Example #1
void process_auswave(e *E){

  // netcdf vars
  int ncid;
  int varid;
  int retval;
  size_t attlen = 0;
  size_t from[3];
  size_t to[3];

  // for time conversion
  static char *calendar = "Standard";
  ut_system *u_system;
  double sec;
  int ierr, yr, mo, day, hr, min;

  int i,j,t;
  int count;

  // read in the auswave data so we can estimate wave setup
  //time = UNLIMITED ; // (192 currently)
  //lat = 411 ;
  //lon = 441 ;
  // open the file
  if((retval = nc_open(E->wave_input, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)))
          fail("failed to open wave setup input file: error is %d\n",retval);

  // get the time data
  if((retval = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, "time", &varid)))
          fail("failed to get auswave dimid: error is %d\n",retval);

  if((retval = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,varid,&E->nTimeWaves)))
          fail("failed to get auswave lat dimlen: error is %d\n",retval);

  //printf("aus waves_times = %zu\n", E->nTimeWaves);

  // get the auswave lat data
  if((retval = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, "lat", &varid)))
          fail("failed to get auswave lat dimid: error is %d\n",retval);

  if((retval = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,varid,&E->nLatWaves)))
          fail("failed to get auswave lat dimlen: error is %d\n",retval);

  //printf("auswave lat = %zu\n", E->nLatWaves);

  // get the auswave lon data
  if((retval = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, "lon", &varid)))
          fail("failed to get auswave lon dimid: error is %d\n",retval);

  if((retval = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,varid,&E->nLonWaves)))
          fail("failed to get auswave lon dimlen: error is %d\n",retval);

  //printf("auswave lat = %zu\n", E->nLonWaves);

  // process spatial dimensions
  // malloc room for the dim variable arrays
  E->wavesLat = malloc(E->nLatWaves*sizeof(double));
  E->wavesLon = malloc(E->nLonWaves*sizeof(double));

  nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &varid);
  if((retval = nc_get_var_double(ncid, varid, &E->wavesLat[0])))
          fail("failed to read waves lat data: error is %d\n", retval);

  //printf("waves lat[0] = %f\n", E->wavesLat[0]);
  nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &varid);
  if((retval = nc_get_var_double(ncid, varid, &E->wavesLon[0])))
          fail("failed to read waves lon data: error is %d\n", retval);

  //printf("waves lon[0] = %f\n", E->wavesLon[0]);

  // find the dimension indexes that cover the spatial region we need
  int lat_end;
  double dLatWaves, dLonWaves; // grid spacings for lat, lon for auswave
  dLatWaves = fabs(E->wavesLat[1] - E->wavesLat[0])*2.0;
  dLonWaves = fabs(E->wavesLon[1] - E->wavesLon[0])*2.0;
  for(i=0; i<E->nLatWaves; i++) {
          if(E->wavesLat[i] > (E->roms_min_lat-dLatWaves)) // greater than because auswave lat is monotonically decreasing
                  lat_end = i;
  int lat_start;
  for(i=E->nLatWaves-1; i>=0; i--) {
          if(E->wavesLat[i] < (E->roms_max_lat+dLatWaves)) // less than because auswave lat is monotonically decreasing
                  lat_start = i;
  //printf("wave data start lat = %f (%d), end lat = %f (%d)\n", E->wavesLat[lat_start],lat_start, E->wavesLat[lat_end],lat_end);
  int lon_start;
  for(i=0; i<E->nLonWaves; i++) {
          if(E->wavesLon[i] < (E->roms_min_lon-dLonWaves))
                  lon_start = i;
  int lon_end;
  for(i=E->nLonWaves-1; i>=0; i--) {
          if(E->wavesLon[i] > (E->roms_max_lon+dLonWaves))
                  lon_end = i;

  //printf("wave data start lon = %f, end lon = %f\n", E->wavesLon[lon_start], E->wavesLon[lon_end]);

  // TODO: add some error checking to the bounds code.
  // for example, if the spatial extent does not overlap then throw an exception

  // now just read in what we want from the files

  // reading in the whole dataset to avoid gaps in the interpolation
  lat_start = 0;
  lat_end = E->nLatWaves-1;
  lon_start = 0;
  lon_end = E->nLonWaves-1;

