SkShader::Context* SkComposeShader::onCreateContext(const ContextRec& rec, void* storage) const { char* aStorage = (char*) storage + sizeof(ComposeShaderContext); char* bStorage = aStorage + fShaderA->contextSize(rec); // we preconcat our localMatrix (if any) with the device matrix // before calling our sub-shaders SkMatrix tmpM; tmpM.setConcat(*rec.fMatrix, this->getLocalMatrix()); // Our sub-shaders need to see opaque, so by combining them we don't double-alphatize the // result. ComposeShader itself will respect the alpha, and post-apply it after calling the // sub-shaders. SkPaint opaquePaint(*rec.fPaint); opaquePaint.setAlpha(0xFF); ContextRec newRec(rec); newRec.fMatrix = &tmpM; newRec.fPaint = &opaquePaint; SkShader::Context* contextA = fShaderA->createContext(newRec, aStorage); SkShader::Context* contextB = fShaderB->createContext(newRec, bStorage); if (!contextA || !contextB) { safe_call_destructor(contextA); safe_call_destructor(contextB); return nullptr; } return new (storage) ComposeShaderContext(*this, rec, contextA, contextB); }
SkShader::Context* SkComposeShader::onMakeContext( const ContextRec& rec, SkArenaAlloc* alloc) const { // we preconcat our localMatrix (if any) with the device matrix // before calling our sub-shaders SkMatrix tmpM; tmpM.setConcat(*rec.fMatrix, this->getLocalMatrix()); // Our sub-shaders need to see opaque, so by combining them we don't double-alphatize the // result. ComposeShader itself will respect the alpha, and post-apply it after calling the // sub-shaders. SkPaint opaquePaint(*rec.fPaint); opaquePaint.setAlpha(0xFF); ContextRec newRec(rec); newRec.fMatrix = &tmpM; newRec.fPaint = &opaquePaint; SkShader::Context* contextA = fShaderA->makeContext(newRec, alloc); SkShader::Context* contextB = fShaderB->makeContext(newRec, alloc); if (!contextA || !contextB) { return nullptr; } return alloc->make<ComposeShaderContext>(*this, rec, contextA, contextB); }
SkShader::Context* SkLocalMatrixShader::onCreateContext(const ContextRec& rec, void* storage) const { ContextRec newRec(rec); SkMatrix tmp; if (rec.fLocalMatrix) { tmp.setConcat(*rec.fLocalMatrix, this->getLocalMatrix()); newRec.fLocalMatrix = &tmp; } else { newRec.fLocalMatrix = &this->getLocalMatrix(); } return fProxyShader->createContext(newRec, storage); }
void CSimpleReport::RowDown( bool (*copyFunc)(CSimpleReport*, CXTPReportRecord*, CXTPReportRecord*) ) { int rowidx = GetFocusedRow()->GetIndex(); int recidx = GetFocusedRow()->GetRecord()->GetIndex(); CXTPReportRecords* pRecs = GetRecords(); if (!pRecs || recidx >= pRecs->GetCount() - 1) return; CXTPReportRecord* pRec = newRec(); CXTPReportRecord* src = pRecs->GetAt(recidx); if (!pRec || !src) return; copyFunc(this, src, pRec); pRecs->RemoveAt(recidx); pRecs->InsertAt(recidx+1, pRec); Populate(); SetFocusedRow(GetRows()->GetAt(rowidx+1)); SetFocus(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *filename; char *buf; char *tk; record vals; record *recp = &vals; FILE *fp; char guard[100]; int idx = MINNAME; int lastval = 0; int lastmem = 0; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "mkdefs: 1 argument necessary\n"); exit(1); } filename = argv[1]; = 0; buf = malloc(BSIZE); while (fgets(buf, BSIZE, stdin)) { lineno++; tokno = 0; tk = strTok(buf); if ((!tk) || (*tk == '#')) continue; /* comment */ recp = newRec(recp); if (*tk == 