Example #1
 * @brief Would be like "dofile" from the base Lua lib.
static int cli_script( lua_State *L )
   const char *fname;
   char buf[PATH_MAX], *bbuf;
   int n;

   /* Handle parameters. */
   fname = luaL_optstring(L, 1, NULL);
   n     = lua_gettop(L);

   /* Try to find the file if it exists. */
   if (nfile_fileExists(fname))
      nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", fname );
   else {
      bbuf = strdup( naev_binary() );
      nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", nfile_dirname( bbuf ), fname );

   /* Do the file. */
   if (luaL_loadfile(L, buf) != 0)

   /* Return the stuff. */
   lua_call(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET);
   return lua_gettop(L) - n;
Example #2
 * @brief Dumps ammo data to CSV.
void dout_csvAmmo( const char *path )
   Outfit *o, *o_all;
   int i, j, n, l;
   SDL_RWops *rw;
   char buf[ 1024 ];
   char *ai;
   Damage *dmg;

   /* File to output to. */
   rw = SDL_RWFromFile( path, "w" );
   if (rw == NULL) {
      WARN("Unable to open '%s' for writing: %s", path, SDL_GetError());

   /* Write "header" */
   l = nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
   SDL_RWwrite( rw, buf, l, 1 );

   o_all = outfit_getAll( &n );
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      o = &o_all[i];

      /* Only handle ammo. */
      if (!outfit_isAmmo(o))

      dmg = &o->u.blt.dmg;

      /* Get AI name, in lower case. */
      ai = strdup( outfit_getAmmoAI(o) );
      for (j=0; j<(int)strlen(ai); j++)
         ai[j] = tolower(ai[j]);

      l = nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
            o->name, outfit_getType(o), o->license,
            o->mass, o->price,
            o->u.amm.duration, o->u.amm.resist * 100, ai,
            o->u.amm.speed, o->u.amm.turn * 180 / M_PI, o->u.amm.thrust, o->u.amm.energy,
            dmg->penetration * 100, dtype_damageTypeToStr(dmg->type), dmg->damage, dmg->disable
      SDL_RWwrite( rw, buf, l, 1 );

   /* Close file. */
   SDL_RWclose( rw );
Example #3
 * @brief Checks if should add the refuel button and does if needed.
void land_checkAddRefuel (void)
   unsigned int w;

   /* Check to see if fuel conditions are met. */
   if (!planet_hasService(land_planet, PLANET_SERVICE_REFUEL)) {
      if (!widget_exists( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel" ))
         window_addText( land_windows[0], -20, 20 + (LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20) + 20,
                  200, gl_defFont.h, 1, "txtRefuel",
                  &gl_defFont, &cBlack, "No refueling services." );

   /* Full fuel. */
   if (player.p->fuel >= player.p->fuel_max) {
      if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" ))
         window_destroyWidget( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" );
      if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel" ))
         window_destroyWidget( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel" );

   /* Autorefuel. */
   if (conf.autorefuel) {
      spaceport_refuel( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" );
      w = land_getWid( LAND_WINDOW_EQUIPMENT );
      if (w > 0)
         equipment_updateShips( w, NULL ); /* Must update counter. */
      if (player.p->fuel >= player.p->fuel_max)

   /* Just enable button if it exists. */
   if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" )) {
      window_enableButton( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel");
      credits2str( cred, player.p->credits, 2 );
      nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Credits: %s", cred );
      window_modifyText( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel", buf );
   /* Else create it. */
   else {
      /* Refuel button. */
      credits2str( cred, refuel_price(), 2 );
      nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Refuel %s", cred );
      window_addButton( land_windows[0], -20, 20 + (LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20),
            buf, spaceport_refuel );
      /* Player credits. */
      credits2str( cred, player.p->credits, 2 );
      nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Credits: %s", cred );
      window_addText( land_windows[0], -20, 20 + 2*(LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20),
            LAND_BUTTON_WIDTH, gl_smallFont.h, 1, "txtRefuel",
            &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, buf );

   /* Make sure player can click it. */
   if (!player_hasCredits( refuel_price() ))
      window_disableButton( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" );
Example #4
 * @brief Gets Naev's cache path (for cached data such as generated textures)
 *    @return The xdg cache path.
const char* nfile_cachePath (void)
    char *path;

    if (naev_cachePath[0] == '\0') {
        path = xdgGetRelativeHome( "XDG_CACHE_HOME", "/.cache" );
        if (path == NULL) {
            WARN("$XDG_CACHE_HOME isn't set, using current directory.");
            path = strdup(".");

        nsnprintf( naev_cachePath, PATH_MAX, "%s/naev/", path );

        if (path != NULL) {
            free (path);
#elif HAS_WIN32
      path = SDL_getenv("APPDATA");
      if (path == NULL) {
         WARN("%%APPDATA%% isn't set, using current directory.");
         path = ".";
      nsnprintf( naev_cachePath, PATH_MAX, "%s/naev/", path );
#error "Feature needs implementation on this Operating System for Naev to work."

