Example #1
Waypoints::Replace(const Waypoint &orig, const Waypoint &replacement)


  Waypoint new_waypoint(replacement);
  new_waypoint.id = orig.id;

  if (waypoint_tree.HaveBounds()) {
    if (!waypoint_tree.IsWithinBounds(new_waypoint)) {
      /* schedule an optimise() call */

  const auto it = waypoint_tree.FindPointer(&orig);
  assert(it != waypoint_tree.end());
  waypoint_tree.Replace(it, new_waypoint);

Example #2
void waypoint_add_list(const char *name, SCP_vector<vec3d> &vec_list)
	Assert(name != NULL);

	if (find_matching_waypoint_list(name) != NULL)
		Warning(LOCATION, "Waypoint list '%s' already exists in this mission!  Not adding the new list...", name);

	waypoint_list new_list(name);
	waypoint_list *wp_list = &Waypoint_lists.back();

	SCP_vector<vec3d>::iterator ii;
	for (ii = vec_list.begin(); ii != vec_list.end(); ++ii)
		waypoint new_waypoint(&(*ii), wp_list);

	// so that masking in the other function works
	// though if you actually hit this Assert, you have other problems
	Assert(wp_list->get_waypoints().size() <= 0xffff);
Example #3
WaypointReaderFS::ParseLine(const TCHAR* line, const unsigned linenum,
                              Waypoints &way_points)
  //ACONCAGU  S 32 39 12.00    W 070 00 42.00  6962  Aconcagua
  //BERGNEUS  N 51 03 07.02    E 007 42 22.02   488  Bergneustadt [A]
  //GOLDENGA  N 37 49 03.00    W 122 28 42.00   227  Golden Gate Bridge
  //REDSQUAR  N 55 45 15.00    E 037 37 12.00   123  Red Square
  //SYDNEYOP  S 33 51 25.02    E 151 12 54.96     5  Sydney Opera

  //Aconcagu 19H   0405124   6386692   6962  Aconcagua
  //Bergneus 32U   0409312   5656398    488  Bergneustadt [A]
  //Golden G 10S   0545914   4185695    227  Golden Gate Bridge
  //Red Squa 37U   0413390   6179582    123  Red Square
  //Sydney O 56H   0334898   6252272      5  Sydney Opera

  if (line[0] == '\0')
    return true;

  if (linenum == 0 &&
      _tcsstr(line, _T("$FormatUTM")) == line) {
    is_utm = true;
    return true;

  if (line[0] == _T('$'))
    return true;

  // Determine the length of the line
  size_t len = _tcslen(line);
  // If less then 27 characters -> something is wrong -> cancel
  if (len < (is_utm ? 39 : 47))
    return false;

  GeoPoint location;
  if ((!is_utm && !ParseLocation(line + 10, location)) ||
      (is_utm && !ParseLocationUTM(line + 9, location)))
    return false;

  Waypoint new_waypoint(location);
  new_waypoint.file_num = file_num;
  new_waypoint.original_id = 0;

  if (!ParseString(line, new_waypoint.name, 8))
    return false;

  if (!ParseAltitude(line + (is_utm ? 32 : 41), new_waypoint.elevation) &&
    return false;

  // Description (Characters 35-44)
  if (len > (is_utm ? 38 : 47))
    ParseString(line + (is_utm ? 38 : 47), new_waypoint.comment);

  return true;
Example #4
WaypointReaderOzi::ParseLine(const TCHAR* line, const unsigned linenum,
                              Waypoints &way_points)
  if (line[0] == '\0')
    return true;

  // Ignore first four header lines
  if (linenum < 4)
    return true;

  TCHAR ctemp[255];
  const TCHAR *params[20];
  static constexpr unsigned int max_params = ARRAY_SIZE(params);
  size_t n_params;

  if (_tcslen(line) >= ARRAY_SIZE(ctemp))
    /* line too long for buffer */
    return false;

  // Get fields
  n_params = ExtractParameters(line, ctemp, params, max_params, true, _T('"'));

  // Check if the basic fields are provided
  if (n_params < 15)
    return false;

  GeoPoint location;
  // Latitude (e.g. 5115.900N)
  if (!ParseAngle(params[2], location.latitude))
    return false;

