// Ends-in Contrast Stretching void CBMPFrame::OnIpEndsinContrastStretching() { // TODO: 여기에 명령 처리기 코드를 추가합니다. // 기존 CBMPDoc을 가져옴 CBMPDoc *pSrcDoc = GetActiveDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pSrcDoc); if (!pSrcDoc) return; // 신규 BMP 문서 (CBMPDoc) 생성 및 복제 CBMPFrame* pDstFrm; CBMPView* pDstView; CBMPDoc* pDstDoc; Duplicate(&pDstFrm, &pDstView, &pDstDoc); // Basic Contrast Stretching pDstDoc->EndsinContrastStretching(m_bEcsLowEnd, m_bEcsHighEnd); // 제목 변경 CString newTitle("stretched_"); newTitle.Append(pSrcDoc->GetTitle()); pDstDoc->SetTitle(newTitle); // 영상에 맞게 다시 그리기 pDstFrm->ActivateFrame(); pDstView->Invalidate(); }
// Histogram Equalization void CBMPFrame::OnIpHistogramEqualization() { // TODO: 여기에 명령 처리기 코드를 추가합니다. // 기존 CBMPDoc을 가져옴 CBMPDoc *pSrcDoc = GetActiveDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pSrcDoc); if (!pSrcDoc) return; // 신규 BMP 문서 (CBMPDoc) 생성 및 복제 CBMPFrame* pDstFrm; CBMPView* pDstView; CBMPDoc* pDstDoc; Duplicate(&pDstFrm, &pDstView, &pDstDoc); // Histogram Equalization pDstDoc->HistogramEqualization(); // 제목 변경 CString newTitle("equalized_"); newTitle.Append(pSrcDoc->GetTitle()); pDstDoc->SetTitle(newTitle); // 영상에 맞게 다시 그리기 pDstFrm->ActivateFrame(); pDstView->Invalidate(); }
QString Global::notEmpty(const QString & title) { QString newTitle(title); if(title.isEmpty()) { newTitle = QString("(") + QObject::trUtf8("No name") + ")"; } return newTitle; }
TCanvas* CreateTCanvas(const TString& name, const TString& title, AliMq::Station12Type station, AliMp::PlaneType plane) { TString newName(name); TString newTitle(title); TString unique = AliMq::Station12TypeName(station) + AliMp::PlaneTypeName(plane); newName += unique; newTitle += unique; return new TCanvas(newName.Data(), newTitle.Data()); }
QString Global::notLong(const QString & title) { QString newTitle(title); if(title.size() > 40) { newTitle.truncate(37); newTitle += "..."; } return newTitle; }
void BeAccessibleWindow::OpenDatabase(BPath path) { //If a database is already open, close it before opening a new one. if (GlobalSQLMgr->IsOpen()) CloseDatabase(); //Open the given database bool databaseOpened = GlobalSQLMgr->Open(path.Path()); if (databaseOpened) { //Add database to list of recently opened files BeAccessibleApp* myApp = static_cast<BeAccessibleApp*>(be_app); myApp->AddToRecentFiles(new BString(path.Path())); //Create the beaccessible_master table if it's not there if (!GlobalSQLMgr->TableExists("beaccessible_master")) { BString sql = "create table beaccessible_master (name Text, type Text, " "value Text, primary key (name, type));"; GlobalSQLMgr->Execute(sql.String()); } } Lock(); //Change title of window to include database name BString newTitle("BeAccessible : "); newTitle += path.Leaf(); SetTitle(newTitle.String()); //Create tab for Tables (hopefully someday Queries, too!) BRect frame = Bounds(); BRect menuHeight = fMenuBar->Bounds(); frame.top += menuHeight.Height() + 1; frame.InsetBy(10.0, 10.0); const char* tabNames[1] = {"Tables"}; fTabView = new TabView(frame, NULL, tabNames, 1, B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES); fTabView->SetViewColor(216,216,216,0); BRect ContentRect = fTabView->GetContentArea(); ContentRect.InsetBy(5,5); fTableTab = new DBTabView(ContentRect, "Table"); BView* tabs[1]; tabs[0] = (BView*)fTableTab; fTabView->AddViews(tabs); fMainView->AddChild(fTabView); //Select the first table as default fTableTab->fListView->Select(0); //Enable certain menu items since there is now a database open EnableMenuItems(); Unlock(); // Save the database's full path to a string fPath->SetTo(path.Path()); }
void NMainWindow::setTitle(QString title) { setWindowTitle(title); emit newTitle(title); }
void Home::setTitle(QString title) { emit newTitle(title); lTextStatus->setText(title); }