extern int sacctmgr_delete_cluster(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; slurmdb_cluster_cond_t *cluster_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_cluster_cond_t)); int i=0; List ret_list = NULL; int cond_set = 0, prev_set; slurmdb_init_cluster_cond(cluster_cond, 0); cluster_cond->cluster_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5)) || !strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) i++; prev_set = _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, cluster_cond, NULL); cond_set |= prev_set; } if (exit_code) { slurmdb_destroy_cluster_cond(cluster_cond); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!cond_set) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " No conditions given to remove, not executing.\n"); slurmdb_destroy_cluster_cond(cluster_cond); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (!list_count(cluster_cond->cluster_list) && !cluster_cond->classification && (!cluster_cond->federation_list || !list_count(cluster_cond->federation_list))) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, "problem with delete request. " "Nothing given to delete.\n"); slurmdb_destroy_cluster_cond(cluster_cond); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } notice_thread_init(); ret_list = acct_storage_g_remove_clusters( db_conn, my_uid, cluster_cond); rc = errno; notice_thread_fini(); slurmdb_destroy_cluster_cond(cluster_cond); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); /* If there were jobs running with an association to be deleted, don't. */ if (rc == ESLURM_JOBS_RUNNING_ON_ASSOC) { fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(rc)); while((object = list_next(itr))) { fprintf(stderr," %s\n", object); } FREE_NULL_LIST(ret_list); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); return rc; } printf(" Deleting clusters...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) { acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing deleted\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } FREE_NULL_LIST(ret_list); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_add_cluster(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i = 0; slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster = NULL; slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *start_cluster = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_cluster_rec_t)); List name_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); List cluster_list = NULL; slurmdb_assoc_rec_t start_assoc; int limit_set = 0; ListIterator itr = NULL, itr_c = NULL; char *name = NULL; slurmdb_init_assoc_rec(&start_assoc, 0); slurmdb_init_cluster_rec(start_cluster, 0); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5)) || !strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) i++; limit_set += _set_rec(&i, argc, argv, name_list, &start_assoc, start_cluster); } if (exit_code) { FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); slurmdb_destroy_cluster_rec(start_cluster); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!list_count(name_list)) { FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); slurmdb_destroy_cluster_rec(start_cluster); exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Need name of cluster to add.\n"); return SLURM_ERROR; } else { List temp_list = NULL; slurmdb_cluster_cond_t cluster_cond; slurmdb_init_cluster_cond(&cluster_cond, 0); cluster_cond.cluster_list = name_list; cluster_cond.classification = start_cluster->classification; temp_list = acct_storage_g_get_clusters(db_conn, my_uid, &cluster_cond); if (!temp_list) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem getting clusters from database. " "Contact your admin.\n"); slurmdb_destroy_cluster_rec(start_cluster); return SLURM_ERROR; } itr_c = list_iterator_create(name_list); itr = list_iterator_create(temp_list); while((name = list_next(itr_c))) { slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster_rec = NULL; list_iterator_reset(itr); while((cluster_rec = list_next(itr))) { if (!xstrcasecmp(cluster_rec->name, name)) break; } if (cluster_rec) { printf(" This cluster %s already exists. " "Not adding.\n", name); list_delete_item(itr_c); } } list_iterator_destroy(itr); list_iterator_destroy(itr_c); FREE_NULL_LIST(temp_list); if (!list_count(name_list)) { FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); slurmdb_destroy_cluster_rec(start_cluster); return SLURM_ERROR; } } if (start_cluster->fed.name) { int rc; List fed_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); list_append(fed_list, xstrdup(start_cluster->fed.name)); rc = verify_federations_exist(fed_list); FREE_NULL_LIST(fed_list); if (rc) { slurmdb_destroy_cluster_rec(start_cluster); FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); return SLURM_ERROR; } } printf(" Adding Cluster(s)\n"); cluster_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_cluster_rec); itr = list_iterator_create(name_list); while((name = list_next(itr))) { if (!name[0]) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " No blank names are " "allowed when adding.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; continue; } cluster = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_cluster_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_cluster_rec(cluster, 0); list_append(cluster_list, cluster); slurmdb_copy_cluster_rec(cluster, start_cluster); cluster->name = xstrdup(name); printf(" Name = %s\n", cluster->name); cluster->root_assoc = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_assoc_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_assoc_rec(cluster->root_assoc, 0); cluster->root_assoc->def_qos_id = start_assoc.def_qos_id; cluster->root_assoc->shares_raw = start_assoc.shares_raw; slurmdb_copy_assoc_rec_limits( cluster->root_assoc, &start_assoc); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); if (limit_set) printf(" Setting\n"); if (limit_set & CLUS_REC_SET) sacctmgr_print_cluster(start_cluster); if (limit_set & CLUS_ASSOC_SET) { printf(" Default Limits:\n"); sacctmgr_print_assoc_limits(&start_assoc); FREE_NULL_LIST(start_assoc.qos_list); } slurmdb_destroy_cluster_rec(start_cluster); if (!list_count(cluster_list)) { printf(" Nothing new added.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } /* Since we are creating tables with add cluster that can't be rolled back. So we ask before hand if they are serious about it so we can rollback if needed. */ if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) { notice_thread_init(); rc = acct_storage_g_add_clusters(db_conn, my_uid, cluster_list); notice_thread_fini(); if (rc == SLURM_SUCCESS) { acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem adding clusters: %s\n", slurm_strerror(rc)); /* this isn't really needed, but just to be safe */ acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); /* this isn't really needed, but just to be safe */ acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } end_it: FREE_NULL_LIST(cluster_list); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_modify_cluster(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i=0; slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_cluster_rec_t)); slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *assoc = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_assoc_rec_t)); slurmdb_assoc_cond_t *assoc_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_assoc_cond_t)); int cond_set = 0, prev_set = 0, rec_set = 0, set = 0; List ret_list = NULL; slurmdb_cluster_cond_t cluster_cond; bool existing_fed = false; slurmdb_init_assoc_rec(assoc, 0); assoc_cond->cluster_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); assoc_cond->acct_list = list_create(NULL); slurmdb_init_cluster_rec(cluster, 0); slurmdb_init_cluster_cond(&cluster_cond, 0); cluster_cond.cluster_list = assoc_cond->cluster_list; for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5))) { i++; prev_set = _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, &cluster_cond, NULL); cond_set |= prev_set; } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) { i++; prev_set = _set_rec(&i, argc, argv, NULL, assoc, cluster); rec_set |= prev_set; } else { prev_set = _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, &cluster_cond, NULL); cond_set |= prev_set; } } if (exit_code) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } else if (!rec_set) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " You didn't give me anything to set\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } else if (!cond_set) { if (!commit_check("You didn't set any conditions with 'WHERE'.