void AudioDeviceManager::playTestSound()
    { // cunningly nested to swap, unlock and delete in that order.
        std::unique_ptr<AudioBuffer<float>> oldSound;

            const ScopedLock sl (audioCallbackLock);
            std::swap (oldSound, testSound);

    testSoundPosition = 0;

    if (currentAudioDevice != nullptr)
        auto sampleRate = currentAudioDevice->getCurrentSampleRate();
        auto soundLength = (int) sampleRate;

        double frequency = 440.0;
        float amplitude = 0.5f;

        auto phasePerSample = MathConstants<double>::twoPi / (sampleRate / frequency);

        std::unique_ptr<AudioBuffer<float>> newSound (new AudioBuffer<float> (1, soundLength));

        for (int i = 0; i < soundLength; ++i)
            newSound->setSample (0, i, amplitude * (float) std::sin (i * phasePerSample));

        newSound->applyGainRamp (0, 0, soundLength / 10, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        newSound->applyGainRamp (0, soundLength - soundLength / 4, soundLength / 4, 1.0f, 0.0f);

            const ScopedLock sl (audioCallbackLock);
            std::swap (testSound, newSound);
Example #2
Sound *SoundSystem::newSound( const char *path ){
	return newSound( path, 1.0, false );