Example #1
void Slic::build_pyramid(const vector<unsigned char>& img, int levels) {
	unsigned long t1, t2;
	t1 = now_us();
	printf("Slic::build_pyramid ");
	// build the pyramid for the image data
	pyramid = vector<vector<unsigned char> >(levels);
	int n = rows[0] * cols[0] * chan;
	pyramid[0] = vector<unsigned char>(n);
	copy(img.begin(), img.begin() + n, pyramid[0].begin());

	for (int i = 1; i < levels; ++i) {
		imresize(pyramid[i], pyramid[i - 1], rows[i - 1], cols[i - 1], rows[i], cols[i]);
	// build the pyramid for assignments:
	assignments_pyramid = vector<vector<int> >(levels);
	for (int i = 0; i < levels; ++i) {
		assignments_pyramid[i] = vector<int>(rows[i] * cols[i], 0);
	t2 = now_us();
	printf("elapsed: %f\n", (t2 - t1) / 1000.0);
Example #2
uint16_t sim_tick_counter(void) {
  if (time_scale) {
    // microseconds to 16-bit clock ticks
    return (now_us() / time_scale) US;
  return (uint16_t)(ticks % 0xFFFF);
replication_app_client_base::request_context* replication_app_client_base::create_read_context(
    uint64_t key_hash,
    dsn_task_code_t code,
    dsn_message_t request,
    ::dsn::task_ptr& callback,
    read_semantic_t read_semantic,
    decree snapshot_decree, // only used when ReadSnapshot
    int reply_hash
    dsn_msg_options_t opts;
    dsn_msg_get_options(request, &opts);

    auto rc = new request_context;
    rc->request = request;
    rc->callback_task = callback;
    rc->is_read = true;
    rc->partition_index = -1;
    rc->key_hash = key_hash;
    rc->read_header.gpid.app_id = _app_id;
    rc->read_header.gpid.pidx = -1;
    rc->read_header.code = dsn_task_code_to_string(code);
    rc->read_header.semantic = read_semantic;
    rc->read_header.version_decree = snapshot_decree;
    rc->timeout_timer = nullptr;
    rc->timeout_ms = opts.timeout_ms;
    rc->timeout_ts_us = now_us() + opts.timeout_ms * 1000;
    rc->completed = false;

    size_t offset = dsn_msg_body_size(request);
    ::marshall(request, rc->read_header);
    rc->header_pos = (char*)dsn_msg_rw_ptr(request, offset);

    return rc;
Example #4
uint64_t zmq::clock_t::now_ms ()
    uint64_t tsc = rdtsc ();

    //  If TSC is not supported, get precise time and chop off the microseconds.
    if (!tsc)
        return now_us () / 1000;

    //  If TSC haven't jumped back (in case of migration to a different
    //  CPU core) and if not too much time elapsed since last measurement,
    //  we can return cached time value.
    if (likely (tsc - last_tsc <= (clock_precision / 2) && tsc >= last_tsc))
        return last_time;

    last_tsc = tsc;
    last_time = now_us ();
    return last_time;
Example #5
static void print_counts (void) {
    unsigned long long tmp = now_us();
    unsigned time = (unsigned) (tmp / 1000 / 1000);
    fseek(log_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
    if (log_fd)
        ftruncate(log_fd, 0);
    last_gc = tmp;
    g_hash_table_foreach(asites, print_counts_cb, (gpointer) time);
Example #6
 * Add a new future to the queue
int push_future(ncm_future_queue_t* queue, u32 jmp, u64 wait_us) {
	int index;

	if(queue->length == MAX_FUTURES) {
		return FUTURE_Q_FULL;

	index = (queue->first + queue->length) % MAX_FUTURES;
	queue->at[index].jmp_address = jmp;
	queue->at[index].wait_time = wait_us;
	queue->at[index].expiry = now_us() + wait_us;


	return FUTURE_Q_OK;
Example #7
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JVM_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, char *options, void *reserved)
    int res;
    char *log_file_path = "/tmp/heapprof.log";
    jvm = vm;

    if (options) {
        fprintf(stderr, "options=\"%s\"\n", options);

        if ((strlen(options) > 4) && (strncmp(options, "log=", 4) == 0)) {
            log_file_path = options + 4;

