main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fileptr; int i,numsamps,nfft,nspc,headersize,binmin; float *data, *amplitude, ar, ai, arl, ail, a1, a2; double frequency, pmax=9.99999; fileptr=open_file(argv[1],"rb"); if (!(headersize=read_header(fileptr))) { error_message("could not read header parameters!"); exit(1); } numsamps=nsamples(argv[1],headersize,nbits,nifs,nchans); nfft=(int)pow(2.0,(double)np2(numsamps)); nspc=nfft/2; data=(float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*numsamps); printf("#Reading in %d samples from file: %s...\n",numsamps,argv[1]); if ((read_block(fileptr,nbits,data,numsamps)) != numsamps) { error_message("error reading data"); } printf("#Performing 2^%d point FFT...\n",np2(numsamps)); realft(data-1,(unsigned long) nfft,1); printf("#Forming amplitude spectrum...\n"); amplitude=(float *) malloc(nspc*sizeof(float)); binmin=fbin(tsamp,nspc,1,1.0/pmax); ar=ai=arl=ail=a1=a2=0.0; for (i=0;i<nspc;i++) { if (i<binmin) amplitude[i]=0.0; else { ar=data[2*i]; ai=data[2*i+1]; a1=ar*ar+ai*ai; a2=0.5*((ar-arl)*(ar-arl)+(ai-ail)*(ai-ail)); amplitude[i]=(a1>a2)?a1:a2; arl=ar; ail=ai; } /*printf("%f %f\n",ffreq(tsamp,nspc,1,i+1),amplitude[i]);*/ } free(data); }
int CSCPatch::get_size() // setting the size of Amtx. { int ns = nsamples(); if(femesh_order_ == 1) { // available size: 3, 4, 6, 9, 16 if(ns < 4) return 3; else if(ns < 6) return 4; else if(ns < 9) return 6; else if(ns < 16) return 9; else return 16; } else { // available size: 6, 9, 16 if(ns < 9) return 6; else if(ns < 16) return 9; else return 16; } }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fileptr[50]; FILE *output; float buffer[4096]; //max channels 4096 float spectra_sum[128]; float scale_factor; char filename[80],*telescope,*backend,*datatype,message[80],unit[16], outfile[120]; int i,j, k, year,month,day,check,rah,ram,ded,dem, nfiles, opened=0; double ras,des,frac,tobs; char sra[6],sde[6],decsign; int raw,uth,utm,uts; long long numsamps,datasize,headersize; long long mindatasize=0; int writeobsdbline; /* get these from first file on command line, apply to output file */ int output_nchans=0, output_nbits=0, output_nifs=0; long long output_datasize=0; long long output_headersize=0; int output_ptr; char quantval; double mean=0.0, sigma=0.0; /* work out how many files are on the command line */ i=1; nfiles=0; while(file_exists(argv[i]) && (i < argc)) { //printf("opening %s\n", argv[i]); nfiles++; i++; } if (!nfiles) { error_message("no input files supplied on command line!"); exit(1); } if (nfiles > 50) { error_message("too many input files supplied on command line (max 50)!"); exit(1); } for(i = 0; i<nfiles; i++) { fileptr[i]=open_file(argv[i+1],"rb"); } if (argc>nfiles) { i=nfiles+1; while (i<argc) { if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-o")) { /* get and open file for output */ strcpy(outfile,argv[++i]); if(file_exists(outfile)) { sprintf(message,"output file (%s) exists!",argv[i]); error_message(message); exit(1); } output=fopen(outfile,"wb"); opened=1; } else { /* unknown argument passed down - stop! */ sprintf(message,"unknown argument (%s) passed to filterbank.",argv[i]); error_message(message); exit(1); } i++; } } if (!opened) { error_message("must have an output file (-o <output>)!"); exit(1); } pulsarcentric=barycentric=0; writeobsdbline=0; for(i = 0; i<nfiles; i++) { headersize=read_header(fileptr[i]); rewind(fileptr[i]); datasize=sizeof_file(argv[i+1])-headersize; numsamps=nsamples(argv[i+1],headersize,nbits,nifs,nchans); if(output_datasize == 0 || datasize < output_datasize) { output_datasize = datasize; output_headersize = headersize; output_ptr = i; } if(output_nchans == 0) { output_nchans = nchans; output_nbits = nbits; output_nifs = nifs; } if(nchans != output_nchans || nbits != output_nbits || nifs != output_nifs) { sprintf(message,"channel/if/bit mismatch, exiting..."); error_message(message); exit(1); } //printf("file: %s headersize: %d nbits: %d nifs: %d nchans: %d\n", argv[i+1], headersize, nbits, nifs, nchans); } if (output_nbits != 32) { error_message("This routine only works on 32 bit (float) filterbank data!"); exit(1); } printf("minimum data size is: %d\n", output_datasize); printf("will dump: %d\n", (output_datasize / (long long) (output_nifs * output_nchans))); headersize=read_header(fileptr[output_ptr]); rewind(fileptr[output_ptr]); printf("header size lead file: %d\n", headersize); fread(buffer, sizeof(char), headersize, fileptr[output_ptr]); fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), headersize, output); rewind(fileptr[output_ptr]); /* bump past header for all input files */ for(i = 0; i<nfiles; i++) { headersize=read_header(fileptr[i]); } /* rewind and bump past header for all input files */ for(i = 0; i<nfiles; i++) { rewind( fileptr[i] ); headersize=read_header(fileptr[i]); } scale_factor = output_datasize / ((float) (output_nifs * output_nchans)); /* outer loop, read through all spectra, quantize to 8 bits, write to file */ for (j = 0; j < (output_datasize / (long long) (output_nifs * output_nchans)); j++){ /* read n spectra (1 spectra x n files), sum */ for(i=0;i<128;i++) spectra_sum[i] = 0.0; for(i = 0; i<nfiles; i++) { fread(&buffer, sizeof(float), (output_nifs * output_nchans), fileptr[i]); for(k=0; k<128; k++) spectra_sum[k] = (spectra_sum[k] + (buffer[k] / scale_factor) ); } fwrite(&spectra_sum, sizeof(float), 128, output); } /* if (argc>1) { print_version(argv[0],argv[1]); if (help_required(argv[1])) { header_help(); exit(0); } else if (file_exists(argv[1])) { strcpy(filename,argv[1]); fileptr=open_file(filename,"rb"); } else if (!file_exists(argv[1]) && (strncmp(argv[1],"-",1) !=0)) { sprintf(message,"Data file: %s not found...\n",argv[1]); error_message(message); exit(1); } } */ }
void wapp2fb(FILE *input, FILE *output) /* includefile */ { FILE *bptr, *fpou, *alfa[2]; int pixel[2]; double pra, pdec; double bw, bandwidth, scale, power, hweight, tsamp_us, crate, lmst; double *lag, *sum, *acf, *window, jan1, days, epoch, ras,des,rahr,dede; float zerolag,*block,smin,smax; int doit,i,j,k,two_nlags,nlags,stat,rec_size,idump,swap_bytes,ifnum,opened; int filesize,headersize,beam,utsecs,iymdf[4],rah,ram,ded,dem; unsigned char *cblock, zuc; unsigned short *sblock, zus; unsigned int zul; char message[80], outfile[80]; void *dump; static float realtime=0.0; #ifdef FFTW fftw_plan fftplan; #endif /* establish whether we need to swap bytes (WAPP is little endian) */ swap_bytes=big_endian(); /* initialise correlator parameters used below */ nlags=nchans; two_nlags=2*nlags; bandwidth=foff*nlags; tsamp_us=tsamp*1.0e6; if (bandwidth<0.0) bandwidth *= -1.0; #ifdef FFTW acf = fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * two_nlags); lag = fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * two_nlags); /* set up fftw table and acf array when computing power spectra */ fftplan=fftw_plan_r2r_1d(two_nlags,acf,lag,FFTW_R2HC,FFTW_PATIENT); #endif #ifndef FFTW /* set up acf array when computing power spectra */ acf = (double *) malloc(two_nlags * sizeof(double)); lag = (double *) malloc(two_nlags * sizeof(double)); #endif if (compute_spectra) { /* ranges for scaling spectra */ smin=0.0;smax=3.0; } else { /* ranges for scaling correlation functions */ smin=-0.5;smax=1.0; } /* set up the weights for windowing of ACF to monimize FFT leakage */ if (hanning) { /* Hanning window */ hweight=0.50; } else if (hamming) { /* Hamming window */ hweight=0.54; } else { /* no window (default) */ hweight=1.00; } /* define the smoothing window to be applied base on the above weight */ window = (double *) malloc(nlags * sizeof(double)); for (j=0; j<nlags; j++) window[j]=(hweight+(1.0-hweight)*cos(PI*j/nlags)); /* work out number of IFs to loop over */ if (sumifs && (nifs>1)) { smin*=2.0; smax*=2.0; ifnum=2; } else { sumifs=0; ifnum=nifs; } /* calculate required record size for reading - i.e. number of bytes/dump */ rec_size = nifs*nlags*(nbits/8); dump = malloc(rec_size); /* pointer to the correlator dump */ /* correlator data rate */ crate = 1.0/(tsamp_us-WAPP_DEAD_TIME); /* scale factor to normalize correlation functions */ if (bandwidth < 50.0) bw=50.0; /* correct scaling for narrow-band use */ else bw=bandwidth; scale = crate/bw; if (wapp_level==9) scale/=16.0; /* 9-level sampling */ if (wapp_sum) scale/=2.0; /* summed IFs (search mode) */ scale*=pow(2.0,(double)wapp_lagtrunc); /* needed for truncation modes */ /* now define a number of working arrays to store lags and spectra */ block = (float *) malloc(nlags * sizeof(float)); cblock = (unsigned char *) malloc(nlags * sizeof(unsigned char)); sblock = (unsigned short *) malloc(nlags * sizeof(unsigned short)); /* if the file is ALFA data --- do the demultiplexing to two files */ if (wapp_isalfa) { angle_split(src_raj,&rah,&ram,&ras); rahr=(double)rah+(double)ram/60.0+(double)ras/3600.0; angle_split(src_dej,&ded,&dem,&des); if (ded>0) dede=(double)ded+(double)dem/60.0+(double)des/3600.0; else dede=(double)ded-(double)dem/60.0-(double)des/3600.0; /* calculate local sidereal time in hours */ lmst=slaGmst(tstart)*12.0/4.0/atan(1.0)-4.4502051459439667; if (lmst<0.0) lmst+=24.0; slaDjcal(5,tstart,iymdf,&stat); slaCaldj(iymdf[0],1,1,&jan1,&stat); days=tstart-jan1+1.0; epoch=(double)iymdf[0]+days/365.25; utsecs=86400*(tstart-floor(tstart)); pixel[0]=(wapp_number-1)*2; pixel[1]=pixel[0]+1; puts("opening output files for demultiplexed ALFA data..."); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { if (alfa_raj[pixel[i]] == 0.0) { alfa_position(rahr,dede,lmst,epoch,alfa_ang,0.0,0.0,pixel[i],&pra,&pdec); src_raj=h2hms(pra); src_dej=deg2dms(pdec); } else { src_raj=h2hms(alfa_raj[pixel[i]]); src_dej=deg2dms(alfa_dej[pixel[i]]); } sprintf(outfile,"%s_%.0f_%05d_%04d_%s_%d.fil", project,floor(tstart),utsecs, scan_number,source_name,pixel[i]); alfa[i]=open_file(outfile,"wb"); puts(outfile); filterbank_header(alfa[i]); } beam=0; } if (headerfile) { /* write output ASCII header file */ fpou=open_file("head","w"); fprintf(fpou,"Original WAPP file: %s\n",inpfile); fprintf(fpou,"Sample time (us): %f\n",tsamp_us); fprintf(fpou,"Observation time (s): %f\n",wapp_obstime); fprintf(fpou,"Time stamp (MJD): %18.12f\n",tstart); fprintf(fpou,"Number of samples/record: %d\n",512); fprintf(fpou,"Center freq (MHz): %f\n",fch1+(float)nlags*foff/2.0); fprintf(fpou,"Channel band (kHz): %f\n",bandwidth*1000.0/nlags); fprintf(fpou,"Number of channels/record: %d\n",nlags); fprintf(fpou,"Nifs: %d\n",ifnum); fprintf(fpou,"RA (J2000): %f\n",src_raj); fprintf(fpou,"DEC (J2000): %f\n",src_dej); fprintf(fpou,"Gal l: %.4f\n",srcl); fprintf(fpou,"Gal b: %.4f\n",srcb); fprintf(fpou,"Name: %s\n",source_name); fprintf(fpou,"Lagformat: %d\n",wapp_lagformat); fprintf(fpou,"Sum: %d\n",wapp_sum); fprintf(fpou,"Level: %d\n",wapp_level); fprintf(fpou,"AZ at start: %f\n",az_start); fprintf(fpou,"ZA at start: %f\n",za_start); fprintf(fpou,"AST at start: %f\n",ast0); fprintf(fpou,"LST at start: %f\n",lst0); fprintf(fpou,"Project ID: %s\n",project); fprintf(fpou,"Observers: %s\n",culprits); filesize=sizeof_file(inpfile); fprintf(fpou,"File size (bytes): %d\n",filesize); headersize=wapp_header_size+wapp_incfile_length; fprintf(fpou,"Data size (bytes): %d\n",filesize-headersize); fprintf(fpou,"Number of samples: %d\n",nsamples(inpfile,headersize,nbits,nifs,nchans)); fclose(fpou); } /* initialise various counters and flags */ opened=idump=i=j=0; /* main loop reading data from infile until no more left to read */ while( (stat=read(wapp_file,dump,rec_size)) == rec_size) { /* calculate elapsed time and determine whether we process this record */ realtime += (float) tsamp; if ( (doit=process(realtime,start_time,final_time)) == -1) break; if (doit) { /* set ALFA beam output if necessary */ if (wapp_isalfa) { output=alfa[beam]; /* set output file for this loop */ beam=!