static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_xslt_filter_internal_error(ngx_http_request_t *r)
    ngx_int_t  rc;

    /* clear the modules contexts */
    ngx_memzero(r->ctx, sizeof(void *) * ngx_http_max_module);

    rc = ngx_http_special_response_handler(r, NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

    /* NGX_ERROR resets any pending data */

    return (rc == NGX_OK) ? NGX_ERROR : rc;
static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_xslt_send(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_xslt_filter_ctx_t *ctx,
    ngx_buf_t *b)
    ngx_int_t            rc;
    ngx_chain_t          out;
    ngx_pool_cleanup_t  *cln;

    ctx->done = 1;

    if (b == NULL) {
        return ngx_http_xslt_filter_internal_error(r);

    cln = ngx_pool_cleanup_add(r->pool, 0);

    if (cln == NULL) {
        return ngx_http_special_response_handler(r,

    if (r == r->main) {
        r->headers_out.content_length_n = b->last - b->pos;

        if (r->headers_out.content_length) {
            r->headers_out.content_length->hash = 0;
            r->headers_out.content_length = NULL;


    rc = ngx_http_next_header_filter(r);

    if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK || r->header_only) {
        return rc;

    cln->handler = ngx_http_xslt_cleanup;
    cln->data = b->pos;

    out.buf = b; = NULL;

    return ngx_http_next_body_filter(r, &out);
ngx_http_filter_finalize_request(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_module_t *m,
    ngx_int_t error)
    void       *ctx;
    ngx_int_t   rc;


    ctx = NULL;

    if (m) {
        ctx = r->ctx[m->ctx_index];

    /* clear the modules contexts */
    ngx_memzero(r->ctx, sizeof(void *) * ngx_http_max_module);

    if (m) {
        r->ctx[m->ctx_index] = ctx;

    r->filter_finalize = 1;

    rc = ngx_http_special_response_handler(r, error);

    /* NGX_ERROR resets any pending data */

    switch (rc) {

    case NGX_OK:
    case NGX_DONE:
        return NGX_ERROR;

        return rc;
static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_zip_main_request_body_filter(ngx_http_request_t *r,
        ngx_chain_t *in)
    ngx_http_zip_ctx_t   *ctx;
    ngx_chain_t          *chain_link;
    int rc;

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_zip_module);

    if (ctx == NULL || ctx->trailer_sent) {
        return ngx_http_next_body_filter(r, in);

    if (ctx->abort) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    if (r->headers_out.status != NGX_HTTP_OK &&
            r->headers_out.status != NGX_HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT) {
        return ngx_http_next_body_filter(r, in);

    if (ctx->parsed) {
        ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                "mod_zip: restarting subrequests");
        return ngx_http_zip_send_pieces(r, ctx);

    if (in == NULL) {
        return ngx_http_next_body_filter(r, NULL);

    rc = ngx_http_zip_copy_unparsed_request(r, in, ctx);
    if (rc == NGX_AGAIN) {
        ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                "mod_zip: not the last buf");
        return ngx_http_zip_discard_chain(r, in);
    } else if (rc == NGX_ERROR) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
            "mod_zip: about to parse list");

    if (ngx_http_zip_parse_request(ctx) == NGX_ERROR) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                "mod_zip: invalid file list from upstream");
        return NGX_ERROR;

    if (ngx_http_zip_generate_pieces(r, ctx) == NGX_ERROR) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    if (!r->header_sent) {
        rc = ngx_http_zip_set_headers(r, ctx);
        if (rc == NGX_ERROR) {
            return NGX_ERROR;
            return ngx_http_special_response_handler(r, rc);
        if ((rc = ngx_http_send_header(r)) != NGX_OK) {
            return rc;

    chain_link = ngx_chain_last_link(in);
    chain_link->buf->last_buf = 0;

    if (ngx_http_zip_strip_range_header(r) == NGX_ERROR) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                "mod_zip: failed to strip Range: header from request");
        return NGX_ERROR;

    return ngx_http_zip_send_pieces(r, ctx);
ngx_http_kafka_enq_buf(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_kafka_ctx_t *ctx)
	ngx_http_kafka_main_conf_t	*kmcf;
	ngx_http_kafka_upstream_t	*u;
	ngx_kfk_broker_t			*broker;
	ngx_kfk_buf_t 				*buf;
	ngx_chain_t					*cl;
	ngx_str_t   				*msg;

	buf = ctx->toppar->free;
	msg = ctx->msg;

	cl = ngx_http_kafka_get_free_chain(buf->kfk, &buf->kfk->free_chain,

	if (cl == NULL) {
		ngx_http_kafka_recycle_msg(buf->pool, msg);


	/* TODO compression */

	cl->buf->pos = msg->data;
	cl->buf->last = cl->buf->pos + msg->len;

	/* msgset size */
	ngx_kfk_header_msgset_size(buf) += ngx_buf_size(cl->buf);

	*buf->last_chain = cl;
	buf->last_chain = &cl->next;


	kmcf = ngx_http_get_module_main_conf(r, ngx_http_kafka_module);

	if (kmcf->status) {
		(void)ngx_atomic_fetch_add(ngx_kfk_pending_msgs, 1);

	if (buf->cnt >= kmcf->batch_size) {

		broker = ctx->toppar->broker;
		if (broker != NULL && broker->state == NGX_KFK_BROKER_UP) {
			u = broker->upstream;

			ngx_http_kafka_upstream_enable_write_event(broker, u);

			u->send_request(broker, u);

	} else if (buf->cnt == 1) {
		/* add a timer for each partition to achieve delayed sending */
		ngx_add_timer(&ctx->toppar->send_timer, kmcf->linger);

    return ngx_http_special_response_handler(r, NGX_HTTP_OK);