Example #1
void PriorityQueueAdd(struct VMGlobals *g, PyrObject* queueobj, PyrSlot* item, double time)
	PyrObject *schedq, *newschedq;
	int size, maxsize;

	PyrSlot *schedqSlot = queueobj->slots;
	if (!IsObj(schedqSlot)) {
		size = 16;
		schedq = newPyrArray(g->gc, size, 0, true);
		SetObject(schedqSlot, schedq);
		g->gc->GCWrite(queueobj, schedq);
	} else {
		schedq = schedqSlot->uo;
		maxsize = ARRAYMAXINDEXSIZE(schedq);
		size = schedq->size;
		if (size+2 > maxsize) {
			PyrSlot *pslot, *qslot;

			newschedq = newPyrArray(g->gc, maxsize*2, 0, true);
			newschedq->size = size;

			pslot = schedq->slots - 1;
			qslot = newschedq->slots - 1;
			for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) slotCopy(++qslot, ++pslot);

			SetObject(schedqSlot, newschedq);
			g->gc->GCWrite(queueobj, newschedq);

			schedq = newschedq;

	addheap(g, schedq, time, item);
Example #2
void PriorityQueueAdd(struct VMGlobals *g, PyrObject* queueobj, PyrSlot* item, double time)
	PyrObject *schedq, *newschedq;
	int size, maxsize;

	PyrSlot *schedqSlot = queueobj->slots;
	if (!IsObj(schedqSlot)) {
		size = 32;
		schedq = newPyrArray(g->gc, size, 0, true);
		schedq->size = 1;
		SetInt(schedq->slots + 0, 0); // stability count
		SetObject(schedqSlot, schedq);
		g->gc->GCWriteNew(queueobj, schedq); // we know schedq is white so we can use GCWriteNew
	} else {
		schedq = slotRawObject(schedqSlot);
		maxsize = ARRAYMAXINDEXSIZE(schedq);
		size = schedq->size;
		if (size+3 > maxsize) {

			newschedq = newPyrArray(g->gc, maxsize*2, 0, true);
			newschedq->size = size;

			slotCopy(newschedq->slots, schedq->slots, size);

			SetObject(schedqSlot, newschedq);
			g->gc->GCWriteNew(queueobj, newschedq); // we know newschedq is white so we can use GCWriteNew

			schedq = newschedq;

	addheap(g, schedq, time, item);
Example #3
int prArrayMultiChanExpand(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a, *slot, *slots1, *slots2, *slots3, *slots4;
	PyrObject *obj1, *obj2, *obj3, *obj4;
	int i, j, size, len, maxlen;

	a = g->sp;
	obj1 = slotRawObject(a);
	size = obj1->size;
	slots1 = obj1->slots;
	maxlen = 1;
	for (j=0; j<size; ++j) {
		slot = slots1 + j;
		if (IsObj(slot)) {
			if (slotRawObject(slot)->classptr == class_array) {
				len = slotRawObject(slot)->size;
				maxlen = len > maxlen ? len : maxlen;
			} else if (isKindOf(slotRawObject(slot), class_sequenceable_collection) && (slotRawObject(slot)->classptr != class_string)) {
				return errFailed; // this primitive only handles Arrays.

	obj2 = newPyrArray(g->gc, maxlen, 0, true);
	SetObject(a, obj2);
	slots2 = obj2->slots;
	for (i=0; i<maxlen; ++i) {
		obj3 = newPyrArray(g->gc, size, 0, true);
		obj3->size = size;
		SetObject(slots2 + i, obj3);
		g->gc->GCWriteNew(obj2, obj3); // we know obj3 is white so we can use GCWriteNew
		slots1 = obj1->slots;
		slots3 = obj3->slots;
		for (j=0; j<size; ++j) {
			slot = slots1 + j;
			if (IsObj(slot)) {
				if (slotRawObject(slot)->classptr == class_array && slotRawObject(slot)->size > 0) {
					PyrSlot *slotToCopy;
					obj4 = slotRawObject(slot);
					slots4 = obj4->slots;
					slotToCopy = &slots4[i % obj4->size];
					g->gc->GCWrite(obj3, slotToCopy);
				} else {
					g->gc->GCWrite(obj3, slot);
			} else {
				slotCopy(&slots3[j],slot); // we don't need GCWrite here, as slot is not an object

	return errNone;
Example #4
int prArrayMultiChanExpand(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a, *slot, *slots1, *slots2, *slots3, *slots4;
	PyrObject *obj1, *obj2, *obj3, *obj4;
	int i, j, size, len, maxlen;

	a = g->sp;
	obj1 = a->uo;
	size = obj1->size;
	slots1 = obj1->slots;
	maxlen = 1;
	for (j=0; j<size; ++j) {
		slot = slots1 + j;
		if (IsObj(slot)) {
			if (slot->uo->classptr == class_array) {
				len = slot->uo->size;
				maxlen = len > maxlen ? len : maxlen;
			} else if (isKindOf(slot->uo, class_sequenceable_collection) && (slot->uo->classptr != class_string)) {
				return errFailed; // this primitive only handles Arrays.

	obj2 = newPyrArray(g->gc, maxlen, 0, true);
	obj2->size = maxlen;
	slots2 = obj2->slots;
	for (i=0; i<maxlen; ++i) {
		obj3 = newPyrArray(g->gc, size, 0, false);
		obj3->size = size;
		SetObject(slots2 + i, obj3);
		slots1 = obj1->slots;
		slots3 = obj3->slots;
		for (j=0; j<size; ++j) {
			slot = slots1 + j;
			if (IsObj(slot)) {
				if (slot->uo->classptr == class_array && slot->uo->size > 0) {
					obj4 = slot->uo;
					slots4 = obj4->slots;
					slotCopy(&slots3[j],&slots4[i % obj4->size]);
				} else {
			} else {

	SetObject(a, obj2);

	return errNone;
Example #5
static void _doc_traverse(struct VMGlobals* g, DocNode *n, PyrObject *parent, PyrSlot *slot)
    PyrObject *result = instantiateObject( g->gc, s_scdoc_node->u.classobj, 0, false, false );
    result->size = 0;
	SetObject(slot, result);
	if(parent) g->gc->GCWrite(parent, result);

