int main() { double lb[2] = { -HUGE_VAL, 0 }; /* lower bounds */ nlopt_opt opt; opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_MMA, 2); /* algorithm and dimensionality */ nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt, lb); nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, myfunc, NULL); my_constraint_data data[2] = { { 2, 0 }, { -1, 1 } }; nlopt_add_inequality_constraint(opt, myconstraint, &data[0], 1e-8); nlopt_add_inequality_constraint(opt, myconstraint, &data[1], 1e-8); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1e-4); double x[2] = { 1.234, 5.678 }; /* some initial guess */ double minf; /* the minimum objective value, upon return */ if (nlopt_optimize(opt, x, &minf) < 0) { printf("nlopt failed!\n"); } else { printf("found minimum at f(%g,%g) = %0.10g\n", x[0], x[1], minf); } nlopt_destroy(opt); }
static void phyanimal_fit_lambda(PhyAnimal model) { nlopt_opt opt; double lb, ub, lambda, loglh; opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD, 1); /* one dimension */ lb = 0.0; ub = 1.0; nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt,&lb); nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt,&ub); /* No inequality constraints */ nlopt_set_max_objective(opt, loglh_worker, model); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1e-4); lambda = 0.1; if (nlopt_optimize(opt, &lambda, &loglh)<0) { printf("NLOPT failed\n"); } else { printf("Maximum lh %f at lambda %f\n",loglh,lambda); printf("Sigma = %f\n",model->sigma); printf("Sigma_b = %f\nSigma_e = %f\n",model->sigma*lambda,model->sigma*(1-lambda)); } model->loglh = loglh; model->lambda = lambda; nlopt_destroy(opt); return; }
nlopt_opt make_opt(const mxArray *opts, unsigned n) { nlopt_opt opt = NULL, local_opt = NULL; nlopt_algorithm algorithm; double *tmp = NULL; unsigned i; algorithm = (nlopt_algorithm) struct_val_default(opts, "algorithm", NLOPT_NUM_ALGORITHMS); CHECK1(((int)algorithm) >= 0 && algorithm < NLOPT_NUM_ALGORITHMS, "invalid opt.algorithm"); tmp = (double *) mxCalloc(n, sizeof(double)); opt = nlopt_create(algorithm, n); CHECK1(opt, "nlopt: out of memory"); nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt, struct_arrval(opts, "lower_bounds", n, fill(tmp, n, -HUGE_VAL))); nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt, struct_arrval(opts, "upper_bounds", n, fill(tmp, n, +HUGE_VAL))); nlopt_set_stopval(opt, struct_val_default(opts, "stopval", -HUGE_VAL)); nlopt_set_ftol_rel(opt, struct_val_default(opts, "ftol_rel", 0.0)); nlopt_set_ftol_abs(opt, struct_val_default(opts, "ftol_abs", 0.0)); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, struct_val_default(opts, "xtol_rel", 0.0)); nlopt_set_xtol_abs(opt, struct_arrval(opts, "xtol_abs", n, fill(tmp, n, 0.0))); nlopt_set_maxeval(opt, struct_val_default(opts, "maxeval", 0.0) < 0 ? 0 : struct_val_default(opts, "maxeval", 0.0)); nlopt_set_maxtime(opt, struct_val_default(opts, "maxtime", 0.0)); nlopt_set_population(opt, struct_val_default(opts, "population", 0)); nlopt_set_vector_storage(opt, struct_val_default(opts, "vector_storage", 0)); if (struct_arrval(opts, "initial_step", n, NULL)) nlopt_set_initial_step(opt, struct_arrval(opts, "initial_step", n, NULL)); if (mxGetField(opts, 0, "local_optimizer")) { const mxArray *local_opts = mxGetField(opts, 0, "local_optimizer"); CHECK1(mxIsStruct(local_opts), "opt.local_optimizer must be a structure"); CHECK1(local_opt = make_opt(local_opts, n), "error initializing local optimizer"); nlopt_set_local_optimizer(opt, local_opt); nlopt_destroy(local_opt); local_opt = NULL; } mxFree(tmp); return opt; }
Eigen::VectorXd TargetTrackingController::getControl(const EKF *ekf, const MultiAgentMotionModel *motionModel, const std::vector<const SensorModel*> &sensorModel, double *f) const { Evaluator evaluator(ekf, motionModel, sensorModel, params); Eigen::VectorXd p = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(motionModel->getControlDim()); Eigen::VectorXd lowerBound = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(motionModel->getControlDim(), params("multi_rotor_control/controlMin").toDouble()); Eigen::VectorXd upperBound = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(motionModel->getControlDim(), params("multi_rotor_control/controlMax").toDouble()); nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_COBYLA, p.size()); // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA, p.size()); // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_NEWUOA_BOUND, p.size()); // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_PRAXIS, p.size()); // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD, p.size()); // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_SBPLX, p.size()); // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT, p.size()); // failed // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT_L, p.size()); // very good: p 0.0118546 -6.27225e-05 6.27225e-05 -2.09075e-05 2.09075e-05 -8.51788e-06 -2.09075e-05 10 // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_ISRES, p.size()); // rather bad // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM, p.size()); // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_MMA, p.size()); // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_CCSAQ, p.size()); // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_SLSQP, p.size()); // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_LBFGS, p.size()); // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND, p.size()); // bad // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND_RESTART, p.size()); // bad // nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_VAR2, p.size()); nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, f_evaluate, &evaluator); nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt,; nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt,; nlopt_set_ftol_abs(opt, 1E-6); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1E-3); nlopt_set_maxeval(opt, 1E8); nlopt_set_maxtime(opt, 7200); double pa[p.size()]; memcpy(pa,, p.size()*sizeof(double)); double cost = 0; // std::string tmp; std::cerr << "Press enter to start optimization\n"; std::getline(std::cin, tmp); nlopt_result ret = nlopt_optimize(opt, pa, &cost); Eigen::VectorXd p_res = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>(pa, p.size()); if (f) *f = cost; std::cerr << "\nInitial guess:\n"; std::cerr << " p " << p.transpose() << "\n"; std::cerr << " value " << evaluator.evaluate(p) << "\n"; std::cerr << "Optimization result (return code " << ret << "):\n"; std::cerr << " p " << p_res.transpose() << "\n"; std::cerr << " value " << evaluator.evaluate(p_res) << "\n"; nlopt_destroy(opt); return p_res; }