  // Longitude (e.g. 00715.900W)
  if (!ParseAngle(params[3], location.longitude))
    return false;

  location.Normalize(); // ensure longitude is within -180:180

  Waypoint new_waypoint(location);
  new_waypoint.file_num = file_num;

  long value;
  new_waypoint.original_id = (ParseNumber(params[0], value) ? value : 0);

  if (!ParseString(params[1], new_waypoint.name))
    return false;

  if (ParseNumber(params[14], value) && value != -777)
    new_waypoint.elevation = Units::ToSysUnit(fixed(value), Unit::FEET);
  else if (!CheckAltitude(new_waypoint))
    return false;

  // Description (Characters 35-44)
  ParseString(params[11], new_waypoint.comment);

  return true;
Example #5
WayPointFileWinPilot::parseLine(const TCHAR* line, const unsigned linenum,
                                Waypoints &way_points, 
                                const RasterTerrain *terrain)
  TCHAR ctemp[255];
  const TCHAR *params[20];
  size_t n_params;

  // If (end-of-file or comment)
  if (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == 0x1a ||
      _tcsstr(line, _T("**")) == line ||
      _tcsstr(line, _T("*")) == line)
    // -> return without error condition
    return true;

  if (_tcslen(line) >= sizeof(ctemp) / sizeof(ctemp[0]))
    /* line too long for buffer */
    return false;

  GeoPoint location;

  // Get fields
  n_params = extractParameters(line, ctemp, params, 20);
  if (n_params < 6)
    return false;

  // Latitude (e.g. 51:15.900N)
  if (!parseAngle(params[1], location.Latitude, true))
    return false;

  // Longitude (e.g. 00715.900W)
  if (!parseAngle(params[2], location.Longitude, false))
    return false;

  Waypoint new_waypoint(location);
  new_waypoint.FileNum = file_num;

  // Name (e.g. KAMPLI)
  if (!parseString(params[5], new_waypoint.Name))
    return false;

  // Altitude (e.g. 458M)
  /// @todo configurable behaviour
  bool alt_ok = parseAltitude(params[3], new_waypoint.Altitude);
  check_altitude(new_waypoint, terrain, alt_ok);

  if (n_params > 6) {
    // Description (e.g. 119.750 Airport)
    parseString(params[6], new_waypoint.Comment);

  // Waypoint Flags (e.g. AT)
  parseFlags(params[4], new_waypoint.Flags);

  add_waypoint(way_points, new_waypoint);
  return true;
Example #6
WaypointReaderZander::ParseLine(const TCHAR* line, const unsigned linenum,
                              Waypoints &way_points)
  // If (end-of-file or comment)
  if (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == 0x1a ||
      _tcsstr(line, _T("**")) == line ||
      _tcsstr(line, _T("*")) == line)
    // -> return without error condition
    return true;

  // Determine the length of the line
  size_t len = _tcslen(line);
  // If less then 34 characters -> something is wrong -> cancel
  if (len < 34)
    return false;

  GeoPoint location;

  // Latitude (Characters 13-20 // DDMMSS(N/S))
  if (!ParseAngle(line + 13, location.latitude, true))
    return false;

  // Longitude (Characters 21-29 // DDDMMSS(E/W))
  if (!ParseAngle(line + 21, location.longitude, false))
    return false;

  location.Normalize(); // ensure longitude is within -180:180

  Waypoint new_waypoint(location);
  new_waypoint.file_num = file_num;
  new_waypoint.original_id = 0;

  // Name (Characters 0-12)
  if (!ParseString(line, new_waypoint.name, 12))
    return false;

  // Altitude (Characters 30-34 // e.g. 1561 (in meters))
  /// @todo configurable behaviour
  if (!ParseAltitude(line + 30, new_waypoint.elevation) &&
    return false;

  // Description (Characters 35-44)
  if (len > 35)
    ParseString(line + 35, new_waypoint.comment, 9);