(beam); /* flip file for next iteration */ } /* clear zerolag and blocksum arrays */ zerolag=0.0; for (j=0; j<nlags; j++) block[j]=0.0; /* loop over the IFs */ for (i=0; i<ifnum; i++) { if (ifstream[i]=='Y') { if (zerolagdump) { /* only interested in the zero lag term for each IF */ switch (nbits) { case 8: zuc = *(((unsigned char *)dump)+i*nlags); zerolag+=zuc; break; case 16: zus = *(((unsigned short *)dump)+i*nlags); if (swap_bytes) swap_short(&zus); zerolag+=zus; break; case 32: zul = *(((unsigned int *)dump)+i*nlags); if (swap_bytes) swap_int(&zul); zerolag+=zul; break; } /* write out the data checking IF number for summed mode */ if ( (sumifs && (i==1)) || (!sumifs) ) { if (obits==32) { if (swapout) swap_float(&zerolag); fwrite(&zerolag,sizeof(float),1,output); } else { sprintf(message,"cannot write %d bits in zerolag mode",obits); error_message(message); } } } else { /* fill lag array with scaled CFs */ for (j=0; j<nlags; j++) { switch (nbits) { case 8: zuc = *(((unsigned char *)dump)+j+i*nlags); lag[j] = scale * (double) zuc - 1.0; break; case 16: zus = *(((unsigned short *)dump)+j+i*nlags); if (swap_bytes) swap_short(&zus); lag[j] = scale * (double) zus - 1.0; break; case 32: zul = *(((unsigned int *)dump)+j+i*nlags); if (swap_bytes) swap_int(&zul); lag[j] = scale * (double) zul - 1.0; break; } } /* calculate power and correct for finite level quantization */ power = inv_cerf(lag[0]); power = 0.1872721836/power/power; if (i<2) { if (do_vanvleck) { if (wapp_level==3) { /* apply standard 3-level van vleck correction */ vanvleck3lev(lag,nlags); } else if (wapp_level==9) { /* apply 9-level van vleck correction */ vanvleck9lev(lag,nlags); } } } if (compute_spectra) { /* form windowed even ACF in array */ for(j=1; j<nlags; j++) { acf[j]=window[j]*lag[j]*power; acf[two_nlags-j]=acf[j]; } acf[nlags]=0.0; acf[0]=lag[0]*power; /* FFT the ACF (which is real and even) -> real and even FFT */ #ifdef FFTW fftw_execute(fftplan); #endif #ifndef FFTW rfft(two_nlags,acf,lag); #endif /* if the band needs to be flipped --- do it here */ if (wapp_flip) { /* use acf as temporary array */ for (j=0;j<nlags;j++) acf[j]=lag[j]; k=nlags-1; for (j=0;j<nlags;j++) { lag[k]=acf[j]; k--; } } /* add lags to block array */ for (j=0; j<nlags; j++) block[j]+=lag[j]; } else { /* just copy correlation functions into block */ for (j=0; j<nlags; j++) block[j]=lag[j]; } /* write out data block checking IF number for summed mode */ if ( (sumifs && (i==1)) || (!sumifs) ) { if (obits==32) { if (swapout) for (j=0; j<nlags; j++) swap_float(&block[j]); fwrite(block,sizeof(float),nlags,output); } else if (obits==16) { float2short(block,nlags,smin,smax,sblock); if (swapout) for (j=0; j<nlags; j++) swap_short(&sblock[j]); fwrite(sblock,sizeof(unsigned short),nlags,output); } else if (obits==8) { float2char(block,nlags,smin,smax,cblock); fwrite(cblock,sizeof(unsigned char),nlags,output); } else if (obits==4) { float2four(block,nlags,smin,smax,cblock); fwrite(cblock,sizeof(unsigned char),nlags/2,output); } else { sprintf(message,"cannot write %d bits in wapp2fb",obits); error_message(message); } } } /* end of zerolagdump if */ if (!sumifs) { /* reset block and zerolag if not summing */ zerolag=0.0; for (j=0; j<nlags; j++) block[j]=0.0; } } /* end of IFstream if */ } /* end of loop over IFs */ } /* end of processing if */ /* increment dump counter and update logfile every 512 dumps */ idump++; if (idump%512 == 0) { if (!opened) { /* open up logfile */ open_log("filterbank.monitor"); opened=1; } sprintf(message,"time:%.1fs",realtime); update_log(message); } } /* end of main read loop*/ /* job done - free up remaining arrays */ free(dump);free(block);free(sblock);free(cblock);free(window); #ifdef FFTW fftw_destroy_plan(fftplan); fftw_free(acf); fftw_free(lag); #endif #ifndef FFTW free(acf); free(lag); #endif }
main(int argc, char** argv) { int dum_int, iread, iw, indx, ITStart, namelen, HdrSize, NTOT, NSkip, NPtsToRead, SkiByte, log2NTOT, NDM, NOPFiles, MAX, NTSampInRead, i, NSampInRead, BytePerFrame, NByteInRead, ITOffset, NBitChan, *ibrev, NRead, IFiles, FOld, FNew, FSwitch, KeepTrack, NTReadOld, NTReadNew, NReadOld, NReadNew, OPFileSize, IOffset, SkipByte, oldper, newper ,NT_Files; long long TotalTrack; float FMin, FMax, FCen, *Inbuf, *Outbuf, timecount; char *filename, *filefull, *parfile; FILE *fpar, *Fout[8192], *Fin; if (argc <= 1) tree_help(); else tree_parms(argc, argv); filename = (char *) calloc(120, sizeof(char)); filefull = (char *) calloc(120, sizeof(char)); parfile = (char *) calloc(120, sizeof(char)); ITStart = 0; NT_Files = 0; /* To read a sample header from first time file */ strcpy(filename, unfname); namelen = strlen(filename); printf("First filename : %s\n", filename); if ((fpar = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) { printf("ERROR opening file %s.\n", filename); exit(0); } HdrSize = read_header(fpar); fclose(fpar); FMin = fch1; FMax = FMin + (float)(nchans - 1) * foff; FCen = (FMin + FMax) / 2.0; printf("No. of frequency channels : %d\n",nchans); printf("Beginning radio frequency : %f MHz\n", FMin - (foff / 2.0)); printf("Ending radio frequency : %f MHz\n", FMax + (foff / 2.0)); printf("Centre frq. of the whole band : %f MHz\n", FCen); printf("\n"); printf("input sampling interval : %f sec\n", tsamp); NTOT = 0; strcpy(filename, unfname); namelen = strlen(filename); if ((fpar = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) { printf("ERROR opening %s.\n", filename); } HdrSize = read_header(fpar); fclose(fpar); NT_Files = (int)nsamples(filename, HdrSize, nbits, nifs, nchans); NTOT += NT_Files; printf("File %5d : %s with %d samples\n", i, filename, NT_Files); NSkip = (int)(TSkip / tsamp); if (NSkip > NT_Files) { printf("Initial Skip-length longer than the first file!\n"); exit(0); } NPtsToRead = (int)(TRead / tsamp); if (NPtsToRead==0) { TRead=NT_Files*tsamp; NPtsToRead=NT_Files; } if (NPtsToRead > NTOT) NPtsToRead = NTOT; SkipByte = (NSkip * nbits * nchans / 8); printf("\n"); printf("This data set contains %d number of samples\n", NTOT); printf("Number of bits per sample : %d\n", nbits); printf("Time length to skip at the begin. : %f\n", TSkip); printf("Bytes to skip at the beginning : %d\n", SkipByte); printf("No. of time samples to skip : %d\n", NSkip); printf("Time length to read after skipping : %f\n", TRead); printf("Samples to read after skipping : %d\n", NPtsToRead); NTOT -= NSkip; printf("Time samples after initial skip : %d\n", NTOT); if (NPtsToRead > NTOT) { NPtsToRead = NTOT; printf("Too many samples to read. Truncated to %d samples\n", NTOT); } else NTOT = NPtsToRead; log2NTOT = (int)(log((double)NTOT) / log((double)2.0)); NTOT = (1 << log2NTOT); printf("After truncating to lower 2^n : %d\n", NTOT); if (DMMin < 0) DMMin = 0; if (DMMax >= nchans) DMMax = (nchans - 1); if ((DMMin == 0) && (DMMax == 0)) { DMMin = 0; DMMax = (nchans - 1); } else if ((DMMin != 0) && (DMMax == 0)) DMMax = (nchans - 1); printf("\n"); printf("Minimum DM index = %d Maximum = %d\n", DMMin, DMMax); DMMinv=(tsamp/8.3e3)*(double)(DMMin)*pow((FMax+FMin)/2.,3.)/fabs(FMax-FMin); DMMaxv=(tsamp/8.3e3)*(double)(DMMax)*pow((FMax+FMin)/2.,3.)/fabs(FMax-FMin); printf("Minimum DM value = %f Maximum = %f\n", DMMinv,DMMaxv); NDM = (DMMax - DMMin + 1); NOPFiles = NDM; OPFileSize = sizeof(float) * NTOT; printf("\n"); printf("Total number of output files : %d\n", NOPFiles); printf("Size of each output file : %d bytes\n", OPFileSize); for (i=0; i<NOPFiles; i++) { strcpy(filefull,unfname); sprintf(&filefull[strlen(filefull)-4], ".DM%.4d.tim", (i+DMMin)); if((Fout[i] = fopen(filefull,"wb")) == NULL) { printf("ERROR opening output file %s.\n", filefull); exit(0); } else { nbands=1; nobits=32; refdm=(tsamp/8.3e3)*(double)(i+DMMin)*pow((FMax+FMin)/2.,3.)/ fabs(FMax-FMin); output=Fout[i]; dedisperse_header(); } } printf("\n"); /* strcpy(parfile, "\0"); strcpy(parfile, unfname); strncat(parfile, ".par", 4); fpar = fopen(parfile, "w"); fprintf(fpar, "%s\n", unfname); fprintf(fpar, "%d %d %10.8f \n ", NTOT, nchans, tsamp); fprintf(fpar, "%d %d %d %d\n", DMMin, DMMax, NDM, NOPFiles); fprintf(fpar, "%d\n", nchans); fprintf(fpar, "%f %f\n", FMin, FMax); fclose(fpar); */ MAX = (1 << 12); if (MAX > NTOT) MAX = NTOT; NTSampInRead = (MAX + (2 * nchans)); NSampInRead = (nchans * NTSampInRead); BytePerFrame = (nchans * nbits / 8); NByteInRead = (NTSampInRead * BytePerFrame); ITOffset = 2 * nchans; IOffset = (-ITOffset * BytePerFrame); NBitChan = (int)(log((double)nchans) / 0.6931471); printf("Time samples to read in one read : %d\n", NTSampInRead); printf("Bytes to read in one read : %d bytes\n", NByteInRead); printf("Offset counter for each read : %d time samples\n", IOffset); printf("\n"); printf("No of bits to represent all channels : %d\n", NBitChan); Inbuf = (float *) calloc(NSampInRead, sizeof(float)); Outbuf = (float *) calloc(NSampInRead, sizeof(float)); ibrev = (int *) calloc(nchans, sizeof(int)); for (i=0; i<nchans; i++) { ibrev[i] = bitrev(i, NBitChan); } NRead = (int)(NTOT / MAX); printf("Total number of reads in the run : %d\n", NRead); IFiles = 0; FOld = 0; FNew = 0; FSwitch = 1; strcpy(filename, unfname); namelen = strlen(filename); printf("First filename : %s\n", filename); if ((Fin = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) { printf("ERROR opening file %s.