    return naev_cachePath;
Example #5
 * @brief Dumps ship data to csv.
void dship_csv( const char *path )
   Ship *s, *s_all;
   int i, n, l;
   SDL_RWops *rw;
   char buf[ 1024 ];

   /* File to output to. */
   rw = SDL_RWFromFile( path, "w" );
   if (rw == NULL) {
      WARN("Unable to open '%s' for writing: %s", path, SDL_GetError());

   /* Write "header" */
   l = nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
         "slot weapon,slot utility,slot structure\n"
   SDL_RWwrite( rw, buf, l, 1 );

   s_all = ship_getAll( &n );
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      s = &s_all[i];

      l = nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
            s->name, ship_class(s), s->base_type, s->price, s->license, s->fabricator,
            s->thrust, s->turn*180./M_PI, s->speed,
            s->crew, s->mass, s->cpu, s->fuel, s->cap_cargo,
            s->armour, s->armour_regen,
            s->shield, s->shield_regen,
            s->energy, s->energy_regen,
            s->outfit_nweapon, s->outfit_nutility, s->outfit_nstructure
      SDL_RWwrite( rw, buf, l, 1 );

   /* Close file. */
   SDL_RWclose( rw );
Example #6
 * @brief Dumps the bolt weapon data to csv.
void dout_csvBolt( const char *path )
   Outfit *o, *o_all;
   int i, n, l;
   SDL_RWops *rw;
   char buf[ 1024 ];
   Damage *dmg;

   /* File to output to. */
   rw = SDL_RWFromFile( path, "w" );
   if (rw == NULL) {
      WARN("Unable to open '%s' for writing: %s", path, SDL_GetError());

   /* Write "header" */
   l = nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
   SDL_RWwrite( rw, buf, l, 1 );

   o_all = outfit_getAll( &n );
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      o = &o_all[i];

      /* Only handle bolt weapons. */
      if (!outfit_isBolt(o))

      dmg = &o->u.blt.dmg;
      l = nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
            o->name, outfit_getType(o), outfit_slotName(o), o->license,
            o->mass, o->price,
            o->u.blt.delay*1000., o->u.blt.speed, o->u.blt.range, o->u.blt.falloff,
            o->u.blt.ew_lockon, o->u.blt.energy, o->u.blt.heatup, o->u.blt.cpu,
            o->u.blt.track, o->u.blt.swivel * 180. / M_PI,
            dmg->penetration*100, dtype_damageTypeToStr(dmg->type), dmg->damage, dmg->disable
      SDL_RWwrite( rw, buf, l, 1 );

   /* Close file. */
   SDL_RWclose( rw );
Example #7
File: menu.c Project: naev/naev
 * @brief Player death menu, appears when player got creamed.
void menu_death (void)
   unsigned int wid;
   char path[PATH_MAX];

   wid = window_create( "Death", -1, -1, DEATH_WIDTH, DEATH_HEIGHT );
   window_onClose( wid, menu_death_close );

   /* Allow the player to continue if the savegame exists, if not, propose to restart */
   nsnprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%ssaves/%s.ns", nfile_dataPath(), player.name);
   if (!player_isTut() && nfile_fileExists(path))
      window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, 20 + BUTTON_HEIGHT*2 + 20*2, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnContinue", _("Continue"), menu_death_continue, SDLK_c );
      window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, 20 + BUTTON_HEIGHT*2 + 20*2, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnRestart", _("Restart"), menu_death_restart, SDLK_r );

   window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, 20 + (BUTTON_HEIGHT+20),
         "btnMain", _("Main Menu"), menu_death_main, SDLK_m );
   window_addButtonKey( wid, 20, 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         "btnExit", _("Exit Game"), menu_exit, SDLK_x );

   /* Makes it all look cooler since everything still goes on. */
Example #8
 * @brief Dumps ships and their standard ship stats to CSV.
void dship_csvStat( const char *path )
   Ship *s, *s_all;
   int i, n, l;
   SDL_RWops *rw;
   char buf[1024];