  // Flags (Characters 45-49)
  if (len < 46 || !ParseFlags(line + 45, new_waypoint))
    if (len < 36 || !ParseFlagsFromDescription(line + 35, new_waypoint))
      new_waypoint.flags.turn_point = true;

  return true;
Example #7
WayPointFileZander::parseLine(const TCHAR* line, const unsigned linenum,
                              Waypoints &way_points,
                              const RasterTerrain *terrain)
  // If (end-of-file or comment)
  if (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == 0x1a ||
      _tcsstr(line, _T("**")) == line ||
      _tcsstr(line, _T("*")) == line)
    // -> return without error condition
    return true;

  // Determine the length of the line
  size_t len = _tcslen(line);
  // If less then 34 characters -> something is wrong -> cancel
  if (len < 34)
    return false;

  GeoPoint location;

  // Latitude (Characters 13-20 // DDMMSS(N/S))
  if (!parseAngle(line + 13, location.Latitude, true))
    return false;

  // Longitude (Characters 21-29 // DDDMMSS(E/W))
  if (!parseAngle(line + 21, location.Longitude, false))
    return false;

  Waypoint new_waypoint(location);
  new_waypoint.FileNum = file_num;

  // Name (Characters 0-12)
  if (!parseString(line, new_waypoint.Name))
    return false;

  // Altitude (Characters 30-34 // e.g. 1561 (in meters))
  /// @todo configurable behaviour
  bool alt_ok = parseAltitude(line + 30, new_waypoint.Altitude);
  check_altitude(new_waypoint, terrain, alt_ok);

  // Description (Characters 35-44)
  if (len > 35)
    parseString(line + 35, new_waypoint.Comment);

  // Flags (Characters 45-49)
  if (len > 45)
    parseFlags(line + 45, new_waypoint.Flags);

  add_waypoint(way_points, new_waypoint);
  return true;
WaypointReaderWinPilot::ParseLine(const TCHAR* line, const unsigned linenum,
                                  Waypoints &waypoints)
    TCHAR ctemp[4096];
    const TCHAR *params[20];
    static const unsigned int max_params = ARRAY_SIZE(params);
    static bool welt2000_format = false;
    size_t n_params;

    if (linenum == 0)
        welt2000_format = false;

    // If (end-of-file)
    if (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == 0x1a)
        // -> return without error condition
        return true;

    // If comment
    if (line[0] == _T('*')) {
        if (linenum == 0)
            welt2000_format = (_tcsstr(line, _T("WRITTEN BY WELT2000")) != NULL);
        // -> return without error condition
        return true;

    if (_tcslen(line) >= ARRAY_SIZE(ctemp))
        /* line too long for buffer */
        return false;

    GeoPoint location;

    // Get fields
    n_params = ExtractParameters(line, ctemp, params, max_params, true);
    if (n_params < 6)
        return false;

    // Latitude (e.g. 51:15.900N)
    if (!ParseAngle(params[1], location.latitude, true))
        return false;

    // Longitude (e.g. 00715.900W)
    if (!ParseAngle(params[2], location.longitude, false))
        return false;
    location.Normalize(); // ensure longitude is within -180:180

    Waypoint new_waypoint(location);
    new_waypoint.file_num = file_num;
    new_waypoint.original_id = _tcstoul(params[0], NULL, 0);

    // Name (e.g. KAMPLI)
    if (*params[5] == _T('\0'))
        return false;

    // Altitude (e.g. 458M)
    /// @todo configurable behaviour
    if (!ParseAltitude(params[3], new_waypoint.altitude) &&
        return false;

    if (n_params > 6) {
        // Description (e.g. 119.750 Airport)
        if (welt2000_format)
            ParseRunwayDirection(params[6], new_waypoint.runway);

    // Waypoint Flags (e.g. AT)
    ParseFlags(params[4], new_waypoint);

    return true;
Example #9
int waypoint_add(vec3d *pos, int waypoint_instance)
	Assert(pos != NULL);
	waypoint_list *wp_list;
	waypoint *wpt;
	int i, wp_list_index, wp_index;

	// find a new list to start
	if (waypoint_instance < 0)
		// get a name for it
		char buf[NAME_LENGTH];
		waypoint_find_unique_name(buf, Waypoint_lists.size() + 1);

		// add new list with that name
		waypoint_list new_list(buf);
		wp_list = &Waypoint_lists.back();

