/// Reads the config file (server.ini) and start the server accordingly void Widget::startServer() { logStatusMessage("Private server v0.5.2"); #ifdef __APPLE__ // this fixes the directory in OSX so we can use the relative CONFIGFILEPATH and etc properly CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle(); CFURLRef resourcesURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(mainBundle); char path[PATH_MAX]; if (!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(resourcesURL, TRUE, (UInt8 *)path, PATH_MAX)) { // error! } CFRelease(resourcesURL); // the path we get is to the .app folder, so we go up after we chdir chdir(path); chdir(".."); #endif lastNetviewId=0; lastId=1; /// Read config logStatusMessage("Reading config file ..."); QSettings config(CONFIGFILEPATH, QSettings::IniFormat); loginPort = config.value("loginPort", 1031).toInt(); gamePort = config.value("gamePort", 1039).toInt(); maxConnected = config.value("maxConnected",128).toInt(); maxRegistered = config.value("maxRegistered",2048).toInt(); pingTimeout = config.value("pingTimeout", 15).toInt(); pingCheckInterval = config.value("pingCheckInterval", 5000).toInt(); logInfos = config.value("logInfosMessages", true).toBool(); saltPassword = config.value("saltPassword", "Change Me").toString(); enableSessKeyValidation = config.value("enableSessKeyValidation", true).toBool(); enableLoginServer = config.value("enableLoginServer", true).toBool(); enableGameServer = config.value("enableGameServer", true).toBool(); enableMultiplayer = config.value("enableMultiplayer", true).toBool(); syncInterval = config.value("syncInterval",DEFAULT_SYNC_INTERVAL).toInt(); remoteLoginIP = config.value("remoteLoginIP", "").toString(); remoteLoginPort = config.value("remoteLoginPort", 1031).toInt(); remoteLoginTimeout = config.value("remoteLoginTimeout", 5000).toInt(); useRemoteLogin = config.value("useRemoteLogin", false).toBool(); enableGetlog = config.value("enableGetlog", true).toBool(); /// Init servers tcpClientsList.clear(); #if defined _WIN32 || defined WIN32 startTimestamp = GetTickCount(); #elif __APPLE__ timeval time; gettimeofday(&time, NULL); startTimestamp = (time.tv_sec * 1000) + (time.tv_usec / 1000); #else struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp); startTimestamp = tp.tv_sec*1000 + tp.tv_nsec/1000/1000; #endif /// Read vortex DB if (enableGameServer) { bool corrupted=false; QDir vortexDir("data/vortex/"); QStringList files = vortexDir.entryList(QDir::Files); int nVortex=0; for (int i=0; i<files.size(); i++) // For each vortex file { // Each file is a scene Scene scene(files[i].split('.')[0]); QFile file("data/vortex/"+files[i]); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { logStatusMessage("Error reading vortex DB"); return; } QByteArray data = file.readAll(); data.replace('\r', ""); QList<QByteArray> lines = data.split('\n'); // Each line is a vortex for (int j=0; j<lines.size(); j++) { if (lines[j].size() == 0) // Skip empty lines continue; nVortex++; Vortex vortex; bool ok1, ok2, ok3, ok4; QList<QByteArray> elems = lines[j].split(' '); if (elems.size() < 5) { logStatusMessage("Vortex DB is corrupted. Incorrect line (" +QString().setNum(elems.size())+" elems), file " + files[i]); corrupted=true; break; } vortex.id = elems[0].toInt(&ok1, 16); vortex.destName = elems[1]; for (int j=2; j<elems.size() - 3;j++) // Concatenate the string between id and poss vortex.destName += " "+elems[j]; vortex.destPos.x = elems[elems.size()-3].toFloat(&ok2); vortex.destPos.y = elems[elems.size()-2].toFloat(&ok3); vortex.destPos.z = elems[elems.size()-1].toFloat(&ok4); if (!