    last_gc = now_us();

    class_filter = (regex_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(regex_t));
    res = regcomp(class_filter, 
                  REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB);

    if (log_file_path) {
         log_fd = open(log_file_path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0664);
         if (!log_fd) {
             fprintf(stderr, "Could not open log file: %s\n", log_file_path);
         log_file = fdopen(log_fd, "w");
    else {
        log_file = stderr;
        log_fd = 0;

    classes = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);

    asites = g_hash_table_new(asite_key_hash, asite_key_equals);
    methods = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
    objects = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
    arenas = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);

    res = (*jvm)->GetEnv(jvm, (void**)&jvmpi, JVMPI_VERSION_1);
    if (res < 0) 
        return JNI_ERR;
    jvmpi->NotifyEvent = notify_event;
    lock = jvmpi->RawMonitorCreate("_lock");

    if (jvmpi->EnableEvent(JVMPI_EVENT_GC_START, NULL) != JVMPI_SUCCESS) 
        return JNI_ERR;
    if (jvmpi->EnableEvent(JVMPI_EVENT_GC_FINISH, NULL) != JVMPI_SUCCESS) 
        return JNI_ERR;
    if (jvmpi->EnableEvent(JVMPI_EVENT_OBJ_ALLOC, NULL) != JVMPI_SUCCESS) 
        return JNI_ERR;
    if (jvmpi->EnableEvent(JVMPI_EVENT_OBJ_MOVE, NULL) != JVMPI_SUCCESS) 
        return JNI_ERR;
    if (jvmpi->EnableEvent(JVMPI_EVENT_OBJ_FREE, NULL) != JVMPI_SUCCESS) 
        return JNI_ERR;
        return JNI_ERR;
    if (jvmpi->EnableEvent(JVMPI_EVENT_CLASS_LOAD, NULL) != JVMPI_SUCCESS) 
        return JNI_ERR;
        return JNI_ERR;
        return JNI_ERR;
    if (jvmpi->EnableEvent(JVMPI_EVENT_METHOD_EXIT, NULL) != JVMPI_SUCCESS) 
        return JNI_ERR;

    return JNI_OK;
Example #8
//! returns time in milliseconds
double now_ms() {
    return double(now_us())/1000.0f;
Example #9
void Slic::adjust_centers() {
	printf("Slic::adjust_centers ");
	unsigned long t1, t2;
	t1 = now_us();
	vector<unsigned char>* data = &pyramid[num_levels - 1];
	int cols_ = cols[num_levels - 1];
	//int rows_ = rows[num_levels-1];
	for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
		int x = centers[k].x;
		int y = centers[k].y;
		int i = 0;
		int min_val = INT_MAX;
		int best_x = x;
		int best_y = y;

		// boundary checks are not implemented because centers should be
		// initialized away from the image boundary in the first place!!           
		if (chan == 3) {
			// for rgb images
			for (int yy = y - 1; yy <= (y + 1); yy++) {
				for (int xx = x - 1; xx <= (x + 1); xx++) {
					float grad = 0.0;
					for (int u = 0; u<3; ++u) {
						int i_bot = linear_index(yy + 1, xx, u, cols_, 3);
						int i_top = linear_index(yy - 1, xx, u, cols_, 3);
						int i_lef = linear_index(yy, xx - 1, u, cols_, 3);
						int i_rig = linear_index(yy, xx + 1, u, cols_, 3);
						float v = (int)((*data)[i_bot] - (int)(*data)[i_top]);
						float h = (int)((*data)[i_lef] - (int)(*data)[i_rig]);
						grad += v*v + h*h;
					if (grad < min_val) {
						min_val = grad;
						best_x = xx;
						best_y = yy;
			centers[k].x = best_x;
			centers[k].y = best_y;
		else {
			// for grayscale images
			for (int yy = y - 1; yy <= (y + 1); yy++) {
				for (int xx = x - 1; xx <= (x + 1); xx++) {
					float grad = 0.0;
					int i_bot = linear_index(yy + 1, xx, cols_);
					int i_top = linear_index(yy - 1, xx, cols_);
					int i_lef = linear_index(yy, xx - 1, cols_);
					int i_rig = linear_index(yy, xx + 1, cols_);
					float v = (int)((*data)[i_bot] - (int)(*data)[i_top]);
					float h = (int)((*data)[i_lef] - (int)(*data)[i_rig]);
					grad += v*v + h*h;
					if (grad < min_val) {
						min_val = grad;
						best_x = xx;
						best_y = yy;
			centers[k].x = best_x;
			centers[k].y = best_y;
	t2 = now_us();
	printf("elapsed: %f\n", double(t2 - t1) / 1000.0);
Example #10
double now_ms() { return (now_us()/1000.0); }
Example #11
void Slic::upsample_assignments(int level) {
	unsigned long t1, t2;
	t1 = now_us();
	printf("Slic::upsample_assignments ");
	// level is the current level.
	if (level == 0) { printf("Should not be called with this argument!\n"); }
	vector<int> *assignments = &assignments_pyramid[level];
	vector<int> *assignments_out = &assignments_pyramid[level - 1];
	vector<unsigned char> *data = &pyramid[level - 1];
	int rows_ = rows[level];
	int cols_ = cols[level];
	int rows_big = rows[level - 1];
	int cols_big = cols[level - 1];

