VectorXd SparseSystem::solve() const { requireDebug(num_rows() >= num_cols(), "SparseSystem::solve: cannot solve system, not enough constraints"); requireDebug(num_rows() == num_cols(), "SparseSystem::solve: system not triangular"); int n = num_cols(); VectorXd result(n); for (int row=n-1; row>=0; row--) { const SparseVector& rowvec = get_row(row); // start with rhs... double terms = _rhs(row); double diag; // ... and subtract already solved variables multiplied with respective coefficient from R // We assume that the SpareSystem is triangular SparseVectorIter iter(rowvec); iter.get(diag); // we can check return value it should be == row; for (; iter.valid(); { double v; int col = iter.get(v); terms = terms - result(col)*v; } // divide result by diagonal entry of R result(row) = terms / diag; } return result; }
void ConvergenceTable::save(const char* filename) const { if (num_columns() == 0) throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception("No data columns defined."); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < num_columns(); i++) if (columns[i].data.size() != num_rows()) throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception("Incompatible column sizes."); FILE* f = fopen(filename, "w"); if (f == NULL) throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception("Error writing to %s.", filename); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_columns(); i++) fprintf(f, columns[i].label.c_str()); fprintf(f, "\n"); for (int j = 0; j < num_rows(); j++) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_columns(); i++) { if (columns[i].data[j].data_type == Column::Entry::INT) fprintf(f, columns[i].format.c_str(), columns[i].data[j].ivalue); else if (columns[i].data[j].data_type == Column::Entry::DOUBLE) fprintf(f, columns[i].format.c_str(), columns[i].data[j].dvalue); } fprintf(f, "\n"); } fclose(f); Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("Convergence table saved to file '%s'.", filename); }
inline void gen_matrix_copy(const MatrixSrc& src, MatrixDest& dest, bool with_reset) { MTL_THROW_IF(num_rows(src) != num_rows(dest) || num_cols(src) != num_cols(dest), incompatible_size()); if (with_reset) detail::zero_with_sparse_src(dest, typename traits::category<MatrixSrc>::type()); typename traits::row<MatrixSrc>::type row(src); typename traits::col<MatrixSrc>::type col(src); typename traits::const_value<MatrixSrc>::type value(src); typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::major, MatrixSrc>::type cursor_type; //std::cout << "Slot size is " << detail::copy_inserter_size<Updater>::apply(src, dest) << "\n"; matrix::inserter<MatrixDest, Updater> ins(dest, detail::copy_inserter_size<Updater>::apply(src, dest)); for (cursor_type cursor = begin<tag::major>(src), cend = end<tag::major>(src); cursor != cend; ++cursor) { // std::cout << dest << '\n'; typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, cursor_type>::type icursor_type; for (icursor_type icursor = begin<tag::nz>(cursor), icend = end<tag::nz>(cursor); icursor != icend; ++icursor) { //std::cout << "in " << row(*icursor) << ", " << col(*icursor) << " insert " << value(*icursor) << '\n'; ins(row(*icursor), col(*icursor)) << value(*icursor); } } }
std::string Table<T>::to_latex() const { Table<std::string> strTable(num_rows(), num_cols()); std::stringstream os; os << "\\begin{table}\n\\centering\n"; os << "\\begin{tabular}{"; for(size_t i=0; i < num_cols(); i++) os << get_col_sep(i) << get_col_alignment(i); os << get_col_sep(num_cols()); os << "}\n"; for(size_t i_row = 0; i_row < num_rows(); ++i_row) { if(get_row_sep(i_row) != ' ') os << "\\hline \n"; for(size_t i_col = 0; i_col < num_cols(); ++i_col) { if(i_col != 0) os << " & "; os << EntryToString(*this, i_row, i_col); } os << " \\\\\n"; } if(get_row_sep(num_rows()) != ' ') os << "\\hline \n"; os << "\\end{tabular}\n"; os << "\\end{table}\n"; return os.str(); }