\n" "Are you sure you want to continue?")) { printf("Aborted\n"); rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; goto end_it; } } if (cluster->fed.name && cluster->fed.name[0]) { int rc; /* Make sure federation exists. */ List fed_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); list_append(fed_list, xstrdup(cluster->fed.name)); rc = verify_federations_exist(fed_list); FREE_NULL_LIST(fed_list); if (rc) goto end_it; /* See if cluster is assigned to another federation already. */ if (list_count(cluster_cond.cluster_list)) { if (_verify_fed_clusters(cluster_cond.cluster_list, cluster->fed.name, &existing_fed)) goto end_it; else if (!list_count(cluster_cond.cluster_list)) { /* irrelevant changes have been removed and * nothing to change now. */ printf("Nothing to change\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; (void)rc; /* CLANG false positive */ goto end_it; } else if (existing_fed) { char *warning = "\nAre you sure you want to continue?"; if (!commit_check(warning)) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; (void)rc; /* CLANG false positive */ goto end_it; } } } } if (cond_set & 1) { List temp_list = NULL; temp_list = acct_storage_g_get_clusters(db_conn, my_uid, &cluster_cond); if (!temp_list) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem getting clusters from database. " "Contact your admin.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } else if (!list_count(temp_list)) { fprintf(stderr, " Query didn't return any clusters.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } /* we are only looking for the clusters returned from this query, so we free the cluster_list and replace it */ FREE_NULL_LIST(assoc_cond->cluster_list); assoc_cond->cluster_list = temp_list; } printf(" Setting\n"); if (rec_set & CLUS_REC_SET) sacctmgr_print_cluster(cluster); if (rec_set & CLUS_ASSOC_SET) { printf(" Default Limits:\n"); sacctmgr_print_assoc_limits(assoc); } if (rec_set & CLUS_REC_SET) { notice_thread_init(); ret_list = acct_storage_g_modify_clusters( db_conn, my_uid, &cluster_cond, cluster); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Modified cluster...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); set = 1; } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing modified\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } FREE_NULL_LIST(ret_list); notice_thread_fini(); } if (rec_set & CLUS_ASSOC_SET) { list_append(assoc_cond->acct_list, "root"); notice_thread_init(); ret_list = acct_storage_g_modify_assocs(db_conn, my_uid, assoc_cond, assoc); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Modified cluster defaults for " "associations...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); set = 1; } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing modified\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } FREE_NULL_LIST(ret_list); notice_thread_fini(); } if (set) { if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } end_it: slurmdb_destroy_assoc_cond(assoc_cond); slurmdb_destroy_assoc_rec(assoc); slurmdb_destroy_cluster_rec(cluster); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_modify_res(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; slurmdb_res_cond_t *res_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_res_cond_t)); slurmdb_res_rec_t *res = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_res_rec_t)); int i=0; int cond_set = 0, rec_set = 0, set = 0; List ret_list = NULL; slurmdb_init_res_cond(res_cond, 0); slurmdb_init_res_rec(res, 0); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5))) { i++; cond_set += _set_res_cond(&i, argc, argv, res_cond, NULL); } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) { i++; rec_set += _set_res_rec(&i, argc, argv, NULL, NULL, res); } else { cond_set += _set_res_cond(&i, argc, argv, res_cond, NULL); } } if (exit_code) { slurmdb_destroy_res_cond(res_cond); slurmdb_destroy_res_rec(res); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!rec_set) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " You didn't give me anything to set\n"); slurmdb_destroy_res_cond(res_cond); slurmdb_destroy_res_rec(res); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!cond_set) { if (!commit_check("You didn't set any conditions with " "'WHERE'.\n" "Are you sure you want to continue?")) { printf("Aborted\n"); slurmdb_destroy_res_cond(res_cond); slurmdb_destroy_res_rec(res); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } } notice_thread_init(); ret_list = acct_storage_g_modify_res(db_conn, my_uid, res_cond, res); notice_thread_fini(); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Modified server resource ...\n"); while ((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); set = 1; } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing modified\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else if (errno == ESLURM_OVER_ALLOCATE) { exit_code=1; rc = SLURM_ERROR; fprintf(stderr, " If change was accepted it would look like this...\n"); _print_overcommit(res, res_cond); } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } if (set) { if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")){ acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } FREE_NULL_LIST(ret_list); slurmdb_destroy_res_cond(res_cond); slurmdb_destroy_res_rec(res); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_delete_res(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; slurmdb_res_cond_t *res_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_res_cond_t)); int i=0; List ret_list = NULL; ListIterator itr = NULL; int set = 0; char *name = NULL; slurmdb_init_res_cond(res_cond, 0); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5)) || !strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) i++; set += _set_res_cond(&i, argc, argv, res_cond, NULL); } if (!set) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " No conditions given to remove, not executing.\n"); slurmdb_destroy_res_cond(res_cond); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (set == -1) { slurmdb_destroy_res_cond(res_cond); return SLURM_ERROR; } notice_thread_init(); ret_list = acct_storage_g_remove_res(db_conn, my_uid, res_cond); notice_thread_fini(); slurmdb_destroy_res_cond(res_cond); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Deleting resource(s)...