		// set up references
		wp_list_index = Waypoint_lists.size() - 1;
		wp_index = wp_list->get_waypoints().size();
	// create the waypoint on the same list as, and immediately after, waypoint_instance
		calc_waypoint_indexes(waypoint_instance, wp_list_index, wp_index);
		wp_list = find_waypoint_list_at_index(wp_list_index);

		// theoretically waypoint_instance points to a current waypoint, so advance past it

		// it has to be on, or at the end of, an existing list
		Assert(wp_list != NULL);
		Assert((uint) wp_index <= wp_list->get_waypoints().size());

		// iterate through all waypoints that are at this index or later,
		// and edit their instances so that they point to a waypoint one place higher
		for (object *objp = GET_FIRST(&obj_used_list); objp != END_OF_LIST(&obj_used_list); objp = GET_NEXT(objp))
			if ((objp->type == OBJ_WAYPOINT) && (calc_waypoint_list_index(objp->instance) == wp_list_index) && (calc_waypoint_index(objp->instance) >= wp_index))

	// so that masking in the other function works
	// (though if you actually hit this Assert, you have other problems)
	Assert(wp_index < 0x10000);

	// create the waypoint object
	waypoint new_waypoint(pos, wp_list);

	// add it at its appropriate spot, which may be the end of the list
	SCP_vector<waypoint>::iterator ii = wp_list->get_waypoints().begin();
	for (i = 0; i < wp_index; i++)
	wp_list->get_waypoints().insert(ii, new_waypoint);
	wpt = find_waypoint_at_index(wp_list, wp_index);

	// apparently we create it in-game too; this is called by both scripting and FRED
	waypoint_create_game_object(wpt, wp_list_index, wp_index);

	return wpt->get_objnum();
Example #10
WaypointReaderSeeYou::ParseLine(const TCHAR* line, const unsigned linenum,
                              Waypoints &waypoints)
  TCHAR ctemp[4096];
  const TCHAR *params[20];
  static const unsigned int max_params = ARRAY_SIZE(params);
  size_t n_params;

  const unsigned iName = 0;
  const unsigned iLatitude = 3, iLongitude = 4, iElevation = 5;
  const unsigned iStyle = 6, iRWDir = 7, iRWLen = 8;
  const unsigned iFrequency = 9, iDescription = 10;

  static bool ignore_following;
  if (linenum == 0)
    ignore_following = false;

  // If (end-of-file or comment)
  if (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == 0x1a ||
      _tcsstr(line, _T("**")) == line ||
      _tcsstr(line, _T("*")) == line)
    // -> return without error condition
    return true;

  if (_tcslen(line) >= ARRAY_SIZE(ctemp))
    /* line too long for buffer */
    return false;

  // Skip first line if it doesn't begin with a quotation character
  // (usually the field order line)
  if (linenum == 0 && line[0] != _T('\"'))
    return true;

  // If task marker is reached ignore all following lines
  if (_tcsstr(line, _T("-----Related Tasks-----")) == line)
    ignore_following = true;
  if (ignore_following)
    return true;

  // Get fields
  n_params = ExtractParameters(line, ctemp, params, max_params, true, _T('"'));

  // Check if the basic fields are provided
  if (iName >= n_params)
    return false;
  if (iLatitude >= n_params)
    return false;
  if (iLongitude >= n_params)
    return false;

  GeoPoint location;

  // Latitude (e.g. 5115.900N)
  if (!ParseAngle(params[iLatitude], location.latitude, true))
    return false;

  // Longitude (e.g. 00715.900W)
  if (!ParseAngle(params[iLongitude], location.longitude, false))
    return false;

  location.Normalize(); // ensure longitude is within -180:180

  Waypoint new_waypoint(location);
  new_waypoint.file_num = file_num;
  new_waypoint.original_id = 0;

  // Name (e.g. "Some Turnpoint")
  if (*params[iName] == _T('\0'))
    return false;
  new_waypoint.name = params[iName];

  // Elevation (e.g. 458.0m)
  /// @todo configurable behaviour
  if ((iElevation >= n_params ||
      !ParseAltitude(params[iElevation], new_waypoint.elevation)) &&
    return false;

