return &fp->base; }
void m_init(void) { done = 0; // Initialize ncurses lib (libncurses5-dev) initscr(); noecho(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); cbreak(); if (auto_mode == 1) { usleep(2000000); net_init(); net_connect(game_server_ip, game_server_port); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); // Do not wait for kb_input } }
int main() { printf("testing network, hit 'x' to terminate...\n"); net_init(NULL, 0, 0, 0, IP_DHCP); struct tcp_pcb *server; server = tcp_new(); tcp_bind(server, IP_ADDR_ANY, 9000); server = tcp_listen(server); tcp_accept(server, server_newclient); while (1) if (getchar()=='x') break; exit(0); }
int tun_name2idx(struct tun_t *tun, char *name) { int i; for (i=0; i<TUN_MAX_INTERFACES; i++) if (!strcmp(name, tun->_interfaces[i].devname)) return tun->_interfaces[i].idx; /* Not found? Check for discovery */ { struct rtmon_iface *rti = rtmon_find(&_rtmon, name); if (rti) { net_interface *newif = 0; net_interface netif; if (_options.debug) syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Discoving TUN %s", name); memset(&netif, 0, sizeof(netif)); strlcpy(netif.devname, rti->devname, sizeof(netif.devname)); memcpy(netif.hwaddr, rti->hwaddr, sizeof(netif.hwaddr)); netif.address = rti->address; netif.netmask = rti->netmask; netif.gateway = rti->gateway; netif.broadcast = rti->broadcast; netif.devflags = rti->devflags; netif.mtu = rti->mtu; netif.ifindex = rti->index; newif = tun_newif(tun, &netif); if (newif) { if (net_init(newif, 0, ETH_P_ALL, 1, 0) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: net_init", strerror(errno)); } else { net_select_reg(tun->sctx, newif->fd, SELECT_READ, (select_callback) tun_decaps, tun, newif->idx); } return newif->idx; } } } return 0; /* tun/tap index */ }
static DWORD test_do(HWND hwnd) { int s = net_init(); fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; struct sockaddr_in to; struct sockaddr_in from; int start = time(NULL); int ret = 0; net_address(&to, config_get("Host"), config_get_int("Port")); net_bind("", 8054); net_write_int8(CMD_TESTP2P); net_write_int32(start); while (time(NULL) < start + 5) { net_send_noflush(&to); FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(s, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (select(s + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) > -1) { if (FD_ISSET(s, &rfds)) { net_recv(&from); if (net_read_int8() == CMD_TESTP2P && net_read_int32() == start) { ret = 1; break; } } } } net_free(); PostMessage(hwnd, WM_USER + 2, ret, 0); return 0; }
/** * initialize - Performs all initialization procedures * * Returns a CHARLIE_STAT_* constant that indicates the succes or * failure of the initialization. */ static uint8_t initialize(void) { charlie.shutdown = FALSE; init_atmega(); init_ports(); debug_init_ports(); rs232_init(); spi_init_master(); i2c_init(); if (rtc_init()) { return CHARLIE_STAT_RTC_ERROR; } time_init(); time_sync_to_realtime(); sched_init(); if (card_init()) { return CHARLIE_STAT_CARD_ERROR; } if (fsys_init()) { return CHARLIE_STAT_FSYS_ERROR; } if (fsys_check_read_only()) { return CHARLIE_STAT_FSYS_READONLY; } cfg_load(); if (enc28j60_init(&cfg.mac_addr)) { return CHARLIE_STAT_NET_ERROR; } net_init(); adc_init(); sensors_init(); pump_init(); plants_init(); sei(); return CHARLIE_STAT_OK; }
int init_client(int argc, char *argv[]){ net_init (); /*net_loadconfig (NULL);*/ net_detectdrivers (net_drivers_all); net_initdrivers (net_drivers_all); /* Set up Proc Mask + SININT hook */ init_SIGCHLD_hook(); /* Parse the input */ if ( b_parser(argc,argv) == ERROR ){ printf("# Bad parameters! \n"); return ERROR; }/*if*/ return OK; }
static void lwip_task(void * p) { net_init(); httpd_init(); uint32_t currentIP = board_netif.ip_addr.addr; while (1) { xSemaphoreTake(lwip_sem, 10 / portTICK_RATE_MS); interface_check_input(&board_netif); sys_check_timeouts(); if (board_netif.ip_addr.addr != currentIP) { currentIP = board_netif.ip_addr.addr; printf("got an IP address: %i.%i.%i.%i\n", (board_netif.ip_addr.addr >> 0) & 0xff, (board_netif.ip_addr.addr >> 8) & 0xff, (board_netif.ip_addr.addr >> 16) & 0xff, (board_netif.ip_addr.addr >> 24) & 0xff); } }
