int parseAndComputeMsParamArrayToEnv( msParamArray_t *var, Env *env, ruleExecInfo_t *rei, int reiSaveFlag, rError_t *errmsg, Region *r ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < var->len; i++ ) { Res *res = newRes( r ); int ret = convertMsParamToRes( var->msParam[i], res, r ); if ( ret != 0 ) { return ret; } char *varName = var->msParam[i]->label; if ( TYPE( res ) == T_UNSPECED ) { if ( varName != NULL ) { updateInEnv( env, varName, res ); } continue; } if ( TYPE( res ) != T_STRING ) { return -1; } char *expr = res->text; res = parseAndComputeExpression( expr, env, rei, reiSaveFlag, errmsg, r ); if ( getNodeType( res ) == N_ERROR ) { return RES_ERR_CODE( res ); } if ( varName != NULL ) { updateInEnv( env, varName, res ); } } return 0; }
/* used in cpRes only */ Res* newCollRes2(int size, Region *r) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); res1->exprType = NULL; res1->degree = size; res1->subtrees = (Res **)region_alloc(r, sizeof(Res *)*size); return res1; }
Res* newCollRes(int size, ExprType *elemType, Region *r) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); res1->exprType = newCollType(elemType, r); res1->degree = size; res1->subtrees = (Res **)region_alloc(r, sizeof(Res *)*size); return res1; }
Res* convertMsParamToRes( msParam_t* myArgv, Region* r ) { Res* res = newRes( r ); /* we need to create a new res here to make keep all res'es immutable */ int ret = convertMsParamToResAndFreeNonIRODSType( myArgv, res, r ); if ( ret != 0 ) { res = newErrorRes( r, ret ); } return res; }
FunctionDesc *newFuncSymLink(char *fn , int nArgs, Region *r) { Res *desc = newRes(r); setNodeType(desc, N_SYM_LINK); desc->text = cpStringExt(fn ,r); RES_FUNC_N_ARGS(desc) = nArgs; desc->exprType = newSimpType(T_DYNAMIC, r); return desc; }
Res* newStringBasedRes(Region *r, char *s) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); RES_STRING_STR_LEN(res1) = strlen(s); int size = (RES_STRING_STR_LEN(res1)+1)*sizeof(char); res1->text = (char *)region_alloc(r, size); memcpy(res1->text, s, size); return res1; }
/** * adapted from reHelpers2.c * input * typ: collection type * inPtr: collection value * inx: index of the element * output * value: element value (new on heap) * inx: index of the next element * outtyp: the type of the element (new on heap) * return * 0 * NO_VALUES_FOUND * USER_PARAM_TYPE_ERR */ Res* getValueFromCollection( char *typ, void *inPtr, int inx, Region *r ) { Res *res; int i, j; if ( !strcmp( typ, StrArray_MS_T ) ) { strArray_t *strA; /* ->size size of an element */ /* ->len length of the array */ strA = ( strArray_t * ) inPtr; if ( inx >= strA->len ) { return NULL; } res = newStringRes( r, strA->value + inx * strA->size ); return res; } else if ( !strcmp( typ, IntArray_MS_T ) ) { res = newRes( r ); res->exprType = newSimpType( T_INT, r ); intArray_t *intA; intA = ( intArray_t * ) inPtr; if ( inx >= intA->len ) { return NULL; } RES_INT_VAL_LVAL( res ) = intA->value[inx]; return res; } else if ( !strcmp( typ, GenQueryOut_MS_T ) ) { keyValPair_t *k; /* element value */ genQueryOut_t *g = ( genQueryOut_t * ) inPtr; /* the result set */ char *cname, *aval; /* key and value */ sqlResult_t *v; /* a result row */ if ( g->rowCnt == 0 || inx >= g->rowCnt ) { return NULL; } k = ( keyValPair_t * )malloc( sizeof( keyValPair_t ) ); k->len = 0; k->keyWord = NULL; k->value = NULL; for ( i = 0; i < g->attriCnt; i++ ) { v = g->sqlResult + i; cname = ( char * ) getAttrNameFromAttrId( v->attriInx ); aval = v->value + v->len * inx; j = addKeyVal( k, cname, aval ); /* addKeyVal duplicates the strings */ if ( j < 0 ) { return NULL; } } res = newUninterpretedRes( r, KeyValPair_MS_T, k, NULL ); return res; } else if ( strcmp( typ, KeyValPair_MS_T ) == 0 ) { return newStringRes( r, ( ( keyValPair_t * ) inPtr )->keyWord[inx] ); } else { return NULL; } }