    PyrSymbol *id = getsym(n->id);
    SetSymbol(result->slots+result->size++, id);

    if(n->text) {
        PyrObject *str = (PyrObject*) newPyrString(g->gc, n->text, 0, true);
        SetObject(result->slots+result->size++, str);
        g->gc->GCWrite(result, str);
    } else {

    if(n->n_childs) {
        PyrObject *array = newPyrArray(g->gc, n->n_childs, 0, true);
        array->size = 0;
        SetObject(result->slots+result->size++, array);
        g->gc->GCWrite(result, array);
        for(int i=0; i<n->n_childs; i++) {
            _doc_traverse(g, n->children[i], array, array->slots+i);
    } else {
    result->size += 3; // makeDiv, notPrivOnly, sort
Example #6
int prHIDBuildElementList(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)

	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2; //class
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1; //locID device
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp; //array

	int locID;
	int err = slotIntVal(b, &locID);
	if (err) return err;
	//look for the right device:
    pRecDevice  pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
	while (pCurrentHIDDevice && (pCurrentHIDDevice->locID !=locID))
        pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pCurrentHIDDevice);
	if(!pCurrentHIDDevice) return errFailed;

	pRecElement	devElement =  HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeAll );
	UInt32 numElements = HIDCountDeviceElements (pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeAll );

//		PyrObject* devAllElementsArray = newPyrArray(g->gc, numElements * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		PyrObject *devAllElementsArray = c->uo;
//		post("numElements: %d\n", numElements);
		numElements = sc_clip(numElements, 0, devAllElementsArray->size);
		for(uint i=0; i<numElements; i++){
				char cstrElementName [256];
				PyrObject* devElementArray = newPyrArray(g->gc, 8 * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
				// type name (1)
				HIDGetTypeName((IOHIDElementType) devElement->type, cstrElementName);
				PyrString *devstring = newPyrString(g->gc, cstrElementName, 0, true);
				SetObject(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, devstring);
				//g->gc->GCWrite(devElementArray, (PyrObject*) devstring);
				//usage (2)
				HIDGetUsageName (devElement->usagePage, devElement->usage, cstrElementName);
				PyrString *usestring = newPyrString(g->gc, cstrElementName, 0, true);
				SetObject(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, usestring);
				//g->gc->GCWrite(devElementArray, (PyrObject*) usestring);
				//cookie (3)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (long) devElement->cookie);
				// min (4)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (long) devElement->min);
				// max (5)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (long) devElement->max);

				// IO type as int: (6)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (int) devElement->type);
				// Usage page as int: (7)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (long) devElement->usagePage);
				// Usage type as int: (8)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (long) devElement->usage);

				SetObject(devAllElementsArray->slots+i, devElementArray);
				//g->gc->GCWrite(devAllElementsArray, (PyrObject*) devElementArray);
			devElement =  HIDGetNextDeviceElement (devElement, kHIDElementTypeAll);
	SetObject(a, devAllElementsArray);
	return errNone;

Example #7
PyrObject* ConvertOSCMessage(int inSize, char *inData)
	char *cmdName = inData;
	int cmdNameLen = OSCstrlen(cmdName);
	sc_msg_iter msg(inSize - cmdNameLen, inData + cmdNameLen);

	int numElems;
        if (inSize == cmdNameLen) {
            numElems = 0;
        } else {
			if (!msg.tags) {
				numElems = 0;
				error("OSC messages must have type tags.  %s\n", cmdName);
			} else {
				numElems = strlen(msg.tags);
        //post("tags %s %d\n", msg.tags, numElems);

        VMGlobals *g = gMainVMGlobals;
        PyrObject *obj = newPyrArray(g->gc, numElems + 1, 0, false);
        PyrSlot *slots = obj->slots;

        SetSymbol(slots+0, getsym(cmdName));

        for (int i=0; i<numElems; ++i) {
            char tag = msg.nextTag();
            //post("%d %c\n", i, tag);
            switch (tag) {
                case 'i' :
                    SetInt(slots+i+1, msg.geti());
                case 'f' :
                    SetFloat(slots+i+1, msg.getf());
                case 'd' :
                    SetFloat(slots+i+1, msg.getd());
                case 's' :
                    SetSymbol(slots+i+1, getsym(msg.gets()));
                    //post("sym '%s'\n", slots[i+1].us->name);
                case 'b' :
					SetObject(slots+i+1, (PyrObject*)MsgToInt8Array(msg));
				case 'c':
					SetChar(slots+i+1, (char)msg.geti());
				// else add the type tag as a char (jrhb 2009)
					SetChar(slots+i+1, tag);
        obj->size = numElems + 1;
        return obj;
Example #8
int identDictPut(struct VMGlobals *g, PyrObject *dict, PyrSlot *key, PyrSlot *value)
	PyrSlot *slot, *newslot;
	int i, index, size;
	PyrObject *array;

	bool knows = IsTrue(dict->slots + ivxIdentDict_know);
	if (knows && IsSym(key)) {
		if (slotRawSymbol(key) == s_parent) {
			g->gc->GCWrite(dict, value);
			return errNone;
		if (slotRawSymbol(key) == s_proto) {
			g->gc->GCWrite(dict, value);
			return errNone;
	array = slotRawObject(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array]);
	if (array->IsImmutable()) return errImmutableObject;
	if (!isKindOf((PyrObject*)array, class_array)) return errFailed;

	index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(array, key);
	slot = array->slots + index;
	g->gc->GCWrite(array, value);
	if (IsNil(slot)) {
		g->gc->GCWrite(array, key);
		size = slotRawInt(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_size]) + 1;
		SetRaw(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_size], size);
		if (array->size < size*3) {
			PyrObject *newarray;
			newarray = newPyrArray(g->gc, size*3, 0, false);
			newarray->size = ARRAYMAXINDEXSIZE(newarray);
			nilSlots(newarray->slots, newarray->size);
			slot = array->slots;
			for (i=0; i<array->size; i+=2, slot+=2) {
				if (NotNil(slot)) {
					index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(newarray, slot);
					newslot = newarray->slots + index;
			SetRaw(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array], newarray);
			g->gc->GCWriteNew(dict, newarray); // we know newarray is white so we can use GCWriteNew
	return errNone;
Example #9
int prIdentDict_PutGet(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a, *b, *c, *d, *slot, *newslot;
	int i, index, size;
	PyrObject *dict;
	PyrObject *array;

