static void node_shader_exec_material(void *data, int UNUSED(thread), bNode *node, bNodeExecData *execdata, bNodeStack **in, bNodeStack **out) { if (data && node->id) { ShadeResult shrnode; ShadeInput *shi; ShaderCallData *shcd = data; float col[4]; bNodeSocket *sock; char hasinput[NUM_MAT_IN] = {'\0'}; int i, mode; /* note: cannot use the in[]->hasinput flags directly, as these are not necessarily * the constant input stack values (e.g. in case material node is inside a group). * we just want to know if a node input uses external data or the material setting. * this is an ugly hack, but so is this node as a whole. */ for (sock = node->inputs.first, i = 0; sock; sock = sock->next, ++i) hasinput[i] = (sock->link != NULL); shi = shcd->shi; shi->mat = (Material *)node->id; /* copy all relevant material vars, note, keep this synced with render_types.h */ memcpy(&shi->r, &shi->mat->r, 23 * sizeof(float)); shi->har = shi->mat->har; /* write values */ if (hasinput[MAT_IN_COLOR]) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->r, SOCK_VECTOR, in[MAT_IN_COLOR]); if (hasinput[MAT_IN_SPEC]) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->specr, SOCK_VECTOR, in[MAT_IN_SPEC]); if (hasinput[MAT_IN_REFL]) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->refl, SOCK_FLOAT, in[MAT_IN_REFL]); /* retrieve normal */ if (hasinput[MAT_IN_NORMAL]) { nodestack_get_vec(shi->vn, SOCK_VECTOR, in[MAT_IN_NORMAL]); normalize_v3(shi->vn); } else copy_v3_v3(shi->vn, shi->vno); /* custom option to flip normal */ if (node->custom1 & SH_NODE_MAT_NEG) { negate_v3(shi->vn); } if (node->type == SH_NODE_MATERIAL_EXT) { if (hasinput[MAT_IN_MIR]) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->mirr, SOCK_VECTOR, in[MAT_IN_MIR]); if (hasinput[MAT_IN_AMB]) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->amb, SOCK_FLOAT, in[MAT_IN_AMB]); if (hasinput[MAT_IN_EMIT]) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->emit, SOCK_FLOAT, in[MAT_IN_EMIT]); if (hasinput[MAT_IN_SPECTRA]) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->spectra, SOCK_FLOAT, in[MAT_IN_SPECTRA]); if (hasinput[MAT_IN_RAY_MIRROR]) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->ray_mirror, SOCK_FLOAT, in[MAT_IN_RAY_MIRROR]); if (hasinput[MAT_IN_ALPHA]) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->alpha, SOCK_FLOAT, in[MAT_IN_ALPHA]); if (hasinput[MAT_IN_TRANSLUCENCY]) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->translucency, SOCK_FLOAT, in[MAT_IN_TRANSLUCENCY]); } /* make alpha output give results even if transparency is only enabled on * the material linked in this not and not on the parent material */ mode = shi->mode; if (shi->mat->mode & MA_TRANSP) shi->mode |= MA_TRANSP; shi->nodes = 1; /* temp hack to prevent trashadow recursion */ node_shader_lamp_loop(shi, &shrnode); /* clears shrnode */ shi->nodes = 0; shi->mode = mode; /* write to outputs */ if (node->custom1 & SH_NODE_MAT_DIFF) { copy_v3_v3(col, shrnode.combined); if (!(node->custom1 & SH_NODE_MAT_SPEC)) { sub_v3_v3(col, shrnode.spec); } } else if (node->custom1 & SH_NODE_MAT_SPEC) { copy_v3_v3(col, shrnode.spec); } else col[0] = col[1] = col[2] = 0.0f; col[3] = shrnode.alpha; if (shi->do_preview) BKE_node_preview_set_pixel(execdata->preview, col, shi->xs, shi->ys, shi->do_manage); copy_v3_v3(out[MAT_OUT_COLOR]->vec, col); out[MAT_OUT_ALPHA]->vec[0] = shrnode.alpha; if (node->custom1 & SH_NODE_MAT_NEG) { shi->vn[0] = -shi->vn[0]; shi->vn[1] = -shi->vn[1]; shi->vn[2] = -shi->vn[2]; } copy_v3_v3(out[MAT_OUT_NORMAL]->vec, shi->vn); /* Extended material options */ if (node->type == SH_NODE_MATERIAL_EXT) { /* Shadow, Reflect, Refract, Radiosity, Speed seem to cause problems inside * a node tree :( */ copy_v3_v3(out[MAT_OUT_DIFFUSE]->vec, shrnode.diffshad); copy_v3_v3(out[MAT_OUT_SPEC]->vec, shrnode.spec); copy_v3_v3(out[MAT_OUT_AO]->vec,; } /* copy passes, now just active node */ if (node->flag & NODE_ACTIVE_ID) { float combined[4], alpha; copy_v4_v4(combined, shcd->shr->combined); alpha = shcd->shr->alpha; *(shcd->shr) = shrnode; copy_v4_v4(shcd->shr->combined, combined); shcd->shr->alpha = alpha; } } }