Node *newPartialApplication(Node *func, Node *arg, int nArgsLeft, Region *r) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); setNodeType(res1, N_PARTIAL_APPLICATION); RES_FUNC_N_ARGS(res1) = nArgsLeft; res1->degree = 2; res1->subtrees = (Res **)region_alloc(r, sizeof(Res *)*2); res1->subtrees[0] = func; res1->subtrees[1] = arg; return res1; }
quint32 Model::addReservation(quint32 &itemID, QDateTimeSpan &timePeriod, QMoney &price, quint8 &paymentMethod, quint8 &location, quint16 &employeeID, quint32 customerID) { Reservation newRes(itemID, timePeriod, price, paymentMethod, location, employeeID, customerID); quint32 resID = newRes.getID(); resMap.insert(resID, newRes); emit reservationModelChanged(); return resID; }
Node *newTupleRes(int arity, Res **comps, Region *r) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); setNodeType(res1, N_TUPLE); res1->subtrees = comps; res1->degree = arity; ExprType **compTypes = (ExprType **)region_alloc(r, sizeof(ExprType *) * arity); int i; for(i=0;i<arity;i++) { compTypes[i] = comps[i]->exprType; } res1->exprType = newTupleType(arity, compTypes, r); return res1; }
int updateMsParamArrayToEnvAndFreeNonIRODSType(msParamArray_t *var, Env *env, rError_t *errmsg, Region *r) { int i; for(i=0;i<var->len;i++) { Res *res = newRes(r); int ret = convertMsParamToResAndFreeNonIRODSType(var->msParam[i], res, errmsg, r); if(ret != 0) { return ret; } char *varName = var->msParam[i]->label; if(varName!=NULL) { updateInEnv(env, varName, res); } } return 0; }
bool OpenGLApp::initAPI(){ initialMode = CGDisplayCurrentMode(kCGDirectMainDisplay); dmodes = CGDisplayAvailableModes(kCGDirectMainDisplay); int count = CFArrayGetCount(dmodes); Array <DispRes> modes; int foundMode = -1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){ CFDictionaryRef mode = (CFDictionaryRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(dmodes, i); long bitsPerPixel = GetDictionaryLong(mode, kCGDisplayBitsPerPixel); Boolean safeForHardware = GetDictionaryBoolean(mode, kCGDisplayModeIsSafeForHardware); Boolean stretched = GetDictionaryBoolean(mode, kCGDisplayModeIsStretched); if (bitsPerPixel < colorBits || !safeForHardware || stretched) continue; long width = GetDictionaryLong(mode, kCGDisplayWidth); long height = GetDictionaryLong(mode, kCGDisplayHeight); long refreshRate = GetDictionaryLong(mode, kCGDisplayRefreshRate); // printf("Mode: %dx%dx%d @ %d\n", width, height, bitsPerPixel, refreshRate); if (width >= 640 && height >= 480){ modes.add(newRes(width, height, i)); if (width == fullscreenWidth && height == fullscreenHeight){ foundMode = i; } } } resolution->clear(); modes.sort(dComp); char str[64]; for (uint i = 0; i < modes.getCount(); i++){ sprintf(str, "%dx%d", modes[i].w, modes[i].h); int index = resolution->addItemUnique(str); if (modes[i].index == foundMode) resolution->selectItem(index); } if (fullscreen){ if (foundMode < 0 || CGDisplaySwitchToMode(kCGDirectMainDisplay, (CFDictionaryRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(dmodes, foundMode)) != kCGErrorSuccess){ sprintf(str, "Couldn't set fullscreen to %dx%d.", fullscreenWidth, fullscreenHeight); ErrorMsg(str); fullscreen = false; } } Rect rect; if (fullscreen){ rect.left = 0; = 0; } else { long w = GetDictionaryLong(initialMode, kCGDisplayWidth); long h = GetDictionaryLong(initialMode, kCGDisplayHeight); rect.left = (w - width) / 2; = (h - height) / 2; } rect.right = rect.left + width; rect.bottom = + height; WindowAttributes attributes = fullscreen? (kWindowNoTitleBarAttribute | kWindowNoShadowAttribute) : (kWindowStandardDocumentAttributes | kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute); OSStatus error = CreateNewWindow(kDocumentWindowClass, attributes, &rect, &window); if (error != noErr || window == NULL){ ErrorMsg("Couldn't create window"); return false; } GDHandle screen = GetGWorldDevice(GetWindowPort(window)); if (screen == NULL){ ErrorMsg("Couldn't get device"); ReleaseWindow(window); return false; } AGLPixelFormat pixelFormat; while (true){ GLint attributes[] = { fullscreen? AGL_FULLSCREEN : AGL_WINDOW, AGL_RGBA, AGL_DOUBLEBUFFER, AGL_RED_SIZE, 8, AGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8, AGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8, AGL_ALPHA_SIZE, (colorBits > 24)? 