static typename V::type eval(M const& m, tag::matrix) { using value_type = Value_t<M>; typename V::type vector(num_rows(m), value_type{0}); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_rows(m); ++i) vector(i) = m(i,i); return vector; }
void Dataset::next() { if (ds_state == dsSelect) { fbof = false; if (frecno<num_rows()-1) { frecno++; feof = false; } else feof = true; if (num_rows()<=0) fbof = feof = true; } }
T& Table<T>::operator() (size_t rowInd, size_t colInd) { if(rowInd >= num_rows()) add_rows((rowInd + 1) - num_rows()); if(colInd >= num_cols()) add_cols((colInd + 1) - num_cols()); return *m_data[rowInd][colInd]; }
void operator() (const m_type& u, m_type& f) { for (int r= 0; r < num_rows(u); r++) for (int c= 0; c < num_columns(u); c++) { f(r, c)= 4 * u(r, c); if (r > 0) f(r, c)-= u(r-1, c); if (r < num_rows(u)-1) f(r, c)-= u(r+1, c); if (c > 0) f(r, c)-= u(r, c-1); if (c < num_columns(u)-1) f(r, c)-= u(r, c+1); } }
inline void smat_smat_mult(const MatrixA& a, const MatrixB& b, MatrixC& c, Assign, tag::col_major, // orientation a tag::row_major) // orientation b { if (Assign::init_to_zero) set_to_zero(c); // Average numbers of non-zeros per row double ava= double(a.nnz()) / num_rows(a), avb= double(b.nnz()) / num_rows(b); // Define Updater type corresponding to assign mode typedef typename Collection<MatrixC>::value_type c_value_type; typedef typename operations::update_assign_mode<Assign, c_value_type>::type Updater; // Reserve 20% over the average's product for entries in c matrix::inserter<MatrixC, Updater> ins(c, int( ava * avb * 1.2 )); typename traits::row<MatrixA>::type row_a(a); typename traits::col<MatrixA>::type col_a(a); typename traits::const_value<MatrixA>::type value_a(a); typename traits::row<MatrixB>::type row_b(b); typename traits::col<MatrixB>::type col_b(b); typename traits::const_value<MatrixB>::type value_b(b); typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::col, MatrixA>::type a_cursor_type; a_cursor_type a_cursor = begin<tag::col>(a), a_cend = end<tag::col>(a); typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::row, MatrixB>::type b_cursor_type; b_cursor_type b_cursor = begin<tag::row>(b); for (unsigned ca= 0; a_cursor != a_cend; ++ca, ++a_cursor, ++b_cursor) { // Iterate over non-zeros of A's column typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, a_cursor_type>::type ia_cursor_type; for (ia_cursor_type ia_cursor = begin<tag::nz>(a_cursor), ia_cend = end<tag::nz>(a_cursor); ia_cursor != ia_cend; ++ia_cursor) { typename Collection<MatrixA>::size_type ra= row_a(*ia_cursor); // row of non-zero typename Collection<MatrixA>::value_type va= value_a(*ia_cursor); // value of non-zero // Iterate over non-zeros of B's row typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, b_cursor_type>::type ib_cursor_type; for (ib_cursor_type ib_cursor = begin<tag::nz>(b_cursor), ib_cend = end<tag::nz>(b_cursor); ib_cursor != ib_cend; ++ib_cursor) { typename Collection<MatrixB>::size_type cb= col_b(*ib_cursor); // column of non-zero typename Collection<MatrixB>::value_type vb= value_b(*ib_cursor); // value of non-zero ins(ra, cb) << va * vb; } } } }
inline void smat_smat_mult(const MatrixA& A, const MatrixB& B, MatrixC& C, Assign, tag::col_major, // orientation A tag::row_major) // orientation B { if (Assign::init_to_zero) set_to_zero(C); // Average numbers of non-zeros per row double ava= double(A.nnz()) / num_rows(A), avb= double(B.nnz()) / num_rows(B); // Define Updater type corresponding to assign mode typedef typename Collection<MatrixC>::value_type C_value_type; typedef typename operations::update_assign_mode<Assign, C_value_type>::type Updater; // Reserve 20% over the average's product for entries in C matrix::inserter<MatrixC, Updater> ins(C, int( ava * avb * 1.2 )); typename traits::row<MatrixA>::type row_A(A); typename traits::col<MatrixA>::type col_A(A); typename