\n"); while ((name = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", name); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) { acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing deleted\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } FREE_NULL_LIST(ret_list); xfree(name); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_modify_account(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; slurmdb_account_cond_t *acct_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_account_cond_t)); slurmdb_account_rec_t *acct = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_account_rec_t)); slurmdb_association_rec_t *assoc = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_association_rec_t)); int i=0; int cond_set = 0, prev_set = 0, rec_set = 0, set = 0; List ret_list = NULL; slurmdb_init_association_rec(assoc, 0); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5))) { i++; prev_set = _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, acct_cond, NULL); cond_set |= prev_set; } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) { i++; prev_set = _set_rec(&i, argc, argv, NULL, NULL, acct, assoc); rec_set |= prev_set; } else { prev_set = _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, acct_cond, NULL); cond_set |= prev_set; } } if (exit_code) { slurmdb_destroy_account_cond(acct_cond); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(acct); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(assoc); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!rec_set) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " You didn't give me anything to set\n"); slurmdb_destroy_account_cond(acct_cond); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(acct); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(assoc); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!cond_set) { if (!commit_check("You didn't set any conditions with 'WHERE'.\n" "Are you sure you want to continue?")) { printf("Aborted\n"); slurmdb_destroy_account_cond(acct_cond); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(acct); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(assoc); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } } // Special case: reset raw usage only if (assoc->usage) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; if (assoc->usage->usage_raw == 0.0) rc = sacctmgr_remove_assoc_usage(acct_cond->assoc_cond); else error("Raw usage can only be set to 0 (zero)"); slurmdb_destroy_account_cond(acct_cond); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(acct); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(assoc); return rc; } notice_thread_init(); if (rec_set & 1) { // process the account changes if (cond_set == 2) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " There was a problem with your " "'where' options.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto assoc_start; } ret_list = acct_storage_g_modify_accounts( db_conn, my_uid, acct_cond, acct); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Modified accounts...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); set = 1; } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing modified\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } if (ret_list) list_destroy(ret_list); } assoc_start: if (rec_set == 3 || rec_set == 2) { // process the association changes if (cond_set == 1 && !acct_cond->assoc_cond->acct_list) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " There was a problem with your " "'where' options.\n"); goto assoc_end; } if (assoc->parent_acct) { slurmdb_account_rec_t *acct_rec = sacctmgr_find_account(assoc->parent_acct); if (!acct_rec) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Parent Account %s doesn't exist.\n", assoc->parent_acct); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto assoc_end; } } ret_list = acct_storage_g_modify_associations( db_conn, my_uid, acct_cond->assoc_cond, assoc); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { set = 1; if (assoc->def_qos_id != NO_VAL) set = sacctmgr_check_default_qos( assoc->def_qos_id, acct_cond->assoc_cond); else if (assoc->qos_list) set = sacctmgr_check_default_qos( -1, acct_cond->assoc_cond); if (set) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create( ret_list); printf(" Modified account associations...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); set = 1; } } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing modified\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } if (ret_list) list_destroy(ret_list); } assoc_end: notice_thread_fini(); if (set) { if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } slurmdb_destroy_account_cond(acct_cond); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(acct); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(assoc); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_add_res(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i=0, limit_set=0; ListIterator itr = NULL; ListIterator clus_itr = NULL; slurmdb_res_rec_t *res = NULL; slurmdb_res_rec_t *found_res = NULL; slurmdb_res_rec_t *start_res = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_res_rec_t)); List cluster_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); List name_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); char *name = NULL; List res_list = NULL; char *res_str = NULL; slurmdb_init_res_rec(start_res, 0); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5)) || !strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) i++; limit_set += _set_res_rec(&i, argc, argv, name_list, cluster_list, start_res); } if (exit_code) { FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); FREE_NULL_LIST(cluster_list); slurmdb_destroy_res_rec(start_res); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!list_count(name_list)) { FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); FREE_NULL_LIST(cluster_list); slurmdb_destroy_res_rec(start_res); exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Need name of resource to add.\n"); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } if (!start_res->server) { /* assign some server name */ start_res->server = xstrdup("slurmdb"); } if (!g_res_list) { slurmdb_res_cond_t res_cond; slurmdb_init_res_cond(&res_cond, 0); res_cond.with_clusters = 1; g_res_list = acct_storage_g_get_res(db_conn, my_uid, &res_cond); if (!g_res_list) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem getting system resources " "from database. " "Contact your admin.\n"); FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); FREE_NULL_LIST(cluster_list); slurmdb_destroy_res_rec(start_res); return SLURM_ERROR; } } res_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_res_rec); itr = list_iterator_create(name_list); if (cluster_list) clus_itr = list_iterator_create(cluster_list); while ((name = list_next(itr))) { bool added = 0; found_res = sacctmgr_find_res_from_list( g_res_list, NO_VAL, name, start_res->server); if (!found_res) { if (start_res->type == SLURMDB_RESOURCE_NOTSET) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Need to designate a resource " "type to initially add '%s'.\n", name); break; } else if (start_res->count == NO_VAL) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Need to designate a resource " "count to initially add '%s'.