bool Game::startGame(int size){ this->length= size; newBoard(this->length); bool gameEnd = false; bool victory = false; do { insertNewNumber(); if (checkIfGameOver() == true){ break; } string oldNumber = uniqNumber(); string message = "Press up, down, left, right or q for quit"; while (1){ PrintBoard(); string d = input(message); if (d == "quit"){ gameEnd=true; break; } moveDirection(d); //left worked if (oldNumber != uniqNumber()){ break; } message = "You can't go there, try another button or q for quit"; } if (victory==false){ victory = checkIfVictorius(); } } while(gameEnd==false); PrintBoard(); return victory; }
int main(void){ //initialize stuff init_zobrist(); srand(time(NULL)); //create a new board Board_t* goal = newBoard(); //create a new visited cache HashTable_t* visited = newHashTable(32); //create a cloned state of the board and scrable it Board_t* scrabled = cloneBoard(goal); scramble_times(scrabled, TIMES_TO_SCRAMBLE); printf("Starting search...\n"); SearchNode_t* root = newSearchNode(scrabled, 0, NULL); SearchNode_t* result = idf_search(root, goal, visited, 30); //print out the search if(result!=NULL){ printf("Search Path:\n"); printSearchNode(result); } else printf("Search failed.\n"); //clean up deleteSearchNode(root, visited); assert(TOTAL_SEARCH_NODES==0); assert(TOTAL_HASH_NODES==0); deleteHashTable(visited); deleteBoard(goal); return 0; }
int UltimateTicTacToeMontecarloAI::expand(int leafIndex, Nodes& nodes, int const player) const { Node& node = nodes[leafIndex]; node.children.reserve(maxChildren); Moves options = movementOptions(node.board, node.previousMove); int turn = node.previousMove > 0 ? otherPlayer( : player; int mostPromisingChildIndex = -1; int mostPromisingChildScore = 0; while(node.children.size() < maxChildren && !options.empty()) { Move move = options.takeAt(qrand() % options.size()); int childIndex = nodes.size(); node.children.append(childIndex); Board newBoard(node.board); nodes.append( Node {0, 1, playMove(newBoard, move, turn), move, leafIndex, Node::Children()}); int score = scoreBoard(nodes.last().board, player); if(score > mostPromisingChildScore || mostPromisingChildIndex < 0) { mostPromisingChildIndex = childIndex; mostPromisingChildScore = score; } } return mostPromisingChildIndex; }
int main() { char playAgain; do { nodes_expanded = 0; //initialize the board. char *board = newBoard(); //get player and computer characters. char playerPiece = askUser("\nPlease choose your character (x or o): ", X, O); char computerPiece = getOpponentPiece(playerPiece); //check if player wants to play first. char ch = askUser("\nDo you want to play first ? (y or n): ", 'y', 'n'); if(ch == 'y') { makePlayerMove(board, playerPiece); } else if(ch == 'n') { } char winner; int turn = COMPUTER; //game loop. while(!isFilled(board) && (winner = whoWon(board)) == NONE) { if(turn == COMPUTER) { makeComputerMove(board, computerPiece); turn = PLAYER; } else { makePlayerMove(board, playerPiece); turn = COMPUTER; } } printBoard(board); //print results. if(winner == playerPiece) { printf("\n$ Congratulations! you have won. $\n"); } else if(winner == NONE) { printf("\n* The game is a draw. *\n"); } else { printf("\n@ You Lose!! @\n"); } printf("\nNumber of nodes expanded: %d", nodes_expanded); //ask if user wants to play again. playAgain = askUser("\n Do you want to play again? (y or n): ", 'y', 'n'); }while(playAgain == 'y'); return 0; }
int main(void) { char ** board = newBoard(); // print top row of numbers PickPiece(board); // return contents; displayBoard(board); }
/* * @method * Board Board::swap(Position slot, Position token) * - returns a new board with slot and token positions switched * Author: Mark Sands * Date modified: 2-3-11 */ Board Board::swap(const Position& slot, const Position& token) const { Board newBoard(*this); std::swap(newBoard.board[size_*slot.col + slot.row], newBoard.board[size_*token.col + token.row]); std::swap(newBoard.chargrid[size_*slot.col + slot.row], newBoard.chargrid[size_*token.col + token.row]); // update the emptySlotIndex, if that was a swapped tile if (newBoard.emptySlotIndex == slot) newBoard.emptySlotIndex = token; return newBoard; }