	a = g->sp - 2;  // dict
	b = g->sp - 1;	// key
	c = g->sp;		// value
	d = ++g->sp;	// push the stack to save the receiver

	dict = slotRawObject(d);
	array = slotRawObject(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array]);
	if (!isKindOf((PyrObject*)array, class_array)) {
		return errFailed;

	index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(array, b);
	slot = array->slots + index;
	g->gc->GCWrite(array, c);
	if (IsNil(slot)) {
		g->gc->GCWrite(array, b);
		size = slotRawInt(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_size]) + 1;
		SetRaw(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_size], size);
		if (array->size < size*3) {
			PyrObject *newarray;
			newarray = newPyrArray(g->gc, size*3, 0, true);
			newarray->size = ARRAYMAXINDEXSIZE(newarray);
			nilSlots(newarray->slots, newarray->size);
			slot = array->slots;
			for (i=0; i<array->size; i+=2, slot+=2) {
				if (NotNil(slot)) {
					index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(newarray, slot);
					newslot = newarray->slots + index;
			SetRaw(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array], newarray);
			g->gc->GCWriteNew(dict, newarray); // we know newarray is white so we can use GCWriteNew
	return errNone;
Example #10
int identDictPut(struct VMGlobals *g, PyrObject *dict, PyrSlot *key, PyrSlot *value)
	PyrSlot *slot, *newslot;
	int i, index, size;
	PyrObject *array;

	bool knows = IsTrue(dict->slots + ivxIdentDict_know);
	if (knows && IsSym(key)) {
		if (key->us == s_parent) {
			g->gc->GCWrite(dict, value);
			return errNone;
		if (key->us == s_proto) {
			g->gc->GCWrite(dict, value);
			return errNone;
	array = dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array].uo;
	if (!isKindOf((PyrObject*)array, class_array)) return errFailed;

	index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(array, key);
	slot = array->slots + index;
	g->gc->GCWrite(array, value);
	if (IsNil(slot)) {
		g->gc->GCWrite(array, key);
		size = ++dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_size].ui;
		if (array->size < size*3) {
			PyrObject *newarray;
			newarray = newPyrArray(g->gc, size*3, 0, false);
			newarray->size = ARRAYMAXINDEXSIZE(newarray);
			nilSlots(newarray->slots, newarray->size);
			slot = array->slots;
			for (i=0; i<array->size; i+=2, slot+=2) {
				if (NotNil(slot)) {
					index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(newarray, slot);
					newslot = newarray->slots + index;
			dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array].uo = newarray;
			g->gc->GCWrite(dict, newarray);
	return errNone;
int SC_TerminalClient::prArgv(struct VMGlobals* g, int)
	int argc = ((SC_TerminalClient*)SC_TerminalClient::instance())->options().mArgc;
	char** argv = ((SC_TerminalClient*)SC_TerminalClient::instance())->options().mArgv;

	PyrSlot* argvSlot = g->sp;

	PyrObject* argvObj = newPyrArray(g->gc, argc * sizeof(PyrObject), 0, true);
	SetObject(argvSlot, argvObj);

	for (int i=0; i < argc; i++) {
		PyrString* str = newPyrString(g->gc, argv[i], 0, true);
		SetObject(argvObj->slots+i, str);
		g->gc->GCWriteNew(argvObj, (PyrObject*)str); // we know str is white so we can use GCWriteNew

	return errNone;
Example #12
int prGetControlBusValues(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;

	PyrObject * self = slotRawObject(a);
	int ptrIndex       = 0;
	PyrSlot * ptrSlot = self->slots + ptrIndex;
	if (NotPtr(ptrSlot))
		return errFailed;

	if (!IsInt(b))
		return errFailed;

	int busIndex = slotRawInt(b);

	if (!IsInt(c))
		return errFailed;

	int numberOfChannels = slotRawInt(c);

	server_shared_memory_client * client = (server_shared_memory_client*)slotRawPtr(ptrSlot);

	PyrObject * ret = newPyrArray(g->gc, numberOfChannels, 0, 1);
	ret->size = numberOfChannels;

	for (int i = 0; i != numberOfChannels; ++i) {
		float value = client->get_control_busses()[busIndex + i];
		SetFloat(ret->slots+i, value);

	SetObject(a, ret);
	return errNone;
Example #13
int prHID_API_GetInfo( VMGlobals* g, int numArgsPushed ){
	PyrSlot *args = g->sp - numArgsPushed + 1;
	PyrSlot* self = args + 0;
	PyrSlot* arg  = args + 1;

	int err;
	int joyid;

	err = slotIntVal( arg, &joyid );
	if ( err != errNone ) return err;
	const char emptyString[] = "";

	struct hid_dev_desc * devdesc = SC_HID_APIManager::instance().get_device( joyid );
	struct hid_device_info * cur_dev = devdesc->info;

	if ( cur_dev != NULL ){
		PyrObject* devInfo = newPyrArray(g->gc, 9 * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		SetObject( self, devInfo );

		SetInt(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, cur_dev->vendor_id);
		SetInt(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, cur_dev->product_id);

		PyrString *dev_path_name = newPyrString(g->gc, cur_dev->path, 0, true );
		SetObject(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, dev_path_name);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devInfo, dev_path_name);

		const char * mystring;
		if ( cur_dev->serial_number != NULL ){
			mystring = wchar_to_char( cur_dev->serial_number );
		} else {
			mystring = emptyString;

