Example #1
/* Assuming the file exists and is an acyclic graph, print the vertices in a topological order
 * Use the algorithm that finds no-predecessor vertices and deletes their successor edges.
 * ALERT: modifies the graph by deleting edges.
 * Solves topocycleExercise.c */
void toposort2(GraphInfo gi) {
    Graph g = gi->graph;
    int numV = numVerts(g);
    short done[numV]; // 1 if vertex already printed, otherwise 0
    for (int i = 0; i < numV; i++)
        done[i] = 0;

    for (int numPrinted = 0; numPrinted < numV; numPrinted++) {

        /* set noPred to a vertex with no predecessors and not already done */
        int noPred;
        int* ps; // predecessor list
        for (int v = 0; v < numV; v++) {
            if (!done[v]) {
                ps = predecessors(g, v);
                if (ps[0] == -1 ) { // list is empty?
                    noPred = v;

        /* print noPred and mark as done */
        printf("%s ", gi->vertnames[noPred]);
        done[noPred] = 1;

        /* get successors of noPred and delete them */
        int* snoPred = successors(gi->graph, noPred);
        for (int i = 0; snoPred[i] != -1; i++)
            delEdge(gi->graph, noPred, snoPred[i]);

    /* cleanup */
Point Simplex::support(const Vector& v) const {
  int c = 0;
  Scalar h = dot((*this)[0], v), d;
  for (int i = 1; i < numVerts(); ++i) {
    if ((d = dot((*this)[i], v)) > h) { c = i; h = d; }
  return (*this)[c];
Example #3
/* Index of a given vertex name, or -1 if not found. */
int indexOf(GraphInfo gi, char* name) {
    int i = 0;
    int n = numVerts(gi->graph);
    while ( i < n && strcmp(gi->vertnames[i], name) )
    if (i < n) 
	return i;
    else return -1;
void TriMesh::buildHeatKernel(SparseMatrix& A, double timestep) const
    VectorXd diag;
    std::map< std::pair<unsigned,unsigned>, double > offdiag; 
    for (unsigned face = 0; face < numFaces(); ++face) 
        std::vector<unsigned> fVert;
        getFaceVerts(face, fVert);
        assert(fVert.size() == 3);

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            unsigned vert0 = fVert[(i+1)%3];
            unsigned vert1 = fVert[(i+2)%3];
            if (vert0 > vert1) std::swap(vert0, vert1);
            std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> edge(vert0,vert1);

            double value = timestep * 0.5 * computeFaceCotan(face, i);
            diag(vert0) += value;
            diag(vert1) += value;
            if (offdiag.find(edge) == offdiag.end())
                offdiag[edge] = -value;
                offdiag[edge] -= value;

    std::vector<Triplet> triplet;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < diag.size(); ++i)
    for(std::map< std::pair<unsigned,unsigned>, double >::const_iterator 
        it = offdiag.begin(); it != offdiag.end(); ++it)
    A.resize(numVerts(), numVerts());
Example #5
void toposort2(char * filepath) {
    GraphInfo gi = readGraph(filepath, MATRIX); // DN's implementation supports precessors only for MATRIX
    Graph g = gi->graph;
    int numV = numVerts(g);


void TriMesh::computeVertNormals(std::vector<Vec3>& vertNormal) const
    vertNormal = std::vector<Vec3>(numVerts(), Vec3::Zero());
    for (unsigned face = 0; face < numFaces(); ++face) 
        std::vector<unsigned> fVert;
        getFaceVerts(face, fVert);
        assert(fVert.size() == 3);

        double faceArea = computeFaceArea(face);
        Vec3 faceNormal = computeFaceNormal(face);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) 
            vertNormal[fVert[i]] += faceArea * faceNormal;

    for (unsigned vert = 0; vert < numVerts(); ++vert) 
void TriMesh::computeVertArea(VectorXd& vertArea) const
    vertArea = VectorXd::Zero(numVerts());
    for (unsigned face = 0; face < numFaces(); ++face) 
        std::vector<unsigned> fVert;
        getFaceVerts(face, fVert);
        assert(fVert.size() == 3);