  // Style (e.g. 5)
  /// @todo include peaks with peak symbols etc.
  if (iStyle < n_params)
    ParseStyle(params[iStyle], new_waypoint);

  // Frequency & runway direction/length (for airports and landables)
  // and description (e.g. "Some Description")
  if (new_waypoint.IsLandable()) {
    if (iFrequency < n_params)
      new_waypoint.radio_frequency = RadioFrequency::Parse(params[iFrequency]);

    // Runway length (e.g. 546.0m)
    fixed rwlen = fixed_minus_one;
    if (iRWLen < n_params && ParseDistance(params[iRWLen], rwlen) &&

    if (iRWDir < n_params && *params[iRWDir]) {
      TCHAR *end;
      int direction =_tcstol(params[iRWDir], &end, 10);
      if (end == params[iRWDir] || direction < 0 || direction > 360 ||
          (direction == 0 && !positive(rwlen)))
        direction = -1;
      else if (direction == 360)
        direction = 0;
      if (direction >= 0)

  if (iDescription < n_params)
    new_waypoint.comment = params[iDescription];

  return true;
Example #11
WayPointFileSeeYou::parseLine(const TCHAR* line, const unsigned linenum,
                              Waypoints &way_points, 
                              const RasterTerrain *terrain)
  TCHAR ctemp[255];
  const TCHAR *params[20];
  size_t n_params;

  static unsigned iName = 0, iCode = 1, iCountry = 2;
  static unsigned iLatitude = 3, iLongitude = 4, iElevation = 5;
  static unsigned iStyle = 6, iRWDir = 7, iRWLen = 8;
  static unsigned iFrequency = 9, iDescription = 10;

  static bool ignore_following = false;

  // If (end-of-file or comment)
  if (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == 0x1a ||
      _tcsstr(line, _T("**")) == line ||
      _tcsstr(line, _T("*")) == line)
    // -> return without error condition
    return true;

  if (_tcslen(line) >= sizeof(ctemp) / sizeof(ctemp[0]))
    /* line too long for buffer */
    return false;

  // Parse first line holding field order
  /// @todo linenum == 0 should be the first
  /// (not ignored) line, not just line 0
  if (linenum == 0) {
    // Get fields
    n_params = extractParameters(line, ctemp, params, 20);

    // Iterate through fields and save the field order
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_params; i++) {
      const TCHAR* value = params[i];

      if (!_tcscmp(value, _T("name")))
        iName = i;
      else if (!_tcscmp(value, _T("code")))
        iCode = i;
      else if (!_tcscmp(value, _T("country")))
        iCountry = i;
      else if (!_tcscmp(value, _T("lat")))
        iLatitude = i;
      else if (!_tcscmp(value, _T("lon")))
        iLongitude = i;
      else if (!_tcscmp(value, _T("elev")))
        iElevation = i;
      else if (!_tcscmp(value, _T("style")))
        iStyle = i;
      else if (!_tcscmp(value, _T("rwdir")))
        iRWDir = i;
      else if (!_tcscmp(value, _T("rwlen")))
        iRWLen = i;
      else if (!_tcscmp(value, _T("freq")))
        iFrequency = i;
      else if (!_tcscmp(value, _T("desc")))
        iDescription = i;
    ignore_following = false;

    return true;

  // If task marker is reached ignore all following lines
  if (_tcsstr(line, _T("-----Related Tasks-----")) == line)
    ignore_following = true;
  if (ignore_following)
    return true;

  // Get fields
  n_params = extractParameters(line, ctemp, params, 20);

  // Check if the basic fields are provided
  if (iName >= n_params)
    return false;
  if (iLatitude >= n_params)
    return false;
  if (iLongitude >= n_params)
    return false;

  GeoPoint location;

  // Latitude (e.g. 5115.900N)
  if (!parseAngle(params[iLatitude], location.Latitude, true))
    return false;

  // Longitude (e.g. 00715.900W)
  if (!parseAngle(params[iLongitude], location.Longitude, false))
    return false;

  Waypoint new_waypoint(location);
  new_waypoint.FileNum = file_num;