		PyrString *dev_serial = newPyrString(g->gc, mystring, 0, true );
		SetObject(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, dev_serial);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devInfo, dev_serial);

		if (mystring != emptyString)

		if ( cur_dev->manufacturer_string != NULL ){
			mystring = wchar_to_char( cur_dev->manufacturer_string );
		} else {
			mystring = emptyString;
		PyrString *dev_man_name = newPyrString(g->gc, mystring, 0, true );
		SetObject(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, dev_man_name);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devInfo, dev_man_name);
		if (mystring != emptyString)

		if ( cur_dev->product_string != NULL ){
			mystring = wchar_to_char( cur_dev->product_string );
		} else {
			mystring = emptyString;
		PyrString *dev_prod_name = newPyrString(g->gc, mystring, 0, true );
		SetObject(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, dev_prod_name);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devInfo, dev_prod_name);
		if (mystring != emptyString)

		SetInt(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, cur_dev->release_number);
		SetInt(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, cur_dev->interface_number);
	} else {
		SetInt( self, 0 );
	return errNone;
Example #14
int prHID_API_BuildDeviceList(VMGlobals* g, int numArgsPushed){
	PyrSlot *args = g->sp - numArgsPushed + 1;
	PyrSlot *self = args + 0;
	// no arguments

	int err;

	const char emptyString[] = "";

	// iterate over available devices and return info to language to populate the list there
	int result = SC_HID_APIManager::instance().build_devicelist();
	if ( result > 0 ){
		PyrObject* allDevsArray = newPyrArray(g->gc, result * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		SetObject( self, allDevsArray );

		struct hid_device_info *cur_dev = SC_HID_APIManager::instance().devinfos;
		while( cur_dev ){
			PyrObject* devInfo = newPyrArray(g->gc, 11 * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);

			SetInt(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, cur_dev->vendor_id);
			SetInt(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, cur_dev->product_id);

			PyrString *dev_path_name = newPyrString(g->gc, cur_dev->path, 0, true );
			SetObject(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, dev_path_name);
			g->gc->GCWrite(devInfo, dev_path_name);

			const char * mystring;
			if ( cur_dev->serial_number != NULL )
				mystring = wchar_to_char( cur_dev->serial_number );
				mystring = emptyString;

			PyrString *dev_serial = newPyrString(g->gc, mystring, 0, true );
			SetObject(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, dev_serial);
			g->gc->GCWrite(devInfo, dev_serial);

			if (mystring != emptyString) free((void*)mystring);
			if ( cur_dev->manufacturer_string != NULL )
				mystring = wchar_to_char( cur_dev->manufacturer_string );
				mystring = emptyString;

			PyrString *dev_man_name = newPyrString(g->gc, mystring, 0, true );
			SetObject(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, dev_man_name);
			g->gc->GCWrite(devInfo, dev_man_name);

			if (mystring != emptyString) free((void*)mystring);

			if ( cur_dev->product_string != NULL )
				mystring = wchar_to_char( cur_dev->product_string );
				mystring = emptyString;

			PyrString *dev_prod_name = newPyrString(g->gc, mystring, 0, true );
			SetObject(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, dev_prod_name);
			g->gc->GCWrite(devInfo, dev_prod_name);

			if (mystring != emptyString)

			SetInt(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, cur_dev->release_number);
			SetInt(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, cur_dev->interface_number);

			SetInt(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, cur_dev->usage_page);
			SetInt(devInfo->slots+devInfo->size++, cur_dev->usage);

			SetObject(allDevsArray->slots+allDevsArray->size++, devInfo );
			g->gc->GCWrite(allDevsArray, devInfo);

			cur_dev = cur_dev->next;

	} else {
		// send back info that no devices were found, or empty array
		SetInt( self, 0 );
	return errNone;
HOT void executeMethod(VMGlobals *g, PyrMethod *meth, long numArgsPushed)
	PyrMethodRaw *methraw;
	PyrFrame *frame;
	PyrFrame *caller;
	PyrSlot *pslot, *qslot;
	PyrSlot *rslot;
	PyrSlot *vars;
	PyrObject *proto;
	long i, m, mmax, numtemps, numargs;

	CallStackSanity(g, "executeMethod");
	if (gTraceInterpreter) {
		if (g->method) {
			postfl(" %s:%s -> %s:%s\n",
				slotRawSymbol(&slotRawClass(&g->method->ownerclass)->name)->name, slotRawSymbol(&g->method->name)->name,
				slotRawSymbol(&slotRawClass(&meth->ownerclass)->name)->name, slotRawSymbol(&meth->name)->name);
		} else {
			postfl(" top -> %s:%s\n",
				slotRawSymbol(&slotRawClass(&meth->ownerclass)->name)->name, slotRawSymbol(&meth->name)->name);
	if (gTraceInterpreter) {

	int tailCall = g->tailCall;
	if (tailCall) {
		if (tailCall == 1) {
		} else {

	g->execMethod = 20;

	proto = slotRawObject(&meth->prototypeFrame);
	methraw = METHRAW(meth);
	numtemps = methraw->numtemps;
	numargs = methraw->numargs;

	caller = g->frame;
	//postfl("executeMethod allArgsPushed %d numKeyArgsPushed %d\n", allArgsPushed, numKeyArgsPushed);

	frame = (PyrFrame*)g->gc->NewFrame(methraw->frameSize, 0, obj_slot, methraw->needsHeapContext);
	vars = frame->vars - 1;
	frame->classptr = class_frame;
	frame->size = FRAMESIZE + proto->size;
	SetObject(&frame->method, meth);
	SetObject(&frame->homeContext, frame);
	SetObject(&frame->context, frame);

	if (caller) {
		SetPtr(&caller->ip, g->ip);
		SetObject(&frame->caller, caller);
	} else {
		SetInt(&frame->caller, 0);
	SetPtr(&frame->ip,  0);
	g->method = meth;

	g->ip = slotRawInt8Array(&meth->code)->b - 1;
	g->frame = frame;
	g->block = (PyrBlock*)meth;

	g->sp -= numArgsPushed;
	qslot = g->sp;
	pslot = vars;

	if (numArgsPushed <= numargs) {	/* not enough args pushed */
		/* push all args to frame */
		for (m=0,mmax=numArgsPushed; m<mmax; ++m) slotCopy(++pslot, ++qslot);