  E->nLatWaves = (lat_end - lat_start);
  E->nLonWaves = (lon_end - lon_start);
  E->wavesLat = malloc(E->nLatWaves*sizeof(double));
  E->wavesLon = malloc(E->nLonWaves*sizeof(double));
  // now re-read the lat and lon data
  size_t spatial_from[1], spatial_to[1];
  spatial_from[0] = lat_start;    spatial_to[0] = lat_end-lat_start;
  nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &varid);
  if((retval = nc_get_vara_double(ncid, varid, spatial_from, spatial_to, &E->wavesLat[0])))
          fail("failed to read waves lat data: error is %d\n", retval);
  spatial_from[0] = lon_start;    spatial_to[0] = lon_end-lon_start;
  nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &varid);
  if((retval = nc_get_vara_double(ncid, varid, spatial_from, spatial_to, &E->wavesLon[0])))
          fail("failed to read waves lon data: error is %d\n", retval);

  // process time
  E->wavesTime = malloc(E->nTimeWaves*sizeof(double));
  // read the data from the waves output file
  nc_inq_varid(ncid, "time", &varid);
  if((retval = nc_get_var_double(ncid, varid, &E->wavesTime[0])))
          fail("failed to read auswave time data: error is %d\n", retval);

  // normalize the time information between the roms_his file
  // and the tide data file
  // get everything in ROMS ocean_time
  // get the time metadata units
  nc_inq_attlen (ncid, varid, "units", &attlen);
  E->waves_time_units = (char *) malloc(attlen + 1); /* + 1 for trailing null */
  E->waves_time_units[attlen] = '\x0';
  nc_get_att_text(ncid, varid, "units", E->waves_time_units);
  //printf("waves time units = %s\n", E->waves_time_units);

  //printf("wavesTime[0] = %f\n", E->wavesTime[0]);
  // Make the Calendar calls
  //tval = 86460.0;	/* in seconds, this is 1 day and 1 minute */
  //tval = 8580;

  // Parse the units strings
  if( (E->waves_ref_time = ut_parse( E->u_system, E->waves_time_units, UT_ASCII )) == NULL ) {
          fprintf( stderr, "Error parsing units string \"%s\"\n", E->waves_time_units );

     if( (ierr = utCalendar2_cal( E->wavesTime[0], E->waves_ref_time, &yr, &mo, &day, &hr, &min, &sec, calendar )) != 0 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Error on utCalendar2_cal call: %d\n", ierr );
     printf( "this date is %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3lf\n",yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec );

  // put the waves time on the same time units as the roms time
  for(t=0; t<E->nTimeWaves; t++) {

          //printf("PRE: waveTimes[t] = %f  ", E->wavesTime[t]);
          // convert tide time into year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds
          if( (ierr = utCalendar2_cal( E->wavesTime[t], E->waves_ref_time, &yr, &mo, &day, &hr, &min, &sec, E->calendar )) != 0 ) {
                  fprintf( stderr, "Error on utCalendar2_cal call: %d\n", ierr );
          //printf( "this date is %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3lf\n",yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec );

          // convert this date to be on the same units as the roms time
          if( (ierr = utInvCalendar2_cal( yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec, E->roms_ref_time, &E->wavesTime[t], E->calendar )) != 0 ) {
                  fprintf( stderr, "Error on utCalendar2_cal call: %d\n", ierr );
          //printf( "POST: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3lf is %lf %s in the %s calendar\n",
          //	yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec, E->wavesTime[t], E->roms_time_units, E->calendar );

  // find the index bounds where the waves time overlaps the roms time
  // the waves times should fully cover the roms times
  E->waves_start_time_index = -1;
  E->start_time_roms = E->romsTime[0];

  // get the time start index for the tide file
  for(t=0; t<E->nTimeWaves; t++) {
                  E->waves_start_time_index = t;
  if(E->waves_start_time_index == -1) {
          fprintf(stderr,"couldn't find a matching start time in the waves file.\n");
          fprintf(stderr,"check to make sure the waves file times sufficiently overlap\n");
          fprintf(stderr,"the ROMS times.\n\n");