	float EPS = 1e-4;
	float xx, yy;  // location and flow directions
	int nx0, nx1, ny0, ny1;  // neighboring location
	int i1, i2, i3, i4, i_out, i_;
	int ass1, ass2, ass3, ass4, temp;
	int d1, d2, d3, d4;

	float scale = (float(rows_big) / float(rows_) + float(cols_big) / float(cols_)) / 2.0;
	float antiscale = 1.0 / scale;
	int Mp = get_distance_weight(level - 1);
	for (size_t r = 0; r < (size_t)rows_big; ++r) {
		for (size_t c = 0; c < (size_t)cols_big; ++c) {
			xx = (float)c*antiscale;
			yy = (float)r*antiscale;

			nx0 = floor(xx + EPS);
			nx1 = ceil(xx + EPS);
			ny0 = floor(yy + EPS);
			ny1 = ceil(yy + EPS);

			nx0 = min(max(nx0, 0), cols_ - 1);
			nx1 = min(max(nx1, 0), cols_ - 1);
			ny0 = min(max(ny0, 0), rows_ - 1);
			ny1 = min(max(ny1, 0), rows_ - 1);

			i1 = linear_index(ny0, nx0, cols_);
			i2 = linear_index(ny1, nx0, cols_);
			i3 = linear_index(ny0, nx1, cols_);
			i4 = linear_index(ny1, nx1, cols_);
			i_out = linear_index(r, c, cols_big);

			ass1 = (*assignments)[i1];
			ass2 = (*assignments)[i2];
			ass3 = (*assignments)[i3];
			ass4 = (*assignments)[i4];

			if ((ass1 == ass2) && (ass2 == ass3) && (ass3 == ass4)) {
				// we are on the interior of the superpixel (whew)
				(*assignments_out)[i_out] = ass1;
			else {
				d1 = d2 = d3 = d4 = 0;
				for (int k = 0; k < chan; ++k) {
					i_ = linear_index(r, c, k, cols_big, chan);
					temp = (*data)[i_] - centers[ass1].rgb[k];
					d1 += temp*temp;
					temp = (*data)[i_] - centers[ass2].rgb[k];
					d2 += temp*temp;
					temp = (*data)[i_] - centers[ass3].rgb[k];
					d3 += temp*temp;
					temp = (*data)[i_] - centers[ass4].rgb[k];
					d4 += temp*temp;
				temp = (r - centers[ass1].y)*(r - centers[ass1].y) +
					(c - centers[ass1].x)*(c - centers[ass1].x);
				d1 += Mp*temp;
				temp = (r - centers[ass2].y)*(r - centers[ass2].y) +
					(c - centers[ass2].x)*(c - centers[ass2].x);
				d2 += Mp*temp;
				temp = (r - centers[ass3].y)*(r - centers[ass3].y) +
					(c - centers[ass3].x)*(c - centers[ass3].x);
				d3 += Mp*temp;
				temp = (r - centers[ass4].y)*(r - centers[ass4].y) +
					(c - centers[ass4].x)*(c - centers[ass4].x);
				d4 += Mp*temp;