   /* File to output to. */
   rw = SDL_RWFromFile( path, "w" );
   if (rw == NULL) {
      WARN("Unable to open '%s' for writing: %s", path, SDL_GetError());

   /* Write header. */
   strncpy(buf, "name,", sizeof(buf));
   l  = 5;

   l += ss_csv( NULL, &buf[l], sizeof(buf) - l );
   SDL_RWwrite( rw, buf, l, 1 );

   s_all = ship_getAll( &n );
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      s = &s_all[i];

      /* Prepend name. */
      l = nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s,", s->name );

      l += ss_csv( &(s->stats_array), &buf[l], sizeof(buf) - l );
      SDL_RWwrite( rw, buf, l, 1 );

   /* Close file. */
   SDL_RWclose( rw );
Example #9
 * @brief Loads the nebulae from file.
 *    @param file Path of the nebula to load.  Relative to base directory.
 *    @return A SDL surface with the nebula.
static SDL_Surface* loadNebula( const char* file )
   char file_path[PATH_MAX];
   SDL_Surface* sur;
   SDL_RWops *rw;
   npng_t *npng;

   /* loads the file */
   nsnprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s"NEBULA_PATH"%s", nfile_cachePath(), file );
   rw    = SDL_RWFromFile( file_path, "rb" );;
   if (rw == NULL) {
      WARN("Unable to create rwops from Nebula image: %s", file);
      return NULL;
   npng  = npng_open( rw );
   if (npng == NULL) {
      WARN("Unable to open Nebula image: %s", file);
      SDL_RWclose( rw );
      return NULL;
   sur   = npng_readSurface( npng, 0, 1 );
   npng_close( npng );
   SDL_RWclose( rw );
   if (sur == NULL) {
      WARN("Unable to load Nebula image: %s", file);
      return NULL;

   return sur;
Example #10
 * @brief Updates the mission list.
 *    @param wid Window of the mission computer.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void misn_update( unsigned int wid, char* str )
   (void) str;
   char *active_misn;
   Mission* misn;
   char txt[256], *buf;

   /* Clear computer markers. */

   /* Update date stuff. */
   buf = ntime_pretty( 0, 2 );
   nsnprintf( txt, sizeof(txt), "%s\n%d Tons", buf, player.p->cargo_free );
   window_modifyText( wid, "txtDate", txt );

   active_misn = toolkit_getList( wid, "lstMission" );
   if (strcmp(active_misn,"No Missions")==0) {
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtReward", "None" );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtDesc",
            "There are no missions available here." );
      window_disableButton( wid, "btnAcceptMission" );

   misn = &mission_computer[ toolkit_getListPos( wid, "lstMission" ) ];
   mission_sysComputerMark( misn );
   if (misn->markers != NULL)
      map_center( system_getIndex( misn->markers[0].sys )->name );
   window_modifyText( wid, "txtReward", misn->reward );
   window_modifyText( wid, "txtDesc", misn->desc );
   window_enableButton( wid, "btnAcceptMission" );
Example #11
 * @brief Backup a file, if it exists.
 *    @param path printf formatted string pointing to the file to backup.
 *    @return 0 on success, or if file does not exist, -1 on error.
int nfile_backupIfExists( const char* path, ... )
   char file[PATH_MAX];
   va_list ap;
   char backup[PATH_MAX];
   FILE *f_in, *f_out;
   char buf[ 8*1024 ];
   size_t lr, lw;

   if (path == NULL)
      return -1;

   va_start(ap, path);
   vsnprintf(file, PATH_MAX, path, ap);

   if (!nfile_fileExists(file))
      return 0;

   nsnprintf(backup, PATH_MAX, "%s.backup", file);

   /* Open files. */
   f_in  = fopen( file, "rb" );
   f_out = fopen( backup, "wb" );
   if ((f_in==NULL) || (f_out==NULL)) {
      WARN( "Failure to create back up of '%s': %s", file, strerror(errno) );
      if (f_in!=NULL)
      return -1;

   /* Copy data over. */
   do {
      lr = fread( buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f_in );
      if (ferror(f_in))
         goto err;
      else if (!lr) {
         if (feof(f_in))
         goto err;

      lw = fwrite( buf, 1, lr, f_out );
      if (ferror(f_out) || (lr != lw))
         goto err;
   } while (lr > 0);

   /* Close files. */
   fclose( f_in );
   fclose( f_out );

   return 0;

   WARN( "Failure to create back up of '%s': %s", file, strerror(errno) );
   fclose( f_in );
   fclose( f_out );

   return -1;
Example #12
File: land.c Project: Kinniken/naev
 * @brief Adds the "Buy Local Map" button if needed.
void land_checkAddMap (void)
   Outfit *o;

