Example #1
/* Initialisation d'un L-System a partir d'une chaine de caracteres ou sont stockes les parametres */
Lsystem initLsystem(String strLsystem)
    Lsystem lsystem;
    lsystem.name = NULL;
    lsystem.variables = NULL;
    lsystem.constants = NULL;
    lsystem.start = NULL;
    lsystem.rules = NULL;
    lsystem.generations = NULL;
    lsystem.position = NULL;

    char delims[] = "\n";

    lsystem.name = strtok( strLsystem, delims );
    lsystem.angle = atoi(strtok( NULL, delims ));
    lsystem.variables = strtok( NULL, delims );
    lsystem.constants = strtok( NULL, delims );
    lsystem.start = strtok( NULL, delims );
    String result = NULL;
    result = strtok( NULL, delims );
    while( result != NULL ) {
        result = strtok( NULL, delims );
    lsystem.generations = (Generations*)malloc(sizeof(Generations));
    lsystem.generations = newGeneration(lsystem.generations,lsystem);
    lsystem.position = (Position*)malloc(sizeof(Position));
    lsystem.position = newPosition(lsystem.position);
    return lsystem;
Example #2
void mainView::setConnections()
    connect(bQuit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(quit()));
    connect(bStart, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startGame()));
    // connect(bStart, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT (StartMyThread()));
    connect(bRnd, SIGNAL(clicked ()), this, SLOT (setValue ()));
    // connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), lcd, SLOT(display(int)));
    connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), lifeWgt, SLOT(newGeneration()));
    connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateLabels()));
    //QObject::connect (&m_thread, SIGNAL(currentValue(int)), lcd, SLOT(display(int)) );
    //QObject::connect (&m_thread, SIGNAL(finished()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
Example #3
GameWidget::GameWidget(QWidget *parent) :
    timer(new QTimer(this)),
    m_masterColor = "#000";
    universe = new bool[(universeSize + 2) * (universeSize + 2)];
    next = new bool[(universeSize + 2) * (universeSize + 2)];
    connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(newGeneration()));
    memset(universe, false, sizeof(bool)*(universeSize + 2) * (universeSize + 2));
    memset(next, false, sizeof(bool)*(universeSize + 2) * (universeSize + 2));
Example #4
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
	// 'true' satisfaccion restricciones duras
	bool type = true;
	// 'true' selecciona mejores
	bool cloneSelType = true;
	// 'true' remplaza los mas malos
	bool replaceType = true;
	// 'true' Se clonan mediante formula
	bool cloneType = true;

	timespec ts, te;

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
	population[POP].fitness = 10000;	
		return 0;

//	cout << "ClonationFactor: "<<clonationFactor << endl;
//	cout << "ClonationRate: " << clonationRate << endl;
//	cout << "ReplaceRate: " << replaceRate << endl;
	generation = 0;

	evaluation(population, type);

		selection(clonationRate, population);
		clonation(tmpPop, cloneType);
		evaluation(clonePop, type);
		cloneSelection(clonePop, cloneSelType);
		newGeneration(replaceRate, replaceType);
		evaluation(population, type);
	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &te);

//	printFile(argv[1],population[0].gene,population[0].fitness,(te.tv_sec-ts.tv_sec), (te.tv_nsec-ts.tv_nsec));
//	printFile(population[0].fitness);
	cout << replaceRate << " " << population[0].fitness << " " <<  (te.tv_sec-ts.tv_sec)<<"."<<(te.tv_nsec-ts.tv_nsec) << endl;

	return 0;
    void GeneticPopulation::produceNextGeneration() {

        cout << "In produce next generation loop...\n";
        //This clears the link history so future links with the same toNode and fromNode will have different IDs

        int numParents = int(generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividualCount());

        //check that no org has fitness <= zero
        for (int a = 0; a < numParents; a++) {
            PRINT(generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividual(a)->getFitness());

            if (generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividual(a)->getFitness() < 1e-6) {
                throw CREATE_LOCATEDEXCEPTION_INFO("ERROR: Fitness must be a positive number!\n");

        double totalFitness = 0;

        //get sum of adjusted fitness for all species together
        for (int a = 0; a < (int) species.size(); a++) {
            totalFitness += species[a]->getAdjustedFitness();
        int totalOffspring = 0;
        //give each species a fitness proportional to its adjusted fitness
        for (int a = 0; a < (int) species.size(); a++) {
            double adjustedFitness = species[a]->getAdjustedFitness();
            int offspring = int(adjustedFitness / totalFitness * numParents);
            totalOffspring += offspring;
        //cout << "Pausing\n";
        //int result = system("PAUSE");
        //(void) result;

        //Some offspring were truncated.  Give these N offspring to the species that had the best N individuals
        while (totalOffspring < numParents) {
            for (int a = 0; totalOffspring < numParents && a < generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividualCount(); a++) {
                shared_ptr<GeneticIndividual> ind = generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividual(a);
                shared_ptr<GeneticSpecies> gs = getSpecies(ind->getSpeciesID());
                gs->setOffspringCount(gs->getOffspringCount() + 1);

                //Try to give 2 offspring to the very best individual if it only has one offspring.
                //This fixes the problem where the best indiviudal sits in his own species
                //and duplicates every generation.


