Example #1
void write_allocs(ibp_capset_t *caps, int n, int asize, int block_size)
  int i, j, nblocks, rem, len, err;
  oplist_t *iolist;
  ibp_op_t *op;

  char *buffer = (char *)malloc(asize);
  memset(buffer, 'W', asize);

  iolist = new_ibp_oplist(NULL);

  nblocks = asize / block_size;
  rem = asize % block_size;
  if (rem > 0) nblocks++;

//for (j=0; j<nblocks; j++) {
  for (j=nblocks-1; j>= 0; j--) {
     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
         if ((j==(nblocks-1)) && (rem > 0)) { len = rem; } else { len = block_size; }
         op = new_ibp_write_op(get_ibp_cap(&(caps[i]), IBP_WRITECAP), j*block_size, len, buffer, ibp_timeout, NULL, cc);
         add_ibp_oplist(iolist, op);

  err = io_waitall(iolist);  
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("write_allocs: At least 1 error occured! * ibp_errno=%d * nfailed=%d\n", err, oplist_nfailed(iolist)); 

Example #2
double small_random_allocs(ibp_capset_t *caps, int n, int asize, double readfrac, int small_count, int min_size, int max_size)
  int i, io_size, offset, slot, err;
  oplist_t *iolist;
  ibp_op_t *op;
  double rnd, lmin, lmax;
  double nbytes;

  iolist = new_ibp_oplist(NULL);

  lmin = log(min_size);  lmax = log(max_size);

  if (asize < max_size) {
     max_size = asize;
     log_printf(0, "small_random_allocs:  Adjusting max_size=%d\n", max_size);

  char *buffer = (char *)malloc(max_size);
  memset(buffer, 0, max_size);

  nbytes = 0;
  for (i=0; i<small_count; i++) {
     rnd = rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0);     
     slot = n * rnd;

     rnd = rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0);     
     rnd = lmin + (lmax - lmin) * rnd;
     io_size = exp(rnd);
     if (io_size == 0) io_size = 1;
     nbytes = nbytes + io_size;

     rnd = rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0);
     offset = (asize - io_size) * rnd;

//     log_printf(15, "small_random_allocs: slot=%d offset=%d size=%d\n", slot, offset, io_size);

     rnd = rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0);     
     if (rnd < readfrac) {
        op = new_ibp_read_op(get_ibp_cap(&(caps[slot]), IBP_READCAP), offset, io_size, buffer, ibp_timeout, NULL, cc);
     } else {
        op = new_ibp_write_op(get_ibp_cap(&(caps[slot]), IBP_WRITECAP), offset, io_size, buffer, ibp_timeout, NULL, cc);

     add_ibp_oplist(iolist, op);
  err = io_waitall(iolist);  
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("small_random_allocs: At least 1 error occured! * ibp_errno=%d * nfailed=%d\n", err, oplist_nfailed(iolist)); 


Example #3
void random_allocs(ibp_capset_t *caps, int n, int asize, int block_size, double rfrac)
    int i, err, bslot;
    int j, nblocks, rem, len;
    opque_t *q;
    op_generic_t *op;
    double rnd;
    tbuffer_t *buf;

    char *rbuffer = (char *)malloc(block_size);
    char *wbuffer = (char *)malloc(block_size);
    init_buffer(rbuffer, 'r', block_size);
    init_buffer(wbuffer, 'w', block_size);

    q = new_opque();

    nblocks = asize / block_size;
    rem = asize % block_size;
    if (rem > 0) nblocks++;

    type_malloc_clear(buf, tbuffer_t, n*nblocks);

    for (j=0; j<nblocks; j++) {
        for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
            rnd = rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1.0);

            if ((j==(nblocks-1)) && (rem > 0)) {
                len = rem;
            } else {
                len = block_size;

            bslot = j*n + i;

            if (rnd < rfrac) {
                tbuffer_single(&(buf[bslot]), len, rbuffer);
                op = new_ibp_read_op(ic, get_ibp_cap(&(caps[i]), IBP_READCAP), j*block_size, &(buf[bslot]), 0, len, ibp_timeout);
            } else {
                tbuffer_single(&(buf[bslot]), len, wbuffer);
                op = new_ibp_write_op(ic, get_ibp_cap(&(caps[i]), IBP_WRITECAP), j*block_size, &(buf[bslot]), 0, len, ibp_timeout);
            opque_add(q, op);

    err = io_waitall(q);
    if (err != 0) {
        printf("random_allocs: At least 1 error occured! * ibp_errno=%d * nfailed=%d\n", err, opque_tasks_failed(q));
    opque_free(q, OP_DESTROY);