traits::const_value<MatrixA>::type value_A(A); typename traits::row<MatrixB>::type row_B(B); typename traits::col<MatrixB>::type col_B(B); typename traits::const_value<MatrixB>::type value_B(B); typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::col, MatrixA>::type A_cursor_type; A_cursor_type A_cursor = begin<tag::col>(A), A_cend = end<tag::col>(A); typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::row, MatrixB>::type B_cursor_type; B_cursor_type B_cursor = begin<tag::row>(B); for (unsigned ca= 0; A_cursor != A_cend; ++ca, ++A_cursor, ++B_cursor) { // Iterate over non-zeros of A's column typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, A_cursor_type>::type ia_cursor_type; for (ia_cursor_type ia_cursor = begin<tag::nz>(A_cursor), ia_cend = end<tag::nz>(A_cursor); ia_cursor != ia_cend; ++ia_cursor) { typename Collection<MatrixA>::size_type ra= row_A(*ia_cursor); // row of non-zero typename Collection<MatrixA>::value_type va= value_A(*ia_cursor); // value of non-zero // Iterate over non-zeros of B's row typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, B_cursor_type>::type ib_cursor_type; for (ib_cursor_type ib_cursor = begin<tag::nz>(B_cursor), ib_cend = end<tag::nz>(B_cursor); ib_cursor != ib_cend; ++ib_cursor) { typename Collection<MatrixB>::size_type cb= col_B(*ib_cursor); // column of non-zero typename Collection<MatrixB>::value_type vb= value_B(*ib_cursor); // value of non-zero ins(ra, cb) << va * vb; } } } }
typename boost::enable_if<boost::mpl::and_<mtl::traits::is_vector<Op1>, mtl::traits::is_vector<Op2> >, bool>::type inline operator==(const Op1& op1, const Op2& op2) { unsigned s1= num_rows(op1) * num_cols(op1), s2= num_rows(op2) * num_cols(op2); // ugly hack to fight with ADL if (s1 != s2) return false; for (unsigned i= 0; i < s1; i++) if (op1[i] != op2[i]) return false; return true; }
void test_rows() { // Create a table named "Table". auto db = grnxx::open_db(""); auto table = db->create_table("Table"); // Append the first row. grnxx::Int row_id = table->insert_row(); assert(row_id.raw() == 0); assert(table->num_rows() == 1); assert(table->max_row_id().match(row_id)); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(-1))); assert(table->test_row(grnxx::Int(0))); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(1))); // Append two more rows. assert(table->insert_row().raw() == 1); assert(table->insert_row().raw() == 2); assert(table->num_rows() == 3); assert(table->max_row_id().raw() == 2); assert(table->test_row(grnxx::Int(0))); assert(table->test_row(grnxx::Int(1))); assert(table->test_row(grnxx::Int(2))); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(3))); // Remove the second row. table->remove_row(grnxx::Int(1)); assert(table->num_rows() == 2); assert(table->max_row_id().raw() == 2); assert(table->test_row(grnxx::Int(0))); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(1))); assert(table->test_row(grnxx::Int(2))); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(3))); // Remove the first row. table->remove_row(grnxx::Int(0)); assert(table->num_rows() == 1); assert(table->max_row_id().raw() == 2); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(0))); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(1))); assert(table->test_row(grnxx::Int(2))); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(3))); // Remove the third row. table->remove_row(grnxx::Int(2)); assert(table->num_rows() == 0); assert(table->max_row_id().is_na()); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(0))); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(1))); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(2))); assert(!table->test_row(grnxx::Int(3))); }