\n", filename); exit(0); } HdrSize = read_header(Fin); printf("Going into the main loop\n"); fseek(Fin, SkipByte, SEEK_CUR); KeepTrack = (NT_Files - NSkip); TotalTrack = 0; newper = 0.0; oldper = newper; printf("\n\n"); for (iread=0; iread<NRead; iread++) { newper = 100.0 * (((float)iread / (float)NRead)); if (newper > oldper) { timecount = ((float)iread * NTSampInRead * tsamp); printf("\rProcessed : %3d%% Current file : %s Time from beg : %8.2f sec", (int)newper, filename, timecount); fflush(stdout); oldper = newper; } KeepTrack -= NTSampInRead; TotalTrack += NTSampInRead; if (KeepTrack > 0) { read_block(Fin, nbits, Inbuf, NSampInRead); fseek(Fin, IOffset, SEEK_CUR); KeepTrack += ITOffset; TotalTrack -= ITOffset; } if (KeepTrack > 0) FSwitch = 1; memset(&Outbuf[0], 0, (sizeof(float) * NSampInRead)); AxisSwap(Inbuf, Outbuf, nchans, NTSampInRead); if (FlipSwitch == 0) { printf("BEFORE..."); fflush(stdout); FlipBand(Outbuf, nchans, NTSampInRead); printf("AFTER!\n"); } taylor_flt(Outbuf, NSampInRead, nchans); for (iw=DMMin; iw<=DMMax; iw++) { indx = (ibrev[iw] * NTSampInRead); fwrite(&Outbuf[indx], sizeof(float), MAX, Fout[iw-DMMin]); } } newper = 100.0 * ((float)iread / NRead); timecount = ((float)iread * NTSampInRead * tsamp); printf("\rProcessed : %3d%% Current file : %s Time from beg : %8.2f sec", (int)newper, filename, timecount); fflush(stdout); printf("\n\n"); for (i=0; i<NOPFiles; i++) fclose(Fout[i]); exit(0); }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fileptr; char filename[80],*telescope,*backend,*datatype,message[80],unit[16]; int i,j,year,month,day,check,rah,ram,ded,dem; double ras,des,frac,tobs; char sra[6],sde[6],decsign; int raw,uth,utm,uts; long long numsamps,datasize,headersize; int writeobsdbline; fileptr=stdin; strcpy(filename,"stdin"); strcpy(rawdatafile,"stdin"); pulsarcentric=barycentric=0; writeobsdbline=0; if (argc>1) { print_version(argv[0],argv[1]); if (help_required(argv[1])) { header_help(); exit(0); } else if (file_exists(argv[1])) { strcpy(filename,argv[1]); fileptr=open_file(filename,"rb"); } else if (!file_exists(argv[1]) && (strncmp(argv[1],"-",1) !=0)) { sprintf(message,"Data file: %s not found...\n",argv[1]); error_message(message); exit(1); } } if (!(headersize=read_header(fileptr))) { rewind(fileptr); if ((raw=typeof_inputdata(fileptr,filename))) { data_type=0; switch (raw) { case 1: headersize=32768; break; case 5: headersize=32768; break; case 3: headersize=wapp_header_size+wapp_incfile_length; break; default: break; } } else { error_message("could not read header parameters!"); exit(1); } } /* attempt to find number of bytes of data and number of samples */ if (!strings_equal(filename,"stdin")) { datasize=sizeof_file(filename)-headersize; numsamps=nsamples(filename,headersize,nbits,nifs,nchans); } else if (!strings_equal(rawdatafile,"stdin")) { datasize=sizeof_file(rawdatafile)-headersize; numsamps=nsamples(rawdatafile,headersize,nbits,nifs,nchans); } else { datasize=numsamps=0; } telescope=telescope_name(telescope_id); backend=backend_name(machine_id); datatype=data_category(data_type); if (argc>2) { check=1; i=2; } else if ((argc>1) && strings_equal(filename,"stdin")) { check=1; i=1; } else { check=0; } angle_split(src_raj,&rah,&ram,&ras); if (ras<10.0) { sprintf(sra,"0%.1f",ras); } else { sprintf(sra,"%.1f",ras); } angle_split(src_dej,&ded,&dem,&des); if (src_dej > 0.0) decsign = '+'; else decsign = '-'; if (des<10.0) { sprintf(sde,"0%.1f",des); } else { sprintf(sde,"%.1f",des); } cal(tstart,&year,&month,&day); if (check) { /* check command-line parameters */ while (i<argc) { if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-telescope")) { puts(telescope); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-obsdb")) { writeobsdbline=1; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-machine")) { puts(backend); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-source_name")) { puts(source_name); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-scan_number")) { puti(scan_number); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-datatype")) { puts(datatype); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-frame")) { if (pulsarcentric) puts("pulsarcentric"); else if (barycentric) puts("barycentric"); else puts("topocentric"); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-barycentric")) { puti(barycentric); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-pulsarcentric")) { puti(pulsarcentric); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-data_type")) { puti(data_type); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-headersize")) { printf("%d\n",headersize); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-datasize")) { printf("%lld\n",datasize); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-nsamples")) { printf("%lld\n",numsamps); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-tobs")) { printf("%f\n",(double)numsamps*tsamp); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-az_start")) { printf("%f\n",az_start); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-za_start")) { printf("%f\n",za_start); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-fch1")) { printf("%.3f\n",fch1); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-bandwidth")) { printf("%.3f\n",fabs(foff)*(double)nchans); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-fmid")) { printf("%.3f\n",fch1+foff*nchans/2); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-foff")) { printf("%f\n",foff); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-refdm")||strings_equal(argv[i],"-dm")) { printf("%f\n",refdm); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-nchans")) { printf("%d\n",nchans); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-tstart")) { printf("%.12f\n",tstart); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-frequencies")) { for (j=0; j<nchans; j++) printf("%f\n",frequency_table[j]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-mjd")) { printf("%d\n",(int)floor(tstart)); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-date")) { printf("%4d/%02d/%02d\n",year,month,day); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-utstart")) { frac=tstart-floor(tstart); uth=(int) floor(24.0*frac); frac-=(double)uth/24.0; utm=(int) floor(1440.0*frac); frac-=(double)utm/1440.0; uts=(int) floor(86400.0*frac); printf("%02d:%02d:%02d\n",uth,utm,uts); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-tsamp")) { printf("%.5f\n",tsamp*1.0e6); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-nbits")) { printf("%d\n",nbits); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-nifs")) { printf("%d\n",nifs); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-src_raj")) { printf("%02d:%02d:%s\n",rah,ram,sra); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-src_dej")) { printf("%c%02d:%02d:%s\n",decsign,abs(ded),dem,sde); }else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-ra_deg")) { printf("%f\n",rah*15+ram/4.0+ras/240.0); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-dec_deg")) { printf("%c%f\n",decsign,abs(ded)+dem/60.0+des/3600.0); } else { header_help(); sprintf(message,"unknown argument (%s) passed to header",argv[i]); error_message(message); } i++; } /* if we are doing a obs line do this... otherwise continue normaly * MK 2006, for the MM survey bookkeeping. */ if(writeobsdbline){ printf("%s ",source_name); printf("%3.3lf %3.3lf ",gal_l,gal_b); printf("%s ",filename); printf("%5.3lf %6.6lf ",header_tobs,tstart); printf("%6.3lf %6.3lf ",src_raj,src_dej); printf("%5.3lf %3.3lf ",raw_fch1,raw_foff); printf("%d %d %5.3lf",nbeams,nchans,tsamp*1000); printf("\n"); } exit(0); } /* no command-line flags were specified - display full output */ printf("Data file : %s\n",filename); printf("Header size (bytes) : %d\n",headersize); if (datasize) printf("Data size (bytes) : %lld\n",datasize); if (pulsarcentric) printf("Data type : %s (pulsarcentric)\n",datatype); else if (barycentric) printf("Data type : %s (barycentric)\n",datatype); else printf("Data type : %s (topocentric)\n",datatype); printf("Telescope : %s\n",telescope); printf("Datataking Machine : %s\n",backend); if (!strings_equal(source_name,"")) printf("Source Name : %s\n",source_name); if (src_raj != 0.0) printf("Source RA (J2000) : %02d:%02d:%s\n",rah,ram,sra); if (src_dej != 0.0) printf("Source DEC (J2000) : %c%02d:%02d:%s\n", decsign,abs(ded),dem,sde); if ((az_start != 0.0) && (az_start != -1.0)) printf("Start AZ (deg) : %f\n",az_start); if ((za_start != 0.0) && (za_start != -1.0)) printf("Start ZA (deg) : %f\n",za_start); switch (data_type) { case 0: case 1: if ((fch1==0.0) && (foff==0.0)) { printf("Highest frequency channel (MHz) : %f\n", frequency_table[0]); printf("Lowest frequency channel (MHz) : %f\n", frequency_table[nchans-1]); } else { printf("Frequency of channel 1 (MHz) : %f\n",fch1); printf("Channel bandwidth (MHz) : %f\n",foff); printf("Number of channels : %d\n",nchans); printf("Number of beams : %d\n",nbeams); printf("Beam number : %d\n",ibeam); } break; case 2: nchans=1; printf("Reference DM (pc/cc) : %f\n",refdm); printf("Reference frequency (MHz) : %f\n",fch1); break; case 3: if (refdm > 0.0) printf("Reference DM (pc/cc) : %f\n",refdm); printf("Frequency of channel 1 (MHz) : %f\n",fch1); printf("Channel bandwidth (MHz) : %f\n",foff); printf("Number of channels : %d\n",nchans); printf("Number of phase bins : %d\n",nbins); printf("Folding period (s) : %.12f\n",period); break; case 6: printf("Reference DM (pc/cc) : %f\n",refdm); printf("Frequency of channel 1 (MHz) : %f\n",fch1); printf("Channel bandwidth (MHz) : %f\n",foff); printf("Number of channels : %d\n",nchans); break; } printf("Time stamp of first sample (MJD) : %.12f\n",tstart); printf("Gregorian date (YYYY/MM/DD) : %4d/%02d/%02d\n",year,month,day); if (data_type != 3) printf("Sample time (us) : %.5f\n",tsamp*1.0e6); if (datasize && data_type != 3) { printf("Number of samples : %lld\n",numsamps); tobs=(double)numsamps*tsamp; strcpy(unit,"(seconds) "); if (tobs>60.0) { tobs/=60.0; strcpy(unit,"(minutes) "); if (tobs>60.0) { tobs/=60.0; strcpy(unit,"(hours) "); if (tobs>24.0) { tobs/=24.0; strcpy(unit,"(days) "); } } } printf("Observation length %s : %.1f\n",unit,tobs); } printf("Number of bits per sample : %d\n",nbits); printf("Number of IFs : %d\n",nifs); exit(0); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int ntimglobal=0; // number of time samples in original int ngulp_original=0; // number of time samples to look at at once int nskipstart=0; // number skipped at start int nrejects; //ZAPPER int zapswitch = 0; //ZAPPER double tsamp_orig=0; //gsearch setup & defaults float Gsigmacut=6.0; float delta, tstart; vector<Gpulse> * Giant = new vector<Gpulse>[MAXFILES]; bool Gsearched=false; int i,ntim,headersize[MAXFILES],noff=0,gulp; float *time_series[MAXFILES],sum=0.0,sumsq=0.0,mean,meansq,sigma; int MAXMARKERS = 1024; int nfiles = 0; FILE *inputfile[MAXFILES]; char filename[MAXFILES][256]; int spectra=0; int powerspectra=0; double dmoffirstfile; char *killfile; bool dokill=false; bool ssigned=true; bool fsigned=false; int topfold=-1; int topgiant=-1; int toppeak=-1; //?!? sarah added this bool askdevice=false; char devicename[200]; if (argc<2 || help_required(argv[1])) { helpmenu(); // fprintf(stderr,"Usage: giant filenames\n\t(e.g.