Example #4
double small_write_allocs(ibp_capset_t *caps, int n, int asize, int small_count, int min_size, int max_size)
    int i, io_size, offset, slot, err;
    opque_t *q;
    op_generic_t *op;
    double rnd, lmin, lmax;
    double nbytes;
    tbuffer_t *buf;

    q = new_opque();

    if (asize < max_size) {
        max_size = asize;
        log_printf(0, "small_write_allocs:  Adjusting max_size=%d\n", max_size);

    lmin = log(min_size);
    lmax = log(max_size);

    char *buffer = (char *)malloc(max_size);
    init_buffer(buffer, 'a', max_size);

    type_malloc_clear(buf, tbuffer_t, small_count);

    nbytes = 0;
    for (i=0; i<small_count; i++) {
        rnd = rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0);
        slot = n * rnd;

        rnd = rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0);
        rnd = lmin + (lmax - lmin) * rnd;
        io_size = exp(rnd);
        if (io_size == 0) io_size = 1;
        nbytes = nbytes + io_size;

        rnd = rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0);
        offset = (asize - io_size) * rnd;

        tbuffer_single(&(buf[i]), io_size, buffer);
        op = new_ibp_write_op(ic, get_ibp_cap(&(caps[slot]), IBP_WRITECAP), offset, &(buf[i]), 0, io_size, ibp_timeout);
        opque_add(q, op);

    err = io_waitall(q);
    if (err != 0) {
        printf("small_write_allocs: At least 1 error occured! * ibp_errno=%d * nfailed=%d\n", err, opque_tasks_failed(q));
    opque_free(q, OP_DESTROY);


Example #5
op_generic_t *ds_ibp_write(data_service_fn_t *dsf, data_attr_t *dattr, data_cap_t *wcap, ds_int_t off, tbuffer_t *dwrite, ds_int_t boff, ds_int_t size, int timeout)
    ds_ibp_priv_t *ds = (ds_ibp_priv_t *)(dsf->priv);
    ds_ibp_attr_t *attr = (ds_ibp_attr_t *)dattr;

    ds_ibp_op_t *iop = ds_ibp_op_create(ds, attr);

    //** Create the op
    iop->gop = new_ibp_write_op(ds->ic, wcap, off, dwrite, boff, size, timeout);


Example #6
void random_allocs(ibp_capset_t *caps, int n, int asize, int block_size, double rfrac)
  int i, slot, err;
  int j, nblocks, rem, len;
  oplist_t *iolist;
  ibp_op_t *op;
  double rnd;

  char *buffer = (char *)malloc(asize);    
  memset(buffer, 'R', asize);

  iolist = new_ibp_oplist(NULL);

  nblocks = asize / block_size;
  rem = asize % block_size;
  if (rem > 0) nblocks++;

  for (j=0; j<nblocks; j++) {
     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
         rnd = rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0);     
         slot = n * rnd;

         rnd = rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1.0);

         if ((j==(nblocks-1)) && (rem > 0)) { len = rem; } else { len = block_size; }
//         op = new_ibp_read_op(get_ibp_cap(&(caps[i]), IBP_READCAP), j*block_size, len, buffer, ibp_timeout, NULL, cc);

         if (rnd < rfrac) {
            op = new_ibp_read_op(get_ibp_cap(&(caps[i]), IBP_READCAP), j*block_size, len, buffer, ibp_timeout, NULL, cc);
         } else {
            op = new_ibp_write_op(get_ibp_cap(&(caps[i]), IBP_WRITECAP), j*block_size, len, buffer, ibp_timeout, NULL, cc);
         add_ibp_oplist(iolist, op);
  err = io_waitall(iolist);  
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("random_allocs: At least 1 error occured! * ibp_errno=%d * nfailed=%d\n", err, oplist_nfailed(iolist)); 

Example #7
void write_allocs(ibp_capset_t *caps, int n, int asize, int block_size)
    int i, j, nblocks, rem, len, err, slot;
    opque_t *q;
    op_generic_t *op;
    tbuffer_t *buf;

    char *buffer = (char *)malloc(block_size);
    init_buffer(buffer, 'W', block_size);

    q = new_opque();

    nblocks = asize / block_size;
    rem = asize % block_size;
    if (rem > 0) nblocks++;

    type_malloc_clear(buf, tbuffer_t, n*nblocks);