void boost::qr_decompose(boost& Q, boost& R) const { float mag; float alpha; bnu::matrix<float> u(this->num_rows(), 1); bnu::matrix<float> v(this->num_rows(), 1); bnu::identity_matrix<float> I(this->num_rows()); bnu::matrix<float> q = bnu::identity_matrix<float>(this->num_rows()); bnu::matrix<float> r(data()); for (int i = 0; i < num_rows(); i++) { bnu::matrix<float> p(num_rows(), num_rows()); u.clear(); v.clear(); mag = 0.0; for (int j = i; j < num_cols(); j++) { u(j,0) = r(j, i); mag += u(j,0) * u(j,0); } mag = std::sqrt(mag); alpha = -1 * mag; mag = 0.0; for (int j = i; j < num_cols(); j++) { v(j,0) = j == i ? u(j,0) + alpha : u(j,0); mag += v(j,0) * v(j,0); } mag = std::sqrt(mag); // norm if (mag < 0.0000000001) continue; v /= mag; p = I - (bnu::prod(v, bnu::trans(v))) * 2.0; q = bnu::prod(q, p); r = bnu::prod(p, r); } Q = boost(q); R = boost(r); }
inline void smat_smat_mult(const MatrixA& A, const MatrixB& B, MatrixC& C, Assign, tag::row_major, // orientation A tag::row_major) // orientation B { if (Assign::init_to_zero) set_to_zero(C); // Average numbers of non-zeros per row double ava= num_cols(A) ? double(A.nnz()) / num_cols(A) : 0, avb= num_rows(B) ? double(B.nnz()) / num_rows(B) : 0; // Define Updater type corresponding to assign mode typedef typename Collection<MatrixC>::value_type C_value_type; typedef typename operations::update_assign_mode<Assign, C_value_type>::type Updater; // Reserve 20% over the average's product for entries in C matrix::inserter<MatrixC, Updater> ins(C, int( ava * avb * 1.4 )); typename traits::row<MatrixA>::type row_A(A); typename traits::col<MatrixA>::type col_A(A); typename traits::const_value<MatrixA>::type value_A(A); typename traits::col<MatrixB>::type col_B(B); typename traits::const_value<MatrixB>::type value_B(B); typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::row, MatrixA>::type cursor_type; cursor_type cursor = begin<tag::row>(A), cend = end<tag::row>(A); for (unsigned ra= 0; cursor != cend; ++ra, ++cursor) { // Iterate over non-zeros of each row of A typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, cursor_type>::type icursor_type; for (icursor_type icursor = begin<tag::nz>(cursor), icend = end<tag::nz>(cursor); icursor != icend; ++icursor) { typename Collection<MatrixA>::size_type ca= col_A(*icursor); // column of non-zero typename Collection<MatrixA>::value_type va= value_A(*icursor); // value of non-zero // Get cursor corresponding to row 'ca' in matrix B typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::row, MatrixB>::type B_cursor_type; B_cursor_type B_cursor = begin<tag::row>(B); B_cursor+= ca; // Iterate over non-zeros of this row typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, B_cursor_type>::type ib_cursor_type; for (ib_cursor_type ib_cursor = begin<tag::nz>(B_cursor), ib_cend = end<tag::nz>(B_cursor); ib_cursor != ib_cend; ++ib_cursor) { typename Collection<MatrixB>::size_type cb= col_B(*ib_cursor); // column of non-zero typename Collection<MatrixB>::value_type vb= value_B(*ib_cursor); // value of non-zero ins(ra, cb) << va * vb; } } } }
inline void save_construct_data( Archive & ar, const DistributedBoxCollection<DIM> * t, const unsigned int file_version) { // Save the number of rows that each process owns, so that on loading we can resume with // good load balance int num_local_rows = (int)(t->GetNumRowsOfBoxes()); std::vector<int> num_rows(PetscTools::GetNumProcs()); MPI_Gather(&num_local_rows, 1, MPI_INT, &num_rows[0], 1, MPI_INT, 0, PETSC_COMM_WORLD); if (PetscTools::AmMaster()) { bool are_boxes_set = t->GetAreLocalBoxesSet(); ar << are_boxes_set; c_vector<double, 2*DIM> domain_size = t->rGetDomainSize(); for (unsigned i=0; i<2*DIM; i++) { ar << domain_size[i]; } double box_width = t->GetBoxWidth(); ar << box_width; unsigned num_procs = PetscTools::GetNumProcs(); ar << num_procs; std::vector<int> const const_num_rows = num_rows; ar << const_num_rows; } }