>> giant *.tim)\n\n\t-s N\tskip N samples\n\t-n N\tread N samples\n\t-S read spectra instead of amplitudes\n-i interpret signed chars as unsigned\n\t-z make a zap list of bad time samples\n"); exit(0); } print_version(argv[0],argv[1]); i=1; while (i<argc) { if (file_exists(argv[i])) { inputfile[nfiles]=open_file(argv[i],"r"); strcpy(filename[nfiles],argv[i]); nfiles++; } if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-s")) sscanf(argv[++i],"%d",&nskipstart); if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-S")) spectra=1; if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-i")) ssigned=false; if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-f")) fsigned=true; if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-n")) sscanf(argv[++i],"%d",&ngulp_original); if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-c")) sscanf(argv[++i],"%f",&Gsigmacut); if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-z")) zapswitch=1; if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-g")) {askdevice=true;sscanf(argv[++i],"%s",&devicename);} if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-k")) {killfile=(char*)malloc(strlen(argv[++i])+1); strcpy(killfile,argv[i]);dokill=true;} if (nfiles>MAXFILES) error_message("too many open files"); i++; } int ntimglobal_smallest=0, nsamp; for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) { if (spectra){ int npf; double rate; time_series[i]=Creadspec(filename[i],&npf,&rate); tsamp = 1.0/(rate); //normalise(npf,time_series[i]); nsamp = ntimglobal = ntimglobal_smallest = npf; } else { if ((headersize[i]=read_header(inputfile[i]))) { if (! fsigned){ if (isign > 0) { ssigned=false; fprintf(stderr,"using signed header variable to set UNSIGNED\n"); } if (isign < 0) { ssigned=true; fprintf(stderr,"using signed header variable to set SIGNED\n"); } } if (i==0) dmoffirstfile = refdm; if (nbits!=8 && nbits!=32) error_message("giant currently only works for 8- or 32-bit data"); nsamp = nsamples(filename[i],headersize[i],nbits,nifs,nchans); if (i == 0) { ntimglobal_smallest=nsamp; } else { ntimglobal= nsamp; if (ntimglobal < ntimglobal_smallest) ntimglobal_smallest = ntimglobal; } // Space for data (time_series) time_series[i]=(float *) malloc((nsamp+2)*sizeof(float)); if (time_series[i]==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error mallocing %d floats of %d size\n",nsamp, sizeof(float)); exit(-1); } tsamp_orig = tsamp; // Skip data fprintf(stderr,"Skipping %d bytes\n",nskipstart*nbits/8); fseek(inputfile[i],nskipstart*nbits/8,SEEK_CUR); } // each file } // spectra or not } // for (i...) puti(ntimglobal_smallest); if (ngulp_original==0) ngulp_original=ntimglobal_smallest; // ****** SAM'S ZAP SWITCH ****** // Sam Bates 2009 // Integrated into new giant by SBS // Switch to make a .killtchan file for time samples > 3.5 sigma // SARAHZAP tag means addition was added later by Sarah // ****************************** int ngulp=ngulp_original; // int nrejects_max=ngulp_original/100; int * mown = new int[ngulp_original]; int nstart=0; if (zapswitch){ float dummy; int NActuallyRead; char *buffer; buffer = new char[ngulp*nbits/8]; for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ NActuallyRead = fread(buffer,nbits/8,ngulp,inputfile[i]); if (nbits==32){ memcpy(time_series[i],buffer,sizeof(float)*ngulp); } else { for (int j=0;j<NActuallyRead;j++){ if (ssigned) time_series[i][j]=(float)buffer[j]; if (!ssigned) time_series[i][j]=(float)((unsigned char)buffer[j]); } } puti(ngulp); find_baseline(ngulp,time_series[i],10.0/tsamp,5.0); mowlawn(ngulp,time_series[i],5,256); } printf("%f\n",dummy); printf("Bad time samples found...\n"); exit(0); } int pgpID; if (askdevice){ pgpID = cpgbeg(0,devicename,1,1); } else { pgpID = cpgbeg(0,"/xs",1,1); } cpgsch(0.5); cpgtext(0.6,0.0,"Press 'h' over the main window for help and full options list."); cpgsch(1.0); /* create the dialog */ dialog * d = new dialog(); /* add the "action" buttons */ int QUIT = d->addbutton(0.02,0.95,"Quit"); int POWER = d->addbutton(0.07,0.85,"POWER"); int SMHRM = d->addbutton(0.075,0.80,"SMHRM"); int FFT = d->addbutton(0.02,0.85,"FFT"); int PLOT = d->addbutton(0.02,0.80,"Plot"); int NEXT = d->addbutton(0.02,0.75,"Next"); int ZAPPEAK = d->addbutton(0.075,0.75,"ZapPeak"); int RESET = d->addbutton(0.02,0.70,"Reset"); int GLOBALRESET = d->addbutton(0.02,0.65,"Global Reset"); int HALVEPLOT = d->addbutton(0.02,0.60,"Halve Plot"); int BASELINE = d->addbutton(0.02,0.50,"Baseline"); int ZAPCOMMON = d->addbutton(0.02,0.45,"Zap Common"); int SUBTRACTMEAN = d->addbutton(0.02,0.40,"ZAP Mean"); int BSCRUNCH = d->addbutton(0.02,0.35,"Bscrunch"); int NORMALISE = d->addbutton(0.02,0.30,"Normalise"); int HISTOGRAM = d->addbutton(0.02,0.25,"Histogram"); int GSEARCH = d->addbutton(0.02,0.20,"Find Giants"); int MOWLAWN = d->addbutton(0.08,0.70,"LAWN"); int SEEFIL = d->addbutton(0.02,0.15,"View Band"); int FWRITE = d->addbutton(0.02,0.05,"Write File"); /* add the plot regions */ d->addplotregion(0.2,0.99,0.98,0.99); float deltay = 0.9/(float)nfiles; for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) d->addplotregion(0.2,0.99,0.95-deltay*(float)(i+1),0.95-deltay*(float)i); d->draw(); float x,y; char ans; int button=-1; int plotno=-1; int NPIXELS = 1024; float * xaxis = new float[NPIXELS]; float * ymaxes = new float[NPIXELS]; float * ymins = new float[NPIXELS]; int scrunch=1; int nmarkers=0; int * markers= new int[MAXMARKERS]; int nfileptr=nskipstart; int nplot=ngulp_original; nstart=0; //COMMENTED IN ZAPPER VERSION: MAY CAUSE CONFLICTS IN THIS VER. ngulp=ngulp_original; //COMMENTED IN ZAPPER VERSION: MAY CAUSE CONFLICTS IN THIS VER. double trialperiod; int doperiod=-1; double xperiod; bool zoneplot=false; int ngates=0; float xgate=0.0; button=NEXT; if (spectra) button = PLOT; while (button!=QUIT){ // Plot the zone // Entire file is white if (button!=NEXT)button=d->manage(&x,&y,&ans,&plotno); if (ans=='h'){ buttonexplain(); continue; } // printf("manage x %f y %f plotno %d\n",x,y,plotno); if (button==BASELINE) { for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ find_baseline(ngulp,time_series[i],10.0/tsamp,5.0); } button = PLOT; zoneplot=false; plotno = -1; } if (button==FWRITE) { // reread first header and close it. Sets globals. fclose(inputfile[0]); inputfile[0]=open_file(argv[1],"r"); headersize[0]=read_header(inputfile[0]); output = open_file("giant.tim","w"); nobits=32; nbands=1; dedisperse_header(); fprintf(stderr,"Opened file, writing data\n"); fwrite(time_series[0],sizeof(float),ngulp,output); fclose(output); button = -1; zoneplot=false; plotno =-1; } if (button==BSCRUNCH) { for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ bscrunch(ngulp,time_series[i]); } tsamp*=2; scrunch*=2; ngulp/=2; nplot/=2; button = PLOT; zoneplot=false; Gsearched=false; plotno = -1; } if (button==FFT) { for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ ngulp = ngulp_original; find_fft(&ngulp,time_series[i]); // Zap DC spike time_series[i][0]=0.0; time_series[i][1]=0.0; } spectra = 1; nplot = ngulp; button = PLOT; Gsearched=false; plotno = -1; } if (button==POWER) { for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ find_formspec(ngulp,time_series[i]); } ngulp/=2; powerspectra = 1; nplot = ngulp; button = PLOT; plotno = -1; } if (button==SMHRM) { nfiles = 6; for (i=1; i<nfiles; i++){ time_series[i]=(float *) malloc((ngulp+2)*sizeof(float)); if (time_series[i]==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error allocating memory\n"); exit(-1); } } for (i=1;i<nfiles;i++) memcpy(time_series[i],time_series[0], (ngulp+2)*sizeof(float)); d->nplotregion=1; float deltay = 0.9/(float)nfiles; for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) d->addplotregion(0.2,0.99,0.95-deltay*(float)(i+1), 0.95-deltay*(float)i); cpgeras(); d->draw(); float * workspace = new float[ngulp]; // Set up space for data, now actually sumhrm int one=1; newoldsumhrm_(&time_series[0][1],workspace,&ngulp,&one, // newoldsumhrm_(&time_series[0][0],workspace,&ngulp,&one, time_series[1],time_series[2],time_series[3], time_series[4],time_series[5]); /* newnewsumhrm_(time_series[0],&ngulp,&one, time_series[1],time_series[2],time_series[3], time_series[4],time_series[5]);*/ for (int iff=2;iff<6;iff++){ for (int i=0;i<ngulp;i++){ time_series[iff][i]/=sqrt(pow(2.0,(float)(iff-1))); } } delete [] workspace; button = PLOT; plotno = -1; } if (button==NORMALISE) { for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ normalise(ngulp,time_series[i],5.0); } button = PLOT; Gsearched=false; plotno = -1; } if (button==HISTOGRAM) { float pdfs[nfiles][MAXSIGMA]; // create pdfs for each beam for (int i=0;i<nfiles;i++) formpdf(pdfs[i],MAXSIGMA,ngulp,time_series[i]); for (int i=0;i<nfiles;i++){ for (int j=0;j<MAXSIGMA; j++){ fprintf(stderr, "pdfs[%d][%2d]=%8.0f %f \%\n", i, j+1, pdfs[i][j], 100*pdfs[i][j]/ngulp); } } button = PLOT; plotno = -1; } if (button==HALVEPLOT) { nplot/=2; button = PLOT; zoneplot=true; Gsearched=false; plotno = -1; } if (button==GLOBALRESET) { plotno = -1; nstart = 0; scrunch=1; tsamp = tsamp_orig; nplot=ngulp_original; ngulp=ngulp_original; button=PLOT; // Skip to end of skipped data for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++){ fseek(inputfile[i],-(nfileptr-nskipstart)*nbits/8,SEEK_CUR); Giant[i].clear(); } nfileptr=nskipstart; zoneplot=false; Gsearched=false; doperiod=-1; button=NEXT; } if (button==SUBTRACTMEAN && nfiles>1) { plotno = -1; nstart = 0; nplot=ngulp_original; ngulp=ngulp_original; button=PLOT; // Skip to end of skipped data for (int jj=0;jj<ngulp;jj++){ float sum; sum=0.0; for (i=1;i<nfiles;i++){ sum+=time_series[i][jj]; } time_series[0][jj]-=sum/(float(nfiles-1)); } Gsearched=false; } if (button==ZAPCOMMON && nfiles>1) { plotno = -1; nstart = 0; nplot=ngulp_original; ngulp=ngulp_original; button=PLOT; float pdfs[nfiles][MAXSIGMA]; // create pdfs for each beam for (int i=0;i<nfiles;i++) formpdf(pdfs[i],MAXSIGMA,ngulp,time_series[i]); // for each point in each beam, mask if improbable float thresh = 3.0; int nbeammax = 5; zap_improbables(pdfs,time_series,nfiles,ngulp,MAXSIGMA,thresh,nbeammax); // Skip to end of skipped data //for (int jj=0;jj<ngulp;jj++){ // float sum; // sum=0.0; // for (i=1;i<nfiles;i++){ // sum+=time_series[i][jj]; // } // time_series[0][jj]-=sum/(float(nfiles-1)); //} //Gsearched=false; } if (button==NEXT) { ngulp=ngulp_original; nstart=0; nplot=ngulp_original; // Read the data int NActuallyRead; // unsigned char *buffer; char *buffer; buffer = new char[ngulp*nbits/8]; //buffer = new char[ngulp*nbits/8]; for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++) { // NActuallyRead = fread(time_series[i],sizeof(float),ngulp,inputfile[i]); NActuallyRead = fread(buffer,nbits/8,ngulp,inputfile[i]); if (nbits==32){ memcpy(time_series[i],buffer,sizeof(float)*ngulp); } else { for (int j=0;j<NActuallyRead;j++){ if (ssigned) time_series[i][j]=(float)buffer[j]; if (!ssigned) time_series[i][j]=(float)((unsigned char)buffer[j]); } } puti(ngulp); if (NActuallyRead!