PluginAsyncSurrogate::GetPropertyHelper(NPObject* aObject, NPIdentifier aName,
                                        bool* aHasProperty, bool* aHasMethod,
                                        NPVariant* aResult)

  if (!aObject) {
    return false;

  RecursionGuard guard;
  if (guard.IsRecursive()) {
    return false;

  if (!WaitForInit()) {
    return false;

  AsyncNPObject* object = static_cast<AsyncNPObject*>(aObject);
  NPObject* realObject = object->GetRealObject();
  if (!realObject) {
    return false;
  if (realObject->_class != PluginScriptableObjectParent::GetClass()) {
    NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!");
    return false;

  PluginScriptableObjectParent* actor =
  if (!actor) {
    return false;
  bool success = actor->GetPropertyHelper(aName, aHasProperty, aHasMethod, aResult);
  if (!success) {
    const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = mParent->GetNetscapeFuncs();
    NPObject* pluginObject = nullptr;
    NPError nperror = npn->getvalue(mInstance, NPNVPluginElementNPObject,
    if (nperror == NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
      NPPAutoPusher nppPusher(mInstance);
      bool hasProperty = nsJSObjWrapper::HasOwnProperty(pluginObject, aName);
      NPUTF8* idstr = npn->utf8fromidentifier(aName);
      bool hasMethod = false;
      if (hasProperty) {
        hasMethod = pluginObject->_class->hasMethod(pluginObject, aName);
        success = pluginObject->_class->getProperty(pluginObject, aName, aResult);
        idstr = npn->utf8fromidentifier(aName);
      *aHasProperty = hasProperty;
      *aHasMethod = hasMethod;
  return success;
nsNPAPIPluginStreamListener::OnStartBinding(nsPluginStreamListenerPeer* streamPeer)
  if (!mInst || !mInst->CanFireNotifications() || mStreamCleanedUp)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  PluginDestructionGuard guard(mInst);

  nsNPAPIPlugin* plugin = mInst->GetPlugin();
  if (!plugin || !plugin->GetLibrary())
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  NPPluginFuncs* pluginFunctions = plugin->PluginFuncs();

  if (!pluginFunctions->newstream)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  NPP npp;

  bool seekable;
  char* contentType;
  uint16_t streamType = NP_NORMAL;
  NPError error;

  if (!mResponseHeaders.IsEmpty()) {
    mResponseHeaderBuf = PL_strdup(mResponseHeaders.get());
    mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.headers = mResponseHeaderBuf;
  mStreamListenerPeer = streamPeer;
  NPPAutoPusher nppPusher(npp);
  NS_TRY_SAFE_CALL_RETURN(error, (*pluginFunctions->newstream)(npp, (char*)contentType, &mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream, seekable, &streamType), mInst,
                 ("NPP NewStream called: this=%p, npp=%p, mime=%s, seek=%d, type=%d, return=%d, url=%s\n",
                  this, npp, (char *)contentType, seekable, streamType, error, mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.url));
  if (error != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  if (streamType == nsPluginStreamListenerPeer::STREAM_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
  } else if (!SetStreamType(streamType, false)) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  return NS_OK;
// static
PluginAsyncSurrogate::ScriptableHasProperty(NPObject* aObject,
                                                    NPIdentifier aName)
  if (aObject->_class != GetClass()) {
    NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!");
    return false;

  RecursionGuard guard;
  if (guard.IsRecursive()) {
    return false;

  AsyncNPObject* object = static_cast<AsyncNPObject*>(aObject);
  bool checkPluginObject = !object->mSurrogate->mInstantiated &&

