Example #1
 * INIT_IO_RESTRICT_PROG - opcode 0x32
static void
init_io_restrict_prog(struct nvbios_init *init)
	struct nouveau_bios *bios = init->bios;
	u16 port = nv_ro16(bios, init->offset + 1);
	u8 index = nv_ro08(bios, init->offset + 3);
	u8  mask = nv_ro08(bios, init->offset + 4);
	u8 shift = nv_ro08(bios, init->offset + 5);
	u8 count = nv_ro08(bios, init->offset + 6);
	u32  reg = nv_ro32(bios, init->offset + 7);
	u8 conf, i;

	trace("IO_RESTRICT_PROG\tR[0x%06x] = "
	      "((0x%04x[0x%02x] & 0x%02x) >> %d) [{\n",
	      reg, port, index, mask, shift);
	init->offset += 11;

	conf = (init_rdvgai(init, port, index) & mask) >> shift;
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		u32 data = nv_ro32(bios, init->offset);

		if (i == conf) {
			trace("\t0x%08x *\n", data);
			init_wr32(init, reg, data);
		} else {
			trace("\t0x%08x\n", data);

		init->offset += 4;
Example #2
File: volt.c Project: 24hours/linux
nvbios_volt_parse(struct nouveau_bios *bios, u8 *ver, u8 *hdr, u8 *cnt, u8 *len,
		  struct nvbios_volt *info)
	u16 volt = nvbios_volt_table(bios, ver, hdr, cnt, len);
	memset(info, 0x00, sizeof(*info));
	switch (!!volt * *ver) {
	case 0x12:
		info->vidmask = nv_ro08(bios, volt + 0x04);
	case 0x20:
		info->vidmask = nv_ro08(bios, volt + 0x05);
	case 0x30:
		info->vidmask = nv_ro08(bios, volt + 0x04);
	case 0x40:
		info->base    = nv_ro32(bios, volt + 0x04);
		info->step    = nv_ro16(bios, volt + 0x08);
		info->vidmask = nv_ro08(bios, volt + 0x0b);
		info->min     = 0;
		info->max     = info->base;
	case 0x50:
		info->vidmask = nv_ro08(bios, volt + 0x06);
		info->min     = nv_ro32(bios, volt + 0x0a);
		info->max     = nv_ro32(bios, volt + 0x0e);
		info->base    = nv_ro32(bios, volt + 0x12) & 0x00ffffff;
		info->step    = nv_ro16(bios, volt + 0x16);
	return volt;
Example #3
dcb_outp_foreach(struct nouveau_bios *bios, void *data,
		 int (*exec)(struct nouveau_bios *, void *, int, u16))
	int ret, idx = -1;
	u8  ver, len;
	u16 outp;

	while ((outp = dcb_outp(bios, ++idx, &ver, &len))) {
		if (nv_ro32(bios, outp) == 0x00000000)
			break; /* seen on an NV11 with DCB v1.5 */
		if (nv_ro32(bios, outp) == 0xffffffff)
			break; /* seen on an NV17 with DCB v2.0 */

		if (nv_ro08(bios, outp) == DCB_OUTPUT_UNUSED)
		if (nv_ro08(bios, outp) == DCB_OUTPUT_EOL)

		ret = exec(bios, data, idx, outp);
		if (ret)
			return ret;

	return 0;
Example #4
/* Fetch and adjust GPU GET pointer
 * Returns:
 *  value >= 0, the adjusted GET pointer
 *  -EINVAL if GET pointer currently outside main push buffer
 *  -EBUSY if timeout exceeded
static inline int
READ_GET(struct nouveau_channel *chan, uint64_t *prev_get, int *timeout)
    uint64_t val;

    val = nv_ro32(chan->object, chan->user_get);
    if (chan->user_get_hi)
        val |= (uint64_t)nv_ro32(chan->object, chan->user_get_hi) << 32;