=ngulp){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not read %d floats from file\n",ngulp); ngulp = NActuallyRead; } if(nfiles==1){ // Add fake pulsar here.... // for (int ii=0;ii<ngulp;ii++) time_series[i][ii]+= 10.0*pow(sin(float(ii*2.0*M_PI/60.0)),250.0); } //normalise(ngulp,time_series[i]); } nfileptr+=ngulp; button = PLOT; plotno= -1; zoneplot=true; } if (button==RESET) { button = plotno = -1; nstart=0; nplot=ngulp; button=PLOT; zoneplot=true; Gsearched=false; if (ans=='p'){ doperiod=-1; } } if (plotno>0){ /* if (ans=='p'){ // hit p on a plot to type in a period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); //plot the thing; fprintf(stderr,"Please enter a period in seconds: "); cin>>trialperiod; xperiod = x; doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; }*/ if (ans=='p'){ // hit p on a plot to type in a period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); //plot the thing; fprintf(stderr,"Please enter a period in seconds: "); cin>>trialperiod; xperiod = (double)x; doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='m'){ // subtract 0.0000005 seconds from period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod-=0.0000005; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='/'){ // add 0.0000005 seconds to period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod+=0.0000005; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans==','){ // subtract 0.000005 seconds from period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod-=0.000005; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='.'){ // add 0.000005 seconds to period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod+=0.000005; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='<'){ // subtract 0.001 seconds from period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod-=0.001; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='>'){ // add 0.001 seconds to period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); trialperiod+=0.001; fprintf(stderr,"Trial period is now %lf\n",trialperiod); doperiod=plotno; button=PLOT; } if (ans=='X'){ // right click two points on a plot to calculate and plot a period d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); cpgsci(3); cpgmove(x,-1000); cpgdraw(x,1000); if (ngates==0){ xgate=x; ngates++; } else { min_means_min(&x,&xgate); printf("Period from %f to %f is %f\n",x,xgate,xgate-x); doperiod=plotno; xperiod = (double)x; trialperiod=(double)(xgate-x); ngates=0; button=PLOT; } } if (ans=='D'){ markers[nmarkers]=(int)(x/NPIXELS)*nplot+nstart+nfileptr-ngulp; nmarkers++; zoneplot=true; } if (ans=='A'){ d->plotregions[plotno].reset(); cpgsci(2); cpgmove(x,-1000); cpgdraw(x,1000); if (ngates==0){ xgate=x; ngates++; } else { min_means_min(&x,&xgate); // printf("x %f xgate %f tstart %f\n",x,xgate,tstart); nstart=(int)((x-tstart)/delta)+nstart; nplot=(int)((xgate-x)/delta); //if (nplot<NPIXELS) nplot=NPIXELS; ngates=0; button=PLOT; zoneplot=true; // printf("nplot %d nstart %d\n",nplot,nstart); } } if (ans=='z'){ if (NPIXELS>nplot) { nstart+=(int)x; }else nstart=(int)(x/(float)NPIXELS*nplot)+nstart; printf("nstart %d\n",nstart); nplot/=4; printf("nplot %d\n",nplot); nstart-=nplot/2; printf("nstart %d\n",nstart); //if (nplot<NPIXELS){nplot=NPIXELS;} button=PLOT; zoneplot=true; } }
main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, nc, headersize, headerless=0; char string[80]; /* set up default global variables */ obits=headerless=naddc=naddt=nsamp=0; input=stdin; strcpy(inpfile,"stdin"); output=stdout; strcpy(outfile,"stdout"); if (argc > 1) { /* check command-line parameters */ print_version(argv[0],argv[1]); i=1; while (i<argc) { if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-c")) { i++; naddc=atoi(argv[i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-t")) { i++; naddt=atoi(argv[i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-o")) { /* get and open file for output */ output=fopen(argv[++i],"wb"); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-T")) { i++; nsamp=atoi(argv[i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-n")) { i++; obits=atoi(argv[i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-headerless")) { headerless=1; } else if (help_required(argv[1])) { decimate_help(); exit(0); } else if (file_exists(argv[i])) { strcpy(inpfile,argv[i]); input=open_file(inpfile,"rb"); } else { decimate_help(); sprintf(string,"unknown argument (%s) passed to decimate",argv[i]); error_message(string); } i++; } } /* read in the header to establish what the input data are... */ if ((headersize=read_header(input))) { if ( (nsamp > 0) && !strings_equal(inpfile,"stdin") ) { naddt=nsamples(inpfile,headersize,nbits,nifs,nchans)/nsamp; if (naddt%2) naddt--; } switch (data_type) { case 1: break; case 2: nchans=1; break; default: error_message("input data to decimate is not in filterbank format"); break; } /* check number of time samples to add */ if (naddt <= 1) naddt=1; /*if (naddt%2) error_message("time decimation must be a power of 2");*/ /* check number of frequency channels to add (integer multiple) */ if (naddc<1) naddc=nchans; nc=nchans/naddc; if ( (nc*naddc) != nchans ) error_message("nchans must be integer multiple of decimation factor"); if (obits == 0) obits=nbits; if (obits==1) error_message("output of 1-bit data will result in vastly reduced S/N!\nselect a higher output bit size with the -n option"); /* all ok - broadcast the new header */ if (!headerless) decimate_header(); } else { error_message("input data file is of unknown origin!!!"); } /* finally decimate and output the data */ decimate_data(input,output); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Cmd line */ static struct option long_opts[] = { {"frontend", 1, NULL, 'F'}, {"offset", 0, NULL, 'o'}, {"srcname", 1, NULL, 's'}, }; int ii; double dtmp; char filename[256], *adr; struct psrfits pf; int c1,c2; double c3; int opt, opti; int scan_id, beam_id; bool have_Stokes = false; bool have_chan_offset = false; bool have_frontend = false; char frontend[3]; bool have_srcname = false; char srcname[24]; while ((opt=getopt_long(argc,argv,"ob:t:j:i:F:s:p:P:F:CuU:SAqh",long_opts,&opti))!=-1) { switch (opt) { case 'F': have_frontend = true; strncpy(frontend, optarg, 3); break; case 'o': have_chan_offset = true; break; case 's': have_srcname = true; strncpy(srcname, optarg, 24); break; case 'S': have_Stokes = true; break; case 'h': default: usage(); exit(0); break; } } // Only set the basefilename and not "filename" // Also, fptr will be set by psrfits_create_searchmode() FILE *pfi; strcpy(filename, argv[optind]); printf("Filename = %s\n", filename); // Read filterbank if((pfi=fopen(filename,"r"))==NULL) { printf("Cannot open file %s\n", filename); exit(-2); } else { printf("Opening file %s\n", filename); } /* try to read the header */ long long header_size, numsamps; header iheader; if (!(header_size=read_header(pfi,&iheader))) { printf("Error reading header\n"); exit(-2); } //printf("header_size = %lld\n", header_size); // Get the number of samples numsamps=nsamples(filename, header_size, &iheader); //printf("numsamps = %lld ra=%lf dec=%lf\n", numsamps, iheader.src_raj, iheader.src_dej); //fflush(stdout); pf.filenum = 0; // This is the crucial one to set to initialize things pf.rows_per_file = 4000; // Need to set this based on PSRFITS_MAXFILELEN // Now set values for our hdrinfo structure pf.hdr.scanlen = 3600; // in sec strcpy(, "Observer"); strcpy(pf.hdr.telescope, "Effelsberg"); strcpy(pf.hdr.obs_mode, "SEARCH"); strcpy(pf.hdr.backend, "PFFTS"); strncpy(pf.hdr.source, iheader.source_name, 24); strcpy(pf.hdr.frontend, "LBand"); strcpy(pf.hdr.project_id, "HTRUN"); strcpy(pf.hdr.date_obs, "2010-01-01T05:15:30.000"); strcpy(pf.hdr.poln_type, "LIN"); strcpy(pf.hdr.poln_order, "IQUV"); strcpy(pf.hdr.track_mode, "TRACK"); strcpy(pf.hdr.cal_mode, "OFF"); strcpy(pf.hdr.feed_mode, "FA"); //printf("filename = %s\n", filename); fflush(stdout); if(strstr(filename,"/") != NULL) { adr=(char *)strrchr(filename,'/')+1; sprintf(pf.filename,"%s",adr); } else strncpy(pf.filename, filename, 80); //printf("filename = %s\n", pf.filename); fflush(stdout); sscanf(pf.filename, "%d_%d_%d_%dbit.fil", &scan_id, &c1, &beam_id, &c2); pf.hdr.dt = iheader.tsamp; pf.hdr.fctr = iheader.fch1+iheader.foff*iheader.nchans/2. - iheader.foff/2.; if (have_chan_offset) pf.hdr.fctr += iheader.foff/2.; pf.hdr.BW = iheader.nchans * iheader.foff; angle_split(iheader.src_raj, &c1, &c2, &c3); sprintf(pf.hdr.ra_str, "%2.2d:%2.2d:%07.4lf", c1, c2, c3); angle_split(iheader.src_dej, &c1, &c2, &c3); sprintf(pf.hdr.dec_str, "%2.2d:%2.2d:%07.4lf", c1, c2, c3); pf.hdr.azimuth = iheader.az_start; pf.hdr.zenith_ang = iheader.za_start; pf.hdr.beam_FWHM = 0.25; pf.hdr.start_lst = 0.0; pf.hdr.start_sec = 0.0; pf.hdr.start_day = 55000; pf.hdr.scan_number = scan_id; pf.hdr.rcvr_polns = 2; pf.hdr.summed_polns = 0; pf.hdr.offset_subint = 0; pf.hdr.nchan = iheader.nchans; pf.hdr.orig_nchan = pf.hdr.nchan; pf.hdr.orig_df = pf.hdr.df = pf.hdr.BW / pf.hdr.nchan; pf.hdr.nbits = iheader.nbits; pf.hdr.npol = iheader.nifs; pf.hdr.onlyI = 0; if (pf.hdr.npol==1) pf.hdr.onlyI = 1; pf.hdr.chan_dm = 0.0; pf.hdr.fd_hand = 1; pf.hdr.fd_sang = 0; pf.hdr.fd_xyph = 0; pf.hdr.be_phase = 1; pf.hdr.ibeam = beam_id; pf.hdr.nsblk = 2048; pf.hdr.MJD_epoch = iheader.tstart; // Note the "L" for long double pf.hdr.ds_time_fact = 1; pf.hdr.ds_freq_fact = 1; //sprintf(pf.basefilename, "%s_%04d_%02d", pf.hdr.backend, pf.hdr.scan_number, pf.hdr.ibeam); //psrfits_create(&pf); // Now set values for our subint structure pf.sub.tsubint = pf.hdr.nsblk * pf.hdr.dt; pf.tot_rows = 0.0; pf.sub.offs = (pf.tot_rows + 0.5) * pf.sub.tsubint; pf.sub.lst = pf.hdr.start_lst; pf.sub.ra = pf.hdr.ra2000; pf.sub.dec = pf.hdr.dec2000; // GD slaEqgal(pf.hdr.ra2000*DEGTORAD, pf.hdr.dec2000*DEGTORAD, //&pf.sub.glon, &pf.sub.glat); //pf.sub.glon *= RADTODEG; //pf.sub.glat *= RADTODEG; pf.sub.feed_ang = 0.0; pf.sub.pos_ang = 0.0; pf.sub.par_ang = 0.0; pf.sub.tel_az = pf.hdr.azimuth; pf.sub.tel_zen = pf.hdr.zenith_ang; pf.sub.bytes_per_subint = (pf.hdr.nbits * pf.hdr.nchan * pf.hdr.npol * pf.hdr.nsblk) / 8; if (pf.hdr.nbits==32) pf.sub.FITS_typecode = TFLOAT; else pf.sub.FITS_typecode = TBYTE; // 11 = byte // if (have_frontend) { if (strncmp(frontend,"S36",3)==0) { strcpy(pf.hdr.backend, "PSRIX"); strcpy(pf.hdr.frontend, "S36"); strcpy(pf.hdr.poln_type, "CIRC"); strcpy(pf.hdr.poln_order, "AABBCRCI"); pf.hdr.fd_hand = -1; // To conform PA and Stokes V to PSR/IEEE } else if (strncmp(frontend,"S60",3)==0) { strcpy(pf.hdr.backend, "PSRIX"); strcpy(pf.hdr.frontend, "S60"); strcpy(pf.hdr.poln_type, "CIRC"); strcpy(pf.hdr.poln_order, "AABBCRCI"); } else if (strncmp(frontend,"S110",3)==0) { strcpy(pf.hdr.backend, "PSRIX"); strcpy(pf.hdr.frontend, "S110"); strcpy(pf.hdr.poln_type, "CIRC"); strcpy(pf.hdr.poln_order, "AABBCRCI"); pf.hdr.be_phase = -1; // To conform Stokes V to PSR/IEEE } else if (strncmp(frontend,"S45",3)==0) { strcpy(pf.hdr.backend, "PSRIX"); strcpy(pf.hdr.frontend, "S45"); strcpy(pf.hdr.poln_type, "LIN"); strcpy(pf.hdr.poln_order, "AABBCRCI"); pf.hdr.be_phase = -1; // To conform Stokes V to PSR/IEEE } else {printf("Frontend %s not recognised\n", frontend);} } if (have_srcname) strncpy(pf.hdr.source, srcname, 24); if (have_Stokes) strcpy(pf.hdr.poln_order, "IQUV"); if (strncmp(pf.hdr.backend, "PFFTS",5)==0) sprintf(pf.basefilename, "%s_%04d_%02d", pf.hdr.backend, pf.hdr.scan_number, pf.hdr.ibeam); else sprintf(pf.basefilename, "%s_%s_%5d_%d", pf.hdr.backend, pf.hdr.source, (int) pf.hdr.MJD_epoch, (int) pf.hdr.fctr); psrfits_create(&pf); // Create and initialize the subint arrays pf.sub.dat_freqs = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * pf.hdr.nchan); pf.sub.dat_weights = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * pf.hdr.nchan); dtmp = pf.hdr.fctr - 0.5 * pf.hdr.BW + 0.5 * pf.hdr.df; for (ii = 0 ; ii < pf.hdr.nchan ; ii++) { pf.sub.dat_freqs[ii] = dtmp + ii * pf.hdr.df; pf.sub.dat_weights[ii] = 1.0; } pf.sub.dat_offsets = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * pf.hdr.nchan * pf.hdr.npol); pf.sub.dat_scales = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * pf.hdr.nchan * pf.hdr.npol); for (ii = 0 ; ii < pf.hdr.nchan * pf.hdr.npol ; ii++) { pf.sub.dat_offsets[ii] = 0.0; pf.sub.dat_scales[ii] = 1.0; } // This is what you would update for each time sample (likely just // adjusting the pointer to point to your data) pf.sub.rawdata = (unsigned char *)malloc(pf.sub.bytes_per_subint); // Here is the real data-writing loop do { // Update the pf.sub entries here for each subint // as well as the pointer fread(pf.sub.rawdata, pf.sub.bytes_per_subint, 1, pfi); pf.sub.offs = (pf.tot_rows + 0.5) * pf.sub.tsubint; psrfits_write_subint(&pf); } while (pf.T < pf.hdr.scanlen && !feof (pfi) && !pf.status); // Close the last file and cleanup fits_close_file(pf.fptr, &(pf.status)); free(pf.sub.dat_freqs); free(pf.sub.dat_weights); free(pf.sub.dat_offsets); free(pf.sub.dat_scales); free(pf.sub.rawdata); printf("Done. Wrote %d subints (%f sec) in %d files. status = %d\n", pf.tot_rows, pf.T, pf.filenum, pf.status); exit(0); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { /* local variables */ // char string[180]; int i,useroutput=0,nfiles=0,fileidx,sigproc,scan_number,subscan=0; int numsamps=0; long long int totnumsamps=0; unsigned char * rawdata; unsigned short int * unpacked; //, * times; int nbytesraw; int ibyte,j,k; unsigned char abyte; unsigned short int ** times; unsigned short int * dmzero; int nread; float DM_trial; int ndm=0; double ti = 40.0; double tol = 1.25; float total_MBytes = 0; float start_DM=0.0, end_DM; int counts; int dmlogfile=0; int readsamp = 0; int nreadsamp = 0; int skip = 0; int nskip = 0; int ntoload; int ntodedisp; int maxdelay = 0; int appendable = 0; int ngulp; //max number of samples at a time int gulping = 0; int ngulpsize; int nsampleft; char * killfile; int killing=0; bool doGsearch = 0,doMultibeam=0; int Gwidtol = 30; float Gthresh = 6; int Gscrnch = 256; int Goffset = 0; float Girrel = 3; char *Gfilename; Gfilename = (char *) malloc(13); strcpy(Gfilename,"GResults.txt"); float flo,fhi; if(sizeof(LONG64BIT) != 8 ){ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: sofware has been compiled with LONG64BIT as a datatype of %d bytes, needs to be 8\n",sizeof(LONG64BIT)); } /* check number of command-line arguments and print help if necessary */ if (argc<2) { inline_dedisperse_all_help(); exit(0); } /* print help if necessary */ if (strcmp(argv[1],"-h")==0) { inline_dedisperse_all_help(); exit(0); } /* set up default globals */ userbins=usrdm=asciipol=stream=clipping=swapout=headerless=0; sumifs=wapp_inv=wapp_off=barycentric=0; nobits=32; ascii=1; fftshift=1; profnum1 = 0; profnum2 = 1000; nbands=baseline=1; clipvalue=refrf=userdm=fcorrect=0.0; refdm=-1.0; output=NULL; randomise=false; zerodm=false; strcpy(ignfile,""); // ************************************** // PARSE COMMAND LINE // ************************************** i = 1; while (i<argc) { if (fopen(argv[i],"rb")!=NULL){ strcpy(inpfile,argv[i]); input=fopen(inpfile,"rb"); if (input==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error opening file %s\n",inpfile); exit(-1); } nfiles++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-d")) { /* get DM from the user */ start_DM=atof(argv[++i]); end_DM=atof(argv[++i]); usrdm=1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-l")) { /* Create a log file of the DMs */ dmlogfile=1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--randomise")) { /* randomise channels */ randomise=true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--zerodm")) { /* randomise channels */ zerodm=true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-i")) { /* set intrinsic width */ ti=atof(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-tol")) { /* set tolerance level (e.g. 25% = 1.25)*/ tol=atof(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-v")) { verbose=1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-n")) { /* read only X samples */ ntodedisp=atoi(argv[++i]); readsamp=1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-s")) { /* skip first X samples */ nskip=atoi(argv[++i]); skip=1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-m")) { /* sub-band */ nbands=atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-g")) { ngulpsize=atoi(argv[++i]); gulping=1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-a")) { appendable=1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-k")) { killing = 1; killfile = (char *) malloc(strlen(argv[++i])+1); strcpy(killfile,argv[i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-or")) { output_rotate=atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-os")) { output_subtract=atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-G")) { doGsearch = 1; fprintf(stderr,"Will perform giant pulse search\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-wid")) { Gwidtol = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-sig")) { Gthresh = atof(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-dec")) { Gscrnch = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-cut")){ Girrel = atof(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-file")){ Gfilename = (char *) malloc(strlen(argv[++i])+1); strcpy(Gfilename,argv[i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-mb")){ doMultibeam = 1; } else { /* unknown argument passed down - stop! */ inline_dedisperse_all_help(); fprintf(stderr,"unknown argument (%s) passed to %s\n\n",argv[i],argv[0]); exit(1); } i++; } // ************************************** // ERROR TESTING // ************************************** if (doGsearch && nbands>1){ fprintf(stderr,"Can't do gsearch while running in subband mode!\n"); exit(-1); } if (!useroutput) { /* no output file selected, use standard output */ output=stdout; strcpy(outfile,"stdout"); } if (!nfiles) { fprintf(stderr,"File not supplied on command line; please supply filename here: "); strcpy(inpfile,"stdin"); input=fopen(inpfile,"rb"); if (input==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error opening file %s\n",inpfile); exit(-1); } nfiles=1; } fileidx=1; if (nfiles>1) { fprintf(stderr,"Multi file mode not supported yet!\n"); exit(-1); } char tmp[180]; char *tmp2; strcpy(tmp,inpfile); // These few lines strip the input file's tmp2 = basename(tmp);// name from it's directory tag. strcpy(outfile_root,tmp2); // ************************************** // VALUE PRECALCULATION // ************************************** /* read in the header to establish what the input data are... */ sigproc=read_header(input); if (!sigproc) { fprintf(stderr,"Not sigproc data\n"); exit(-1); } if (foff > 0.0) { fprintf(stderr,"dedisperse can't handle low->high frequency ordering!"); exit(1); } // But in case low->high frequency ordering ever gets implemented... if (foff < 0){ flo = (float)fch1 + (nchans*(float)foff); fhi = (float)fch1; } else { flo = (float)fch1; fhi = (float)fch1 + (nchans*(float)foff); } if (fileidx == 1) { /* this is filterbank data */ if (output!=stdout) output=fopen(outfile,"wb"); if (output==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error opening file %s\n",output); exit(-1); } } numsamps = nsamples(inpfile,sigproc,nbits,nifs,nchans); /* get numsamps */ totnumsamps = nsamples(inpfile,sigproc,nbits,nifs,nchans); if (usrdm) maxdelay = DM_shift(end_DM,nchans,tsamp,fch1,foff); cout << "maxdelay = " << maxdelay << endl; if (readsamp) numsamps=ntodedisp+maxdelay; if (gulping) { if (ngulpsize>numsamps) ngulpsize = numsamps-maxdelay; ntodedisp=ngulpsize; } else { ntodedisp=numsamps-maxdelay; ngulpsize=ntodedisp; } ntoload = ntodedisp + maxdelay; Goffset = (int)(ntoload-maxdelay); nbytesraw = nchans * ntoload * nbits/8; if ((rawdata = (unsigned char *) malloc(nbytesraw))==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error allocating %d bytes of RAM for raw data\n",nbytesraw); exit(-1); } // skip either 0 or nskip samples fseek(input, nskip*nchans*nbits/8, SEEK_CUR); nsampleft-=nskip; // some values used for unpacking int sampperbyte = (int)(8/nbits); int andvalue = (int)pow(2,nbits)-1; // ************************************** // SET UP DMTABLE AND SUBBANDS // ************************************** float * DMtable; // a hack for less files when subbanding... M.Keith if (nbands==1) getDMtable(start_DM,end_DM, tsamp*1e6, ti, foff, (fch1+(nchans/2-0.5)*foff)/1000,nchans/nbands, tol, &ndm, DMtable); else getDMtable(0.0,end_DM, tsamp*1e6, ti, foff, (fch1+(nchans/2-0.5)*foff)/1000,nchans/nbands, tol, &ndm, DMtable); // If Gsearch is being run but start_DM is non-zero, add 0.0 to DM table. if (doGsearch && start_DM != 0.0){ float *tempDMtable = new float[ndm+1]; tempDMtable[0] = 0.0; #pragma omp parallel for private(i) for (int i=0;i<ndm;i++){ tempDMtable[i+1] = DMtable[i]; } delete DMtable; DMtable = tempDMtable; ndm++; } fprintf(stderr,"%d subbands from %d chans\n",nbands,nchans); if(nchans % nbands){ fprintf(stderr,"invalid number of subbands selected!