Example #1
** p^n
static int lp_star (lua_State *L) {
  int size1;
  int n = (int)luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
  TTree *tree1 = getpatt(L, 1, &size1);
  if (n >= 0) {  /* seq tree1 (seq tree1 ... (seq tree1 (rep tree1))) */
    TTree *tree = newtree(L, (n + 1) * (size1 + 1));
    if (nullable(tree1))
      luaL_error(L, "loop body may accept empty string");
    while (n--)  /* repeat 'n' times */
      tree = seqaux(tree, tree1, size1);
    tree->tag = TRep;
    memcpy(sib1(tree), tree1, size1 * sizeof(TTree));
  else {  /* choice (seq tree1 ... choice tree1 true ...) true */
    TTree *tree;
    n = -n;
    /* size = (choice + seq + tree1 + true) * n, but the last has no seq */
    tree = newtree(L, n * (size1 + 3) - 1);
    for (; n > 1; n--) {  /* repeat (n - 1) times */
      tree->tag = TChoice; tree->u.ps = n * (size1 + 3) - 2;
      sib2(tree)->tag = TTrue;
      tree = sib1(tree);
      tree = seqaux(tree, tree1, size1);
    tree->tag = TChoice; tree->u.ps = size1 + 1;
    sib2(tree)->tag = TTrue;
    memcpy(sib1(tree), tree1, size1 * sizeof(TTree));
  copyktable(L, 1);
  return 1;
Example #2
** Constant capture
static int lp_constcapture (lua_State *L) {
  int i;
  int n = lua_gettop(L);  /* number of values */
  if (n == 0)  /* no values? */
    newleaf(L, TTrue);  /* no capture */
  else if (n == 1)
    newemptycapkey(L, Cconst, 1);  /* single constant capture */
  else {  /* create a group capture with all values */
    TTree *tree = newtree(L, 1 + 3 * (n - 1) + 2);
    newktable(L, n);  /* create a 'ktable' for new tree */
    tree->tag = TCapture;
    tree->cap = Cgroup;
    tree->key = 0;
    tree = sib1(tree);
    for (i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) {
      tree->tag = TSeq;
      tree->u.ps = 3;  /* skip TCapture and its sibling */
      auxemptycap(sib1(tree), Cconst);
      sib1(tree)->key = addtoktable(L, i);
      tree = sib2(tree);
    auxemptycap(tree, Cconst);
    tree->key = addtoktable(L, i);
  return 1;
Example #3
** Numbers as patterns:
** 0 == true (always match); n == TAny repeated 'n' times;
** -n == not (TAny repeated 'n' times)
static TTree *numtree (lua_State *L, int n) {
  if (n == 0)
    return newleaf(L, TTrue);
  else {
    TTree *tree, *nd;
    if (n > 0)
      tree = nd = newtree(L, 2 * n - 1);
    else {  /* negative: code it as !(-n) */
      n = -n;
      tree = newtree(L, 2 * n);
      tree->tag = TNot;
      nd = sib1(tree);
    fillseq(nd, TAny, n, NULL);  /* sequence of 'n' any's */
    return tree;
Example #4
token(char *str, int type)
	tree *t = newtree();

	t->type = type;
	t->str = strdup(str);
	return t;
Example #5
** create a new tree, whith a new root and one sibling.
** Sibling must be on the Lua stack, at index 1.
static TTree *newroot1sib (lua_State *L, int tag) {
  int s1;
  TTree *tree1 = getpatt(L, 1, &s1);
  TTree *tree = newtree(L, 1 + s1);  /* create new tree */
  tree->tag = tag;
  memcpy(sib1(tree), tree1, s1 * sizeof(TTree));
  copyktable(L, 1);
  return tree;
Example #6
** Convert value at index 'idx' to a pattern
static TTree *getpatt (lua_State *L, int idx, int *len) {
  TTree *tree;
  switch (lua_type(L, idx)) {
    case LUA_TSTRING: {
      size_t slen;
      const char *s = lua_tolstring(L, idx, &slen);  /* get string */
      if (slen == 0)  /* empty? */
        tree = newleaf(L, TTrue);  /* always match */
      else {
        tree = newtree(L, 2 * (slen - 1) + 1);
        fillseq(tree, TChar, slen, s);  /* sequence of 'slen' chars */
    case LUA_TNUMBER: {
      int n = lua_tointeger(L, idx);
      tree = numtree(L, n);
    case LUA_TBOOLEAN: {
      tree = (lua_toboolean(L, idx) ? newleaf(L, TTrue) : newleaf(L, TFalse));
    case LUA_TTABLE: {
      tree = newgrammar(L, idx);
    case LUA_TFUNCTION: {
      tree = newtree(L, 2);
      tree->tag = TRunTime;
      tree->key = addtonewktable(L, 0, idx);
      sib1(tree)->tag = TTrue;
    default: {
      return gettree(L, idx, len);
  lua_replace(L, idx);  /* put new tree into 'idx' slot */
  if (len)
    *len = getsize(L, idx);
  return tree;
Example #7
** create a new tree, whith a new root and 2 siblings.
** Siblings must be on the Lua stack, first one at index 1.
static TTree *newroot2sib (lua_State *L, int tag) {
  int s1, s2;
  TTree *tree1 = getpatt(L, 1, &s1);
  TTree *tree2 = getpatt(L, 2, &s2);
  TTree *tree = newtree(L, 1 + s1 + s2);  /* create new tree */
  tree->tag = tag;
  tree->u.ps =  1 + s1;
  memcpy(sib1(tree), tree1, s1 * sizeof(TTree));
  memcpy(sib2(tree), tree2, s2 * sizeof(TTree));
  joinktables(L, 1, sib2(tree), 2);
  return tree;
Example #8
int read_input() {
  failed = 0;
  for(;;) {
    if(scanf("%s", s) != 1) return 0;
    if(!strcmp(s, "()")) break;
    int v;
    sscanf(&s[1], "%d", &v);
    addnode(v, strchr(s, ',')+1);
  return 1;
Example #9
void UpdateConformersFromTree(OBMol* mol, vector<double> &energies, OBDiversePoses* divposes, bool verbose) {