  // Name (e.g. "Some Turnpoint", with quotes)
  if (!parseString(params[iName], new_waypoint.Name))
    return false;

  // Elevation (e.g. 458.0m)
  /// @todo configurable behaviour
  bool alt_ok = iElevation < n_params &&
    parseAltitude(params[iElevation], new_waypoint.Altitude);
  check_altitude(new_waypoint, terrain, alt_ok);

  // Description (e.g. "Some Turnpoint", with quotes)
  /// @todo include frequency and rwdir/len
  if (iDescription < n_params)
    parseString(params[iDescription], new_waypoint.Comment);

  // Style (e.g. 5)
  /// @todo include peaks with peak symbols etc.
  if (iStyle < n_params)
    parseStyle(params[iStyle], new_waypoint.Flags);

  // If the Style attribute did not state that this is an airport
  if (!new_waypoint.Flags.Airport) {
    // -> parse the runway length
    fixed rwlen;
    // Runway length (e.g. 546.0m)
    if (iRWLen < n_params && parseAltitude(params[iRWLen], rwlen)) {
      // If runway length is between 100m and 300m -> landpoint
      if (rwlen > fixed(100) && rwlen <= fixed(300))
        new_waypoint.Flags.LandPoint = true;
      // If runway length is higher then 300m -> airport
      if (rwlen > fixed(300))
        new_waypoint.Flags.Airport = true;

  add_waypoint(way_points, new_waypoint);
  return true;
void Controller_StateMachine_v2::isStraightFinished() {

	if ( rs_act > rs_end) {  // straight phase finished
		pr_checkpoint = checkpoint; 					// previous checkpoint
		checkpoint = trajectory.incrementCheckpoint(checkpoint);
		if ( r_nextState == SM_stateNames::HOVER ) {    // in this case the trajectory should be non-periodic and the end of the trajectory has been reached
			if ( !(trajectory.getIsPeriodic()) ) {		// Hover to trajectory end
				// h_checkpoint = trajectory[checkpoint];
				trajectory[checkpoint].convert2Vector(h_checkpoint);	// should be (trajectory.getLength()-1)
				current_state    = r_nextState; 		// HOVER
				h_stay_in_last_checkpoint = true;
				justChangedState = true;
			} else {
				// TODO: add trajEvent, a JP_TRAJ_ERROR, the impossible happened: reached end of periodic trajectory
		} else {
			if ( r_nextState == SM_stateNames::TURN ) {	// perform turn
				current_state    = r_nextState; 		// TURN
				justChangedState = true;
			} else { // r_nextState == SM_stateNames::STRAIGHT
				if ( trajectory.isAchievedTrueCheckpoint( pr_checkpoint ) ) { // Proceed to next checkpoint
					current_state    = r_nextState; 	// STRAIGHT
					derivBlock_vxfo.reset();	// to avoid a tiltfi pick
					derivBlock_vyfo.reset();	// to avoid a tiltfi pick
					justChangedState = true;
				} else {  // hovert to pr_checkpoint
					// h_checkpoint     = trajectory[pr_checkpoint]
					current_state    = SM_stateNames::HOVER; 	// HOVER
					h_stay_in_last_checkpoint = false;
					justChangedState = true;
	} else { //	safety zone STRAIGHT mode
		cvg_double distance2straightLine = sqrt( pow( xrefo-xei,2) + pow( yrefo-yei,2) + pow( zrefo-zei,2) );
		if ( distance2straightLine > trajectory.traj_config.straighmode_safetyzone_radius_m ) {
//			hover to perpendicular point (assign to h_checkpoint) in the straight line
			Controller_SM_TrajectoryWaypoint new_waypoint( xrefo, yrefo, zrefo);
			current_state    = SM_stateNames::HOVER; 	// HOVER
			h_stay_in_last_checkpoint = false;
			justChangedState = true;
		} else {
			if ( rs_act < -trajectory.traj_config.straighmode_safetyzone_radius_m ) {
				// hover to r_p0
				h_checkpoint = r_p0;
				current_state    = SM_stateNames::HOVER; 	// HOVER
				h_stay_in_last_checkpoint = false;
				justChangedState = true;
			} else { // Continue STRAIGHT, nothing to be done here