Example #1
void run(double *params) {
  CohoPopulation *p;
  ResultBlock *r;
  int maxgen = params[MaxGenerations];
  int i, n;
  double x;

  n = params[NPopulations];

  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
    p = new_population(0,params);
    r = p->run(maxgen);
    delete p;
    delete r;
Example #2
    Main evolution method, called by user and handles
    main loop
static VALUE method_evolve(VALUE self, VALUE vN_gens, VALUE vPop_size) {
    // This is the object to be evolved: store globally
    phenome = self;
    // Process method parameters
    int n_gens = FIX2INT(vN_gens);
    int pop_size = FIX2INT(vPop_size);
    // We need to call encode once, to obtain genome length
    VALUE ary_genome = rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("encode"), 0);
    int g_len = RARRAY(ary_genome)->len;
    // space for new genotype to be created
    char *child_genome = (char *)malloc(g_len * sizeof(char));
    // create a new population with random genotypes
    Population *pop = new_population(self, pop_size, g_len, TRUE);
    update_fitness(pop, g_len);
    // main loop
    int g;
    for(g=0; g < n_gens; ++g) {
        if(g % 100 == 0)
            printf("Processing generation %d\n", g);
        Candidate *c1 = tournament_select(pop);
        Candidate *c2 = tournament_select(pop);
        two_point_crossover(child_genome, c1, c2, g_len);
        Candidate *low = weakest(pop);
        low->genome = child_genome;
        low->rq_update = TRUE;
        update_fitness(pop, g_len);
        Candidate *high = strongest(pop);
        printf("weakest is %i\n", low->fitness);
        printf("strongest is %i\n", high->fitness);
Example #3
void rcps_solver_solve(struct rcps_solver *s, struct rcps_problem *p) {
	int i, j, k;
	struct rcps_genome *genome;
	struct rcps_phenotype *pheno;
	/* init the random number generator */
	/* fix the indices */
	for (i = 0; i < p->job_count; i++) {
		p->jobs[i]->index = i;
	for (i = 0; i < p->resource_count; i++) {
		p->resources[i]->index = i;
	/* fix the predeccessors */
	for (i = 0; i < p->job_count; i++) {
		p->jobs[i]->predeccessor_count = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < p->job_count; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < p->jobs[i]->successor_count; j++) {
				p->jobs[i], p->jobs[i]->successor_types[j]);
	/* do other precalculations */
	/* modes and alternatives */
	p->genome_modes = 0;
	p->genome_alternatives = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < p->job_count; i++) {
		struct rcps_job *job = p->jobs[i];
		// do the modes
		if (job->mode_count > 1) {
			p->modes_max = (int*) realloc(p->modes_max, p->genome_modes*sizeof(int));
			p->modes_max[p->genome_modes-1] = job->mode_count;
			job->genome_position = p->genome_modes-1;
		else {
			job->genome_position = -1;
		job->res_start = -1;
		job->res_mode = -1;
		for (j = 0; j < job->mode_count; j++) {
			struct rcps_mode *mode = job->modes[j];
			for (k = 0; k < mode->request_count; k++) {
				struct rcps_request *request = mode->requests[k];
				request->res_alternative = -1;
				// do the alternatives
				if (request->alternative_count > 1) {
					p->alternatives_max = (int*) realloc(p->alternatives_max,
					p->alternatives_max[p->genome_alternatives-1] = 
					request->genome_position = p->genome_alternatives-1;
				else {
					request->genome_position = -1;
	/* hash of predecessor relations */
	s->predecessor_hash = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*p->job_count*p->job_count);
	for (i = 0; i < p->job_count*p->job_count; i++) {
		s->predecessor_hash[i] = -1;

	/* initialize the population */
	s->population = new_population(s, p);

	/* here we run the algorithm */
	if (s->jobs <= 1) {
		s->reproductions = run_alg(s, p);
	else {
		s->reproductions = 0;
		pthread_t *threads = (pthread_t*)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * s->jobs);
		struct thread_arg args;
		args.s = s;
		args.p = p;
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < s->jobs; i++) {
			int result = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, threadfunc, &args);
			assert(result == 0);

		// XXX join them all!
		for (i = 0; i < s->jobs; i++) {
			int result = pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
			assert(result == 0);
	s->reproductions = run_alg(s, p);

// 	struct rcps_fitness fit = ((struct rcps_individual*)slist_node_getdata(slist_first(
// 		s->population->individuals)))->fitness;
// 	printf("cycles: \t%i\nfitness:\t[%d, %d]\n", tcount, fit.group, fit.weight);

	// transfer the results to the problem structure
	genome = &((struct rcps_individual*)slist_node_getdata(
	// XXX we could save us this decoding step if we would keep the best ones
	// from before, not really worth it
	// save a warning if the schedule is not valid
	pheno = decode(s, p, genome);
	if (pheno->overuse_count) {
		s->warnings = 1;
	else {
		s->warnings = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < p->job_count; i++) {
		struct rcps_job *job;
		struct rcps_mode *mode;
		job = p->jobs[i];
		job->res_start = pheno->job_start[job->index];
		job->res_mode = 
			job->genome_position == -1 
				? 0 
				: genome->modes[job->genome_position];

		mode = job->modes[job->res_mode];
		for (j = 0; j < mode->request_count; j++) {
			struct rcps_request *request;
			request = mode->requests[j];
			request->res_alternative =
				request->genome_position == -1 
					? 0 
					: genome->alternatives[request->genome_position];
Example #4
stResult<TCity> * main_genetic(mySlimTree* SlimTree, TCity * queryObject, stDistance range)
	time_t begin, end;

	begin = time(NULL);
	Population * pop = new_population();
	Population * aux_pop = new_empty_population();
	infeasible(SlimTree, pop);
	evaluate_fitness(pop, SlimTree, queryObject, range);

	#if DEBUG
	print_population(pop ,"Pop", number_of_gerations);

	while( (number_of_gerations < MAX_NUMBER_OF_GERATIONS) && (delta_fitness > 0.0001) )
		#if DEBUG
		cout << "Number of Gerations: "<< number_of_gerations << endl;
		selection_by_tournament(pop, aux_pop);
		#if DEBUG
		cout << "Torneio" << endl;
		#if DEBUG
		cout << "Crossover Uniforme" << endl;
		#if DEBUG
		cout << "Mutação" << endl;
		#if DEBUG
		cout << "Fenotipo" << endl;
		infeasible(SlimTree, aux_pop);
		#if DEBUG
		cout << "Infactibilidade" << endl;
		#if DEBUG
		cout << "Fenotipo" << endl;
		copy_population(aux_pop, pop);
		#if DEBUG
		cout << "Copiar aux pop" << endl;
		evaluate_fitness(pop, SlimTree, queryObject, range);
		#if DEBUG
		cout << "Fitness" << endl;
		old_media_of_fitness = media_of_fitness;
		media_of_fitness = get_media_of_population(pop);
		delta_fitness = fabs(media_of_fitness - old_media_of_fitness);

	end = time(NULL);
	#if DEBUG
	print_population(pop, "PopulatioN", number_of_gerations);
	print_statistic(pop, begin, end);