  if (!object->mSurrogate->WaitForInit()) {
    return false;
  NPObject* realObject = object->GetRealObject();
  if (!realObject) {
    return false;
  bool result = realObject->_class->hasProperty(realObject, aName);
  const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = object->mSurrogate->mParent->GetNetscapeFuncs();
  NPUTF8* idstr = npn->utf8fromidentifier(aName);
  if (!result && checkPluginObject) {
    // We may be calling into this object because properties in the WebIDL
    // object hadn't been set yet. Now that we're further along in
    // initialization, we should try again.
    NPObject* pluginObject = nullptr;
    NPError nperror = npn->getvalue(object->mSurrogate->mInstance,
    if (nperror == NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
      NPPAutoPusher nppPusher(object->mSurrogate->mInstance);
      result = nsJSObjWrapper::HasOwnProperty(pluginObject, aName);
      idstr = npn->utf8fromidentifier(aName);
  return result;
// This method is called when there's more data available off the
// network, but it's also called from our data pump when we're feeding
// the plugin data that we already got off the network, but the plugin
// was unable to consume it at the point it arrived. In the case when
// the plugin pump calls this method, the input argument will be null,
// and the length will be the number of bytes available in our
// internal buffer.
nsNPAPIPluginStreamListener::OnDataAvailable(nsPluginStreamListenerPeer* streamPeer,
                                             nsIInputStream* input,
                                             uint32_t length)
  if (!length || !mInst || !mInst->CanFireNotifications())
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  PluginDestructionGuard guard(mInst);
  // Just in case the caller switches plugin info on us.
  mStreamListenerPeer = streamPeer;

  nsNPAPIPlugin* plugin = mInst->GetPlugin();
  if (!plugin || !plugin->GetLibrary())
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  NPPluginFuncs* pluginFunctions = plugin->PluginFuncs();