8 : 0, AGL_DEPTH_SIZE, depthBits, AGL_STENCIL_SIZE, stencilBits, AGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB, (antiAliasSamples > 0), AGL_SAMPLES_ARB, antiAliasSamples, AGL_NONE }; pixelFormat = aglChoosePixelFormat(&screen, 1, attributes); if (pixelFormat != NULL) break; antiAliasSamples -= 2; if (antiAliasSamples < 0){ ErrorMsg("No suitable pixel format"); ReleaseWindow(window); return false; } } glContext = aglCreateContext(pixelFormat, NULL); aglDestroyPixelFormat(pixelFormat); if (glContext == NULL){ ErrorMsg("Couldn't create context"); ReleaseWindow(window); return false; } if (fullscreen){ CGCaptureAllDisplays(); aglSetFullScreen(glContext, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { if (!aglSetDrawable(glContext, GetWindowPort(window))){ ErrorMsg("Couldn't set drawable"); aglDestroyContext(glContext); ReleaseWindow(window); return false; } } if (!aglSetCurrentContext(glContext)){ ErrorMsg("Couldn't make context current"); aglDestroyContext(glContext); ReleaseWindow(window); return false; } setWindowTitle(getTitle()); ShowWindow(window); initExtensions(); if (antiAliasSamples > 0){ glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB); } if (fullscreen) captureMouse(!configDialog->isVisible()); renderer = new OpenGLRenderer(glContext); renderer->setViewport(width, height); antiAlias->selectItem(antiAliasSamples / 2); linearClamp = renderer->addSamplerState(LINEAR, CLAMP, CLAMP, CLAMP); defaultFont = renderer->addFont("../Textures/Fonts/", "../Textures/Fonts/Future.font", linearClamp); blendSrcAlpha = renderer->addBlendState(SRC_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); noDepthTest = renderer->addDepthState(false, false); noDepthWrite = renderer->addDepthState(true, false); cullNone = renderer->addRasterizerState(CULL_NONE); cullBack = renderer->addRasterizerState(CULL_BACK); cullFront = renderer->addRasterizerState(CULL_FRONT); return true; }
Res* newUninterpretedRes(Region *r, char *typeName, void *ioStruct, bytesBuf_t *ioBuf) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); res1->exprType = newIRODSType(typeName, r); res1->param = newMsParam(typeName, ioStruct, ioBuf, r); return res1; }
Res* newIntRes(Region *r, int n) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); res1->exprType = newSimpType(T_INT,r); RES_INT_VAL_LVAL(res1) = n; return res1; }
bool OpenGLApp::initAPI(){ screen = DefaultScreen(display); int nModes; XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines(display, screen, &nModes, &dmodes); Array <DispRes> modes; char str[64]; int foundMode = -1; for (int i = 0; i < nModes; i++){ if (dmodes[i]->hdisplay >= 640 && dmodes[i]->vdisplay >= 480){ modes.add(newRes(dmodes[i]->hdisplay, dmodes[i]->vdisplay, i)); if (dmodes[i]->hdisplay == fullscreenWidth && dmodes[i]->vdisplay == fullscreenHeight){ foundMode = i; } } } resolution->clear(); modes.sort(dComp); for (uint i = 0; i < modes.getCount(); i++){ sprintf(str, "%dx%d", modes[i].w, modes[i].h); int index = resolution->addItemUnique(str); if (modes[i].index == foundMode) resolution->selectItem(index); } if (fullscreen){ if (foundMode >= 0 && XF86VidModeSwitchToMode(display, screen, dmodes[foundMode])){ XF86VidModeSetViewPort(display, screen, 0, 0); } else { char str[128]; sprintf(str, "Couldn't set fullscreen at %dx%d.", fullscreenWidth, fullscreenHeight); ErrorMsg(str); fullscreen = false; } } XVisualInfo *vi; while (true){ int attribs[] = { GLX_RGBA, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, GLX_RED_SIZE, 8, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 8, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 8, GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, (colorBits > 24)? 