\n"); exit(1); } int nwholegulps = (numsamps - maxdelay)/ngulpsize; int nleft = numsamps - ngulpsize * nwholegulps; int ngulps = nwholegulps + 1; // if (!debird){ unpacked = (unsigned short int *) malloc(nchans*ntoload* sizeof(unsigned short int)); if (unpacked==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate space for unpacked %d bytes\n", (int)(nchans*ntoload*sizeof(unsigned short int))); exit(-2); } if (zerodm){ dmzero = (unsigned short int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned short int)*ntodedisp); } times = (unsigned short int **) malloc(sizeof(unsigned short int*)*nbands); for(int band=0; band < nbands; band++){ times[band] = (unsigned short int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned short int)*ntodedisp); } if (times==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error allocating times array\n"); exit(-1); } // } // (!debird) int * killdata = new int[nchans]; if (killing) int loaded = load_killdata(killdata,nchans,killfile); else { killing=1; for (int i=0;i<nchans;i++) killdata[i]=1; // ie don't kill anything. } int prerotate=0; if (zerodm){ while(nchans*(pow(2,nbits)-1)*(float)(pow(2,prerotate)) < 32768) prerotate++; max_chan_val=(pow(2,nbits)-1)*(float)(pow(2,prerotate)); printf("Using 'ZERODM' RFI reduction method\n"); printf("Multiplying input by %d to increase dynamic range for zerodm removal\n",(int)(pow(2,prerotate))); } int rotate = 0; while(pow(2,prerotate)*nchans*(pow(2,nbits)-1)/(float)nbands/(float)(pow(2,rotate)) > 255) rotate++; rotate-=output_rotate; if (output_rotate){ printf("Warning: Modifying scale factor by %d, some clipping may occur!\n",(int)(pow(2,output_rotate))); } printf("Dividing output by %d to scale to 1 byte per sample per subband\n",(int)(pow(2,rotate))); if(randomise){ sprintf(outfile_root,"%s_RAND",outfile_root); printf("WARNING: Randomising channel order! Data will not be astrophysical.\n"); } // Set up gpulse control variables GPulseState Gholder(ndm); // Giant pulse state to hold trans-DM detections int Gndet; // Integer number of detections in this beam int *Gresults; // Integer array of results: contained as cand1.start.bin cand1.end.bin cand2.start.bin cand2.end.bin...... etc) //Gresults = new int[totnumsamps*ndm]; // This declaration might not be necessary if (doGsearch){ FILE *Gresultsfile; Gresultsfile = fopen(Gfilename,"w"); if (Gresultsfile==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error opening giant search results output file %s.\nWILL NOT RUN GIANT SEARCH.\n\n",Gresultsfile); doGsearch = false; } else { //HERE open Gfile and print out a short "header". Gfilename is the name of the file. // header needs to contain: // infilename, nsamp, tsamp, ctr. frequency, bandwidth, RA, DEC, UTC time/date of obs, snr limit, Ndms, DM search range. fprintf(Gresultsfile,"# %s %lld %g %g %g %g %g %g %.3f %d %.2f %.2f\n",outfile_root,totnumsamps,tsamp,fch1 + 0.5*(nchans*foff),fabs(foff*nchans),(src_raj),(src_dej),(src_dej),Gthresh,ndm,start_DM,end_DM); } fclose(Gresultsfile); } // Start of main loop for (int igulp=0; igulp<ngulps;igulp++){ //rewind a few samples if not at first gulp if (igulp!=0){ fprintf(stderr,"Skipping back %d bytes\n",maxdelay*nbits*nchans/8); int ret = fseek(input,-1*maxdelay*nbits*nchans/8,SEEK_CUR); if(ret){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not skip backwards!\n"); exit(1); } } if (igulp==nwholegulps) { ntoload = nleft; nbytesraw = ntoload*nbits*nchans/8; ntodedisp = nleft - maxdelay; } //read gulp from file fprintf(stderr,"Gulp %d Loading %d samples, i. e. %d bytes of Raw Data\n",igulp, ntoload, nbytesraw); nread = fread(rawdata,nbytesraw,1,input); if (nread != 1){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read %d nread = %d \n", nbytesraw, nread); exit(-1); } /* Unpack it if dedispersing */ if (1){ if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Reordering data\n"); // all time samples for a given freq channel in order in RAM for (ibyte=0;ibyte<nchans/sampperbyte;ibyte++){ #pragma omp parallel for private (abyte,k,j) for (j=0;j<ntoload;j++){ abyte = rawdata[ibyte+j*nchans/sampperbyte]; for (k=0;k<8;k+=nbits) unpacked[j+((ibyte*8+k)/(int)nbits)*ntoload]=(unsigned short int)((abyte>>k)&andvalue) << prerotate; } } if (1==0){ // Old way. if (killing){ for (int i=0;i<nchans;i++){ if (!killdata[i]){ cout << i << " " ; #pragma omp parallel for private(j) for (int j=0;j<ntoload;j++) unpacked[j+i*ntoload]=0; } } } } cout << endl; // flush the buffer /* for each DM dedisperse it */ /* Start with zero DM */ if (!usrdm) end_DM=1e3; if (dmlogfile && igulp==0){ sprintf(dmlogfilename,"%s.dmlog",outfile_root); dmlogfileptr=fopen(dmlogfilename,"w"); if (dmlogfileptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error opening file %s\n",dmlogfilename); exit(-3); } } if (igulp==0) appendable=0; else appendable=1; if (zerodm){ do_dedispersion(&dmzero, unpacked, 1, ntoload, ntoload, 0, killdata); do_zerodm(dmzero, unpacked, ntodedisp, ntoload, killdata); } for (int idm=0;idm<ndm;idm++) { //DM_trial = get_DM(idm,nchans,tsamp,fch1,foff); DM_trial = DMtable[idm]; if ((DM_trial>=start_DM && DM_trial<=end_DM) || (doGsearch && DM_trial==0)){ if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"DM trial #%d at DM=%f ",idm,DM_trial); if (dmlogfile && igulp==0) fprintf(dmlogfileptr,"%f %07.2f\n",DM_trial, DM_trial); // Name output file, dmlog file if(nbands==1)sprintf(outfile,"%s.%07.2f.tim",outfile_root,DM_trial); else sprintf(outfile,"%s.%07.2f.sub",outfile_root,DM_trial); // open it if (appendable){ outfileptr=fopen(outfile,"a"); if (outfileptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error opening file %s\n",outfile); exit(-3); } } if (!appendable){ outfileptr=fopen(outfile,"w"); if (outfileptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error opening file %s\n",outfile); exit(-3); } // create a log of the 'sub' dms to dedisperse at // These DMs are chosen fairly arbitraraly, rather than // based on any ridgid mathematics. if(nbands > 1){ float* DMtable_sub; int ndm_sub; float sub_start_DM=0; float sub_end_DM=end_DM; if (idm > 0){ sub_start_DM = (DMtable[idm]+ DMtable[idm-1])/2.0; } if (idm < ndm-1){ sub_end_DM = (DMtable[idm]+ DMtable[idm+1])/2.0; } // make the dm table for the sub-banded data... getDMtable(sub_start_DM,sub_end_DM, tsamp*1e6, ti, foff, (fch1+(nchans/2-0.5)*foff)/1000, nchans, tol, &ndm_sub, DMtable_sub); char subdm_filename[180]; sprintf(subdm_filename,"%s.valid_dms",outfile); FILE* subdm_fileptr = fopen(subdm_filename,"w"); if(subdm_fileptr == NULL){ printf("Error: could not open file %s for writing\n",subdm_filename); exit(2); } for(int ix = 0; ix < ndm_sub; ix++){ double sub_dm_trial = DMtable_sub[ix]; fprintf(subdm_fileptr,"%f\n",sub_dm_trial); } delete[] DMtable_sub; fclose(subdm_fileptr); } } output=outfileptr; // write header variables into globals // dedisperse_header() uses "userdm" not refdm, so make sure to set that. MJK-19042010 refdm = DM_trial; userdm = refdm; nobits = 8; // write header if (!appendable) dedisperse_header(); // do the dedispersion do_dedispersion(times, unpacked, nbands, ntodedisp, ntoload, DM_trial, killdata); // Do the Gsearch for this DM trial if (doGsearch){ int runningmeanval = (int)(2.0/tsamp); //will smooth over two seconds. // sprintf"%f %07.2f\n",DM_trial, //FORMAT DM HERE? float *temptimes = new float[ntodedisp]; if (runningmeanval>ntodedisp){ fprintf(stderr,"***Giants warning: running mean longer than data; will not remove baseline\n"); Gholder.searchforgiants(idm,ntodedisp,(int)(Goffset*igulp),times[0],Gthresh,Gwidtol,Gscrnch,DM_trial,1); } else if (temptimes == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"***Giants warning: Couldn't allocate %d floats; will not remove baseline\n",ntodedisp); Gholder.searchforgiants(idm,ntodedisp,(int)(Goffset*igulp),times[0],Gthresh,Gwidtol,Gscrnch,DM_trial,1); } else { removebaseline(times[0],temptimes,ntodedisp,runningmeanval,3.0); Gholder.searchforgiants(idm,ntodedisp,(int)(Goffset*igulp),temptimes,Gthresh,Gwidtol,Gscrnch,DM_trial,1); } delete[] temptimes; } // write data if (1==1){ #if SIGNED char lotsofbytes[ntodedisp]; #else unsigned char lotsofbytes[ntodedisp]; #endif for (int d=0;d<ntodedisp;d++){ for(int iband=0; iband<nbands; iband++){ unsigned short int twobytes = times[iband][d]>>rotate; if (output_subtract){ twobytes-=output_subtract; if (twobytes > 32768){ twobytes=0; } } if (output_rotate && twobytes > 255){ twobytes=255; } // unsigned char onebyte = twobytes; #if SIGNED // here we subtract 128 to make signed since numbers were scaled // to be between 0 -> 256 lotsofbytes[d]=(twobytes-128); #else lotsofbytes[d]=(twobytes); #endif } } fwrite(lotsofbytes,ntodedisp,1,outfileptr); } // close file fclose(outfileptr); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%d bytes to file %s\n", ntodedisp*nbands, outfile); total_MBytes+= (ntodedisp*nbands)/1.0e6; } // if DM is in range } // DM for loop if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Wrote a total of %6.1f MB to disk\n",total_MBytes); /* close log files if on last input file */ if (dmlogfile && igulp==0) fclose(dmlogfileptr); } //if (!debird) // After gulp's done, pump out the Gsearch results for that gulp if (doGsearch){ if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Completeing Gsearch results for this gulp\n"); string UTroot = outfile_root; int pos = UTroot.find(".fil"); if( pos != string::npos) UTroot.replace(pos, 4, ""); Gresults = Gholder.givetimes(&Gndet,tsamp,flo,fhi,Girrel,&UTroot[0],ibeam,Gfilename); Gholder.selfdestruct(); // for (i=0;i<ndm;i++) Gholder.DMtrials[i].erase(Gholder.DMtrials[i].begin(),Gholder.DMtrials[i].end()); // fprintf(stderr,"GRESULTS:\n"); // for (int i=0;i<Gndet;i+=2){ // fprintf (stderr,"Detection %d: %d\t%d\n",i,Gresults[i],Gresults[i+1]); // } if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Completed Gsearch results for this gulp\n"); } } //end per-gulp loop