(ok1&&ok2&&ok3&&ok4)) { logStatusMessage("Vortex DB is corrupted. Conversion failed, file " + files[i]); corrupted=true; break; } scene.vortexes << vortex; //win.logMessage("Add vortex "+QString().setNum(vortex.id)+" to "+vortex.destName+" " // +QString().setNum(vortex.destPos.x)+" " // +QString().setNum(vortex.destPos.y)+" " // +QString().setNum(vortex.destPos.z)); } scenes << scene; } if (corrupted) { stopServer(); return; } logMessage("Loaded " + QString().setNum(nVortex) + " vortexes in " + QString().setNum(scenes.size()) + " scenes"); } /// Read/parse Items.xml if (enableGameServer) { QFile itemsFile("data/data/Items.xml"); if (itemsFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray data = itemsFile.readAll(); wearablePositionsMap = parseItemsXml(data); win.logMessage("Loaded "+QString().setNum(wearablePositionsMap.size())+" items"); } else { win.logMessage("Couln't open Items.xml"); stopServer(); return; } } /// Read NPC/Quests DB if (enableGameServer) { try { unsigned nQuests = 0; QDir npcsDir("data/npcs/"); QStringList files = npcsDir.entryList(QDir::Files); for (int i=0; i<files.size(); i++, nQuests++) // For each vortex file { try { Quest quest("data/npcs/"+files[i], NULL); quests << quest; npcs << quest.npc; } catch (QString& error) { win.logMessage(error); win.stopServer(); throw error; } } logMessage("Loaded "+QString().setNum(nQuests)+" quests/npcs."); } catch (QString& e) { enableGameServer = false; } } if (enableLoginServer) { // logStatusMessage("Loading players database ..."); tcpPlayers = Player::loadPlayers(); } // TCP server if (enableLoginServer) { logStatusMessage("Starting TCP login server on port "+QString().setNum(loginPort)+" ..."); if (!tcpServer->listen(QHostAddress::Any,loginPort)) { logStatusMessage("TCP: Unable to start server on port "+QString().setNum(loginPort)+": "+tcpServer->errorString()); stopServer(); return; } // If we use a remote login server, try to open a connection preventively. if (useRemoteLogin) remoteLoginSock.connectToHost(remoteLoginIP, remoteLoginPort); } // UDP server if (enableGameServer) { logStatusMessage("Starting UDP game server on port "+QString().setNum(gamePort)+" ..."); if (!udpSocket->bind(gamePort, QUdpSocket::ReuseAddressHint|QUdpSocket::ShareAddress)) { logStatusMessage("UDP: Unable to start server on port "+QString().setNum(gamePort)); stopServer(); return; } } if (enableGameServer) { // Start ping timeout timer pingTimer->start(pingCheckInterval); } if (enableMultiplayer) sync.startSync(); if (enableLoginServer || enableGameServer) logStatusMessage("Server started"); connect(ui->sendButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sendCmdLine())); if (enableLoginServer) connect(tcpServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(tcpConnectClient())); if (enableGameServer) { connect(udpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()),this, SLOT(udpProcessPendingDatagrams())); connect(pingTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkPingTimeouts())); } }
void Widget::startServer() { logStatusMessage("Private server v0.4.2"); lastNetviewId=0; lastId=0; /// Read config logStatusMessage("Reading config file ..."); QSettings config(CONFIGFILEPATH, QSettings::IniFormat); loginPort = config.value("loginPort", 1031).toInt(); gamePort = config.value("gamePort", 1039).toInt(); maxConnected = config.value("maxConnected",128).toInt(); maxRegistered = config.value("maxRegistered",2048).toInt(); pingTimeout = config.value("pingTimeout", 15).toInt(); pingCheckInterval = config.value("pingCheckInterval", 5000).toInt(); logInfos = config.value("logInfosMessages", true).toBool(); saltPassword = config.value("saltPassword", "Change Me").toString(); enableLoginServer = config.value("enableLoginServer", true).toBool(); enableGameServer = config.value("enableGameServer", true).toBool(); enableMultiplayer = config.value("enableMultiplayer", true).toBool(); syncInterval = config.value("syncInterval",DEFAULT_SYNC_INTERVAL).toInt(); remoteLoginIP = config.value("remoteLoginIP", "").toString(); remoteLoginPort = config.value("remoteLoginPort", 1031).toInt(); remoteLoginTimeout = config.value("remoteLoginTimeout", 5000).toInt(); useRemoteLogin = config.value("useRemoteLogin", false).toBool(); /// Init servers tcpClientsList.clear(); #ifdef WIN32 startTimestamp = GetTickCount(); #else struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp); startTimestamp = tp.tv_sec*1000 + tp.tv_nsec/1000/1000; #endif // Read vortex DB if (enableGameServer) { bool corrupted=false; QDir vortexDir("data/vortex/"); QStringList files = vortexDir.entryList(QDir::Files); int nVortex=0; for (int i=0; i<files.size(); i++) // For each vortex file { Scene scene(files[i].split('.')