  // get the end index for the tide file
  E->waves_end_time_index = -1;
  E->end_time_roms = E->romsTime[E->nTimeRoms-1];
  for(t=E->nTimeWaves-1; t>=0; t--) {
          //printf("t = %d, wave_time = %f\n",t,E->wavesTime[t]);
          if(E->wavesTime[t] >= E->end_time_roms)
                  E->waves_end_time_index = t;

  if(E->waves_end_time_index == -1) {
          fprintf(stderr,"couldn't find a matching end time in the waves file.\n");
          fprintf(stderr,"check to make sure the wave file times sufficiently overlap\n");
          fprintf(stderr,"the ROMS times.\n\n");
          fprintf(stderr,"end time ROMS = %f\n", E->end_time_roms);
          fprintf(stderr,"end time waves = %f\n", E->wavesTime[E->nTimeWaves-1]);

  //printf("start index = %d\n", E->waves_start_time_index);
  //printf("end index = %d\n", E->waves_end_time_index);
  E->nTimeWavesSubset = (E->waves_end_time_index - E->waves_start_time_index)+1;
  // malloc enough room for the variable arrays
  //sig_wav_ht(time, lat, lon)
  E->Hs = malloc3d_double(E->nTimeWavesSubset, E->nLatWaves, E->nLonWaves);
  E->Tp = malloc3d_double(E->nTimeWavesSubset, E->nLatWaves, E->nLonWaves);

  // make the time vector for the output file
  E->waves_interp_time = malloc(E->nTimeWavesSubset*sizeof(double));
  for(t=E->waves_start_time_index; t<=E->waves_end_time_index; t++) {
          E->waves_interp_time[count] = E->wavesTime[t];

  // get the sig wave height
  nc_inq_varid(ncid, "sig_wav_ht", &varid);
  //if((retval = nc_get_var_double(ncid, varid, &E->Hs[0][0][0])))
  //	fail("failed to read waves setup data: error is %d\n", retval);

  from[0] = E->waves_start_time_index;    to[0] = E->nTimeWavesSubset;
  from[1] = lat_start;                    to[1] = lat_end - lat_start;
  from[2] = lon_start;                    to[2] = lon_end - lon_start;
  if((retval = nc_get_vara_double(ncid, varid, from, to, &E->Hs[0][0][0])))
          fail("failed to read waves Hs data: error is %d\n", retval);

  //printf("sig_wave_ht[0][0][0] = %f\n", E->Hs[0][0][0]);

  // get the peak period
  nc_inq_varid(ncid, "pk_wav_per", &varid);
  if((retval = nc_get_vara_double(ncid, varid, from, to, &E->Tp[0][0][0])))
          fail("failed to read waves Hs data: error is %d\n", retval);

  //printf("pk_wav_per[0][0][0] = %f\n", E->Tp[0][0][0]);

  // close the file

  // flip the auswave data so the lat vector is monotonically increasing
  double ***flipData = malloc3d_double(E->nTimeWavesSubset, E->nLatWaves, E->nLonWaves);
  double  *flipLat = malloc(E->nLatWaves*sizeof(double));
  // flip the lat vector
  for(i=0; i<E->nLatWaves; i++) {
          flipLat[i] = E->wavesLat[E->nLatWaves-1-i];
  // copy the flipped data back
  for(i=0; i<E->nLatWaves; i++) {
          E->wavesLat[i] = flipLat[i];
  // flip the Hs data array
  for(t=0; t<E->nTimeWavesSubset; t++) {
          for(i=0; i<E->nLatWaves; i++) {
                  for(j=0; j<E->nLonWaves; j++) {
                          flipData[t][i][j] = E->Hs[t][E->nLatWaves-1-i][j];
  // copy it back
  for(t=0; t<E->nTimeWavesSubset; t++) {
          for(i=0; i<E->nLatWaves; i++) {
                  for(j=0; j<E->nLonWaves; j++) {
                          E->Hs[t][i][j] = flipData[t][i][j];
  // flip the Tp data array
  for(t=0; t<E->nTimeWavesSubset; t++) {
          for(i=0; i<E->nLatWaves; i++) {
                  for(j=0; j<E->nLonWaves; j++) {
                          flipData[t][i][j] = E->Tp[t][E->nLatWaves-1-i][j];
  // copy it back
  for(t=0; t<E->nTimeWavesSubset; t++) {
          for(i=0; i<E->nLatWaves; i++) {
                  for(j=0; j<E->nLonWaves; j++) {
                          E->Tp[t][i][j] = flipData[t][i][j];

#ifdef CHECK
  // temporarily mess with this input data to check!
  for(t=0; t<E->nTimeWavesSubset; t++) {
          for(i=0; i<E->nLatWaves; i++) {
                  for(j=0; j<E->nLonWaves; j++) {
                          E->Tp[t][i][j] = (double)t;
                          E->Hs[t][i][j] = (double)t;