   /* Maps are only offered if the planet provides fuel. */
   if (!planet_hasService(land_planet, PLANET_SERVICE_REFUEL))

   o = outfit_get( LOCAL_MAP_NAME );
   if (o == NULL) {
      WARN("Outfit '%s' does not exist!", LOCAL_MAP_NAME);

   /* Just enable button if it exists. */
   if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "btnMap" ))
      window_enableButton( land_windows[0], "btnMap");
   /* Else create it. */
   else {
      /* Refuel button. */
      credits2str( cred, o->price, 2 );
      nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Buy Local Map (%s)", cred );
      window_addButtonKey( land_windows[0], -20, 20 + (LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20),
            buf, spaceport_buyMap, SDLK_b );

   /* Make sure player can click it. */
   if (!outfit_canBuy(LOCAL_MAP_NAME, land_planet))
      window_disableButtonSoft( land_windows[0], "btnMap" );
Example #13
 * @brief Adds an NPC.
 * @usage npc_id = evt.npcAdd( "my_func", "Mr. Test", "none", "A test." ) -- Creates an NPC.
 *    @luaparam func Name of the function to run when approaching, gets passed the npc_id when called.
 *    @luaparam name Name of the NPC
 *    @luaparam portrait Portrait to use for the NPC (from GFX_PATH/portraits/).
 *    @luaparam desc Description associated to the NPC.
 *    @luaparam priority Optional priority argument (defaults to 5, highest is 0, lowest is 10).
 *    @luareturn The ID of the NPC to pass to npcRm.
 * @luafunc npcAdd( func, name, portrait, desc, priority )
static int evt_npcAdd( lua_State *L )
   unsigned int id;
   int priority;
   const char *func, *name, *gfx, *desc;
   char portrait[PATH_MAX];
   Event_t *cur_event;

   /* Handle parameters. */
   func = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
   name = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
   gfx  = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
   desc = luaL_checkstring(L, 4);

   /* Optional priority. */
   if (lua_gettop(L) > 4)
      priority = luaL_checkint( L, 5 );
      priority = 5;

   /* Set path. */
   nsnprintf( portrait, PATH_MAX, GFX_PATH"portraits/%s.png", gfx );

   cur_event = event_getFromLua(L);

   /* Add npc. */
   id = npc_add_event( cur_event->id, func, name, priority, portrait, desc );

   /* Return ID. */
   if (id > 0) {
      lua_pushnumber( L, id );
      return 1;
   return 0;
Example #14
 * @brief Updates the quantity counter for the outfits.
 *    @param wid Window to update counters of.
void outfits_updateQuantities( unsigned int wid )
   Outfit **outfits, *o;
   int noutfits;
   char **quantity;
   int len, owned;
   int i;

   /* Get outfits. */
   outfits = tech_getOutfit( land_planet->tech, &noutfits );
   if (noutfits <= 0)

   quantity = malloc(sizeof(char*)*noutfits);
   for (i=0; i<noutfits; i++) {
      o = outfits[i];
      owned = player_outfitOwned(o);
      len = owned / 10 + 4;
      if (owned >= 1) {
         quantity[i] = malloc( len );
         nsnprintf( quantity[i], len, "%d", owned );
         quantity[i] = NULL;
   toolkit_setImageArrayQuantity( wid, "iarOutfits", quantity );
Example #15
 * @brief Dumps launcher data to CSV.
void dout_csvLauncher( const char *path )
   Outfit *o, *o_all;
   int i, n, l;
   SDL_RWops *rw;
   char buf[ 1024 ];

   /* File to output to. */
   rw = SDL_RWFromFile( path, "w" );
   if (rw == NULL) {
      WARN("Unable to open '%s' for writing: %s", path, SDL_GetError());

   /* Write "header" */
   l = nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
   SDL_RWwrite( rw, buf, l, 1 );

   o_all = outfit_getAll( &n );
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      o = &o_all[i];

      /* Only handle launchers. */
      if (!outfit_isLauncher(o))

      l = nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
            o->name, outfit_getType(o), outfit_slotName(o), outfit_slotSize(o),
            o->license, o->mass, o->price, o->cpu,
            o->u.lau.delay, o->u.lau.ammo_name, o->u.lau.amount,
            o->u.lau.lockon, o->u.lau.ew_target, o->u.lau.arc * 180 / M_PI
      SDL_RWwrite( rw, buf, l, 1 );