inline void execute(query_context& context) { if (m_random_seed != -1) { random::get_source().seed(m_random_seed + thread::thread_id()); } while(1) { auto rows = context.get_next(0); if (rows == nullptr) break; auto output = context.get_output_buffer(); output->resize(1, rows->num_rows()); auto iter = rows->cbegin(); auto output_iter = output->begin(); while(iter != rows->cend()) { auto outval = m_transform_fn((*iter)); if (m_output_type == flex_type_enum::UNDEFINED || outval.get_type() == m_output_type || outval.get_type() == flex_type_enum::UNDEFINED) { (*output_iter)[0] = outval; } else { flexible_type f(m_output_type); f.soft_assign(outval); (*output_iter)[0] = f; } ++output_iter; ++iter; } context.emit(output); } }
void db_row_set_w::setup_child_phase_2() { if ((num_rows() > 0) & (num_cols() > 0)) { // Resize the list of column locks, with default state unlocked. col_locks.resize(num_cols(), DB_UNLOCKED); // Collect information about database tables, columns and primary keys. init_db_info(); // If a table has no primary key, then make that table and all of its // columns non-writeable. row_set_is_writable = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < my_tables.size(); i++) { if (my_tables[i].keys.size() == 0) { my_tables[i].is_writable = false; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < my_tables[i].cols.size(); j++) col_locks[my_tables[i].cols[j]] = DB_LOCKED_PERM; } else { my_tables[i].is_writable = true; row_set_is_writable = true; } } } }
void SparseMatrix::save_pattern_eps(const string& file_name) const { int x = num_cols(); int y = num_rows(); // find a scale factor that yields valid EPS coordinates int m = max(x,y); double scale = 1.; for (; scale*m >= 10000.; scale*=0.1); // create file ofstream out(file_name.c_str()); out << "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n" "%%BoundingBox: 0 0 " << x*scale << " " << y*scale << "\n" "/BP{" << scale << " " << -scale << " scale 0 " << -y << " translate}bind def\n" "BP\n" "150 dict begin\n" "/D/dup cvx def/S/stroke cvx def\n" "/L/lineto cvx def/M/moveto cvx def\n" "/RL/rlineto cvx def/RM/rmoveto cvx def\n" "/GS/gsave cvx def/GR/grestore cvx def\n" "/REC{M 0 1 index RL 1 index 0 RL neg 0 exch RL neg 0 RL}bind def\n" "0 0 150 setrgbcolor\n" "0.01 setlinewidth\n"; for (int row=0; row<_num_rows; row++) { for (SparseVectorIter iter(*_rows[row]); iter.valid(); { double val; int col = iter.get(val); out << "1 1 " << col << " " << row << " REC GS fill GR S" << endl; } } out.close(); }
std::ostream& Table<T>::stream(std::ostream& os) const { const Table<T> &table = *this; // we'll fill a fresh table with strings of the given table // At the same time we'll find the max-width of each column Table<std::string> strTable(num_rows(), num_cols()); std::vector<size_t> colSizes(num_cols(), 0); for(size_t i_row = 0; i_row < num_rows(); ++i_row){ for(size_t i_col = 0; i_col < num_cols(); ++i_col){ strTable(i_row, i_col) = EntryToString(table, i_row, i_col); colSizes[i_col] = std::max(colSizes[i_col], strTable(i_row, i_col).size()); } } size_t totalRowLength=0; for(size_t i_col = 0; i_col < num_cols(); ++i_col) { totalRowLength++; totalRowLength += colSizes[i_col] + 2; } totalRowLength++; // now print each row for(size_t i_row = 0; i_row < num_rows(); ++i_row) { if(get_row_sep(i_row) != 0x00 && get_row_sep(i_row) != ' ') os << repeat(get_row_sep(i_row), totalRowLength) << "\n"; for(size_t i_col = 0; i_col < num_cols(); ++i_col) { os << get_col_sep(i_col); size_t l = colSizes[i_col] + 1; size_t s = strTable(i_row, i_col).size(); os << " "; if(get_col_alignment(i_col) == 'r') os << std::setw(l) << std::right << strTable(i_row, i_col); else if(get_col_alignment(i_col) == 'l') os << std::setw(l) << std::left << strTable(i_row, i_col); else os << repeat(' ', (l-s)/2) << std::setw(l-(l-s)/2) << std::left << strTable(i_row, i_col); } os << get_col_sep(num_cols()) << std::endl; } if(get_row_sep(num_cols()) != 0x00 && get_row_sep(num_cols()) != ' ') os << repeat(get_row_sep(num_cols()), totalRowLength) << "\n"; return os; }