8 : 0, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, depthBits, GLX_STENCIL_SIZE, stencilBits, GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB, (antiAliasSamples > 0), GLX_SAMPLES_ARB, antiAliasSamples, None, }; vi = glXChooseVisual(display, screen, attribs); if (vi != NULL) break; antiAliasSamples -= 2; if (antiAliasSamples < 0){ char str[256]; sprintf(str, "No Visual matching colorBits=%d, depthBits=%d and stencilBits=%d", colorBits, depthBits, stencilBits); ErrorMsg(str); return false; } } //printf("Selected visual = 0x%x\n",(unsigned int) (vi->visualid)); glContext = glXCreateContext(display, vi, None, True); XSetWindowAttributes attr; attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(display, RootWindow(display, screen), vi->visual, AllocNone); attr.border_pixel = 0; attr.override_redirect = fullscreen; attr.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask; window = XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, vi->screen), 0, 0, width, height, 0, vi->depth, InputOutput, vi->visual, CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask | CWOverrideRedirect, &attr); if (!fullscreen){ Atom wmDelete; wmDelete = XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True); XSetWMProtocols(display, window, &wmDelete, 1); char *title = "OpenGL"; XSetStandardProperties(display, window, title, title, None, NULL, 0, NULL); } XMapRaised(display, window); // Create a blank cursor for cursor hiding XColor dummy; char data = 0; Pixmap blank = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, window, &data, 1, 1); blankCursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, blank, blank, &dummy, &dummy, 0, 0); XFreePixmap(display, blank); XGrabKeyboard(display, window, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime); glXMakeCurrent(display, window, glContext); initExtensions(display); if (antiAliasSamples > 0){ glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB); } if (fullscreen) captureMouse(!configDialog->isVisible()); renderer = new OpenGLRenderer(window, glContext, display, screen); renderer->setViewport(width, height); antiAlias->selectItem(antiAliasSamples / 2); linearClamp = renderer->addSamplerState(LINEAR, CLAMP, CLAMP, CLAMP); defaultFont = renderer->addFont("../Textures/Fonts/", "../Textures/Fonts/Future.font", linearClamp); blendSrcAlpha = renderer->addBlendState(SRC_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); noDepthTest = renderer->addDepthState(false, false); noDepthWrite = renderer->addDepthState(true, false); cullNone = renderer->addRasterizerState(CULL_NONE); cullBack = renderer->addRasterizerState(CULL_BACK); cullFront = renderer->addRasterizerState(CULL_FRONT); return true; }
Res* newErrorRes(Region *r, int errcode) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); setNodeType(res1, N_ERROR); RES_ERR_CODE(res1) = errcode; return res1; }
Res* newDatetimeRes(Region *r, long dt) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); res1->exprType = newSimpType(T_DATETIME,r); RES_TIME_VAL(res1) = dt; return res1; }
Res* newUnspecifiedRes(Region *r) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); res1->exprType = newSimpType(T_UNSPECED,r); res1->text = cpStringExt("", r); return res1; }
Res* newDoubleRes(Region *r, double a) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); res1->exprType = newSimpType(T_DOUBLE,r); RES_DOUBLE_VAL_LVAL(res1) = a; return res1; }
Res* newBoolRes(Region *r, int n) { Res *res1 = newRes(r); res1->exprType = newSimpType(T_BOOL,r); RES_BOOL_VAL_LVAL(res1) = n; return res1; }