		/* push default arg & var values */
		pslot = vars + numArgsPushed;
		qslot = proto->slots + numArgsPushed - 1;
		for (m=0, mmax=numtemps - numArgsPushed; m<mmax; ++m) slotCopy(++pslot, ++qslot);
	} else if (methraw->varargs) {
		PyrObject *list;
		PyrSlot *lslot;

		/* push all normal args to frame */
		for (m=0,mmax=numargs; m<mmax; ++m) slotCopy(++pslot, ++qslot);

		/* push list */
		i = numArgsPushed - numargs;
		list = newPyrArray(g->gc, (int)i, 0, false);
		list->size = (int)i;

		rslot = pslot+1;
		SetObject(rslot, list);
		//SetObject(vars + numargs + 1, list);

		/* put extra args into list */
		lslot = (list->slots - 1);
		// fixed and raw sizes are zero
		for (m=0,mmax=i; m<mmax; ++m) slotCopy(++lslot, ++qslot);

		if (methraw->numvars) {
			/* push default keyword and var values */
			pslot = vars + numargs + 1;
			qslot = proto->slots + numargs;
			for (m=0,mmax=methraw->numvars; m<mmax; ++m) slotCopy(++pslot, ++qslot);
	} else {
		/* push all args to frame */
		for (m=0,mmax=numargs; m<mmax; ++m) slotCopy(++pslot, ++qslot);

		if (methraw->numvars) {
			/* push default keyword and var values */
			pslot = vars + numargs;
			qslot = proto->slots + numargs - 1;
			for (m=0,mmax=methraw->numvars; m<mmax; ++m) slotCopy(++pslot, ++qslot);
	slotCopy(&g->receiver, &vars[1]);

	CallStackSanity(g, "<executeMethod");
Example #16
int prListMIDIEndpoints(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp;
	int numSrc = gNumMIDIInPorts;
	int numDst = gNumMIDIOutPorts;

	PyrObject* idarray = newPyrArray(g->gc, 6 * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
	SetObject(a, idarray);

	// 0
	PyrObject* idarraySo = newPyrArray(g->gc, numSrc * sizeof(__int32), 0 , true);
	SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, idarraySo);
	g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, idarraySo);

	// 1
	PyrObject* devarraySo = newPyrArray(g->gc, numSrc * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
	SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, devarraySo);
	g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, devarraySo);

	// 2
	PyrObject* namearraySo = newPyrArray(g->gc, numSrc * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
	SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, namearraySo);
	g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, namearraySo);

	// 3
	PyrObject* idarrayDe = newPyrArray(g->gc, numDst * sizeof(__int32), 0 , true);
	SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, idarrayDe);
	g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, idarrayDe);

	// 4
	PyrObject* namearrayDe = newPyrArray(g->gc, numDst * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
	SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, namearrayDe);
	g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, namearrayDe);

	// 5
	PyrObject* devarrayDe = newPyrArray(g->gc, numDst * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
	SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, devarrayDe);       
	g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, devarrayDe);

	for (int i=0; i<numSrc; ++i) {
		const PmDeviceInfo* devInfo = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(gMidiInputIndexToPmDevIndex[i]);
		char cendname[1024], cdevname[1024];
		// currently, copy both name strings in endpoint name and dev name
		cendname[1023] = 0;
		cdevname[1023] = 0;

		PyrString *string = newPyrString(g->gc, cendname, 0, true);
		SetObject(namearraySo->slots+i, string);
		g->gc->GCWrite(namearraySo, (PyrObject*)string);

		PyrString *devstring = newPyrString(g->gc, cdevname, 0, true);
		SetObject(devarraySo->slots+i, devstring);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devarraySo, (PyrObject*)devstring);

		SetInt(idarraySo->slots+i, i);

	//      post("numDst %d\n",  numDst);
	for (int i=0; i<numDst; ++i) {
		const PmDeviceInfo* devInfo = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(gMidiOutputIndexToPmDevIndex[i]);
		char cendname[1024], cdevname[1024];

		// currently, copy both name strings in endpoint name and dev name
		cendname[1023] = 0;
		cdevname[1023] = 0;

		PyrString *string = newPyrString(g->gc, cendname, 0, true);
		SetObject(namearrayDe->slots+namearrayDe->size++, string);
		g->gc->GCWrite(namearrayDe, (PyrObject*)string);

		PyrString *devstring = newPyrString(g->gc, cdevname, 0, true);

		SetObject(devarrayDe->slots+devarrayDe->size++, devstring);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devarrayDe, (PyrObject*)devstring);

		SetInt(idarrayDe->slots+idarrayDe->size++, i);

	return errNone;
Example #17
int prSimpleNumberSeries(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;

	int err, size;

	if (IsInt(a) && (IsInt(b) || IsNil(b)) && IsInt(c)) {
		int first, second, last, step;
		first = slotRawInt(a);
		last = slotRawInt(c);
		second = IsInt(b) ? slotRawInt(b) : (first < last ? first + 1 : first - 1);
		step = second - first;

		if ( step == 0 )
			size = 1;
			size = ((last - first) / step) + 1;
		if(size<1 || size > INT_MAX_BY_PyrSlot){
			post("prSimpleNumberSeries: array size %i exceeds limit (%i)\n", size, INT_MAX_BY_PyrSlot);
			return errFailed;