\n", name); break; } added = 1; res = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_res_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_res_rec(res, 0); res->name = xstrdup(name); res->description = xstrdup(start_res->description ? start_res->description : name); res->manager = xstrdup(start_res->manager); res->server = xstrdup(start_res->server); res->count = start_res->count; res->flags = start_res->flags; res->type = start_res->type; xstrfmtcat(res_str, " %s@%s\n", res->name, res->server); list_append(res_list, res); } if (cluster_list && list_count(cluster_list)) { ListIterator found_itr = NULL; slurmdb_clus_res_rec_t *clus_res; char *cluster; uint16_t start_used = 0; if (found_res) { found_itr = list_iterator_create( found_res->clus_res_list); res = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_res_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_res_rec(res, 0); res->id = found_res->id; res->type = found_res->type; start_used = res->percent_used = found_res->percent_used; } res->clus_res_list = list_create( slurmdb_destroy_clus_res_rec); while ((cluster = list_next(clus_itr))) { clus_res = NULL; if (found_res) { while ((clus_res = list_next(found_itr))) { if (!strcmp(clus_res->cluster, cluster)) break; } list_iterator_reset(found_itr); } if (!clus_res) { if (!added) { added = 1; xstrfmtcat(res_str, " %s@%s\n", name, res->server); list_append(res_list, res); } /* make sure we don't overcommit */ res->percent_used += start_res->percent_used; if (res->percent_used > 100) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Adding this %d " "clusters to resource " "%s@%s at %u%% each " ", with %u%% already " "used, would go over " "100%%. Please redo " "your math and " "resubmit.\n", list_count( cluster_list), res->name, res->server, start_res->percent_used, start_used); break; } clus_res = xmalloc( sizeof(slurmdb_clus_res_rec_t)); list_append(res->clus_res_list, clus_res); clus_res->cluster = xstrdup(cluster); clus_res->percent_allowed = start_res->percent_used; xstrfmtcat(res_str, " Cluster - %s\t%u%%\n", cluster, clus_res->percent_allowed); /* FIXME: make sure we don't overcommit */ } } if (res->percent_used > 100) break; if (found_res) list_iterator_destroy(found_itr); if (!added) slurmdb_destroy_res_rec(res); list_iterator_reset(clus_itr); } } if (cluster_list) list_iterator_destroy(clus_itr); list_iterator_destroy(itr); FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); FREE_NULL_LIST(cluster_list); if (exit_code) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } if (!list_count(res_list)) { printf(" Nothing new added.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } if (res_str) { char *tmp_str; switch (res->type) { case SLURMDB_RESOURCE_LICENSE: tmp_str = "License"; break; default: tmp_str = "Unknown"; } printf(" Adding Resource(s)\n%s", res_str); printf(" Settings\n"); if (res->name) printf(" Name = %s\n", res->name); if (res->server) printf(" Server = %s\n", res->server); if (res->description) printf(" Description = %s\n", res->description); if (res->manager) printf(" Manager = %s\n", res->manager); if (res->count != NO_VAL) printf(" Count = %u\n", res->count); printf(" Type = %s\n", tmp_str); xfree(res_str); } if (list_count(res_list)) { notice_thread_init(); rc = acct_storage_g_add_res(db_conn, my_uid, res_list); notice_thread_fini(); } else goto end_it; if (rc == SLURM_SUCCESS) { if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) { acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem adding system resource: %s\n", slurm_strerror(rc)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } end_it: FREE_NULL_LIST(res_list); slurmdb_destroy_res_rec(start_res); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_delete_account(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; slurmdb_account_cond_t *acct_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_account_cond_t)); int i=0; List ret_list = NULL, local_assoc_list = NULL; ListIterator itr = NULL; int cond_set = 0, prev_set = 0; for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5)) || !strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) i++; prev_set = _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, acct_cond, NULL); cond_set |= prev_set; } if (!cond_set) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " No conditions given to remove, not executing.\n"); slurmdb_destroy_account_cond(acct_cond); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (exit_code) { slurmdb_destroy_account_cond(acct_cond); return SLURM_ERROR; } /* check to see if person is trying to remove root account. This is * bad, and should not be allowed outside of deleting a cluster. */ if (acct_cond->assoc_cond && acct_cond->assoc_cond->acct_list && list_count(acct_cond->assoc_cond->acct_list)) { char *tmp_char = NULL; itr = list_iterator_create(acct_cond->assoc_cond->acct_list); while((tmp_char = list_next(itr))) { if (!strcasecmp(tmp_char, "root")) break; } list_iterator_destroy(itr); if (tmp_char) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " You are not allowed to remove " "the root account.\n" " Use remove cluster instead.\n"); slurmdb_destroy_account_cond(acct_cond); return SLURM_ERROR; } } acct_cond->assoc_cond->only_defs = 1; local_assoc_list = acct_storage_g_get_associations( db_conn, my_uid, acct_cond->assoc_cond); acct_cond->assoc_cond->only_defs = 0; notice_thread_init(); if (cond_set == 1) { ret_list = acct_storage_g_remove_accounts( db_conn, my_uid, acct_cond); } else if (cond_set & 2) { ret_list = acct_storage_g_remove_associations( db_conn, my_uid, acct_cond->assoc_cond); } rc = errno; notice_thread_fini(); slurmdb_destroy_account_cond(acct_cond); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = NULL; /* Check to see if person is trying to remove a default * account of a user. _isdefault only works with the * output from acct_storage_g_remove_accounts, and * with a previously got assoc_list. */ if (_isdefault(cond_set, ret_list, local_assoc_list)) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Please either remove the " "accounts listed " "above from list and resubmit,\n" " or change these users default account to " "remove the account(s).\n" " Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); goto end_it; } itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); /* If there were jobs running with an association to be deleted, don't. */ if (rc == ESLURM_JOBS_RUNNING_ON_ASSOC) { fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(rc)); while((object = list_next(itr))) { fprintf(stderr," %s\n", object); } acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); goto end_it; } if (cond_set == 1) { printf(" Deleting accounts...\n"); } else if (cond_set & 2) { printf(" Deleting account associations...\n"); } while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) { acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing deleted\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } end_it: if (ret_list) list_destroy(ret_list); if (local_assoc_list) list_destroy(local_assoc_list); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_add_account(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i=0; ListIterator itr = NULL, itr_c = NULL; slurmdb_account_rec_t *acct = NULL; slurmdb_association_rec_t *assoc = NULL; slurmdb_association_cond_t assoc_cond; List name_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); List cluster_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); char *cluster = NULL; char *name = NULL; List acct_list = NULL; List assoc_list = NULL; List local_assoc_list = NULL; List local_account_list = NULL; char *acct_str = NULL; char *assoc_str = NULL; int limit_set = 0; slurmdb_account_rec_t *start_acct = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_account_rec_t)); slurmdb_association_rec_t *start_assoc = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_association_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_association_rec(start_assoc, 0); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5)) || !strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) i++; limit_set += _set_rec(&i, argc, argv, name_list, cluster_list, start_acct, start_assoc); } if (exit_code) return SLURM_ERROR; if (!name_list || !list_count(name_list)) { list_destroy(name_list); list_destroy(cluster_list); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(start_assoc); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(start_acct); exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Need name of account to add.