   /* Close file. */
   SDL_RWclose( rw );
Example #16
 * @brief Generates an filled circle texture.
 *    @param radius Radius of the circle to generate.
 *    @return The tetxure containing the generated circle.
static glTexture *gl_genCircle( int radius )
   int i,j,k, n,m;
   SDL_Surface *sur;
   uint8_t *pix, *buf;
   int h, w;
   double a;
   char name[PATH_MAX];

   /* Calculate parameters. */
   w = 2*radius+1;
   h = 2*radius+1;

   /* Create the surface. */
   sur = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h, 32, RGBAMASK );
   pix = sur->pixels;

   /* Generate the circle. */
   SDL_LockSurface( sur );

   /* Create temporary buffer to draw circle in. */
   k = 3;
   buf = malloc( (h*k) * (w*k) );
   for (i=0; i<k*h; i++) {
      for (j=0; j<k*w; j++) {
         if (pow2(i-k*radius)+pow2(j-k*radius) < pow2(k*radius))
            buf[ i*k*w + j] = 0xFF;

   /* Draw the circle with filter. */
   for (i=0; i<h; i++) {
      for (j=0; j<w; j++) {
         /* Calculate blur. */
         a = 0.;
         for (n=0; n<k; n++)
            for (m=0; m<k; m++)
               a += buf[ (i*k+n)*k*w + (j*k+m) ];

         a /= k*k;

         /* Set pixel. */
         pix[i*sur->pitch + j*4 + 0] = 0xFF;
         pix[i*sur->pitch + j*4 + 1] = 0xFF;
         pix[i*sur->pitch + j*4 + 2] = 0xFF;
         pix[i*sur->pitch + j*4 + 3] = (uint8_t)a;

   /* Clean up. */

   SDL_UnlockSurface( sur );

   /* Return texture. */
   nsnprintf( name, sizeof(name), "gencircle%d", radius );
   return gl_loadImagePad( name, sur, OPENGL_TEX_MIPMAPS, sur->w, sur->h, 1, 1, 1 );
Example #17
 * @brief Updates the commodity window.
 *    @param wid Window to update.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void commodity_update( unsigned int wid, char* str )
   char buf[PATH_MAX];
   char *comname;
   Commodity *com;

   comname = toolkit_getList( wid, "lstGoods" );
   if ((comname==NULL) || (strcmp( comname, "None" )==0)) {
      nsnprintf( buf, PATH_MAX,
         "NA Tons\n"
         "NA Credits/Ton\n"
         "NA Tons\n" );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtDInfo", buf );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtDesc", "No outfits available." );
      window_disableButton( wid, "btnCommodityBuy" );
      window_disableButton( wid, "btnCommoditySell" );
   com = commodity_get( comname );

   /* modify text */
   nsnprintf( buf, PATH_MAX,
         "%d Tons\n"
         "%"CREDITS_PRI" Credits/Ton\n"
         "%d Tons\n",
         pilot_cargoOwned( player.p, comname ),
         planet_commodityPrice( land_planet, com ),
   window_modifyText( wid, "txtDInfo", buf );
   window_modifyText( wid, "txtDesc", com->description );

   /* Button enabling/disabling */
   if (commodity_canBuy( comname ))
      window_enableButton( wid, "btnCommodityBuy" );
      window_disableButtonSoft( wid, "btnCommodityBuy" );

   if (commodity_canSell( comname ))
      window_enableButton( wid, "btnCommoditySell" );
      window_disableButtonSoft( wid, "btnCommoditySell" );
Example #18
 * @brief Generates error dialogues used by several landing tabs.
 *    @param fmt String with printf-like formatting
void land_errDialogueBuild( const char *fmt, ... )
   va_list ap;

   if (fmt == NULL)
   else { /* get the message */
      va_start(ap, fmt);
      vsnprintf(errorreason, 512, fmt, ap);

   if (errorlist_ptr == NULL) /* Initialize on first run. */
      errorappend = nsnprintf( errorlist, sizeof(errorlist), "%s", errorreason );
   else /* Append newest error to the existing list. */
      nsnprintf( &errorlist[errorappend],  sizeof(errorlist)-errorappend, "\n%s", errorreason );
   errorlist_ptr = errorlist;
Example #19
 * @brief Renames all the currently selected systems.
static void uniedit_renameSys (void)
   int i, j;
   char *name, *oldName, *newName;
   StarSystem *sys;

   for (i=0; i<uniedit_nsys; i++) {
      sys = uniedit_sys[i];