  // malloc room for the output nearest neighbor interp auswave  data
  // target grid for auswave data data

  // do a natural neighbour interpolation on the tide data we just read in
  // to fill in the land masked values before interpolating onto the ROMS grid

  E->Hs_on_roms = malloc3d_double(E->nTimeWavesSubset, E->nLonRho, E->nLatRho);
  E->Tp_on_roms = malloc3d_double(E->nTimeWavesSubset, E->nLonRho, E->nLatRho);
  // just for writing the netcdf file - trash this!
  //double *time_vector = malloc(E->nTimeWavesSubset*sizeof(double));
  //printf("(E->waves_end_time_index-E->waves_start_time_index) = %d\n", E->nTimeWavesSubset);

  // set up variables for the lib-nn calls
  // nn optimized
  E->pin = malloc(E->nLonWaves * E->nLatWaves * sizeof(point));
  E->zin = malloc(E->nLonWaves * E->nLatWaves * sizeof(double));

  E->xout = malloc(E->nLonRho * E->nLatRho * sizeof(double));
  E->yout = malloc(E->nLonRho * E->nLatRho * sizeof(double));
  E->zout = malloc(E->nLonRho * E->nLatRho * sizeof(double));

  // find out how many valid data points we have
  // and setup the input array for lib-nn
  //time_vector[t] = (double)t;
  //printf("setting up source grid for nn...\n");
  E->nin = 0;
  for(i=0; i<E->nLatWaves; i++) {
          for(j=0; j<E->nLonWaves; j++) {
                  if(E->Hs[0][i][j] > -999.0) {
                          E->pin[E->nin].x = E->wavesLon[j];
                          E->pin[E->nin].y = E->wavesLat[i];
                          //E->nn_diff[E->nn_n].z = E->Hs[t][i][j];
                          //printf("i = %d, j = %d, lat = %.15g lon = %.15g Hs = %.15g\n", E->nn_diff[E->nn_n].x, E->nn_diff[E->nn_n].y, E->nn_diff[E->nn_n].z);

  // now set up the output array for the nn interpolation
  // this is the roms grid

  E->nout = 0;
  for(i=0; i<E->nLonRho; i++) {
          for(j=0; j<E->nLatRho; j++) {
                E->xout[E->nout] = E->lon_rho[i][j];
                E->yout[E->nout] = E->lat_rho[i][j];
                E->zout[E->nout] = NaN;

  // setup the natural neighbour interpolation
  // only need to do this once
  E->d = delaunay_build(E->nin, E->pin, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);

  // create interpolator
  E->nn = nnai_build(E->d, E->nout, E->xout, E->yout);

  // for each time level
  for(t=0; t<E->nTimeWavesSubset; t++) {
      //printf("Hs: t = %d\n",t);
          // setup nodal values for the nn interps
          E->nin = 0;
          for(i=0; i<E->nLatWaves; i++) {
                  for(j=0; j<E->nLonWaves; j++) {
                          if(E->Hs[t][i][j] > -999.0) {
                                  E->pin[E->nin].z = E->Hs[t][i][j];
                                  E->zin[E->nin] = E->pin[E->nin].z;

          // do the interpolation
          nnai_interpolate(E->nn, E->zin, E->zout);

          // splat interpolated values onto the roms grid and apply land-sea mask
          count = 0;
          for(i=0; i<E->nLonRho; i++) {
                  for(j=0; j<E->nLatRho; j++) {
                          if(E->mask_rho[i][j] == 0){
                                  E->Hs_on_roms[t][i][j] = NC_FILL_DOUBLE;
                                  E->Hs_on_roms[t][i][j] = E->zout[count];