  OBDiversePoses::Tree* poses = divposes->GetTree();
  double cutoff = divposes->GetCutoff();

  vector <OBDiversePoses::PosePair> confs, newconfs;

  // The leaf iterator will (in effect) iterate over the nodes just at the loweset level
  for (OBDiversePoses::Tree::leaf_iterator node = poses->begin(); node != poses->end(); ++node)
    if (node->first.size() > 0) // Don't include the dummy head node

  // Sort the confs by energy (lowest first)
  sort(confs.begin(), confs.end(), sortpred_b);

    cout << "....tree size = " << divposes->GetSize() <<  " confs = " << confs.size() << "\n";

  typedef vector<OBDiversePoses::PosePair> vpp;

  // Loop through the confs and filter using a tree
  OBDiversePoses newtree(*mol, cutoff, true);
  for (vpp::iterator conf = confs.begin(); conf!=confs.end(); ++conf) {
    if (newtree.AddPose(conf->first, conf->second)) {
  if (verbose)
    cout << "....new tree size = " << newtree.GetSize() <<  " confs = " << newconfs.size() << "\n";

  // Add confs to the molecule's conformer data and add the energies to molecules's energies
  for (vpp::iterator chosen = newconfs.begin(); chosen!=newconfs.end(); ++chosen) {

    // To avoid making copies of vectors or vector3s, I am using pointers throughout
    vector<vector3> *tmp = &(chosen->first);
    double *confCoord = new double [mol->NumAtoms() * 3];
    for(unsigned int a = 0; a<mol->NumAtoms(); ++a) {
      vector3* pv3 = &(*tmp)[a];
      confCoord[a*3] = pv3->x();
      confCoord[a*3 + 1] = pv3->y();
      confCoord[a*3 + 2] = pv3->z();
Example #10
tree3(int type, tree *c0, tree *c1, tree *c2)
	tree *t;
			return c1;
			return c0;
	t = newtree();
	t->type = type;
	t->child[0] = c0;
	t->child[1] = c1;
	t->child[2] = c2;
	return t;
Example #11
static TTree *newgrammar (lua_State *L, int arg) {
  int treesize;
  int frule = lua_gettop(L) + 2;  /* position of first rule's key */
  int n = collectrules(L, arg, &treesize);
  TTree *g = newtree(L, treesize);
  luaL_argcheck(L, n <= MAXRULES, arg, "grammar has too many rules");
  g->tag = TGrammar;  g->u.n = n;
  lua_newtable(L);  /* create 'ktable' */
  lua_setfenv(L, -2);
  buildgrammar(L, g, frule, n);
  lua_getfenv(L, -1);  /* get 'ktable' for new tree */
  finalfix(L, frule - 1, g, sib1(g));
  initialrulename(L, g, frule);
  verifygrammar(L, g);
  lua_pop(L, 1);  /* remove 'ktable' */
  lua_insert(L, -(n * 2 + 2));  /* move new table to proper position */
  lua_pop(L, n * 2 + 1);  /* remove position table + rule pairs */
  return g;  /* new table at the top of the stack */
Example #12
** [t1 - t2] == Seq (Not t2) t1
** If t1 and t2 are charsets, make their difference.
static int lp_sub (lua_State *L) {
  Charset st1, st2;
  int s1, s2;
  TTree *t1 = getpatt(L, 1, &s1);
  TTree *t2 = getpatt(L, 2, &s2);
  if (tocharset(t1, &st1) && tocharset(t2, &st2)) {
    TTree *t = newcharset(L);
    loopset(i, treebuffer(t)[i] = st1.cs[i] & ~st2.cs[i]);
  else {
    TTree *tree = newtree(L, 2 + s1 + s2);
    tree->tag = TSeq;  /* sequence of... */
    tree->u.ps =  2 + s2;
    sib1(tree)->tag = TNot;  /* ...not... */
    memcpy(sib1(sib1(tree)), t2, s2 * sizeof(TTree));  /* ...t2 */
    memcpy(sib2(tree), t1, s1 * sizeof(TTree));  /* ... and t1 */
    joinktables(L, 1, sib1(tree), 2);
  return 1;
Example #13
** Create a tree for an empty capture with an associated Lua value
static TTree *newemptycapkey (lua_State *L, int cap, int idx) {
  TTree *tree = auxemptycap(newtree(L, 2), cap);
  tree->key = addtonewktable(L, 0, idx);
  return tree;
Example #14
** Create a tree for an empty capture
static TTree *newemptycap (lua_State *L, int cap) {
  return auxemptycap(newtree(L, 2), cap);
Example #15
static TTree *newcharset (lua_State *L) {
  TTree *tree = newtree(L, bytes2slots(CHARSETSIZE) + 1);
  tree->tag = TSet;
  loopset(i, treebuffer(tree)[i] = 0);
  return tree;
Example #16
static TTree *newleaf (lua_State *L, int tag) {
  TTree *tree = newtree(L, 1);
  tree->tag = tag;
  return tree;
Example #17
** Create a tree for an empty capture
static TTree *newemptycap (lua_State *L, int cap, int idx) {
  return auxemptycap(L, newtree(L, 2), cap, idx);