    /* reset counter as long as GET is still advancing, this is
     * to avoid misdetecting a GPU lockup if the GPU happens to
     * just be processing an operation that takes a long time
    if (val != *prev_get) {
        *prev_get = val;
        *timeout = 0;

    if ((++*timeout & 0xff) == 0) {
        if (*timeout > 100000)
            return -EBUSY;

    if (val < chan->push.vma.offset ||
            val > chan->push.vma.offset + (chan->dma.max << 2))
        return -EINVAL;

    return (val - chan->push.vma.offset) >> 2;
Example #5
static bool
init_condition_met(struct nvbios_init *init, u8 cond)
	struct nouveau_bios *bios = init->bios;
	u16 table = init_condition_table(init);
	if (table) {
		u32 reg = nv_ro32(bios, table + (cond * 12) + 0);
		u32 msk = nv_ro32(bios, table + (cond * 12) + 4);
		u32 val = nv_ro32(bios, table + (cond * 12) + 8);
		trace("\t[0x%02x] (R[0x%06x] & 0x%08x) == 0x%08x\n",
		      cond, reg, msk, val);
		return (init_rd32(init, reg) & msk) == val;
	return false;
Example #6
static int
nv50_dma_push_wait(struct nouveau_channel *chan, int count)
    uint32_t cnt = 0, prev_get = 0;

    while (chan->dma.ib_free < count) {
        uint32_t get = nv_ro32(chan->object, 0x88);
        if (get != prev_get) {
            prev_get = get;
            cnt = 0;

        if ((++cnt & 0xff) == 0) {
            if (cnt > 100000)
                return -EBUSY;

        chan->dma.ib_free = get - chan->dma.ib_put;
        if (chan->dma.ib_free <= 0)
            chan->dma.ib_free += chan->dma.ib_max;

    return 0;
Example #7
static u32
nv84_fence_read(struct nouveau_channel *chan)
	struct nouveau_fifo_chan *fifo = (void *)chan->object;
	struct nv84_fence_priv *priv = chan->drm->fence;
	return nv_ro32(priv->mem, fifo->chid * 16);
Example #8
nvbios_P0260Te(struct nouveau_bios *bios,
	       u8 *ver, u8 *hdr, u8 *cnt, u8 *len, u8 *xnr, u8 *xsz)
	struct bit_entry bit_P;
	u32 data = 0x00000000;

	if (!bit_entry(bios, 'P', &bit_P)) {
		if (bit_P.version == 2 && bit_P.length > 0x63)
			data = nv_ro32(bios, bit_P.offset + 0x60);
		if (data) {
			*ver = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0);
			switch (*ver) {
			case 0x10:
				*hdr = nv_ro08(bios, data + 1);
				*cnt = nv_ro08(bios, data + 2);
				*len = 4;
				*xnr = nv_ro08(bios, data + 3);
				*xsz = 4;
				return data;

	return 0x00000000;
Example #9
nvbios_M0205Te(struct nouveau_bios *bios,
	       u8 *ver, u8 *hdr, u8 *cnt, u8 *len, u8 *snr, u8 *ssz)
	struct bit_entry bit_M;
	u32 data = 0x00000000;

	if (!bit_entry(bios, 'M', &bit_M)) {
		if (bit_M.version == 2 && bit_M.length > 0x08)
			data = nv_ro32(bios, bit_M.offset + 0x05);
		if (data) {
			*ver = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x00);
			switch (*ver) {
			case 0x10:
				*hdr = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x01);
				*len = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x02);
				*ssz = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x03);
				*snr = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x04);
				*cnt = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x05);
				return data;

	return 0x00000000;
Example #10
File: gf110.c Project: 168519/linux
gf110_gpio_reset(struct nvkm_gpio *gpio, u8 match)
	struct nvkm_bios *bios = nvkm_bios(gpio);
	u8 ver, len;
	u16 entry;
	int ent = -1;

	while ((entry = dcb_gpio_entry(bios, 0, ++ent, &ver, &len))) {
		u32 data = nv_ro32(bios, entry);
		u8  line =   (data & 0x0000003f);
		u8  defs = !!(data & 0x00000080);
		u8  func =   (data & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
		u8  unk0 =   (data & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
		u8  unk1 =   (data & 0x1f000000) >> 24;

		if ( func  == DCB_GPIO_UNUSED ||
		    (match != DCB_GPIO_UNUSED && match != func))