             // write it out to check
             //E->nn_nx * E->nn_ny, E->nn_interp,
             int lat_dimid, lon_dimid, time_dimid, dimIds[2];
             int lat_varid, lon_varid, time_varid, interp_varid;
             // create the file
             nc_create("hs_interp.nc", NC_CLOBBER, &ncid);
             // def dimensions
             nc_def_dim(ncid, "lat", E->nLonRho, &lat_dimid);
             nc_def_dim(ncid, "lon", E->nLatRho, &lon_dimid);
             // def vars
             dimIds[0] = lat_dimid;
             dimIds[1] = lon_dimid;
             //nc_def_var(ncid, "lat", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dimIds[0], &lat_varid);
             //nc_def_var(ncid, "lon", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dimIds[1], &lon_varid);
             nc_def_var(ncid, "hs_interp_on_roms", NC_DOUBLE, 2, dimIds, &interp_varid);
             // write the data
             //nc_put_var_double(ncid, lat_varid, &E->wavesLat[0]);
             //nc_put_var_double(ncid, lon_varid, &E->wavesLon[0]);
             nc_put_var_double(ncid, interp_varid, &E->Hs_on_roms[0][0][0]);
             // close the file

  } // end of loop over Hs time levels

  // now interp the Tp variable

  // for each time level
  for(t=0; t<E->nTimeWavesSubset; t++) {
        //printf("Tp: t = %d\n", t);
          E->nin = 0;
          for(i=0; i<E->nLatWaves; i++) {
                  for(j=0; j<E->nLonWaves; j++) {
                          if(E->Tp[t][i][j] > -999.0) {
                                  E->pin[E->nin].z = E->Tp[t][i][j];
                                  E->zin[E->nin] = E->pin[E->nin].z;

          // do the interpolation
          nnai_interpolate(E->nn, E->zin, E->zout);

          // splat interpolated values onto the roms grid and apply land-sea mask
          count = 0;
          for(i=0; i<E->nLonRho; i++) {
                  for(j=0; j<E->nLatRho; j++) {
                          if(E->mask_rho[i][j] == 0){
                                  E->Tp_on_roms[t][i][j] = NC_FILL_DOUBLE;
                                  E->Tp_on_roms[t][i][j] = E->zout[count];

          // write it out to check
          //E->nn_nx * E->nn_ny, E->nn_interp,
          int lat_dimid, lon_dimid, time_dimid, dimIds[2];
          int lat_varid, lon_varid, time_varid, interp_varid;
          // create the file
          nc_create("tp_interp.nc", NC_CLOBBER, &ncid);
          // def dimensions
          nc_def_dim(ncid, "lat", E->nLonRho, &lat_dimid);
          nc_def_dim(ncid, "lon", E->nLatRho, &lon_dimid);
          // def vars
          dimIds[0] = lat_dimid;
          dimIds[1] = lon_dimid;
          //nc_def_var(ncid, "lat", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dimIds[0], &lat_varid);
          //nc_def_var(ncid, "lon", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dimIds[1], &lon_varid);
          nc_def_var(ncid, "tp_interp_on_roms", NC_DOUBLE, 2, dimIds, &interp_varid);
          // write the data
          //nc_put_var_double(ncid, lat_varid, &E->wavesLat[0]);
          //nc_put_var_double(ncid, lon_varid, &E->wavesLon[0]);
          nc_put_var_double(ncid, interp_varid, &E->Tp_on_roms[0][0][0]);
          // close the file

  } // end of loop over Tp time levels




  //printf("done nn interp for waves\n");

  // estimate wave setup on roms
  // setup is only calculates at the coastal points
  // to calculate setup, we need Hs, Tp and slope at coastal pointers

  // read in the slope data
  //printf("calculating wave setup...");

  // malloc room for the setup field
  // jNOTE: fix up the size of the time dimension here!
  E->setup_on_roms = malloc3d_double(E->nTimeWavesSubset, E->nLonRho, E->nLatRho);
  // malloc room for the time interpolated data

  // assign closest slope value to costline derived from the roms rho_mask
  double this_time;
  double this_lat;
  double this_lon;
  int **nearest_index = malloc2d_int(E->nLonRho, E->nLatRho);

  // first get the index mapping for each coastal cell
  for(i=0; i<E->nLonRho; i++) {
          for(j=0; j<E->nLatRho; j++) {
                  if(E->coastline_mask[i][j] == 1) { // if this point is a coastal point
                          // get longitude and latitude of the point
                          this_time = t;
                          this_lat = E->lat_rho[i][j];
                          this_lon = E->lat_rho[i][j];
                          nearest_index[i][j] = get_nearest_slope_index(E, this_lat, this_lon, E->slopeLat, E->slopeLon);
                          //printf("fill it: i = %d, j = %d\n",i,j);
                          nearest_index[i][j] = -999;

  for(t=0; t<E->nTimeWavesSubset; t++) {
          //printf("#### t = %d\n",t);
          for(i=0; i<E->nLonRho; i++) {
                  for(j=0; j<E->nLatRho; j++) {