        double faceArea = computeFaceArea(face);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) vertArea(fVert[i]) += faceArea;
    vertArea /= 3.0;
void TriMesh::computeDivergence(const std::vector<Vec3>& faceVector, VectorXd& vertForm) const
    vertForm = VectorXd::Zero(numVerts());
    for (unsigned face = 0; face < numFaces(); ++face) 
        std::vector<unsigned> fVert;
        getFaceVerts(face, fVert);
        assert(fVert.size() == 3);
        Vec3 n = computeFaceNormal(face);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) 
            Vec3 p1 = getVertPos(fVert[(i+1)%3]);
            Vec3 p2 = getVertPos(fVert[(i+2)%3]);
            vertForm[fVert[i]] += 0.5*faceVector[face].dot(n.cross(p2-p1));
FltExportVisitor::writeLocalVertexPool( const osg::Geometry& geom )
    // Attribute Mask
    static const unsigned int HAS_POSITION      = 0x80000000u >> 0;
    // static const unsigned int HAS_COLOR_INDEX   = 0x80000000u >> 1;
    static const unsigned int HAS_RGBA_COLOR    = 0x80000000u >> 2;
    static const unsigned int HAS_NORMAL        = 0x80000000u >> 3;
    static const unsigned int HAS_BASE_UV       = 0x80000000u >> 4;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER1     = 0x80000000u >> 5;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER2     = 0x80000000u >> 6;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER3     = 0x80000000u >> 7;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER4     = 0x80000000u >> 8;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER5     = 0x80000000u >> 9;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER6     = 0x80000000u >> 10;
    static const unsigned int HAS_UV_LAYER7     = 0x80000000u >> 11;

    const osg::Array* v = geom.getVertexArray();
    uint32 numVerts( v->getNumElements() );
    osg::ref_ptr< const osg::Vec3dArray > v3 = VertexPaletteManager::asVec3dArray( v, numVerts );
    if (!v3)
        std::string warning( "fltexp: writeLocalVertexPool: VertexArray is not Vec3Array." );
        osg::notify( osg::WARN ) << warning << std::endl;
        _fltOpt->getWriteResult().warn( warning );

    // Compute attribute bits and vertex size.
    const osg::Array* c = geom.getColorArray();
    const osg::Array* n = geom.getNormalArray();
    const osg::Array* t = geom.getTexCoordArray( 0 );

    osg::ref_ptr< const osg::Vec4Array > c4 = VertexPaletteManager::asVec4Array( c, numVerts );
    osg::ref_ptr< const osg::Vec3Array > n3 = VertexPaletteManager::asVec3Array( n, numVerts );
    osg::ref_ptr< const osg::Vec2Array > t2 = VertexPaletteManager::asVec2Array( t, numVerts );
    if (c && !c4)
    if (n && !n3)
    if (t && !t2)

    std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< const osg::Vec2Array > > mtc;
    mtc.resize( 8 );
    int unit=1;
    for( ;unit<8; unit++)
        mtc[ unit ] = VertexPaletteManager::asVec2Array( geom.getTexCoordArray( unit ), numVerts );

    uint32 attr( HAS_POSITION );
    unsigned int vertSize( sizeof( float64 ) * 3 );

    if ( ( c4 != NULL ) && ( geom.getColorBinding() == osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX) )
        attr |= HAS_RGBA_COLOR;
        vertSize += sizeof( unsigned int );
    if ( ( n3 != NULL ) && ( geom.getNormalBinding() == osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX) )
        attr |= HAS_NORMAL;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 3 );
    if ( t2 != NULL )
        attr |= HAS_BASE_UV;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    // Add multitex
    if (isTextured( 1, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER1;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 2, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER2;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 3, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER3;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 4, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER4;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 5, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER5;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 6, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER6;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );
    if (isTextured( 7, geom ))
        attr |= HAS_UV_LAYER7;
        vertSize += ( sizeof( float32 ) * 2 );

    unsigned int maxVerts = (0xffff - 12) / vertSize;
    unsigned int thisVertCount = (maxVerts > numVerts) ? numVerts : maxVerts;
    unsigned int currentIndexLimit = maxVerts;
    uint16 length( 12 + (vertSize * thisVertCount) );

    _records->writeInt16( (int16) LOCAL_VERTEX_POOL_OP );
    _records->writeUInt16( length );
    _records->writeUInt32( numVerts ); // number of vertices
    _records->writeUInt32( attr ); // attribute bits

    unsigned int idx;
    for( idx=0; idx<numVerts; idx++ )
        _records->writeVec3d( (*v3)[ idx ] );

        if (attr & HAS_RGBA_COLOR)
            osg::Vec4 color = (*c4)[ idx ];
            unsigned int packedColor = (int)(color[3]*255) << 24 |
                (int)(color[2]*255) << 16 | (int)(color[1]*255) << 8 |
            _records->writeUInt32( packedColor );

        if (attr & HAS_NORMAL)
            _records->writeVec3f( (*n3)[ idx ] );

        if (attr & HAS_BASE_UV)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*t2)[ idx ] );

        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER1)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[1])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER2)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[2])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER3)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[3])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER4)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[4])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER5)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[5])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER6)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[6])[ idx ] );
        if (attr & HAS_UV_LAYER7)
            _records->writeVec2f( (*mtc[7])[ idx ] );

        // Handle continuation record if necessary.
        if ( (idx+1 == currentIndexLimit) && (idx+1 < numVerts) )
            currentIndexLimit += maxVerts;
            unsigned int remaining( numVerts - (idx+1) );
            thisVertCount = (maxVerts > remaining) ? remaining : maxVerts;
            writeContinuationRecord( (vertSize * thisVertCount) );