\n"); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } else { slurmdb_account_cond_t account_cond; memset(&account_cond, 0, sizeof(slurmdb_account_cond_t)); memset(&assoc_cond, 0, sizeof(slurmdb_association_cond_t)); assoc_cond.acct_list = name_list; account_cond.assoc_cond = &assoc_cond; local_account_list = acct_storage_g_get_accounts( db_conn, my_uid, &account_cond); } if (!local_account_list) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem getting accounts from database. " "Contact your admin.\n"); list_destroy(name_list); list_destroy(cluster_list); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(start_assoc); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(start_acct); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (!start_assoc->parent_acct) start_assoc->parent_acct = xstrdup("root"); if (!cluster_list || !list_count(cluster_list)) { slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster_rec = NULL; List tmp_list = acct_storage_g_get_clusters(db_conn, my_uid, NULL); if (!tmp_list) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem getting clusters from database. " "Contact your admin.\n"); list_destroy(name_list); list_destroy(cluster_list); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(start_assoc); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(start_acct); list_destroy(local_account_list); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (!list_count(tmp_list)) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Can't add accounts, no cluster " "defined yet.\n" " Please contact your administrator.\n"); list_destroy(name_list); list_destroy(cluster_list); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(start_assoc); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(start_acct); list_destroy(local_account_list); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (!cluster_list) list_create(slurm_destroy_char); else list_flush(cluster_list); itr_c = list_iterator_create(tmp_list); while((cluster_rec = list_next(itr_c))) { list_append(cluster_list, xstrdup(cluster_rec->name)); } list_iterator_destroy(itr_c); list_destroy(tmp_list); } else { List temp_list = NULL; slurmdb_cluster_cond_t cluster_cond; slurmdb_init_cluster_cond(&cluster_cond, 0); cluster_cond.cluster_list = cluster_list; temp_list = acct_storage_g_get_clusters(db_conn, my_uid, &cluster_cond); itr_c = list_iterator_create(cluster_list); itr = list_iterator_create(temp_list); while((cluster = list_next(itr_c))) { slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster_rec = NULL; list_iterator_reset(itr); while((cluster_rec = list_next(itr))) { if (!strcasecmp(cluster_rec->name, cluster)) break; } if (!cluster_rec) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " This cluster '%s' " "doesn't exist.\n" " Contact your admin " "to add it to accounting.\n", cluster); list_delete_item(itr_c); } } list_iterator_destroy(itr); list_iterator_destroy(itr_c); list_destroy(temp_list); if (!list_count(cluster_list)) { slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(start_assoc); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(start_acct); list_destroy(local_account_list); return SLURM_ERROR; } } acct_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_account_rec); assoc_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_association_rec); memset(&assoc_cond, 0, sizeof(slurmdb_association_cond_t)); assoc_cond.acct_list = list_create(NULL); itr = list_iterator_create(name_list); while((name = list_next(itr))) list_append(assoc_cond.acct_list, name); list_iterator_destroy(itr); list_append(assoc_cond.acct_list, start_assoc->parent_acct); assoc_cond.cluster_list = cluster_list; local_assoc_list = acct_storage_g_get_associations( db_conn, my_uid, &assoc_cond); list_destroy(assoc_cond.acct_list); if (!local_assoc_list) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem getting associations from database. " "Contact your admin.\n"); list_destroy(name_list); list_destroy(cluster_list); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(start_assoc); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(start_acct); list_destroy(local_account_list); return SLURM_ERROR; } itr = list_iterator_create(name_list); while((name = list_next(itr))) { if (!name[0]) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " No blank names are " "allowed when adding.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; continue; } acct = NULL; if (!sacctmgr_find_account_from_list(local_account_list, name)) { acct = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_account_rec_t)); acct->assoc_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_association_rec); acct->name = xstrdup(name); if (start_acct->description) acct->description = xstrdup(start_acct->description); else acct->description = xstrdup(name); if (start_acct->organization) acct->organization = xstrdup(start_acct->organization); else if (strcmp(start_assoc->parent_acct, "root")) acct->organization = xstrdup(start_assoc->parent_acct); else acct->organization = xstrdup(name); xstrfmtcat(acct_str, " %s\n", name); list_append(acct_list, acct); } itr_c = list_iterator_create(cluster_list); while((cluster = list_next(itr_c))) { if (sacctmgr_find_account_base_assoc_from_list( local_assoc_list, name, cluster)) { //printf(" already have this assoc\n"); continue; } if (!sacctmgr_find_account_base_assoc_from_list( local_assoc_list, start_assoc->parent_acct, cluster)) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Parent account '%s' " "doesn't exist on " "cluster %s\n" " Contact your admin " "to add this account.\n", start_assoc->parent_acct, cluster); continue; } assoc = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_association_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_association_rec(assoc, 0); assoc->acct = xstrdup(name); assoc->cluster = xstrdup(cluster); assoc->def_qos_id = start_assoc->def_qos_id; assoc->parent_acct = xstrdup(start_assoc->parent_acct); assoc->shares_raw = start_assoc->shares_raw; assoc->grp_cpu_mins = start_assoc->grp_cpu_mins; assoc->grp_cpu_run_mins = start_assoc->grp_cpu_run_mins; assoc->grp_cpus = start_assoc->grp_cpus; assoc->grp_jobs = start_assoc->grp_jobs; assoc->grp_mem = start_assoc->grp_mem; assoc->grp_nodes = start_assoc->grp_nodes; assoc->grp_submit_jobs = start_assoc->grp_submit_jobs; assoc->grp_wall = start_assoc->grp_wall; assoc->max_cpu_mins_pj = start_assoc->max_cpu_mins_pj; assoc->max_cpus_pj = start_assoc->max_cpus_pj; assoc->max_jobs = start_assoc->max_jobs; assoc->max_nodes_pj = start_assoc->max_nodes_pj; assoc->max_submit_jobs = start_assoc->max_submit_jobs; assoc->max_wall_pj = start_assoc->max_wall_pj; assoc->qos_list = copy_char_list(start_assoc->qos_list); if (acct) list_append(acct->assoc_list, assoc); else list_append(assoc_list, assoc); xstrfmtcat(assoc_str, " A = %-10.10s" " C = %-10.10s\n", assoc->acct, assoc->cluster); } list_iterator_destroy(itr_c); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); list_destroy(local_account_list); list_destroy(local_assoc_list); if (!list_count(acct_list) && !list_count(assoc_list)) { printf(" Nothing new added.