double Optimize_Torsion_Parameters(int Idx_Soft_Tor) { double lb[N_TOR_PARA] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -100.0 }; /* lower bounds */ double ub[N_TOR_PARA] = { 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 100.0 }; /* lower bounds */ double Phase[32][5]={{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, PI}, {0, 0, 0, PI, 0}, {0, 0, 0, PI, PI}, {0, 0, PI, 0, 0}, {0, 0, PI, 0, PI}, {0, 0, PI, PI, 0}, {0, 0, PI, PI, PI}, {0, PI, 0, 0, 0}, {0, PI, 0, 0, PI}, {0, PI, 0, PI, 0}, {0, PI, 0, PI, PI}, {0, PI, PI, 0, 0}, {0, PI, PI, 0, PI}, {0, PI, PI, PI, 0}, {0, PI, PI, PI, PI}, {PI, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {PI, 0, 0, 0, PI}, {PI, 0, 0, PI, 0}, {PI, 0, 0, PI, PI}, {PI, 0, PI, 0, 0}, {PI, 0, PI, 0, PI}, {PI, 0, PI, PI, 0}, {PI, 0, PI, PI, PI}, {PI, PI, 0, 0, 0}, {PI, PI, 0, 0, PI}, {PI, PI, 0, PI, 0}, {PI, PI, 0, PI, PI}, {PI, PI, PI, 0, 0}, {PI, PI, PI, 0, PI}, {PI, PI, PI, PI, 0}, {PI, PI, PI, PI, PI}}; nlopt_opt opt; double Chi_SQ; int i, j, Idx_Phi; Chi_SQ_Min = 1.0E100; opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_LBFGS, N_TOR_PARA); nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt, lb); nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt, ub); nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, Callback_Eval_Gradient, NULL); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1e-8); iseed = time(NULL); ActiveRun = 0; Chi_SQ_Min_Local[0] = 1.0E200; FailCount = Iteration = 0; Idx_Phi = IdxDihSelect[Idx_Soft_Tor]; Para_Tor[10] = 0.0; for(i=0; i<N_TOR_PARA; i++) { IsPara_Fixed[i] = 1; } IsPara_Fixed[N_TOR_PARA-1] = 0; // only optimize the last parameter if (nlopt_optimize(opt, Para_Tor, &Chi_SQ) < 0) { printf("nlopt failed!\n"); } else { printf("Chi_SQ_min = %lf Chi_SQ = %lf\n", Chi_SQ_Min, Chi_SQ); } memcpy(Para_Tor, Para_Best, sizeof(double)*N_TOR_PARA); CalObjectiveFunction_Tor(Para_Tor); nlopt_destroy(opt); return Chi_SQ_Min; }
/* * NLOPT optimization routine for table tennis traj gen * */ void nlopt_optim_poly_run(double *x, double *params) { static double tol[EQ_CONSTR_DIM]; static double lb[OPTIM_DIM]; /* lower bounds */ static double ub[OPTIM_DIM]; /* upper bounds */ set_bounds(lb,ub); const_vec(EQ_CONSTR_DIM,1e-2,tol); /* set tolerances equal to second argument */ nlopt_opt opt; opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_COBYLA, OPTIM_DIM); /* LN = does not require gradients */ //nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1e-2); //opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_AUGLAG, OPTIM_DIM); /* algorithm and dimensionality */ //nlopt_set_local_optimizer(opt, opt); nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt, lb); nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt, ub); nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, costfunc, params); nlopt_add_inequality_mconstraint(opt, INEQ_CONSTR_DIM, joint_limits_ineq_constr, params, tol); nlopt_add_equality_mconstraint(opt, EQ_CONSTR_DIM, kinematics_eq_constr, params, tol); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1e-2); //int maxeval = 20000; //nlopt_set_maxeval(opt, maxeval); //double maxtime = 0.001; //nlopt_set_maxtime(opt, maxtime); //init_soln_to_rest_posture(x,params); //parameters are the initial joint positions q0 double initTime = get_time(); double minf; /* the minimum objective value, upon return */ if (nlopt_optimize(opt, x, &minf) < 0) { printf("NLOPT failed!\n"); } else { //nlopt_example_run(); printf("NLOPT took %f ms\n", (get_time() - initTime)/1e3); printf("Found minimum at f = %0.10g\n", minf); test_optim(x,params); } nlopt_destroy(opt); }
double NLfit::run_method(vector<realt>* best_a) { if (opt_ != NULL && na_ != (int) nlopt_get_dimension(opt_)) { nlopt_destroy(opt_); opt_ = NULL; } if (opt_ == NULL) { opt_ = nlopt_create(algorithm_, na_); nlopt_set_min_objective(opt_, calculate_for_nlopt, this); } // this is also handled in Fit::common_termination_criteria() nlopt_set_maxtime(opt_, F_->get_settings()->max_fitting_time); nlopt_set_maxeval(opt_, max_eval() - 1); // save 1 eval for final calc. nlopt_set_ftol_rel(opt_, F_->get_settings()->ftol_rel); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt_, F_->get_settings()->xtol_rel); double *lb = new double[na_]; double *ub = new double[na_]; for (int i = 0; i < na_; ++i) { const RealRange& d = F_->mgr.get_variable(i)->domain; lb[i] = d.lo; ub[i] = d.hi; } nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt_, lb); nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt_, ub); delete [] lb; delete [] ub; double opt_f; double *a = new double[na_]; for (int i = 0; i < na_; ++i) a[i] = a_orig_[i]; nlopt_result r = nlopt_optimize(opt_, a, &opt_f); F_->msg("NLopt says: " + S(nlresult_to_string(r))); best_a->assign(a, a+na_); delete [] a; return opt_f; }
void calculateSigma2() { // use non linear optimization to calculate sigma2 nlopt_opt opt; const int nParam = sigma2.size(); std::vector<double> lb(nParam, 1e-10); opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_COBYLA, nParam); nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt,; nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, goalFunction, this); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1e-4); double minf; /* the minimum objective value, upon return */ int retCode = nlopt_optimize(opt,, &minf); if (retCode < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("nlopt failed [ %d ]!\n", retCode); #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("found minimum at %g\n", minf); #endif } nlopt_destroy(opt); }
nlopt_result NLOPT_STDCALL nlopt_minimize_econstrained( nlopt_algorithm algorithm, int n, nlopt_func_old f, void *f_data, int m, nlopt_func_old fc, void *fc_data_, ptrdiff_t fc_datum_size, int p, nlopt_func_old h, void *h_data_, ptrdiff_t h_datum_size, const double *lb, const double *ub, /* bounds */ double *x, /* in: initial guess, out: minimizer */ double *minf, /* out: minimum */ double minf_max, double ftol_rel, double ftol_abs, double xtol_rel, const double *xtol_abs, double htol_rel, double htol_abs, int maxeval, double maxtime) { char *fc_data = (char *) fc_data_; char *h_data = (char *) h_data_; nlopt_opt opt; nlopt_result ret; int i; if (n < 0 || m < 0 || p < 0) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; opt = nlopt_create(algorithm, (unsigned) n); if (!opt) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; ret = nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, (nlopt_func) f, f_data); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { ret = nlopt_add_inequality_constraint(opt, (nlopt_func) fc, fc_data + i*fc_datum_size, 0.0); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } } (void) htol_rel; /* unused */ for (i = 0; i < p; ++i) { ret = nlopt_add_equality_constraint(opt, (nlopt_func) h, h_data + i*h_datum_size, htol_abs); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } } ret = nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt, lb); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } ret = nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt, ub); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } ret = nlopt_set_stopval(opt, minf_max); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } ret = nlopt_set_ftol_rel(opt, ftol_rel); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } ret = nlopt_set_ftol_abs(opt, ftol_abs); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } ret = nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, xtol_rel); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } ret = nlopt_set_xtol_abs(opt, xtol_abs); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } ret = nlopt_set_maxeval(opt, maxeval); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } ret = nlopt_set_maxtime(opt, maxtime); if (ret != NLOPT_SUCCESS) { nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; } ret = nlopt_optimize(opt, x, minf); nlopt_destroy(opt); return ret; }