      /* Get name. */
      name = dialogue_input( "Rename Star System", 1, 32, "What do you want to rename \er%s\e0?", sys->name );

      /* Keep current name. */
      if (name == NULL)

      /* Try again. */
      if (uniedit_checkName( name )) {

      /* Change the name. */
      oldName = malloc((14+strlen(sys->name)));
      nsnprintf(oldName,14+strlen(sys->name),"dat/ssys/%s.xml", uniedit_nameFilter(sys->name) );
      newName = malloc(14+strlen(name));
      nsnprintf(newName,14+strlen(name),"dat/ssys/%s.xml", uniedit_nameFilter(name) );
      sys->name = name;
      if (conf.devautosave) {

         /* Re-save adjacent systems. */
         for (j=0; j<sys->njumps; j++)
            dsys_saveSystem( sys->jumps[j].target );
Example #20
 * @brief Sets the selected system text.
static void uniedit_selectText (void)
   int i, l;
   char buf[1024];
   StarSystem *sys;
   int hasPresence;

   l = 0;
   for (i=0; i<uniedit_nsys; i++) {
      l += nsnprintf( &buf[l], sizeof(buf)-l, "%s%s", uniedit_sys[i]->name,
            (i == uniedit_nsys-1) ? "" : ", " );
   if (l == 0)
   else {
      window_modifyText( uniedit_wid, "txtSelected", buf );

      /* Presence text. */
      if (uniedit_nsys == 1) {
         sys         = uniedit_sys[0];
         buf[0]      = '\0';
         hasPresence = 0;
         l           = 0;

         for (i=0; i < sys->npresence ; i++) {

            /* Must have presence. */
            if (sys->presence[i].value <= 0)

            hasPresence = 1;
            /* Use map grey instead of default neutral colour */
            l += nsnprintf( &buf[l], sizeof(buf)-l, "%s\e0%s: %.0f",
                  (l==0)?"":"\n", faction_name(sys->presence[i].faction),
         if (hasPresence == 0)
            nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "None" );

         window_modifyText( uniedit_wid, "txtPresence", buf );
Example #21
 * @brief Gets the time in a pretty human readable format filling a preset buffer.
 *    @param[out] str Buffer to use.
 *    @param max Maximum length of the buffer (recommended 64).
 *    @param t Time to print (in STU), if 0 it'll use the current time.
 *    @param d Number of digits to use.
 *    @return The time in a human readable format (must free).
void ntime_prettyBuf( char *str, int max, ntime_t t, int d )
   ntime_t nt;
   int scu, stp, stu;

   if (t==0)
      nt = naev_time;
      nt = t;

   /* UST (Universal Synchronized Time) - unit is STU (Synchronized Time Unit) */
   scu = ntime_getSCU( nt );
   stp = ntime_getSTP( nt );
   stu = ntime_getSTU( nt );
   if ((scu==0) && (stp==0)) /* only STU */
      nsnprintf( str, max, "%04d STU", stu );
   else if ((scu==0) || (d==0))
      nsnprintf( str, max, "%.*f STP", d, stp + 0.0001 * stu );
   else /* UST format */
      nsnprintf( str, max, "UST %d:%.*f", scu, d, stp + 0.0001 * stu );
Example #22
File: info.c Project: nenau/naev
 * @brief Updates the ship stuff.
static void ship_update( unsigned int wid )
   char buf[1024], *hyp_delay;
   int cargo, len;

   cargo = pilot_cargoUsed( player.p ) + pilot_cargoFree( player.p );
   hyp_delay = ntime_pretty( pilot_hyperspaceDelay( player.p ), 2 );
   len = nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf),
         "%d teraflops\n"
         "%.0f tonnes\n"
         "%s average\n"
         "%.0f kN/tonne\n"
         "%.0f m/s (max %.0f m/s)\n"
         "%.0f deg/s\n"
         "%.0f%%\n" /* Absorbption */
         "%.0f / %.0f MJ (%.1f MW)\n" /* Shield */
         "%.0f / %.0f MJ (%.1f MW)\n" /* Armour */
         "%.0f / %.0f MJ (%.1f MW)\n" /* Energy */
         "%d / %d tonnes\n"
         "%.0f / %.0f units (%d jumps)\n"
         /* Generic */
         /* Movement. */
         player.p->thrust / player.p->solid->mass,
         player.p->speed, solid_maxspeed( player.p->solid, player.p->speed, player.p->thrust ),
         /* Health. */
         player.p->dmg_absorb * 100.,
         player.p->shield, player.p->shield_max, player.p->shield_regen,
         player.p->armour, player.p->armour_max, player.p->armour_regen,
         player.p->energy, player.p->energy_max, player.p->energy_regen,
         pilot_cargoUsed( player.p ), cargo,
         player.p->fuel, player.p->fuel_max, pilot_getJumps(player.p));
   equipment_shipStats( &buf[len], sizeof(buf)-len, player.p, 1 );
   window_modifyText( wid, "txtDDesc", buf );
   free( hyp_delay );
Example #23
 * @brief Gets all the outfits in nice text form.
 *    @param pilot Pilot to get the outfits from.
 *    @@return A list of all the outfits in a nice form.
char* pilot_getOutfits( const Pilot* pilot )
   int i;
   char *buf;
   int p, len;

