Example #1
bool parse_number(const char*& c, const char* const end, float& x)
        return false;

    const auto begin = c;

    errno = 0;
    x = strtof(c, const_cast<char**>(&c));
    throw_if(c == begin || errno, "expected number");
    throw_if(c > end, "unexpected eof; strtof consumed too much");
    return true;
Example #2
struct Token *
scan(struct Scanner * scanner) {
    char * forword = scanner->forword;
    char * lexeme  = scanner->lexeme;
    enum TYPE type;
    if(level_p(* forword)) {
        forword += 1;
        if(!number_p(* forword)) {
        do {
            forword += 1;
        } while(number_p(* forword));
        type = LEVEL;
    } else if(first_name_p(forword)) {
    } else if(last_name_p(forword)) {
    } else if(cid_p(forword)) {
    } else if(battle_p(forword)) {
    } else if(end_of_line_p(forword)) {
    scanner->forword = forword;
    scanner->lexeme = forword;
    return new_token(type, lexeme, forword - lexeme);
Example #3
 * ~~ a brief interlude about the executor ~~
 * The executor takes a function, which is a list of values, the 
 * current stack, which it may modify, and a scope, which it will not modify.
 * It uses the following algorithm to execute the function:
 * 1. Get the next value. if there are no more values, end.
 *   a. if the value is a number, push it onto the stack
 *   b. if the value is a function, call it with the current stack and scope
 *     1. if the function is a native, call it directly
 *     2. otherwise, call execute() on it
 * 2. Go to 1.
void execute(cons_t *prog, cons_t **stack, dict_t **scope) {
	dict_t *symbol;
	value_t val;

	while (prog != NULL) {
		val = CAR(prog);
		if (number_p(val)) {
			list_push(stack, val);
		} else if (symbol_p(val)) {
			symbol = unwrap_symbol(val);
			val = value(symbol);
			if (null_p(val)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "%s? ", key(symbol));
			} else {
				unwrap_native(val)(stack, scope);
		} else {
			printf("OH DANG BRO %d:%ld\n", val.storage, val.value.literal);
		prog = list_next(prog);