  // check out if plugin implements NPP_Write call
  if (!pluginFunctions->write)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // it'll cancel necko transaction 
  if (!mStreamBuffer) {
    // To optimize the mem usage & performance we have to allocate
    // mStreamBuffer here in first ODA when length of data available
    // in input stream is known.  mStreamBuffer will be freed in DTOR.
    // we also have to remember the size of that buff to make safe
    // consecutive Read() calls form input stream into our buff.
    uint32_t contentLength;
    mStreamBufferSize = NS_MAX(length, contentLength);
    // Limit the size of the initial buffer to MAX_PLUGIN_NECKO_BUFFER
    // (16k). This buffer will grow if needed, as in the case where
    // we're getting data faster than the plugin can process it.
    mStreamBufferSize = NS_MIN(mStreamBufferSize,
    mStreamBuffer = (char*) PR_Malloc(mStreamBufferSize);
    if (!mStreamBuffer)
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
  // prepare NPP_ calls params
  NPP npp;
  int32_t streamPosition;
  int32_t streamOffset = streamPosition;
  if (input) {
    streamOffset += length;
    // Set new stream offset for the next ODA call regardless of how
    // following NPP_Write call will behave we pretend to consume all
    // data from the input stream.  It's possible that current steam
    // position will be overwritten from NPP_RangeRequest call made
    // from NPP_Write, so we cannot call SetStreamOffset after
    // NPP_Write.
    // Note: there is a special case when data flow should be
    // temporarily stopped if NPP_WriteReady returns 0 (bug #89270)
    // set new end in case the content is compressed
    // initial end is less than end of decompressed stream
    // and some plugins (e.g. acrobat) can fail. 
    if ((int32_t)mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.end < streamOffset)
      mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.end = streamOffset;
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  while (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && length > 0) {
    if (input && length) {
      if (mStreamBufferSize < mStreamBufferByteCount + length && mIsSuspended) {
        // We're in the ::OnDataAvailable() call that we might get
        // after suspending a request, or we suspended the request
        // from within this ::OnDataAvailable() call while there's
        // still data in the input, and we don't have enough space to
        // store what we got off the network. Reallocate our internal
        // buffer.
        mStreamBufferSize = mStreamBufferByteCount + length;
        char *buf = (char*)PR_Realloc(mStreamBuffer, mStreamBufferSize);
        if (!buf)
          return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        mStreamBuffer = buf;
      uint32_t bytesToRead =
      NS_MIN(length, mStreamBufferSize - mStreamBufferByteCount);
      uint32_t amountRead = 0;
      rv = input->Read(mStreamBuffer + mStreamBufferByteCount, bytesToRead,
      NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
      if (amountRead == 0) {
        NS_NOTREACHED("input->Read() returns no data, it's almost impossible "
                      "to get here");
      mStreamBufferByteCount += amountRead;
      length -= amountRead;
    } else {
      // No input, nothing to read. Set length to 0 so that we don't
      // keep iterating through this outer loop any more.
      length = 0;
    // Temporary pointer to the beginning of the data we're writing as
    // we loop and feed the plugin data.
    char *ptrStreamBuffer = mStreamBuffer;
    // it is possible plugin's NPP_Write() returns 0 byte consumed. We
    // use zeroBytesWriteCount to count situation like this and break
    // the loop
    int32_t zeroBytesWriteCount = 0;
    // mStreamBufferByteCount tells us how many bytes there are in the
    // buffer. WriteReady returns to us how many bytes the plugin is
    // ready to handle.
    while (mStreamBufferByteCount > 0) {
      int32_t numtowrite;
      if (pluginFunctions->writeready) {
        NPPAutoPusher nppPusher(npp);
        NS_TRY_SAFE_CALL_RETURN(numtowrite, (*pluginFunctions->writeready)(npp, &mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream), mInst,
                       ("NPP WriteReady called: this=%p, npp=%p, "
                        "return(towrite)=%d, url=%s\n",
                        this, npp, numtowrite, mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.url));
        if (!mStreamStarted) {
          // The plugin called NPN_DestroyStream() from within
          // NPP_WriteReady(), kill the stream.
          return NS_BINDING_ABORTED;
        // if WriteReady returned 0, the plugin is not ready to handle
        // the data, suspend the stream (if it isn't already
        // suspended).
        // Also suspend the stream if the stream we're loading is not
        // a javascript: URL load that was initiated during plugin
        // initialization and there currently is such a stream
        // loading. This is done to work around a Windows Media Player
        // plugin bug where it can't deal with being fed data for
        // other streams while it's waiting for data from the
        // javascript: URL loads it requests during
        // initialization. See bug 386493 for more details.
        if (numtowrite <= 0 ||
            (!mIsPluginInitJSStream && PluginInitJSLoadInProgress())) {
          if (!mIsSuspended) {
          // Break out of the inner loop, but keep going through the
          // outer loop in case there's more data to read from the
          // input stream.
        numtowrite = NS_MIN(numtowrite, mStreamBufferByteCount);
      } else {
        // if WriteReady is not supported by the plugin, just write
        // the whole buffer
        numtowrite = mStreamBufferByteCount;
      NPPAutoPusher nppPusher(npp);
      int32_t writeCount = 0; // bytes consumed by plugin instance
      NS_TRY_SAFE_CALL_RETURN(writeCount, (*pluginFunctions->write)(npp, &mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream, streamPosition, numtowrite, ptrStreamBuffer), mInst,
                     ("NPP Write called: this=%p, npp=%p, pos=%d, len=%d, "
                      "buf=%s, return(written)=%d,  url=%s\n",
                      this, npp, streamPosition, numtowrite,
                      ptrStreamBuffer, writeCount, mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.url));
      if (!mStreamStarted) {
        // The plugin called NPN_DestroyStream() from within
        // NPP_Write(), kill the stream.
        return NS_BINDING_ABORTED;
      if (writeCount > 0) {
        NS_ASSERTION(writeCount <= mStreamBufferByteCount,
                     "Plugin read past the end of the available data!");
        writeCount = NS_MIN(writeCount, mStreamBufferByteCount);
        mStreamBufferByteCount -= writeCount;
        streamPosition += writeCount;
        zeroBytesWriteCount = 0;
        if (mStreamBufferByteCount > 0) {
          // This alignment code is most likely bogus, but we'll leave
          // it in for now in case it matters for some plugins on some
          // architectures. Who knows...
          if (writeCount % sizeof(intptr_t)) {
            // memmove will take care  about alignment 
            memmove(mStreamBuffer, ptrStreamBuffer + writeCount,
            ptrStreamBuffer = mStreamBuffer;
          } else {
            // if aligned we can use ptrStreamBuffer += to eliminate
            // memmove()
            ptrStreamBuffer += writeCount;
      } else if (writeCount == 0) {
        // if NPP_Write() returns writeCount == 0 lets say 3 times in
        // a row, suspend the request and continue feeding the plugin
        // the data we got so far. Once that data is consumed, we'll
        // resume the request.
        if (mIsSuspended || ++zeroBytesWriteCount == 3) {
          if (!mIsSuspended) {
          // Break out of the for loop, but keep going through the
          // while loop in case there's more data to read from the
          // input stream.
      } else {
        // Something's really wrong, kill the stream.
        rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    } // end of inner while loop
    if (mStreamBufferByteCount && mStreamBuffer != ptrStreamBuffer) {
      memmove(mStreamBuffer, ptrStreamBuffer, mStreamBufferByteCount);
  if (streamPosition != streamOffset) {
    // The plugin didn't consume all available data, or consumed some
    // of our cached data while we're pumping cached data. Adjust the
    // plugin info's stream offset to match reality, except if the
    // plugin info's stream offset was set by a re-entering
    // NPN_RequestRead() call.
    int32_t postWriteStreamPosition;
    if (postWriteStreamPosition == streamOffset) {
  return rv;
nsNPAPIPluginStreamListener::OnStartBinding(nsPluginStreamListenerPeer* streamPeer)
  if (!mInst || !mInst->CanFireNotifications() || mStreamCleanedUp)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  PluginDestructionGuard guard(mInst);