		gpio->set(gpio, 0, func, line, defs);

		nv_mask(gpio, 0x00d610 + (line * 4), 0xff, unk0);
		if (unk1--)
			nv_mask(gpio, 0x00d740 + (unk1 * 4), 0xff, line);
Example #11
File: nv50.c Project: 168519/linux
nv50_gpio_reset(struct nvkm_gpio *gpio, u8 match)
	struct nvkm_bios *bios = nvkm_bios(gpio);
	u8 ver, len;
	u16 entry;
	int ent = -1;

	while ((entry = dcb_gpio_entry(bios, 0, ++ent, &ver, &len))) {
		static const u32 regs[] = { 0xe100, 0xe28c };
		u32 data = nv_ro32(bios, entry);
		u8  line =   (data & 0x0000001f);
		u8  func =   (data & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
		u8  defs = !!(data & 0x01000000);
		u8  unk0 = !!(data & 0x02000000);
		u8  unk1 = !!(data & 0x04000000);
		u32 val = (unk1 << 16) | unk0;
		u32 reg = regs[line >> 4];
		u32 lsh = line & 0x0f;

		if ( func  == DCB_GPIO_UNUSED ||
		    (match != DCB_GPIO_UNUSED && match != func))

		gpio->set(gpio, 0, func, line, defs);

		nv_mask(gpio, reg, 0x00010001 << lsh, val << lsh);
Example #12
_nouveau_xtensa_intr(struct nouveau_subdev *subdev)
	struct nouveau_xtensa *xtensa = (void *)subdev;
	u32 unk104 = nv_ro32(xtensa, 0xd04);
	u32 intr = nv_ro32(xtensa, 0xc20);
	u32 chan = nv_ro32(xtensa, 0xc28);
	u32 unk10c = nv_ro32(xtensa, 0xd0c);

	if (intr & 0x10)
		nv_warn(xtensa, "Watchdog interrupt, engine hung.\n");
	nv_wo32(xtensa, 0xc20, intr);
	intr = nv_ro32(xtensa, 0xc20);
	if (unk104 == 0x10001 && unk10c == 0x200 && chan && !intr) {
		nv_debug(xtensa, "Enabling FIFO_CTRL\n");
		nv_mask(xtensa, xtensa->addr + 0xd94, 0, xtensa->fifo_val);
Example #13
File: g84.c Project: 168519/linux
g84_temp_get(struct nvkm_therm *therm)
	struct nvkm_fuse *fuse = nvkm_fuse(therm);

	if (nv_ro32(fuse, 0x1a8) == 1)
		return nv_rd32(therm, 0x20400);
		return -ENODEV;
Example #14
nve0_ram_init(struct nouveau_object *object)
	struct nouveau_fb *pfb = (void *)object->parent;
	struct nve0_ram *ram   = (void *)object;
	struct nouveau_bios *bios = nouveau_bios(pfb);
	static const u8  train0[] = {
		0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00,
		0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00,
	static const u32 train1[] = {
		0x00000000, 0xffffffff,
		0x55555555, 0xaaaaaaaa,
		0x33333333, 0xcccccccc,
		0xf0f0f0f0, 0x0f0f0f0f,
		0x00ff00ff, 0xff00ff00,
		0x0000ffff, 0xffff0000,
	u8  ver, hdr, cnt, len, snr, ssz;
	u32 data, save;
	int ret, i;

	ret = nouveau_ram_init(&ram->base);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	/* run a bunch of tables from rammap table.  there's actually
	 * individual pointers for each rammap entry too, but, nvidia
	 * seem to just run the last two entries' scripts early on in
	 * their init, and never again.. we'll just run 'em all once
	 * for now.
	 * i strongly suspect that each script is for a separate mode
	 * (likely selected by 0x10f65c's lower bits?), and the
	 * binary driver skips the one that's already been setup by
	 * the init tables.
	data = nvbios_rammapTe(bios, &ver, &hdr, &cnt, &len, &snr, &ssz);
	if (!data || hdr < 0x15)
		return -EINVAL;