main (int argc, char *argv[]) { /* local variables */ double pfactor,newmjd=0.0; float sefd; int i,opened_input=0,opened_output=0,headersize=0; char string[80]; /* set up default globals */ baseline=ascii=multiple=1; npuls=binary=totalpower=accumulate=0; time_offset=acceleration=skip_time=read_time=0.0; asciipol=psrfits=stream=headerless=npulses=0; phase_start=folding_period=dump_time=tsamp_user=0.0; phase_finish=pfactor=1.0; jyfactor=sefd=userbase=0.0; nbins=0; /* this will get set in the folding routine if not set by user */ strcpy(polyco_file,""); /* check the command line parameters */ i=1; while (i<argc) { print_version(argv[0],argv[1]); if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-o")) { /* get and open file for output */ i++; strcpy(outfile,argv[i]); output=fopen(outfile,"wb"); opened_output=1; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-m")) { multiple=atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-p")) { /* get folding period */ i++; if (file_exists(argv[i])) { strcpy(polyco_file,argv[i]); folding_period=-1.0; } else { folding_period=atof(argv[i]); } } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-dt")) { /* add a time offset in seconds to tstart */ time_offset=atof(argv[++i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-mjd")) { /* change the start time completely! */ newmjd=atof(argv[++i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-sk")) { /* skip the first skip_time seconds before folding */ skip_time=atof(argv[++i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-re")) { /* read and fold only read_time seconds of data */ read_time=atof(argv[++i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-a")) { /* get acceleration for folding */ acceleration=atof(argv[++i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-d")) { /* get dumptime or number of pulses for subintegrations */ i++; if (strcspn(".",argv[i])) { npulses=atoi(argv[i]); } else { dump_time=atof(argv[i]); } } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-t")) { /* get user-supplied sampling time */ i++; tsamp_user=atof(argv[i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-j")) { /* get user-supplied Jansky calibration factor */ jyfactor=atof(argv[++i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-s")) { /* get user-supplied SEFD */ sefd=atof(argv[++i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-b")) { /* get user-supplied baseline */ baseline=0; userbase=atof(argv[++i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-f")) { /* get period multiplication factor */ i++; pfactor=atof(argv[i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-l")) { /* get leading phase of pulse */ i++; phase_start=atof(argv[i]); if ( (phase_start < 0.0) || (phase_start > 1.0) ) error_message("start pulse phase out of range!"); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-r")) { /* get trailing phase of pulse */ i++; phase_finish=atof(argv[i]); if ( (phase_finish < 0.0) || (phase_finish > 1.0) ) error_message("final pulse phase out of range!"); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-n")) { /* get number of bins */ i++; nbins=atoi(argv[i]); } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-ascii")) { /* write data as ASCII numbers */ ascii=1; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-totalpower")) { /* sum polarizations 1+2 before writing */ totalpower=1; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-epn")) { /* write data in EPN format */ ascii=0; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-bin")) { /* write data in SIGPROC binary format */ binary=1; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-acc")) { /* write out accumulated pulse profiles in subints */ accumulate=1; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-asciipol")) { /* write data as ASCII numbers for Jim's polarization code */ asciipol=1; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-psrfits")) { /* write data in PSRFITS format */ ascii=0; psrfits=1; #ifndef PSRFITS error_message("-psrfits option not supported in this compilation...\nConsult the SIGPROC manual for further information about PSRFITS."); #endif } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-stream")) { /* write data as ASCII streams */ stream=1; } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-sub")) { /* shorthand for -nobaseline -stream -d x */ stream=1; baseline=0; i++; if (strcspn(".",argv[i])) { npulses=atoi(argv[i]); } else { dump_time=atof(argv[i]); } } else if (strings_equal(argv[i],"-nobaseline")) { /* processing correlation functions so don't subtract baseline */ baseline=0; } else if (file_exists(argv[i])) { /* get and open file for input */ strcpy(inpfile,argv[i]); input=open_file(inpfile,"rb"); opened_input=1; } else if (help_required(argv[i])) { fold_help(); exit(0); } else { /* unknown argument passed down - stop! */ fold_help(); sprintf(string,"unknown argument (%s) passed to %s",argv[i],argv[0]); error_message(string); } i++; } /* get appropriate calibration factor from SEFD and baseline */ if (sefd != 0.0 && userbase != 0.0) jyfactor=sefd/userbase; /* multiply folding period by user-supplied factor */ if (folding_period != -1.0) folding_period*=pfactor; /* check start and end phase of pulse */ if (phase_start >= phase_finish) error_message("silly pulse phases selected!"); /* check npulses versus dump_time */ if (npulses < 0) error_message("npulses < 0!"); if ((npulses > 0) && (dump_time > 0.0)) error_message("can't have npulses AND dumptime defined!"); /* check for folding period still set to zero - if so, look for polyco.dat */ if (folding_period == 0.0) { strcpy(polyco_file,"polyco.dat"); if (file_exists(polyco_file)) { folding_period=-1.0; } else { error_message("folding period not specified and no polyco.dat found!"); } } if (!opened_input) { /* no input file selected, use standard input */ input=stdin; strcpy(inpfile,"stdin"); } /* read in the header parameters from the input stream */ if (!(headersize=read_header(input))) error_message("could not read header parameters!"); if (acceleration != 0.0) { tobs=tsamp*(double)nsamples(inpfile,headersize,nbits,nifs,nchans); if (tobs <= 0.0) error_message("could not get sensible observation time"); } /* override the header */ if (newmjd!=0.0) tstart=newmjd; if (!opened_output) { /* no output file selected, use standard output */ output=stdout; strcpy(outfile,"stdout"); } /* open the raw data file and establish its origin and header pars */ switch(data_type) { case 1: case 2: case 6: open_log("fold.monitor"); folded_profiles=fold_data(); break; default: error_message("input data is of unknown origin!!!"); } if ((npulses==0.0) && (dump_time==0.0)) write_profiles(folded_profiles,nbins,nchans,nifs,output); if (stream) fprintf(output,"#DONE\n"); /* all done, update and close logfile */ update_log("finished"); close_log(); i=0; #ifdef PSRFITS if (psrfits) fits_close_file(fits,&i); #endif exit(0); }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fileptr, *outfile; char filename[1024],*telescope,*backend,*datatype,message[80],unit[16]; int i,j,year,month,day,check,rah,ram,ded,dem; double ras,des,frac,tobs; char sra[6],sde[6],decsign; int raw,uth,utm,uts; long long numsamps,datasize,headersize; double readsec,skipsec; readsec=1; skipsec=0; fileptr=stdin; outfile=stdout; strcpy(filename,"stdin"); strcpy(rawdatafile,"stdin"); pulsarcentric=barycentric=0; if (argc>1) { print_version(argv[0],argv[1]); if (help_required(argv[1])) { chop_fil_help(); exit(0); } else if (file_exists(argv[1])) { strcpy(filename,argv[1]); fileptr=open_file(filename,"rb"); } else if (!file_exists(argv[1]) && (strncmp(argv[1],"-",1) !=0)) { sprintf(message,"Data file: %s not found...\n",argv[1]); error_message(message); exit(1); } } if (!(headersize=read_header(fileptr))) { rewind(fileptr); if ((raw=typeof_inputdata(fileptr,filename))) { data_type=0; switch (raw) { case 1: headersize=32768; break; case 5: headersize=32768; break; case 3: headersize=wapp_header_size+wapp_incfile_length; break; default: break; } } else { error_message("could not read header parameters!"); exit(1); } } /* attempt to find number of bytes of data and number of samples */ if (!strings_equal(filename,"stdin")) { datasize=sizeof_file(filename)-headersize; numsamps=nsamples(filename,headersize,nbits,nifs,nchans); } else if (!strings_equal(rawdatafile,"stdin")) { datasize=sizeof_file(rawdatafile)-headersize; numsamps=nsamples(rawdatafile,headersize,nbits,nifs,nchans); } else { datasize=numsamps=0; } telescope=telescope_name(telescope_id); backend=backend_name(machine_id); datatype=data_category(data_type); if (argc>2) { check=1; i=2; } else if ((argc>1) && strings_equal(filename,"stdin")) { check=1; i=1; } else { check=0; } char force_read=0; for (i = 0; i < argc ; i++){ if (strcmp(argv[i],"-s")==0){ skipsec=atof(argv[++i]); } if (strcmp(argv[i],"-r")==0){ readsec=atof(argv[++i]); } if (strcmp(argv[i],"-f")==0){ force_read=1; } } rewind(fileptr); char* block_array; unsigned long long int count; unsigned long long int update_count; unsigned long long int bytes_per_sample=(unsigned long long int)(nchans*nbits)/8; unsigned long long int bytes_to_read=bytes_per_sample * (unsigned long long int)(readsec / tsamp +0.5); unsigned long long int bytes_to_skip=bytes_per_sample * (unsigned long long int)(skipsec / tsamp + 0.5); unsigned long long int blocksize = bytes_per_sample; unsigned long long int numblocks = bytes_to_read / blocksize; unsigned long long int update_size = (unsigned long long int) (10.0 * (bytes_per_sample/tsamp)); fprintf(stderr,"Bytes per sample = %lld\n",bytes_per_sample); fprintf(stderr,"Bytes to read = %lld\n",bytes_to_read); fprintf(stderr,"Bytes to skip = %lld\n",bytes_to_skip); fprintf(stderr,"\n\n==============\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Copying header (%d bytes)\n",headersize); block_array = (char*)malloc(headersize); count = fread(block_array,1,headersize,fileptr); if ( count != headersize ){ fprintf(stderr,"Error! Could not read header %d/%d\n",count,headersize); exit(1); } count = fwrite(block_array,1,headersize,outfile); if ( count != headersize ){ fprintf(stderr,"Error! Could not write header\n"); exit(1); } free(block_array); fprintf(stderr,"Skipping data...\n"); count = 0; update_count = update_size; while ( count < bytes_to_skip ) { fseek(fileptr,blocksize,SEEK_CUR); count += blocksize; update_count += blocksize; if ( update_count >= update_size ){ update_count=0; fprintf(stderr,"\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); fprintf(stderr,"\t% 8.1f s",tsamp*count/(float)bytes_per_sample); } } fprintf(stderr,"\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); fprintf(stderr,"\t% 8.1f s",tsamp*count/(float)bytes_per_sample); fprintf(stderr,"\n\n"); block_array = (char*) malloc(blocksize); fprintf(stderr,"Copying data...\n"); count = 0; update_count = update_size; while ( count < bytes_to_read ) { int read = fread(block_array,1,blocksize,fileptr); if ( read < 1 ) { if (force_read){ fclose(fileptr); fileptr = fopen("/dev/urandom","r"); fprintf(stderr,"\rPast end of file, reading from /dev/urandom\n"); continue; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error! Could not read enough data\n"); exit(2); } } read = fwrite(block_array,1,read,outfile); if ( read < 1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Error! Could not write enough data\n"); exit(2); } count += read; update_count += read; if ( update_count >= update_size ){ update_count=0; fprintf(stderr,"\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); fprintf(stderr,"\t% 8.1f s",tsamp*count/(float)bytes_per_sample); } } fprintf(stderr,"\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); fprintf(stderr,"\t% 8.1f s",tsamp*count/(float)bytes_per_sample); fprintf(stderr,"\nDone\n"); free(block_array); exit(0); }