double ColorLines::findMagnitude(const Mat *img, Mat *alpha_mat, double a[3]) { int w=img->cols; int h=img->rows; int t=img->type(); int c; if(img->type()==CV_8UC3){ c=3; } else if(img->type()==CV_8UC1){ c=1; } uchar *p_data=img->data; uchar *alpha_data=alpha_mat->data; //cout << *alpha_mat << endl; double img_div[h*w*c]; double *alpha=(double*)malloc(h*w*sizeof(double)); for(int i=0; i<h; i++){ for(int j=0; j<w; j++){ alpha[i*w+j]=(double)alpha_data[w*i+j]/255.0l; for(int k=0; k<c; k++){ img_div[c*(w*i+j)+k]=(double(p_data[c*(w*i+j)+k])/255.0l)/a[k]; } } } double *withoutA = (double*)malloc(h*w*c*sizeof(double)); double temp; for(int i=0; i<h; i++){ for(int j=0; j<w; j++){ for(int k=0; k<c; k++){ temp=(double(p_data[c*(w*i+j)+k])/255.0l)-alpha[w*i+j]*a[k]; if(temp>0){ withoutA[c*(w*i+j)+k]=temp; } else{ withoutA[c*(w*i+j)+k]=0; } } } } double *gray=(double*)malloc(w*h*sizeof(double)); double initMag=0.5; bool isNegative=true; while(isNegative){ initMag+=0.1; isNegative=false; for(int i=0; i<h; i++){ for(int j=0; j<w; j++){ gray[w*i+j]=0; for(int k=0; k<c; k++){ temp=withoutA[c*(w*i+j)+k]/(1-alpha[w*i+j]/initMag); isNegative=temp<0; gray[w*i+j]+=temp*temp; } gray[w*i+j]=sqrt(gray[w*i+j]); } } } double *transmission=(double*)malloc(w*h*sizeof(double)); for(int i=0; i<w*h; i++){ transmission[i]=1-alpha[i]/initMag; } double alpha_min=transmission[0]; double alpha_max=transmission[0]; for(int i=1; i<w*h; i++){ if(transmission[i]>alpha_max){ alpha_max=transmission[i]; } else if(transmission[i]<alpha_min){ alpha_min=transmission[i]; } } int numBins=50; double binW=(alpha_max-alpha_min)/(double)numBins; double mtrans[numBins+1]; double mshading[numBins+1]; mtrans[0]=alpha_min; mshading[0]=0; mtrans[numBins]=alpha_max; for(int i=1; i<numBins; i++){ mtrans[i]=mtrans[i-1]+binW; mshading[i]=0; } double val; double *inBin=(double*)malloc(w*h*sizeof(double)); int ind; for(int i=0; i<=numBins; i++){ ind=0; val=mtrans[i]+binW/2.0; for(int j=0; j<w*h; j++){ if(transmission[j]<val+binW/2.0 && transmission[j]>=val-binW/2.0){ inBin[ind]=gray[j]; ind++; } } if(ind>100){ qsort(inBin, ind, sizeof(double), comp); mshading[i]=inBin[(int)(0.995*ind+0.5)-1]; } } double ak[2]; ak[0]=1; ak[1]=1; struct_fitError entrada; entrada.withoutA=withoutA; entrada.alpha=alpha; entrada.mshading=mshading; entrada.h=w; entrada.w=h; entrada.c=c; entrada.numBins=numBins; entrada.initMag=initMag; cout << " OPTIMIZATION " << endl; nlopt_opt opt; //algoritmos de minimização, nao sei qual e melhor.. opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L, 2); //opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_DIRECT, 2); //opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM, 2); //opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GD_STOGO, 2); //opt = nlopt_create( NLOPT_GD_STOGO_RAND, 2); //opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_ISRES, 2); //opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_ESCH, 2); //valores maximos e minimos do espaço de busca, nao sei se 0 e 1 sao valores bons double lb[2]={0,0}; double ub[2]={1,1}; nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt, lb); nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt, ub); nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, fitError, &entrada); //acho que isso esta relacionado com a precisao, se aumentar o resultado fica ruim, se diminuir muito nao converge nunca nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1e-1); //numero maximo de iterações, pode ser que precise aumentar nlopt_set_maxeval(opt, 500); double minf; if (nlopt_optimize(opt, ak, &minf) < 0) { printf("nlopt failed!\n"); } double mag=initMag/ak[0]; free(alpha); free(gray); free(inBin); free(transmission); //printf("resultado final: %f %f %f\n", ak[0], ak[1], mag); return mag; }
double Optimize_Torsion_Parameters(void) { double lb[N_PARA_MAX], ub[N_PARA_MAX]; double Chi_SQ; int i, j, Pos; n_Para = 10*n_Phi + 1; memset(Is_Para_Fixed, 0, sizeof(int)*n_Para); // memset(lb, 0, sizeof(double)*n_Para); lb[n_Phi*10] = -HUGE_VAL; for(i=0; i<n_Phi; i++) { Pos = 10*i; for(j=0; j<10; j+=2) { // ten parameters lb[Pos+j] = -15.0; ub[Pos+j] = 15.0; } for(j=1; j<10; j+=2) { // ten parameters lb[Pos+j] = -M_PI; ub[Pos+j] = +M_PI; } } ub[n_Phi*10] = HUGE_VAL; opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_COBYLA, n_Para); nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt, lb); nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt, ub); nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, Callback_Eval_Gradient, NULL); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1e-6); Collect_Torsion_Parameters(); Assign_Torsion_Parameters(); Cal_E_MM_Scaned(); Cal_E_MM_Rotamer(); Para_List[n_Phi*10] = E_Scan_QM_Mean-E_Scan_MM_Mean; // energy shift E_Shift_0 = fabs(E_Scan_QM_Mean-E_Scan_MM_Mean); for(i=0; i<n_Phi; i++) { Pos = 10*i; for(j=1; j<10; j+=2) { // the phase is fixed Is_Para_Fixed[Pos+j] = 1; } } Read_Parameters("saved-para.dat"); Chi_SQ_Min = 1.0E100; memcpy(Para_Best, Para_List, sizeof(double)*n_Para); Chi_SQ = CalObjectiveFunction(Para_List, 0); if(ProgID == 0) { fprintf(fFitting, "Iteration %4d Chi^2 = %.8lf Chi^2(1D) = %.8lf Chi^2(rotamer) = %.8lf\n", 0, Chi_SQ, Chi_SQ_1D, Chi_SQ_Rotamer); fflush(fFitting); } FailCount = 0; int ret= nlopt_optimize(opt, Para_List, &Chi_SQ); if (ret < 0) { printf("nlopt failed! :%d\n", ret); } else { printf("Chi_SQ_min = %lf Chi_SQ = %lf\n", Chi_SQ_Min, Chi_SQ); } memcpy(Para_List, Para_Best, sizeof(double)*n_Para); CalObjectiveFunction(Para_List, 1); nlopt_destroy(opt); return Chi_SQ_Min; }