static int all_the_internets(void) { int port; int pos, len, rc, cnt; for(pos=cnt=0;conffile.server_ports[pos];pos += len ) { rc = sscanf(conffile.server_ports+pos, "%d%n", &port, &len ); if (rc < 0) break; if (rc < 1) { len=1; continue; } if (net_init(port, conffile.want_udp_port > 0 ? 1 : 0)) { Logit("Init failed on port %d.", port); continue; } Logit("Initialized on port %d.", port); cnt++; } return cnt; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rv; UploadLogInit(); parse_args(argc, argv); net_init(); log("%s: listening on port %d for image data from %s (max of %llu bytes)", path, portnum, inet_ntoa(clientip), maxsize); rv = recv_file(); close(sock); exit(rv); }
void taskA(void) { struct net_context *ctx; net_init(); init_test(); ctx = get_context(&any_addr, SRC_PORT, &loopback_addr, DEST_PORT); if (!ctx) { PRINT("%s: Cannot get network context\n", __func__); return; } /* taskA gives its own semaphore, allowing it to say hello right away */ task_sem_give(TASKASEM); listen(__func__, TASKASEM, TASKBSEM, ctx); }
int main(void) { halInit(); chSysInit(); chThdCreateStatic(waThread1, sizeof(waThread1), NORMALPRIO - 1, Thread1, NULL); uint8_t my_addr, other_addr; if (true) { my_addr = 0x42; other_addr = 0x43; } else { my_addr = 0x43; other_addr = 0x42; } palSetPadMode(GPIOD, 5, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(7)); palSetPadMode(GPIOD, 6, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(7) + PAL_STM32_PUPDR_PULLUP); sdStart(&SD2, NULL); // PD5 TX, PD6 RX sdStart(&SD3, NULL); // connected to stlink sduObjectInit(&SDU1); sduStart(&SDU1, &serusbcfg); usbDisconnectBus(serusbcfg.usbp); chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); usbStart(serusbcfg.usbp, &usbcfg); usbConnectBus(serusbcfg.usbp); chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); net_init(my_addr); // interface 0, USB chThdCreateStatic(net_rx0_thd_wa, sizeof(net_rx0_thd_wa), NORMALPRIO - 1, net_rx0_thd, &SDU1); // interface 1 UART connection to other node chThdCreateStatic(net_rx1_thd_wa, sizeof(net_rx1_thd_wa), NORMALPRIO - 1, net_rx1_thd, &SD2); net_route_add(&net_node, other_addr, 0xff, 1, 0); int i = 0; while (true) { chprintf((BaseSequentialStream *)&SD3, "node %x, counting %d\n", my_addr, i++); chThdSleepMilliseconds(500); } }
void NetworkInit() { if (networkInitialized) return; int retryCount = 0; int ret = 0; printf("\nInitializing Network..."); fflush(stdout); ret = if_config(hostip, NULL, NULL, true); if (ret < 0) { printf( "\n>> ERROR! Failed to Initialize the network: ErrorCode (%d)\n", ret); return; } //SpinnerStart(); while (1) { ret = net_init(); if (ret < 0) { if (ret != -EAGAIN) { retryCount++; printf("net_init failed trying again: %d\n", ret); sleep(3); } } if (retryCount > 4) break; if (!ret) break; sleep(1); printf("."); fflush(stdout); } // SpinnerStop(); if (ret < 0 || retryCount != 0) { printf( "\n>> ERROR! Failed to Initialize the network: ErrorCode (%d)\n", ret); return; } printf("\b.Done\n"); networkInitialized = true; }
void NetworkConsole::Init() { printf("Initializing Network\n"); int Connect = net_init(); if(Connect != 0) { printf("Net_Init() failed.\n"); } else { printf("Net_Init() successful.\n\n"); printf("Net_Socket Initializing.\n"); Data->netSocket = net_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if(Data->netSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("Net_Socket Initialization failed.\n"); } else { printf("Net_Socket Initialized.\n\n"); printf("Establishing server on port %d.\n",MULTICAST_PORT); Data->sin.sin_port=htons(MULTICAST_PORT); Data->sin.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(MULTICAST_GROUP);//replace with multicast destination Data->sin.sin_family=AF_INET; if(net_bind(Data->netSocket,(sockaddr*)&(Data->sin), sizeof(Data->sin)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("Failed to bind.\n"); } else { printf("Server established!\n"); if(net_connect(Data->netSocket,(sockaddr*)&(Data->sin), sizeof(Data->sin))==-1) { printf("net_connect Error\n"); } } } } }