void Editor::topToolbarOption(int option) { switch(option) { case ID_TOOL_NEW: newBoard(); break; case ID_TOOL_LOAD: loadBoard(); break; case ID_TOOL_SAVE: saveBoard(); break; case ID_TOOL_LEFT: theBoard.shiftLeft(); repaint(false); break; case ID_TOOL_RIGHT: theBoard.shiftRight(); repaint(false); break; case ID_TOOL_UP: theBoard.shiftUp(); repaint(false); break; case ID_TOOL_DOWN: theBoard.shiftDown(); repaint(false); break; case ID_TOOL_DEL: mode=remove; break; case ID_TOOL_MOVE: mode=move; break; case ID_TOOL_ADD: mode = insert; break; case ID_META_EXIT: close(); break; default: break; } }
void sudokuBoard::newBoard() { // Robust generator populateBoard(); obfuscateBoard(); if ( isSolvable() ) { isCreated = true; isSolved = false; } else newBoard(); }
void KardView::slotAll() { Kard::playSound("kard_gameover.wav"); int bestNum = n*m/2; QString mString = i18n("Congratulations!\n" "You finished the game in %1 tries.\n" "The best you could have done is %2 tries.\n" "Do you want to play again?", tries, bestNum); switch(KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, mString,i18n("Game is Finished") )) { case 3: // yes //put an icon for yes (animal nodding) and no newBoard(); break; case 4: // no kapp->quit(); break; } }
int main() { int gtype; board *gboard = newBoard(' '); welcomeMessage(gboard); gtype = chooseOpp(); if(gtype == 0) { while(1) { playWithCPU(gboard); printf("\nNEW GAME\n"); gboard->round = 0; gboard->timesPlayed++; emptyBoard(gboard); } } return 0; }
int sudokuBoard::actions() { char optBuffer[80]; int option = 0; cout<<"\n\tAction: "; cin >> optBuffer; if ( !isdigit(optBuffer[0]) ) { cout << "\n\t\tNot a number ==> Please try again" << endl; actions(); } else option = atoi (optBuffer); switch(option) { case(1): cout << endl; if ( !update() ) return EXIT_FAILURE; cout << "\033[1;32mAdding Update\033[0m"<<endl; sleep(2); break; case(2): cout << "\n\033[1;32mChecking solution\033[0m"<<endl; sleep(2); break; case(3): cout << "\n\033[1;32mNew puzzle\033[0m"<<endl; newBoard(); sleep(2); break; case(4): cout << "\n\033[1;32mExiting... \033[0m\n" << endl; sleep(1); return EXIT_END; // ( Successful finish of the program) default: cout << "\n\033[1;31mIncorrect option entered! Try again\033[0m\n" << endl; return actions(); break; } return true; }
int main() { Board board = newBoard(); Player player = newPlayer(1, PLAYER, board), current; AI ai = newAI(board); WINDOW *status; bool isRunning = TRUE; int key; initscr(); /* Start curses mode */ start_color(); /* Color mode */ cbreak(); /* Disable line-break mode */ keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* Enable getch for function keys */ curs_set(0); /* Remove cursor */ noecho(); /* Disable echo */ init_pair(1, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(3, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); init_pair(4, COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED); status = newwin(25, 20, 0, 0); current = player; boardDraw(board); statusDraw(status, current, ai); ungetch('a'); /* Skip first getch() */ while(isRunning) { if((key = getch()) == KEY_F(1)) { isRunning = FALSE; break; } if(current == player) { if(player->doMove(player, key)) { /* Pass turn to AI */ current = ai->player; ungetch('a'); /* Skip the next keystroke and instantly go to the AI */ } } else { ai->doAIMove(ai); if(ai->player->doMove(ai->player, key)) { /* Pass turn to AI */ current = player; ungetch('a'); /* Skip the next keystroke and instantly go to the AI */ } } boardDraw(board); statusDraw(status, current, ai); if(board->isBoardFull(board)) { getch(); wmove(status, 13, 1); wclrtoeol(status); wattron(status, A_BOLD); wprintw(status, "Draw Game!"); wattroff(status, A_BOLD); wrefresh(status); isRunning = FALSE; getch(); } if(board->checkForWin(board, current->getID(current))) { int pid = current->getID(current); getch(); wmove(status, 13, 1); wclrtoeol(status); wattron(status, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(pid)); wprintw(status, "%s", (pid == 1)?"Player":"AI"); wattroff(status, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(pid)); wprintw(status, " won!"); wrefresh(status); isRunning = FALSE; getch(); } } board->destroyBoard(board); free(player); free(ai); endwin(); return 0; }