double Geoometry_Optimization_With_Constraint(CMol *pMol) { return (pMol->Cal_E(0)); nlopt_opt opt, opt_AugLag; int Return_Opt, nAtom, nDim, i, iPos; double E_min, x[MAX_NUM_ATOM*3]; Mol_ESP.Restrain_All_Torsions(1); // apply soft restraints on all soft dihedrals nAtom = pMol->nAtom; nDim = 3 * nAtom; printf("\nMM before:\t"); for(i=0; i<n_Phi; i++) { printf("%3d %3d %3d %3d %8.4lf\n", DihList[i][0], DihList[i][1], DihList[i][2], DihList[i][3], Mol_ESP.Query_Dihedral(DihList[i][0], DihList[i][1], DihList[i][2], DihList[i][3], 0, NULL)); } double AUG_LAG_ICM_TOL = 1.0E-17; opt_AugLag = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_LBFGS_GEO, nDim); nlopt_set_min_objective(opt_AugLag, func_Geo_Opt_Constraint, pMol); // pMol->SavePdb("opt-free.pdb"); for(i=0; i<pMol->nBond_Fixed; i++) { int ret=0; pMol->Geo_Fix_r0[i].pMol = pMol; ret =nlopt_add_equality_constraint(opt_AugLag, Geo_Constraint_Bond, &(pMol->Geo_Fix_r0[i]), 2.0E-6); printf(" Fixing bond %d\n", i ); } for(i=0; i<pMol->nAngle_Fixed; i++) { int ret=0; pMol->Geo_Fix_theta0[i].pMol = pMol; ret=nlopt_add_equality_constraint(opt_AugLag, Geo_Constraint_Angle, &(pMol->Geo_Fix_theta0[i]), 2.0E-6); printf(" Fixing angle %d\n", i ); } for(i=0; i<pMol->nPhi_Fixed; i++) { int ret=0; pMol->Geo_Fix_phi0[i].pMol = pMol; ret=nlopt_add_equality_constraint(opt_AugLag, Geo_Constraint_Dihedral, &(pMol->Geo_Fix_phi0[i]), 2.0E-6); printf(" Fixing phi %d : %d\n", i, ret ); } nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt_AugLag, 2E-7); // opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_LBFGS_GEO, nDim); // opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_COBYLA, nDim); // nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, func_Geo_Opt_Constraint, pMol); // nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1E-7); // nlopt_set_local_optimizer(opt_AugLag, opt); // nlopt_destroy(opt); for(i=0; i<nAtom; i++) { iPos = 3*i; x[iPos ] = pMol->x[i]; x[iPos+1] = pMol->y[i]; x[iPos+2] = pMol->z[i]; } Iter_Opt_Constrained = 0; Return_Opt = nlopt_optimize(opt_AugLag, x, &E_min); if (Return_Opt < 0) { printf("nlopt failed : %d\n", Return_Opt); } // else { // printf("After constrained optimization, E = %12.6lf\n", E_min); // } nlopt_destroy(opt_AugLag); printf("MM after:\t"); for(i=0; i<n_Phi; i++) { printf("%3d %3d %3d %3d %8.4lf\n", DihList[i][0], DihList[i][1], DihList[i][2], DihList[i][3], Mol_ESP.Query_Dihedral(DihList[i][0], DihList[i][1], DihList[i][2], DihList[i][3], 0, NULL)); } Mol_ESP.Restrain_All_Torsions(0); // lift soft restraints on all soft dihedrals return (pMol->Cal_E(0)); }
double Optimize_Torsion_Parameters(void) { double lb[N_TOR_PARA] = { -20.0, -PI, -20.0, -PI, -20.0, -PI, -20.0, -PI, -20.0, -PI, -100 }; double ub[N_TOR_PARA] = { +20.0, +PI, +20.0, +PI, +20.0, +PI, +20.0, +PI, +20.0, +PI, +100 }; // double ub[N_TOR_PARA] = { 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 100.0 }; /* lower bounds */ nlopt_opt opt; double Chi_SQ; int i, j; Chi_SQ_Min = 1.0E100; for(i=0; i<NRUN; i++) { // was 32 ActiveRun = i; Chi_SQ_Min_Local[i] = 1.0E200; FailCount = Iteration = 0; // for(j=0; j<5; j++) { // Para_Tor[2*j] = 0.1+1.0*rand(iseed); // } for( i=0; i<11; i++ ) { Para_Tor[i] = 0.; IsPara_Fixed[i] = 0.; } // inital values //opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_LBFGS, N_TOR_PARA); printf("=== Fitting ===\n" ); opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_COBYLA, N_TOR_PARA); nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt, lb); nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt, ub); nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, Callback_Eval_Gradient, NULL); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1e-8); if (nlopt_optimize(opt, Para_Tor, &Chi_SQ) < 0) { printf("nlopt didn't converge %lf %lf\n Please check carefully the rotamer results\n",Chi_SQ_Min, Chi_SQ); } else { printf("Chi_SQ_min = %lf Chi_SQ = %lf\n", Chi_SQ_Min, Chi_SQ); } nlopt_destroy(opt); } memcpy(Para_Tor, Para_Best, sizeof(double)*N_TOR_PARA); CalObjectiveFunction_Tor(Para_Tor); return Chi_SQ_Min; }
static int test_function(int ifunc) { nlopt_opt opt; testfunc func; int i, iter; double *x, minf, minf_max, f0, *xtabs, *lb, *ub; nlopt_result ret; double start = nlopt_seconds(); int total_count = 0, max_count = 0, min_count = 1 << 30; double total_err = 0, max_err = 0; bounds_wrap_data bw; if (ifunc < 0 || ifunc >= NTESTFUNCS) { fprintf(stderr, "testopt: invalid function %d\n", ifunc); listfuncs(stderr); return 0; } func = testfuncs[ifunc]; x = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * func.n * 5); if (!x) { fprintf(stderr, "testopt: Out of memory!\n"); return 0; } lb = x + func.n * 3; ub = lb + func.n; xtabs = x + func.n * 2; = lb; bw.ub = ub; bw.f = func.f; bw.f_data = func.f_data; for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) xtabs[i] = xtol_abs; minf_max = minf_max_delta > (-HUGE_VAL) ? minf_max_delta + func.minf : (-HUGE_VAL); printf("-----------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Optimizing %s (%d dims) using %s algorithm\n",, func.n, nlopt_algorithm_name(algorithm)); printf("lower bounds at lb = ["); for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) printf(" %g",[i]); printf("]\n"); printf("upper bounds at ub = ["); for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) printf(" %g", func.ub[i]); printf("]\n"); memcpy(lb,, func.n * sizeof(double)); memcpy(ub, func.ub, func.n * sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) if (fix_bounds[i]) { printf("fixing bounds for dim[%d] to xmin[%d]=%g\n", i, i, func.xmin[i]); lb[i] = ub[i] = func.xmin[i]; } if (force_constraints) { for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) { if (nlopt_iurand(2) == 0) ub[i] = nlopt_urand(lb[i], func.xmin[i]); else lb[i] = nlopt_urand(func.xmin[i], ub[i]); } printf("adjusted lower bounds at lb = ["); for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) printf(" %g", lb[i]); printf("]\n"); printf("adjusted upper bounds at ub = ["); for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) printf(" %g", ub[i]); printf("]\n"); } if (fabs(func.f(func.n, func.xmin, 0, func.f_data) - func.minf) > 1e-8) { fprintf(stderr, "BUG: function does not achieve given lower bound!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "f(%g", func.xmin[0]); for (i = 1; i < func.n; ++i) fprintf(stderr, ", %g", func.xmin[i]); fprintf(stderr, ") = %0.16g instead of %0.16g, |diff| = %g\n", func.f(func.n, func.xmin, 0, func.f_data), func.minf, fabs(func.f(func.n, func.xmin, 0, func.f_data) - func.minf)); free(x); return 0; } for (iter = 0; iter < iterations; ++iter) { double val; testfuncs_counter = 0; printf("Starting guess x = ["); for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) { if (center_start) x[i] = (ub[i] + lb[i]) * 0.5; else if (xinit_tol < 0) { /* random starting point near center of box */ double dx = (ub[i] - lb[i]) * 0.25; double xm = 0.5 * (ub[i] + lb[i]); x[i] = nlopt_urand(xm - dx, xm + dx); } else { x[i] = nlopt_urand(-xinit_tol, xinit_tol) + (1 + nlopt_urand(-xinit_tol, xinit_tol)) * func.xmin[i]; if (x[i] > ub[i]) x[i] = ub[i]; else if (x[i] < lb[i]) x[i] = lb[i]; } printf(" %g", x[i]); } printf("]\n"); f0 = func.f(func.n, x, x + func.n, func.f_data); printf("Starting function value = %g\n", f0); if (iter == 0 && testfuncs_verbose && func.has_gradient) { printf("checking gradient:\n"); for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) { double f; x[i] *= 1 + 1e-6; f = func.f(func.n, x, NULL, func.f_data); x[i] /= 1 + 1e-6; printf(" grad[%d] = %g vs. numerical derivative %g\n", i, x[i + func.n], (f - f0) / (x[i] * 1e-6)); } } testfuncs_counter = 0; opt = nlopt_create(algorithm, func.n); nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, bounds_wrap_func, &bw); nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt, lb); nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt, ub); nlopt_set_stopval(opt, minf_max); nlopt_set_ftol_rel(opt, ftol_rel); nlopt_set_ftol_abs(opt, ftol_abs); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, xtol_rel); nlopt_set_xtol_abs(opt, xtabs); nlopt_set_maxeval(opt, maxeval); nlopt_set_maxtime(opt, maxtime); ret = nlopt_optimize(opt, x, &minf); printf("finished after %g seconds.