'V') recp->kind = K_val; else if (*tk == 'M') recp->kind = K_member; else recp->kind = 0; recp->data = buf; recp->symbol = tk; recp->name = strTok(0); recp->lex = strTok(0); recp->type = strTok(0); if (recp->kind) { recp->domain = strTok(0); recp->range = strTok(0); } buf = malloc(BSIZE); } fp = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "mkdefs: Could not open %s for writing\n", filename); exit(1); } genGuard(filename, guard); fprintf(fp, header, guard, guard); fputs(prefix, fp); for (recp =; recp; recp = recp->next) { if (recp->kind == K_val) lastval = idx; else if (recp->kind == K_member) lastmem = idx; fprintf(fp, "#define\t%s\t% 5d\n", recp->symbol, idx++); } idx--; fprintf(fp, "\n#define LAST_V %d\n", lastval); fprintf(fp, "#define LAST_M %d\n", lastmem); fprintf(fp, "#define MINNAME %d\n#define MAXNAME %d\n\n", MINNAME, idx); fprintf(fp, "static Exid_t symbols[] = {\n"); for (recp =; recp; recp = recp->next) { fprintf(fp, "\tEXID ( %s, %s, %s, %s, 0),\n", recp->name, recp->lex, recp->symbol, recp->type); } fprintf(fp, "\tEXID ( {0}, 0, 0, 0, 0)\n};\n"); fprintf(fp, "\nstatic char* typenames[] = {\n"); for (recp =; recp; recp = recp->next) { if (*(recp->symbol) == 'T') fprintf(fp, "\t%s,\n", recp->name); } fprintf(fp, "};\n"); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(fp, "\nstatic char* gprnames[] = {\n\t\"\",\n"); for (recp =; recp; recp = recp->next) { fprintf(fp, "\t\"%s\",\n", recp->symbol); } fprintf(fp, "};\n"); #endif fprintf(fp, "\ntypedef unsigned short tctype;\n"); fprintf(fp, "\nstatic tctype tchk[][2] = {\n\t{ 0, 0 },\n"); for (recp =; recp; recp = recp->next) { if (recp->kind) fprintf(fp, "\t{ %s, %s },\n", recp->domain, recp->range); } fprintf(fp, "};\n"); fprintf(fp, "\n#endif\n"); fclose(fp); exit(0); }
//============================================================================= // e3ffw_3DMF_filter_in_toc : Adds the object to the TOC if needed and // returns a reference object //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static TQ3Status e3ffw_3DMF_filter_in_toc(TE3FFormatW3DMF_Data *fileFormatPrivate, TQ3Object theObject , TQ3Object *theReference) { const TQ3Uns32 TOC_GROW_SIZE = 1024; TE3FFormat3DMF_TOC *toc = fileFormatPrivate->toc; TQ3Uns32 tocSize, i; TQ3Boolean createReference = kQ3False; TQ3Boolean forceTOC = kQ3False; switch (fileFormatPrivate->fileMode) { case kQ3FFormatWriterType3DMFStreamBin: case kQ3FFormatWriterType3DMFStreamBinSwap: // do nothing *theReference = Q3Shared_GetReference(theObject); return (kQ3Success); case kQ3FFormatWriterType3DMFDatabaseStreamBin: case kQ3FFormatWriterType3DMFDatabaseStreamBinSwap: forceTOC = kQ3True; break; case kQ3FFormatWriterType3DMFDatabaseBin: case kQ3FFormatWriterType3DMFDatabaseBinSwap: forceTOC = kQ3True; case kQ3FFormatWriterType3DMFNormalBin: case kQ3FFormatWriterType3DMFNormalBinSwap: createReference = kQ3True; break; } // if this is the first time allocate the TOC if(toc == NULL) { tocSize = sizeof(TE3FFormat3DMF_TOC) + (sizeof(TE3FFormat3DMF_TOCEntry) * (TOC_GROW_SIZE - 1)); toc = fileFormatPrivate->toc = (TE3FFormat3DMF_TOC*) Q3Memory_AllocateClear(tocSize); if(toc == NULL) return (kQ3Failure); toc->refSeed = 1; toc->typeSeed = -1; } if (fileFormatPrivate->index == NULL) { fileFormatPrivate->index = new TE3FFormatW3DMF_Map; } // If the object is already in the table of contents, we