//for (j=0; j<nblocks; j++) {
    for (j=nblocks-1; j>= 0; j--) {
        for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
            if ((j==(nblocks-1)) && (rem > 0)) {
                len = rem;
            } else {
                len = block_size;
            slot = j*n + i;
            tbuffer_single(&(buf[slot]), len, buffer);
            op = new_ibp_write_op(ic, get_ibp_cap(&(caps[i]), IBP_WRITECAP), j*block_size, &(buf[slot]), 0, len, ibp_timeout);
            opque_add(q, op);

    err = io_waitall(q);
    if (err != 0) {
        printf("write_allocs: At least 1 error occured! * ibp_errno=%d * nfailed=%d\n", err, opque_tasks_failed(q));
    opque_free(q, OP_DESTROY);

Example #8
void base_async_test(int nthreads, ibp_depot_t *depot)
//  int size = 115;
//  int block = 10;
  int size = 10*1024*1024;
  int block = 5000;
//  char buffer[size+1];
//  char buffer_cmp[size+1];
  char *buffer, *buffer_cmp;
  char c;
  char block_buf[block+1];
  ibp_attributes_t attr;
  ibp_capset_t caps;
  ibp_cap_t *cap;
  int err, i, offset, bcount, remainder;
  ibp_op_t *op;
  oplist_t *iol;

  buffer = (char *)malloc(size+1);
  buffer_cmp = (char *)malloc(size+1);
  assert(buffer != NULL);
  assert(buffer_cmp != NULL);
  printf("base_async_test:  Starting simple test\n"); fflush(stdout);

  //** Create the list for handling the commands
  iol = new_ibp_oplist(NULL);
  oplist_start_execution(iol);  //** and start executing the commands

  //** Create the allocation used for test
  set_ibp_attributes(&attr, time(NULL) + A_DURATION, IBP_HARD, IBP_BYTEARRAY);
  op = new_ibp_alloc_op(&caps, size, depot, &attr, ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);
  err = oplist_waitall(iol);  
  if (err != IBP_OK) { 
     printf("base_async_test: ibp_allocate error! * ibp_errno=%d\n", err); 
  printf("base_async_test: rcap=%s\n", get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_READCAP));
  printf("base_async_test: wcap=%s\n", get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_WRITECAP));
  printf("base_async_test: mcap=%s\n", get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_MANAGECAP));

  //** Init the buffers
  buffer[size] = '\0'; memset(buffer, '*', size);
  buffer_cmp[size] = '\0'; memset(buffer_cmp, '_', size);
  block_buf[block] = '\0'; memset(block_buf, '0', block);

  //** Do the initial upload
//  op = new_ibp_write_op(get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_WRITECAP), 0, size, buffer_cmp, ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
//  add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);
//  err = oplist_waitall(iol);
//  if (err != IBP_OK) {
//     printf("base_async_test: Initial ibp_write error! * ibp_errno=%d\n", err); 
//     abort();
//  }    

  bcount = size / (2*block);
  remainder = size - bcount * (2*block);

  //** Now do the striping **
  offset = (bcount-1)*(2*block);      // Now store the data in chunks
  cap = get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_WRITECAP);
  for (i=0; i<bcount; i++) {
     c = 'A' + (i%27);
     memset(&(buffer_cmp[offset]), c, 2*block);

     op = new_ibp_write_op(cap, offset, 2*block, &(buffer_cmp[offset]), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
     add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);
     offset = offset - 2*block;

  if (remainder>0)  {
     offset = bcount*2*block;
     memset(&(buffer_cmp[offset]), '@', remainder);
     op = new_ibp_write_op(cap, offset, remainder, &(buffer_cmp[offset]), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
     add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);

  //** Now wait for them to complete
  err = oplist_waitall(iol);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("base_async_test: Error in stripe write! * ibp_errno=%d\n", err); 

  bcount = size / block;
  remainder = size % block;

  //** Generate the Read list
  offset = 0;      // Now read the data in chunks
  cap = get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_READCAP);
  for (i=0; i<bcount; i++) {
     op = new_ibp_read_op(cap, offset, block, &(buffer[offset]), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
     add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);

     offset = offset + block;

  if (remainder>0)  {
//printf("read remainder: rem=%d offset=%d\n", remainder, offset);
     op = new_ibp_read_op(cap, offset, remainder, &(buffer[offset]), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
     add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);

  //** Now wait for them to complete
  err = oplist_waitall(iol);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("base_async_test: Error in stripe read! * ibp_errno=%d\n", err); 

  //** Do the comparison **
  i = strcmp(buffer, buffer_cmp);
  if (i == 0) {
     printf("base_async_test: Success!\n");
  } else {
     printf("base_async_test: Failed! strcmp = %d\n", i);