\n", nlopt_seconds() - start); printf("return code %d from nlopt_minimize\n", ret); if (ret < 0 && ret != NLOPT_ROUNDOFF_LIMITED && ret != NLOPT_FORCED_STOP) { fprintf(stderr, "testopt: error in nlopt_minimize\n"); free(x); return 0; } printf("Found minimum f = %g after %d evaluations (numevals = %d).\n", minf, testfuncs_counter, nlopt_get_numevals(opt)); nlopt_destroy(opt); total_count += testfuncs_counter; if (testfuncs_counter > max_count) max_count = testfuncs_counter; if (testfuncs_counter < min_count) min_count = testfuncs_counter; printf("Minimum at x = ["); for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) printf(" %g", x[i]); printf("]\n"); if (func.minf == 0) printf("|f - minf| = %g\n", fabs(minf - func.minf)); else printf("|f - minf| = %g, |f - minf| / |minf| = %e\n", fabs(minf - func.minf), fabs(minf - func.minf) / fabs(func.minf)); total_err += fabs(minf - func.minf); if (fabs(minf - func.minf) > max_err) max_err = fabs(minf - func.minf); printf("vs. global minimum f = %g at x = [", func.minf); for (i = 0; i < func.n; ++i) printf(" %g", func.xmin[i]); printf("]\n"); val = func.f(func.n, x, NULL, func.f_data); if (fabs(val - minf) > 1e-12) { fprintf(stderr, "Mismatch %g between returned minf=%g and f(x) = %g\n", minf - val, minf, val); free(x); return 0; } } if (iterations > 1) printf("average #evaluations = %g (%d-%d)\naverage |f-minf| = %g, max |f-minf| = %g\n", total_count * 1.0 / iterations, min_count, max_count, total_err / iterations, max_err); free(x); return 1; }
void omxInvokeNLOPT(double *est, GradientOptimizerContext &goc) { goc.optName = "SLSQP"; goc.setupSimpleBounds(); goc.useGradient = true; FitContext *fc = goc.fc; int oldWanted = fc->wanted; fc->wanted = 0; omxState *globalState = fc->state; nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_SLSQP, fc->numParam); goc.extraData = opt; //local_opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_SLSQP, n); // Subsidiary algorithm //nlopt_set_local_optimizer(opt, local_opt); nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt,; nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt,; int eq, ieq; globalState->countNonlinearConstraints(eq, ieq); if (fc->CI) { nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 5e-3); std::vector<double> tol(fc->numParam, std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()); nlopt_set_xtol_abs(opt,; } else { // The *2 is there to roughly equate accuracy with NPSOL. nlopt_set_ftol_rel(opt, goc.ControlTolerance * 2); nlopt_set_ftol_abs(opt, std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()); } nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, SLSQP::nloptObjectiveFunction, &goc); double feasibilityTolerance = Global->feasibilityTolerance; SLSQP::context ctx(goc); if (eq + ieq) { ctx.origeq = eq; if (ieq > 0){ goc.inequality.resize(ieq); std::vector<double> tol(ieq, feasibilityTolerance); nlopt_add_inequality_mconstraint(opt, ieq, SLSQP::nloptInequalityFunction, &goc,; } if (eq > 0){ goc.equality.resize(eq); std::vector<double> tol(eq, feasibilityTolerance); nlopt_add_equality_mconstraint(opt, eq, SLSQP::nloptEqualityFunction, &ctx,; } } int priorIterations = fc->iterations; int code = nlopt_optimize(opt, est, &fc->fit); if (ctx.eqredundent) { nlopt_remove_equality_constraints(opt); eq -= ctx.eqredundent; std::vector<double> tol(eq, feasibilityTolerance); nlopt_add_equality_mconstraint(opt, eq, SLSQP::nloptEqualityFunction, &ctx,; code = nlopt_optimize(opt, est, &fc->fit); } if (goc.verbose >= 2) mxLog("nlopt_optimize returned %d", code); nlopt_destroy(opt); fc->wanted = oldWanted; if (code == NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS) { Rf_error("NLOPT invoked with invalid arguments"); } else if (code == NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY) { Rf_error("NLOPT ran out of memory"); } else if (code == NLOPT_FORCED_STOP) { if (fc->iterations - priorIterations <= 1) { goc.informOut = INFORM_STARTING_VALUES_INFEASIBLE; } else { goc.informOut = INFORM_ITERATION_LIMIT; } } else if (code == NLOPT_ROUNDOFF_LIMITED) { if (fc->iterations - priorIterations <= 2) { Rf_error("%s: Failed due to singular matrix E or C in LSQ subproblem or " "rank-deficient equality constraint subproblem or " "positive directional derivative in line search", goc.optName); } else { goc.informOut = INFORM_NOT_AT_OPTIMUM; // is this correct? TODO } } else if (code < 0) { Rf_error("NLOPT fatal error %d", code); } else if (code == NLOPT_MAXEVAL_REACHED) { goc.informOut = INFORM_ITERATION_LIMIT; } else { goc.informOut = INFORM_CONVERGED_OPTIMUM; } }
double Optimize_Torsion_Parameters(void) { double lb[N_TOR_PARA] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -100.0 }; /* lower bounds */ double ub[N_TOR_PARA] = { 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 100.0 }; /* lower bounds */ // double ub[N_TOR_PARA] = { 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 100.0 }; /* lower bounds */ double Phase[32][5]={{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, PI}, {0, 0, 0, PI, 0}, {0, 0, 0, PI, PI}, {0, 0, PI, 0, 0}, {0, 0, PI, 0, PI}, {0, 0, PI, PI, 0}, {0, 0, PI, PI, PI}, {0, PI, 0, 0, 0}, {0, PI, 0, 0, PI}, {0, PI, 0, PI, 0}, {0, PI, 0, PI, PI}, {0, PI, PI, 0, 0}, {0, PI, PI, 0, PI}, {0, PI, PI, PI, 0}, {0, PI, PI, PI, PI}, {PI, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {PI, 0, 0, 0, PI}, {PI, 0, 0, PI, 0}, {PI, 0, 0, PI, PI}, {PI, 0, PI, 0, 0}, {PI, 0, PI, 0, PI}, {PI, 0, PI, PI, 0}, {PI, 0, PI, PI, PI}, {PI, PI, 0, 0, 0}, {PI, PI, 0, 0, PI}, {PI, PI, 0, PI, 0}, {PI, PI, 0, PI, PI}, {PI, PI, PI, 0, 0}, {PI, PI, PI, 0, PI}, {PI, PI, PI, PI, 0}, {PI, PI, PI, PI, PI}}; nlopt_opt opt; double Chi_SQ; int i, j; Chi_SQ_Min = 1.0E100; iseed = time(NULL); for(i=0; i<32; i++) { ActiveRun = i; Chi_SQ_Min_Local[i] = 1.0E200; FailCount = Iteration = 0; // for(j=0; j<5; j++) { // Para_Tor[2*j] = 0.1+1.0*rand(iseed); // } Para_Tor[0] = Para_Tor[2] = Para_Tor[4] = Para_Tor[6] = Para_Tor[8] = 1.0; for(j=0; j<5; j++) { Para_Tor[2*j+1] = Phase[i][j]; lb[2*j+1] = Para_Tor[2*j+1]; ub[2*j+1] = Para_Tor[2*j+1]; } // Para_Tor[1] = Para_Tor[3] = Para_Tor[5] = Para_Tor[7] = Para_Tor[9] = 0.0; Para_Tor[10] = 0.0; IsPara_Fixed[1] = IsPara_Fixed[3] = IsPara_Fixed[5] = IsPara_Fixed[7] = IsPara_Fixed[9] = 1; //for test // IsPara_Fixed[6] = 1; Para_Tor[6] = 0.0; opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_LBFGS, N_TOR_PARA); nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt, lb); nlopt_set_upper_bounds(opt, ub); nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, Callback_Eval_Gradient, NULL); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, 1e-8); if (nlopt_optimize(opt, Para_Tor, &Chi_SQ) < 0) { printf("nlopt didn't converge %lf %lf\n Please check carefully the rotamer results\n",Chi_SQ_Min, Chi_SQ); } else { printf("Chi_SQ_min = %lf Chi_SQ = %lf\n", Chi_SQ_Min, Chi_SQ); } nlopt_destroy(opt); } memcpy(Para_Tor, Para_Best, sizeof(double)*N_TOR_PARA); CalObjectiveFunction_Tor(Para_Tor); return Chi_SQ_Min; }