	cnt  = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x14); /* guess at count */
	data = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x10); /* guess u32... */
	save = nv_rd32(pfb, 0x10f65c);
	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
		nv_mask(pfb, 0x10f65c, 0x000000f0, i << 4);
		nvbios_exec(&(struct nvbios_init) {
				.subdev = nv_subdev(pfb),
				.bios = bios,
				.offset = nv_ro32(bios, data), /* guess u32 */
				.execute = 1,
		data += 4;
static int
nouveau_ramht_entry_valid(struct drm_device *dev, struct nouveau_gpuobj *ramht,
			  uint32_t offset)
	struct drm_nouveau_private *dev_priv = dev->dev_private;
	uint32_t ctx = nv_ro32(dev, ramht, (offset + 4)/4);

	if (dev_priv->card_type < NV_40)
		return ((ctx & NV_RAMHT_CONTEXT_VALID) != 0);
	return (ctx != 0);
Example #16
File: g84.c Project: 168519/linux
g84_sensor_setup(struct nvkm_therm *therm)
	struct nvkm_fuse *fuse = nvkm_fuse(therm);

	/* enable temperature reading for cards with insane defaults */
	if (nv_ro32(fuse, 0x1a8) == 1) {
		nv_mask(therm, 0x20008, 0x80008000, 0x80000000);
		nv_mask(therm, 0x2000c, 0x80000003, 0x00000000);
		mdelay(20); /* wait for the temperature to stabilize */
Example #17
File: pcir.c Project: 168519/linux
nvbios_pcirTe(struct nvkm_bios *bios, u32 base, u8 *ver, u16 *hdr)
	u32 data = nv_ro16(bios, base + 0x18);
	if (data) {
		data += base;
		switch (nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x00)) {
		case 0x52494350: /* PCIR */
		case 0x53494752: /* RGIS */
		case 0x5344504e: /* NPDS */
			*hdr = nv_ro16(bios, data + 0x0a);
			*ver = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x0c);
			nv_debug(bios, "%08x: PCIR signature (%08x) unknown\n",
				 data, nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x00));
			data = 0;
	return data;
Example #18
nvbios_P0260Xp(struct nouveau_bios *bios, int idx, u8 *ver, u8 *hdr,
	       struct nvbios_P0260X *info)
	u32 data = nvbios_P0260Xe(bios, idx, ver, hdr);
	memset(info, 0x00, sizeof(*info));
	switch (!!data * *ver) {
	case 0x10:
		info->data = nv_ro32(bios, data);
		return data;
	return 0x00000000;
Example #19
File: dcb.c Project: nemumu/linux
dcb_outp_parse(struct nouveau_bios *bios, u8 idx, u8 *ver, u8 *len,
               struct dcb_output *outp)
    u16 dcb = dcb_outp(bios, idx, ver, len);
    if (dcb) {
        if (*ver >= 0x20) {
            u32 conn = nv_ro32(bios, dcb + 0x00);
            outp->or        = (conn & 0x0f000000) >> 24;
            outp->location  = (conn & 0x00300000) >> 20;
            outp->bus       = (conn & 0x000f0000) >> 16;
            outp->connector = (conn & 0x0000f000) >> 12;
            outp->heads     = (conn & 0x00000f00) >> 8;
            outp->i2c_index = (conn & 0x000000f0) >> 4;
            outp->type      = (conn & 0x0000000f);
            outp->link      = 0;
        } else {
Example #20
nouveau_timer_wait_ne(void *obj, u64 nsec, u32 addr, u32 mask, u32 data)
	struct nouveau_timer *ptimer = nouveau_timer(obj);
	u64 time0;

	time0 = ptimer->read(ptimer);
	do {
		if (nv_iclass(obj, NV_SUBDEV_CLASS)) {
			if ((nv_rd32(obj, addr) & mask) != data)
				return true;
		} else {
			if ((nv_ro32(obj, addr) & mask) != data)
				return true;
	} while (ptimer->read(ptimer) - time0 < nsec);