//  printf("base_async_test: buffer_cmp=%s\n", buffer_cmp);
//  printf("base_async_test:     buffer=%s\n", buffer);
//  printf("base_async_test:block_buffer=%s\n", block_buf);


  //** Remove the allocation **
  op = new_ibp_remove_op(get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);
  err = oplist_waitall(iol);
  if (err != IBP_OK) { 
     printf("base_async_test: Error removing the allocation!  ibp_errno=%d\n", err); 

//  free_oplist(iol);
  oplist_finished_submission(iol, OPLIST_AUTO_FREE);

Example #9
double write_allocs(ibp_capset_t *caps, int qlen, int n, int asize, int block_size)
    int count, i, j, nleft, nblocks, rem, len, err, block_start, alloc_start;
    int *slot;
    op_status_t status;
    int64_t nbytes, last_bytes, print_bytes, delta_bytes;
    apr_int32_t nfds, finished;
    double dbytes, r1, r2;
    apr_pool_t *pool;
    apr_file_t *fd_in;
    opque_t *q;
    op_generic_t *op;
    char *buffer = (char *)malloc(block_size);
    apr_interval_time_t dt = 10;
    apr_pollfd_t pfd;
    apr_time_t stime, dtime;
    int *tbuf_index;
    tbuffer_t *buf;
    Stack_t *tbuf_free;

    tbuf_free = new_stack();
    type_malloc_clear(tbuf_index, int, qlen);
    type_malloc_clear(buf, tbuffer_t, qlen);
    for (i=0; i<qlen; i++) {
        tbuf_index[i] = i;
        push(tbuf_free, &(tbuf_index[i]));

    //** Make the stuff to capture the kbd
    apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL);

    nfds = 1;
    apr_file_open_stdin(&fd_in, pool);

    pfd.p = pool;
    pfd.desc_type = APR_POLL_FILE;
    pfd.reqevents = APR_POLLIN|APR_POLLHUP;
    pfd.desc.f = fd_in;
    pfd.client_data = NULL;

    //** Init the ibp stuff
    init_buffer(buffer, 'W', block_size);
    q = new_opque();

    nblocks = asize / block_size;
    rem = asize % block_size;
    if (rem > 0) nblocks++;
    block_start = 0;
    alloc_start = 0;

    finished = 0;
    apr_poll(&pfd, nfds, &finished, dt);
    count = 0;
    last_bytes = 0;
    delta_bytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
    print_bytes = delta_bytes;
    stime = apr_time_now();

    while (finished == 0) {
//    nleft = qlen - opque_tasks_left(q);
        nleft = stack_size(tbuf_free);
//    printf("\nLOOP: nleft=%d qlen=%d\n", nleft, qlen);
        if (nleft > 0) {
            for (j=block_start; j < nblocks; j++) {
                for (i=alloc_start; i<n; i++) {
                    if (nleft <= 0) {
                        block_start = j;
                        alloc_start = i;
                        goto skip_submit;

                    slot = (int *)pop(tbuf_free);

                    if ((j==(nblocks-1)) && (rem > 0)) {
                        len = rem;
                    } else {
                        len = block_size;
//             printf("%d=(%d,%d) ", count, j, i);

                    tbuffer_single(&(buf[*slot]), len, buffer);
                    op = new_ibp_write_op(ic, get_ibp_cap(&(caps[i]), IBP_WRITECAP), j*block_size, &(buf[*slot]), 0, len, ibp_timeout);
                    gop_set_id(op, *slot);
                    ibp_op_set_cc(ibp_get_iop(op), cc);
                    ibp_op_set_ncs(ibp_get_iop(op), ncs);
                    opque_add(q, op);

                alloc_start = 0;

            block_start = 0;

        finished = 1;
        apr_poll(&pfd, nfds, &finished, dt);

        do {  //** Empty the finished queue.  Always wait for for at least 1 to complete
            op = opque_waitany(q);
            status = gop_get_status(op);
            if (status.error_code != IBP_OK) {
                printf("ERROR: Aborting with error code %d\n", status.error_code);
                finished = 0;

            i = gop_get_id(op);
            nbytes = nbytes + tbuffer_size(&(buf[i]));
            if (nbytes > print_bytes) {
                dbytes = nbytes / (1.0*1024*1024*1024);
                dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
                r2 = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
                r1 = nbytes - last_bytes;
                r1 = r1 / (r2 * 1024.0 * 1024.0);
                printf("%.2lfGB written (%.2lfMB/s : %.2lf secs)\n", dbytes, r1, r2);
                print_bytes = print_bytes + delta_bytes;
                last_bytes = nbytes;
                stime = apr_time_now();