				if ((d1 <= d2) && (d1 <= d2) && (d1 <= d3)) {
					(*assignments_out)[i_out] = ass1;
				else if ((d2 <= d1) && (d2 <= d3) && (d2 <= d4)) {
					(*assignments_out)[i_out] = ass2;
				else if ((d3 <= d1) && (d3 <= d2) && (d3 <= d4)) {
					(*assignments_out)[i_out] = ass3;
				else {
					(*assignments_out)[i_out] = ass4;

	t2 = now_us();
	printf("elapsed: %f\n", (t2 - t1) / 1000.0);
Example #12
void Slic::ensure_contiguity(int level) {
	unsigned long t1, t2;
	t1 = now_us();
	printf("Slic::ensure_contiguity ");
	int rows_ = rows[level];
	int cols_ = cols[level];
	int search_region_x_ = search_region_x[level];
	int search_region_y_ = search_region_y[level];
	int n = rows_*cols_;
	vector<int> *assignments = &assignments_pyramid[level];

	vector<bool> mask = vector<bool>(n);
	vector<bool> visited = vector<bool>(n);
	for (int k = 0; k<K; ++k) {
		int xc = centers[k].x;
		int yc = centers[k].y;
		if ((xc < 0) || (yc < 0)) {

		int xlo = max(0, xc - search_region_x_);
		int xhi = min(cols_ - 1, xc + search_region_x_);
		int ylo = max(0, yc - search_region_y_);
		int yhi = min(rows_ - 1, yc + search_region_y_);
		// the actual extents of the superpixel.
		int xlosp = xc;
		int xhisp = xc;
		int ylosp = yc;
		int yhisp = yc;
		// by definition, no need to check outside search region.
		int nums = 0;
		int origin_x = -1;
		int origin_y = -1;
		int dist_to_origin = INT_MAX;
		// first check if the centroid (or its 4 nearest neighbors belong to 
		// this superpixel. if yes, great -- we will start at this location.
		// otherwise we need to find a point that belongs to this superpixel
		// while being close to the center (this would be necessary if the 
		// superpixel is U-shaped)
		int i = linear_index(yc, xc, cols_);
		if ((*assignments)[i] == k) {
			// yay!
			origin_x = xc;
			origin_y = yc;
			nums = 1;
		else {
			for (int y = ylo; y <= yhi; ++y) {
				int ddy = (y - yc)*(y - yc);
				if (ddy > dist_to_origin) { continue; }
				for (int x = xlo; x <= xhi; ++x) {
					int i = linear_index(y, x, cols_);
					if ((*assignments)[i] == k) {
						int d = ddy + (x - xc)*(x - xc);
						if (d < dist_to_origin) {
							dist_to_origin = d;
							origin_x = x;
							origin_y = y;

		for (int y = ylo; y <= yhi; ++y) {
			for (int x = xlo; x <= xhi; ++x) {
				int i = linear_index(y, x, cols_);
				visited[i] = false;
				mask[i] = ((*assignments)[i] == k);
				if (mask[i]) {
					xlosp = min(xlosp, x);
					ylosp = min(ylosp, y);
					xhisp = max(xhisp, x);
					yhisp = max(yhisp, y);
		if (nums == 0) {
			//printf("No pixels associated with this superpixel");
			// this is a can of worms, but it is handled later
		// we know the point closest to center that belongs to this cluster,
		// so start here and try to 'unset' all the 'set' pixels in the mask.
		try_fill(origin_x, origin_y, linear_index(origin_y, origin_x, cols_),
			mask, visited, xlosp, xhisp, ylosp, yhisp, cols_);

		int num_left = 0;
		for (int y = ylosp; y <= yhisp; ++y) {
			for (int x = xlosp; x <= xhisp; ++x) {
				int i = linear_index(y, x, cols_);
				if (mask[i]) {
					num_left += 1;
			if (num_left > 0) { break; }