static void node_shader_exec_material(void *data, bNode *node, bNodeStack **in, bNodeStack **out) { if(data && node->id) { ShadeResult shrnode; ShadeInput *shi; ShaderCallData *shcd= data; float col[4]; shi= shcd->shi; shi->mat= (Material *)node->id; /* copy all relevant material vars, note, keep this synced with render_types.h */ memcpy(&shi->r, &shi->mat->r, 23*sizeof(float)); shi->har= shi->mat->har; /* write values */ if(in[MAT_IN_COLOR]->hasinput) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->r, SOCK_VECTOR, in[MAT_IN_COLOR]); if(in[MAT_IN_SPEC]->hasinput) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->specr, SOCK_VECTOR, in[MAT_IN_SPEC]); if(in[MAT_IN_REFL]->hasinput) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->refl, SOCK_VALUE, in[MAT_IN_REFL]); /* retrieve normal */ if(in[MAT_IN_NORMAL]->hasinput) { nodestack_get_vec(shi->vn, SOCK_VECTOR, in[MAT_IN_NORMAL]); normalize_v3(shi->vn); } else VECCOPY(shi->vn, shi->vno); /* custom option to flip normal */ if(node->custom1 & SH_NODE_MAT_NEG) { shi->vn[0]= -shi->vn[0]; shi->vn[1]= -shi->vn[1]; shi->vn[2]= -shi->vn[2]; } if (node->type == SH_NODE_MATERIAL_EXT) { if(in[MAT_IN_MIR]->hasinput) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->mirr, SOCK_VECTOR, in[MAT_IN_MIR]); if(in[MAT_IN_AMB]->hasinput) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->amb, SOCK_VALUE, in[MAT_IN_AMB]); if(in[MAT_IN_EMIT]->hasinput) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->emit, SOCK_VALUE, in[MAT_IN_EMIT]); if(in[MAT_IN_SPECTRA]->hasinput) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->spectra, SOCK_VALUE, in[MAT_IN_SPECTRA]); if(in[MAT_IN_RAY_MIRROR]->hasinput) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->ray_mirror, SOCK_VALUE, in[MAT_IN_RAY_MIRROR]); if(in[MAT_IN_ALPHA]->hasinput) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->alpha, SOCK_VALUE, in[MAT_IN_ALPHA]); if(in[MAT_IN_TRANSLUCENCY]->hasinput) nodestack_get_vec(&shi->translucency, SOCK_VALUE, in[MAT_IN_TRANSLUCENCY]); } shi->nodes= 1; /* temp hack to prevent trashadow recursion */ node_shader_lamp_loop(shi, &shrnode); /* clears shrnode */ shi->nodes= 0; /* write to outputs */ if(node->custom1 & SH_NODE_MAT_DIFF) { VECCOPY(col, shrnode.combined); if(!(node->custom1 & SH_NODE_MAT_SPEC)) { sub_v3_v3(col, shrnode.spec); } } else if(node->custom1 & SH_NODE_MAT_SPEC) { VECCOPY(col, shrnode.spec); } else col[0]= col[1]= col[2]= 0.0f; col[3]= shrnode.alpha; if(shi->do_preview) nodeAddToPreview(node, col, shi->xs, shi->ys); VECCOPY(out[MAT_OUT_COLOR]->vec, col); out[MAT_OUT_ALPHA]->vec[0]= shrnode.alpha; if(node->custom1 & SH_NODE_MAT_NEG) { shi->vn[0]= -shi->vn[0]; shi->vn[1]= -shi->vn[1]; shi->vn[2]= -shi->vn[2]; } VECCOPY(out[MAT_OUT_NORMAL]->vec, shi->vn); /* Extended material options */ if (node->type == SH_NODE_MATERIAL_EXT) { /* Shadow, Reflect, Refract, Radiosity, Speed seem to cause problems inside * a node tree :( */ VECCOPY(out[MAT_OUT_DIFFUSE]->vec, shrnode.diff); VECCOPY(out[MAT_OUT_SPEC]->vec, shrnode.spec); VECCOPY(out[MAT_OUT_AO]->vec,; } /* copy passes, now just active node */ if(node->flag & NODE_ACTIVE_ID) { float combined[4], alpha; copy_v4_v4(combined, shcd->shr->combined); alpha= shcd->shr->alpha; *(shcd->shr)= shrnode; copy_v4_v4(shcd->shr->combined, combined); shcd->shr->alpha= alpha; } } }