Example #1
static editor neweditor(void)
    int x, y, w, h, w0, h0;
    editor c;
    menuitem m;
    textbox t;
    long flags;
    font editorfn = (consolefn ? consolefn : FixedFont);
    EditorData p = neweditordata(0, NULL);
    DWORD rand;

    w = (pagercol + 1)*fontwidth(editorfn);
    h = (pagerrow + 1)*fontheight(editorfn) + 1;
#ifdef USE_MDI
    if(ismdi()) {
	RECT *pR = RgetMDIsize();
	w0 = pR->right;
	h0 = pR->bottom;
    } else {
	w0 = devicewidth(NULL);
	h0 = deviceheight(NULL);
#ifdef USE_MDI
    x = (w0 - w) / 2; x = x > 20 ? x : 20;
    y = (h0 - h) / 2; y = y > 20 ? y : 20;
    rand = GetTickCount();
    w0 = 0.4*x; h0 = 0.4*y;
    w0 = w0 > 20 ? w0 : 20;
    h0 = h0 > 20 ? h0 : 20;
    x += (rand % w0) - w0/2;
    y += ((rand/w0) % h0) - h0/2;
    flags = StandardWindow | Menubar;
#ifdef USE_MDI
    if (ismdi()) flags |= Document;
    c = (editor) newwindow("", rect(x, y, w, h), flags);
    t = newrichtextarea(NULL, rect(0, 0, w, h));
    setdata(c, t);
    setdata(t, p);

    gsetcursor(c, ArrowCursor);
    setforeground(c, guiColors[editorfg]);
    setbackground(c, guiColors[editorbg]);
    setbackground(t, guiColors[editorbg]);
#ifdef USE_MDI
    if (ismdi() && (RguiMDI & RW_TOOLBAR)) {
	int btsize = 24;
	rect r = rect(2, 2, btsize, btsize);
	control tb, bt;
	MCHECK(tb = newtoolbar(btsize + 4));
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(open_image, r, menueditoropen));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Open script")));
	setdata(bt, c);
	r.x += (btsize + 1) ;
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(save_image, r, menueditorsave));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt,  G_("Save script")));
	setdata(bt, c);
	r.x += (btsize + 6);
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(copy1_image, r, menueditorrun));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Run line or selection")));
	setdata(bt, t);
	r.x += (btsize + 6);
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(console_image, r, editorconsole));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Return focus to Console")));
	r.x += (btsize + 6);
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(print_image, r, editorprint));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Print script")));
	setdata(bt, t);
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Print")));
    /* Right-click context menu */
    MCHECK(m = gpopup(editormenuact, EditorPopup));
    setdata(m, t);
    setdata(EditorPopup[0].m, t);
    setdata(EditorPopup[2].m, t);
    setdata(p->mpopcut = EditorPopup[4].m, t);
    setdata(p->mpopcopy = EditorPopup[5].m, t);
    setdata(EditorPopup[6].m, t);
    setdata(p->mpopdelete = EditorPopup[7].m, t);
    setdata(EditorPopup[9].m, t);

    MCHECK(m = newmenubar(editormenuact));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("New script"), 'N', menueditornew));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Open script..."), 'O', menueditoropen));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Save"), 'S', menueditorsave));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Save as..."), 0, menueditorsaveas));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Print..."), 0, editorprint));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Close script"), 0, menueditorclose));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Undo"), 'Z', editorundo));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(p->mcut = newmenuitem(G_("Cut"), 'X', editorcut));
    setdata(p->mcut, t);
    MCHECK(p->mcopy = newmenuitem(G_("Copy"), 'C', editorcopy));
    setdata(p->mcopy, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Paste"), 'V', editorpaste));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(p->mdelete = newmenuitem(G_("Delete"), 0, editordelete));
    setdata(p->mdelete, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Select all"), 'A', editorselectall));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(newmenuitem(G_("Clear console"), 'L', menuclear));
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Run line or selection"), 'R', menueditorrun));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Run all"), 0, editorrunall));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(p->mfind = newmenuitem(G_("Find..."), 'F', editorfind));
    setdata(p->mfind, t);
    MCHECK(p->mreplace = newmenuitem(G_("Replace..."), 'H', editorreplace));
    setdata(p->mreplace, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(newmenuitem(G_("GUI preferences..."), 0, menuconfig));

    /* Packages menu should go here */
    p->pmenu = (PkgMenuItems) malloc(sizeof(struct structPkgMenuItems));

#ifdef USE_MDI
    newmdimenu(); /* Create and fill the 'Window' menu */

    MCHECK(m = newmenu(G_("Help")));
    MCHECK(newmenuitem(G_("Editor"), 0, menueditorhelp));
    MCHECK(newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    p->hmenu = (HelpMenuItems) malloc(sizeof(struct structHelpMenuItems));
    RguiCommonHelp(m, p->hmenu);

    settextfont(t, editorfn);
    setforeground(t, guiColors[editorfg]);    
    setresize(c, editorresize);
    setclose(c, editorclose);
    setdel(c, editordel);
    setdel(t, textboxdel);
    setonfocus(c, editorfocus);
    setkeyaction(t, editorcontrolkeydown);
    setkeydown(t, editorasciikeydown);