   len = 1024;

   buf = malloc(len);
   buf[0] = '\0';
   p = 0;
   for (i=1; i<pilot->noutfits; i++) {
      if (pilot->outfits[i]->outfit == NULL)
      p += nsnprintf( &buf[p], len-p, (p==0) ? "%s" : ", %s",
            pilot->outfits[i]->outfit->name );

   if (p==0)
      p += nsnprintf( &buf[p], len-p, "None" );

   return buf;
Example #24
 * @brief Renames all the currently selected systems.
static void uniedit_renameSys (void)
   int i;
   char *name, *oldName, *newName;
   StarSystem *sys;

   for (i=0; i<uniedit_nsys; i++) {
      sys = uniedit_sys[i];

      /* Get name. */
      name = dialogue_input( "Rename Star System", 1, 32, "What do you want to rename \er%s\e0?", sys->name );

      /* Keep current name. */
      if (name == NULL)

      /* Try again. */
      if (uniedit_checkName( name )) {

      /* Change the name. */
      oldName = malloc((16+strlen(sys->name))*sizeof(char));
      newName = malloc((16+strlen(name))*sizeof(char));
      sys->name = name;
Example #25
 * @brief Renders the commodity buying modifier.
 *    @param bx Base X position to render at.
 *    @param by Base Y position to render at.
 *    @param w Width to render at.
 *    @param h Height to render at.
static void commodity_renderMod( double bx, double by, double w, double h, void *data )
   (void) data;
   (void) h;
   int q;
   char buf[8];

   q = commodity_getMod();
   if (q != commodity_mod) {
      commodity_update( land_getWid(LAND_WINDOW_COMMODITY), NULL );
      commodity_mod = q;
   nsnprintf( buf, 8, "%dx", q );
   gl_printMid( &gl_smallFont, w, bx, by, &cBlack, buf );
Example #26
 * @brief Gets Naev's data path (for user data such as saves and screenshots)
 *    @return The xdg data path.
const char* nfile_dataPath (void)
    char *path;

    if (naev_dataPath[0] == '\0') {
        /* Global override is set. */
        if (conf.datapath) {
           nsnprintf( naev_dataPath, PATH_MAX, "%s/", conf.datapath );
           return naev_dataPath;
        path = xdgGetRelativeHome( "XDG_DATA_HOME", "/.local/share" );
        if (path == NULL) {
            WARN("$XDG_DATA_HOME isn't set, using current directory.");
            path = strdup(".");

        nsnprintf( naev_dataPath, PATH_MAX, "%s/naev/", path );

        if (path != NULL) {
            free (path);
#elif HAS_WIN32
      path = SDL_getenv("APPDATA");
      if (path == NULL) {
         WARN("%%APPDATA%% isn't set, using current directory.");
         path = ".";
      nsnprintf( naev_dataPath, PATH_MAX, "%s/naev/", path );
#error "Feature needs implementation on this Operating System for Naev to work."

    return naev_dataPath;
Example #27
int pilot_reportSpaceworthy( Pilot *p, char buf[], int bufSize )
   int pos = 0;
   int ret = 0;

   /* Core Slots */
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( !pilot_slotsCheckRequired(p), "Not All Core Slots are equipped\n" );
   /* CPU. */
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->cpu < 0, "Insufficient CPU\n" );

   /* Movement. */
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->thrust < 0, "Insufficient Thrust\n" );
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->speed < 0,  "Insufficient Speed\n" );
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->turn < 0,   "Insufficient Turn\n" );

   /* Health. */
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->armour < 0.,       "Insufficient Armour\n" );
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->armour_regen < 0., "Insufficient Armour Regeneration\n" );
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->shield < 0.,       "Insufficient Shield\n" );
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->shield_regen < 0., "Insufficient Shield Regeneration\n" );
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->energy_max < 0.,   "Insufficient Energy\n" );
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->energy_regen < 0., "Insufficient Energy Regeneration\n" );