int solve(const int *i, const int *j, const double *a, const double* b,const int num_constraints, double *phi_dist_approximate, const double *phi_lb, const int s , const double constraint_eps, const double solution_convergence_eps, double * phi_result ) { if(num_constraints > s){ std::cout<< "SHIT! too many constraints!"; throw(0); } nlopt_opt opt; // use local optimization opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LD_SLSQP, s); //opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_ISRES, s); // set lower bound to not less than phi before damge evolution double *lb = new double[s]; for(int k=0;k<s;k++) lb[k]=phi_lb[k]; nlopt_set_lower_bounds(opt, lb); my_function_data func_data={phi_dist_approximate, s}; nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, myfunc, &func_data); std::vector<my_constraint_data> data(num_constraints); for(int k=0;k<num_constraints;k++) { data[k].a=a[k]; data[k].b=b[k]; data[k].i=i[k]; data[k].j=j[k]; data[k].s=s; nlopt_add_equality_constraint(opt,myconstraint, &data[k],constraint_eps); } nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, solution_convergence_eps); double *x = new double[s]; for(int k=0;k<s;k++) { x[k]= (phi_dist_approximate[k]<lb[k]) ? lb[k]:phi_dist_approximate[k]; // need to let the initialial guess in bound!! } double minf; int result= nlopt_optimize(opt,x,&minf); if(result > 0){ for(int k=0; k<s;k++){ phi_result[k]=x[k]; } } else{ std::cout<<"FATAL ERROR! Can't solve optimization.\n"; std::cout<<result<<std::endl; std::cout<<minf<<std::endl; } nlopt_destroy(opt); delete []lb; delete []x; return result; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt=0, verb=0; int max_harm = 64, max_lag=0; int isub = 1; while ((opt=getopt(argc,argv,"hvI:H:L:"))!=-1) { switch (opt) { case 'v': verb++; break; case 'I': isub = atoi(optarg); break; case 'H': max_harm = atoi(optarg); break; case 'L': max_lag = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': usage(); exit(0); break; } } if (optind==argc) { usage(); exit(1); } int i, rv; /* Open file */ fitsfile *f; int status; fits_open_file(&f, argv[optind], READONLY, &status); fits_error_check_fatal(); /* Get basic dims */ struct cyclic_work w; cyclic_load_params(f, &w, &status); fits_error_check_fatal(); if (verb) { printf("Read nphase=%d npol=%d nchan=%d\n", w.nphase, w.npol, w.nchan); fflush(stdout); } int orig_npol = w.npol; w.npol = 1; /* Init FFTs */ fftwf_init_threads(); fftwf_plan_with_nthreads(4); if (verb) { printf("Planning FFTs\n"); fflush(stdout); } #define WF "/home/pdemores/share/cyclic_wisdom.dat" FILE *wf = fopen(WF,"r"); if (wf!=NULL) { fftwf_import_wisdom_from_file(wf); fclose(wf); } rv = cyclic_init_ffts(&w); if (rv) { fprintf(stderr, "Error planning ffts (rv=%d)\n", rv); exit(1); } wf = fopen(WF,"w"); if (wf!=NULL) { fftwf_export_wisdom_to_file(wf); fclose(wf); } /* Alloc some stuff */ struct periodic_spectrum raw; struct cyclic_spectrum cs, model_cs; struct filter_time ht; struct filter_freq hf; struct profile_phase pp; struct profile_harm ph; raw.nphase = pp.nphase = w.nphase; raw.nchan = cs.nchan = hf.nchan = w.nchan; cs.nharm = ph.nharm = w.nharm; ht.nlag = w.nlag; raw.npol = orig_npol; cs.npol = 1; model_cs.nchan = cs.nchan; model_cs.nharm = cs.nharm; model_cs.npol = cs.npol; cyclic_alloc_ps(&raw); cyclic_alloc_cs(&cs); cyclic_alloc_cs(&model_cs); filter_alloc_time(&ht); filter_alloc_freq(&hf); profile_alloc_phase(&pp); profile_alloc_harm(&ph); #if 0 // XXX not implemented yet /* Check bounds */ if (max_harm > w.nharm) { max_harm = w.nharm; } if (max_lag > w.nlag/2) { max_lag = w.nlag/2; } if (verb) { printf("Using max of %d harmonics and %d lags\n", max_harm, max_lag); } #endif /* Load data */ cyclic_load_ps(f, &raw, isub, &status); fits_error_check_fatal(); /* Add polns w/o calibration */ cyclic_pscrunch_ps(&raw, 1.0, 1.0); /* Initialize H, profile guesses */ cyclic_fscrunch_ps(&pp, &raw); profile_phase2harm(&pp, &ph, &w);[0] = 1.0; for (i=1; i<ht.nlag; i++) {[i] = 0.0; } filter_profile_norm(&ht, &ph, w.nharm); profile_harm2phase(&ph, &pp, &w); /* convert input data to cyclic spectrum */ cyclic_ps2cs(&raw, &cs, &w); /* could output initial profile */ /* Fill in data struct for nlopt */ struct cyclic_data cdata; cdata.cs = &cs; cdata.s0 = &ph; = &ht; cdata.model_cs = &model_cs; cdata.w = &w; /* Set up minimizer */ const int dim = 2*(w.nharm-1) + 2*w.nlag; /* number of free params */ printf("number of fit params = %d\n", dim); nlopt_opt op; op = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_COBYLA, dim); nlopt_set_min_objective(op, cyclic_ms_difference_nlopt, &cdata); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(op, 1e-4); /* Set up initial params */ double *x = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * dim); double *xtmp = x; for (i=1; i<ph.nharm; i++) { xtmp[0] = creal([i]); xtmp[1] = cimag([i]); xtmp += 2; } for (i=0; i<ht.nlag; i++) { xtmp[0] = creal([i]); xtmp[1] = cimag([i]); xtmp += 2; } /* Run optimization */ double min; if (nlopt_optimize(op, x, &min)) { fprintf(stderr, "nlopt_optimize failed\n"); exit(1); } /* TODO: some kind of output */ /* All done :) */ nlopt_destroy(op); exit(0); }
/* unlike nlopt_optimize() below, only handles minimization case */ static nlopt_result nlopt_optimize_(nlopt_opt opt, double *x, double *minf) { const double *lb, *ub; nlopt_algorithm algorithm; nlopt_func f; void *f_data; unsigned n, i; int ni; nlopt_stopping stop; if (!opt || !x || !minf || !opt->f || opt->maximize) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; /* reset stopping flag */ nlopt_set_force_stop(opt, 0); opt->force_stop_child = NULL; /* copy a few params to local vars for convenience */ n = opt->n; ni = (int) n; /* most of the subroutines take "int" arg */ lb = opt->lb; ub = opt->ub; algorithm = opt->algorithm; f = opt->f; f_data = opt->f_data; if (n == 0) { /* trivial case: no degrees of freedom */ *minf = opt->f(n, x, NULL, opt->f_data); return NLOPT_SUCCESS; } *minf = HUGE_VAL; /* make sure rand generator is inited */ nlopt_srand_time_default(); /* default is non-deterministic */ /* check bound constraints */ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (lb[i] > ub[i] || x[i] < lb[i] || x[i] > ub[i]) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; stop.n = n; stop.minf_max = opt->stopval; stop.ftol_rel = opt->ftol_rel; stop.ftol_abs = opt->ftol_abs; stop.xtol_rel = opt->xtol_rel; stop.xtol_abs = opt->xtol_abs; stop.nevals = 0; stop.maxeval = opt->maxeval; stop.maxtime = opt->maxtime; stop.start = nlopt_seconds(); stop.force_stop = &(opt->force_stop); switch (algorithm) { case NLOPT_GN_DIRECT: case NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L: case NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_RAND: if (!finite_domain(n, lb, ub)) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; return cdirect(ni, f, f_data, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, 0.0, (algorithm != NLOPT_GN_DIRECT) + 3 * (algorithm == NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_RAND ? 