    /* Store pointer to new editor in global array */
    REditors[neditors] = c;
    return c;
Example #2
static void showDialog(Gui gui)
    char buf[100];

    wconfig = newwindow(G_("Rgui Configuration Editor"), rect(0, 0, 550, 450),
			Titlebar | Centered | Modal);
    setbackground(wconfig, dialog_bg());
    l_mdi = newlabel("Single or multiple windows",
		     rect(10, 10, 140, 20), AlignLeft);
    rb_mdi = newradiobutton("MDI", rect(150, 10 , 70, 20), cMDI);
    rb_sdi = newradiobutton("SDI", rect(220, 10 , 70, 20), cSDI);

    toolbar = newcheckbox("MDI toolbar", rect(300, 10, 100, 20), NULL);
    if(gui->toolbar) check(toolbar);
    statusbar = newcheckbox("MDI statusbar", rect(420, 10, 130, 20), NULL);
    if(gui->statusbar) check(statusbar);
    if(gui->MDI) {
	check(rb_mdi); cMDI(rb_mdi);
    } else {
	check(rb_sdi); cSDI(rb_sdi);

    l_mwin = newlabel("Pager style", rect(10, 40, 90, 20), AlignLeft);
    g_mwin = newradiogroup();
    rb_mwin = newradiobutton("multiple windows", rect(150, 40, 150, 20), NULL);
    rb_swin = newradiobutton("single window", rect(150, 60 , 150, 20), NULL);
    if(gui->pagerMultiple) check(rb_mwin); else check(rb_swin);

    l_lang = newlabel("Language for menus\nand messages",
		      rect(320, 40, 130, 40), AlignLeft);
    f_lang = newfield(gui->language, rect(450, 45, 60, 20));

/* Font, pointsize, style */

    l_font = newlabel("Font", rect(10, 100, 40, 20), AlignLeft);

    f_font = newdropfield(FontsList, rect(50, 100, 120, 20), scrollFont);
    tt_font = newcheckbox("TrueType only", rect(180, 100, 110, 20), changeFont);
    if (gui->tt_font) check(tt_font);
    settext(f_font, gui->font);

    l_point = newlabel("size", rect(310, 100, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
    d_point = newdropfield(PointsList, rect(345, 100, 50, 20), scrollPoints);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->pointsize);
    settext(d_point, buf);
    l_style = newlabel("style", rect(410, 100, 40, 20), AlignLeft);
    f_style = newdroplist(StyleList, rect(450, 100, 80, 20), scrollStyle);
    setlistitem(f_style, cmatch(gui->style, StyleList));

/* Console size, set widthonresize */
    l_crows = newlabel("Console   rows", rect(10, 150, 100, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->crows);
    f_crows = newfield(buf, rect(110, 150, 30, 20));
    l_ccols = newlabel("columns", rect(150, 150, 60, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->ccols);
    f_ccols = newfield(buf, rect(220, 150, 30, 20));
    l_cx = newlabel("Initial left", rect(270, 150, 70, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cx);
    f_cx = newfield(buf, rect(350, 150, 40, 20));
    l_cy = newlabel("top", rect(430, 150, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cy);
    f_cy = newfield(buf, rect(480, 150, 40, 20));

    c_resize = newcheckbox("set options(width) on resize?",
			   rect(20, 175, 200, 20), NULL);
    if(gui->setWidthOnResize) check(c_resize);

    l_cbb = newlabel("buffer chars", rect(270, 175, 70, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cbb);
    f_cbb = newfield(buf, rect(350, 175, 60, 20));
    l_cbl = newlabel("lines", rect(430, 175, 50, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cbl);
    f_cbl = newfield(buf, rect(480, 175, 40, 20));

    c_buff = newcheckbox("buffer console by default?",
			 rect(20, 190, 200, 20), NULL);
    if(gui->buffered) check(c_buff);

/* Cursor blink */

    l_blink = newlabel("Cursor blink", rect(270, 200,100, 30), AlignLeft);
    f_blink = newdroplist(BlinkList, rect(350, 200, 80, 20), NULL);
    setlistitem(f_blink, gui->cursor_blink);
/* Pager size */
    l_prows = newlabel("Pager   rows", rect(10, 230, 100, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->prows);
    f_prows = newfield(buf, rect(110, 230, 30, 20));
    l_pcols = newlabel("columns", rect(150, 230, 60, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->pcols);
    f_pcols = newfield(buf, rect(220, 230, 30, 20));

/* Graphics window */
    l_grx = newlabel("Graphics windows: initial left",
		     rect(10, 270, 190, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->grx);
    f_grx = newfield(buf, rect(200, 270, 40, 20));
    l_gry = newlabel("top", rect(270, 270, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
    snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->gry);
    f_gry = newfield(buf, rect(300, 270, 40, 20));

/* Font colours */
    l_cols = newlabel("Console and Pager Colours",
		      rect(10, 310, 520, 20), AlignCenter);
    guielement = newlistbox(GuiElementNames, rect(50, 330, 100, 80), changeElement, NULL);
    guicolor = newlistbox(ColorName, rect(205, 330, 100, 80), clickColor, NULL);
    guisample = newrichtextarea("Sample text", rect(350, 330, 150, 55));
    for (int i=0; i<numGuiColors; i++)
    	dialogColors[i] = gui->guiColors[i];
    setlistitem(guielement, 0);
    changeElement(guielement, 0);
    sampleFontNum = cmatch(gettext(f_font), FontsList);
    samplePointsize = atoi(gettext(d_point));
    scrollStyle(f_style, 0); /* the 0 is ignored */

    bApply = newbutton("Apply", rect(50, 410, 70, 25), apply);
    bSave = newbutton("Save...", rect(130, 410, 70, 25), save);
    bLoad = newbutton("Load...", rect(210, 410, 70, 25), load);
    bOK = newbutton("OK", rect(350, 410, 70, 25), ok);
    bCancel = newbutton("Cancel", rect(430, 410, 70, 25), cancel);