   /* Misc. */
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->fuel_max < 0.,         "Insufficient Fuel Maximum\n" );
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->fuel_consumption < 0., "Insufficient Fuel Consumption\n" );
   SPACEWORTHY_CHECK( p->cargo_free < 0,        "Insufficient Free Cargo Space\n" );

   /*buffer is full, lets write that there is more then what's copied */
   if (pos > bufSize-1) {
      /* buf[bufSize-1]='\0'; already done for us */
   else {
      if (pos == 0)
         /*string is empty so no errors encountered */
         nsnprintf( buf, bufSize, "Spaceworthy");
         /*string is not empty, so trunc the last newline */

   return ret;
Example #28
 * @brief Opens a dialogue window with an ok button, a fixed message and an image.
 *    @param caption Window title.
 *    @param msg Message to display.
 *    @param width Width of the image. Negative uses image width.
 *    @param height Height of the image. Negative uses image height.
void dialogue_msgImgRaw( const char* caption, const char *msg, const char *img, int width, int height )
   int w, h, img_width, img_height;
   glFont* font;
   unsigned int msg_wid;
   int done;
   glTexture *gfx;
   char buf[PATH_MAX];

   /* Get the desired texture */
   /* IMPORTANT : texture must not be freed here, it will be freed when the widget closes */
   nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", GFX_PATH, img );
   gfx = gl_newImage( buf, 0 );

   /* Find the popup's dimensions from text and image */
   img_width  = (width < 0)  ? gfx->w : width;
   img_height = (height < 0) ? gfx->h : height;
   font = dialogue_getSize( caption, msg, &w, &h );
   if (h < img_width) {
      h = img_width;

   /* Create the window */
   msg_wid = window_create( caption, -1, -1, img_width + w, 110 + h );
   window_setData( msg_wid, &done );

   /* Add the text box */
   window_addText( msg_wid, img_width+40, -40, w-40, h,  0, "txtMsg",
         font, &cBlack, msg );

   /* Add a placeholder rectangle for the image */
   window_addRect( msg_wid, 20, -40, img_width, img_height,
         "rctGFX", &cGrey10, 1 );

   /* Actually add the texture in the rectangle */
   window_addImage( msg_wid, 20, -40, img_width, img_height,
         "ImgGFX", gfx, 0 );

   /* Add the OK button */
   window_addButton( msg_wid, (img_width+w -50)/2, 20, 50, 30, "btnOK", "OK",
         dialogue_close );

   toolkit_loop( &done );
Example #29
 * @brief Saves a nebula.
 *    @param map Nebula map to save.
 *    @param w Width of nebula map.
 *    @param h Height of nebula map.
 *    @param file Path to save into.
 *    @return 0 on success.
static int saveNebula( float *map, const uint32_t w, const uint32_t h, const char* file )
   char file_path[PATH_MAX];
   SDL_Surface* sur;
   int ret;

   /* fix surface */
   sur = nebu_surfaceFromNebulaMap( map, w, h );

   /* save */
   nsnprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s"NEBULA_PATH"%s", nfile_cachePath(), file );
   ret = SDL_SavePNG( sur, file_path );

   /* cleanup */
   SDL_FreeSurface( sur );

   return ret;
Example #30
 * @brief Sets the message for an omsg.
static void omsg_setMsg( omsg_t *omsg, const char *msg )
    int i, l, n, s, m;
    glFont *font;

    /* Clean up after old stuff. */
    if (omsg->msg != NULL) {
        for (i=0; i<omsg->nlines; i++)
            free( omsg->msg[i] );
        free( omsg->msg );

        omsg->msg    = 0;
        omsg->nlines = 0;

    /* Create data. */
    l  = strlen( msg );
    font = omsg_getFont( omsg->font );
    /* First pass size. */
    n  = 0;
    m  = 0;
    while (n < l) {
        s  = gl_printWidthForText( font, &msg[n], omsg_center_w );
        n += s+1;

    /* Avoid zero-length malloc. */
    if (m == 0)

    /* Second pass allocate. */
    omsg->msg = malloc( m * sizeof(char*) );
    omsg->nlines = m;
    n  = 0;
    m  = 0;
    while (n < l) {
        s  = gl_printWidthForText( font, &msg[n], omsg_center_w );
        omsg->msg[m] = malloc( s+1 );
        nsnprintf( omsg->msg[m], s+1, "%s", &msg[n] );
        n += s+1;