static int nc_stdio_start(struct stdio_dev *dev) { int retval; nc_out_port = 6666; /* default port */ nc_in_port = nc_out_port; retval = refresh_settings_from_env(); if (retval != 0) return retval; /* * Initialize the static IP settings and buffer pointers * incase we call net_send_udp_packet before net_loop */ net_init(); return 0; }
void start(void) { mos_node_id_set(1); is_base = false; // Initialize net layer net_init(); // Start the CTP backends ctp_proto_init(); // Wait a while till the routing is possibly established mos_mdelay(10); net_ioctl(CTP_PROTO_ID, CTP_SET_TESTBED); printf("Running net layer and CTP backend... \n"); // transportInit(true); }
int void_init( unsigned char flags ) { int status = 0; if ( flags&VOID_LOGGER ) status |= log_init()<<6; if ( flags&VOID_VIDEO ) status |= video_init(); if ( flags&VOID_AUDIO ) status |= audio_init()<<1; if ( flags&VOID_INPUT ) status |= input_init()<<2; if ( flags&VOID_NET ) status |= net_init()<<3; if ( flags&VOID_SCRIPT ) status |= script_init()<<4; if ( flags&VOID_PHYSICS ) status |= phys_init()<<5; return status; }
void m_thread() { dvdrp_filter_list *pred; int8_t ret; dvdrp_constraint_list *clist_ptr; printf("Hello from DV/DRP test recv!\n"); net_init(); dvdrp_init(); //turn down the power to make it easy to test multihop com_ioctl(IFACE_RADIO, CC1000_TX_POWER, 1); ret = net_proto_set(DVDRP_PROTO_ID); if(ret == NET_PROTO_INVALID) { printf("Invalid proto\n"); } net_event_register(1, recv); pred = pool_malloc(&filter_pool); pred->next = NULL; clist_ptr = pool_malloc(&constraint_pool); clist_ptr->name = TEMP_VALUE; clist_ptr->value = 0; clist_ptr->compare_type = DVDRP_COMPARE_GT; pred->constraints = clist_ptr; clist_ptr = pool_malloc(&constraint_pool); clist_ptr->name = LIGHT_VALUE; clist_ptr->value = 150; clist_ptr->compare_type = DVDRP_COMPARE_GT; clist_ptr->next = NULL; pred->constraints->next = clist_ptr; net_ioctl(DVDRP_PROTO_ID, DVDRP_IOCTL_SETPRED, pred, 0); mos_led_toggle(2); printf("Waiting for mesgs.\n\n"); }
int main (void) { NET_DRIVERNAME *drivers; int i, j, class; char buf[1024]; net_init(); puts ("Defined network classes:"); for (j = 0; j < NET_CLASS_MAX; j++) if (net_classes[j].name) printf ("%d\t%s\n", j, net_classes[j].name); puts ("Choose one:"); fgets (buf, sizeof buf, stdin); j = atoi (buf); printf ("\n\n%d: ", j); if (!net_classes[j].name) { puts ("no such class"); return 1; } puts (net_classes[j].name); printf ("Address format information: "); if (!net_classes[j].addrhelp) puts ("None"); else puts (net_classes[j].addrhelp); puts ("Drivers in this class:"); drivers = net_getdrivernames (net_classes[j].drivers); for (i = 0; drivers[i].name; i++) printf ("%d\t%s\n", drivers[i].num, drivers[i].name); free (drivers); net_shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(void) { SystemInit(); debug_puts("Happy Face!\n"); SystemCoreClockUpdate(); uint32_t clock = SystemCoreClock; INIT_LEDS(); /* Setup the memory */ memory_init(); /* Start applications */ net_init(); radio_init(); init_current_time(); /* Switch to a stable clock source from the radio */ switch_to_stable_clock(); /* Setup the Repetitive Interrupt Timer (RIT) */ LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1 << 16); /* Power up the RIT, PCLK=CCLK/4 */ LPC_RIT->RICTRL = 1; /* Disable RIT, Clear interrupt */ NVIC_SetPriority(RIT_IRQn, 31); /* Set Lowest Priority */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(RIT_IRQn); /* Enable the interrupt */ LPC_RIT->RIMASK = 0; /* Compare all the bits */ LPC_RIT->RICOMPVAL = 500*25; /* 500µS on 25MHz PCLK */ /* Enable RIT, Halt on Debug, Clear on match */ LPC_RIT->RICTRL = (1<<3)|(0<<2)|(1<<1); /* Setup sleep mode */ LPC_SC->PCON &= ~0x3; /* Sleep or Deep Sleep mode */ SCB->SCR &= ~(1<<2); /* Sleep mode */ /* Sleep forever */ while(1) { __WFI(); } return 0; }