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } else if (!assoc_str) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " No associations created.\n"); goto end_it; } if (acct_str) { printf(" Adding Account(s)\n%s", acct_str); printf(" Settings\n"); if (start_acct->description) printf(" Description = %s\n", start_acct->description); else printf(" Description = %s\n", "Account Name"); if (start_acct->organization) printf(" Organization = %s\n", start_acct->organization); else printf(" Organization = %s\n", "Parent/Account Name"); xfree(acct_str); } if (assoc_str) { printf(" Associations\n%s", assoc_str); xfree(assoc_str); } if (limit_set) { printf(" Settings\n"); sacctmgr_print_assoc_limits(start_assoc); } notice_thread_init(); if (list_count(acct_list)) rc = acct_storage_g_add_accounts(db_conn, my_uid, acct_list); if (rc == SLURM_SUCCESS) { if (list_count(assoc_list)) rc = acct_storage_g_add_associations(db_conn, my_uid, assoc_list); } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem adding accounts: %s\n", slurm_strerror(rc)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; notice_thread_fini(); goto end_it; } notice_thread_fini(); if (rc == SLURM_SUCCESS) { if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) { acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " error: Problem adding account associations: %s\n", slurm_strerror(rc)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } end_it: list_destroy(name_list); list_destroy(cluster_list); list_destroy(acct_list); list_destroy(assoc_list); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(start_assoc); slurmdb_destroy_account_rec(start_acct); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_add_federation(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i = 0, limit_set = 0; slurmdb_federation_rec_t *start_fed = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_federation_rec_t)); List name_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); List federation_list; ListIterator itr = NULL; char *name = NULL; slurmdb_init_federation_rec(start_fed, 0); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5)) || !strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) i++; limit_set += _set_rec(&i, argc, argv, name_list, start_fed); } if (exit_code) { FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!list_count(name_list)) { slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); fprintf(stderr, " Need name of federation to add.\n"); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (_remove_existing_feds(name_list)) { FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); return SLURM_ERROR; } if ((list_count(name_list) > 1) && start_fed && start_fed->cluster_list && list_count(start_fed->cluster_list)) { slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); fprintf(stderr, " Can't assign clusters to multiple " "federations.\n"); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (start_fed && start_fed->cluster_list && list_count(start_fed->cluster_list)) { bool existing_feds = false; if (list_count(name_list) > 1){ slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); fprintf(stderr, " Can't assign clusters to " "multiple federations.\n"); return SLURM_ERROR; } /* ensure that clusters exist in db */ /* and if the clusters are already assigned to another fed. */ if (verify_fed_clusters(start_fed->cluster_list, NULL, &existing_feds)) { FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (existing_feds) { char *warning = "\nAre you sure you want to continue?"; if (!commit_check(warning)) { FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); return SLURM_ERROR; } } } printf(" Adding Federation(s)\n"); federation_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec); itr = list_iterator_create(name_list); while((name = list_next(itr))) { slurmdb_federation_rec_t *fed = NULL; if (!name[0]) { fprintf(stderr, " Skipping blank fed name.\n"); continue; } fed = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_federation_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_federation_rec(fed, 0); list_append(federation_list, fed); slurmdb_copy_federation_rec(fed, start_fed); fed->name = xstrdup(name); printf(" %s\n", fed->name); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); if (limit_set) { printf(" Settings\n"); sacctmgr_print_federation(start_fed); } slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); if (!list_count(federation_list)) { printf(" Nothing new added.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } notice_thread_init(); rc = acct_storage_g_add_federations(db_conn, my_uid, federation_list); notice_thread_fini(); if (rc == SLURM_SUCCESS) { if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) { acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } else { exit_code = 1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem adding federation(s): %s\n", slurm_strerror(rc)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } end_it: FREE_NULL_LIST(federation_list); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_modify_federation(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i=0; int cond_set = 0, prev_set = 0, rec_set = 0, set = 0; List ret_list = NULL; slurmdb_federation_cond_t *federation_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_federation_cond_t)); slurmdb_federation_rec_t *federation = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_federation_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_federation_cond(federation_cond, 0); slurmdb_init_federation_rec(federation, 0); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5))) { i++; prev_set = _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, federation_cond, NULL); cond_set |= prev_set; } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) { i++; prev_set = _set_rec(&i, argc, argv, NULL, federation); rec_set |= prev_set; } else { prev_set = _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, federation_cond, NULL); cond_set |= prev_set; } } if (exit_code) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } else if (!rec_set) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " You didn't give me anything to set\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } else if (!cond_set) { if (!commit_check("You didn't set any conditions " "with 'WHERE'.\n" "Are you sure you want to continue?")) { printf("Aborted\n"); rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; goto end_it; } } else if (verify_federations_exist( federation_cond->federation_list)) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } if (federation->cluster_list) { bool existing_feds = false; char *mod_fed = NULL; slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *tmp_c = NULL; List cluster_list = federation->cluster_list; if (federation_cond->federation_list && (list_count(federation_cond->federation_list) > 1)) { fprintf(stderr, " Can't assign clusters to " "multiple federations.