Example #1
/*! \brief Get name and value from an attribute OBJECT
 *  \par Function Description
 *  See o_attrib_string_get_name_value() for more details
 *  \param [in]  attrib     The attribute OBJECT whos name/value to return.
 *  \param [out] name_ptr   The return location for the name, or NULL.
 *  \param [out] value_ptr  The return location for the value, or NULL.
 *  \return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
o_attrib_get_name_value (OBJECT *attrib, gchar **name_ptr, gchar **value_ptr)
  g_return_val_if_fail (attrib->type == OBJ_TEXT, FALSE);

  return o_attrib_string_get_name_value (attrib->text->string,
                                         name_ptr, value_ptr);
Example #2
/* given a net name, an attribute, and a wanted attribute, return all 
   the given attribute of all the graphical objects connected to that 
   net name */
SCM g_graphical_objs_in_net_with_attrib_get_attrib (SCM scm_netname, SCM scm_has_attribute, SCM scm_wanted_attribute)

    SCM list = SCM_EOL;
    NETLIST *nl_current;
    CPINLIST *pl_current;
    char *wanted_net_name;
    char *wanted_attrib;
    char *has_attrib;
    char *net_name;
    char *attrib_value=NULL;
    char *has_attrib_value = NULL;
    char *has_attrib_name = NULL;

    SCM_ASSERT(scm_is_string (scm_netname), scm_netname, SCM_ARG1, 

    SCM_ASSERT(scm_is_string (scm_wanted_attribute),
	       scm_wanted_attribute, SCM_ARG3, 

    SCM_ASSERT(scm_is_string (scm_has_attribute),
	       scm_has_attribute, SCM_ARG2, 

    scm_dynwind_begin (0);

    wanted_net_name = scm_to_utf8_string (scm_netname);
    if (wanted_net_name == NULL) {
	return list;

    scm_dynwind_free (wanted_net_name);

    wanted_attrib = scm_to_utf8_string (scm_wanted_attribute);
    scm_dynwind_free (wanted_attrib);

    has_attrib = scm_to_utf8_string (scm_has_attribute);
    scm_dynwind_free (has_attrib);

    nl_current = graphical_netlist_head;
    /* walk through the list of components, and through the list
     * of individual pins on each, adding net names to the list
     * being careful to ignore duplicates, and unconnected pins 
    while (nl_current != NULL) {
	pl_current = nl_current->cpins;
	while (pl_current != NULL) {
	    if (pl_current->net_name) {
		net_name = pl_current->net_name;
		if (strcmp(net_name, wanted_net_name) == 0) {

		  if (o_attrib_string_get_name_value (has_attrib, &has_attrib_name,
					       &has_attrib_value) != 0) {
		    attrib_value = 
		      o_attrib_search_object_attribs_by_name (nl_current->object_ptr,
		                                              has_attrib_name, 0);
		    if ( ((has_attrib_value == NULL) && (attrib_value == NULL)) ||
			 ((has_attrib_value != NULL) && (attrib_value != NULL) &&
			  (strcmp(attrib_value, has_attrib_value) == 0)) ) {
		      g_free (attrib_value);
		      attrib_value =
		        o_attrib_search_object_attribs_by_name (nl_current->object_ptr,
		                                                wanted_attrib, 0);
		      if (attrib_value) {
			list = scm_cons (scm_from_utf8_string (attrib_value), list);
		      g_free (attrib_value);
		    g_free (has_attrib_name);
		    g_free (has_attrib_value);
	    pl_current = pl_current->next;
	nl_current = nl_current->next;

    scm_dynwind_end ();
    return list;
Example #3
/*! \todo Finish function documentation!!!
 *  \brief
 *  \par Function Description
void o_slot_end(GSCHEM_TOPLEVEL *w_current, OBJECT *object, const char *string)
  TOPLEVEL *toplevel = w_current->toplevel;
  OBJECT *new_obj;
  char *slot_value;
  char *numslots_value;
  OBJECT *o_slot;
  char *value = NULL;
  int numslots;
  int new_slot_number;
  int status;

  g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);

  status = o_attrib_string_get_name_value (string, NULL, &value);
  if (!status) {
    s_log_message (_("Slot attribute malformed\n"));

  numslots_value =
    o_attrib_search_object_attribs_by_name (object, "numslots", 0);

  if (!numslots_value) {
    s_log_message (_("numslots attribute missing\n"));
    s_log_message (_("Slotting not allowed for this component\n"));
    g_free (value);

  numslots = atoi (numslots_value);
  g_free (numslots_value);

  new_slot_number = atoi (value);

  printf ("numslots = %d\n", numslots);

  if (new_slot_number > numslots || new_slot_number <=0 ) {
    s_log_message (_("New slot number out of range\n"));
    g_free (value);

  /* first see if slot attribute already exists outside
   * complex */
  slot_value = s_slot_search_slot (object, &o_slot);
  g_free (slot_value);

  if (o_slot != NULL && !o_attrib_is_inherited (o_slot)) {
    o_text_set_string (toplevel, o_slot, string);
  } else {
    /* here you need to do the add the slot
       attribute since it doesn't exist */
    new_obj = o_text_new (toplevel, OBJ_TEXT, ATTRIBUTE_COLOR,
                          object->complex->x, object->complex->y,
                          LOWER_LEFT, 0, /* zero is angle */
                          string, 10, INVISIBLE, SHOW_NAME_VALUE);
    s_page_append (toplevel, toplevel->page_current, new_obj);

    /* manually attach attribute */
    o_attrib_attach (toplevel, new_obj, object, FALSE);

  s_slot_update_object (toplevel, object);

  toplevel->page_current->CHANGED = 1;
  g_free (value);