want to find it, // and if it is not, we will add it. We need only search the index once. TE3FFormatW3DMF_Map::value_type newRec( theObject, toc->nEntries ); std::pair< TE3FFormatW3DMF_Map::iterator, bool > insertResult = fileFormatPrivate->index->insert( newRec ); if (insertResult.second) // inserted a new entry, so it was not there before { // make room for the new TOC entry if ((toc->nEntries != 0) && (toc->nEntries % TOC_GROW_SIZE == 0)) { tocSize = static_cast<TQ3Uns32>(sizeof(TE3FFormat3DMF_TOC) + (sizeof(TE3FFormat3DMF_TOCEntry) * (toc->nEntries + TOC_GROW_SIZE - 1))); if(Q3Memory_Reallocate(&fileFormatPrivate->toc,tocSize) != kQ3Success) return (kQ3Failure); toc = fileFormatPrivate->toc; } if (forceTOC == kQ3True) { toc->tocEntries[toc->nEntries].refID = toc->refSeed; toc->refSeed++; } else toc->tocEntries[toc->nEntries].refID = 0; toc->tocEntries[toc->nEntries].object = Q3Shared_GetReference(theObject); toc->tocEntries[toc->nEntries].objType = fileFormatPrivate->lastObjectType; toc->tocEntries[toc->nEntries].objLocation.hi = 0; toc->tocEntries[toc->nEntries].objLocation.lo = 0; // will be filled in e3ffw_3DMF_write_objects fileFormatPrivate->lastTocIndex = toc->nEntries; toc->nEntries++; *theReference = Q3Shared_GetReference(theObject); } else // the object was already there { i = insertResult.first->second; if (createReference == kQ3True) { if (toc->tocEntries[i].refID == 0) { toc->tocEntries[i].refID = toc->refSeed; toc->refSeed++; } *theReference = E3ClassTree::CreateInstance(kQ3ShapeTypeReference, kQ3False, &toc->tocEntries[i].refID); } else { *theReference = Q3Shared_GetReference(theObject); } } return (kQ3Success); }
bool CSimpleReport::doCutPaste(CPoint pt, int op) { CXTPReportSelectedRows* pRows = GetSelectedRows(); if (pRows == NULL) return false; CXTPReportRow* pRow = pRows->GetAt(0); int nRow = 0; if (pRow) nRow = pRows->GetAt(0)->GetIndex(); int n; CMenu menu; if (!menu.CreatePopupMenu()) return false; if ((op & DO_ADD) != 0) { menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, 10, "Add New"); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, 13, "Insert"); } if (CanCopy() && (op & DO_COPY) != 0) menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, 11, "Copy"); if (CanCut() && (op & DO_CUT) != 0) menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, 12, "Delete"); n = menu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, this); menu.DestroyMenu(); switch (n) { case 10: // add case 13: // insert { CXTPReportRecord* pRec = newRec(); if (callback_add) { if (!callback_add(this, pRec)) { delete pRec; return false; } } RowInsert(pRec, (n == 10)); } break; case 11: // copy { pRow = GetFocusedRow(); if (!pRow) return false; CXTPReportRecord* pSource = pRow->GetRecord(); CXTPReportRecord* pTarget = newRec(); if (callback_copy) { if (!callback_copy(this, pSource, pTarget)) { delete pTarget; return false; } } RowInsert(pTarget); } break; case 12: // delete { n = pRows->GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (callback_del) { CXTPReportRecord* pRec = pRows->GetAt(i)->GetRecord(); if (!callback_del(this, pRec)) { return false; } } } for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pRow = pRows->GetAt(i); GetRecords()->RemoveAt(pRow->GetRecord()->GetIndex()); } Populate(); RowSetFocused(nRow); } break; default: return false; } return true; }