                          if(E->coastline_mask[i][j] == 1.0) { // if this point is a coastal point
                                     // get longitude and latitude of the point
                                     this_time = t;
                                     this_lat = E->lat_rho[i][j];
                                     this_lon = E->lon_rho[i][j];
                                     E->setup_on_roms[t][i][j] = get_nearest_setup(E, this_time, this_lat, this_lon, E->setup, E->wavesLat, E->wavesLon);
                                   // some cases for Hs and Tp are zero.
                                   // don't call get_setup() for these because it will divide by zero
                                  if( (E->Hs_on_roms[t][i][j] == 0.0) || (E->Tp_on_roms[t][i][j] == 0.0))
                                    E->setup_on_roms[t][i][j] = 0.0;
                                    E->setup_on_roms[t][i][j] = get_setup(E->Hs_on_roms[t][i][j], E->Tp_on_roms[t][i][j], E->slope[nearest_index[i][j]]);

              #ifdef CHECK
                                  // temporarily splat with Hs to check
                                  E->setup_on_roms[t][i][j] = E->Hs_on_roms[t][i][j];
                                  //printf("fill it: i = %d, j = %d\n",i,j);
                                  E->setup_on_roms[t][i][j] = NC_FILL_DOUBLE;

  // time interpolate the wavesetup data onto the roms time vector
  //printf("creating %d interpolated time levels for the setup field\n", E->nTimeRoms);
  E->setup_on_roms_time_interp = malloc3d_double(E->nTimeRoms, E->nLonRho, E->nLatRho);
  // initialize this array
  for(t=0; t<E->nTimeRoms; t++) {
          for(i=0; i<E->nLonRho; i++) {
                  for(j=0; j<E->nLatRho; j++) {
                          E->setup_on_roms_time_interp[t][i][j] = NC_FILL_DOUBLE;
  // target time vector = E->romsTime
  // source time vector = E->wavesTime
  // y value vector
  double *ypts = malloc(E->nTimeWavesSubset*sizeof(double));
  double *interp_y = malloc(E->nTimeRoms*sizeof(double));
  for(i=0; i<E->nLonRho; i++) {
          for(j=0; j<E->nLatRho; j++) {
                  if(E->setup_on_roms[0][i][j] != NC_FILL_DOUBLE) {
                          for(t=0; t<E->nTimeWavesSubset; t++) {
                                  // get the wave setup vector at this location
                                  ypts[t] = E->setup_on_roms[t][i][j];
                          time_interp_field(&E->wavesTime[E->waves_start_time_index], &ypts[0], E->nTimeWavesSubset, &E->romsTime[0], &interp_y[0], E->nTimeRoms);

                          // now put this data into the time interp array
                          for(t=0; t<E->nTimeRoms; t++) {
                                  // get the wave setup vector at this location
                                  E->setup_on_roms_time_interp[t][i][j] = interp_y[t];


Example #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int nin = NPOINTSIN;
    int nx = NX;
    int nout = 0;
    point* pin = NULL;
    delaunay* d = NULL;
    point* pout = NULL;
    nnai* nn = NULL;
    double* zin = NULL;
    double* xout = NULL;
    double* yout = NULL;
    double* zout = NULL;
    int cpi = -1;               /* control point index */
    struct timeval tv0, tv1, tv2;
    struct timezone tz;
    int i;

    i = 1;
    while (i < argc) {
        switch (argv[i][1]) {
        case 'a':
            nn_rule = NON_SIBSONIAN;
        case 'n':
            if (i >= argc)
                nn_quit("no number of data points found after -i\n");
            nin = atoi(argv[i]);
            if (i >= argc)
                nn_quit("no number of ouput points per side found after -i\n");
            nx = atoi(argv[i]);
        case 'v':
            nn_verbose = 1;
        case 'V':
            nn_verbose = 2;

    if (nin < NMIN)
        nin = NMIN;
    if (nx < NXMIN)
        nx = NXMIN;

    printf("\nTest of Natural Neighbours array interpolator:\n\n");
    printf("  %d data points\n", nin);
    printf("  %d output points\n", nx * nx);