  nsNPAPIPlugin* plugin = mInst->GetPlugin();
  if (!plugin || !plugin->GetLibrary())
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  NPPluginFuncs* pluginFunctions = plugin->PluginFuncs();

  if (!pluginFunctions->newstream)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  NPP npp;

  bool seekable;
  char* contentType;
  uint16_t streamType = NP_NORMAL;
  NPError error;

  if (!mResponseHeaders.IsEmpty()) {
    mResponseHeaderBuf = PL_strdup(mResponseHeaders.get());
    mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.headers = mResponseHeaderBuf;
  mStreamListenerPeer = streamPeer;
  NPPAutoPusher nppPusher(npp);
  NS_TRY_SAFE_CALL_RETURN(error, (*pluginFunctions->newstream)(npp, (char*)contentType, &mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream, seekable, &streamType), mInst,
                 ("NPP NewStream called: this=%p, npp=%p, mime=%s, seek=%d, type=%d, return=%d, url=%s\n",
                  this, npp, (char *)contentType, seekable, streamType, error, mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.url));
  if (error != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    case NP_NORMAL:
      mStreamType = NP_NORMAL; 
      mStreamType = NP_ASFILEONLY; 
    case NP_ASFILE:
      mStreamType = NP_ASFILE; 
    case NP_SEEK:
      mStreamType = NP_SEEK; 
      // Seekable streams should continue to exist even after OnStopRequest
      // is fired, so we AddRef ourself an extra time and Release when the
      // plugin calls NPN_DestroyStream (CleanUpStream). If the plugin never
      // calls NPN_DestroyStream the stream will be destroyed before the plugin
      // instance is destroyed.
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  mStreamStarted = true;
  return NS_OK;
nsNPAPIPluginStreamListener::CleanUpStream(NPReason reason)
  nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // Various bits of code in the rest of this method may result in the
  // deletion of this object. Use a KungFuDeathGrip to keep ourselves
  // alive during cleanup.
  nsRefPtr<nsNPAPIPluginStreamListener> kungFuDeathGrip(this);

  if (mStreamCleanedUp)
    return NS_OK;
  mStreamCleanedUp = true;

  // Release any outstanding redirect callback.
  if (mHTTPRedirectCallback) {
    mHTTPRedirectCallback = nullptr;

  // Seekable streams have an extra addref when they are created which must
  // be matched here.
  if (NP_SEEK == mStreamType && mStreamStarted)

  if (mStreamListenerPeer) {
    mStreamListenerPeer = nullptr;

  if (!mInst || !mInst->CanFireNotifications())
    return rv;
  PluginDestructionGuard guard(mInst);

  nsNPAPIPlugin* plugin = mInst->GetPlugin();
  if (!plugin || !plugin->GetLibrary())
    return rv;

  NPPluginFuncs* pluginFunctions = plugin->PluginFuncs();

  NPP npp;

  if (mStreamStarted && pluginFunctions->destroystream) {
    NPPAutoPusher nppPusher(npp);

    NPError error;
    NS_TRY_SAFE_CALL_RETURN(error, (*pluginFunctions->destroystream)(npp, &mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream, reason), mInst,
                   ("NPP DestroyStream called: this=%p, npp=%p, reason=%d, return=%d, url=%s\n",
                    this, npp, reason, error, mNPStreamWrapper->mNPStream.url));
    if (error == NPERR_NO_ERROR)
      rv = NS_OK;
  mStreamStarted = false;
  // fire notification back to plugin, just like before
  return rv;