	return false;
Example #21
File: rammap.c Project: 3null/linux
nvbios_rammapEp(struct nouveau_bios *bios, int idx,
		u8 *ver, u8 *hdr, u8 *cnt, u8 *len,
		struct nvbios_ramcfg *p)
	u32 data = nvbios_rammapEe(bios, idx, ver, hdr, cnt, len), temp;
	memset(p, 0x00, sizeof(*p));
	p->rammap_ver = *ver;
	p->rammap_hdr = *hdr;
	switch (!!data * *ver) {
	case 0x10:
		p->rammap_min      =  nv_ro16(bios, data + 0x00);
		p->rammap_max      =  nv_ro16(bios, data + 0x02);
		p->rammap_10_04_02 = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x04) & 0x02) >> 1;
		p->rammap_10_04_08 = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x04) & 0x08) >> 3;
	case 0x11:
		p->rammap_min      =  nv_ro16(bios, data + 0x00);
		p->rammap_max      =  nv_ro16(bios, data + 0x02);
		p->rammap_11_08_01 = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x08) & 0x01) >> 0;
		p->rammap_11_08_0c = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x08) & 0x0c) >> 2;
		p->rammap_11_08_10 = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x08) & 0x10) >> 4;
		temp = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x09);
		p->rammap_11_09_01ff = (temp & 0x000001ff) >> 0;
		p->rammap_11_0a_03fe = (temp & 0x0003fe00) >> 9;
		p->rammap_11_0a_0400 = (temp & 0x00040000) >> 18;
		p->rammap_11_0a_0800 = (temp & 0x00080000) >> 19;
		p->rammap_11_0b_01f0 = (temp & 0x01f00000) >> 20;
		p->rammap_11_0b_0200 = (temp & 0x02000000) >> 25;
		p->rammap_11_0b_0400 = (temp & 0x04000000) >> 26;
		p->rammap_11_0b_0800 = (temp & 0x08000000) >> 27;
		p->rammap_11_0d    =  nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x0d);
		p->rammap_11_0e    =  nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x0e);
		p->rammap_11_0f    =  nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x0f);
		p->rammap_11_11_0c = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x11) & 0x0c) >> 2;
		data = 0;
	return data;
Example #22
nvbios_outp_parse(struct nouveau_bios *bios, u8 idx,
		  u8 *ver, u8 *hdr, u8 *cnt, u8 *len,
		  struct nvbios_outp *info)
	u16 data = nvbios_outp_entry(bios, idx, ver, hdr, cnt, len);
	if (data && *hdr >= 0x0a) {
		info->type      = nv_ro16(bios, data + 0x00);
		info->mask      = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x02);
		if (*ver <= 0x20) /* match any link */
			info->mask |= 0x00c0;
		info->script[0] = nv_ro16(bios, data + 0x06);
		info->script[1] = nv_ro16(bios, data + 0x08);
		info->script[2] = 0x0000;
		if (*hdr >= 0x0c)
			info->script[2] = nv_ro16(bios, data + 0x0a);
		return data;
	return 0x0000;
Example #23
static int
nvkm_ioctl_rd(struct nouveau_handle *handle, void *data, u32 size)
	struct nouveau_object *object = handle->object;
	struct nouveau_ofuncs *ofuncs = object->oclass->ofuncs;
	union {
		struct nvif_ioctl_rd_v0 v0;
	} *args = data;
	int ret;

	nv_ioctl(object, "rd size %d\n", size);
	if (nvif_unpack(args->v0, 0, 0, false)) {
		nv_ioctl(object, "rd vers %d size %d addr %016llx\n",
			args->v0.version, args->v0.size, args->v0.addr);
		switch (args->v0.size) {
		case 1:
			if (ret = -ENODEV, ofuncs->rd08) {
				args->v0.data = nv_ro08(object, args->v0.addr);
				ret = 0;
		case 2:
			if (ret = -ENODEV, ofuncs->rd16) {
				args->v0.data = nv_ro16(object, args->v0.addr);
				ret = 0;
		case 4:
			if (ret = -ENODEV, ofuncs->rd32) {
				args->v0.data = nv_ro32(object, args->v0.addr);
				ret = 0;
			ret = -EINVAL;