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } /* Add all clusters that need to be removed if clearing all * clusters or add clusters that will be removed if setting * clusters to specific set. */ mod_fed = list_peek(federation_cond->federation_list); if ((!list_count(cluster_list) || ((tmp_c = list_peek(cluster_list)) && *tmp_c->name != '-' && *tmp_c->name != '+')) && ((rc = _add_clusters_to_remove(cluster_list, mod_fed)) || (rc = _change_assigns_to_adds(cluster_list)))) { goto end_it; } else if ((rc = verify_fed_clusters(cluster_list, mod_fed, &existing_feds))) { goto end_it; } else if (!list_count(cluster_list)) { printf("Nothing to change\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } else if (existing_feds) { char *warning = "\nAre you sure you want to continue?"; if (!commit_check(warning)) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } } } printf(" Setting\n"); sacctmgr_print_federation(federation); notice_thread_init(); ret_list = acct_storage_g_modify_federations(db_conn, my_uid, federation_cond, federation); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Modified federation...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); set = 1; } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing modified\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } FREE_NULL_LIST(ret_list); notice_thread_fini(); if (set) { if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } end_it: slurmdb_destroy_federation_cond(federation_cond); slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(federation); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_modify_cluster(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i=0; slurmdb_association_rec_t *assoc = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_association_rec_t)); slurmdb_association_cond_t *assoc_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_association_cond_t)); int cond_set = 0, prev_set = 0, rec_set = 0, set = 0; List ret_list = NULL; uint16_t class_rec = 0; slurmdb_cluster_cond_t cluster_cond; slurmdb_init_association_rec(assoc, 0); assoc_cond->cluster_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); assoc_cond->acct_list = list_create(NULL); slurmdb_init_cluster_cond(&cluster_cond, 0); cluster_cond.cluster_list = assoc_cond->cluster_list; for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5))) { i++; prev_set = _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, &cluster_cond, NULL); cond_set |= prev_set; } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) { i++; prev_set = _set_rec(&i, argc, argv, NULL, assoc, &class_rec); rec_set |= prev_set; } else { prev_set = _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, &cluster_cond, NULL); cond_set |= prev_set; } } if(!rec_set) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " You didn't give me anything to set\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } else if(!cond_set) { if(!commit_check("You didn't set any conditions with 'WHERE'.\n" "Are you sure you want to continue?")) { printf("Aborted\n"); rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; goto end_it; } } else if(exit_code) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } if(cond_set & 1) { List temp_list = NULL; temp_list = acct_storage_g_get_clusters(db_conn, my_uid, &cluster_cond); if(!temp_list) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem getting clusters from database. " "Contact your admin.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } else if(!list_count(temp_list)) { fprintf(stderr, " Query didn't return any clusters.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } /* we are only looking for the clusters returned from this query, so we free the cluster_list and replace it */ if(assoc_cond->cluster_list) list_destroy(assoc_cond->cluster_list); assoc_cond->cluster_list = temp_list; } printf(" Setting\n"); if(rec_set) { printf(" Default Limits =\n"); sacctmgr_print_assoc_limits(assoc); if(class_rec) printf(" Cluster Classification = %s\n", get_classification_str(class_rec)); } list_append(assoc_cond->acct_list, "root"); notice_thread_init(); ret_list = acct_storage_g_modify_associations( db_conn, my_uid, assoc_cond, assoc); if(ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Modified cluster defaults for associations...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); set = 1; } else if(ret_list) { printf(" Nothing modified\n"); } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } if(ret_list) list_destroy(ret_list); if(class_rec) { slurmdb_cluster_rec_t cluster_rec; slurmdb_init_cluster_rec(&cluster_rec, 0); /* the class has already returned these clusters so just go with it */ cluster_rec.classification = class_rec; ret_list = acct_storage_g_modify_clusters( db_conn, my_uid, &cluster_cond, &cluster_rec); if(ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Modified cluster classifications...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); set = 1; } else if(ret_list) { printf(" Nothing modified\n"); } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } if(ret_list) list_destroy(ret_list); } notice_thread_fini(); if(set) { if(commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } end_it: slurmdb_destroy_association_cond(assoc_cond); slurmdb_destroy_association_rec(assoc); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_add_qos(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i=0, limit_set=0; ListIterator itr = NULL; slurmdb_qos_rec_t *qos = NULL; slurmdb_qos_rec_t *start_qos = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_qos_rec_t)); List name_list = list_create(slurm_destroy_char); char *description = NULL; char *name = NULL; List qos_list = NULL; char *qos_str = NULL; slurmdb_init_qos_rec(start_qos, 0); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp (argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5)) || !strncasecmp (argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) i++; limit_set += _set_rec(&i, argc, argv, name_list, start_qos); } if(exit_code) { list_destroy(name_list); xfree(description); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if(!list_count(name_list)) { list_destroy(name_list); slurmdb_destroy_qos_rec(start_qos); exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Need name of qos to add.\n"); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } if(!g_qos_list) { g_qos_list = acct_storage_g_get_qos(db_conn, my_uid, NULL); if(!g_qos_list) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem getting qos's " "from database. " "Contact your admin.\n"); list_destroy(name_list); xfree(description); return SLURM_ERROR; } } qos_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_qos_rec); itr = list_iterator_create(name_list); while((name = list_next(itr))) { qos = NULL; if(!sacctmgr_find_qos_from_list(g_qos_list, name)) { qos = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_qos_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_qos_rec(qos, 0); qos->name = xstrdup(name); if(start_qos->description) qos->description = xstrdup(start_qos->description); else qos->description = xstrdup(name); qos->grace_time = start_qos->grace_time; qos->grp_cpu_mins = start_qos->grp_cpu_mins; qos->grp_cpus = start_qos->grp_cpus; qos->grp_jobs = start_qos->grp_jobs; qos->grp_mem = start_qos->grp_mem; qos->grp_nodes = start_qos->grp_nodes; qos->grp_submit_jobs = start_qos->grp_submit_jobs; qos->grp_wall = start_qos->grp_wall; qos->max_cpu_mins_pj = start_qos->max_cpu_mins_pj; qos->max_cpu_run_mins_pu = start_qos->max_cpu_run_mins_pu; qos->max_cpus_pj = start_qos->max_cpus_pj; qos->max_cpus_pu = start_qos->max_cpus_pu; qos->max_jobs_pu = start_qos->max_jobs_pu; qos->max_nodes_pj = start_qos->max_nodes_pj; qos->max_nodes_pu = start_qos->max_nodes_pu; qos->max_submit_jobs_pu = start_qos->max_submit_jobs_pu; qos->max_wall_pj = start_qos->max_wall_pj; qos->preempt_list = copy_char_list(start_qos->preempt_list); qos->preempt_mode = start_qos->preempt_mode; qos->priority = start_qos->priority; qos->usage_factor = start_qos->usage_factor; qos->usage_thres = start_qos->usage_thres; xstrfmtcat(qos_str, " %s\n", name); list_append(qos_list, qos); } } list_iterator_destroy(itr); list_destroy(name_list); if (g_qos_list) { list_destroy(g_qos_list); g_qos_list = NULL; } if(!list_count(qos_list)) { printf(" Nothing new added.