Example #1
File: dev.c Project: anandab/akaros
struct chan *devclone(struct chan *c)
	struct chan *nc;

	/* In plan 9, you couldn't clone an open chan.  We're allowing it, possibly
	 * foolishly.  The new chan is a non-open, "kernel internal" chan.  Note
	 * that c->flag isn't set, for instance.  c->mode is, which might be a
	 * problem.  The newchan should eventually have a device's open called on
	 * it, at which point it upgrades from a kernel internal chan to one that
	 * can refer to an object in the device (e.g. grab a refcnt on a
	 * conversation in #ip).
	 * Either we allow devclones of open chans, or O_PATH walks do not open a
	 * file.  It's nice to allow the device to do something for O_PATH, but
	 * perhaps that is not critical.  However, if we can't clone an opened chan,
	 * then we can *only* openat from an FD that is O_PATH, which is not the
	 * spec (and not as useful). */
	if ((c->flag & COPEN) && !(c->flag & O_PATH))
		panic("clone of non-O_PATH open file type %s\n", devtab[c->type].name);

	nc = newchan();
	nc->type = c->type;
	nc->dev = c->dev;
	nc->mode = c->mode;
	nc->qid = c->qid;
	nc->offset = c->offset;
	nc->umh = NULL;
	nc->mountid = c->mountid;
	nc->aux = c->aux;
	nc->mqid = c->mqid;
	nc->mcp = c->mcp;
	return nc;
Example #2
File: dev.c Project: Requaos/harvey
devclone(Chan *c)
	if (0) print_func_entry();
	Chan *nc;

	if(c->flag & COPEN){
		panic("devclone: file of type %C already open\n",
			c->dev != nil? c->dev->dc: -1);

	nc = newchan();

	 * The caller fills dev in if and when necessary.
	nc->dev = nil;					//XDYNXX
	nc->devno = c->devno;
	nc->mode = c->mode;
	nc->qid = c->qid;
	nc->offset = c->offset;
	nc->umh = nil;
	nc->aux = c->aux;
	nc->mqid = c->mqid;
	nc->mc = c->mc;
	if (0) print_func_exit();
	return nc;
Example #3
File: dev.c Project: Requaos/harvey
devattach(int dc, char *spec)
	if (0) print_func_entry();
	Chan *c;
	char *buf;

	 * There are no error checks here because
	 * this can only be called from the driver of dc
	 * which pretty much guarantees devtabget will
	 * succeed.
	c = newchan();
	mkqid(&c->qid, 0, 0, QTDIR);
	c->dev = devtabget(dc, 0);
	if(spec == nil)
		spec = "";
	buf = smalloc(1+UTFmax+strlen(spec)+1);
	sprint(buf, "#%C%s", dc, spec);
	c->path = newpath(buf);
	if (0) print_func_exit();
	return c;
Example #4
lfdchan(int fd)
	Chan *c;
	c = newchan();
	c->type = devno('L', 0);
	c->aux = (void*)(uintptr)fd;
	c->name = newcname("fd");
	c->mode = ORDWR;
	c->qid.type = 0;
	c->qid.path = 0;
	c->qid.vers = 0;
	c->dev = 0;
	c->offset = 0;
	return c;
Example #5
devattach(int tc, char *spec)
	Chan *c;
	char *buf;

	c = newchan();
	mkqid(&c->qid, 0, 0, QTDIR);
	c->type = devno(tc, 0);
	if(spec == nil)
		spec = "";
	buf = smalloc(4+strlen(spec)+1);
	sprint(buf, "#%C%s", tc, spec);
	c->name = newcname(buf);
	return c;
Example #6
struct chan *devattach(int tc, char *spec)
    struct chan *c;
    char *buf;

    c = newchan();
    mkqid(&c->qid, 0, 0, QTDIR);
    c->type = devno(tc, 0);
    if (spec == NULL)
        spec = "";
    /* 2 for #c, 1 for \0 */
    buf = kzmalloc(2 + strlen(spec) + 1, KMALLOC_WAIT);
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#%c%s", tc, spec);
    c->name = newcname(buf);
    return c;
Example #7
File: dev.c Project: anandab/akaros
struct chan *devattach(const char *name, char *spec)
	struct chan *c;
	char *buf;
	size_t buflen;

	c = newchan();
	mkqid(&c->qid, 0, 0, QTDIR);
	c->type = devno(name, 0);
	if (spec == NULL)
		spec = "";
	/* 1 for #, 1 for ., 1 for \0 */
	buflen = strlen(name) + strlen(spec) + 3;
	buf = kzmalloc(buflen, KMALLOC_WAIT);
	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#%s.%s", name, spec);
	c->name = newcname(buf);
	return c;
Example #8
File: dev.c Project: 8l/inferno
devclone(Chan *c)
	Chan *nc;

	if(c->flag & COPEN)
		panic("clone of open file type %C\n", devtab[c->type]->dc);

	nc = newchan();
	nc->type = c->type;
	nc->dev = c->dev;
	nc->mode = c->mode;
	nc->qid = c->qid;
	nc->offset = c->offset;
	nc->umh = nil;
	nc->mountid = c->mountid;
	nc->aux = c->aux;
	nc->mqid = c->mqid;
	nc->mcp = c->mcp;
	return nc;