boost boost::get_col(const int col_n) const { if(col_n < 0 || col_n >= num_cols()) { throw std::range_error("Column index out of bound"); } else { bnu::matrix<float> column = bnu::subrange(data(), 0, num_rows(), col_n, col_n+1); return std::move(boost(column)); } };
void SparseSystem::add_row(const SparseVector& new_row, double new_r) { ensure_num_cols(new_row.last()+1); append_new_rows(1); int row = num_rows() - 1; _rhs(row) = new_r; set_row(row, new_row); }
inline void matrix_copy_ele_times(const MatrixSrc& src, MatrixDest& dest) { MTL_THROW_IF(num_rows(src) != num_rows(dest) || num_cols(src) != num_cols(dest), incompatible_size()); typename traits::row<MatrixDest>::type row(dest); typename traits::col<MatrixDest>::type col(dest); typename traits::value<MatrixDest>::type value(dest); typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::major, MatrixDest>::type cursor_type; typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, cursor_type>::type icursor_type; for (cursor_type cursor = begin<tag::major>(dest), cend = end<tag::major>(dest); cursor != cend; ++cursor) for (icursor_type icursor = begin<tag::nz>(cursor), icend = end<tag::nz>(cursor); icursor != icend; ++icursor) value(*icursor, value(*icursor) * src[row(*icursor)][col(*icursor)]); #if 0 // copy would result in a*0 = a and 0*b = b!!!! gen_matrix_copy< operations::update_times<typename MatrixDest::value_type> >(src, dest, false); #endif crop(dest); }
boost boost::mult(const boost& rhs) const { if (rhs.num_rows() != num_cols()) { throw std::invalid_argument("Column of left matrix does not match row of right matrix"); } else { bnu::matrix<float> prod(num_rows(), rhs.num_cols()); bnu::noalias(prod) = bnu::prod(this->data(),; return std::move(boost(prod)); } }
void operator() (Matrix& H, const Vector& y, const Vector& s) { typedef typename mtl::Collection<Vector>::value_type value_type; assert(num_rows(H) == num_cols(H)); Vector a(s - H * y); value_type gamma= 1 / dot (y, y); MTL_THROW_IF(gamma == 0.0, unexpected_orthogonality()); H+= gamma * a * trans(y) + gamma * y * trans(a) - dot(a, y) * gamma * gamma * y * trans(y); }
void Dataset::prev() { if (ds_state == dsSelect) { feof = false; if (frecno) { frecno--; fbof = false; } else fbof = true; if (num_rows()<=0) fbof = feof = true; } }
int main(int, char**) { mtl::dense_vector<double> x(10); unsigned int size1 = num_rows(x); unsigned int size2 = mtl::num_rows(x); // does not compile with friend definition unsigned int size3 = mtl::num_rows(x); // does not compile with friend definition either std::cout << size1 + size2 + size3 << "\n"; return 0; }
boost boost::get_cols(const int start, const int end) const { if (start < 0 || end > num_cols()) { throw std::range_error("Column index out of bound"); throw; } else if (start > end){ throw std::invalid_argument("Start column greater than end column"); } else { bnu::matrix<float> columns = bnu::subrange(data(), 0, num_rows(), start, end); return boost(columns); } }
static void apply(matrix_expression<MatrixExprT> const& me, UnaryFunctorT f) { typedef typename matrix_traits<MatrixExprT>::size_type size_type; size_type nr = num_rows(me); size_type nc = num_columns(me); for (size_type r = 0; r < nr; ++r) { for (size_type c = 0; c < nc; ++c) { f(me()(r,c)); } } }
Song::Song(int id) { MYSQL_RES* res = query("SELECT id, title, path, type FROM song WHERE id = '" + esc(intString(id)) + "'"); if (num_rows(res)) { MYSQL_ROW row = next_res(res); this->id = stringInt(row[0]); this->title = row[1]; this->path = row[2]; this->type = row[3]; } free_res(res); }
int _database::getUsers(MYSQL *conn, int num, std::mutex &t_mutex) { std::stringstream ss; ss << num; t_mutex.lock(); if (!query(conn, "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `Online`='" + ss.str() + "'")) { t_mutex.unlock(); return 0; } t_mutex.unlock(); MYSQL_RES *res = store_result(conn); return (int) num_rows(res); }