\n"); goto end_it; } if(qos_str) { printf(" Adding QOS(s)\n%s", qos_str); printf(" Settings\n"); if(description) printf(" Description = %s\n", description); else printf(" Description = %s\n", "QOS Name"); sacctmgr_print_qos_limits(start_qos); xfree(qos_str); } notice_thread_init(); if(list_count(qos_list)) rc = acct_storage_g_add_qos(db_conn, my_uid, qos_list); else goto end_it; notice_thread_fini(); if(rc == SLURM_SUCCESS) { if(commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) { acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem adding QOS: %s\n", slurm_strerror(rc)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } end_it: list_destroy(qos_list); xfree(description); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_delete_qos(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; slurmdb_qos_cond_t *qos_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_qos_cond_t)); int i=0; List ret_list = NULL; int set = 0; for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp (argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5)) || !strncasecmp (argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) i++; set += _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, qos_cond, NULL); } if(!set) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " No conditions given to remove, not executing.\n"); slurmdb_destroy_qos_cond(qos_cond); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if(set == -1) { slurmdb_destroy_qos_cond(qos_cond); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (!g_qos_list) g_qos_list = acct_storage_g_get_qos( db_conn, my_uid, NULL); notice_thread_init(); ret_list = acct_storage_g_remove_qos(db_conn, my_uid, qos_cond); notice_thread_fini(); slurmdb_destroy_qos_cond(qos_cond); if(ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = NULL; /* Check to see if person is trying to remove a default * qos of an association. _isdefault only works with the * output from acct_storage_g_remove_qos, and * with a previously got g_qos_list. */ if (_isdefault(ret_list)) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Please either remove the qos' listed " "above from list and resubmit,\n" " or change the default qos to " "remove the qos.\n" " Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); goto end_it; } itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Deleting QOS(s)...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); if(commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) { acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } else if(ret_list) { printf(" Nothing deleted\n"); } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } end_it: if(ret_list) list_destroy(ret_list); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_modify_qos(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; slurmdb_qos_cond_t *qos_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_qos_cond_t)); slurmdb_qos_rec_t *qos = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_qos_rec_t)); int i=0; int cond_set = 0, rec_set = 0, set = 0; List ret_list = NULL; slurmdb_init_qos_rec(qos, 0, NO_VAL); for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5))) { i++; cond_set += _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, qos_cond, NULL); } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) { i++; rec_set += _set_rec(&i, argc, argv, NULL, qos); } else { cond_set += _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, qos_cond, NULL); } } if (exit_code) { slurmdb_destroy_qos_cond(qos_cond); slurmdb_destroy_qos_rec(qos); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!rec_set) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " You didn't give me anything to set\n"); slurmdb_destroy_qos_cond(qos_cond); slurmdb_destroy_qos_rec(qos); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!cond_set) { if (!commit_check("You didn't set any conditions with 'WHERE'.\n" "Are you sure you want to continue?")) { printf("Aborted\n"); slurmdb_destroy_qos_cond(qos_cond); slurmdb_destroy_qos_rec(qos); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } } // Special case: reset raw usage only if (qos->usage) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; if (qos->usage->usage_raw == 0.0) rc = sacctmgr_remove_qos_usage(qos_cond); else error("Raw usage can only be set to 0 (zero)"); slurmdb_destroy_qos_cond(qos_cond); slurmdb_destroy_qos_rec(qos); return rc; } notice_thread_init(); ret_list = acct_storage_g_modify_qos(db_conn, my_uid, qos_cond, qos); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Modified qos...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); set = 1; } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing modified\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } if (ret_list) list_destroy(ret_list); notice_thread_fini(); if (set) { if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } slurmdb_destroy_qos_cond(qos_cond); slurmdb_destroy_qos_rec(qos); return rc; }
extern int sacctmgr_modify_job(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; slurmdb_job_modify_cond_t *job_cond = xmalloc(sizeof( slurmdb_job_modify_cond_t)); slurmdb_job_rec_t *job = slurmdb_create_job_rec(); int i=0; int cond_set = 0, rec_set = 0, set = 0; List ret_list = NULL; for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { int command_len = strlen(argv[i]); if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Where", MAX(command_len, 5))) { i++; cond_set += _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, job_cond); } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[i], "Set", MAX(command_len, 3))) { i++; rec_set += _set_rec(&i, argc, argv, job); } else { cond_set += _set_cond(&i, argc, argv, job_cond); } } if (exit_code) { slurmdb_destroy_job_modify_cond(job_cond); slurmdb_destroy_job_rec(job); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!rec_set) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " You didn't give me anything to set\n"); slurmdb_destroy_job_modify_cond(job_cond); slurmdb_destroy_job_rec(job); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (!cond_set) { if (!commit_check("You didn't set any conditions with 'WHERE'." "\nAre you sure you want to continue?")) { printf("Aborted\n"); slurmdb_destroy_job_modify_cond(job_cond); slurmdb_destroy_job_rec(job); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } } notice_thread_init(); ret_list = acct_storage_g_modify_job(db_conn, my_uid, job_cond, job); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Modified jobs...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); set = 1; } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing modified\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } FREE_NULL_LIST(ret_list); notice_thread_fini(); if (set) { if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 1); else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); acct_storage_g_commit(db_conn, 0); } } slurmdb_destroy_job_modify_cond(job_cond); slurmdb_destroy_job_rec(job); return rc; }