		PyrObject *obj = newPyrArray(g->gc, size, 0, true);
		obj->size = size;
		PyrSlot *slots = obj->slots;
			// Faster iteration for common case
				for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
					SetInt(slots+i, i);
				for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
					SetInt(slots+i, first++);
			int val = first;
			for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
				SetInt(slots+i, val);
				val += step;
		SetObject(a, obj);
	} else {
		double first, second, last, step;
		err = slotDoubleVal(a, &first);
		if (err) return err;
		err = slotDoubleVal(c, &last);
		if (err) return err;
		err = slotDoubleVal(b, &second);
		if (err) {
			if (first < last) second = first + 1.;
			else second = first - 1.;

		step = second - first;
		size = (int)floor((last - first) / step + 0.001) + 1;
		if(size<1 || size > INT_MAX_BY_PyrSlot){
			post("prSimpleNumberSeries: array size %i exceeds limit (%i)\n", size, INT_MAX_BY_PyrSlot);
			return errFailed;
		PyrObject *obj = newPyrArray(g->gc, size, 0, true);
		obj->size = size;
		PyrSlot *slots = obj->slots;
		if(first==0. && step==1.){
			// Faster iteration for common case
			for (long i=0; i<size; ++i) {
				SetFloat(slots+i, i);
			double val = first;
			for (long i=0; i<size; ++i) {
				val = first + step * i;
				SetFloat(slots+i, val);
		SetObject(a, obj);
	return errNone;

int prListMIDIEndpoints(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	OSStatus error;
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp;
	int numSrc = (int)MIDIGetNumberOfSources();
	int numDst = (int)MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations();

	PyrObject* idarray = newPyrArray(g->gc, 6 * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		SetObject(a, idarray);

	PyrObject* idarraySo = newPyrArray(g->gc, numSrc * sizeof(SInt32), 0 , true);
		SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, idarraySo);
		g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, idarraySo);

	PyrObject* devarraySo = newPyrArray(g->gc, numSrc * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, devarraySo);
		g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, devarraySo);

		PyrObject* namearraySo = newPyrArray(g->gc, numSrc * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, namearraySo);
		g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, namearraySo);

	PyrObject* idarrayDe = newPyrArray(g->gc, numDst * sizeof(SInt32), 0 , true);
		SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, idarrayDe);
		g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, idarrayDe);

	PyrObject* namearrayDe = newPyrArray(g->gc, numDst * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, namearrayDe);
		g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, namearrayDe);

	PyrObject* devarrayDe = newPyrArray(g->gc, numDst * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		SetObject(idarray->slots+idarray->size++, devarrayDe);
		g->gc->GCWrite(idarray, devarrayDe);

	for (int i=0; i<numSrc; ++i) {
		MIDIEndpointRef src = MIDIGetSource(i);
		SInt32 id;
		MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(src, kMIDIPropertyUniqueID, &id);

		MIDIEntityRef ent;
		error = MIDIEndpointGetEntity(src, &ent);

		CFStringRef devname, endname;
		char cendname[1024], cdevname[1024];

		// Virtual sources don't have entities
			MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(src, kMIDIPropertyName, &devname);
			MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(src, kMIDIPropertyName, &endname);
			CFStringGetCString(devname, cdevname, 1024, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
			CFStringGetCString(endname, cendname, 1024, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
			MIDIDeviceRef dev;

			MIDIEntityGetDevice(ent, &dev);
			MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(dev, kMIDIPropertyName, &devname);
			MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(src, kMIDIPropertyName, &endname);
			CFStringGetCString(devname, cdevname, 1024, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
			CFStringGetCString(endname, cendname, 1024, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

		PyrString *string = newPyrString(g->gc, cendname, 0, true);
		SetObject(namearraySo->slots+i, string);
		g->gc->GCWrite(namearraySo, (PyrObject*)string);

		PyrString *devstring = newPyrString(g->gc, cdevname, 0, true);
		SetObject(devarraySo->slots+i, devstring);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devarraySo, (PyrObject*)devstring);

		SetInt(idarraySo->slots+i, id);


//      post("numDst %d\n",  numDst);
	for (int i=0; i<numDst; ++i) {
		MIDIEndpointRef dst = MIDIGetDestination(i);
		SInt32 id;
		MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty(dst, kMIDIPropertyUniqueID, &id);

		MIDIEntityRef ent;
		error = MIDIEndpointGetEntity(dst, &ent);

		CFStringRef devname, endname;
		char cendname[1024], cdevname[1024];

		// Virtual destinations don't have entities either
			MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(dst, kMIDIPropertyName, &devname);
			MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(dst, kMIDIPropertyName, &endname);
			CFStringGetCString(devname, cdevname, 1024, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
			CFStringGetCString(endname, cendname, 1024, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

			MIDIDeviceRef dev;

			MIDIEntityGetDevice(ent, &dev);
			MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(dev, kMIDIPropertyName, &devname);
			MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(dst, kMIDIPropertyName, &endname);
			CFStringGetCString(devname, cdevname, 1024, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
			CFStringGetCString(endname, cendname, 1024, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

		PyrString *string = newPyrString(g->gc, cendname, 0, true);
		SetObject(namearrayDe->slots+namearrayDe->size++, string);
		g->gc->GCWrite(namearrayDe, (PyrObject*)string);

		PyrString *devstring = newPyrString(g->gc, cdevname, 0, true);

		SetObject(devarrayDe->slots+devarrayDe->size++, devstring);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devarrayDe, (PyrObject*)devstring);

		SetInt(idarrayDe->slots+idarrayDe->size++, id);


	return errNone;
Example #19
int prHID_API_GetCollectionInfo( VMGlobals* g, int numArgsPushed ){
	PyrSlot *args = g->sp - numArgsPushed + 1;
	PyrSlot* self = args + 0;
	PyrSlot* arg1  = args + 1;
	PyrSlot* arg2  = args + 2;

	int err;
	int joyid;
	int collectionid;

	err = slotIntVal( arg1, &joyid );
	if ( err != errNone ) return err;

	err = slotIntVal( arg2, &collectionid );
	if ( err != errNone ) return err;

	struct hid_dev_desc * devdesc = SC_HID_APIManager::instance().get_device( joyid );
	struct hid_device_collection * curdev = devdesc->device_collection;
	struct hid_device_collection * curcollection = curdev->first_collection;
	struct hid_device_collection * thiscollection = NULL;

	bool found = curcollection->index == collectionid;
	if ( found ){
		thiscollection = curcollection;
	while( curcollection != NULL && !found ){
		found = curcollection->index == collectionid;
		if ( found ){
			thiscollection = curcollection;
		curcollection = curcollection->next_collection;

	if ( thiscollection != NULL ){
		PyrObject* elInfo = newPyrArray(g->gc, 9 * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		SetObject( self, elInfo );

