Example #1
bool SharedStoreStats::snapshot(const char *filename, std::string& keySample) {
  std::ofstream out(filename);
  if (out.fail()) {
    return false;
  char nkeySample[MAX_KEY_LEN + 1];
  if (keySample != "") {
    normalizeKey(keySample.c_str(), nkeySample, MAX_KEY_LEN);
    nkeySample[MAX_KEY_LEN] = '\0';
  ReadLock l(s_rwlock);
  StatsMap::iterator iter;
  time_t now = time(nullptr);
  for (iter = s_detailMap.begin(); iter != s_detailMap.end();  ++iter) {
    if (keySample != "") {
      char nkey[MAX_KEY_LEN + 1];
      normalizeKey(iter->first, nkey, MAX_KEY_LEN);
      nkey[MAX_KEY_LEN] = '\0';
      if (strcmp(nkey, nkeySample) != 0) continue;
    if (!iter->second->isValid) continue;
    out << "{";
    writeEntryStr(out, "KeyName", iter->first);
    writeEntryInt(out, "TotalSize", iter->second->totalSize);
    writeEntryInt(out, "Prime", (int64)iter->second->isPrime);
    writeEntryInt(out, "TTL", iter->second->ttl);
    writeEntryInt(out, "KeySize", iter->second->keySize);
    writeEntryInt(out, "DataSize", iter->second->var.dataTotalSize);
    writeEntryInt(out, "StoreCount", iter->second->storeCount);
    writeEntryInt(out, "SinceLastStore", now - iter->second->lastStoreTime);
    writeEntryInt(out, "DeleteCount", iter->second->deleteCount);
    if (iter->second->deleteCount > 0) {
      writeEntryInt(out, "SinceLastDelete",
                    now - iter->second->lastDeleteTime);
    if (RuntimeOption::EnableAPCFetchStats) {
      writeEntryInt(out, "FetchCount", iter->second->fetchCount);
      if (iter->second->fetchCount > 0) {
        writeEntryInt(out, "SinceLastFetch",
                      now - iter->second->lastFetchTime);
    writeEntryInt(out, "VariantCount", iter->second->var.variantCount);
    writeEntryInt(out, "UserDataSize", iter->second->var.dataSize, true);
    out << "}\n";
  return true;
Example #2
inline bool decodeAgile(std::string& decData, const std::string& encryptedPackage, const EncryptionInfo& info, const std::string& pass, std::string& secretKey)
	const CipherParam& keyData = info.keyData;
	const CipherParam& encryptedKey = info.encryptedKey;
	if (secretKey.empty()) {
		if (!getAgileSecretKey(secretKey, info, pass)) return false;
		if (putSecretKeyInstance()) {
			printf("secretKey = "); ms::dump(secretKey, false);

		if (!VerifyIntegrity(encryptedPackage, keyData, secretKey, keyData.saltValue, info.encryptedHmacKey, info.encryptedHmacValue)) {
			printf("warning : mac err : data may be broken\n");
//			return false;

	std::string encData;
	const uint64_t decodeSize = GetEncodedData(encData, encryptedPackage);

	// decode
	normalizeKey(secretKey, encryptedKey.keyBits / 8);
	DecContent(decData, encData, encryptedKey, secretKey, keyData.saltValue);
	return true;
// Encryption
void Caesar::encrypt()
	// incrementing encryption level

	m_key = normalizeKey(m_key);

	/// get the range
	int len = m_phrase.length();

	// Process each character
	for (int idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx)

		// Out of range characters are just transfered to
		// the ciphertext
		if (m_range.in(m_phrase.at(idx))!=true)
			//phrase().at(idx) = m_range[idx]; ///src[idx]

		// incrementing conversions 
		// Determine the alphabet index of the plaintext character
		char  c = m_phrase[idx] - m_range.min();

		// Add the key to the alphabet index to get the ciphertext
		// character. Handle the wrap-around past the last valid
		// character.
		c += m_key % m_range.numCharacters();
		c %= m_range.numCharacters();

		m_phrase[idx] = c + m_range.min();

Example #4
void SharedStoreStats::onDelete(const StringData *key, const SharedVariant *var,
                                bool replace, bool noTTL) {
  char normalizedKey[MAX_KEY_LEN + 1];

  if (RuntimeOption::EnableAPCSizeGroup) {
    normalizeKey(key->data(), normalizedKey, MAX_KEY_LEN);
    normalizedKey[MAX_KEY_LEN] = '\0';

  SharedValueProfile svpTemp;
  // Calculate size of the variant
  svpTemp.calcInd(key, var);