	return ret;
Example #24
nouveau_ramht_insert(struct nouveau_ramht *ramht, int chid,
		     u32 handle, u32 context)
	struct nouveau_bar *bar = nouveau_bar(ramht);
	u32 co, ho;

	co = ho = nouveau_ramht_hash(ramht, chid, handle);
	do {
		if (!nv_ro32(ramht, co + 4)) {
			nv_wo32(ramht, co + 0, handle);
			nv_wo32(ramht, co + 4, context);
			if (bar)
			return co;

		co += 8;
		if (co >= nv_gpuobj(ramht)->size)
			co = 0;
	} while (co != ho);

	return -ENOMEM;
Example #25
_nouveau_falcon_init(struct nouveau_object *object)
	struct nouveau_device *device = nv_device(object);
	struct nouveau_falcon *falcon = (void *)object;
	const struct firmware *fw;
	char name[32] = "internal";
	int ret, i;
	u32 caps;

	/* enable engine, and determine its capabilities */
	ret = nouveau_engine_init(&falcon->base);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	if (device->chipset <  0xa3 ||
	    device->chipset == 0xaa || device->chipset == 0xac) {
		falcon->version = 0;
		falcon->secret  = (falcon->addr == 0x087000) ? 1 : 0;
	} else {
		caps = nv_ro32(falcon, 0x12c);
		falcon->version = (caps & 0x0000000f);
		falcon->secret  = (caps & 0x00000030) >> 4;

	caps = nv_ro32(falcon, 0x108);
	falcon->code.limit = (caps & 0x000001ff) << 8;
	falcon->data.limit = (caps & 0x0003fe00) >> 1;

	nv_debug(falcon, "falcon version: %d\n", falcon->version);
	nv_debug(falcon, "secret level: %d\n", falcon->secret);
	nv_debug(falcon, "code limit: %d\n", falcon->code.limit);
	nv_debug(falcon, "data limit: %d\n", falcon->data.limit);

	/* wait for 'uc halted' to be signalled before continuing */
	if (falcon->secret && falcon->version < 4) {
		if (!falcon->version)
			nv_wait(falcon, 0x008, 0x00000010, 0x00000010);
			nv_wait(falcon, 0x180, 0x80000000, 0);
		nv_wo32(falcon, 0x004, 0x00000010);

	/* disable all interrupts */
	nv_wo32(falcon, 0x014, 0xffffffff);

	/* no default ucode provided by the engine implementation, try and
	 * locate a "self-bootstrapping" firmware image for the engine
	if (!falcon->code.data) {
		snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "nouveau/nv%02x_fuc%03x",
			 device->chipset, falcon->addr >> 12);

		ret = request_firmware(&fw, name, &device->pdev->dev);
		if (ret == 0) {
			falcon->code.data = kmemdup(fw->data, fw->size, GFP_KERNEL);
			falcon->code.size = fw->size;
			falcon->data.data = NULL;
			falcon->data.size = 0;

		falcon->external = true;
Example #26
u16 nouveau_dcb_table(struct nouveau_device *device, u8 *ver, u8 *hdr, u8 *cnt, u8 *len)
    u16 dcb = 0x0000;

    if (device->card_type > NV_04)
        dcb = nv_ro16(device, 0x36);
    if (!dcb) {
        nv_warn(device, "DCB table not found\n");
        return dcb;

    *ver = nv_ro08(device, dcb);