		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiscollection->index );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiscollection->type );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiscollection->usage_page );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiscollection->usage_index );

		if ( thiscollection->parent_collection != NULL ){
			SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiscollection->parent_collection->index );
		} else {
			SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, -2 );

		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiscollection->num_collections );

		if ( thiscollection->first_collection != NULL ){
			SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiscollection->first_collection->index );
		} else {
			SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, -1 );

		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiscollection->num_elements );

		if ( thiscollection->first_element != NULL ){
			SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiscollection->first_element->index );
		} else {
			SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, -1 );

	} else {
		SetInt( self, 0 );
	return errNone;
Example #20
int prHID_API_GetElementInfo( VMGlobals* g, int numArgsPushed ){
	PyrSlot *args = g->sp - numArgsPushed + 1;
	PyrSlot* self = args + 0;
	PyrSlot* arg1  = args + 1;
	PyrSlot* arg2  = args + 2;

	int err;
	int joyid;
	int elementid;

	err = slotIntVal( arg1, &joyid );
	if ( err != errNone ) return err;

	err = slotIntVal( arg2, &elementid );
	if ( err != errNone ) return err;

	struct hid_dev_desc * devdesc = SC_HID_APIManager::instance().get_device( joyid );
	struct hid_device_collection * curdev = devdesc->device_collection;
	struct hid_device_element * curelement = curdev->first_element;
	struct hid_device_element * thiselement = NULL;

	bool found = curelement->index == elementid;
	if ( found ){
		thiselement = curelement;
	while( curelement != NULL && !found ){
		found = curelement->index == elementid;
		if ( found ){
			thiselement = curelement;
		curelement = curelement->next;

	if ( thiselement != NULL ){
		PyrObject* elInfo = newPyrArray(g->gc, 18 * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		SetObject( self, elInfo );

		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->index );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->io_type );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->type );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->usage_page );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->usage );

		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->usage_min );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->usage_max );

		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->logical_min );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->logical_max );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->phys_min );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->phys_max );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->unit_exponent );

		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->unit );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->report_size );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->report_id );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->report_index );
		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->value );

		SetInt(elInfo->slots+elInfo->size++, thiselement->parent_collection->index );

	} else {
		SetInt( self, 0 );
	return errNone;
Example #21
int prString_FindRegexp(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	int err;

	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2; // source string
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1; // pattern
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;     // offset

	if (!isKindOfSlot(b, class_string) || (NotInt(c))) return errWrongType;
//	post("prString_FindRegexp\n");
	int maxfind = MAXREGEXFIND;
	int offset = slotRawInt(c);
	int stringsize = slotRawObject(a)->size + 1;
	int patternsize =  slotRawObject(b)->size + 1;
	char *string = (char*)malloc(slotRawObject(a)->size + 1);
	err = slotStrVal(a, string, slotRawObject(a)->size + 1);
	if (err){
		return err;
	char *pattern = (char*)malloc(slotRawObject(b)->size + 1);
	err = slotStrVal(b, pattern, slotRawObject(b)->size + 1);
	if (err) return err;
	UParseError uerr;
	UErrorCode status = (UErrorCode)0;
	UChar *regexStr;
	UChar *ustring;

	regexStr =  (UChar*)malloc((patternsize)*sizeof(UChar));
	u_charsToUChars (pattern, regexStr, patternsize);

	ustring =  (UChar*)malloc((stringsize)*sizeof(UChar));
	u_charsToUChars (string+offset, ustring, stringsize-offset);

	unsigned flags = UREGEX_MULTILINE;
	int groupNumber = 0;
	SCRegExRegion * what;
	int indx = 0;
	int size = 0;

	URegularExpression *expression = uregex_open(regexStr, -1, flags, &uerr, &status);
	if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;

	 if(!U_FAILURE(status)) {
		uregex_setText(expression, ustring, -1, &status);
		what =  (SCRegExRegion*)malloc((maxfind)*sizeof(SCRegExRegion));
		for(int i=0; i< maxfind; i++)
			SCRegExRegion range;
			range.matched = false;
			what[i] = range;

		int32_t groups = uregex_groupCount(expression, &status) + 1;
		if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;
//		post("groups: %i\n", groups);
		while (uregex_findNext(expression, &status) && size<maxfind)
			if(U_FAILURE(status)) return errNone;

			for(int i=0; i< groups; ++i){
				what[size].group = i;
				what[size].start = sc_clip(uregex_start(expression, i, &status), 0, stringsize) ;
				if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;
				what[size].end = sc_clip(uregex_end(expression, i, &status), 0, stringsize);
				what[size].matched = true;
//				post("index:%i, size:%i, start %i, end %i\n", i, size, what[i].start, what[i].end);
				size = indx++ + 1;
				if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;

		PyrObject *result_array = newPyrArray(g->gc, size, 0, true);
		result_array->size = 0;

		if (size>0) //(matched)
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
				if (what[0].matched == false)

					int match_start =  what[i].start;
					int match_length = what[i].end -  what[i].start;
//					post("for i:%i, start %i, end %i\n",  i, what[i].start,  what[i].end);
//					char *match = (char*)malloc(match_length);
					char match[match_length];

					strncpy(match, string + offset + match_start, match_length);
					match[match_length] = 0;
					PyrObject *array = newPyrArray(g->gc, 2, 0, true);
					array->size = 2;
					SetInt(array->slots, match_start + offset);

					PyrObject *matched_string = (PyrObject*)newPyrString(g->gc, match, 0, true);
					SetObject(array->slots+1, matched_string);
					g->gc->GCWrite(matched_string, array->slots + 1);

					SetObject(result_array->slots + i, array);
					g->gc->GCWrite(array, result_array->slots + i);
		SetObject(a, result_array);
		return errNone;

			return errNone;
Example #22
int prAsFraction(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;

	double mediant_num, lower_num, upper_num, temp_num;
	double mediant_den, lower_den, upper_den, temp_den;
	double x, d;
	int k, k1;
	int maxDenominator;
	int err;
	bool neg = false;

	err = slotDoubleVal(a, &x);
	if (err) return err;

	err = slotIntVal(b, &maxDenominator);
	if (err) return err;

	bool faster = IsTrue(c);