		if (num_left > 0) {
			// assign the remaining pixels to neighboring clusters
			reassign_neighbors(mask, k, xlosp, xhisp, ylosp, yhisp, level);
	t2 = now_us();
	printf("elapsed: %f\n", double(t2 - t1) / 1000.0);
Example #13
void Slic::update(int level) {
	printf("Slic::update ");
	unsigned long t1, t2;
	t1 = now_us();
	int rows_ = rows[level];
	int cols_ = cols[level];
	int search_region_x_ = search_region_x[level];
	int search_region_y_ = search_region_y[level];
	//int n = rows_*cols_;
	vector<unsigned char> *data = &pyramid[level];
	vector<int> *assignments = &assignments_pyramid[level];

	for (int k = 0; k<K; ++k) {
		int xc = centers[k].x;
		int yc = centers[k].y;

		int xlo = max(0, xc - search_region_x_);
		int xhi = min(cols_ - 1, xc + search_region_x_);
		int ylo = max(0, yc - search_region_y_);
		int yhi = min(rows_ - 1, yc + search_region_y_);

		if (chan == 3) {
			int r = 0;
			int g = 0;
			int b = 0;
			int px = 0;
			int py = 0;
			int nums = 0;
			for (int y = ylo; y <= yhi; ++y) {
				for (int x = xlo; x <= xhi; ++x) {
					int i = linear_index(y, x, cols_);
					if ((*assignments)[i] == k) {
						int q = linear_index(y, x, 0, cols_, 3);
						r += (int)(*data)[q + 0];
						g += (int)(*data)[q + 1];
						b += (int)(*data)[q + 2];
						px += x;
						py += y;

			if (nums>0) {
				centers[k].x = px / nums;
				centers[k].y = py / nums;
				centers[k].rgb[0] = (unsigned char)(r / nums);
				centers[k].rgb[1] = (unsigned char)(g / nums);
				centers[k].rgb[2] = (unsigned char)(b / nums);
				centers[k].valid = 1;
			else {
				centers[k].valid = 0;
		else {
			int r = 0;
			int px = 0;
			int py = 0;
			int nums = 0;
			for (int y = ylo; y <= yhi; ++y) {
				for (int x = xlo; x <= xhi; ++x) {
					int i = linear_index(y, x, cols_);
					if ((*assignments)[i] == k) {
						r += (int)(*data)[i];
						px += x;
						py += y;
			if (nums>0) {
				centers[k].x = px / nums;
				centers[k].y = py / nums;
				centers[k].gray = (unsigned char)(r / nums);
				centers[k].valid = 1;
			else {
				centers[k].valid = 0;
	t2 = now_us();
	printf("elapsed: %f\n", double(t2 - t1) / 1000.0);
Example #14
void Slic::assign(int level) {
	printf("Slic::assign ");
	unsigned long t1, t2;
	t1 = now_us();
	int rows_ = rows[level];
	int cols_ = cols[level];
	int search_region_x_ = search_region_x[level];
	int search_region_y_ = search_region_y[level];
	int n = rows_*cols_;
	vector<unsigned char> *data = &pyramid[level];
	vector<int> *assignments = &assignments_pyramid[level];
	int Mp = get_distance_weight(level);

	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		(*assignments)[i] = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i<n; ++i)
		d[i] = INT_MAX;
	for (int k = 0; k<K; ++k) {
		int xc = centers[k].x;
		int yc = centers[k].y;

		int xlo = max(0, xc - search_region_x_);
		int xhi = min(cols_ - 1, xc + search_region_x_);
		int ylo = max(0, yc - search_region_y_);
		int yhi = min(rows_ - 1, yc + search_region_y_);

		if (chan == 3) {
			int r = centers[k].rgb[0];
			int g = centers[k].rgb[1];
			int b = centers[k].rgb[2];
			for (int y = ylo; y <= yhi; ++y) {
				int ddy = Mp*(y - yc)*(y - yc);
				for (int x = xlo; x <= xhi; ++x) {
					int i = linear_index(y, x, cols_);
					if (ddy >= d[i])
					int dist = Mp*(x - xc)*(x - xc) + ddy;
					if (dist >= d[i])
					int q = linear_index(y, x, 0, cols_, 3);
					int temp1 = ((int)(*data)[q + 0] - r);
					int temp2 = ((int)(*data)[q + 1] - g);
					int temp3 = ((int)(*data)[q + 2] - b);
					dist += (temp1*temp1 + temp2*temp2 + temp3*temp3);

