int main(int argc, char **argv) { mesh_t meshA = mesh_new(); fail_unless(meshA); lob_t secretsA = mesh_generate(meshA); fail_unless(secretsA); mesh_t meshB = mesh_new(); fail_unless(meshB); lob_t secretsB = mesh_generate(meshB); fail_unless(secretsB); net_tcp4_t netA = net_tcp4_new(meshA, NULL); fail_unless(netA); fail_unless(netA->port > 0); fail_unless(netA->path); LOG("netA %.*s",netA->path->head_len,netA->path->head); net_tcp4_t netB = net_tcp4_new(meshB, NULL); fail_unless(netB); fail_unless(netB->port > 0); LOG("netB %.*s",netB->path->head_len,netB->path->head); link_t linkAB = link_keys(meshA, meshB->keys); link_t linkBA = link_keys(meshB, meshA->keys); fail_unless(linkAB); fail_unless(linkBA); fail_unless(link_path(linkAB,netB->path)); fail_unless(link_path(linkBA,netA->path)); link_sync(linkAB); // let tcp go back and forth enough, need a better way to do this int loop; for(loop = 10; loop; loop--) { net_tcp4_loop(netB); net_tcp4_loop(netA); } fail_unless(e3x_exchange_out(linkBA->x,0) >= e3x_exchange_out(linkAB->x,0)); fail_unless(e3x_exchange_out(linkBA->x,0) == e3x_exchange_out(linkAB->x,0)); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { lob_t id, options, json; mesh_t mesh; net_udp4_t udp4; net_tcp4_t tcp4; int port = 0; if(argc==2) { port = atoi(argv[1]); } id = util_fjson("id.json"); if(!id) return -1; mesh = mesh_new(0); mesh_load(mesh,lob_get_json(id,"secrets"),lob_get_json(id,"keys")); mesh_on_discover(mesh,"auto",mesh_add); // auto-link anyone mesh_on_open(mesh,"path",path_on_open); // add path support options = lob_new(); lob_set_int(options,"port",port); udp4 = net_udp4_new(mesh, options); util_sock_timeout(udp4->server,100); tcp4 = net_tcp4_new(mesh, options); json = mesh_json(mesh); printf("%s\n",lob_json(json)); printf("%s\n",mesh_uri(mesh, NULL)); while(net_udp4_receive(udp4) && net_tcp4_loop(tcp4)); /* if(util_loadjson(s) != 0 || (sock = util_server(0,1000)) <= 0) { printf("failed to startup %s or %s\n", strerror(errno), crypt_err()); return -1; } printf("loaded hashname %s\n",s->id->hexname); // create/send a ping packet c = chan_new(s, bucket_get(s->seeds, 0), "link", 0); p = chan_packet(c); chan_send(c, p); util_sendall(s,sock); in = path_new("ipv4"); while(util_readone(s, sock, in) == 0) { switch_loop(s); while((c = switch_pop(s))) { printf("channel active %d %s %s\n",c->ended,c->hexid,c->to->hexname); if(util_cmp(c->type,"connect") == 0) ext_connect(c); if(util_cmp(c->type,"link") == 0) ext_link(c); if(util_cmp(c->type,"path") == 0) ext_path(c); while((p = chan_pop(c))) { printf("unhandled channel packet %.*s\n", p->json_len, p->json); lob_free(p); } } util_sendall(s,sock); } */ perror("exiting"); return 0; }