static int check_net_config(void) { if (env_changed(&env_id)) { char *p; char *bip; bootme_dst_port = EDBG_DOWNLOAD_PORT; if (bootme_ip == 0) { bip = getenv("bootmeip"); if (bip) { bootme_ip = getenv_IPaddr("bootmeip"); if (!bootme_ip) return -EINVAL; p = strchr(bip, ':'); if (p) { bootme_dst_port = simple_strtoul(p + 1, NULL, 10); } } else { memset(&bootme_ip, 0xff, sizeof(bootme_ip)); } } p = getenv("bootme_dst_port"); if (p) bootme_dst_port = simple_strtoul(p, NULL, 10); p = getenv("bootme_src_port"); if (p) bootme_src_port = simple_strtoul(p, NULL, 10); else bootme_src_port = bootme_dst_port; if (is_broadcast(bootme_ip)) memset(bootme_ether, 0xff, sizeof(bootme_ether)); else memset(bootme_ether, 0, sizeof(bootme_ether)); net_init(); NetServerIP = bootme_ip; } return 0; }
/* The start function is automatically called by the operating system, for single-threaded applications, treat start() like main(). for multi- threaded applications, start each thread in the start() function.*/ void start(void) { /* must start the net thread */ net_init(); mos_thread_new(mos_command_daemon, MOS_COMMANDER_STACK_SIZE, PRIORITY_NORMAL); /* Initialize the MST backend */ mst_proto_init(); uint8_t myaddr = mos_node_id_get(); net_ioctl(MST_PROTO_ID, SET_ADDR, (uint8_t)myaddr); net_ioctl(MST_PROTO_ID, SET_DTB, 20); //This is the basic app thread mos_thread_new(recv, 128, PRIORITY_NORMAL); mos_thread_new(send, 128, PRIORITY_NORMAL); }
void main(void) { net_init(); init_server(); ipsum_len = strlen(lorem_ipsum); if (!get_context(&unicast, &multicast)) { PRINT("%s: Cannot get network context\n", __func__); return; } #ifdef CONFIG_MICROKERNEL receiving(); #else task_fiber_start(&stack_receiving[0], STACKSIZE, (nano_fiber_entry_t)receiving, 0, 0, 7, 0); #endif }
SOL_API int sol_network_init(void) { struct sol_network_link *iface; struct sol_network_link_addr *addr; net_init(); iface = sol_vector_append(&links); SOL_NULL_CHECK(iface, -ENOMEM); sol_vector_init(&iface->addrs, sizeof(struct sol_network_link_addr)); addr = sol_vector_append(&iface->addrs); SOL_NULL_CHECK_GOTO(addr, addr_append_error); if (!get_local_address(addr)) goto get_address_error; SOL_SET_API_VERSION(iface->api_version = SOL_NETWORK_LINK_API_VERSION; )
int main(int argc, char **argv) { uint8 ip[4]; struct sockaddr_in dnssrv; // KOS code net_init(); lwip_kos_init(); // Do the query dnssrv.sin_family = AF_INET; dnssrv.sin_port = htons(53); dnssrv.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x0a030202); if (lwip_gethostbyname(&dnssrv, "www.allusion.net", ip) < 0) perror("Can't look up name"); else { printf("www.allusion.net is %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]); } return 0; }
int supervisor_init () { net_init (); packets = 0; while (1) { printf ("["); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < packets * 20 / options.max_packets; i ++) { printf ("#"); } for ( ; i < 20; i ++) { printf (" "); } packet_size = 200; printf ("] %llu packets / second (%f Mbit/s)\n", packets, ((double) packet_size * packets * 8) / 1048576.0); fflush (stdout); packets = 0; sleep (1); } return -1; }
void start(void) { mos_node_id_set(4); is_base = false; // Initialize net layer net_init(); // Start the CTP backends ctp_proto_init(); // Wait a while till the routing is possibly established mos_mdelay(10); net_ioctl(CTP_PROTO_ID, CTP_SET_TESTBED); com_ioctl_IFACE_RADIO (CC2420_TX_POWER, 30); //set the tx power from 0 (min) to 31 (max) cc2420_set_channel(26); printf("Running net layer and CTP backend... \n"); // transportInit(true); }
void start() { mos_sem_init(&send_sem, 0); mos_mutex_init(&send_lock); reinit(); seqNo = 0; rseed = mos_node_id_get(); send_alarm.func = alarmCallback; send_alarm.reset_to = 0; simple_fs_init(); net_init(); deluge_init(); net_proto_register(77, topo_send, topo_recv, topo_ioctl); mos_command_daemon_init(); mos_register_function("getTopo", getTopo); mos_thread_new_havestack(mos_command_daemon, MOS_COMMANDER_STACK_SIZE, commander_stack, PRIORITY_NORMAL); mos_thread_new_havestack(sendThread, 192, send_stack, PRIORITY_NORMAL); }