2 : (algorithm != NLOPT_GN_DIRECT)) + 9 * (algorithm == NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_RAND ? 1 : (algorithm != NLOPT_GN_DIRECT))); case NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_NOSCAL: case NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_NOSCAL: case NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_RAND_NOSCAL: if (!finite_domain(n, lb, ub)) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; return cdirect_unscaled(ni, f, f_data, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, 0.0, (algorithm != NLOPT_GN_DIRECT) + 3 * (algorithm == NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_RAND ? 2 : (algorithm != NLOPT_GN_DIRECT)) + 9 * (algorithm == NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_RAND ? 1 : (algorithm != NLOPT_GN_DIRECT))); case NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT: case NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT_L: { direct_return_code dret; if (!finite_domain(n, lb, ub)) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; opt->work = malloc(sizeof(double) * nlopt_max_constraint_dim(opt->m, opt->fc)); if (!opt->work) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; dret = direct_optimize(f_direct, opt, ni, lb, ub, x, minf, stop.maxeval, -1, stop.start, stop.maxtime, 0.0, 0.0, pow(stop.xtol_rel, (double) n), -1.0, stop.force_stop, stop.minf_max, 0.0, NULL, algorithm == NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT ? DIRECT_ORIGINAL : DIRECT_GABLONSKY); free(opt->work); opt->work = NULL; switch (dret) { case DIRECT_INVALID_BOUNDS: case DIRECT_MAXFEVAL_TOOBIG: case DIRECT_INVALID_ARGS: return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; case DIRECT_INIT_FAILED: case DIRECT_SAMPLEPOINTS_FAILED: case DIRECT_SAMPLE_FAILED: return NLOPT_FAILURE; case DIRECT_MAXFEVAL_EXCEEDED: case DIRECT_MAXITER_EXCEEDED: return NLOPT_MAXEVAL_REACHED; case DIRECT_MAXTIME_EXCEEDED: return NLOPT_MAXTIME_REACHED; case DIRECT_GLOBAL_FOUND: return NLOPT_MINF_MAX_REACHED; case DIRECT_VOLTOL: case DIRECT_SIGMATOL: return NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED; case DIRECT_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; case DIRECT_FORCED_STOP: return NLOPT_FORCED_STOP; } break; } case NLOPT_GD_STOGO: case NLOPT_GD_STOGO_RAND: #ifdef WITH_CXX if (!finite_domain(n, lb, ub)) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; if (!stogo_minimize(ni, f, f_data, x, minf, lb, ub, &stop, algorithm == NLOPT_GD_STOGO ? 0 : (int) POP(2*n))) return NLOPT_FAILURE; break; #else return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; #endif #if 0 /* lacking a free/open-source license, we no longer use Rowan's code, and instead use by "sbplx" re-implementation */ case NLOPT_LN_SUBPLEX: { int iret, freedx = 0; if (!opt->dx) { freedx = 1; if (nlopt_set_default_initial_step(opt, x) != NLOPT_SUCCESS) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } iret = nlopt_subplex(f_bound, minf, x, n, opt, &stop, opt->dx); if (freedx) { free(opt->dx); opt->dx = NULL; } switch (iret) { case -2: return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; case -20: return NLOPT_FORCED_STOP; case -10: return NLOPT_MAXTIME_REACHED; case -1: return NLOPT_MAXEVAL_REACHED; case 0: return NLOPT_XTOL_REACHED; case 1: return NLOPT_SUCCESS; case 2: return NLOPT_MINF_MAX_REACHED; case 20: return NLOPT_FTOL_REACHED; case -200: return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; default: return NLOPT_FAILURE; /* unknown return code */ } break; } #endif case NLOPT_LN_PRAXIS: { double step; if (initial_step(opt, x, &step) != NLOPT_SUCCESS) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return praxis_(0.0, DBL_EPSILON, step, ni, x, f_bound, opt, &stop, minf); } case NLOPT_LD_LBFGS: return luksan_plis(ni, f, f_data, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, opt->vector_storage); case NLOPT_LD_VAR1: case NLOPT_LD_VAR2: return luksan_plip(ni, f, f_data, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, opt->vector_storage, algorithm == NLOPT_LD_VAR1 ? 1 : 2); case NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON: case NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_RESTART: case NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND: case NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND_RESTART: return luksan_pnet(ni, f, f_data, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, opt->vector_storage, 1 + (algorithm - NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON) % 2, 1 + (algorithm - NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON) / 2); case NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM: if (!finite_domain(n, lb, ub)) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; return crs_minimize(ni, f, f_data, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, (int) POP(0), 0); case NLOPT_G_MLSL: case NLOPT_G_MLSL_LDS: case NLOPT_GN_MLSL: case NLOPT_GD_MLSL: case NLOPT_GN_MLSL_LDS: case NLOPT_GD_MLSL_LDS: { nlopt_opt local_opt = opt->local_opt; nlopt_result ret; if (!finite_domain(n, lb, ub)) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; if (!local_opt && (algorithm == NLOPT_G_MLSL || algorithm == NLOPT_G_MLSL_LDS)) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; if (!local_opt) { /* default */ nlopt_algorithm local_alg = (algorithm == NLOPT_GN_MLSL || algorithm == NLOPT_GN_MLSL_LDS) ? nlopt_local_search_alg_nonderiv : nlopt_local_search_alg_deriv; /* don't call MLSL recursively! */ if (local_alg >= NLOPT_GN_MLSL && local_alg <= NLOPT_GD_MLSL_LDS) local_alg = (algorithm == NLOPT_GN_MLSL || algorithm == NLOPT_GN_MLSL_LDS) ? NLOPT_LN_COBYLA : NLOPT_LD_MMA; local_opt = nlopt_create(local_alg, n); if (!local_opt) return NLOPT_FAILURE; nlopt_set_ftol_rel(local_opt, opt->ftol_rel); nlopt_set_ftol_abs(local_opt, opt->ftol_abs); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(local_opt, opt->xtol_rel); nlopt_set_xtol_abs(local_opt, opt->xtol_abs); nlopt_set_maxeval(local_opt, nlopt_local_search_maxeval); } if (opt->dx) nlopt_set_initial_step(local_opt, opt->dx); for (i = 0; i < n && stop.xtol_abs[i] > 0; ++i) ; if (local_opt->ftol_rel <= 0 && local_opt->ftol_abs <= 0 && local_opt->xtol_rel <= 0 && i < n) { /* it is not sensible to call MLSL without *some* nonzero tolerance for the local search */ nlopt_set_ftol_rel(local_opt, 1e-15); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(local_opt, 1e-7); } opt->force_stop_child = local_opt; ret = mlsl_minimize(ni, f, f_data, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, local_opt, (int) POP(0), algorithm >= NLOPT_GN_MLSL_LDS && algorithm != NLOPT_G_MLSL); opt->force_stop_child = NULL; if (!opt->local_opt) nlopt_destroy(local_opt); return ret; } case NLOPT_LD_MMA: case NLOPT_LD_CCSAQ: { nlopt_opt dual_opt; nlopt_result ret; #define LO(param, def) (opt->local_opt ? opt->local_opt->param : (def)) dual_opt = nlopt_create(LO(algorithm, nlopt_local_search_alg_deriv), nlopt_count_constraints(opt->m, opt->fc)); if (!dual_opt) return NLOPT_FAILURE; nlopt_set_ftol_rel(dual_opt, LO(ftol_rel, 1e-14)); nlopt_set_ftol_abs(dual_opt, LO(ftol_abs, 0.0)); nlopt_set_maxeval(dual_opt, LO(maxeval, 100000)); #undef LO if (algorithm == NLOPT_LD_MMA) ret = mma_minimize(n, f, f_data, opt->m, opt->fc, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, dual_opt); else ret = ccsa_quadratic_minimize( n, f, f_data, opt->m, opt->fc, opt->pre, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, dual_opt); nlopt_destroy(dual_opt); return ret; } case NLOPT_LN_COBYLA: { nlopt_result ret; int freedx = 0; if (!opt->dx) { freedx = 1; if (nlopt_set_default_initial_step(opt, x) != NLOPT_SUCCESS) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return cobyla_minimize(n, f, f_data, opt->m, opt->fc, opt->p, opt->h, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, opt->dx); if (freedx) { free(opt->dx); opt->dx = NULL; } return ret; } case NLOPT_LN_NEWUOA: { double step; if (initial_step(opt, x, &step) != NLOPT_SUCCESS) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return newuoa(ni, 2*n+1, x, 0, 0, step, &stop, minf, f_noderiv, opt); } case NLOPT_LN_NEWUOA_BOUND: { double step; if (initial_step(opt, x, &step) != NLOPT_SUCCESS) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return newuoa(ni, 2*n+1, x, lb, ub, step, &stop, minf, f_noderiv, opt); } case NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA: { nlopt_result ret; int freedx = 0; if (!opt->dx) { freedx = 1; if (nlopt_set_default_initial_step(opt, x) != NLOPT_SUCCESS) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } ret = bobyqa(ni, 2*n+1, x, lb, ub, opt->dx, &stop, minf, opt->f, opt->f_data); if (freedx) { free(opt->dx); opt->dx = NULL; } return ret; } case NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD: case NLOPT_LN_SBPLX: { nlopt_result ret; int freedx = 0; if (!opt->dx) { freedx = 1; if (nlopt_set_default_initial_step(opt, x) != NLOPT_SUCCESS) return NLOPT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if (algorithm == NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD) ret= nldrmd_minimize(ni,f,f_data,lb,ub,x,minf,opt->dx,&stop); else ret= sbplx_minimize(ni,f,f_data,lb,ub,x,minf,opt->dx,&stop); if (freedx) { free(opt->dx); opt->dx = NULL; } return ret; } case NLOPT_AUGLAG: case NLOPT_AUGLAG_EQ: case NLOPT_LN_AUGLAG: case NLOPT_LN_AUGLAG_EQ: case NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG: case NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG_EQ: { nlopt_opt local_opt = opt->local_opt; nlopt_result ret; if ((algorithm == NLOPT_AUGLAG || algorithm == NLOPT_AUGLAG_EQ) && !local_opt) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; if (!local_opt) { /* default */ local_opt = nlopt_create( algorithm == NLOPT_LN_AUGLAG || algorithm == NLOPT_LN_AUGLAG_EQ ? nlopt_local_search_alg_nonderiv : nlopt_local_search_alg_deriv, n); if (!local_opt) return NLOPT_FAILURE; nlopt_set_ftol_rel(local_opt, opt->ftol_rel); nlopt_set_ftol_abs(local_opt, opt->ftol_abs); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(local_opt, opt->xtol_rel); nlopt_set_xtol_abs(local_opt, opt->xtol_abs); nlopt_set_maxeval(local_opt, nlopt_local_search_maxeval); } if (opt->dx) nlopt_set_initial_step(local_opt, opt->dx); opt->force_stop_child = local_opt; ret = auglag_minimize(ni, f, f_data, opt->m, opt->fc, opt->p, opt->h, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, local_opt, algorithm == NLOPT_AUGLAG_EQ || algorithm == NLOPT_LN_AUGLAG_EQ || algorithm == NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG_EQ); opt->force_stop_child = NULL; if (!opt->local_opt) nlopt_destroy(local_opt); return ret; } case NLOPT_GN_ISRES: if (!finite_domain(n, lb, ub)) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; return isres_minimize(ni, f, f_data, (int) (opt->m), opt->fc, (int) (opt->p), opt->h, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, (int) POP(0)); // case NLOPT_GN_ESCH: // if (!finite_domain(n, lb, ub)) return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; // return chevolutionarystrategy(n, f, f_data, // lb, ub, x, minf, &stop, // (unsigned) POP(0), // (unsigned) (POP(0)*1.5)); case NLOPT_LD_SLSQP: return nlopt_slsqp(n, f, f_data, opt->m, opt->fc, opt->p, opt->h, lb, ub, x, minf, &stop); default: return NLOPT_INVALID_ARGS; } return NLOPT_SUCCESS; /* never reached */ }
void minim_nlopt(density_t *ndft){ nlopt_opt opt; double minf; int i, status; double *x; nlopt_function_data function_data; nlopt_par par; x = (double *)malloc(ipf.npar*sizeof(double)); for(i = 0; i < ipf.npar; i++) x[i] = gsl_vector_get(ipf.gamma, i); /* Here we choose the minimization method from NLOPT (check the avaible algorithms at and specify the dimension of the problem */ par.algorithm = 1; parse_int("nlopt_algorithm", &par.algorithm); switch(par.algorithm){ case 1 : opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA, ipf.npar); if(myid == 0) printf("\n\n%s", nlopt_algorithm_name(NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA)); break; case 2 : opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_DIRECT, ipf.npar); if(myid == 0) printf("\n\n%s", nlopt_algorithm_name(NLOPT_GN_DIRECT)); break; case 3 : opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GD_STOGO, ipf.npar); if(myid == 0) printf("\n\n%s", nlopt_algorithm_name(NLOPT_GD_STOGO)); break; case 4: opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_ESCH, ipf.npar); if(myid == 0) printf("\n\n%s", nlopt_algorithm_name(NLOPT_GN_ESCH)); break; default : if(myid == 0) printf("\n\nWARNING: wrong choice for the NLOPT algorithm\nTHe optimization will start with the default algorithm:"); opt = nlopt_create(NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L, ipf.npar); if(myid == 0) printf("\n%s", nlopt_algorithm_name(NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L)); break; } nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, nlopt_gfunction, &function_data); par.rel_tol = 1e-4; parse_double("nlopt_rel_tol", &par.rel_tol); nlopt_set_xtol_rel(opt, par.rel_tol); /* Set the lower and upper bounds of the optimization to a single constant lb or ub respectively */ = -2.0; parse_double("nlopt_lb", &; par.ub = 2.0; parse_double("nlopt_ub", &par.ub); nlopt_set_lower_bounds1(opt,; nlopt_set_upper_bounds1(opt, par.ub); function_data.counter = 0; function_data.ndft = density_get_val(ndft); messages_basic("\n\n\nStarting the optimization.\n\n\n"); if ((status = nlopt_optimize(opt, x, &minf)) < 0){ if (myid == 0) printf("nlopt failed! status = %d\n", status); parallel_end(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(myid == 0) printf("Success. status = %d, iterations = %d, minf = %.12lg\n", status, function_data.counter, minf); if(myid == 0) {for(i = 0; i < ipf.npar; i++) printf("%.5f ", x[i]);} nlopt_destroy(opt); for(i = 0; i < ipf.npar; i++) gsl_vector_set(ipf.gamma, i, x[i]); ipf_write(ipf, ipf_ref, "pot"); parallel_end(EXIT_SUCCESS); }