    if (*ver >= 0x42) {
        nv_warn(device, "DCB *ver 0x%02x unknown\n", *ver);
        return 0x0000;
    } else if (*ver >= 0x30) {
        if (nv_ro32(device, dcb + 6) == 0x4edcbdcb) {
            *hdr = nv_ro08(device, dcb + 1);
            *cnt = nv_ro08(device, dcb + 2);
            *len = nv_ro08(device, dcb + 3);
            return dcb;
    } else if (*ver >= 0x20) {
        if (nv_ro32(device, dcb + 4) == 0x4edcbdcb) {
            u16 i2c = nv_ro16(device, dcb + 2);
            *hdr = 8;
            *cnt = (i2c - dcb) / 8;
            *len = 8;
            return dcb;
    } else if (*ver >= 0x15) {
        if (!nv_memcmp(device, dcb - 7, "DEV_REC", 7)) {
            u16 i2c = nv_ro16(device, dcb + 2);
            *hdr = 4;
            *cnt = (i2c - dcb) / 10;
            *len = 10;
            return dcb;
    } else {
         * v1.4 (some NV15/16, NV11+) seems the same as v1.5, but
         * always has the same single (crt) entry, even when tv-out
         * present, so the conclusion is this version cannot really
         * be used.
         * v1.2 tables (some NV6/10, and NV15+) normally have the
         * same 5 entries, which are not specific to the card and so
         * no use.
         * v1.2 does have an I2C table that read_dcb_i2c_table can
         * handle, but cards exist (nv11 in #14821) with a bad i2c
         * table pointer, so use the indices parsed in
         * parse_bmp_structure.
         * v1.1 (NV5+, maybe some NV4) is entirely unhelpful
        nv_warn(device, "DCB contains no useful data\n");
        return 0x0000;

    nv_warn(device, "DCB header validation failed\n");
    return 0x0000;
static u32
nv84_fence_read(struct nouveau_channel *chan)
	struct nv84_fence_priv *priv = nv_engine(chan->dev, NVOBJ_ENGINE_FENCE);
	return nv_ro32(priv->mem, chan->id * 16);
Example #28
nv10_fence_read(struct nouveau_channel *chan)
	return nv_ro32(chan->object, 0x0048);
Example #29
File: timing.c Project: 3null/linux
nvbios_timingEp(struct nouveau_bios *bios, int idx,
		u8 *ver, u8 *hdr, u8 *cnt, u8 *len,
		struct nvbios_ramcfg *p)
	u16 data = nvbios_timingEe(bios, idx, ver, hdr, cnt, len), temp;
	p->timing_ver = *ver;
	p->timing_hdr = *hdr;
	switch (!!data * *ver) {
	case 0x10:
		p->timing_10_WR = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x00);
		p->timing_10_CL = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x02);
		p->timing_10_ODT = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x0e) & 0x07;
		p->timing_10_CWL = nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x13);
	case 0x20:
		p->timing[0] = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x00);
		p->timing[1] = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x04);
		p->timing[2] = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x08);
		p->timing[3] = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x0c);
		p->timing[4] = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x10);
		p->timing[5] = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x14);
		p->timing[6] = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x18);
		p->timing[7] = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x1c);
		p->timing[8] = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x20);
		p->timing[9] = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x24);
		p->timing[10] = nv_ro32(bios, data + 0x28);
		p->timing_20_2e_03 = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x2e) & 0x03) >> 0;
		p->timing_20_2e_30 = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x2e) & 0x30) >> 4;
		p->timing_20_2e_c0 = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x2e) & 0xc0) >> 6;
		p->timing_20_2f_03 = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x2f) & 0x03) >> 0;
		temp = nv_ro16(bios, data + 0x2c);
		p->timing_20_2c_003f = (temp & 0x003f) >> 0;
		p->timing_20_2c_1fc0 = (temp & 0x1fc0) >> 6;
		p->timing_20_30_07 = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x30) & 0x07) >> 0;
		p->timing_20_30_f8 = (nv_ro08(bios, data + 0x30) & 0xf8) >> 3;
		temp = nv_ro16(bios, data + 0x31);
		p->timing_20_31_0007 = (temp & 0x0007) >> 0;
		p->timing_20_31_0078 = (temp & 0x0078) >> 3;
		p->timing_20_31_0780 = (temp & 0x0780) >> 7;
		p->timing_20_31_0800 = (temp & 0x0800) >> 11;
		p->timing_20_31_7000 = (temp & 0x7000) >> 12;
		p->timing_20_31_8000 = (temp & 0x8000) >> 15;
		data = 0;
	return data;
Example #30
File: nv04.c Project: 24hours/linux
static u32
nv04_instobj_rd32(struct nouveau_object *object, u64 addr)
	struct nv04_instobj_priv *node = (void *)object;
	return nv_ro32(object->engine, node->mem->offset + addr);