	PyrObject *obj = newPyrArray(g->gc, 2, 0, true);
	obj->size = 2;
	PyrSlot *slots = obj->slots;
	SetObject(a, obj);

	if (x < 0.0) {
		x = -x;
		neg = true;

	if (x < 1.0) {
		upper_num = 1.0;
		upper_den = floor(1./x);
		lower_num = 1.0;
		lower_den = upper_den + 1.;
	} else {
		lower_num = floor(x);
		lower_den = 1.0;
		upper_num = lower_num + 1.;
		upper_den = 1.0;

	while (true) {
		mediant_num = lower_num + upper_num;
		mediant_den = lower_den + upper_den;
		//post("  md %g %g    %g %g    %g %g\n", mediant_num, mediant_den, lower_num, lower_den, upper_num, upper_den);

		if (x * mediant_den > mediant_num) {
			d = upper_num - (x * upper_den);
			if (maxDenominator < mediant_den || fabs(d) < 1e-5) {
				if (neg) upper_num = -upper_num;
				SetInt(slots+0, (int)upper_num);
				SetInt(slots+1, (int)upper_den);
				return errNone;
			lower_num = mediant_num;
			lower_den = mediant_den;
			if (faster) {
				k = (int)floor(((x * lower_den) - lower_num) / d);
				if (k < 10000) {
					k1 = k + 1;
					temp_num = lower_num + (k1 * upper_num);
					temp_den = lower_den + (k1 * upper_den);
					lower_num = lower_num + (k * upper_num);
					lower_den = lower_den + (k * upper_den);
					upper_num = temp_num;
					upper_den = temp_den;
		} else if (x * mediant_den == mediant_num) {
			if (maxDenominator >= mediant_den) {
				if (neg) mediant_num = -mediant_num;
				SetInt(slots+0, (int)mediant_num);
				SetInt(slots+1, (int)mediant_den);
				return errNone;
			} else if (lower_den < upper_den) {
				if (neg) lower_num = -lower_num;
				SetInt(slots+0, (int)lower_num);
				SetInt(slots+1, (int)lower_den);
				return errNone;
			} else {
				if (neg) upper_num = -upper_num;
				SetInt(slots+0, (int)upper_num);
				SetInt(slots+1, (int)upper_den);
				return errNone;
		} else {
			d = lower_num - (x * lower_den);
			if (maxDenominator < mediant_den || fabs(d) < 1e-5) {
				if (neg) lower_num = -lower_num;
				SetInt(slots+0, (int)lower_num);
				SetInt(slots+1, (int)lower_den);
				return errNone;
			upper_num = mediant_num;
			upper_den = mediant_den;
			if (faster) {
				k = (int)floor(((x * upper_den) - upper_num) / d);
				if (k < 10000) {
					k1 = k + 1;
					temp_num = (k1 * lower_num) + upper_num;
					temp_den = (k1 * lower_den) + upper_den;
					upper_num = (k * lower_num) + upper_num;
					upper_den = (k * lower_den) + upper_den;
					lower_num = temp_num;
					lower_den = temp_den;
Example #23
int prHIDBuildDeviceList(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	//build a device list
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1; //usagePage
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;		//usage

	int usagePage, usage, err;
		usagePage = 0;
		err = slotIntVal(b, &usagePage);
		if (err) return err;
		usage = 0;
		err = slotIntVal(c, &usage);
		if (err) return err;

	//pass in usage & usagepage
	//kHIDUsage_GD_Joystick kHIDUsage_GD_GamePad
	//UInt32 usagePage = kHIDPage_GenericDesktop;
	//UInt32 usage = NULL;

	Boolean result = HIDBuildDeviceList (usagePage, usage);
	// returns false if no device found (ignored in this case) - returns always false ?

	if(result) post("no HID devices found\n");

	int numdevs = HIDCountDevices();
	gNumberOfHIDDevices = numdevs;
		return errNone;
	//post("number of devices: %d", numdevs);
	char cstrDeviceName [256];

    pRecDevice  pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
	PyrObject* allDevsArray = newPyrArray(g->gc, numdevs * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
	for(int i=0; i<numdevs; i++){
		PyrObject* devNameArray = newPyrArray(g->gc, 8 * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		PyrString *devstring = newPyrString(g->gc, pCurrentHIDDevice->manufacturer, 0, true);
		SetObject(devNameArray->slots+devNameArray->size++, devstring);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devNameArray, (PyrObject*) devstring);
		//product name:
		devstring = newPyrString(g->gc, pCurrentHIDDevice->product, 0, true);
		SetObject(devNameArray->slots+devNameArray->size++, devstring);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devNameArray, (PyrObject*) devstring);
		HIDGetUsageName (pCurrentHIDDevice->usagePage, pCurrentHIDDevice->usage, cstrDeviceName);
		devstring = newPyrString(g->gc, cstrDeviceName, 0, true);
		SetObject(devNameArray->slots+devNameArray->size++, devstring);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devNameArray, (PyrObject*) devstring);
		//vendor id
		SetInt(devNameArray->slots+devNameArray->size++, pCurrentHIDDevice->vendorID);
		//product id
		SetInt(devNameArray->slots+devNameArray->size++, pCurrentHIDDevice->productID);
		SetInt(devNameArray->slots+devNameArray->size++, pCurrentHIDDevice->locID);

		SetInt(devNameArray->slots+devNameArray->size++, pCurrentHIDDevice->version);

		devstring = newPyrString(g->gc, pCurrentHIDDevice->serial, 0, true);
		SetObject(devNameArray->slots+devNameArray->size++, devstring);
		g->gc->GCWrite(devNameArray, (PyrObject*) devstring);

		SetObject(allDevsArray->slots+allDevsArray->size++, devNameArray);
		g->gc->GCWrite(allDevsArray, (PyrObject*) devNameArray);
		pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pCurrentHIDDevice);


	//UInt32 outnum =  HIDCountDeviceElements (pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeOutput);
	//post("number of outputs: %d \n", outnum);
	SetObject(a, allDevsArray);

	return errNone;