            push(tbuf_free, &(tbuf_index[i]));
            gop_free(op, OP_DESTROY);
        } while (opque_tasks_finished(q) > 0);

    err = opque_waitall(q);
    if (err != OP_STATE_SUCCESS) {
        printf("write_allocs: At least 1 error occured! * ibp_errno=%d * nfailed=%d\n", err, opque_tasks_failed(q));
    opque_free(q, OP_DESTROY);

    free_stack(tbuf_free, 0);


    dbytes = nbytes;
Example #10
void simple_test()
  int size = 1024*1024;
  int block = 5000;
  char buffer[size+1];
  char buffer_cmp[size+1];
  char block_buf[block+1];
  ibp_attributes_t attr;
  ibp_depot_t *depot;
  ibp_capset_t caps;
  ibp_cap_t *cap;
  int err, i, offset, bcount, remainder;
  ibp_op_t *op;
  oplist_t *iol;

  //** Make the allocation ***
  depot = &(depot_list[0]);

  //** Create the list for handling the commands
  iol = new_ibp_oplist(NULL);
  oplist_start_execution(iol);  //** and start executing the commands

  //** Create the allocation used for test
  set_ibp_attributes(&attr, time(NULL) + a_duration, IBP_HARD, IBP_BYTEARRAY);
  op = new_ibp_alloc_op(&caps, size, depot, &attr, ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);
  err = oplist_waitall(iol);  
  if (err != IBP_OK) { 
     printf("simple_test: ibp_allocate error! * ibp_errno=%d\n", err); 
  printf("simple_test: rcap=%s\n", get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_READCAP));
  printf("simple_test: wcap=%s\n", get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_WRITECAP));
  printf("simple_test: mcap=%s\n", get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_MANAGECAP));

  //** Init the buffers
  buffer[size] = '\0'; memset(buffer, '*', size);
  buffer_cmp[size] = '\0'; memset(buffer_cmp, '_', size);
  block_buf[block] = '\0'; memset(block_buf, '0', block);

  //** Do the initial upload
  op = new_ibp_write_op(get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_WRITECAP), 0, size, buffer_cmp, ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);
  err = oplist_waitall(iol);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("simple_test: Initial ibp_write error! * ibp_errno=%d\n", err); 

  bcount = size / (2*block);
  remainder = size - bcount * (2*block);

  //** Now do the striping **
  offset = 0;      // Now store the data in chunks
  cap = get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_WRITECAP);
  for (i=0; i<bcount; i++) {
     op = new_ibp_write_op(cap, offset, block, block_buf, ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
     add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);
     memset(&(buffer_cmp[offset]), '0', block);

     offset = offset + 2*block;

  if (remainder>0)  {
     if (remainder > block) remainder = block;
     op = new_ibp_write_op(cap, offset, remainder, block_buf, ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
     add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);

     memset(&(buffer_cmp[offset]), '0', remainder);

  //** Now wait for them to complete
  err = oplist_waitall(iol);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("simple_test: Error in stripe write! * ibp_errno=%d\n", err); 

  bcount = size / block;
  remainder = size - bcount * block;

  //** Generate the Read list
  offset = 0;      // Now store the data in chunks
  cap = get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_READCAP);
  for (i=0; i<bcount; i++) {
     op = new_ibp_read_op(cap, offset, block, &(buffer[offset]), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
     add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);

     offset = offset + block;

  if (remainder>0)  {
     op = new_ibp_read_op(cap, offset, remainder, &(buffer[offset]), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
     add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);

  //** Now wait for them to complete
  err = oplist_waitall(iol);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("simple_test: Error in stripe read! * ibp_errno=%d\n", err); 

  //** Do the comparison **
  i = strcmp(buffer, buffer_cmp);
  if (i == 0) {
     printf("simple_test: Success!\n");
  } else {
     printf("simple_test: Failed! strcmp = %d\n", i);

//  printf("simple_test: buffer_cmp=%s\n", buffer_cmp);
//  printf("simple_test:     buffer=%s\n", buffer);


  //** Remove the allocation **
  op = new_ibp_remove_op(get_ibp_cap(&caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  add_ibp_oplist(iol, op);
  err = oplist_waitall(iol);
  if (err != IBP_OK) { 
     printf("simple_test: Error removing the allocation!  ibp_errno=%d\n", err); 