[0]); QFile file("data/vortex/"+files[i]); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { logStatusMessage("Error reading vortex DB"); return; } QByteArray data = file.readAll(); data.replace('\r', ""); QList<QByteArray> lines = data.split('\n'); for (int j=0; j<lines.size(); j++) { if (lines[j].size() == 0) // Skip empty lines continue; nVortex++; Vortex vortex; bool ok1, ok2, ok3, ok4; QList<QByteArray> elems = lines[j].split(' '); if (elems.size() < 5) { logStatusMessage("Vortex DB is corrupted. Incorrect line (" +QString().setNum(elems.size())+" elems), file " + files[i]); corrupted=true; break; } vortex.id = elems[0].toInt(&ok1, 16); vortex.destName = elems[1]; for (int j=2; j<elems.size() - 3;j++) // Concatenate the string between id and poss vortex.destName += " "+elems[j]; vortex.destPos.x = elems[elems.size()-3].toFloat(&ok2); vortex.destPos.y = elems[elems.size()-2].toFloat(&ok3); vortex.destPos.z = elems[elems.size()-1].toFloat(&ok4); if (!(ok1&&ok2&&ok3&&ok4)) { logStatusMessage("Vortex DB is corrupted. Conversion failed, file " + files[i]); corrupted=true; break; } scene.vortexes << vortex; //win.logMessage("Add vortex "+QString().setNum(vortex.id)+" to "+vortex.destName+" " // +QString().setNum(vortex.destPos.x)+" " // +QString().setNum(vortex.destPos.y)+" " // +QString().setNum(vortex.destPos.z)); } scenes << scene; } if (corrupted) { stopServer(); return; } logMessage("Loaded " + QString().setNum(nVortex) + " vortex in " + QString().setNum(scenes.size()) + " scenes"); } // Read NPC/Quests DB if (enableGameServer) { try { unsigned nQuests = 0; QDir npcsDir("data/npcs/"); QStringList files = npcsDir.entryList(QDir::Files); for (int i=0; i<files.size(); i++, nQuests++) // For each vortex file { Quest *quest = new Quest("data/npcs/"+files[i]); quests << *quest; npcs << quest->npc; } logMessage("Loaded "+QString().setNum(nQuests)+" quests/npcs."); } catch (QString e) { enableGameServer = false; } } if (enableLoginServer) { // logStatusMessage("Loading players database ..."); tcpPlayers = Player::loadPlayers(); } // TCP server if (enableLoginServer) { logStatusMessage("Starting TCP login server on port "+QString().setNum(loginPort)+" ..."); if (!tcpServer->listen(QHostAddress::Any,loginPort)) { logStatusMessage("TCP: Unable to start server on port "+QString().setNum(loginPort)+": "+tcpServer->errorString()); stopServer(); return; } // If we use a remote login server, try to open a connection preventively. if (useRemoteLogin) remoteLoginSock.connectToHost(remoteLoginIP, remoteLoginPort); } // UDP server if (enableGameServer) { logStatusMessage("Starting UDP game server on port "+QString().setNum(gamePort)+" ..."); if (!udpSocket->bind(gamePort, QUdpSocket::ReuseAddressHint|QUdpSocket::ShareAddress)) { logStatusMessage("UDP: Unable to start server on port "+QString().setNum(gamePort)); stopServer(); return; } } if (enableGameServer) { // Start ping timeout timer pingTimer->start(pingCheckInterval); } if (enableMultiplayer) sync.startSync(); if (enableLoginServer || enableGameServer) logStatusMessage("Server started"); connect(ui->sendButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sendCmdLine())); if (enableLoginServer) connect(tcpServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(tcpConnectClient())); if (enableGameServer) { connect(udpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()),this, SLOT(udpProcessPendingDatagrams())); connect(pingTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkPingTimeouts())); } }