     * generate data 
    printf("  generating data:\n");
    pin = (point *)malloc(nin * sizeof(point));
    zin = (double *)malloc(nin * sizeof(double));
    for (i = 0; i < nin; ++i) {
        point* p = &pin[i];

        p->x = (double) random() / RAND_MAX;
        p->y = (double) random() / RAND_MAX;
        p->z = franke(p->x, p->y);
        zin[i] = p->z;
        if (nn_verbose)
            printf("    (%f, %f, %f)\n", p->x, p->y, p->z);

     * triangulate
    printf("  triangulating:\n");
    d = delaunay_build(nin, pin, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);

     * generate output points 
    points_generate2(-0.1, 1.1, -0.1, 1.1, nx, nx, &nout, &pout);
    xout = (double *)malloc(nout * sizeof(double));
    yout = (double *)malloc(nout * sizeof(double));
    zout = (double *)malloc(nout * sizeof(double));
    for (i = 0; i < nout; ++i) {
        point* p = &pout[i];

        xout[i] = p->x;
        yout[i] = p->y;
        zout[i] = NaN;
    cpi = (nx / 2) * (nx + 1);

    gettimeofday(&tv0, &tz);

     * create interpolator 
    printf("  creating interpolator:\n");
    nn = nnai_build(d, nout, xout, yout);

    gettimeofday(&tv1, &tz);
        long dt = 1000000 * (tv1.tv_sec - tv0.tv_sec) + tv1.tv_usec - tv0.tv_usec;

        printf("    interpolator creation time = %ld us (%.2f us / point)\n", dt, (double) dt / nout);

     * interpolate 
    printf("  interpolating:\n");
    nnai_interpolate(nn, zin, zout);
    if (nn_verbose)
        for (i = 0; i < nout; ++i)
            printf("    (%f, %f, %f)\n", xout[i], yout[i], zout[i]);

    gettimeofday(&tv2, &tz);
        long dt = 1000000.0 * (tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec) + tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec;

        printf("    interpolation time = %ld us (%.2f us / point)\n", dt, (double) dt / nout);

    if (!nn_verbose)
        printf("    control point: (%f, %f, %f) (expected z = %f)\n", xout[cpi], yout[cpi], zout[cpi], franke(xout[cpi], yout[cpi]));

    printf("  interpolating one more time:\n");
    nnai_interpolate(nn, zin, zout);
    if (nn_verbose)
        for (i = 0; i < nout; ++i)
            printf("    (%f, %f, %f)\n", xout[i], yout[i], zout[i]);

    gettimeofday(&tv0, &tz);
        long dt = 1000000.0 * (tv0.tv_sec - tv2.tv_sec) + tv0.tv_usec - tv2.tv_usec;

        printf("    interpolation time = %ld us (%.2f us / point)\n", dt, (double) dt / nout);

    if (!nn_verbose)
        printf("    control point: (%f, %f, %f) (expected z = %f)\n", xout[cpi], yout[cpi], zout[cpi], franke(xout[cpi], yout[cpi]));

    printf("  entering new data:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < nin; ++i) {
        point* p = &pin[i];

        p->z = p->x * p->x - p->y * p->y;
        zin[i] = p->z;
        if (nn_verbose)
            printf("    (%f, %f, %f)\n", p->x, p->y, p->z);

    printf("  interpolating:\n");
    nnai_interpolate(nn, zin, zout);
    if (nn_verbose)
        for (i = 0; i < nout; ++i)
            printf("    (%f, %f, %f)\n", xout[i], yout[i], zout[i]);

    if (!nn_verbose)
        printf("    control point: (%f, %f, %f) (expected z = %f)\n", xout[cpi], yout[cpi], zout[cpi], xout[cpi] * xout[cpi] - yout[cpi] * yout[cpi]);

    printf("  restoring data:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < nin; ++i) {
        point* p = &pin[i];

        p->z = franke(p->x, p->y);
        zin[i] = p->z;
        if (nn_verbose)
            printf("    (%f, %f, %f)\n", p->x, p->y, p->z);

    printf("  interpolating:\n");
    nnai_interpolate(nn, zin, zout);
    if (nn_verbose)
        for (i = 0; i < nout; ++i)
            printf("    (%f, %f, %f)\n", xout[i], yout[i], zout[i]);

    if (!nn_verbose)
        printf("    control point: (%f, %f, %f) (expected z = %f)\n", xout[cpi], yout[cpi], zout[cpi], franke(xout[cpi], yout[cpi]));



    return 0;