  ReadLock l(s_rwlock);

  if (RuntimeOption::EnableAPCSizeDetail && !replace) {
    StatsMap::const_accessor cacc;
    if (s_detailMap.find(cacc, (char*)key->data())) {
      SharedValueProfile *svp = cacc->second;
      svp->isValid = false;
      svp->lastDeleteTime = time(nullptr);

  if (RuntimeOption::EnableAPCSizeGroup) {
    StatsMap::const_accessor cacc;
    if (s_statsMap.find(cacc, normalizedKey)) {
      SharedValueProfile *group = cacc->second;
      if (noTTL) {
        group->sizeNoTTL -= svpTemp.totalSize;
Example #5
inline bool encode_in(
	std::string& encryptedPackage,
	EncryptionInfo& info,
	const std::string& data,
	cybozu::crypto::Cipher::Name cipherName,
	cybozu::crypto::Hash::Name hashName,
	int spinCount,
	const std::string& pass,
	const std::string& masterKey)
	if (spinCount > 10000000) throw cybozu::Exception("ms:encode_in:too large spinCount") << spinCount;
	CipherParam& keyData = info.keyData;
	CipherParam& encryptedKey = info.encryptedKey;

	keyData.setByName(cipherName, hashName);
	encryptedKey.setByName(cipherName, hashName);
	info.spinCount = spinCount;

	std::string& iv = encryptedKey.saltValue;
	FillRand(iv, encryptedKey.saltSize);
#ifdef SAME_KEY
	puts("QQQ defined SAME_KEY QQQ");
	iv = fromHex("F4994F9B2DCD5E0E84BC6386D4523D2C");
	const std::string pwHash = hashPassword(encryptedKey.hashName, iv, pass, spinCount);

	const std::string skey1 = generateKey(encryptedKey, pwHash, blkKey_VerifierHashInput);
	const std::string skey2 = generateKey(encryptedKey, pwHash, blkKey_encryptedVerifierHashValue);
	const std::string skey3 = generateKey(encryptedKey, pwHash, blkKey_encryptedKeyValue);

	std::string verifierHashInput;
	FillRand(verifierHashInput, encryptedKey.saltSize);
#ifdef SAME_KEY
	verifierHashInput = fromHex("FEDAECD950F9E82C47CADA29B7837C6D");

	verifierHashInput.resize(RoundUp(verifierHashInput.size(), encryptedKey.blockSize));

	info.encryptedVerifierHashInput = cipher(encryptedKey.cipherName, verifierHashInput, skey1, iv, cybozu::crypto::Cipher::Encoding);
	std::string hashedVerifier = cybozu::crypto::Hash::digest(encryptedKey.hashName, verifierHashInput);
	hashedVerifier.resize(RoundUp(hashedVerifier.size(), encryptedKey.blockSize));

	info.encryptedVerifierHashValue = cipher(encryptedKey.cipherName, hashedVerifier, skey2, iv, cybozu::crypto::Cipher::Encoding);

	std::string secretKey;
	FillRand(secretKey, encryptedKey.saltSize);
#ifdef SAME_KEY
	secretKey = fromHex("BF44FBB51BE1E88BF130156E117E7900");
	if (!masterKey.empty()) {
		secretKey = masterKey;
	normalizeKey(secretKey, encryptedKey.keyBits / 8);

	info.encryptedKeyValue = cipher(encryptedKey.cipherName, secretKey, skey3, iv, cybozu::crypto::Cipher::Encoding);

	FillRand(keyData.saltValue, keyData.saltSize);
#ifdef SAME_KEY
	keyData.saltValue = fromHex("C49AAAEE99004C6B017EE5CD11B86729");

	EncContent(encryptedPackage, data, encryptedKey, secretKey, keyData.saltValue);

	GenerateIntegrityParameter(info.encryptedHmacKey, info.encryptedHmacValue, encryptedPackage, keyData, secretKey, keyData.saltValue);
	return true;
Example #6
void SharedStoreStats::onStore(const StringData *key, const SharedVariant *var,
                               int64 ttl, bool prime) {
  char normalizedKey[MAX_KEY_LEN + 1];

  SharedValueProfile *svpInd;

  svpInd = new SharedValueProfile(key->data());
  svpInd->calcInd(key, var);
  svpInd->ttl = ttl > 0 && ttl < 48*3600 ? ttl : 48*3600;

  if (RuntimeOption::EnableAPCSizeGroup) {
    // Here so that it is out of critical section
    normalizeKey(key->data(), normalizedKey, MAX_KEY_LEN);
    normalizedKey[MAX_KEY_LEN] = '\0';

  ReadLock l(s_rwlock);

  if (RuntimeOption::EnableAPCSizeGroup) {
    SharedValueProfile *group;
    StatsMap::const_accessor cacc;
    StatsMap::accessor acc;
    if (s_statsMap.find(cacc, normalizedKey)) {
      group = cacc->second;
    } else {
      group = new SharedValueProfile(normalizedKey);
      if (s_statsMap.insert(acc, group->key)) {
        group->isGroup = true;
        group->keyCount = 0;
        acc->second = group;
      } else {
        // already there
        delete group;
        group = acc->second;
    if (ttl == 0) {
      group->sizeNoTTL += svpInd->totalSize;

  if (RuntimeOption::EnableAPCSizeDetail) {
    StatsMap::accessor acc;
    if (s_detailMap.insert(acc, svpInd->key)) {
      acc->second = svpInd;
      if (prime) {
        svpInd->isPrime = true;
    } else {
      SharedValueProfile *existing = acc->second;
      // update size but keep other stats
      existing->totalSize = svpInd->totalSize;
      existing->keySize = svpInd->keySize;
      existing->var = svpInd->var;
      delete svpInd;
      svpInd = existing;
    svpInd->isValid = true;
    svpInd->lastStoreTime = time(nullptr);
  } else {
    delete svpInd;