        //report stats on species
        for (int a = 0; a < (int) species.size(); a++) {
            cout << "Species ID: " << species[a]->getID() << " Age: " << species[a]->getAge() << " last improv. age: " << species[a]->getAgeOfLastImprovement() << " Fitness: " << species[a]->getFitness() << "*" << species[a]->getMultiplier() << "=" << species[a]->getAdjustedFitness() << " Size: " << int(species[a]->getIndividualCount()) << " Offspring: " << int(species[a]->getOffspringCount()) << endl;

        //jmc: This is the new generation container
        vector<shared_ptr<GeneticIndividual> > babies;

        double totalIndividualFitness = 0;

        //jmc: clear the flag of whether they have reproduced (I think that is what that flag does.)
        for (int a = 0; a < (int) species.size(); a++) {

        int smallestSpeciesSizeWithElitism = int(Globals::getSingleton()->getParameterValue("SmallestSpeciesSizeWithElitism"));
        static double mutateSpeciesChampionProbability = Globals::getSingleton()->getParameterValue("MutateSpeciesChampionProbability");

        double ForceCopyGenerationChampionParamVal = Globals::getSingleton()->getParameterValue("ForceCopyGenerationChampion");
        bool forceCopyGenerationChampion = (ForceCopyGenerationChampionParamVal > Globals::getSingleton()->getRandom().getRandomDouble()); //getRandom between but not including 0 and 1 (Avida RNG and NEAT)

        for (int a = 0; a < generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividualCount(); a++) //Go through and add the species champions (including ties for champ, which jmc added)
            shared_ptr<GeneticIndividual> ind = generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividual(a);
            shared_ptr<GeneticSpecies> species = getSpecies(ind->getSpeciesID());
            //            if (!species->isReproduced())  //original code assumed it would only store the champ of each species, so if this flag works. but it doesn't work to preserve ties for champ.
            if (!species->isReproduced() //jmc: if the species has not been checked yet to determine the fitness of its champ
                    || ind->getFitness() == species->getBestIndividual()->getFitness()) //or if the fitness of this org equals the species champ

                //This is the first and best organism of this species to be added, so it's the species champion
                //of this generation
                if (ind->getFitness() > species->getBestIndividual()->getFitness()) {
                    //We have a new all-time species champion!
                    cout << "Species " << species->getID() << " has a new champ with fitness " << species->getBestIndividual()->getFitness() << endl;

                if ((a == 0 && forceCopyGenerationChampion) || (species->getOffspringCount() >= smallestSpeciesSizeWithElitism)) {
                    //Copy species champion.
                    bool mutateChampion;
                    if (Globals::getSingleton()->getRandom().getRandomDouble() < mutateSpeciesChampionProbability)
                        mutateChampion = true;
                    else {
                        mutateChampion = false;
                    babies.push_back(shared_ptr<GeneticIndividual>(new GeneticIndividual(ind, mutateChampion, babies.size())));

                if (a == 0) {
            totalIndividualFitness += ind->getFitness();

        double averageFitness = totalIndividualFitness / generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividualCount();
        cout << "Generation " << int(onGeneration) << ": " << "overall_average = " << averageFitness << endl;

        //print the gen number to this file
        ofstream mutationEffects_file;
        mutationEffects_file.open("mutationEffects.txt", ios::app);
        mutationEffects_file << "\nGeneration " << int(onGeneration + 1) << ": " << endl; //plus 1 cause we print this line to the file before this gens data

        ofstream mutationAndCrossoverEffects_file;
        mutationAndCrossoverEffects_file.open("mutationAndCrossoverEffects.txt", ios::app);
        mutationAndCrossoverEffects_file << "\nGeneration " << int(onGeneration + 1) << ": " << endl; //plus 1 cause we print this line to the file before this gens data

        ofstream crossoverEffects_file;
        crossoverEffects_file.open("crossoverEffects.txt", ios::app);
        crossoverEffects_file << "\nGeneration " << int(onGeneration + 1) << ": " << endl; //plus 1 cause we print this line to the file before this gens data

        cout << "Champion fitness: " << generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividual(0)->getFitness() << endl;

        if (generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividual(0)->getUserData()) {
            cout << "Champion data: " << generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividual(0)->getUserData()->summaryToString() << endl;
        cout << "# of Species: " << int(species.size()) << endl;
        cout << "compat threshold: " << Globals::getSingleton()->getParameterValue("CompatibilityThreshold") << endl;

        for (int a = 0; a < (int) species.size(); a++) {
            //cout << "jmc: Making babies for species" << a << endl;
        //cout << "jmc: done making babies\n";
        if ((int) babies.size() != generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->getIndividualCount()) {
            cout << "Population size changed! (or there may have been a bad (or negative, or zero) fitness value for an organism?)\n";
            throw CREATE_LOCATEDEXCEPTION_INFO("Population size changed!");

        cout << "Making new generation\n";
        shared_ptr<GeneticGeneration> newGeneration(generations[generations.size() - 1/*onGeneration*/]->produceNextGeneration(babies, onGeneration + 1));
        //cout << "Done Making new generation!\n";

        /*for(int a=0;a<4;a++)
        for(int b=0;b<4;b++)
        cout << babies[a]->getCompatibility(babies[b]) << '\t';

        cout << endl;

Example #6
Address Universe::allocateOops(int nOops) {
  return newGeneration()->allocateOops(nOops);
Example #7
BPRef Universe::allocateBytes(int nBytes) {
  return newGeneration()->allocateBytes(nBytes);