					if (dist < d[i]) {
						d[i] = dist;
						(*assignments)[i] = k;
		else {
			int g = centers[k].gray;
			for (int y = ylo; y <= yhi; ++y) {
				int ddy = Mp*(y - yc)*(y - yc);
				for (int x = xlo; x <= xhi; ++x) {
					int i = linear_index(y, x, cols_);
					if (ddy >= d[i])
					int dist = Mp*(x - xc)*(x - xc) + ddy;
					if (dist >= d[i])
					int temp = ((int)(*data)[i] - g);
					dist += temp*temp;

					if (dist < d[i]) {
						d[i] = dist;
						(*assignments)[i] = k;
	t2 = now_us();
	printf("elapsed: %f\n", double(t2 - t1) / 1000.0);
Example #15
struct worker *
worker_start(EV_P_ struct session *session)
    struct worker *w;
    pid_t pid;
    int stdin_fds [2] = {-1, -1};
    int stdout_fds[2] = {-1, -1};
    int stderr_fds[2] = {-1, -1};
    int msgin_fds [2] = {-1, -1};
    int msgout_fds[2] = {-1, -1};

    uint64_t _start = now_us();

    if ((w = calloc(1, sizeof(*w))) == NULL) {
        goto fail;
    w->session = session;

    if (pipe(stdin_fds ) < 0 ||
        pipe(stdout_fds) < 0 ||
        pipe(stderr_fds) < 0 ||
        pipe(msgin_fds ) < 0 ||
        pipe(msgout_fds) < 0) {
        goto fail;
    maxfd_update(stdin_fds [0]);
    maxfd_update(stdin_fds [1]);
    maxfd_update(msgin_fds [0]);
    maxfd_update(msgin_fds [1]);

    pid = fork();
    if (pid < 0) {
        goto fail;
    if (pid == 0) {
        /* child. */
        if (dup2(stdin_fds [0], 0) < 0 ||
            dup2(stdout_fds[1], 1) < 0 ||
            dup2(stderr_fds[1], 2) < 0 ||
            dup2(msgin_fds [0], 3) < 0 ||
            dup2(msgout_fds[1], 4) < 0) {
    } else {
        /* parent. */
        close(stdin_fds [0]);
        close(msgin_fds [0]);

        set_fd_nonblocking(stdin_fds [1]);
        set_fd_nonblocking(msgin_fds [1]);

        ev_child_init(&w->child_watcher, worker_exited_cb, pid, 0);
        ev_child_start(EV_A_ &w->child_watcher);

        ev_io_init(&w->stdin_w , worker_write_stdin_cb, stdin_fds [1],
        ev_io_init(&w->stdout_w, worker_read_stdout_cb, stdout_fds[0],
        ev_io_init(&w->stderr_w, worker_read_stderr_cb, stderr_fds[0],
        ev_io_init(&w->msgin_w , worker_write_msgin_cb, msgin_fds [1],
        ev_io_init(&w->msgout_w, worker_read_msgout_cb, msgout_fds[0],
        ev_io_start(EV_A_ &w->stdout_w);
        ev_io_start(EV_A_ &w->stderr_w);
        ev_io_start(EV_A_ &w->msgout_w);

        LOGF(3, "=== %d: worker started, fds=[%d, %d, %d, %d, %d]\n",
             worker_pid(w), stdin_fds[1], stdout_fds[0], stderr_fds[0],
             msgin_fds[1], msgout_fds[0]);

        w->f_alive = true;
    worker_start_time += now_us() - _start;

    return w;

    close(stdin_fds [0]);
    close(stdin_fds [1]);
    close(msgin_fds [0]);
    close(msgin_fds [1]);
    return NULL;
Example #16
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#ifdef ICMP
    // get the ping socket
    int ping = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP);
        // Drop privelege immediately
        errno_t ping_errno = errno;
        if (0 > ping) {
            errno = ping_errno;
            DIE(EX_OSERR, "open ping socket");
        LOG(2, "ping socket: %d", ping);
#endif // ICMP
#ifdef DNS
    // get the dns socket
    int dns = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP);
        if (0 > dns) {
            DIE(EX_OSERR, "open dns socket");
        LOG(2, "dns socket: %d", dns);
#endif // DNS
    struct pollfd fds[2] = {
#ifdef ICMP
        { ping, POLLIN, 0 }
#endif // ICMP
#ifdef BOTH
#endif // BOTH
#ifdef DNS
        { dns,  POLLIN, 0 }
#endif // DNS

    int fd_count = 0;
#ifdef ICMP
    int ping_index = fd_count++;
#endif // ICMP
#ifdef DNS
    int dns_index = fd_count++;
#endif // DNS

    // process arguments
    struct opts_t opts;
    get_opts(argc, argv, &opts);
    const struct addrinfo * addr = get_one_host(opts.target);
#ifdef ICMP
    int sequence = -1;
    struct icmp icmp_template;
#endif // ICMP
#ifdef DNS
    void * dns_template;
    size_t template_size = construct_dns_template(&dns_template, opts.query);
    LOG(3, "template: ");
    if (verbose() >= 3) { fputbuf(stderr, dns_template, template_size);fputc('\n', stderr); }
#endif // DNS
    // initialize the prng
    int count = -1;
    while (1) {
#ifdef ICMP
        struct icmp icmp_message;
        size_t icmp_message_size;
        icmp_message_size = construct_icmp(&icmp_template, &icmp_message, ++sequence);
        ssize_t icmp_sent = sendto(ping, (const void *)&icmp_message, icmp_message_size, 0, addr->ai_addr, addr->ai_addrlen);
        if (0 > icmp_sent) DIE(EX_OSERR, "sendto ping");
        LOG(1, "ping sent %d bytes", icmp_sent);
        long icmp_send_time = now_us();
        long icmp_recv_time = -1;
#endif // ICMP
#ifdef DNS
        void * dns_message;
        size_t dns_message_size;
        short dns_id = (short)random();
        dns_message_size = construct_dns(dns_template, template_size, &dns_message, dns_id);
        ssize_t dns_sent = sendto(dns, (const void *)dns_message, dns_message_size, 0, addr->ai_addr, addr->ai_addrlen);
        LOG(1, "dns sent %d bytes", dns_sent);
        if (verbose() >= 3) { fputbuf(stderr, dns_message, dns_message_size);fputc('\n', stderr); }
        if (0 > dns_sent) DIE(EX_OSERR, "sendto dns");
        long dns_send_time = now_us();
        long dns_recv_time = -1;
#endif // DNS
        long ttd_ms = now_ms() + opts.period_ms;
        int poll_time = (int)opts.period_ms;
        int ret;
        while ((ret = poll(fds, fd_count, poll_time))) {
            if (0 > ret) DIE(EX_OSERR, "poll");
#ifdef ICMP
            if (fds[ping_index].revents & POLLERR) {
                int error = 0;
                socklen_t errlen = sizeof(error);
                if (0 < getsockopt(fds[0].fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void *)&error, &errlen))
                    DIE(EX_OSERR, "getsockopt on ping while handling POLLERR");
                errno = error;
                DIE(EX_OSERR, "POLLERR on ping");
            if (fds[ping_index].revents & POLLIN) {
                icmp_recv_time = process_ping(fds[ping_index].fd, sequence);
#endif // ICMP
#ifdef DNS
            if (fds[dns_index].revents & POLLERR) {
                int error = 0;
                socklen_t errlen = sizeof(error);
                if (0 < getsockopt(fds[1].fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void *)&error, &errlen))
                    DIE(EX_OSERR, "getsockopt on dns while handling POLLERR");
                errno = error;
                DIE(EX_OSERR, "POLLERR on dns");
            if (fds[dns_index].revents & POLLIN) {
                dns_recv_time = process_dns(fds[dns_index].fd, dns_id);
#endif // DNS
            poll_time = (int)(ttd_ms - now_ms());
            if (poll_time < 0) break;
        LOG(1, "poll period %d ended", count);
#ifdef ICMP
        REPORT("icmp", icmp_send_time, icmp_recv_time, sequence);
#endif // ICMP
#ifdef DNS
        REPORT("dns", dns_send_time, dns_recv_time, dns_id);
#endif // DNS
    return 0;
Example #17
zmq::clock_t::clock_t () :
    last_tsc (rdtsc ()),
    last_time (now_us ())